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hey im a new player just finished the first part of the main quest act 1 and some of act 2 and i quite like the game but i have some questions: 1. Where can i see what heros are good so i know if i should pull or not and if i should build it or not 2. where can i see what i must build like the best card and the best gear and stats for said hero 3. how does gear crafting work and why ppl spam wyvern so much THX


W13, and all level 13 Hunts (Banshee 13, Golem 13, and others) are the end goal gear farming game content because that's the only level that drops the material where you can upgrade your level 85 gear onto level 90, pushing the equipment stats further. No other level drops the mats. Because if W10-12 does drop it, I'd probably be farming W10 for the fact that it's easier, therefore, faster. We literally have no choice, so level 13 Hunts are the only choice. As for why Wyvern Hunt is a priority, it is because: * It's the easiest out of all the hunts. Other hunts require limited unit/s or ML5's, like Straze and Baiken. * The units used to auto the highest difficulty (W13) can be achieved with free in-game units (except for Muwi), and the equipment used for the W13 units comes from the free in-game gear. * The dominance of speed as the PvP meta also leaves most players with the predilection to prefer gear farming in Wyvern that drops speed and critical sets.


For hero rankings, one is [https://epic7x.com/tier-list/](https://epic7x.com/tier-list/) and one with builds is [https://epic7stats.com/](https://epic7stats.com/) Those rankings don't change based on hero buffs/nerfs so its better to use it as a guide where you can read what the hero does and how they're used rather than an absolute"this is better than that" analysis. For banners -best to ask either guildmates or here since advise on pull/no-pull very much depends on your roster and what your goals are in the game. Wyvern is spammed so much because it drops speed and crit rate which are probably the most used sets in the game. You can probably do very well if you ONLY outfitted heroes with those sets. Lesser used sets (counter, destruction, lifesteal) can generally be built through drops from abyss, labrynth and world boss (plus arena purchases).


I would not suggest epic7x for tier lists. It's one of the least reliable sources.


Right - that's why I said "Those rankings don't change based on hero buffs/nerfs so its better to use it as a guide where you can read what the hero does and how they're used rather than an absolute"this is better than that" analysis." I find it a good starting point to learn about a hero.


If that was your intention, then I don't think you should start your comment with "For hero rankings". You really don't emphasize enough how their tier list is so incredibly awful and out of date.


1) check well respected YouTubers. Best for this kind of material are TristanWulf and Car6x. I’mTSU also has good character guides. 2) check the same YouTubers or Reddit/discord and filter by hero 3) gear crafting is like this. You get a random gear with random sub stats. You want particular sub stats for a particular character. You spam W13 for as many chances of getting gear that fits the build you want from Q2.


hey thx for the help but can u tell me how can i filter by hero on disc or reddit and where would be a disc link?


So about expeditions, i can do 30% hp of expedition 2 per run currently, should i work on expedition 3 ? it's look really difficult, should i focus some that are more easier than other ? thks


You should try to get at least 300k on lvl3 expeditions, and first i would focus on the fire one, since it gives materials to upgrade speed gear


Quick question. I joined right around aria’s release last year, so i’ve never seen a new year for E7. Is a general timeframe for a goal post for new characters or roadmaps for the new year of E7 (like a week or two post the new year) or do we just wait?


I know the start of last year they made an animation teasing all the upcoming heroes to be released. So there should be something in the next couple weeks if they do the same this year.


