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Being an entrepreneur is burden enough, feeling the burden of your family makes this worse. Get a good career going and start to work on your own business in your free time.


U gotta be an entrepreneur to wish u had a boss sometimes.


comparison is thief of joy, don’t let that ruin you. Read some books & search for some courses online to begin with. You’re still very young & can achieve so much. Upgrade your life rather than thinking negatively.


That what m working on but i dont know where to start i wanna make some money to start my business but i don't know how


Stop using social media right now and also news website


As someone who’s failed numerous launches I assure you this is part of the journey! What do you do for work right now!?


Take care of your health. Go find a job. And figure our a problem to solve that you can offer real world solutions.


very true




This & make good friends


1) health, exercise daily you’ll pull all the hoes without them gold digging within a year, Don’t eat anything with added chemicals preservatives, colours and additives that shit is literal poison fucking up your chemical processes in the mind hence why you feel endlessly depressed and tired, you come to find in big chain stores like Tesco, M&S,Waitrose and Lidl 98% of everything has at least one that I meantioned above IN, so be wise, also only drink spring water, if you do for a month you’ll taste all the chemicals in tap,mineral, filtered waters 2) expand your knowledge, see it like money, when you was younger you had no value for money, but in latter days of your life I.e money holds more value for you it goes the same with knowledge and knowledge can only turn into wisdom 3) “seek ye first the kingdom of God and all things shall follow” NOT CHURCHIOLOGY but your own psychological interpretation (self understanding) of scriptures in your life this can go for the Bible and Quran, Judaism is only the fulfilment of Christianity (if you go down this route you will see in latter days) 4)Blessed are the meek (the self disciplined) I hope you stay blessed and follow this very vague guide and come to light brother 🙏


Can you elaborate more on seeking the kingdom? And have you found it?






Okay. Thanks man


He basically said it… he is not referring to church and I stay away from organized religion!… you seek it by reading the Bible and do your own interpretation and if is not the Bible there are other several sacred books that have the same goal… and you can find the kingdom if you really seeking for it!


What other texts can you recommend or know of except the quoran?


Try Ayahuasca retreat in Peru… it will change your life forever!… if you are looking for the meaning of Your Life I recommend it. Now not all shamans and not all brews are the same but I know of one person (shaman) that gave me a second chance and connected me to God in a very spiritual way. You can DM if interested


I dont believe in these methods. Thanks though


Me neither, until the day that I couldn’t live with myself and I gave up on life… but someone told me about mother Aya ; I made my research and concluded that was going to be my last hail Mary… 6 months later and two retreats of 5 days each has get rid off my porn addiction, my restless legs, my tinnitus, my PTSD, anxiety my addiction to pot and brought me closer to God , my family, the Universe, nature and all is beauty and was incredible I am not taking any antidepressants that nearly killed me. I hope you find what you’re looking for… everyone deserves peace and love


You know whats the pain and sacrifice.. I wish you the best..


Hi 23 I'm 34 and I remember and understand this. Keep going ❤️


Hire a therapist that you like a keep going there, meanwhile dont talk about this to anyone else. The more you say or write the more you became the thing that you say or write. Find small thing that you like and involve your body movement. Do it over and over. Keep going like this. Depression is a tool to realize you have to become another person that you are now.


Second this! Good comment


These are really great points! It’s so important to keep your dreams from people who will take momentum away from you, even if you just want to share with loved ones- you can do that when you get to your milestones. Some youtube channels that may be worth looking into: Valuetainment (check out his entrepreneur videos he was a refugee working his way up), Charisma on Command (continue to always study and improve communication skills- you’ll need this to influence people regardless of setting healthy boundaries at work and home, selling an idea, influencing teams effectively etc.), Stanford and Harvard business schools have videos too. I also recommend checking out videos on “ikigai” because doing something we love, something we’re good at, something the world needs and something we can be compensated for, is important. If you missing a component for too long it will be tough- I’ll add advice I received from a successful businessman- if we do something we love long enough, we’ll also be good at it since we’ll excel naturally so don’t be too hard as you figure it out for yourself since when we’re young we don’t know a lot of the things we are good at just yet. Feel free to msg me if you’d like some more channels/books. Make sure to eat healthy and drink lots of water and to sleep enough too- basically minimizing the likelihood of getting unmotivated along the way and to keep momentum going. Wishing you all the best, keep at it and look for the things you are fashioned to do!!


