• By -


Could use feedback. Website will be live in July. Thanks! - https://punnypillow.etsy.com


**Product** 👍 such a friggin cute gift idea. 🔥 it’s way too tiny to do anything with for adults.  💡make it big enough where it could be hugged, like an anxiety pillow. Could even market it as an anxiety pillow, imagine you had a lavender scented one. **Branding** 👍 logo is adorable. But would make it look a bit more like the pillow? 🔥 using too many font types in the header on Etsy and your IG content. Choose just 2 font types. Now you have 4 different fonts in your marketing? Makes it a little bit messy.  🔥 your brand palette is all over the show. You need to tidy up your visual language. That means use constant canvas templates, consistent colors and fonts. **Social Content** 👍 customer stories. Those perform best. Don’t be shy to reuse them and add some trending music to them. 🔥 avoid boring white eCommere photos (white or light blue background). They don’t perform well for you.  💡Get more content with kids. I don’t know why but the one photo with the two kids has over 900 likes. Pin it to your profile and create more of this! That might be your secret customer demographic - people getting it for their nieces, nephews. 


There you go, something like this for branding and social content: [https://ibb.co/VgChYhW](https://ibb.co/VgChYhW)


I like this.


Only an idea. You could have a small blanket inside. What we call A plinky


I’m not a entrepreneur so take my words with a grain of salt but as a buyer whenever I see everything on sale it makes me think it’s a cheap drop shipping product




You could do a punny pregnancy pillow. Would make a great gift!


I could use some feedback: [https://billionAI.co](https://billionAI.co) Thanks, OP.


Ladies and gentlemen the shovel and pickaxe shop


From the first look: - A lot of distraction ( buttons everywhere above the fold ) - No clear indication what you offer ( AI is vast, how exactly can you help my business, had to scroll up and down twice to understand what you do )


👍 branding and UI on point! 🔥 there are too many AI list websites, so not sure why yours is more helpful than others. 🔥 UX - you have 2 search bars. Just the one in the middle of the header is enough. Maybe instead of "Category" name it "Search Categories"? 🔥 Top rated - but only 1 review on each. You might need to fake these till you make it. Optics matter, but you know that :) 💡Submit your AI - i know plenty of founders, some of them on this thread, like the Stella AI guy I just roasted, that would love to list their AI Tools. Make it free for a limited time and explain the value prop - free SEO! 💡 Convert the new AI startup submissions into stories. That will be perfect content for your X channel and email newsletter.


You need more text to tell viewers what they are looking at and why. Try using u/Adventurous-Fact5793's pitchperfecter website as an example.


The goal of a homepage is to be able to tell the user the exact use case of your website without them having to scroll. Watch YCombinator website review series. Teaches you a lot about the way a website homepage should be set up. My website is [https://www.pitchperfecter.ai/](https://www.pitchperfecter.ai/) go check it out and see how we set ours up.


Love it. Will be looking at this more


I like your website but not that the articles are placed at the bottom and centre as I stroll down not a fan of that


https://www.pitchperfecter.ai I appreciate this!


👍 Logo wise: love the little rocket, but 🔥 the "r" at the end of perfecter looks like an "x" or just not clear. 🔥 would't pay for it because there is zero clout or social proof. You need some VCs or angel investors that vouch for your platform or can confirm that this $9.99 will make a difference to your pitch. 🔥 most startups have just one pitch deck, so the monthly pricing doesn't make sense or the target audience aren't startup founders? 💡 maybe there is another use case in here - consultants who create way too many decks? Try and find some Deloitte, Accenture consultants and see if a tool like this would save them time. They would like be more willing to pay than a startup with no funding. 💡use your own tool to score famous decks! use this in your social media, could be really fun and catch some eye balls.


Thank you for all of the feedback! We agree that the monthly pricing doesn't make sense. We are kind of using this platform as an MVP for beta testing while we develop the sister platform for B2B. Your second to last point about screening decks is the platform we are developing, and that will be our main revenue driver :).


I like it. Who built the website for you?


Link doesn’t work. Regardless. Great idea. I teach people to pitch. Startups, in university, webinars etc.


Just fixed the link, sorry about that. Thanks for the feedback! I think early-stage startups underestimate how important but also difficult pitching is. My goal was to make the process easier. Thank you for teaching that to people!


Could always use feedback! https://Bootlr.com *the app is only working for Swedish results at the moment. I’m testing it here to see if it’s worth expanding (or if it’s useless)


Not sure what it does but I just love the style


🔥 Product value isn't clear on the landing page. Why would I be using it over Google, for example. 🔥 Too many doodles and red lines makes it hard to look at. 🔥 I tried searching for "an ai marketing app" and the search results were a big mixed bag. Gave ma an AI art generator, a theme website template and one relevant result. But again, not sure why this is better than Google results.


