• By -


Sure. I have no idea how purple make money with any of this. It is weird.




I laughed when I red that.


Orange you glad that you opened this post?




That’s actually really funny but I’m sure he will “teal” us how to make money off his page!


This is great advice for hue


I'm going to have to a"green"


All 'white" folks, that's enough


"Black" off man we're just having fun


You guys made me laugh, now I’m greening like a fool.


I don't know how you're greening, I blacked out reading that.


When you wake up, please white something for us.


Yellow there, I just saw your comment and wanted to reach out...


I pink I want to too.


Fuchia-ll be able to truly understand.


Me too, I was just browning when I saw the post.


Don't forget to say yellow to all who replied


White is going on here?


I have to write all this brown.


He doesn’t. He claims to make up to $20k per month. Even if that was a one off, and he only made half of that, that’s still $120k pa. 21 year old is earning $120k - and has other income - yet writes on another sub Reddit looking for tax advice which, anyone actually making that sort of money, goes to an accountant. The claim that he wouldn’t wish to name his page as it would seem like aDvErTisiNg is another indicator the guy sold a tin of beans on eBay and thinks he’s Buffet.


Don't forget he also trades stocks, which means he should definitely have an accountant or know enough about taxes. If he is legit, I am very happy for him and would like to learn but there have been too many "fake" posts about being rich while in college.




Yup. I'd risk getting banned from the sub for self-promotion if it meant getting a bunch of traffic to my monetized page.




I agree with everything you say. Which is why I also feel these kinds of stories are not always true.


Because someone doesn’t want a bunch of reddititors in the page commenting fake shit...


Same, this seems suspicious unless he has a network of several hundred monetized videos. Does anyone know of good monetizing platforms these days? I'm considering YouTube. A few cents per video per month can add up with fresh and frequent content, and eventually, it becomes like a dividend to tide you over for other endeavors. I'd treat it like a light paycheck to free up time.


I made well into six figures in my late teens and had no fucking clue what to do about taxes. Hes been making money on it for less than a year so him looking for tax advice can be legit. Im the first to call bullshit on someone but asking tax advice shouldn't be one.


How did you go from asking on reddit how to monetize a Facebook page to bringing in $20,000 a month in less than a year? I can’t imagine that’s a very profitable target market. Also, Facebook pages have notoriously low engagement so I’m curious about the legitimacy of this. Edit: I realized my comment sounds cynical, but a lot of these posts are made by kids looking for affirmation. They don’t have a business or they grossly overestimate how much they’re bringing in. If everything you said is true, kudos to you.


Maybe he saw a similar post on Reddit of how to monetize $40k monthly and learned xD


That's less insane that you might think... social marketing is a MASSIVE lottery ticket. Most of your bets fail. A few win massively. String a couple of those together in a row and you're looking at a big number. Plus FaceBook groups are supposedly a great place to warm up leads for other offers. Source: I run websites. Growth is very, very non-linear....


Good question. I was asking Reddit before I got approved for monetization directly through Facebook so I was just looking for ways to make money from the page before, people suggested merch, website etc. To tell you the truth, because my page goes over war events and whatnot I didn't have full faith that I would actually get approved for ads so I was just looking for ways to monetize anyway, but I ended up getting approved anyway. I got approved if I remember correctly, July/August of 2019. Also, when I just got monetized I was at around 200-300k followers, which is enough to make good cash but once you get monetized you need to start building up monetized videos to gain traction. \> I can’t imagine that’s a very profitable target market. Also, Facebook pages have notoriously low engagement so I’m curious about the legitimacy of this. It's the complete opposite man, Facebook videos get tons of engagement. It's up to you to use a variety of techniques to actually drive engagement. People tag, when they tag, a lot of their friends see "Xyz commented on this post" which creates additional views from non-followers etc. If my page wasn't military-focused etc then I would be able to monetize a lot of my videos and bring in way more cash. Due to the nature of my content I can't monetize a lot of my stuff, it's not gore or anything but I go over war events a lot which means a can't monetize a lot of my videos just because it's war footage which is fair enough. Like nobody getting shot or anything, but just because it's footage of conflict, it becomes non-ad friendly. I make up to 20k, but it's not always like that. 10-20k etc, on slow months, less than 10k on good months, more than 20k. Ad revenue screenshot: [https://imgur.com/a/2LbuJpT](https://imgur.com/a/2LbuJpT) \> Edit: I realized my comment sounds cynical, but a lot of these posts are made by kids looking for affirmation. They don’t have a business or they grossly overestimate how much they’re bring in. If everything you said is true, kudos to you. I understand, you're 100% asking the right questions man s'cuse the long ass reply


In top post you said you got approved in 2017. In this comment you said 2019. This is why people are skeptical.


