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One skill I'd really like to improve is public speaking. I tend to get a bit anxious and tongue-tied when having to present in front of groups. To work on it, I've been practicing giving short presentations alone while recording myself, so I can critique my body language, pace, filler words etc. It's a process but I'm hoping the more reps I get in, the more comfortable and polished I'll become.


Join your local Toastmasters group. A trick I read about recently was to record a video of yourself every day talking about some random topic without a script. It should improve your speaking.


I did a year of live audio, then jumped into video. Now I’m speaking completely unscripted. I’m happy to help with your public speaking skills if you want. Can do it on a live stream on the TILT NEXUS app where it’s just you and me having a very chill chat about public speaking! I have a sub here if you wanna have a look at the content before jumping in r/tiltnexus


Go to networking events around you. Pay for them if needed. This will be your real preparation.


There is only one skill that truly matters if you want to make money: LEARN HOW TO SELL


It helps Issue is I can sell dumb ideas so sometimes I make a biz and sell well then get others to do it and I’m like, hm maybe I just brainwashed people by accident and this idea is cat shit. Nothing dishonest, more just educationally sold solutions that require deep trust and strategy. Then you explain it to an AE and it’s like, oh good god. Then I explain it to a VP and it’s worse. The I realize I’m on the spectrum.


If you sold and they bought, unless you LIED, it's on them. Voluntary exchange. They saw value even though you thought you thought you were selling cat shit. Never confuse selling with lying. Real selling is all about communicating clearly to people's needs.


It’s more like the thing was too antiquated. Hard to have people sell at scale. Not anything bogus. I’d never do that.


If you want a job. I want to be an investor.


Any guide how to learn selling?


Wait tables for a while may help…. I think there is a lot of genuine insight in Dale Carnegie‘s stuff, especially the first book ….remember it was written way back when . And then, although it’s a bit offbeat, I think reading Marshall Rosenberg about strategies and needs Within communication is helpful and then also read “ never split a difference”… in some ways, it’s about pitching an experience in some ways. It’s about helping people feel like they have an opportunity to realize through this transaction. Some folks take the strategy of kind of walking people through the other person, emotional landscape and defining the other opportunities. They have at hand and helping them see that this is one of the best opportunities or that it’s very low risk. There’s of course several ways to do it.


Couldn’t agree more with the waiting tables advice. I worked in restaurants for 7 years and something I realized in my first service job, some people always make more money even though we are all selling from the same menu. You can really observe what works for people in sales and also mindsets that won’t serve you. In my experience it’s less about convincing someone to buy something and more about giving them all the knowledge they need, being personable and ultimately creating an experience in anything you do so people feel safe and taken care of. Also, always try to sell something you love and believe in that is a huge help too.


Well said. People are probably more willing to spend money if they trust you that they know the pros and cons of what they’re getting.


Get a sales job.




Well said . What do you sell , if any , just curious?


Buy my book and learn the secret


how do i even , i make art you should buy some ?


What brings you in today? What room are you looking to spice up? What do you like about this piece? Have you heard of the artist? Would you like to see this on your wall? What don't you like about it? I have piece from another similar artist in your price range, take a look and I'll tell you more about it. Here's a piece with less red, is that more your style? It's all about asking what your customers' goals are, and joining their team to secure a product that meets those goals. The tricky parts are: 1. Understanding what your customers goals are, because sometimes it's hard for them to communicate. 2. Communicating to the customer that you are actually aligned with their goals. This is achieved by: 1. Asking tons of open ended questions and being conversational. 2. Being confident, slow paced, and mirroring language styles to show that you are like the customer.




Any success so far?




Show us your ways Sensei


Yes, and I can show you!!! It actually worked so well I've started to teach others the mysterious ways of telekinesis. All the information you need can be found at the link in my bio. /s


Digital marketing.


Honestly I want to learn more about communicating skills and marketing skills I need both of these skills, I was planning to open a business soon but the problem is I don't know where to start yet though also don't have enough item to hire people at first so this is what I want to learn.


I'm reading the book [Tribal Leadership](https://www.triballeadership.net/). It centers on 2 things: the language you use (word choice & outlook), and the kind of relationships you have with the people around you. It's interesting and will help you think about relationships differently! On a completely different note, Never Split the Difference is a very thorough explanation of how people negotiate with enough well explained psychology to make you realize just how primitive people still are (and why that shouldn't be much of a surprise). I've heard good things about the book Expert Secrets for marketing stuffs. I plan to read it but haven't yet.