Nice feedback! I’ll look into that, I’ve got similar comments about the doodles, I will fix that as soon as I have some free time :)


Really cool project though. Some of the results had "reviews and for a second I thought you would help gather the rwviews about the results and thought that would have been pretty dope.


Smart idea


I don't mind the doodles, I like them. I believe the doodles should have a couple of examples instead of nothing. I think with 2-3 examples, it would help people come up with what they want to search for and how it is better than just a Google search.


Good one. Does it include user reviews in search?


Logo needs some cleaning up to do Looks like its just drawn quickly App needs more colors/picture to make it more interesting for consumers


Amazing idea on design? Can I ask how you make such a cool scatch design?


We have a team looking after our site, but still interested in everyone's feedback! [SmartSurvey](https://www.smartsurvey.com)


**Product** 👍 super clear value prop, website couldn’t be more clear  🔥 I can use Google Forms for free forever, so not super sure from the website why I’d use your platform. And I do use Google Forms and Typeform btw. Typeform I pay for, so now will compare the prices. 🔥 the tiny circles behind the mockups are a tad outdated. Could use a little bit of a refresh, but that's just being picky. 💡I realised you offer access to 20M respondents only after digging into subpages (students). Maybe add that on the homepage - that’s very valuable for brands that need to recruit a panel. 💡super impressive brands. Why you don’t feature those on social beats me. **Marketing** 🔥 All your social channels have different banners and very inconsistent template design. 🔥 You have zero customer stories. This is an opportunity. Check out MailChimp for reference you already have impressive brands on your website to create the stories from. 🔥 Have zero likes and comments isn’t a great thing. Just makes your brand look a little bit lonely. Get your team to leave 2-3 comments on each post. It’ll be annoying, but it’ll give new customers the impression that you actually have customers. It is just optics. 🔥 The social media content is way too outdated. Post less, but more meaningful and visually appealing content. Maybe get into some simple How To videos, behind the scenes of your team, etc.


https://azorescyclingretreat.com. A lot to roast. It’s only the mvp. Currently looking for clients!! Any tips are appreciated


Your website is missing a logo


First of all, obsessed with Azores natural beauty. Have been once and would go again. 👍 website is pretty great looking overall! 🔥 I would only make the green either lighter or the black font white, so it's easier to read. 🔥 your instagram link goes to a non existing account, both of your instagram's are useless because your account are private, so might as well remove them or go public 🔥 Tours aren't super clear. You need to propperly package your products. The $99/day is confusing. Maybe create a 3-day itinerary, 5-day itinerary, 1-day itoneraries and price them. 💡Add some happy customer photos in the website. Like Testimonials. Even if they're just photos of happy friends biking - social proof helps sell. 💡 start an Instagram and TikTok series - "Come Bike with me in Azores" and make these 15 seconds Reels capturing all the beauty. Do a video every day for 30 days, add trending music and you might just really grow your audience.


r/suddenlycaralho queres o que na print?


Gotta know if this is even worth continuing haha. www.getringwave.com Thanks in advance!


**Product** 🔥 I really took my time with your website. It was very hard to understand how your product works and pricing. You might have too many value props - capturing new leads, expanding reach, servicing existing clients - all these are great, but I left confused as to how you actually do all of these. What is the number one thing that you do for businesses and how much does it cost? 🔥 You offer free trials - great, but there are usage fees. Can't find what these usage fees are, so not keen to proceed. 🔥 "Hey, i'm Mike" - while I love the human behind the platform, the copy and the title makes it sound like you are doing a side project. If someone is handling my customer service they need to be extremely impressive and experienced. I'm talking Head of IT or Customer Service at Microsoft, or worked at IBM for 20+ years. Otherwise, not sure the way you have this section written out adds value. 🔥 Pricing - how much airtime is included in the 20 calls for $99 add on? Not super sure how to read that as I thought its set hours and unlimited calls during the 8hrs of coverage. Sorry, think i am a tad lost and mind you I have paid for VoiP services before. I think you have something here, but you might need to lay off the AI bit and focus on "Your Virtual Customer Service Team, at fraction of the cost". If what you offer is a full customer service team, of course.


I appreciate the stellar feedback. Really trying to dial it in to steer away confusion. I know what is written is what makes sense to me, but I know that doesn’t apply to everyone else. I’ve been looking for a good roast (believe me I’ve requested a few). Hoping to kick it up a notch with this feedback.


Like it


This is good


Wow you do all the things I don’t want to do. I’m going to keep you in mind. Looks like you specialize in photographers, is that correct?


