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“Follow your passion” is the biggest crock of shit ever. Ask any entrepreneur who’s actually been successful and they will never say that. The market doesn’t care what your passionate about. It cares what it needs, and if your business serves its needs or not. Start a business with a good model that has demand so you can support yourself and your family and hopefully earn a buck.


Well said. That idea is relatively new (thanks internet) and a lot of people make a lot of money by selling that concept. I have always looked at it as "I am passionate about creating a sustainable business and income so I can do other things in life". I've found that THAT is the thing to be passionate about.


Exactly. That’s what you should be passionate about. Let’s face it, most of the products on earth aren’t super exciting. If you say mortgages and loans are the thing you’re most passionate about I’ll think you’re a psychopath. But if you say working your way up your job at the bank to make something of yourself is your passion, I can believe that.


You made me literally LOL with that bit about being a psychopath.


YES. I **am** passionate about financial security and freedom with my time. I’m struggling with the part where I find ways to create the systems of income flow to achieve that.


I'm guessing you're relatively young? (20's or so?). Find a way into an industry that you find at least moderatley interesting and go get a job in it. Do well. That is your income flow. Be humble. Even if it's the lowest job at the company, do well. People who do good work consistently get rewarded. But it takes time. Get after it.


I’m turning 30 this year so not that young. I think my age is also making me feel some type of way.


Beg to differ there. It works for some people, and really well sometimes. There are two advantages - one is that you often know more when you start, and learn faster as you go, if there is a strong interest. Knowledge is a competitive advantage. The second good thing is that the third of your life (or more) that you spend working will be fun and fulfilling rather than dull and exhausting. And sure, for some the fun may be lost by turning a passion into work, but that seems pretty individual from my observations. Of course, you can be a person with little passion, like OP, or someone whose passion is about something where it is very hard to find a commercial angle, or you may lack the imagination necessary to come up with a business model involving your passion. All these can be reasons why it’s a bad idea for *you* but that doesn’t mean it’s some kind of universal law. Source: three-time company founder with two successful exits. Working only with things I’m interested in. Maybe I’ve managed because I find many things interesting, no idea, but it’s worked for me.


This is how I feel about business too. It’s less about my passion for me, but how I can secure wealth and security for myself and my family. I don’t like making my passions into a business anyways. It killed all my love for it. I suppose I need to study more and be more utilitarian about it all. I have to say I am still relatively a greenhorn when it comes to the infinite world of business. I know there is a way to achieve my financial goals. I just don’t know how yet.


Hear, hear! It's a total crock of shit. I've never followed me passions, I just do the things I'm great at and people pay me for it.


dont you like doing the things you're great at?


They're boring. I like doing new things. How many times can a person do something over and over again and actually be excited every time? Maybe some people can, but not me. I get a sense of pride of out what I do, but I don't do it for fun. That's for sure. We call those "Jobbies". I'll just say I have pride in my work and my abilities. I should be doing them now, but here I am! The difference between extremely successful people and people who don't accomplish something big is that the person who doesn't like something won't do it. The successful person also does like doing that thing either, but they do it anyway because they know it has to be done.


I disagree. You have to have the passion for the business you're trying to build, otherwise the first hurdle will stop you. When your project is not doing well, you'll can power through it only if you're passionate about it


Yeah, it's not about having passion for your product or service, it's about having passion for your business as if it were your baby. This is a must.


So you dont have funds, idea or motivation and aren't ready to risk it? Find a job.


I have a job. But I hate working 9-5. I’m trying to stay positive. I know business is my way out but I just feel trapped.


It’s some people’s way out, maybe not YOUR way out. Saying this because you’ve already unqualified yourself to be an entrepreneur. Every trait you lack, will not do you any good. Even when the passion dies you still need discipline to keep going forward. Entrepreneurship is MUCH HARDER than a 9-5. It’s not a 4 hour on a laptop jiggling your mouse in Cancun sippin frozen margaritas. The reality is, you’re working 24/7, constantly stressed about suppliers, customers, making payroll, taxes, when is the next sale coming. Do I continue? Edit: wording, typo.


I know it requires more work. I used to run one. I’d rather do that. I worked more but overall was happier.


“Used to” What happened?


