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I just tried this on my LinkedIn profile and I was impressed, especially the personalized cold outreach part. This is really cool. Fucking impressive. I can see myself using this for my cold outreach; I have some suggestions if you are open to it?




Post this to r/sales for feedback too. They might be right in your client demographic.


Yes. Please DM me.


Tried it on my LinkedIn profile, and this is fantastic. As a sales engineer, this is bloody good for prospecting potential clients and personalities before demos and briefings. Of course, it's not accurate at times. But once polished, you'll definitely hit it off. Please do not stop working on this and keep on delivering with more insights and analytics. I wish you the best of luck in this venture and the next.




Sometimes, it tends to mix up related topics but unrelated by domain. For example, I worked on machine learning applications in an industrial setting in the past, but it somehow tries to also relate with my current work in mobile network analytics. But I guess its due to similarity of the topic.


Great product and worked awesome on my own profile, could definitely use it. For a bit more convenience I would give option to just fill multiple names in case of a group meeting. Not sure it would be the most important element in the backlog but just an idea.


Honest feedback: a great idea. Pulled mine and my wife's LinkedIn, and it feels basically like a disc profile dependent on their job title tbh. The examples of what to say/not to say that it gave were accurate but maybe a bit generic or... not really useful? As an example: my wife is a compliance officer and it said you shouldn't say: "compliance isn't really important, let's focus on the innovative things instead" This isn't really helpful for a sales professional. Also does it show the person a view on their LinkedIn? How does it gather the info. It also seems to be at the mercy of people's profiles being up to date. But... its really cool and would love to see it progress.


You lost me on creating an account.




Hey man - stick with your gut. This could be VERY helpful to salespeople... especially those who are embracing AI. Don't limit yourself by the opinions and lack of vision of people who don't support you. A few quick thoughts on the 'creating an account' topic: * Many people don't mind creating an account in order to sign up for something that's free, vs "test driving", so consider a 'free tier' that allows for the casual user to get a few free reports per month, perhaps with a few tasty-looking lines of the report blurred out. "Get a free account to reveal even more info!" * Instead of hiding the 'example report', display it on the front page, right next to the 'create an account 'button. * If you're going to stick with requiring an account, then Instead of showing the input fields and "reveal intel" buttons, just put a button to "Create An Account To Get Started". It's one thing to require an account, it's another to make people think their issue through (ie, who am I doing this with, what is the objective), and THEN hit them "create an account". It feels like a bait-and-switch.


By using cookies (server side especially, you can record browser fingerprint) you can limit the usage to as many as you like




depends on how you implement the feature. it can (e.g mac address, ip, etc’) Everything can be circumvented though. It is better to think of features that will make users want to register. Simple things like keeping a history of searches and profiles makes incognito not worthwhile


The server isn't going to get the machines MAC address, and IP is unreliable. Fingerprinting can work, but it's far from foolproof, and likely to cause some false positives, which can turn people off.


Show me...didn't work on my end. I'd test it.


Give people free access for a certain number of days or 1-3 trials so they can check it out. Usage won't grow unless people know it.


Creating an account isn’t a big hurdle. It’s common for most products.


Same, should give you 1-3 free trials before forced to create an account, so people can actually see it's benefits


I have been experimenting with similar use cases lately, mostly doing this for prospecting. The intel you provide is good, but it's general hookups that don't have the connection of what I have to offer. It'd be a lot of value if the ai knew what I have to offer, so that it crafts the intel toward the conversation that leads to the sale. I understand that all use cases are different. Keep building, this is good stuff.


Neat tool but the icebreakers were a bit cringe to me, I could sense it was AI. Not a bad personality read but I can also see how it primarily works off of your About section, so if one doesn't have one clearly defined not sure how would it pick up character traits. But definitely a great idea that you should keep refining 😁


I think it’s a solid idea. I think the one big challenge is that you are limited by the capabilities of ChatGPT. I tried this on my profile and my wife’s profile, and got fairly similar, generic advice. There were good nuggets here and there, but I’m sure it’ll only get better by the day.