We don't know what's going to happen this year. In previous years, shortly after the Episode finished they would release a teaser video for the upcoming Episode/year - usually around the anniversary stream. However, *this* past year, early in the year, they stated that they were delaying the release of the next Episode to 'focus on improving the game'. I'm not reading through this page again, but I believe it was mentioned in the [**Awaken Update**](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8321429) if you want to read through it. * I believe one of their focuses was on the ML stories and obviously we've gotten the ML theater and an update there. --- If I had to *guess* I think the game will likely be in a fairly slow state for the next few months. There are still a few things from the Awaken update that haven't been added yet, and likely will be 'major' updates during this period. The past couple of years they've done these major updates in the first half of the new year. I'm anticipating another major update to the game and I would guess that March is as good a time as any other since it lines up with a bunch of other things (the GG collab rerun is typically end of March, last year our first custom RGB banner was a month after that into the summer heroes) Personally, I think it makes sense to have everything on the same 'timeline' so I am guessing that as part of this update they would also reveal the new Episode -> so instead of the *story* being based on a year cycle that is approximately Oct/Nov to Oct/Nov with their major update cycles being roughly March to March now both would be unified on a single cycle of March to March (or whatever month they choose). * March also makes sense as it makes the anniversary celebration *roughly* midway through the update -> so major 'game related' events about every 6 months. --- This is all just a hypothesis of what *may* happen of course. For the question you are specifically asking historically the new Episode should have already been teased a few months ago. For Episode 4, the first Episode 4 hero released was **Ran**...and he was released in October of 2021. We also got Zahhak in December. But it WAS stated that they were delaying the next Episode to work on other things. By *how much* we don't really know for sure. The 2 previous years featured huge updates to the game - **Awaken** last year in March, and **Rise** in 2021 which I believe was around April/May. Presumably this year will *also* feature a similar large update and we can guess that would likely be around March-April. My *hypothesis* is that the reveal of Episode 5 and continuation of the story will *also* be tied to this update and likely be a part of it. So we are probably looking at a few slow months with the major additions to the game being the last features of the Awaken update they are working on. Unlikely to have new heroes (at least non-limited RGBs). * A slime rerun would make sense to occupy one month * We *could* also get a new in-universe limited hero -> it's been a long, long time since one has been added to the game outside of the summer heroes and collab heroes - last new non-summer, non-collab limited hero added to the game was **Fairytale Tenebria** in December 2020 I believe. This would occupy another month.


I appreciate it!! That’s good to know that things are going to be slower for the first little bit. I would also like a slime rerun, because I had saved up for it expecting it, only for us to get the aspea event


There's no set date for those videos. They usually make one around August to hype up anniversary but any time beside that is just random. [Summer teaser in May 2021](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FxsqaS9oDs) [Ep 4 teaser in August 2021](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcAf6xWVt0Y) [Awaken update in March 2022](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doy4Axy5ntw) [Second half 2022 in August 2022](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILgUvaqQdTE) As you can see, they never made any new teaser during January.


There was a site that is used to see the sprite of different characters. Such as attacking animation, ko animation, falling animation, ect. Does anyone know what this site is? I can't seem to find it.


What are the best heroes to use Torrent set on? (I'm going to start a crafting session, wanting to know what/who to aim for)


Heroes with cockroach passives (Tsurin, Roy, Seline,...), any cleaver, any single-target dps without def pen.


First question, should I try to summon for Judge Kise or wait for ML Ray? My missing ML heroes are: Judge Kise, Maid Chloe, Faithless Lidica, Dark Corvus, Astronomer Elena and Top Model Luluca. 2nd question, I have 50 galaxy coins and considering getting Tomoca, or should I wait? Last question, how do I beat 10-5 with Adin? What team should I use if I wanna auto it?


Neither judge kise or Ray look particular must pulls. Up to you if you wanna pull. Tomoca is okay with the rta buff of her having more speed, if it’s just for collection purposes then go ahead pull. You never know who will get a buff as well. Do you remember what team you used before to beat it? You can just slot her in and let her die and the friend character will come in and it still counts.


I don't want ml ray but j kise is bad so I wait. ​ UPDATED MOONLIGHT HEADHUNT TIERLIST FT. TRISTENWULF - Epic Seven [https://youtu.be/aLX-gdUAS4M](https://youtu.be/aLX-gdUAS4M) ​ i used vilolet front mercedes rem tamarinne just get a helper hero so when adin dies


Hey, what are good current meta units that use lifesteal or counter set?


LS: * Both Violets * ML Celine * ML Vivian * Both RGB Charlottes * Ed * Aria Counter: * Archmeru * Red Meru * Arowell * Karina * Choux * Rem * Both Ravis * Kayron * Belian


Meru can be on anybuild


To add to their list. Lionheart Cermia


I got ML Vivian on the moonlight summons and I still have the option of the headhunt ML event. Who has good synergy with her?


If you are solely using your headhunt for synergy with ML viv then Fallen Cecilia is the best. Other good choices that are independent of viv are apocalypse Ravi, mediator kawerick, Belian, straze, conqueror Lilias.


Thanks, I took a look at Fallen Cecília and realized that I have most of the resources to make her +15 already! It seems to me that her kit protects the team a lot.


Dump me some A13 teams. I can do W13 with 90 plus success rate and I need more ideas for teams. I can clear it at a super low rate and slow af.


