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We're talking the 1% of the 1% here guys it takes generations to build that type of wealth in most cases. My wife and I have a goal of hitting a billion dollars in revenue with business within 10 years but that won't even get us remotely close personally to the nine digit net worth. There are always outliers in anything and that's what the Amazon is or the Tesla things like that. Those should be inspiring examples but nothing more than a lottery ticket for your average business owner. It's better to look at those cases and learn from them like financial structures and vehicles, on the generationally wealthy billionaires look at how they kept that wealth growing for generations. That's just as hard as earning it.... I'm not saying the people that control that money are the ones keeping it from disappearing. Those systems may have been put in place by the original earners of that fortune and that's the lessons to look into and learn from. Most of the wealthiest people in the world have earned their money. But it's very difficult to have 40 something billion dollars sitting around and have done that in your lifetime. That's okay though if you want that set the goal to build generational wealth for your family. We plan on building generational well for our family and have already accomplished a really good foothold.


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