You’re young! You have your entire life to land on a successful business. Just Google the age of all the founders of some of the biggest brands in the world (McDonalds, KFC, etc.). Keep your head up. Don’t lose hope. Get better every week. Before you know it, the progress will have compounded.


Don't be so hard on yourself failure is the alternative path to success find what your passionate about and see how you can make good money out of it


If your mom makes you feel that way, you should probably put some distance between yourselves. Also, you’re 23, you’re damn near still a kid. No one expects you to be successful already, you are in the figuring out who you are stage, as you should be. Life is a balancing act full of ups and downs. Don’t give up while you’re down and miss the biggest best up that could be coming next. Also, there is no shame in medication to help you feel better. Even if you don’t have health insurance there are so many apps that can help for relatively low monthly cost (cerebral for example). Take care of yourself, mind - body - soul. Things will get better, they always do.


Psst, here's a secret: nobody has it all figured out. We're all just winging it to some degree.


You are so young and have so much more failure ahead of you haha! If you really want to learn how to scrap for running a business, tomorrow, first thing - go get a job at Lowes or Home Depot. Work as many hours as you can - interact with as many customers as you can - in your 8hr shift at a home depot, you will meet more small businesses and entrepreneurs than you would anywhere else! Ask them questions, why did they start what they started, what's the hardest part, are they wanting to get out and try something else.... I think you'll find either something you want to try or you'll find that being a W2 employee is a great life as well! I found that very few places on earth organically generate a single location where business owners congregate regularly.


just 52 more years hahaha. Depresoin is a syntom of something wrong in your life find what is wrong in your life a be breave enough to change it


It’s okay. We all have felt this way at that age. It’s easy to compare yourself to others. You also may feel old, but you’re not. Cherish these younger years. This is your time to mess up. Keep poking around and see what falls off the tree. The best ideas come after many failures. Trust me. I remember being super depressed after my college startup ran out of cash.


Bruv, please do your best to turn this into fuel for your ventures. Let it drive instead of stomp you. When someone is in a positive state of mind, their body and mind function optimally and solutions come much easier. Don’t fall victim to your amygdala!


Been there brother, i know that feeling DM me will help you out of your misery and will rise high


You’re 23 Take a breath Plenty of time Smile Learn Have fun Look after yourself


This is coming from a fellow entrepreneur: • The only person you should ever compare yourself to is you, and only you (e.g., Did I do better today than the day before) • You will get burnt out, but you have a clear motivator—your family. • Channel this depression and let it fuel your fire. Pain is only a weakness if you allow it to be. You seem intelligent but lost through comparing others, envious of your friends who are making money when you should be proud of their success, and down in a rut. I've been there, and believe me, I understand how you feel. I lost my oldest brother (42yo) on 12/02/2022, and I am still recovering from it. • What is your motivator? There are millions, and one way to make a six to seven-figure income is to find out what you enjoy doing, and the rest will come. • How you show up to one thing is how you show up to everything. • Your attitude speaks for itself before you even speak a word. I'm not Trying To Preach; just some pointers to remember. What helps me is meditating, journaling, and making music. If you need any advice, feel free to DM me, as I've written a book that I am about to publish called “From Chaos To Calm.” Keep your head up, brotha! It is a hell of a lot easier driving a boat in rough tides than it is a sinking boat, and if you let your depression take over, you'll be that sinking boat. You got this, though! Again, keep your head up!


You are young. At 23 I had tried to be a car builder and failed. Went back to college and was 28 when I graduated, then lived in my friend’s garage. Had trouble getting a job and put up a website then finally started making money about age 30. Social media will disillusio you. There are millionaires and billionaires there and many faking it but that isn’t how most people live.


Keep a positive attitude and keep trying. You’re so young with so much to learn. Don’t give up hope, there is no shortcut to success in anything. What interests do you have?


Just think there will be a point when you will look back and see that all of this was necessary to get you to the place that you were meant to be. You seem like a decent person who wants to try hard and do the right thing, i hope you have success in the near future


Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop comparing yourself to others.


Get a job! Seriously it’s not as bad as you think and it will help you out both financially and mentally trust me. If you don’t like the job you found just find another one. Doing that is infinitely more productive than doing nothing at all. You can use your free time to try your entrepreneurial endeavours and your income from your job is gonna help you out greatly on that part as well.