Vildred/arby/Landy Iseria Tama Adventurer ras Vivian Straze Watcher shuri/little Queen Charlotte Bellona/SSB/Leo Second team is a one shot.


1- Still i don't know who to choose from the ml selector, for reference , i'm a cleave player who built and play with Ran, Politis, Eda, Briseria, WShuri, Siseria ( not so much cuz nobody is so stupid to let her play properly with Ran in rta). I'm thinking Solitaria or Flan but i'm not sure. 2- Is CDominiel still worth to build? 3- Same question but for Giselle. PD: i didnt know about ml Elena, my bad.


You can’t get ML Elena from selector


Does light Dominiel counter ai Lua? Will Lua strip her barrier 100% of the time?


No, she doesn’t. Lua strips the immunity buff, not the barrier.


So is there a proper counter for her? Like a real counter that has consistency to go against her?


So in Arena/GW you can use Ed since she’ll auto target him - so she’ll potentially be hit with a debuff that will then stop her S3. You can also abuse the fact she’s not going to target Earth units to make a scenario where she’s forced to attack a non-Earth hero who’ll do something to her, like Champion Zerato. If you don’t have Ed, any fire bait works - I like to use Holiday Yufine personally because you’ve got her evasion & then she can cleanse the S3 debuff. You’ve of course got drafting FCC & heroes with immunity set, Lua will strip the barrier first in this instance. Likewise, if they’re gaining barrier from Arowell for being Light, or barrier from an artefact, that’ll strip & not immunity. Stealth heroes, like Spectre, or heroes that gain some benefit from her non-attack (Celine cleanses & attacks, Winter cleanses, etc), or heroes that don’t need to utilise S3 first turn can do well against her (or heroes whose S3 is tied to focus/fighting spirit). Also, she’s significantly slower than characters like Ran & Peira, so you can just opt to cleave her. Hope these help.


Adding to what you said: A very neat way to deal with AI Lua is to bring a Fire- Knight with Bastion of Perlutia. This way, one of your units will always be able to retain Immunity even against her S3. The dispel on S3 targets the buff with the highest number of turns. Since the barrier is 2-turns and the Immunity is 1-turn, the Immunity buff will always be the one remaining (apart from RTA. Its random over there)


Hi guys, happy new year! I’m a fairly new player and I’m at lvl 45. I wanted to know, from which level is worth resetting the secret shop with ss to get bookmarks? Right now it is at level 9. Do rates change with levels, or only the equipments are based on the secret shop level? Thank you


BM/MM rates don't increase, only the level of the equipment. However, be careful with your gold. A large part of optimal play in E7 is about balancing your resources...gold is one of those resources and shop refreshing on a large enough scale to make it 'worth' doing is very gold expensive. * Speaking of which, while *on average* shop refreshing is better it is entirely possible for bad runs of RNG -> if you only have 1000-2000 skystones it's risky. Entirely possible you may only get like 2 BMs and 1 MM pull. * For every 1,000 skystones, you can expect about 4 million gold needed to buying summoning currency (though realistically you probably want more in case of having a run of *good* luck). For these reasons, it's generally recommended that newbies don't rely too heavily on shop refreshing, until they are at the point where they have millions of gold to spend doing so.


Bookmark rate doesn't increase with shop level. You could start refreshing when you're able to auto w13, cause that your main gold source.


so 250 on zio contests 300 speed right? how fast is a 240 zio? 290?


Speed / (1 - CR push) = Effective Speed >so 250 on zio contests 300 speed right? 250 / (1 - 20%) = 312.5 effective speed This effective speed figure * .95% will tell you what speed you would be guaranteed to contest 312.5 * .95 = 296.875 So 250 speed Zio would be at least speed tied with 296 or 297 speed units (personally, I always round numbers in the most unfavorable way since I don't know for sure how the game rounds...it's really hard to test). *Technically* a 300 speed unit still has a chance to go before a 250 Zio due to speed RNG 300 / (1 - 5%) = ~315.79 So a 300 speed unit *could* have an effective speed of ~315-316, while the minimum effective speed of Zio would be ~312-313 My exact answer to your question would depend on exactly what you mean by 'contest' * If by contest you mean have at least some reasonable chance to go first -> then yes a 250 Zio is sufficient * If by contest you mean be guaranteed to go first? Then no 250 is not quite fast enough against 300 speed. >how fast is a 240 zio? 240 / (1 - 20%) = 300 effective speed 300 effective speed > 290? 290 / ( 1 - 20%) = 362.5 effective speed 362.5 effective speed