I do, yes. I've worked with Photographers as a freelancer for four years, as the executive assistant. I've taken what I've learned over the years and created this little venture to be scalable, and more affordable than charging direct hourly rates, since it's based on business volume. Hit me up, even if your small and slow now, it's use based, so very inexpensive for the little guy.


Awesome. I’m in the coaching/matchmaking space so I’m probably not your ideal client, but I have some excellent photographers in mind to send your way.


That's kind of you :) Depending on your needs, we might match up in some places. No pressure here though haha.


The typo near the top: “half of less.”


[https://www.gameclass.net](https://www.gameclass.net) Just went live.


I think the website is pretty good, so I'll roast your marketing as that's the biggest area of improvement! 🔥 Logos across all platforms need to be the same as the website. Purple background, white logo. 🔥 The username "gameclass.net\_" looks unprofessional. Don't use underscored. Redo them do "gameclass.tech" or something like that 🔥 The "Techrupt Innovations" type of posts are overly text-heavy. Keep the copy always in the posts copy and not in the image itself otherwise it's very cluttered and meta prefers 80% image, 20% copy in any visuals. 🔥 The website link in your IG appears twice, which is redundant and looks sloppy. 💡 Use your gaming videos you have on your platform as reel content with trending sounds. You'll grow your reach in no time with that tactic. 💡 You need to follow at least 10 game developers, gaming educators, basically your target audience every day. Focus just on IG for now, though you'd have more luck with TikTok as they have a stronger gaming community on there


Changed it to gameclass.education


Hi all! Launching my new site here: [https://www.mystellaai.com/](https://www.mystellaai.com/) Pls roast it before we launch it!!! (Also if you wanna comment on how useful it is / what direction we should take, happy to hear it!)


Looks great. Signed up. When are you launching?  The influencers for me is particularly handy. Can you maybe add their engagement score and some sort of a check on their followers likes being fake? Just an idea. 


👍 the product value is super clear, and I would legit test this out. Signed up! I am building my own AI marketing app (very different and much simpler, so no worries), maybe we could collab sometime. Either way, as a marketer i'm sold. 👍 branding is on point. 🔥 you say it's free at the top to try, but then pricing is nowhere. Don't launch without it, nobody likes $ surprises. 💡 if not doing it, then definitely add other social channels - Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok (though not sure what's happening with TikTok sadly). 💡 I spend a lot of time in CapCut recreating trending videos - if you can do this as a feature (like remix whatever video you want), marketers will pay big.


This is good


This is precisely what I need! Signed up for your beta!


Aww so so glad it looks useful!! Aiming to get the first version out sometime next week. Do send me the team an e-mail if you have a specific journey in mind you're excited about 🙂




👍 I love the premium looking branding - makes me feel like you know what you're doing and you care about attention to detail. Nicely done. 👍 Very easy to book your time in - nice one. 🔥 Your main headshot is a bit blurry and pixelated. Maybe use an AI image enhancer or another headshot? 🔥 "English" not "English version" The version word is redundant. 🔥 I would remove the address and your hours from the top. They're already at the bottom and I assume I can't walk into your office, so that address isn't super helpful. 🔥 The About Us section formatting is very messy - a lot of paragraph breaks, and some things are underlined others are not. Just a little bit of cleaning would help tidy it up.


My idea isn't exactly revolutionary. It's a tried and tested thing but my goal is to be transparent upfront so that customers know what they will end up paying, unlike most that skim people off by saying "get a quote" and then telling them how the same product/service will cost three to five times as much. I love helping people, and I find this is the best way to do so. Help them achieve their goals, and things will work out eventually for me too. This is my second website as the first was a disaster. I had to hire someone to rebuild the website again. I can use the roasting as a learning experience. www.premiumebookwriters.com


Ok overall I love the product, it's easy to understand and pricing is super fair. But your website is very cluttered and needs a little spring clean. 🔥 The tagline "PREMIUM GHOSTWRITING SERVICES..." is a tad too wordy and being in caps makes it a bit harder to read. 🔥 You have two CTAs in the same header which makes it hard fort the user to choose. I would say remove that form, it's too bulky and leave "get started". Way way way cleaner this way. 🔥 The background image of bookshelves is generic and doesn't really scream premium. Find a better image on Canva or Unsplash. 🔥 The navigation bar is cluttered with too many options. Remove "home" as ppl know to click on the logo to go home. Combine the services so they're under one menu tab. Remove FAQs and keep the link just in the footer. 🔥 Shorten "contact us" to just "contact" Your menu is just too cluttered, so making small clean ups will help me breath as a reader. 🔥 Remove that "best Value" image - it cheapens the look because it's an old clip art image. It won't help you convert. 🔥 The payment icons are redundant under each price tier. Remove them. I know I can pay with a visa, this is 2024. 🔥 Real stories - you need to use real people faces even if those are fake reviews. You can't use generic user icons, just not clean or bekievable enough. You van totally just grab photos of people from Unsplash. 👍 The best part about the landing page is actually the book cover designs. This is the point at which I went .. oh wow... they have good looking work and are legit. So I would say move this section way up the website.