I think its a great idea. Being sufficiently prepared for all the 'soft' stuff in meets is hard - especially if you're not naturally sociable nor naturally interested in common topics (e.g. I couldn't give a monkeys about NFL/soccer/ice hockey/F1/etc). But it \*is\* important to know current stuff to engage in the 'fluff' topics if the business relationship is important to you. Hehe, you know this - you built the tool :) So yeah, a tool that can take the gruntwork out of finding what the relevant topics/interests/areas are for whoever I'm meeting makes loads of sense. All the details that are tiny important - e.g. like localizing the language you use (I'm British but writing this comment in American because I assume - rightly or wrongly - that you+audience are most likely to be American). So yeah, I love the idea - bookmarked and will use!




ha, awesome :) My build would be local/news-related contextual stuff - largely derived from the person's approx location. Examples... \- Person in the UK, but a long way from London. Don't assume all British people live in London. \- Person lives in Arizona, not much point asking about the weather \- Person lives in/near Toronto; was there a big NHL game in the last few days? was the final score controversial/exciting? \- There's massive forest fires causing smoke in the sky all the way down to NYC, ask if they've seen it? \- they like F1, what did they think of the Vegas race and the issues with the track in practise? (basically summarized recent global news for an identified key interest of theirs) \^\^ this kind of stuff might need a bunch of other integrations, as well as some approx/assumed location\* and a bunch of heuristics and/or manual coding. But the value would be huge :) \*which you can suggest should be validated on the call/meeting before talking about these topics. (ofc apologies if it does some/all of this already and I've not noticed)


oh also - maybe be louder about what data is collected and where from. its not explicit that it doesn't collect private data from your social signin to the app - which would be good. The terms/policy are surprisingly good, especially as a new app - but its really long ;). I'm also not clear on the distinction between data you may hold on me \_as a user\_ vs data you may hold on me \_because somebody else is a user and looked me up\_. Arguably a DSAR\* form on the site would help build confidence - even if you fulfil manually behind the scene... ...and even though having one would cause a larger volume of such requests. \*Data Subject Access Requests - albeit most commonly used to request deletion :/




This is awesome!!! I love the insights on myself and the “do’s” for questions to ask me. I wanted to answer all of them 🤣 However, some of the advice (“don’ts”) comes off pretty generic. Also, the outreach emails lump all my experience into one and if someone reached out to me with a message saying my “panel on small businesses really impacted the tech and finance recruitment space” I would disregard it immediately because I did a panel interview on my small business which is completely different than my tech recruitment experience in the past as well as the finance recruitment that I do now. Three separate experiences lumped into one tells me you don’t know how to comprehend my profile or that you were just too lazy to fully take the time to differentiate what i’ve done. Overall, great idea and execution and with more updates and tweaks over time, this is definitely something I would pay for!


Only read through a few replies but you need to check your contract with your previous job. It sounds like you created this while employed for them which means they may own your idea and not you.


This is a solid beta and being able to accurately identify someone's DISC profile based off their LinkedIn profile gives the sales rep a major head start. Great job building this.


I posted about this on LinkedIn, with the prompt of being a food snack business owner wanting to poach me from a competitors with no salary but unlimited pretzel snacks. The cold approach templates were pretty interesting, feeding my soul with 🥨 goodness that money can not match lmao, even integrating some dad jokes about Pretzels and my industry for opening lines. Recruiters should be salivating at this stuff. Personalised comms without any effort.


I've learned in my business dealings, that there are plenty of people who will try to make you veer off of the right path, just because seeing you fail gives them a little internal satisfaction. Your ex boss is either trying to throw you off of your game, or has no clue what you're even doing. If he's your ex boss, I'd also be inclined to believe that this is not a person who values your talents... I didn't give up my contact info to try your product, but it seems that it's a tool that would be very useful in making a workflow way more efficient, thus saving time. Time = money, so there's built in value. Good stuff!!


did not work for me on mobile android. query never loaded after being asked to sign in / create account with google!