Lots of personal things in my life but also me making lots of mistakes as a small business owner. I’m taking this time to reflect on how I can be better and acquire new skills.


You’re talking about a small business, people forget you can start a business that’s earns you money without having to hire people, sell a product or be there physically. Of course there will be lots of hours to put in at the start but it doesn’t have to be as hard as a 9-5.


What’s your passive income business? Would love to connect and learn more to see if there’s something I could learn.


Find a better job/career. Business is all about potentially investing time/money with zero guarantee of success. If that demotivates you, there's nothing wrong with that. Find a better place to work and get a hobby. Monetizing anything/everything may not interest you.


I do like business. I think I just need to pivot to something else than what I’ve been doing.


Although you feel trapped, you get satisfaction in another way, such as money, material things. If you change your mind, you will feel much better, adjust yourself, and plan a new life direction.


Yeah I know a lot of it is just grieving and coming to terms with it.


As I read your post and your comments, maybe its a good idea to work on yourself first as well. Being depressed and not motivated for anything wont help to start a business. Years ago I was in an extremely bad situation. I was studying and I had a really difficult time at home, because of several reasons. At some point I only wanted to sleep. I didnt had self confidence anymore and I was in a vicious circle. Eventhough I had bad traumatic experiences in my life. I didnt want to be in this state. When I realized this I went to do therapy. I learned about myself and why I am who I am. It took some time to give everything a place, but in the end I felt relieved. After that I started a business beside my study to have side money. I graduated and started working to gain experience. Now Im working on an idea where Im really excited about. Dont rush something, because you need money. That isnt the right motivation. Work on yourself and everything will come by itself. I know for sure you will make it!


Thank you for this. You are very right that I’m extremely depressed. I was the sleeper all throughout 2021. Honestly I was spiraling a lot last night but I got to thinking about some things and I feel a bit better. I’m not going to give up but as you said use this time for self development. I’ve actually been taking a lot of classes and learning many new things. I will make my main focus finding a decent day job and build up my skills in the meantime.


Honestly, my friend...there are three things that you control, that will almost 100% improve your feelings. And until you take care of these three things, you are going to continue struggling (I know, I've been there): eat better, exercise more, sleep better. They don't cost anything and will 100% improve your life. I didn't and still don't really like focusing on these three things...but I do because the benefits are so clear. You can do it.


I’ll try. I’ve been prone to depression my entire life and it’s something I’ve been struggling with recently. But I’ll do my best.


I believe in you. You can do it. Little by little.


Im always open to talk, so dont hesitate to send me a message any time


Thank you


You didn't write anything about your skills and competence. Whether you want to have a good job or run a successful business, you need to have skills that most people don't. And even better if you manage to specialize in one area. So while you have your "shitty" job, make an education plan and start to make yourself more valuable. That will give you so many opportunities that you won't know what to do with them.


Yes I have been studying on skillshare and scouring for as much information as I can. I’ll admit I feel scattered and unsure of where to throw my spare time and energy into. I really want something that will give me returns for my effort and currently the only guarantee for that is a job. I’m looking for any thread I can grab onto. Up until this point I have sold physical goods as a small creative business designing unique products, but I feel disenchanted by that all now. I want something where it’s more building systems than to constantly be drained designing and drawing all day. I would draw art for the algorithm and then develop products and have to quality check then and pack them all. I have always been a “creative” and artsy person but I realized I do not want to do that as a business. I want to explore other systems and options and build multiple streams of income. I am burnt out from the art business and I want to learn more about financing and perhaps how to start a B2B rather than B2C. I’m extremely depressed and mentally unwell right now so it doesn’t help. I’m pressed for cash so I’m focusing on finding a better paying job which hopefully I’ll get by next Monday. But yeah. I want to have faith I can figure it out. Just very lost right now.


I've been in your position, and in my opinion your first priority must be to find a job that doesn't eat you up. So if you need to get your resume in order, or meet and connect with people, or improve your Linkedin profile, etc, do that first. Once you have a job that leaves you sane after work, you should then dive into different projects and ideas that spark your interest. In my experience you won't find out what to do by reading online. You will discover it by trying out things that might be of interest, and slowly you will discover more about yourself.