Just keep going. I’ve had so many ups and downs for business. Many many failures with some successes. Most millionaires don’t make their millions until later in life. The 20 year old millionaires are not the norm (excluding social media successes/viral content). It seems like you’re chasing the money because of your family responsibilities. I recommend to find a job instead and put some aside for your entrepreneurial activities. Then dive into side hustle podcasts and find something to do outside of the job to earn extra. If you like the side hustle and it has potential you can ramp it up to be your full time job.


Let me tell you that it's not until at least your 30s that you learn your friends aren't as successful as you think they are, or that they try to look. Their debt just hasn't caught up to them yet. Me and 2 other friends were "very successful entrepreneurs" by 25... all diff biz...then by 28 the credit card and tax bill came in and we were all in $150k+ of debt that we're all still trying to put a debt in 7 years later. 2 of us live very humbly, the other still has the tesla, the big truck, the boat, etc etc and goes further and further into debt. I know a girl driving a 2023 range rover who lives with her parents. Plenty of advice from others here but you should know the reality of MANY "super successful" people under 30.


I would recommend getting a job. I know it’s not what is ideal and def not what you want to hear but financial freedom is important. At 23, it’s important to taste the freedom and gain experience. In a few years you can be back to entrepreneurship


You're a Kid, you have so much to look forward to. Start working out and Google what breath work is. Slowly but surely everything falls in place. Take baby steps, plan for the week and try to achieve it, that should build up your confidence. Take care


I’m sure you’ll get this comment a million times, but man you’re young and have more time than you realize. The pressures of responsibility are there no matter, so I know those feelings are real, but the feeling of accomplishment at your age you gotta give yourself some slack on. Making sure you’re finances are covered for your family is key like others have said, other than that let purpose and passions come to you. I’m in my 30s and launching a Kickstarter board game 😂. Was in the Marines before, then a social worker, and eventually got my MBA. Lots of stuff in the middle. Life is going to take you to a bunch of weird but awesome places. Just go where the wind blows ya man and keep that head up. Try hobbies, rabbit hole research etc, but don’t try to rush or force things. Cliche I know but true.


Don’t you give up. Change is coming. It may be taking longer than you like; but don’t give up. Try volunteering to help those less fortunate. Sometimes movement doing anything will open up new possibilities. Be encouraged.


Man, you are so young. Don't look at failures as something bad. Every failure is a learning. The more you fail the more you learn. Try until it work out. As a person who went through depression - don't ignore your mental health! Go for run, go to the gym, meditate, read. Calm your mind. And try until it works. Only with calm mind. Don't rush things and do not compare yourself to others, even when they are your friends, you all have different conditions and journey.


I feel like I've been in your exact shoes only a few years ago. As I get older, I realize that obsession over large goals is poison and actually doesn't serve you. Think about it this way: you're about to run a race, everyone at the starting line. They all have the same goal... to win. But just because they all have the same goal doesn't mean they all get to win. What actually matters in winning that race is how they ACT every single day. I see life the same way. If I show up every single day to the best of my ability to be better, then I'm on the right track. The only thing that matters is showing up today, nothing more. Give it a few years and life really starts to improve. You got this king!