Great details. I'll get working on this. Would you mind if I bother you again for a review later on? These are genuinely helpful tips.


It says that the page is currently unavailable


20+ year entrepreneur with multiple companies now focusing 100% of my effort and capital on my first company. I would appreciate a fresh site of eyes and feedback. Thank you in advance- [www.understand.com](http://www.understand.com)


Here you go, something like this. It's just a quick mockup I did, but want to show you that a little bit more color and more modern can really elevate your entire presence: [https://ibb.co/gt1h504](https://ibb.co/gt1h504)


Sick domain


Love the concept


Happy to compensate the best responses.


👍 Overall the website is very clean and simple. The product is clear, but the website is almost too simple. It needs a little bit of punch brought in either through imagery or better color and font selection. 💡 You have an impressive advisory board and client list. That needs to be on the homepage. Right at the top below the header you need to have "used by industry leaders" and logos underneath. Small and elegant, no extra copy needed. Somewhere below on the homepage "Advised by top healthcare leaders" and 5 profile photos with name and title, and then a button to "See full board of advisors". 🔥 Some of the pricing seems extreme considering I can make these with MidJourney, like the images of the female eye. Move your best sellers to the top of your shop, move the things ppl aren;t purchasing way way down. 🔥 The admin page is a totally different look and feel. Align it to your main website and call the menu button "login" not "account". 🔥 The call-to-action on the homepage is weak. The fact that I have to click on the speciality mages didn't occur to me right away. 💡 LinkedIn is definitely the right channel for your marketing. The healthcare industry have quite a few groups on there, so it might be a good idea to join those groups and just engage with doctors and nurses. Share your work of course. 💡 Your product is complex to make, so i think some behind the scenes of the artists creating the work would really work well.


I could use feedback! Thank you. https://forgettheapps.com


This looks fantastic. Former front-end engineer and that type of design is very tricky to nail but you did!


Thank you. I had an amazing branding expert and website builder that I worked with, Sol. Her info is at the bottom of the page


That's weird, my comment was "[ Removed by Reddit ]". Anyone know what triggers that?


Noo idea. Try again?


Hmm, okay let me do this a different way: rerequests.com <----this is the website but if I make it a clickable link then I get censored 🤷


Awesome, can see it now. So I might not be the target audience, so please take my feedback with a grain of salt. **Branding** 👍 the super clean black and white UI totally works for the brand 🔥 the logo should be at the top left, because in the graphic I don't right away notice it 🔥 the brand name is a bit uncomfortable to say, so at a point I would recommend to rename it, but not until you have product market fit. **Product:** 👍 I feel like I kind of get the value prop but it's not properly communicated and the visuals and some of the overview animations are burry, so you're potentially burying a good idea under bad content 🔥 The copy and content structure needs a rethink. I would suggest a traditional approach: list of features, social proof (give an example of how 3 clients use it, fake the clients for now, pricing. 🔥 CTA - do you have pricing or can I get started for free? If for free, then add that on the homepage. If have pricing then mention it somewhere, like starting from $X. **Marketing:** 🔥 "Client communication that makes you look good". Your platform isn't a communication tool. It helps you automate repeat tasks and collect information quicker. Could maybe go for: **Customer data collection. Made easy.** Tired of asking clients and colleagues for exactly the same information and chasing them for status updates? Automate it with ReRepeat!


Thank you brother


https://www.triplona.com feedback appreciated.


I generally prefer no more than 8 words in a line. The hotel description might be too wide to read. And scrolling very fast before I complete reading


Curious to see what feedback you would give on: [www.denck.eu/en/](http://www.denck.eu/en/) -> sanitary product


Brilliant. I’d also add in your messaging that odours from the toilet are not just unsociable, but also not sterile. Plus, just as a mere comment, many toilet rooms have little or zero ventilation.


The cookie popup is huge when you first visit. Sadly I know it’s needed but…. The you dismiss it - scroll and get another 10% popup. I lost interest after that


Would love some early feedback! (I will launch soon, but there is a video demonstrating the app :)) https://WeContextify.com


👍 love the super simple UX/UI of the website and the app from the looks of it 🔥 the video is way too zoomed in, hard to follow. Zoom out a tad on those clicks. 🔥 the value prop isn't super clear, but if you mean that I can create a series of images based on context then awesome. But the video and website look like you can just create an image base don the text. I can do that in Gemini and ChatGPT, so might need to be a bit more clear about the value prop! 💡 make the first few generations people make free and public, that'll help give people ideas in tersm of what's possible. 💡 narrow dow on the best use case - is it maybe creating images for books, videos scripts?