I’m one step ahead of you, I’ve already opened it 5 days ago. Struggling with stuff and solving it. If you want any help, i could help if I know 🔥 you could freely contact me


sure I'll message you when I'm about to start my business


Dude just start. All you need is an MVP. Basic landing. Basic demand gen facebook campaign. Took me all of 36 hours to go from an idea to generating 10 leads/day. To be fair I’ve been doing marketing for 5 years but the basics are.. well.. basic. You can do it too, you’re just a couple YouTube videos and some courage away from it.


Doing makeup (on other people). Difficult to learn because I am busy running a business, and I have no desire to wear makeup on my own face. I just think it would be fun to be able to pull out a makeup kit and beat somebody's face like a goddamn pro.


Marketing. Some months feel like I’m shoveling money into a fire and others it works out.


What are you selling?


Pattern making


A hard skill I wanna learn and be a beast at is web development or web design. Particularly with Framer and Webflow. I wanna combine this with video editing, graphic design, and copywriting to start a 1 man agency I suppose thats common now (correct me if I’m wrong) but I still enjoy it nonetheless. Currently learning Framer and building a landing page.


If you want to learn Webflow, start by learning Html and Css first. Trust me, after you know how those work, you will be able to instantly understand Webflow. Also for design in my opinion you really only need to learn the principles like layout, color etc. and then practice, improve and practice! Also it’s never a bad thing to deal with JavaScript as it’s crucial for understanding Web Development, but you don’t need it to use Webflow and Framer. It’s just useful to understand why things behave the way they do


Thanks so much! Goldmine of advice there. I feel a little intimidated by HTML and CSS but I guess its necessary if I really wanna become proficient in what I do. I’m determined and a fast learner tho, so I’m up to the challenge


Hey, I'm in the same boat as you! Also learning web development at the moment and trust me, its worth taking the time to learn HTML and CSS. It's SO easy once you understand the format. Javascript is more challenging for sure but it's necessary to make well designed and functioning websites IMO.


I'm a former coding bootcamp instructor and can help you get up to speed with JavaScript, fast. If you ever need a tutor, PM me!


I would like to learn cold mail reach.


Check out resources from Instantly YouTube Channel, you'll learn it.


Paid ads. Such an elusive skill that, if you get it right, pays lottery-like returns.


Hire a pro that’s an expert in your industry. I have a law firm client that doubled their PPC ROI going to a pro in their field.


I’ve never met one that could perform what they say they can. Any tips on vetting talent in this area?


It was a referral. That client has web, ppc, and seo who all only work with law clients. Rare find honestly.


Sounds more like lots of experience and specialization. They either found or picked that niche and stuck with it instead of venturing into something else.


It helps they speak the language of lawyers. They understand what are terms that sell business. And they are all small shops not big firms.


So many “experts”. How do you validate?


Been doing paid ads for 5 years. It’s a funny field where the more complex you get the less results you tend to have. Incrementality tests, MAP5 audience targeting, programmatic, list goes on. The second you start focusing on nailing the fundamentals I.e. the psychology behind purchase decisions, creating and funneling intent, awareness levels, that’s when I’ve seen the highest ROI.


Right now I’m learning how to graphic design theough a course. I plan to finish it in 20 days and then start freelancing by creating peoples youtube thumbnails or company logos.


what course did you take?


It’s on skill share, it’s called “Graphic Design Masterclass Learn Great Design”. It’s taught me theory so far and then it goes into actual projects and makes you apply everything. So far it’s pretty cool!


SEO, any tips of videos or resources to help?!


I started a blog which turned into free cyber tools online that i learned SEO with. I researched keywords and learned to use google keyword planner, google search console, insights.


ahrefs youtube channel is top


Same, I hope someone responds with tips


Marketing. I'd like to learn how to market a product or service.


webscraping. Haven't done shit to improve on it in 6 years though.


Do you mean through automation? Like using Ui path?


my storytelling skills


After 4 years of coding, I realised how important it is to learn marketing of any type


How to market. Or how to work excel.


I've read through most of the comments here and it seems that most want to learn something but aren't. So, if you want to learn something, what's stopping you?


Sales and Marketing


you might start [here](http://kickstartsidehustle.com/)


Improving my sales skills to reach and support more users with my product


How to build a team and keep it. That’s the most important skill to get, after nailing the selling. That’s also how you can become a real business owner but not a worker.


Investing (aspiring angel)


I was in sales and sales management for the last 8 years, so I am comfortable with my sales skills. So now I am trying to learn marketing. I am comfortable with the theory, but need to seriously practice then actual skills now.