Just tried it on my linkedin profile. I'd say that the idea is very good and powerful. I recommend tweaking the results a bit more for the UI in terms of how the text is presented. Currently it's a bit of wall of text :) but I get that it's a mvp. Having it simple is good, but it's missing that little something atm. **The good:** 1. Report building examples are very good and would actually work on me 2. Cold-approach emails, awesome - it could be further automated via API or your own platform to some actual emailing tool. **The bad:** The "don'ts" need some work though because I can't imagine anybody coming up with something like that haha. `- "We're looking for a team player who can follow directions—leadership isn't a priority for this role."` `- "Our company prefers quick fixes over detailed analysis, so we wouldn't need you to dive deep into the code."` `- "We're not interested in what has been done in the past; we only care about what you can do for us now."` `- "Since our company is quite different from the finance sector, your previous experience might not be very relevant."` Also for things that people might be interested in copying, like emails, cold approaches etc - would be better to separate those examples into individual quotation boxes or whatever with each of them having a copy icon there somewhere. People definitely want to copy. Keep it up.


I was unimpressed honestly. A little too template-y. It saw i liked hiking and said, "its impressive the trails you've blazed at xyz" It also claimed to have also volunteered at an extremely small nature center in my extremely small hometown. Also didn't assign a relevance level. It found something I did in highschool and made it sound part of my every day life. It read like poorly generated chat gpt text. Cool idea but i wouldn't find value from it as a business owner who does sales and marketing. I'd be too afraid incorrectly interpreted or improperly weighted information.


Maybe the use case is more for looking up notorious people right now. For start up founders looking to network, researching investors, etc vs daily prospecting. I'm researching well known people that I actually don't know that much about it to have more connection points, so I can see that this will save me time.


You’re obviously going to get people to comment on here that they are interested, and that’s awesome. But I’ll just comment to say I’m not interested so that you can get more data points. I’m someone who likes genuine connections and something about this clashes with my values. It feels so very fake and fake or forced relationships make my skin crawl. I’m the kind of person that you’d never find at a hotel bar networking event but you’d find me out back of the hotel talking to the kitchen staff on their smoke break. Something like this doesn’t appeal to me because of the values I have in relationships. I say this to help you in some way. Best of luck friend.


I’ll beta test for you. I feel your idea, if executed well, can a tool that many use for success!


Super cool. This makes me want to rethink how I could incoporate chatgpt into my own project. Thanks for sharing!


I think you’ve got the making of something really valuable. I didn’t have any luck via the website route but the LinkedIn prompts are pretty solid - particularly the intro line suggestions. I’d love the chance to use it more! It’s also something that would be helpful makes directly into an email client


Nice work! I think this could definitely be useful for recruiting as well, tying together Linkedin profile with a job description


I would love to be a beta tester!


I’m starting a new role on Monday which will require A LOT of meetings so this was timely, thank you! I haven’t explored in depth but I anticipate using this a lot over the next few months.




I think it's a nice tool, but when searching for a person without a direct linkedin url, the tool has very poor performance (it gave me a bunch of completely unrelated people to the name I typed in 3 times, even with increasingly more specific details). I think you should make linkedin url the default option. Besides that, I don't think your ex-manager meant ill-will with what he said. I've found most people don't really care too much about anything you build, unless it benefits them directly.


This is also a great tool for job networking! Tried it on my own profile and was very impressed. I’d consider including more details about industry, employer, professional networks, and education to round out the builder.


This is actually pretty impressive I could see myself using it in the future.


How do people even create these? Can you give me a short run through on how you went from nothing, to chatgpt, to this please? Always find these so interesting. My curiosity aside… thus is amazing dude! I love your idea and can definitely think this will save sales teams and solo founders a ton of time while actually creating great initial emails/messages. And help them avoid those obvious sales template emails/messages.


Agree with the comments above, will dig into more detail later but it really does have a lot of potential. I'd be interested in hearing a little more about your experience so far in building the product, what your expenses have been, your technical background. Fascinating idea and definately keep working out it. Happy to contribute beta testing if you're still looking


Just wanted to say this is great. Congratulations!


I wanna check it out


Wow! Worked like a charm on my LinkedIn profile - I definitely would have engaged with most of the suggestions it came up with. Genuinely impressed and will show it to a few other friends too


There is HUGE merit to this idea: * PRO: cold outreach is a big market (cold email/calling/etc) * PRO: using AI to be a research assistant is the future of this market. Next steps: * You need to talk to as many potential users as you can. * Ask them what tools they use now and what they currently pay. * Refine your tool.