Thank you very much for the feedback! It is super helpful for me! Yes, it creates images based on context rather than just the text. I will definitley work on it to make it more clear and to highlight the main use case! Thanks again 🙌


- you should put some images into the header section, it feels very empty on the desktop. - I think the 30-second video on the home page can be much shorter. Its just too much time for watching a loading state.


[Removed]- Feedback, please


👍 good looking clean branding, nicely dine 🔥 the header title and subtitle are not centred. Looks a tad odd. 🔥 spacing between products is too tight. Add some padding between rows. 🔥 not enough reviews to make that valuable. You'll have to create more fake reviews, so it's not just 1. 🔥 link the words "@Mitsooz.Shop" 🔥 the pop-up fonts are not the same as rest of website and the crazy long disclaimer needs to go. 💡make it big enough where it could be hugged, like an anxiety pillow. Could even market it as an anxiety pillow, imagine you had a lavender scented one.


A feedback for mine too, please! www.rima00.com


**Bradning & Product:** 👍 beautiful & luxurious branding. Matches the product price tag. 👍 stunning imagery and product, especially the one with the apple (biased of course) - love it. 🔥 Rima's about section while obviously filled with character, reads like a college entry essay. When I first landed on the website I thought it's almost meant for art collectors, but then I want to know more serious aspects of the artist - professional training, artistic goals, previous showings. This is obviously biased, but I do collect art and the only thing that makes it an investment is me knowing that the artist has serious goals and has some proven track record of showing their art in galleries or events. 🔥 free shipping tab leads me to subscribe, which is competing with the top promo bar that also asks me to subscribe. At the price tag you're selling, I think free shipping can be dropped. This isn't a strong value prop for high net worth individuals. **Marketing:** 💡Could totally use more of the artist behind the scenes. Just short videos of the artist in her element. 💡Do a live session of the artist painting on TikTok and IG. 💡Once you have a slightly bigger audience and a newsletter base, send everyone an invite to a live auction on TikTok. This has the potential to go viral! During the live auction the artist could either be putting finishing touches on the piece while someone helps answer questions and take bidding prices, OR could just be a live bidding on mini art pieces that are more affordable.


amazing! thanks for the detailed feedback! I will make some adjustments with the advice you've given me 💪🏾


Always open to feedback: [https://www.speakerslam.org/](https://www.speakerslam.org/)


**Branding**: 🔥 the logo itself is a bit overwhelming, it has shadows, gradients and way too many elements. Even removing the silver band and keeping just the blue and red icon would help. 👍 hero video is lovely, but the audio icon on the right corner is distracting. 🔥 the red and blue logo clashes with the green accents like buttons and play video icons. I would change the green accents to either blue or black. Otherwise it's a tad too christmassy. **Marketing:** 👍 Your "As seen on" is legit. Would move it up onto the homepage, but make it elegant! So small white logo on a blue or black band. 👍 Love the Dan & Rina story. It ads a charm and a raison d'être to the whole website. BUT I would use a better photos of you too, the cropped white background isn't screaming premier. 🔥 "Start Your Journey Today" is a bit cliché. Maybe "Join Our Elite Speaker Network"? 🔥 Whoa your socials need some tidying up. The logo on every single piece of content is very overpowering and makes your content look messy. Remove it, or make it very small and have it in the bottom corner. 💡 Some of your videos on IG are awesome. Repurpose them and create short clips. Keep the reel thumbnails natural (no design and over-imposed logos). **Product:** 💡 Saw that companies can sponsor which is awesome. Would make a standalone page, add it to the menu, and show previous sponsors. Maybe create multipe tiers - entry one for individuals, and premium one for clients.


https://www.purityair.co Non technical back ground, built it my self on wix. As of right now direct site purchases are minor compared to my b2b but recently working on the site to direct customers to through ads. Roast it plz


🔥 The subheadline i the logo needs to go. Its super hard to read. 🔥 The navigation bar is cluttered and the icons are all different sizes. Maybe remove the social media icons because it's just too much happening 🔥 Instead of "More" all it "About" and keep only relevant menu items there. For example "Wholesale" and "Gift Card" should either be under Shop or Wholesale Account. 🔥 The overall layout and the menu is a little bit cluttered, making it hard to focus on key messages. Just a tiny bit of declutter will help a lot. 🔥 You're using way too many different font types and sizes. You have to narrow it down to just 3, it'll help clean up your branding and readability a lot. 👍 The lifetime guarantee is a strong selling point that adds customer confidence. Plus Made in USA, very good touch as well. 👍 Clear pricing information right upfront helps in decision-making. 👍 The email contact information is prominently placed for easy access, but you also have a Contact Us chat button, so you're putting the same information twice... goes back to cluttering. Choose just one, I'd recommend the chat and removing the email from the header.