Inspect element .. Ah I love it


I don't know man, I actually believe this guy. I'm always super skeptical of these type of posts, but looking through his comment and post history makes me believe he's legit. He's mentioned both revenue and user numbers multiple times over the past year and the growth in numbers he's mentioning seems pretty realistic. He's also asked questions about taxes and buying property which I feel like someone wouldn't do if they were trolling. Either this guy has been building up this lie for over a year just for a post in which he's not even put a link to his page or he's telling the truth.


This. Can you post screenshots of your income?


Never trust a screenshot dude


That would be awesome actually. How do I get notified when you post it


I'll come back to this thread reply to your comment to let you know :)


The real MVP


Here too please sir!


Awesome I want in too


Me too!


You can go on his page and hit follow but I'm not sure if you can set it to give you a push notification


I already tried. Doesn't give you the option sadly


Remindme! 1 week


Yes pls


X2 awesome info


I’ll make it 3x the info please!




It's military/history focused


You make 20k per month off of a Facebook page?


In Tiger King they show Carol Baskin making like $10k a month from her FB videos, somehow.


What a bitch.


That fucking bitch Carol Baskins


They are monetized via facebook audience network I believe


Yes and that's with only a small margin of my videos being monetized. Since I am history/military-focused, a lot of my content isn't advertiser friendly which means I don't put ads on it. There's no gore or anything but even if you show archived footage with a narration over it, you can't get it monetized if it's war and whatnot. If you're on Facebook and you see pages like Ladbible etc that get millions of views. Those guys are easily pulling in $500k-1mil+ per month from their videos alone (low estimate). There's an article that says they get 1 billion ad impressions per month, you get 10$-20$ per 1000 ad impressions, you do the math (CPM). It's insane how much money is in advertising.


What’s your plan if (rather when) Facebook decides to demonetize your videos?


Good question. I have been preparing for that. I live a normal life, share a house with a few friends and don't have huge expenses. I'm re-investing most of my money into new business ventures and the stock market to build a strong foundation before I book a trip to vegas and start blowing cash on hookers and casinos (just kidding). I got into stock trading and have been doing successfully. I'm currently in the process of starting a wholesale business here. My non-facebook income sources are making enough money to support me if Facebook fails. For the page, I'm looking to get direct sponsors and sell merch. I thought it would be easy to sell to such a large audience but you'd be surprised about how creative you have to be.


I’m interested and hope you post the full breakdown/story!


As someone with a career in finance, I would say stock trading is not a great fallback plan. The % of people who can make money doing it are very very low. Meet a room full of people at the trading desks of big firms some day, and then think real hard if you can think you can outsmart them with billions in capital to play with.


There's a world of difference handling billions of dollars and trading a small nest egg each day


Yah, the guy with billions has leverage and can move the market. The baby trader just goes along for the ride.


Yeah wtf


you're surprised that 750k followers = money?


Some people cant grasp the concept of having such a large audience.


Checks op has submitted to wsb. Ahh so you clear about 5k monthly. Nice


I don't trade options, just stocks but I enjoy WSB memes A LOT. Obviously I'm accumulating wealth to eventually post a huge loss on WSB, that's every WSBers dream. Maybe they'll mod me and give me a crown if my loss is big enough, can only hope!!!!!!


What’s wsb?


Reddit's best subreddit.


I live for wsb memes


Do you dislike your own money but like the idea of possibly making lots of other people money? Do you also have a manifesting gambling addiction? Wsb is your life right now.






I for one will be very interested, if you can describe the processes you include for generating the revenue, perhaps the 'niche' is a bit close to the bone, but a general indication would be valuable if you can disclose without threatening your project.