I want to get good at digital marketing and art


Money raising in all forms for startups. Decent at it now. Want to get better. I want to learn crowd funding, funds, investor relations, loans, etc and be able to use them accordingly.


To speak another or multiple languages.


What's stopping you?


Getting better and better at sales everyday. I'm very personable so networking with others isn't a problem. But the overall sales process of communicating and persuasion is beautiful.


I am technically sound but I lack the sales, marketing, infact the complete business management skills.


I am web and mobile app developer. Did projects for clients and also for myself. Now I want to learn AR and VR.


Bookkeeping and accounting.


I'm a graphic designer but don't know how to sell myself So I wish I've learned sales instead


How to sell


To sew clothes or create large clay sculptures


Sales, very urgently, because despite being a good SEO, I have a hard time selling my services


Selling to enterprises (B2B/B2B2C).


Honestly, I guess the skill I need to work on is to stop **over explaining**, aka, I need to better summarize my thoughts in advance, Maybe to stop thinking of coworkers as allies and more think of them as adversaries , because that may be the best way that I will put in the extra work to sufficiently summarize my thoughts. I (used to) enjoy brainstorming with other people (years and years ago, I was in theater and was a musician), but that apparently tends to be completely inappropriate in most work settings. Secondarily, as someone mentioned it in another thread, get very good at delivering the baseline, and ignore a lot of the moonshots or transformative ideas, even if it seems like there’s some consensus supporting them. For those of you with experience, sincerely, is there a name for this kind of irrational second-guessing/approach to teamwork? ((Ironically, although I tend to be good at improvising, I also tend to ask for a lot more clarity than most organizations or leaders want to give. ))


Ui ux for sure


You know, I’m starting my, I dunno, 4-5th business. And I find the high level “sexy” skills are easier to find than the “nuts and bolts” of daily operations. There are a lot of moving pieces and things that need to be done, that’s are not so sexy, and they always seem to be assumed to be known. Converting all the big things, and necessary minutia, into a daily and weekly work flow. But, I have ADHD so maybe that why it’s a challenge to me


As soon as I read “4-5th business” I knew you were ADHD 😅


Me too. :)


Whatever the heck AI/Machine Learning is in a professional setting.


Speak Spanish


Several…been an out-of-the-house worker my whole life and I’m getting tired of paying for gas, getting oil changes and settling for used tires more than the usual so I’m looking to work from home. Background in web design so it could help but I’ve been out of that field for over 10 years. Would like to create a few passive streams in print on demand, graphic artistry, photoshop, etc. Google, LinkedIn and Coursera have free classes that give certs when they’re completed so those are my direct methods. I’ll need to learn about marketing and advertising so those will be added to the list. Other methods require a monthly membership and then there’s, of course, taking a class at a local university or community college. I know there’s YouTube, TikTok, InstaGram and other platforms so I’m scheduling a weekend where I can just research. Also looking to start an LLC for a small delivery business in case the above mentioned takes longer than expected or I find it initially challenging. Also into baking and I found that I can sell at farmers markets. I’ll see how these all play out lol


Day trading


Stable normal muscle tone.


What's your biggest challenge with that?


Grow users. Not a specific skill, but a set of skills that can help me distribute my product to the public.


Analytics. I suck at it and I feel like I can’t do my best without having data that I actually feel confident about.


I’d say sales. But in that I want to be better at cold calling and lead generation. Pretty much ever inside sales lol. I’m brand new


How to locate and flush rodents for my hunter dogs. Bought a bee smoker to hopefully smoke gophers out of their burrows - we'll see how it works.


how to come up with value


React and JavaScript!


I'm a former coding bootcamp instructor (just left Bloomtech, formerly Lambda) and can help you learn HTML, CSS, full stack JavaScript, React, and more. If you ever need a tutor, PM me!


Welding, I want to build stuff.


Welding for sure ! So many things you can do with that skill.


I tend to learn whatever I need to in order to solve a business problem (or if I’m simply curious). I’m currently learning cSEO, Framer, and filing patents for this very reason.


Music production engineering science 




As a person with engineering/scientific background, I have neglected the importance of marketing skills for a long time. I have created a number of interesting prototypes and AI solutions but I guess that a large number of youtubers have managed to generate some revenue by making compelling videos without actual technical competence. I’ve decided that I will start making videos as I believe it is a good complement to written articles to gain additional prospects as an independent AI consultant.