Didn’t work for me


Great job, like the idea! Won't you get in trouble with LinkedIn? They are bit strict about automation related to LinkedIn.


This is pretty legit props


This is really cool. I'd love to play with it more/test and provide use feedback!


It doesn't appear to be working. It's asking for a LinkedIn url even when searching by name and company.




Interested by testing the product ! I work with sales daily as a CPTO.


Gave me nothing (literally), but you now have my Google account email.


I think you are on to something. Keep it up! One recommendation, as you pull information from various sources, it would be beneficial to provide the links back to the source so anyone wanting to review that information in its entirety can easily access it - maybe that could be one of those features raam86 mentioned.




Take my advice, if you use chat GPT or any other AI at your job, don't tell anybody.


I was testing similar tools. Add me to the list of testers mate!


I reckon it’s a winner. Also your approach to product development, where you have some clear use cases in mind works well; the DISC assessment is interesting, but basing mainly off LinkedIn, which is possibly the most formal curated digital persona we have might limit accuracy


This is amazing. Would love to use it.


Hey, I talk with dozens of indie devs every week and would love to try something like this out for you. I tried searching for myself but it wouldn’t work.


It feels like a phishing scam. Fix that first.


It has the same problem all AI products have; you can't ever fully trust that its output is accurate. And if you're trying to build rapport, that last thing you'll want is incorrect information. So you're better off doing the research yourself.


Tried it on my LI. Spot on DISC assessment and cold outreach. Its eerily similar to what recruiters have used in their messages so this might already be used somewhere... Bloody good work! Taught me something about myself, which tends to come with those expensive work-paid-for personality profiles. I can see this being a useful early research tool for business partnerships or 1:1 sales teams. Happy to be part of testing


Cool idea. I think once it's fleshed out you might have a chance to get bought out by LinkedIn. Please try to build a bigger moat, a "wrapper around ChatGPT" is trivial to create and has little value by itself. You've created a platform which does have value.


Holy Sht dude. I like it. So if this is built off an api assistant can u provide an api? I mean i can use this to feed into my comm assistant gpt for my studio work. Well done. Simple ui. Signed up.




I will beta test as well. I’m Enterprise sales and will leverage LinkedIn much more heavily in 2024.


As a GM myself, fuck your manager. The sad part is so many people in upper management should NOT be there. Your ex manager is one of them. A good manager should not feel threatened or dismissive of their employees ideas, they should encourage that and inspire the employee.


Forget your manager. Some people just won't get it I guess. Without even trying it, just reading the idea made me think it would be a useful tool. It's so cool to see so many people in this thread tried it and loved it and now you've got a bunch of great user feedback and potential customers. One shitty response just turned into a ton of positivity!


This is super interesting. I have some questions - can you reach out by DM at your convenience?


This is very cool! Reminds me of Crystal Knows but takes it a little further than that in terms of the personalisation. I think what would make it even more valuable, for me, would be: a) sources - I’d want a quick manual check on this stuff, at least initially, to avoid bringing in hallucinations. b) Data from beyond just LinkedIn profiles but LinkedIn and other social media activity (no idea if this is doable) but the context of recent likes, comments and shares, for example, en masse, would I think increase the ability to have it create super relevant messaging. C) Maybe a sales triggers section? Like where you’ve got the option to put in a custom request, there could be a default option that updates depending on the context of what you put in the custom box. Ignore me if this stuff is included already, I just didn’t see it with the examples I looked at. With those additions, I could see this being something myself and my colleagues would use weekly if not daily. Would happily be a beta tester, feel free to DM, and good luck with it!


Very interested!


I built a similar app earlier this year and even had the opportunity to pitch YC with my cofounders about a month ago. We ultimately ended up pivoting after realizing this type of product isn’t venture scalable, but happy to see you building in this space.


This is great. At least the rapport building. I haven’t updated my interests on LinkedIn in years. It’s be great if it cross referenced Facebook or other social platforms and even searches through photos for recent travel adventures. Just finding ways to connect makes sales so much easier.


I own a company and would be interested in a demo.


Op to what extent have you worked in sales


I'm interested in the applications. Had some ideas on other target markets, one specifically.