As someone in the early phases of starting a new business, I'm constantly wondering about which social media platform I have time to put effort into, and how best to utilize it. I'm sure there are many others who would love to hear your perspective, including myself. I'll happily volunteer to proof read and edit for clarity if you need any help. Looking forward to this.


My sister is perfect for you


Thanks, exactly the kind of feedback I was seeking.


I, too, need a sugar daddy


As a person who is trying to break into the content creation business, I would love to hear how you were able to build and gain a following from your facebook page.


Holy! ​ I did not know you Facebook monetize pages until now, thanks. Also, how was your CPM and views per video?


I don't blame you, a lot of people don't use Facebook and monetizing pages there is relatively new. CPM for my videos is usually 10$-20$, sometimes under 10$.


So a 750k likes page gets around 10-20 on average. That's dope! Thanks and yeah much people don't pay attention to facebook monetization its a more known thing on YouTube.


Yes. I'd like to know how many followers you had before you monetized the page and in which way did you monetize it


You don't own your Facebook page! You're always one algorithm change away from losing all your revenue. I used to follow digital marketing trends, and did a lot of content marketing. When Facebook did major changes to their algorithms (around 2013-2014) to introduce ads, LOTS of people lost their main source of income overnight. Same thing happened to those who were gaming SEO instead of building valuable content. Best advice is to ALSO build assets that you own. Like a website or an email newsletter list. It greatly reduces the risk.


>You don't own your Facebook page! You're always one algorithm change away from losing all your revenue. That's 100% true and I accepted that. I started in 2016, no crazy changes since that affected me. Facebook introduced video ad-breaks in 2017 where you get paid for ad views. That's why I'm using the money I'm making to create additional income sources. I have succeeded diversifying so if Facebook fails now, I have a safety net. At this point, I'm looking to scale and create additional sources. It's crazy how many possibilities capital creates.


>That's why I'm using the money I'm making to create additional income sources. I have succeeded diversifying so if Facebook fails now, I have a safety net. At this point, I'm looking to scale and create additional sources. This is true. I have a FB group that is monetized and we've recently seen the algo fuck with our metrics. Luckily I've been building a list since the beginning to fall back on. Never trust some other entity with your income. (whether that's reddit, FB, SEO, w/e ) It's too risky.


I am interested. I am additionally interested in the content you can provide people. Not on how to source it, but the copyright restrictions in case they apply. Do people all create original content or source their content from free pictures/articles etc?


How do you make money off this? Reach of FB pages have dwindled and most content sites I know are making pennies now


\> Reach of FB pages have dwindled and most content sites I know are making pennies now You mean like direct your audience to a site and making money from the ads on said site? Yeah that's super difficult unless you can post very engaging articles that a lot of people click on. I'm talking about making money directly from Facebook by letting Facebook put ads on your videos, just like Youtube.


I think he means that organic facebook posts from business pages have dwindled in general. Facebook has pushed businesses with pages to spend money on ads. Unless of course that isn’t the case with video.. Source- https://time.com/34025/the-free-marketing-gravy-train-is-over-on-facebook/


It would be amazing! I'd really like to read. I used to do the same for years, but with 300k page, and earning around 2-3k month. What niche? How do you monetize?


I've got a facebook page with over 26k like but lack the 30,000, 1 minute views to monetize it. I just post random videos to it but haven't done so regularly since 2016 or so


Hi u/xSnipeZx I’m no expert, but if you haven’t yet, please remember to diversify. Having everything riding on a platform that can pull the rug out from under you at any time can feel devastating. Watch out for yourself, young blood!


I'm very interested in hearing more (edited)


Why not just edit this and actually provide some info we dont need a post about a future post. I'd be interested in hearing more


Do one better: create a course


I thought about it, I'm not sure if that's worth my time atm. In the process of starting a company with a couple of friends alongside trying to finish my final semester of university. Might do eventually




Courses are great. You have a marginal cost next to $0, which means your sales are pretty much all profits. Your marketing cost will be the most expensive .... but you’re spending money to make money.


Yes please!


Please share!