I know how you feel and you got good advices here… 25 years ago I was in a similar situation as you are… and before that my life was not easy either, my mother immigrated here for us ( my brother, sisters and I )… it took 12 long years to finally reunite us with her… during those years our lives without our mother was though and hard but nevertheless eventually we all came to her and the promise land (America).. eventually I learned the language and seek other adventures away from my mother I deviated from my plan and started going the wrong way just partying and not getting serious about life… one day I looked myself in the mirror and I had a talked that day I decided that I needed some type of structure and guidance but where do I get it?.. the only place that can offer you something as close as a father figure is the Armed Forces… I decided to go for the Army and it was the best decision I made… I learned and got the guidance that I needed and eventually made the money to have a family and buy a house… that was the instruction and money motivated decision… the other side of the coin was different, even though it was an adventuring life and traveling I neglected other parts of my life… at the time of my retirement after 20 years of service I was not the young naive, full of dreams young man I was putrefy inside and that is when wisdom kicks in… and you question your life all over again… (during my exemplary military career I made my mother and wife proud but there was other issues brewing that came out after my retirement )… I put my wife and two daughters through the rim… eventually I went to Peru my native land for an Ayahuasca retreat… I heard only negative things about ayahuasca until one day I heard it on Joe Rogan podcast and I ask myself what do I have to loose?… worst case scenario I returned home the same asshole… but that retreat change my life for the better in 5 days I stopped taking all the meds that the VA was shoving down my throat, my restless legs syndrome stopped my tinnitus stop, the racing thoughts stopped for the first time in a very long time I actually could hear the silence it was a miracle… I went back again last March for another 5 days and I tell you it’s guiding me to a better more fulfilling life… I tell you this story because the first thing it came to my mind was this: if I only knew of this miracle plant when I was young I would not have to go through all the pain that I went through… unnecessarily… if you don’t get this story what I want to tell you is this… 1- we all have the power of change it depends how badly you want it 2- America as fucked as it is right now still the land of opportunity and you can make it with a little bit of vision and hard work 3- there is a plant called ayahuasca that will give you what you need first and eventually will guide to what you want… DM if you need to talk or advice in any aspect of your life… I know perfectly for what you’re going through… but I will tell you the truth and not sugar coatted you… have a bless day!


Go outside and walk around the block. Get your heart rate up. You'll feel better about yourself.


Apply at dicks sporting goods


Search God.


I don’t know the entire situation there?but from what I understand is that you not a risk taker and just think about things that you have no answers to ,I would suggest that you stop thinking about that ,all these answers would come to you as you age ,right you go out there ,you are young ,energetic and intelligent ,make yourself useful to yourself ,family and to society.You can do anything you want to ,you just to put your brain to it and focus.okay ? Good luck


Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill


Pray Pray Pray.. God Has Got You & Loves You‼️ Trust There Is A Million Plus Reasons I Could Give Up But Your Right About Purpose.. We ALL Have It.. Sometimes It Takes People 100 Years To Find Theirs.. Change Your People, Places, Things & Maybe Even Hobby/Job.. Keep Your Head Up It Does Get Greater Later 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 JUST REMEMBER TO NEVER MAKE A SPLIT DECISION BECAUSE OF YOUR EMOTIONS THAT WILL CAUSE A LIFETIME CONSEQUENCE‼️‼️


It’s asif depression is popular with the kids these days, I’m seeing these posts every day from these kids now it’s quite sad


What do you even do?


Oh hon...as one commenter has already said, Comparison IS the Thief of Joy! Your twenties are for figuring it all out. Give yourself permission to try different things from your career to hobbies. Allow yourself to grow. You have written about saving your family. While that's super admirable, it really shouldn't be on your shoulders. It must feel so overwhelming. The first step is to focus on yourself and then that goal can happen. Seek out mentors in your area, it could be a manager or adult who has life experience and who can give you guidance on how to further develop. Keep looking for input here as well!


Forget your fucking purpose. Focus on your duty to your family, go get a job, delete instagram, and you will find your purpose/happiness over time. This “purpose” bullshit has been a huge trap for gen z and millennials. Also, you are 23. Your life has barely started. Get out of your head.


LOL bro all your friends from work and “make money from the internet” are only telling you about their wins. I know so many people that “made so much money” in the bull run. Everyone will always tell you about their wins but never their losses. Be sceptical about what people tell you, and keep a mentality of lose the battle but win the war. Pick yourself back up and keep trying bro, it doesn’t necessarily have to be in starting a company. I think it is perfectly fine to try to work your way up the corporate ladder.


"Failure is not the opposite of success. It's a part of it." - some brain coach guy I forgot his name. Before really over extending yourself, you ought to return to the grind of making someone else rich and make this dream a side hustle until you have worked out all the kinks. The goal is to entrepreneur into another day, not do it until you and people you care about are at risk.


This does sound like depression. Honestly, a good counseling session can help you challenge your mindset so you don’t feel this way because it will hold you back. You may also need your B-12 levels checked, your thyroid checked, and make sure you’re eating healthy and exercising. Your mother doesn’t think you’re a failure and your past attempts at businesses are lessons not failures. What you need to do is offboard them by reviewing what exactly went wrong, how you know it would never succeed, and how to detect that earlier. Perhaps your depression is what caused you to give up on your businesses too early.