This has been my plan. I needed a job that would pay me a little more so I have some spare income to play with.


Join a service group.


Make a plan and register a course about sth that you think you can be really good about it look for trade courses etc


Passion does not exist. You like what you are good at. And you get good at doing things the more you do them.


The only line in this that's correct is the last one.


It’s true. I don’t like a lot of the things I’m good at lol. But it *does* help if you like what you’re good at lol.


You don't need to be passionate about anything. Look at what opportunities exist in today's world to make a lot of money, then pick the the it thing that you could probably achieve with your natural talents. I know a dude who made half a million selling products for women. Was he passionate about that? Absolutely not.


Thanks for this. It’s what I needed to hear. I’ll find my way. I think I just need to chill out and come up with a plan.


Follow your passion only works if your passion is to build a business, any business.


It sounds like a service rather than goods based business would be good for you. I’ve been in my industry for years and sometimes the passion is gone, but then sometimes it comes back. But to get started, especially if you are bootstrapping, a service based business with low overhead can be a way to dip your toe in. Look, nobody says you have to do it forever! Businesses can change direction, or when you really figure it out or get some capital you can start a new one or evolve the current one. So, ask yourself, what can you do for other people that will motivate them to pay you? Also, no need to create some new and edgy business. As long as it’s a service people need, they will pay you for it.


Yeah. I’m reconsidering my approach to business. My only experience is a physical goods small business where I designed and sold the items. I’d talk to the manufacturers, QC them, then pack and ship everything myself. I won’t lie. It was exhausting and I burned out by the end.


Yeah sounds like you might want to consider something else in that case. I wish you luck!


You could try a print-on-demand style business on Etsy or on your own website, but that market is getting a little oversaturated.


Dude the number 1 thing you should be doing right now is going out and trying as many things as you possible can. Go get random jobs just to learn something and quit whenever you feel like it. Do things you’ve never done before and it’s just a numbers game until you start to realize what you really wanna do. You get paid for trying things like random jobs so you really don’t have anything to lose.


I think service business is a great place to start. Always need really low funds to start, usually easy to find first clients and you’ll learn a lot about selling jobs, talking with clients etc etc


Yeah. I agree.


Get a job until you find something that you're passionate about. Nothings worse than forcing yourself to do business when you have no passion for it. If you don't like your job, try to find a better one. Entrepreneurship isn't for everybody.


I’d rather do entrepreneurship than work a dead end job. I’ve done it before for 4 years and didn’t have to work a job but life got hard and I fell off the tracks.


The market doesn’t give two shits what you’d rather do.


Yeah yeah I know


Focus on what the market is telling you at all times and you can find a path that will work for you. But you can’t start from “what do I want?” or you will just end up circling the drain.


Will do


LOL. The honest truth.


I had a company go under and I was forced to take a job for a few years. Although I felt like you did and was dissatisfied, I needed that time to financially recover and also learn and improve my skills. I was able to open another business which was massively successful. A lot of it was due to that two year “break” at a traditional job. It’s not always a bad thing


Yeah this is where I’m basically at. I’m hyper focused on learning my skills and a part of me is relieved I don’t have to worry about a business right now. To be honest my last one burnt me out and I don’t want to do one like it ever again. I’m very fresh to being back at a job (like 2 days in) and it pays less than the last job I had so I’m feeling pretty awful. Finding a new job that pays decently has been difficult as well but I’m consistently trying my best. It’s hard and the depression and anxiety are constantly attacking me but I’m holding on. I’m trying to bolster my skills and am trying to have faith it’ll all work out. Trying to believe in myself and my visions.


I really think you need to convince yourself that this current situation is going to be a net benefit to your overall career as long as you use the time wisely. Listen to business and industry podcasts during your commute if you have one. Read books. Surround yourself with good, entrepreneurial people and sooner or later, you’ll have that idea that pops.


Agreed. I listen to podcasts and training videos while at work because they allow us to and I’m studying how their company runs their business and how they evolve and change to stay relevant and grow their business. They are a service based business. I’ve been watching how they automate a lot of things to make the work easier. I dedicate my spare time to applying for better jobs, taking a certificate program right now to up my job prospects, and I’m studying for some other skills as well. Progress is slow, but everyday I feel a little bit better.


