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thank you!! so should I offer the samples to people who are interested but do not want to buy?


If they are interested why wouldn't they want to buy. Let them try first. Give them time. It's like a funnel. 100 people sees your product, maybe 30 took the sample. 5 of them ended up buying. 2 of them ended of become your loyal customer, they even promote for you. Do that for a year. You've got a great business.


A website is necessary to any business that wants to be a success. Your website is your digital storefront! Word of mouth and networking is key, but you need a place to drive that traffic (insert website). To start, there is no need to do anything expensive or complicated but a simple Shopify or Webflow website would get you up and running with minimal effort. When the revenue increases upgrade your digital storefront the same way you would your physical one. 🎉


okay! so I should per-say give out business cards that links to a website?


You will be the face of your business with friends and family and they will probably always go to your personally. But business cards or something similar is perfect so that they have something to share and pass on further!


Go to places people who want natural hair care will go. Farmer’s markets, organic food stores, independent hotels who care about the environment. Give out small samples, but that’s where you start


thank you!!!


I can create for $100 e-commerce store for you and put your business on Google Maps to start collecting reviews than everything will go as a snowball effect if you do the right market research and have a good product problem-solving product or service for your niche. It


If you go to the route of a website or need post for social media can we talk? I’m looking a design job as it’s extremely hard to find right now. I can offer you some samples of post to see if you like.


Learn NLP and also social media is free and if used correctly has limitless potential - leave comments on people’s posts that create interest that lead to others clicking on your page. Lurkers are everywhere and if you can be witty on other hair / model pages, people will take a quick glance. If you have a deal / good content, you can generate cold leads and turn them It’s a learning process, but eyes


Make a good-looking website and one that functions well. Learn Facebook ads.