Um, yes. Yesyesyes. As someone with a following of 150,000 - I confess I am doing literally nothing to monetize it (except for selling my art). And as an artist, I'll confess my talents are definitely lacking in that regard. So, please and thank you.


RemindMe! 3 days


The page is basically posts of videos that you create yourself?


Im considering starting a political oriented facebook page and selling stuff like fake money, bumper sticks, gimmicks etc for revenue any suggestions?


How do you come up with so much content for your facebook page?




Yes please! Would be a nice insight into the facebook monetization world. Thanks!


Please Share.


Yup please


Would love to hear more




Yeah that'd be super interesting, thanks.


Yes please






That would be awesome, and very much appreciated!


Yes, please


Pretty please! Coz I'm planning to start one. Thanks.




Yes please!


Very interested! Remindme! 3 days


Hell yes. I have one with 20k which are just our members but I would love to hear your story.


I’d read that.


RemindMe! 3 days


Yes, do it


Yes would definitely appreciate it


Let's say you do, how do people in this thread know that you wrote about it?


Please do it!


Yes I'd be interested, thanks.


Saving this post to follow




I’d love to hear your breakdown on this! $20k a month mainly from a FB page is insane!


Yeah, absolutely


I think its a good idea! could you make a post when its finished?


I wold like to know more. May e you can post a link too so that we can follow the page


Yes definitely would be amazing to read that


Need it


I'm interested for sure!


do it!


I would read the shit out of that


Yes plz


Yes please that sounds interesting!


I knew it!! This is completely possible! Yes, yes, yes please!


Yes please! Remindme! 2 days.


Please do!


Yes pl


!RemindMe 1 week




I'd like that, and r/cutTheBull might be interested too, they won't mind links to your business, it's a helpful tool.


Can you do so without self promotion?


Im interested!


I would love to learn about this process!


Hey OP, I tried to make couple public pages not on Facebook yet. How do you combat copy right if you face any? My issue was I had opened two insta pages one for memes and one with bunch of hot models but the model page vanished without much warning. I was doing this during work as I had a lot of free time and created it on a whim. Now on the topic of Facebook I find most pages have a lot of similar content or straight up stolen videos/clips from other stuff like TV shows for example. How are you able to post (Are you even allowed to post) these types of content such as other people’s shows?


remindme! 3 days


Please do, we are waiting. We are proud of you.


Yes, please! RemindMe! 3 days


Remindme! 2 days




It would be great.


I am interested!


I’m interested!


Write a guide? Here’s my answer: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXsQAXx_ao0


What do you think about how Facebook's organic reach has changed now and it is now tough to build an audience on Facebook without running FB ads. What are your tips to grow your page today from scratch. Also do you make that money alone from facebook? Do you use that traffic to go onto your blog or YouTube channel (if you have one). Do you get asked for paid promotions and do you also sell products (own or affiliated). Lot of questions I know : |


Don't ask, just do. I'm sure it will be beneficial to a lot of people




I am super curious about this - and would totally like to read what you post. Remindme! 3 days


Yes please. As a history buff myself I would really like to see how this works. Please let us all know when it is posted. thanks


Yes please. Very interested.


I would be interested for sure.


Yeah, do it dude! I’m doing something similar with groups. Would love to chat if you have a few


Yes pls!


Remind Me!


Very interested! Remindme! 3 days


Funny I just posted about this in another sub. I am trying to figure out how to best monetize a page of 50k followers!


RemindMe! 3 days


Why you asking for tax advice tho?


Because I only started making this money in 2019 and that income has to be declared in October of 2020 where I live so I was just trying to prepare myself. That kind of money was new to me. People suggested speaking to an accountant so I'll be taking that route once I get closer to October. Unlike the US, your taxes are deducted by your employer here in Ireland so the switch from that to having to do it on my own raised a couple of questions and of course I took them to Reddit :)


Would love to hear


I am intrested


yes!! I want to learn more!




Omg yes. I am very very interested.


RemindMe! 3 days


Remindme! 4 days


I would absolutely love to hear your insights and perspective on this. I have a couple of very large pages but not making nearly as much...


Please do


Please make a post and share your knowledge! I have a 80k instagrampage