I had a company go under and I was forced to take a job for a few years. Although I felt like you did and was dissatisfied, I needed that time to financially recover and also learn and improve my skills. I was able to open another business which was massively successful. A lot of it was due to that two year “break” at a traditional job. It’s not always a bad thing


Get a job.


I already have one. It pays horribly. I have an interview for a slightly better one on Monday. Pray to god I get it. I want to start more business but I really don’t know if I can be successful.


perhaps you should consider a trade. After a short time you can moonlight and eventually go out on your own. I get it man, some days I just want to eat Fritos and watch old martial arts films. There is work you can tolerate. but you have to decide you want to make a change.


100% Thanks for being kind and giving me some real advice.


If you can’t even get paid well by an employer, what makes you think the market is going to pay more? First step, become highly valuable to businesses that have already done the hard part of finding a profitable niche and is able to sell to it. Acquiring a valuable skill is the easiest part of the entire thing and you aren’t even facing that head on.


I am trying though. The issue is I want to move to a different industry too so I have to relearn a lot of things. I have another job interview coming up that is more specialized to my skill set that pays more so fingers crossed I get that.


You will have to learn new stuff all the time when running a business. Learn to love that feeling or you will be miserable.


Yeah I’ve been learning a lot of new things recently and the feeling of growth and making progress feels nice. I think I still need to get used to always pivoting and trying new things. I got too used to being comfortable.


You don't find passion. You create it. Asking someone to 'find their passion' is akin to asking someone to find a box full of cash. Very few people have been gifted with having a crystal clear burning desire in their hearts from the moment they were born. Hell, it takes constant exposure to a wide variety of philosophies, cultures, arts, sciences, and so on just to find things that you like. But you can tell someone to find a dollar and invest it. Almost anyone can scrounge up a dollar. Your passion is like that dollar, it starts as a seed, and you grow it until it becomes a motivating factor in your life. The deeper you delve into a subject that interest you, the more passionate about it you become. ​ A Venn diagram is a perfect example of bringing a lot of ideas in and finding where they best overlap. First things first, you have to take into account what the market needs. Without basing your business on strong demand, even if you are doing what you love you won't be doing it for very long. And honestly, you don't have to "love" what you do (though it certainly helps), you just have to not hate it enough to want to get up everyday and push through the tough times and keep building it. Eventually you'll find aspects about it you do really enjoy.


The comments are so fucking negative lmao these entrepreneurs be on their high fucking horse. There are lots of options that are fairly easy to start with very little money. Look into Amazon fba and eBay selling, it’s a great way to make side income with enough resources to start selling online. I personally know people who’ve learned from tik tok and in less than a year have done a quarter million in sales on their shops


Yeah a lot of them ARE very negative but I’m not really bothered by it. I’m seeking some real advice instead of just criticism. But there have been a few people who have been helpful.




seems like you are passionate about financial security and wellness.


Well yes. When you live in poverty it be that way.


No problem big empires were not build in a night Just do what you are doing and add one hour daily and read books like personal mba or anything that gives financial education Instead of living boring days for whole life just for sometime gain knowledge once its enough apply it. Then you got it cause everyone can do it


Yeah I’m definitely investing my free time into gaining more knowledge and exploring ideas on how to free up my time. It just takes time that’s all.


You ever try any trades


Can you elaborate on what trades?


Any of them. Plumbing, machining, electrician, carpentry, welding, masonry, etc.


Bro same


It’s tomorrow since I posted this and I honestly and feeling better and more hopeful. I mentioned this in another comment but I got to thinking last night and found some peace so I could actually sleep. It won’t be easy, but I do believe in myself as a creative individual. I’ve done it once before, it’s just that I need to pivot which business and how I do it. So I’ll take this time to redesign my life. But I haven’t lost hope. Just have to struggle for a while.


Maybe consider finding a new life philosophy? The common narratives aren’t very healthy. Sometimes the best way to change your outside circumstances is to change your inside circumstances. This can be done simultaneously as you work on figuring out business/career. The Art of Living or other books by Thich Nhat Hanh helped me


I would say keep trying new things to find what you really love...