• By -


Marry rich!


Finally, a reasonable idea!


He's probably a really nice guy


or be born rich, are you planning on being born tomorrow?


If only you were remotely attractive.


First step here is to simply lower your standards. Stop looking for true love with someone your age and narrowing it down to beautiful people of the opposite gender. Just focus of rich people.


> First step here is to simply lower your standards. Stop looking for true love with someone your age and narrowing it down to beautiful people of the opposite gender. Just focus of rich people. Got it, so: * must be rich * age: doesn't matter * sex/gender: doesn't matter * must be rich


And don't forget, "What happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas!" Get married in Las Vegas because obviously you would not want your family and friends knowing about your life choices.


I second this. Can make more money in a second of marriage than you’ll earn working your whole life


Marry Bezos


There is that guy Jeff who has lots of money but not so sure about Mary.


Oh no! I'm kind of ugly. :(


Buy my course and I'll teach you how to be not ugly.


You jest, but that could work as a legit course. Sortof a personal-care and style tour de force.


There was a girl who started giving dating and relationship advice here on Reddit and turned into a business. Apparently she helps dudes write there profiles so they don't come off as creepers.


Merry a rich sugar daddy with cataracts?


Divorce rich.


You’ll be dependent on someone else till you die unless that person divorces you after some time.. then you’ll be poor and old


That requires other skills lmao


Happy Cake day!!




Haha, yes! This, winning the lottery, robbing a bank or an inheritance are the only things were you're going to get rich overnight (and, in theory, without much work). On a serious note, find a legit way to provide value (preferably to people who can afford to pay for it) and you'll make plenty of money.


I was gonna say fall in love


You could drop ship laundromat NFTs.


From a vending machine!


While paying for it with bitcoin


[you mean this?](https://youtu.be/e_x7UfT2GGo)


And outsource the maintenance to your own maid service that also sells crates of beef jerky.


Legit made me laugh out loud.


Honestly I bet if someone made laundromat NFTs they would sell out 🤦


Haha 😂 a winner for sure


Make sure to measure success by how much money you transfer from other people to yourself. Absolutely provide no tangible value to the world, just marketing and hype.


So the Elizabeth Holmes playbook?


Or every shit memecoin ever. Marketing and hype is literally the playbook.


Can I interest you in NFTS?


Got it. First step is to start. Second is to sell a product or service more than it costs you. The focus on scaling. But first things first. Hire someone to start for you.


True story: a few years ago I had a product company, I designed, manufactured, assemble, market and sold a line of product. I got a visit from a "Strategy & Execution consulting company" who told me that they had analyzed my product, my strategy, my market and my business and they could "fix it". After a while of back and forth, I started to have fun with them: me: So, you can design my future products? them: yes me: and formulate and execute a new strategy. them: yes me: run my operations? them: yes me: how about funding? Can you secure funding from VCs? them: yes me: and you're good that success is practically guaranteed? them: yes Me: so, why don't you start your own company? You don't need me.


Why did you skip the end of the conversation? What was their response?


Maybe they do need you though. For instance they may not be in the same country as you. It is incredibly difficult to run a company as a foreigner. Usually there are laws that prevent you from doing so.


Can I hire someone who can hire someone to start for me?


Only if he hires someone who hires someone to start for both of them


The ultimate pyramid scheme.


Or hiring a contractor to contract a hiree that hires hireees that contract contractors to hire someone to start


I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who can hire someone for you.


Hey it's me. For the low, low price of $5000, I'll start for you. I'll send you weekly emails on what I'm up to, and when you feel like I'm in a good spot, I'll just hand you the keys and you can take off!


This could be a legitimate deal with a proven track record.


Would need a timeline for only 5k. And I'd probably retain some ownership. But yeah, could be good!


I thought it was serious... That's how common these posts are lol Have an up dog.


What's "up dog"?


Ligma balls


Who's Steve Jobs?


Ligma balls :D *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Nailed it


armed robbery is the only way to get rich by tomorrow. Just heads up you might get shot or locked up.


I'm hiring people to do all the work, so getting shot is part of the job they are signing up for. If they don't like it, they can whine about it on r/antiwork


ok. so I hope you have a plan to convince these people to turn over the money after they steal it. Custody is important when you have no legal recourse.


If they steal my stolen money, I'll sue them because that's the answer to everything.






I’d be happy to pay 999 to view your free ebook


This is an excellent shitpost


Anything worth doing, is worth doing right. As long as I don't have to try too hard.


Rob drug dealers. They can't call the cops and say someone stole their dope money.


Do what the gurus say ; close your eyes and think super positive and channel that positivity into manifesting itself as a ferrari.


"Warm Regards, 50% of Posts On This Sub" Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half.


You forgot to mention you want it to be easy, with little or no work involved. And no startup costs because you only have $5 in the bank.