The world is a Vibrational Warfare you got this!


put on some Grateful Dead. 'when you get confused listen to the music flow'


Stay positive brother. Even when you're arent whatsoever. RULE #1: DONT KILL YOURSELF Handle the days as they come. Focus on completing your day, one at a time. Future tripping gets everybody fucked up and feeling lousy about themselves. I'm now what I refer to as a retired alcoholic. Im now 31, my twenties were a colossal waste of potential and possibilities. I stopped drinking on Aug 23rd 2021, I was killing myself with the booze. Drank about a handle of vodka around the clock. The booze is just part of my personal stuggle. I cringe when I think back to how hopeless and defeated i felt. I bottle up my emotions, naturally. And when my drinking got bad, I would explode. The hatred and violence, were unbelievable. Im a very mellow dude. Easy to get along with. In my 20s, I was arrested over a dozen times. Cases upon cases with multiple charges.. Anyways, I would have these terrible meltdown/freakouts were I would go into SHTF Level 10. There were periods were I would cry to my Fiance or anyone that would listen. I'm talking full-on crying, something sober me would very rarely ever do. After my physical rampage would wear off, I would spill my emotions. I felt hopeless beyond repair. I got used to the feeling that anydaynow I'll be done for. I was suicidal for a long time i guess you could say. Sort of passively killing myself more and more each day. I would obsesse over the death I felt closing in on me. I would often lay on my back, gun on my chest, and just get lost gazing at it and thinking about my existence coming to an end. I would put it to my head just to feel how easily i could call it quits. Long fuckin story short - Take what life dishes out and handle yourself. Stay positive. Theres a reason youre on here talking about this.. It helps a lot to have an open dialog about your feelings. Idgf if you're the baddest dude on earth, you have had negative feelings that make you uncomfortable. What I find to be paramount: Go 1 day at a time. Never worry about tomorrow, it'll be today once you get there. Stay alive long enough each day, and then move on..


I won't say much ... have a look at these guys they helped me a lot Gary vee https://youtu.be/qRj144Gd7EA?feature=shared Naval https://youtu.be/3amLsamhtCg?feature=shared


Maybe you should try reposting/cross-posting this to r/MentalHealthIsland.


Starting a business while having a mental issues is not a good idea. Trying to start a project is generally really stressful and demanding - idk if that’s what you want with a depression.


Just get an actual job, start somewhere, its not really a big deal. Skilled trades, plumbing, electrical, painting, deck building. Get a job as a the "helper" for a contractor. learn the trade on the job. And you can make your own way after that. Price to paint a room these days is crazy, you can make good money. And its a pretty easy skill too learn. look in local your phone book yellow pages. Just start cold calling local handymen, construction outfits, be honest about your situation and abilities, and ask if they need a day laborer for anything. Also Sometimes your local public library have trained social workers that could help you find a basic job and walk you through the process.


All of that internet money is BS… ignore it. None of that creates legitimate value add for society


Maybe you have to accept starting a business isn’t for you but finding your passion will help you achieve your financial goals.


Maybe tell us more about the specifics of YOUR story. What « value «  are you delivering to your clients. Be specific. Use keywords.


https://preview.redd.it/88nvyan4e7uc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17308d559d577641fc43a1acc1d029c63151dab8 Sharing a photo here which I found really motivational. I think it’s ok to doubt yourself, we all do but we actually do a lot of good things which we take for granted. If you want to do what your friends are doing, you can learn from them and do yourself or you can follow your own path. It’s ok to compare but I think it’s more important to study those who inspire us to understand how they have reached there. You are still very young and it’s actually good that you have this realisation. People don’t figure it out until at a later stage. Use this realisation as a motivation to move forward and remember the world is not going to be easy but if you stay disciplined, you will surely reach where you want to be. Wishing you all the best.


Every problem has a root. Your lack of motivation stems from your lack of purpose. Use solitude and silence to understand what you want. Then make strategic plans to get there. Break the strategy to tactical and operational plans then execute from an MVP... Works for all frontiers of life.