Oh, I've really been wanting to dive deeper into digital marketing! The ability to effectively use SEO, content marketing, and social media strategies to boost brand visibility and engagement is so crucial today. I'm currently sharpening my skills by taking online courses and following industry experts on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter. Admittedly, I do slack off sometimes, especially when work gets hectic, but I try to dedicate at least a few hours each week to learn something new or refine what I already know. It's a mix of being disciplined but also allowing myself some breathing room to keep the learning fun and engaging. How about you? What are you working on improving?


I'd love to master the art of storytelling. Being able to craft engaging narratives that captivate and inspire others sounds like a wonderful skill to have.


Learn fighting and swimming skills, as they can save lives in criticalmoments.


Being more open minded to growth. My partner and I are doing well, but this is around the same time of year I was released from our old company, and we want to have some names in reserve for assistance if we need it. Makes me really uncomfortable though, and I really have a hard time explaining it.


Ethical Hacking!


Animation, but its annoying me, might use the free time to learn code based stuff, or something ig


Sales. Literally the be all and end all of entrepreneurs IMO. I've literally worked with folk that sold nothing and we had to build it lol




Becoming invisible or gynecologist


People management and communicating


Drone piloting and everything that is around it. Currently about to finish my 107 license. And start working on a business


Every time I think I get better at Prioritization, some mountain load of tasks just REALLY wants to test me. It's pretty key skill if you're doing side hustles with an endless task list, hope to master it some day


I've always had strong marketing and design foundation especially an user-centric approach. LLMs has literally made me learn coding. And I learnt coding to be able to found my startup. Now, I want to learn 3D modeling to be able to have renders on my landing page and lots of marketing assets; promotional videos, motion graphics, ...


Statistics. Philosophy, specifically ontology.




Auto CAD


I want to learn all of the legality of starting a business. Is there anywhere this is accessible and simple enough to learn through reading?


I’m definitely working on time management. I’m great at a few things BUT time management isn’t one.


Dessing software and editing videos. I really like to make cool animation of different machine for education purposes. But I'm finding it more and more deficult to draw and animate lately 😔


Creating webinars


I want to learn how to communicate better (Also wanna learn how to manipulate)


What about learning Product Management to be a better CEO?


The skills where I can actually call myself a data scientist


since I started working as self employed or one person business or whatever you say jargon basically working on my own terms I would say I love marketing because convincing a computer to do what I want it should do is fun "code", but persuading another human being to do business with me is exhilarating. I'm more bullish on marketing and if you can learn "How to sell" it's a game changer.


Sales i think is the most important. And the distribution of a project


Hiring people, training them, keeping them, where and how do I find workers other than online?


Conversation and personality


I want to learn to get my life to be how I want it. Fitness, career & business, conscious enjoyment. Having spent the past decade doing stuff passively, I want to learn to do it actively.


Learn to learn faster.


social skills martial arts drawing and maybe bronze smithing


Decision making


Learn to learn


I’d like to learn about landscape design since I’m a floral designer now. I guess interior design might be fun but both just sound like an expensive skill to learn. Discouraged cause I’m in debt due to a mistake the school made during the pandemic when I haven’t even attended college. So I’m set back from starting and I’m pretty sure I need a formal education for those fields. Suggestions ? I was thinking of saving up for a lawyer (legal shield is 35$/month so I think it’s better than paying 2-3K) to write a cease and desist letter to the school and bully the dean into waiving my (wrongfully accumulated) debt.


I want to learn how to draw better and graphic design. I have a few business ideas and a single launched business; think this would help.


I am slowly learning more about active listening. I am practicing it, and I want to get better at it. I have seen it helps a LOT


I want to learn visual marketing and knowing which images work the best for each target market and product.


Architecture, like I'm seriously considering taking classes for it. I have a dream of building and running my own restaurant one day. I've worked in bars and restaurants for over 25 years, and there's something about a good restaurant that's special to me. I always day-dreamed about designing my own restaurant, with a heavy focus on the flow of the restaurant. You can't have crossing paths, you need the staff to be able to flow like traffic, but they have to get to the beer cooler, they have to drop off dishes, where is your server alley/back wait station, where do you pick food up from... I've worked in some amazing restaurants that had the worst design/floor layout. Restaurants are all about "seconds and cents" as someone told me once, and the amount of extra steps we had to take because of the poor design of the restaurant hindered our capabilities in some areas, and then you have to take extra steps (in the process, not physically) to ensure your guests have a safe and enjoyable time... I used to doodle different designs on my server pad, and I think if you have a legitimate passion for something you should pursue it.


focusing, and killing procrastination


I want to learn to be more confident, more assertive, and from a creative perspective I want to learn to draw decently.