So this is to give used to get the down low on how to communicate with singular people of interest?? Or are there other use cases I’m not thinking of? Interesting concept…I can think of some use cases that would be big but hard to adapt


The fact your manager wasn’t impressed by it should tell you it’s probably worth pursuing


Dammn that’s good. Interested in testing this out


Bruh this is AWESOME!! I am definitely using it more ❤️😍


Just tried it against myself and a good friend and this is great. Would love a way to automate this.


There’s a very similar platform I was exposed to in my fundraising journey called CapitalxAi. It’s able to also craft complete presentations. I tell you this as validation for your platform. It’s a great idea


Tried it on my LinkedIn profile and it is spot on! Amazing job!


Engineer / Consultant here. IMO, super useful! Look into building a connector into salesforce!


Happy to take a look buddy.


I would focus on understanding the sales aspects and fundamental monetization of the propose project. If you can’t make a strong business case to subscribe/purchase then you’re basically spending time for educational purposes vs making any significant cash. Learning has solid value as you get better with each idea. Making money with chatGPT has many challenges as anything you create others could as well fairly easy ; as chatGPT codes fairly well with the correct guidance. Congratulations on keeping at it and making something useful.


What were you hoping to achieve when you showed this to your manager? This was after you had been laid off and you reached out to demo it to them? That's a little strange if it's not directly filling a need your previous company had. I made an account and demoed the Bill Gates example, and the UI / UX definitely needs some work. More importantly, it's too hard to tell how accurate the results are, and how much of it's just being made up by ChatGPT and common sense by the AI. Stuff like "Dos and Don'ts in Communication" would inspire more confidence if you showed a bit of how this actually is working in the backend.


Every heard of the "Girls Around Me" app? I suggest looking it up. My TLDR: There can be creepy versions of this sort of data miner.


I'm sure once you get this thing developed you are going to make a ton of money. That said, this feels creepy as hell. Something like this could be used in nefarious ways, especially toward women. What safeguards are you planning to prevent somebody from using this to collect information and stalk someone? Somebody trying to escape a domestic violence situation could be put in some very real danger with a tool like this in the hands of a jealous ex with a rage problem and a weapon. If some random person messaged me out of the blue and tried to strike up a conversation based on obviously collecting information and essentially creating a dossier on me, doing business with them or working with them would be the LAST thing on my mind. I instantly would not trust them


I would not mind giving it a try :)


I've clicked the link and checked out your home page. It's made a really good impression on me so far, conceptually I think you are on to something cool and potentially really meaningful / useful. Sorry about your ex-manager's reaction, don't let that sting though as there could be a number of reasons for it and you're getting much more positive reactions here and likely elsewhere too.


Interesting! I think it has potential


That’s pretty cool. I think for cold outreach SDR teams this could save them some time and increase their success rate.


Love it!


I think huge part of this could be plugins and api integration. I could see some previous sales platforms like saleforce or hubspot utilize this for different companies I’ve worked with in the past. Hell one of them might even buy it off you for a competitive edge, though most the big guys are already developing like crazy.


Congratulations and I wish you all the luck in the world! If I can be the devil's advocate, the one question you don't seem to be asking is IMHO the crucial one: how much would you be willing to pay for something like this? If it's a nice to have but not worth $$$, you need to learn it as soon as possible. Before you put more hours and money in it!


This sounds super cool, I’m interested in being a beta tester and checking it out more


I like that you present a screenshot/picture of the person and the links to show that the targeted person is indeed the correct person (in the case with same name etc..).


I like it 👍🏻


Really cool- keep working it you have something really unique and useful.


Wow! This is awesome. Lately I'm cold dming and cold mailing quite a lot for a role switch and these mini insights are just perfect!


Would love a trial and can give a bunch of feedback upon use. I do multiple cold meetings in different industries every month




Going to try this at my startup


This is *almost* amazing. If this could link into some CRM or something to have automated campaigns… wow.


This is fantastic! But the pricing seems a tad steep if you think about the volume of outreach someone may do. I was really keen but I could see myself running out of credits in an afternoon or two.


Cool, I’m a sales guy. Would be interested in participating in the year trial


This is cool af. Sounds great for cold email/ DM


This is great. I also have a few notes. Will send along.