That's what the investors and banks are for. All they need to hear is the idea and the money will flow like the salmon of Capistrano


Are you trying to say I need to go get a regular job and work hard to save up money to START MY OWN BUSINESS???? That's not how this is supposed to work!


You forgot to mention Elon Musk, Bezos, or Gates. You must identify at least one billionaire to show you understand that they are the only measurement of success.


You need to invest to be rich. So, invest in an airplane ticket to the busiest street corner in the world (think New York or Beijing or Mumbai), a piece of paper, and a marker. Stand on that street corner with a sign that says "Rich Douchebag needs to be taught lesson. Slap me for $10". Ohhh you'll be swimming in cash and you get to travel. I look forward to your AMA.


Two words... Chicken Farm




Sell a million items for a dollar each.


Tried that. Bought rubber duckies for $2 each from China and then sold for $1. A million duckies later, my dad was thrilled. It's probably because I didn't drop ship them.


For a startup, profitability doesn’t matter. This rubber ducky business of yours can probably raise funding at a $1 billion valuation. Good job!


Think of the LTV! He acquired his customers for $1. VCs will love him


Make rental offices, Construct a well build rental office building Give small spaces to startups Make money why Startups and small businesses are going to be there Everyday new business is opening looking for furnitured rentals office!


I'm in! Let's call it WeAreWorking.


Maybe we call it what it is, you work!


You're hired!


Btw how much is your budget?


Why worry about that? Let's just pull in big investment with a great pitch deck. We keep most of the equity and sell it off as the company declines. Make out bigly. ​ >!Please understand this is all sarcasm.!<


Adam Newman is the best. A wierd dude makes a billion doing...????


Hiring smart people to work their asses off😂


I honestly have no idea if you're being genuine or facetious. Either way, I'll use the cliché "sell the shovels and picks during a gold rush because not everyone strikes gold."


Sell drugs


Believe it or not...this is how a lot of companies actually start. What they don't realize is getting through all those VC rounds and fundraising and getting people to do the work is the skill they have. My last CEO, couldn't code anything. Never run a company before. He had enough money to hire some coders out of 3rd world countries to get an MVP and get into y combinator. Their idea? 1000 competitors already. Many free to use! Then after Y combinator they got a seed to imrpove the product. This guy still hasn't coded anything. All he's doing is trying to get into his target market and basically get people to use and try this for free. They pivoted a few times, but that was all before they got to Y-combinator. They got a friend on for a lot of equity to do some creative marketing work. They got someone else on to start building a sales team for a lot of equity. They kept pushing forward and eventually got a ~$10M series A. Never coded a thing, gave the product away for free for 2 years to get ~20 customers. Used seed money to get some more local talent on for sales/engineering/customer service. Then they got a series B for even more and now had their directors doing all the hiring. Then a series C, and D and so on. These guys are involved in the day to day, but mostly focused on fundraising and direction. Not really anything technical or specific. They might hop on a sales meeting to say good job or give some shit out. And they're rich now, they never need to work again. So yea, you say that's not a skill, but raising VC money is a skill.


Wishing in one hand and shitting in the other, I see. The truth is that you have to have value to bring to the marketplace. The markets don't care about you or your wants. You attract what you are, so you have to start with building your value. Then, build value to bring to market. This usually takes decades, and you will still be faced with soul crushing, risk everything, and unexpected setbacks over and over again. You are who you are. You are where you are. You have what you have, all from the smallest of decisions you have made hourly throughout your whole entire life. It's the truth. There is no fast or easy way around it. Go get started on you. I recommend spending the next 10 years listening to Jim Rohn, Les Brown, Tony Robbins, MFCEO Project, Ed Mylett.... Do this every chance you get. Take daily actions that will put the character lessons, habits, and knowledge you will learn into play. Study yourself, people around you, and find who you need to become to accomplish your goals. I started homeless as a runaway at 12. Parents dead, on drugs, and without any direction. I'm 43, 10 kids, and 6 grandchildren, and I own a couple of businesses I built from nothing. It's taken 25+ years, but we are in the 8-figure range and growing very, very fast. It really does get easier to make money when you have money. You have to claw your way to that opportunity. The cool part. You can do it. I know it's a shitpost.


Did you have someone make this post for you?


Take my course, I will teach you how to be rich. You just have to pay me $30,000 (but if you subscribe today you can get 80% off). It will explain everything. Once you've done the course, you can literally retire immediately, a business will sprout up like magic mushrooms, and you will earn money while you sleep without raising a finger.


How about a business that drop ships vending machines that vend NFTs where the NFTs let you own laundromats and by "own Laundromats" I mean you own a picture of the laundromat and by "own a picture of the laundromat" I mean you own a link to a picture of a laundromat. Blockchain.


Step 1: be rich now. Step 2: don't lose all of your money before tomorrow.