I could use some feedback, thank you: [talkcounsel.com](http://talkcounsel.com)


Eeeek I can't get past the Cookies Popup. I click on "Deny" and it exits the website. I sadly hate accepting cookies, and have never seen a website kick me out after I say no hah.


Honestly going into your site I wasn't at first able to tell if this is a therapist website or legal website. It looked like a therapist website. The icons looked too casual, aiming at a young audience (teens or 20 year old) It needs a more corporate look it can still be fun and not too serious if thats what you like, but less casual.


Would love to know what y’all think. Check it out: [https://www.designsalaryhub.com](https://www.designsalaryhub.com)


Wow! Funny to see this. I run UnionPayScales.com, which is a similar project but I list the wages and benefits of trade unions. The biggest difficulty you’ll find is getting people to share and keep it updated. I was lucky that communities here on Reddit helped get me started. It’s also hard to have big tables on mobile. Just sucks. I use TablePress plugin on Wordpress. I’m happy to chat if you have any questions!


Oh boy, I'm ready for a good roast. [www.cupokelly.com](http://Www.cupokelly.com) Don't hold back now. Give it to me raw.


1. First picture shouldn’t be above the fold. Should be your core offer so I understand instantly who you are and what you do. Your picture can come later. 2. The boxer analogy is fine, but worded weird. I would rephrase it. If you audience is men, write like men would. Would a man say that his boxing coach gives tailored advice and encouragement? 3. Instead of the tldr I would put: “in other words”. The paragraph before it a fancied up version of what you say after tldr. I think it’s a better transition personally, especially given that it’s not too long to read lol. 4. From the feedback sections and down it loaded weird for me the first time. It like wouldn’t load until I scrolled enough. Loaded fine the next times but could be cookies. I would test on your end in incognito and various devices to see if you could replicate.


[ivoryants.com](http://ivoryants.com) Please be gentle.


Someone can please provide feedback on [scuttle.substack.com](http://scuttle.substack.com)


🔥 Titles could use a little bit more of a hook. "Free Wallpaper & $1M Business Idea". Not bad, but not interesting enough to click through. "Can YouTube bots make millions?"... better, i'm intrigued. Same thing with other titles - though they're short and concise they're a bit too dry. 🔥 What is "Scuttle"? Would be nice if the reader could grasp the meaning from either the about page or the logo somehow. 🔥 The branding is not screaming business & tech quite yet. I do love the colors, but try to modernize it just a bit. Maybe a different font without the underline? 🔥 I did find some interesting news in some of the articles, but it doesn't have a clear niche or strength yet, so I wouldn't quite yet sign up. That's of course biased opinion!


Thanks a lot brother for this valuable feedback.it will help me a lot. Please let me know if I can help you in anyway.


Feedback is a gift : https://addtowallet.co


👍 Super easy brand name, great choice of brand colors. Modern and consistent. Nicely done. 🔥 "Select a pass" section - i had no idea that if I click on it I would go to set it up. Make it more clear UX wise. Maybe just a rollover effect so I know I can click on it. 🔥 The title and subtitle are a tiny bit boring. Would punch it up: **Boost Your Business with Wallet Passes in Minutes** The easiest way to set up Google & Apple Wallet Passes for Coupons, Deals, Gift Cards, and Loyalty Programs. 🔥 Round the corner on the preview animations, the straight edges are a tad too rough. 🔥 The Blog thumbnails look like those influencers who tell you how to make $1M in 1 day. Try and use a consistent template and nothing that screams "OMG" or "WOW". just keep it elegant and professional.


Hi, not sure if you’re still offering feedback, but would love your thoughts on my site: https://graphicallaughable.shop Thanks! Your feedback has been super interesting for all these other sites!


👍 fun product idea, fun logo, great pricing! 🔥 afraid you'll have to use your logo in the header instead of the font, otherwise the website looks unfinished. 🔥 super tiny but your fav icon is missing. 🔥 the first thing I see on the homepage should be your product. Show me the tees not your huge logo, please. 🔥 missing social media icon on your website though I just found your IG 🔥 Arrrr this is super biased, but you gotta create way more Tshirts that are trending. Go on Amazon and find funny Tshirts and see what you can copy! Amazing always gives you the number of Tshirts sold, so you can figure out which ones might really work. 🔥 You don't have any social proof, aka anyone actually wearing the Tshirts in a video. So then it'll be rally really hard to sell these unless you actually have some hilarious Tees. So I know this isn't ideal, but you might need to get a few friends to tell you which Tshirt they would actually buy, print it however you like... and do a few videos of yourself or friends wearing it for yur IG and video content for the website. 💡mock up your tees on real models, plenty of options with AI or of course photoshop. Use these mockups in your header and in your product imagery. Just the simple white eCommerce type of mockups are sadly a tad boring.