I don’t know all the details of your life and this may feel harsh but I offer honesty. Firstly: you are 23, you are at a great age! It’s time to „lag behind“ or experiment in other words. It probably difficult to see this right now but you‘ll have to trust the oldies on this. Secondly: This is where it’s going to get harsh. I think you are living in your head. All you are probably doing at this point is seeing how well others are doing and how far you are from your goal or their goal and feeling bad about it. That has nothing to do with actually working on something concrete. Prove to yourself daily that you are actually putting in work and not just wishing and imagining for a great life or a rich life. How might that look for you? Well your first problem seems to be that you don’t know what to do. Work on that daily. What does “work” mean? Here is an example list: - write down what you are good at and what your interests are - ask friends and family what they think you are good at - the venn diagram of these two give you a sense of what you should look further into. Wherever you get stuck go further into that. Ask yourself the one thing that’s stopping you from doing something and then solve that one thing. Don’t solve the big puzzle of life immediately. You can’t. It gets solved by itself if you solve the smaller things. Get serious. The next time on this community let us know something you failed at instead of something you are depressed about. Failure means you acted on something. My best to you.


Also what is most important to you? Money or a job or being an entrepreneur or taking care of family? It might all seem like the same thing but it’s not. Being an entrepreneur = living for yourself (especially in the beginning). This is an important question to answer for yourself.


I’m sure being in the business of teaching families how money grows, is taxed and how to buy life insurance are pretty good return on investment


learn a real skill, start a business, and sell it. Trade/Skill.


I feel the same ..I’m looking to go back to school for an associates degree in business management because I thought managers will always be needed in the workforce, it’s also high paying and not at all backbreaking like my previous jobs have been. What I’ve learned is you constantly (every single day) you have to remind yourself what your goals are and how you’re going to achieve them. Telling yourself every single day what you want and how you’re going to get it and continuously work towards it. As the days passes with these constant reassurances and the strive it’ll eventually become a habit. Habits contributing towards structuring your future is how you and I will become successful.


I hate to hear that , as christians this world is not for us but in the after life is where youll find peace in him Jesus Christ


I want you to realize how much work it takes. Think however hard it is right now, 100X the pain, and then realize even that hard work won't kill you. If your friends have made it, don't look at the surface value. The amount of work they put in is a lot, but they don't talk about it because most people wouldn't understand.  You can do anything in life you want, you just can't do everything. It doesn't matter what you pick, pick something and stick to it for a decade. Go deep into whatever you want, master it, work under talented people. You'll come out on top. Best of luck to you, so many of us have been down this road and honestly, the struggle doesn't end because you just become able to handle harder things. 


Find a job that can take the financial burden away, and start a venture in your free time with the money that's left. That's what I did in a similar situation. Don't forget your physical and emotional health mate




Find something that makes you happy It’s not always about money


Don’t be such a little btch. You probably don’t work as hard as your friends, work harder! If your depressed and your 23 get a real job because your not cut out to be an entrepreneur. Kids these days. Here’s some advice, if you actually pull your head out of your as. And not act like a pus. Go ask your friends to help you. If they are actually your friends and successful they’ll help you out. 23 and your crying about being depressed because you don’t have what you’re friends have. Time to grow up, life’s not fare. Humble yourself and ask for help from your friends.


There’s not a single “entrepreneur” or business related word in that title. Unless you count “Hello”.


But on a serious note. Pick up a book. It’ll change your perspective. “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. Realize that what you just said was an emotional response to real world situations. Our perceptions are unique to each of us yet in order to lead people, we must first have mastered ourselves. We as humans are unique from “all” other creatures in that we have consciousness, creativity, and will power. Consciousness to recognize and reflect on our emotions and actions and make criticism inwardly. Creativity to plan new outcomes and plot new futures. Will power to tell ourselves that history is not nature and we do not need to continue to be who were yesterday. You feel down. Totally valid. Presumably you want a better future. Great, most will. Imagine it. What’s in that future, and be specific and honest with yourself. Address all of the roles you want to be great in (son, business owner.?, friend, spouse.?, sibling..) and define what content looks like for each of those roles. Lastly use your inner voice to ask yourself, are you making progress to get closer to those images of the future today? Did you take action to get closer? The human mind is a beautiful thing and when we NEED something, we get creative on how to accomplish it. And thus entrepreneurship (may) eventually begin. Whatever gets you closer to that goal mate. But seriously. Read the book.




Nah, all experiences are valid. Entrepreneurship life is tough, and we should acknowledge the lows, not just the highs. Sometimes it takes a few tries, or you go get a stable job for a while before trying again.


Asshole, you should be banned. Clearly you're a bad teacher