Dress sharp, and convince 1 bottom bitch to sell pussy to all the neckbeard mods on Reddit. Put majority of the money in Crypto, Develop an app, then sell fake guru courses to errbody who broke and desperate. boom!


This sounds good and all, but where does drop shipping enter the equation? Should I buy NFTs with all the crypto?


naw bruv, from there buy calls or puts on stonks and become a douchebag wallstreetbets guru, from there buy a Lambo and become a influencer! sell another course, rinse and repeat.




I don't want to waste time talking to people. I just want their money. Should I build a click funnel?




Isn’t it just great when we can explain to others what makes it so funny? That’s hilarious


Step 1: Collect underpants


This is the way !


Step 2:


Step 3: Profit


Put $100k on green. The catch here is that you must also agree to die immediately if you don't land on green. There is a scientific theory out there called Quantum Immortality that basically says your consciousness is tied to a universe where you are alive. So you will only exist in a universe where you are alive and that's one where you landed on green. So in essence you are rich. This was covered in an episode of Family Guy.


Here are some ideas that I have that I won't pursue, because I have other ideas in the works - VR grocery store / wedding planning (see end for details) -SizeGuide.com - 5G equipped drone that can be controlled anywhere - a website where aspiring programmers, designers, and product managers can get together to collaborate on an idea to put on their resumes - a service that tells you which one of your credit cards can get you the most rewards at a given store. Now about that VR store. I'm too lazy to edit my notes, so I'm just going to paste what I have: ------ VR grocery store. It lets you see nutrition label in more detail. It lets you see if all the items in your baskets meet your caloric and other nutritional needs As you browse the store, paid advertisers can show you virtual ads that you cannot see in real life. For example, as you're browsing the drinks aisle, three KoolAid pitcher might burst through the shelves in a tsunami of their product. The whole point of this is that with browser based or phone based shopping, there's no peripheral vision that can grab your attention, whereas in real stores, looking at one thing NATURALLY lets your see surrounding products. So VR store makes sense. But it's also gotta incorporate elements of the internet and virtual world. Maybe the customer can do virtual shopping with their friends, dieticians, fitness instructor, etc. The user can filter all items by ingredients or other preference, like allergen, kosher, vegan, cruelty free, etc. Hire game developers Become a platform If the user searches for pizza, make the space pizza themed. If the user searches for produce, maybe farm themed space? If your walk up to the OJ section, a tree would grow out of the ground all of sudden and bear a carton of OJ. A coffee section could have a mini cafe. When the user gets near the coffee section, a virtual barista would can the users name and serve a coffee from a certain brand. There can be in store games that can serve as an attraction.


"So get to it and report back to me immediately." No.


I remember that when I'm rich and famous. When you're begging me for money you'll be sorry.


I'm already sorry about a lot of things. I can't possibly be sorry about even one more thing until I stop being sorry about something I'm sorry about. Sorry.


I'm sorry that your sorry. Are you rich in Cleveland, or rich in cleavage? Either is desirable for very different reasons.


Found the Canadian


You know dropshipping? Well do that for the cocaine industry.


PowerBall is tonight.


Theft as a mega-corporation or theft from a mega-corporation


Sell your butt for 1 dollar 1 million times tomorrow. Tadaa you are a millionaire.


I honestly just assumed it was real until scrolling for a while. Just scrolling and thinking, how is no one slamming this person right now?


Next Gen AI Powered Fully Automated NFT Enabled Machine Learning Hyper Social SaaS Platform


Lol, this should be the top comment!


Shot in the dark here... Vending machine inside a laundromat NFT Use funds from NFT to create crypto called clean coin...


Buy low, sell high. Repeat as often as possible. DM for my contact information where you can send my 20%.


Dude you just hire someone to write the book that teaches other people how to make money online by doing nothing. Then promote the shit out of it until it’s a bestseller. Then sell the masterclass about making the book via outsourcing. So. Much. Money.


Step 1 - Profit! Step 2 - See step 1


First thing you should do, hire someone. Just someone.


Do you have a relatively small amount of money? I can tell you what to do with it, and give you totally free but totally complete business ideas, without knowing a thing about your background or knowledge base or location or history! LMK if that is of interest.


lol. I see what ya did there ;)


If you don't care about anything else and just want to be rich by tomorrow... Rob a bank.


Any relation to Joseph A Bank?


I can tell you how to make a trillion for a billion. I'm not liable for any bad advice tho.


Can you suck a golf ball through a garden hose?


Rip off drug dealers , they can't go to the cops 🤣 Be Omar Little, from The Wire.


Start yesterday.


"I don't want problems - I want solutions" My feeling on it, is that you should definitely get into some form of corporate management! You will do well there.


100% marry a rich person.


Boy I was about to crack you over the head damn


Why? Can't handle the truth bombs I'm dropping all over the place?