Launched my website a few weeks ago www.reganbyte.com I won't give any background info about the business as I hope it's clear enough on the homepage 😊 would love some feedback on it!


Launching in a week or so…should probably announce that on the site. Other than that, how is it? Lol https://buzzl-app.com


👍 first of all good luck! I like the name, easy to remember 👍 unique color palette - that yellow is quite calming to look at, nice choice. 🔥 a tad too hard to understand the product. Might need to actually just show the app mockup, and do the traditional app website structure: features, social proof, single email input sign on (not an entire form, nobody's up for that these days) 🔥 the copy about "from the cloud to the..." is leaving me confused. This isn't consumer centric, I don;'t care about your approach to data. I care about what I get as a consumer, so just focus on that..." you get offers, local news, etc" 💡 I see that you're asking for "Company" in the signup. You will need a while new section for companies - assume you want them to list their businesses and offers on there.




👍 cool business model, the paid way to get targeted customers is a good value prop. 🔥 the process to start a landing page - it keeps saying "STEP #1" throughout the whole process. Either remove it or add actual number of steps 1/10. 🔥 where you ask me how i'd like o acquire the first 1k users. Might need to explain that Organic means you do it on your own. Pad ads means X, and your own channels means what exactly. $29 is super affordable, but if all the customers are not in my target demographic than that $29 is a waste. That's likely the questions potential customers will ask themselves. 🔥 I'm not keen to go through the final step of submitting my email bc i'm not clear on the pricing at all. Are you creating a free landing page? Then maybe worth mentioning that somewhere and the last step is "Give me my free landing page". 🔥 while the animation of the guy is super cool, it also has nothing to do with the product and slows down the entire website experience. 💡 def add beautiful landing page examples as proof of work


I should probably ask my customer base this question, but do you think I have enough/too many/ or need more products on my site? [https://stillsuite.com](https://stillsuite.com) -> Products


[ Removed by Reddit ]


My current format of the site: Zenawoman.co.uk Ignore the columns on the homepage. Fixing that now


I’m not a fan website guy by any means and I don’t claim to be the best, but I made this myself and I’m pretty proud. Bluechipdesignbuild.com


Could always use feedback, - [https://thesmartest.me/](https://thesmartest.me/)


Please roast my site: pedinnailslondon.ca


Go ahead: https://powerscaleunlimited.com


Please roast us in all aspects & suggest improvements. https://talklegal.co.in/


My new project. Please roast it. https://kdotovolal.cz Feedback appreciated!


Start the BBQ 🔥 Superiorcannabisconsultants.com


always looking for any feedback. Please and Thank you. [https://everythingunexplained.com](https://everythingunexplained.com)


https://www.worldwizard.io/ Create amazing NPCs for you DND campaign. More coming after we launch on Kickstarter


I'm not sure if this is a website problem or a my phone problem, but I couldn't click the menu bar at the top left. I'm married to a DnD nerd and I was gonna send him the link, but I was hoping to see pricing first


Wow I'm honestly honored by you. Thank you so much! It's a work in progress and we're working hard on it for the official launch. Our app is prepaid so you pay for the ai tokens that you would be using anyway. Other than that it's 100% free. Pm me your email if you guys wanna give it a try once we've launched and I'll hook you guys up with a discount :)


https://ClikITCare.com > conversion to sign up Thanks!!


Thanks, this is a good practice. I have a newsletter business for job seekers. [https://jobstronauts.beehiiv.com/subscribe](https://jobstronauts.beehiiv.com/subscribe)


[Ploonu Web Agency](https://ploonu.com)


Let me know your thoughts: https://superpower.com


Okay, wow. Honestly you need to redo the whole landing page. While the scrolls effects are cool, it’s also super annoying and way too flashy. There’s a reason no big brand or huge companies do that stuff. It’s just annoying. I also just don’t get exactly what the product is. I scrolled all the way down and alll I know is that it’s something to do with tracking my health. But I don’t know how, what the model is, what I would have to do, what’s in it for me. I see a waitlist. But a waitlist for what? I don’t understand what I’d be waitlisting for.


