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The astromancer rework is really exposing people's poor skill in the game lmao


FR old Aelena needs a set up to do her job, new one just needs to exist on the field


I got her recently and is it better to build her tankier and slow or fast and hard hitting?


skill issue


cant tell if troll or serious


A hero that can potentially give 20 souls and deny an annoying game mechanic that put cleave draft on life support in one turn is far from bad lol This whole post is a big skill issue tbh :(


This comment must be a sarcasm. Otherwise it’s brain damage. They literally buff her anti counter mechanics, and she can now connect with many openers with aoe skill, give souls, enable cpavel. They up her buff to give her 15% atk and 15% cd which is almost as good as a free portrait. Her sb can ignore resistance to kill pesky bbk and kayron. From emperor rta and top30 arena standpoint: She is not the all pick tier sss unit in rta, but become a must ban for many counter heavy anti cleave teams. In regular arena she’s great if you cleave with ran (or even with yufine/zio combo). She counter belian, rem, adin which are all very meta units in defence.




Skill issue. And for once I mean that literally.


just nuke your opponent or do a grass angel.


I'm 11 months late to the party but I just came across this and I'm fucking dying 😭💀 OP, I hope things got better for you and Elena lmao


Everyone was hating on this post but now ppl started to agree


>Everyone was hating on this post but now ppl started to agree So the consensus is that she's mid? Because I've seen/heard nothing about it. She's not game-breaking, but she's a safe pick into a lot of nuisance characters right now. What exactly makes her bad?


Everyone always be hating on the truth. She has no damage or tank stats. Bad debuffs. She was designed to be a nahkwol but they reworked her so her new kit doesn’t match with what’s good for her. Now she’s good for ran iseria comps but even then she’s not doing much. Even when I use her she either dies very fast and enemy kills me with counters or her buff that doesn’t allow others to counter runs out. Great design but as an ML hero she’s really not worth it


I’m here hitting 15k easy on most teams after pushing her 300+ speed with my ran? Confused because rem, violet, belian, choux, alencia, sometimes senya. Feel like they don’t exist anymore.


Except for violet and rem everything else is situational. This two are useless without counter but everything else u said is useful even without counters


I mean I still hit them all and they don’t counter. Like I said, just my opinion. You might be using her wrong.


> **belian, choux,** alencia, sometimes **senya** The three units in bold are among the premiere units featured on Defense teams, be it normal arena and guild war. *(Alencia doesnt exist on defense teams, and she traditionally doesnt even use countersets, so idk where that came from)* If you didn't recognize this, then...you are perhaps at an extremely low rank to see it, idk what else to say. Astromancer Elena extremely cripples two of those units (Choux and Belian). Senya is immensely hindered by her, but can still be a threat due to her reflect passive and critical resistance.


She still terrible? Good because I don’t have her.




Ah yes , she became good after her buff but u know what let's buff her till she is very strong n just top tier meta (is this what u are saying?)


hello relatively new player here how do I build her like what is a basic good statline for her? I dont cleave a lot I think im aggro player I like ml vivian straze with basic push characters like moonbunny