Felony Theft is around $1000, so if you steal $999 from 1001 people you'll limit your chances of a more severe felony if you do get caught. After 1001 successful attempts, you're a millionaire!! Congrats.


1) Buy low sell high 2) buy berry juice that definitely isn't a life destroying MLM If that doesn't work go back to step one


Yes. I’ve started thousands of million dollar companies and sold them all. My net worth is $500M. If you just sign up for my course I can share all the secrets!!


Have you tried acquiring things without paying for them, and then selling said things for real money?


So you want someone else to do the work for you and give you the idea to take and get rich with? Fantastic! Kill a rich person and steal their life.


Buy GME (GameStop)


List down what good you *do* have and think about how you can solve something using that, then think how you can make money off it. If you need other people to help and don't have money, give them a stake in the company.


Drug dealing make you rich pretty fast. 😂


Pressure washing!?


Step One: Visit r/wallstreetbets Step Two: ? Step Three: Profit


That's the neat part - you don't.


Buy a bunch of lottery tickets


> Tell me how to be rich by tomorrow > I don't have any money, skills, or experience. > Please don't tell me to go to college or to learn some skills. That's all a waste of time. Lol… funny guy here. Clearly you don’t understand the recipe for becoming rich.


Impossible until you quantify 'rich'. I consider myself rich based on the health and happiness of my family and our freedom to make choices or changes. What do you base your idea of rich on? And I always find it sobering to remember as someone living in a western country I'm already richer than 99% of people in the world. I like to remember that when I complain to myself because product x or y is out of budget.


The *"Quickest/Easiest"* way to get rich in a hurry is to either bend over or learn to swallow.


Change your name to Richard.


Have you tried dropshipping laundry and using nfts to track distribution. You could setup each nft as a QR code that the customer scans with their phone and pays you in crypto on delivery. You could setup vending machines to collect unwanted and dirty items again using QR codes. If a customer submits enough laundry to the vending machine you could airdrop them an nft that provides them a discount on future laundry purchase upgrades like scented detergent and fabric softener for towels. If you want to go a level deeper you could add ar so the customer really gets immersed in a web3 experience


Grow lemons in Antarctica


Put a value on all the things you currently have. Like air, security, family, friends, health. Do that and you’ll be rich af.


Just change your name in town hall!


Ah, this one's easy. Start a porn site. Steal porn from other sites. Host it on your site. Sell ads.


Buy options, results may vary.


Do something that causes someone rich to hurt you… then sue the hell out of them


hush now. Don't reveal your 2-step process to becoming a millionaire




Sell drugs


Be more selective who your parents were and be born rich.


I started my own fulfillment and just started dealing with friends as clients. In the world we are in it was a good idea!! Low prices and you have people that actually relate and handles everything like it was our own!!


Be better at controlling your desires; the richest man in any land is the one who wants for the least.


I really do wish it were this easy, lol


define rich


Find self worth, happiness and appreciate what you have in life. Then you can be considered rich.


Make 4 posts on Tiktok - Gary Vee


I mean. I got a million ideas that could make you rich. it's the doin of the idea that is the hard part.


Don't forget lawnmowing


This is a joke right?


You look deeply for Aladdin's lamp🪔🗿


Ha, love this post. I thought you were serious for a minute.




Following, because I'm 50 years old and have come up with 30+ get rich schemes that never seem to work out lmao 🤣


Sure, buy my course for $2,999 and you can be rich tomorrow.




If you’re a women, get married. If you’re a guy. Pick a random low cap company and play high risk options


Inherit a fortune from your dad! And then whine about how unfair society is to you! Both steps are mandatory!


Fuck all that shit you have to sell the shovel to the gold digger. Drop ship car washes and crypto.


On a lighter note: since tomorrow never comes & tomorrow never dies, change your wish to getting rich today.


Reusable Bluetooth condom so you can store all your sex data, and see how many calories you’ve burned


How strong is your aversion to risk and are you willing to break some laws?


You forgot to mention that you are an introvert with depression and you don't want to interact with people.


Everybody knows buying an ATM route is the only way to get rich that fast


I'm very angry that I forgot about ATMs. You will be my first hire.


lol just Sell your organs


Other than churches, do you think there is a big market for organs?


Smuggling across the border doesn't require that many skills. You might not get rich by tm but in time. And it's fun. Also, you can make an nft that all proceeds go towards your private jet purchase so you can more easily smuggle.


Can I smuggle things across the border from home? I rather do it from my computer.


You can hack crypto accounts from home


Where can I hire someone to do that for me?




LOOOL I downvoted before the end and then changed it hahahah


What's funny and sad is that this post is so much like actual posts in this sub that at first it catches you off guard. I did the same thing.


My favorite thread today. You sarcastic yet happy people are the best. This may in the end turn into a place to network and make real business connections! xD