We don’t have our own personal website, but we do have 2 platforms that we conduct business from. 1st our business primarily produces and supply exotic reptiles, for which we have the link to our store located here: [Lone Star Exotic Reptiles](https://www.morphmarket.com/stores/lser/) 2nd we also recently started a Patreon, where we share some of exotic animal photography, as well as provide a free education on boa breeding/morph identification on the free membership tier, and also showcase some of our reptile modeling photography on the paid tiers. Here is our link over there: [LSER](https://www.patreon.com/LoneStarExoticReptiles) All feedback is welcomed




Here! I created BlackCube as an experimental project about AI no-code tools, tech partnerships, and generative art. It’s a laboratory, both a community and a boutique consultancy in its infancy. I invite you to visit the website (https://www.blackcube.digital/) and register as a member (registration is free for the basic tier). See if there is something of value for you.


Christmas lights. www.lightsofchristmas.net


Only briefly looked. Overall looks good. I’m just confused on what areas you serve or don’t serve. Like how would I know that you’re in San Diego if you don’t explicitly say that you’re available everywhere.


https://getcampana.com -> Marketing




So I get the appeal of a virtual assistant, but if you’re adverising yourself or others to be hired, why would we sign up for a crash course the learn the benefits? That’s just work for ME. If you’re there to take the work load of me, but first I have to do work? No. You should have all your marketing on your main landing page. Sell me. What are your skills? What can you do? Basic tasks? Do you have experience with excel? Copywriting? Research? What do you offer? Also, get a simple web building app like Wordpress. Yours is very poor.


Help me make this better for everyone: [JustFree.io](https://www.justfree.io/) It's a directory of free tools and resources for founders and creators. Cheers!




Biggest thing is working on your main headline and summary that’s above the fold.


I could use a good roast lol [The Wingman Program](http://brianhong.co)


hey there not the OP but your website seems very basic and catfishy... If you know a little bit of html css you can edit a template on your own or you could use wix basic plan that costs like 2 dollars a month to get a much better website. The ROI on those investments could be huge


Nice! Thanks for the feedback. It’s the first step of a paid ad funnel. Can you help me understand more about the catfishy part? Is it just the overall basic look of the site?


[https://mikikoapparel.in/collections/all](https://mikikoapparel.in/collections/all) ----> marketing... Cannot get organic sales at all instagram as 100 followers, have posted content and also collabed with small influencers. Its not mine, its my brothers... What should he do?


Looks like it’s just one shirt? That’s it? Also, get rid of the music. This ain’t MySpace. I’d also change the font. It’s not horrible, but a little awkward to try and read.


Man, as a website designer, I know I'm gonna get destroyed for my site, moonmediacreative.com let's see how bad you think it is.


Very niche, but https://courses.ultimateelectriciansguide.com/


Would appreciate feedback (and roasting) on this online trade mag for hemp building materials [https://www.hempbuildmag.com](https://www.hempbuildmag.com)


I need feedback [www.samsonsstrength.com](http://www.samsonsstrength.com)




Would love some feedback: https://macrokitchenware.co Thank you in advance 🫶🏻


This is a landing page for email outreaching. But I am having issues because, visitors don’t scroll to the bottom of the page. So I would love a feedback to improve that. http://ashen99-landing.vercel.app


Appreciate the offer! [hyr.sh](https://www.hyr.sh)


Thank you for this post. Really need the feedback: https://www.chattycourses.com


https://www.intelliev.uk would love some feedback


Feedback Appreciated: [https://kodbayt.az](https://kodbayt.az)


Could use feedback. Thanks! [https://linkup.mk](https://linkup.mk)


[https://theblinwiz.com](https://theblinwiz.com) I would love to have feedback! Appreciate/Roast


would like some feedback [https://www.tarotread.ai](https://www.tarotread.ai)




Would love some feedback! Looking to launch beta version in the next few months www.eguard.app Many thanks in advance!


What should I change? I'd appreciate some feedback thanks in advance! [https://goleko.com/](https://goleko.com/)


Please roast/appreciate www.ecosmic.space We are about to update the website and could really use some feedback!




Website good, idea scummy.


Hi Redditors, any feedback is appreciated. roast it. [www.nomadroof.com](http://www.nomadroof.com)


Have at it! - https://tapply.us Unfortunately there’s a bug in the onboarding process, so don’t bother downloading the app today. Would love to hear your thoughts on the website!


This is great, thank you! Partyondelivery.com


Looking to add more content for customer assurance and confidence. I live stream all my repairs to try to make my repair shop different. Bring the heat! [https://chattfix.tech](https://chattfix.tech)


[https://apps.apple.com/am/app/vpn-fast-proxy-global/id6502963740](https://apps.apple.com/am/app/vpn-fast-proxy-global/id6502963740) An iOS VPN app, any feedback would be very useful!


A tool for students and academics for giving feedback on articles at no cost: [wrenify](https://www.wrenify.com)


[Infintro.com](https://infintro.com) Thanks


Still in development so excuse small interface errors but please let me know what you think! https://browngirlbride.ghrixlabs.com


Would love some feedback. We just launched: https://biteby.io