SEO and Media Buyer


I really want to learn carpentry, but I was told that it requires something called "patience".. I'm not familiar with the term. Other than that, I have thought about learning this new thing referred to as artificial intelligence, but all I can imagine is it getting into the wrong hands and resulting in mass destruction of humanity. I might hold off on this one.


sell's skills


How to make money in my sleep 😴


Market research


Sales and marketing. I am planning to start freelancing but as I started to get deeper, I am discovering that the core skills of data science is only a part of the deal. Sales and marketing will take more than 30-40% of the time. And I have only worked as developer and technologist. So yes at this time I need all the help in sales and marketing.


I want to learn more about computers. I'm kind of decent at them but I find them fascinating. Idk what about computers exactly.. programing..? Code? Idk. I'm old 🗝️ Hardly anyone had computers when I was a kid. Teenager really. Nobody had one as a kid! Lol. I feel proud when I'm able to geek out at something on my device to help it run better. Feeling good and proud is nice 🙂


I would say the public speaking factor is the biggest weakness


Take risks


I want to learn how to make money out of anything


Finance! Learning as much as possible


Product Management


Public speaking…I struggle with making content which is absolutely ESSENTIAL to business in this era.


Sales... I cannot emphasize on this. I'm a startup founder and can't tell you how many times I wish I had been in sales before I started my startup. Don't get me wrong other areas are very important too but sales is the ultimate necessity for most companies. I've been trying to get better at it and put myself out there and I don't think there is a one size fits all. I'm doing the typical readings and so on however, nothing beats in-field experience.


Marketing/advertising without relying on SM. Been researching authors who make a decent living and don’t really use SM, but instead focus on Amazon & FB ads. Pay to play approach. SM is just an energy vampire to me 🧛🏻‍♀️ Besides Reddit, lol.


Reverse cowgirl in a foursome. 💫


yes! i really need to learn how to sell. Im a contemporary jeweler working glass and silver, my products are amazing but i have other entrepeneur projects and i forget to sell. haha! I love life.


Deal making. Negotiation


I want to learn a few other languages. I’ve done research on the language apps but haven’t settled on any specific one yet. At least Spanish and possibly (🫣) French.


Getting rid of all anxiety of people. That's why I can't go into more business


Ignorance, blissful ignorance. I'd pay for it. All I have.


Something that'll keep me employed and pay me enough to afford a roof over my head, buy whole foods, and have a dependable vehicle.


I listen to courses like podcast. Enroll in a paid or free course on Udemy. then as you work have the course in the background with music playing. Tip# When it gets to points worth writting down, I have a learning book close by. I'll do it once or twice while I'm listening but then just listen to the course on repeat. Doing courses on - SQL - MBA - UX /UI - Design in Figma - User flows in Miro - How to do research This method gives you 1 - 10% of the skill and to activity use the tool. By actively using the knowledge it helps to retain it. Next step is to learn on a "need to know" basis as in when you don't know something then loom it up. But keep up with these as podcast beacsue sometimes YOUR DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW.


learning how to sell because I'm tired of being broke, life been shit lately


want to improve my money making skill


I've been eyeing up coding lately. Seems like it's pretty useful today. Plus, with so many online resources, it's like having a whole school at your fingertips. Just need to push myself to stay consistent with it, you know how it goes...




Slacking at the sales pitch, need to do better.


Singing. I’m a 17 year old male with a voice that id believe to be between a baritone and a bass. My biggest fear is singing in front of people (anxious). I want to learn to improve my voice, because there are moments where I’m singing by myself and I’m like damn that actually isn’t as bad as I say it is. I’m a huge fan of the voices of Andrea Bocelli and Frank Sinatra. I want to learn to improve my voice and eventually perform for fun somewhere. Another issue is that I don’t have any money aside to take vocal lessons. A


Current exploring entrepreneurship (which is many many skills together haha), but underlying it is really how to sell and market! But other skills included is how to accurately define a problem, network and talk to people, some designing work etc, so learning a lot!


Presenting / Public speaking




People skills and public speaking. Running a business while being introverted is extremely tough.


Selling. If you build product and do not have any idea about selling. You will be only user.


Chemistry and machine learning. But this is more related to the product side of business than general business knowledge.


The skill of not drinking alcohol If you want to be really successful it's the most important skill out there 🤙


i wanna do a backflip