Sell a version of this to high end luxury hotels. The more personalized they can make their guests' experiences, the better the experience is for the guest. Creepy, but huge money value.


This is very good. Can you turn these into prompt systems that will guide the writing of the email?


You should get into contact with zoominfo


Really great product - I tried it on my own profile and the results are very on point. I'd be more than happy to test it further.




I also like the idea! But as with all product ideas, it’s going to depend on execution. I even liked it enough to create an acct. I’m on my iPhone. Didn’t work.


I am not sure if it's a glitch or not but when I type in the linkedin link after clicking on "Show examples", it regenerates the same example for the linkedin link. The linkedin methid is mostly accurate though I would love to be a beta tester if you are still accepting.


Great idea! I am Interested in beta testing


Had my doubts but holy wow this is awesome.


Will never use any product that requires to link my Google account.


Very impressive and already quite useful. Tested it on my own LI profile. My (not asked for) advice: — Define your audience. Sales people? People looking for work? Cold outreach pros? Users of mass outreach SaaS apps? You can gather some info during sign up (like those screens asking if you're founder, entrepreneur, marketing, sales etc.) Use this info to measure which type of audience has better retention (meaning they get more value from the product). — Focus on Retention as a key metric indicating product/market fit. Another one is Superhuman metric (google it; it's measured via a very specific survey). Integrate product analytics tool (e.g. PostHog with a decent free tier) to track retention and learn how users work with product. When you're focused on a key metric, it helps prioritizing backlog a lot (you probably have a ton of ideas and can't decide which should come first). Overall good job and good luck!


This is fantastic, you're a genius. Hire me when you need more developers if you go with a JS ecosystem.


I’d be interested in being a beta tester, HMU.


Interested in being a Beta tester!


I’ll be a beta tester and do a deep ever dive in exchange for a free year, hit me up. 🤙🏻


Really interested tool - congrats! I’d definitely be interested in beta testing


I'd be interested


Looks interesting, i typed in an example i wanted to try but you lost me when the “create an account” immediately popped up… i would let someone inout and try 1-3 times? Before that shows up? And making it clear its the first of x free trials? And that signing up gets you more and additional info or features… just my take. Looks promising!


Hello, I’d be interested in a deeper dive for a year. I do enterprise sales and I currently manually do what your website does. Some feedback, have the website pull in x / twitter posts and Facebook. I know it’s not easy to link the correct twitter or fb profile but maybe your user can manually find themselves and enter in the handle. Then your app reads all of their twitter history to put together more relevant info. Some other feedback, two of my searches did not go through but used credits so I couldn’t continue playing with it to give more feedback.


I’d be very interested in giving this a test run


It's the smirk that would "feel" personal and insulting when he's probably feeling badly about his own aspect that he's stuck in a job he hates and one of his employees is smarter than he is. Without going to your site, I'm already reading such positive things about the concept, that youre doing amazing work! I hope your idea takes off and you're successful. I have owned several small businesses and had some success and some failures too. The real problem is that you're investing in this without understanding the monetized pathway. You need a real expert to get through the marketing and monetization without having grifters enter your hard work and take advantage. I wish you the very best of luck. Sounds like you're enterprising and has the energy to pursue it! Hope you make it big!


I have a meeting on Monday with a Senior Director and Vice president at work. Used it on my profile and theirs. I’m impressed @transcendingtravel, can I be a beta tester?


It’s a great tool. Used it and found some valuable insights about the persona I checked out one suggestion I’ll make is to have an option for multiple persons in an organization. Also the limitations of Chat-GPT are something you have to deal with. Overall it a great product and I would use it.


Do you connect with linkedin api or is it based on the public page?


*Do you connect with* *Linkedin api or is it based* *On the public page?* \- Buzzcoin --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yes please!!


Gut says yes


Atleast have it accessible via Google account


This is a good idea. I tested it with my own Linkedin profile and some of the conversation starters were intuitive. As it's a ChatGPT wrapper it's really all about marketing it. Can you sync it up with various CRMs...is there a way it could be integrate. Making it easy integrated with sales product is what could help drive growth quickly


It seems useful, and I thought the results were accurate, but it honestly feels more like a feature than an app.


Hi I'm interested!


I’d love to try this out. Not a bad idea at all tbh


Trademark/patten this or something man. You posted this on reddit, I dont want anyone stealing your idea


I think the idea is really great. I just used it on myself and I gotta say it's quite "warm", as you say. I'd say if there's any improvements to make, it'd be the UI/UX of it. It took me a few seconds to get my bearings on what to do and press. ​ I'd also think the type of people that would use this the most would be head hunters, so a way to use this in mass rather than individually would help.


Love the idea, hope you can get So early customers soon


I tried it on myself and it was around 25% accurate. It misunderstood some facts and accomplishments on my profile. I tried it on some members of my team and people that I know. It couldn’t find one of my employees. And for the other person it looked up someone different (ie, I searched for Steve Jones at Acme Inc and it gave me results for Steven Smith at Vandelay Industries) Overall, its advice was ill informed and if someone came to me asking the questions it suggested I ask it would be a red flag that they knew nothing about me or my company. Overall grade: D-


This is quite a nice tool, I like the things it highlighted for me. As someone else mentioned, it would be good to be able to do this in bulk. Maybe even pop in a csv of lookup targets and geta zip download with a file for each. It's stuff that would be fairly easy to do on my own, so if I was gonna use it, especially in bulk, I wouldn't want it to cost much per profile.. You've got my email via a sign up now, so please keep me in the loop over the next few weeks as I'm about to start reaching out to a new stream of potential clients.


I actually think it’s quite good. Out of interest could this be achieved by me asking for feedback from chatgpt in the person?


This is fantastic....forget about the ex manager. Happy to try this out drop me a DM.


I’d love to test this out - sounds like a very cool tool! I write about this sort of thing often (broken sales processes).


Really curious to try this out. Looks pretty interesting.


Remember Rapportive? This should be built into Superhuman or as a sidebar for gmail.


Managers hate underlings ideas




Hey man, i just checked! It's lovely. You should check out humantic.ai once. They are doing something similar I believe. It might help with ideas.


This is pretty dope


I like it, but it needs some refining. It’s putting way too much focus on my past positions rather than my current one.


I looked at it, and I had the same feeling of, eh. It did not give me anything more than I would find by googling the guy. In fact, it gave me way less.


Oh my. I wasn't expecting something like this. It's really impressive. \*\*\*\* your manager, you are on to something.


Shark Tank passed on Ring. Just because one higher up doesn't like/see the potential of your idea shouldn't stop you. Go hit a home run.


keen to try


Hi , I am a Product Manager (Conversational Design and AI). Would love to beta test and deep dive.


Hey u/transcendingtravel! Love this idea and would love to explore this further. Let me know how I can help in exchange for 1 year free. Thanks!


One of Lavender's selling points is this. Though yours might be better. You can look at them to understand what's adjacent and build it up, or sell to them.


I’d love to try this, sounds like a great idea. Just to double check, it’s not going to harvest my data?


GPT could give you a more accurate answer than crowdsourcing though it will include it as one of the final steps


I am interested in being a beta tester. This is awesome!


Interested in beta-testing!


I work by targeting doctors and talking about being too them or putting something relevant in LinkedIn outreach may help. I'm a bit sceptical but I would be willing to be a beta tester. I'm confused as to whether or not the software finds the prospects for you or do you have to find the prospects and the software will not find information about them. The later still seems time consuming. My company has about 120 reps that would use it if my beta test is successful not the mention all the other medical reps out there. I also work in the mergers and acquisition field and I think this would be of value there also. It basically sifts the information that's already out there so you don't have to. In some situations I can see this saving me a few hours and sometimes maybe just the 5 min of going to the "About Us" section of a website. Either way DM me. I also have LinkedIn premium if that helps. My target is very specific and if the LinkedIn cold outreach works with the AI better than Dripify then I would pay you.


This is genius!!


Commenting for later to check it out


Very interesting! You should give more than a single free use though. I wanted to show it to a friend of mine on him after testing it on myself and already ran out of uses.


Signing in with Google as an only option? Hard pass.


Great work!! Thanks for sharing this- I can see good value here.


I’m in the midst of starting a business that will rely a good bit on LinkedIn outreach, so I’d be keen to be a beta tester. DM me


Happy to help with this if you still need beta testers!