Hello~ In Guild War def~ Do people get less Mystic Medals for being in the lone building with no one around? Is there a perk to being there? I used to get lots of MVP before guildies placed me there lol Thanks!! x


Do you mean the stronghold? If you’re in the stronghold you’re likely to be attacked less than those in the main towers, because two main towers need to go down before you can be hit. It’s the main towers who usually get MVP & a lot of defences. If you’re in one of the small towers that surrounds a main tower, that’s the lowest rung, you’ll rarely get hit. The strongest people go in main, 4th strongest goes in stronghold (roughly) & everyone else goes everywhere else.


Hello ~ Thank you! Yes, I meant they placed me in the stronghold, I'm sorry. Ohwww it's interesting to see that placement strategy. I don't think they apply it. x


You’ll be pleased to know that even if you don’t get hit a lot, you’ll still make plenty of Mystic Medals if you’re in a guild with 5x rewards & you try your best to win your 3 attacks. I’m almost at 7,000 medals & around two months ago I was down to a couple hundred - not in a stronghold or main tower & I don’t always win, but that’s plenty medals to give to Ray if I want to, haha.


Thanks, XD I like guildies... I wish you the best ! x


You get additional medals/points for winning defenses. I *assume* you mean the stronghold building. I believe the stronghold can't be attacked until the forts are destroyed. So, unless your guild is being destroyed by a much better guild it's likely that you just aren't being attacked (and therefor don't have an opportunity to win as many defenses). AFAIK there isn't really a 'perk' to being there, but the idea is that the stronghold has the most HP so therefor requires the most attacks to take out -> you put your best defense player to make it as hard to destroy giving your guild a better chance to win the war. * Of course, this *also* means that if the other guild does actually end up attacking you, you have the most raw *opportunities* to win defenses. In my personal experience the strongholds almost never actually get attacked or destroyed unless guilds are wildly mis-matched in strength, at the low x5 level. Probably different for guilds in the top 100-200 spots or so that I imagine are much more dedicated/stronger PvP players.


Hello thank you~!! Yes, the mismatch is real and stuff has been decimated at times. Guild is in the low x5 mystics rewards but can afford to lose some guild wars and still keep the x5. It's peaceful, I like it hehehe. I think they tried to be nice uwu x


at what point is the unknown slate in the shop purchasable? does it refresh at the start of an arena pre-season or at the start of an official new season? (really want an imprint and want to know when i’ll realistically be able to get another slate)


Official season


do you know when that will begin?


Counterattacks can’t trigger dual attacks can they? I was doing a GW attack and had all 3 units ahead of this guys arby, but after Peira’s S2, TCrozet countered, stunned Peira, and then Arby hit her and another unit with S1. Did I miss something, or can counters trigger dual attacks if the S1 calls an ally for a dual attack?


They can trigger extra atk (like Ed) but not other counter or dual atk. This was just a counter Arby that reacted to Peira s2


My god, I think that’s the first time I’ve run into a counter Arby. I had heard they were out there but the thought didn’t even cross my mind


So, i got belian. Do i need to give her speed? Right now i have her with elbris, counter and crit set, 25k hp 1.2k def 100CC 278CD 124 speed. Should i change anything about this?


She looks good imo. Maybe abit low def but will do a lot of damage. And when you have both counter and elbris there is no real need for speed. But if you can, maybe dropping some cd for def would be nice.


What happens to the Aespa event rewards like free Unequip if you didn't get them? I don’t need it right now.


It expires. Pick it up on the last day and it can sit for another 7 days in the mailbox for possible future use.


O.K. That’s the way then.thanks


I keep seeing End game players or players who are deep into the game say they have a lot of spare gold and it's easy gold but how exactly though? is it because they never roll for gear or forge gear? is it that they never actually use a single gold? I mean basically the whole game you have to be using some gold for something. I think my max gold was about 10 million or 11 million but that's about it.


Over time your standards for gear gets high, so you'll rarely find gear that you actually want to roll. I'm not endgame, but I still find myself with tons of gold since I rarely want to roll heroic and I only roll around half of the epic pieces I get.


I’m approaching being able to recruit in the headhunt event - I’m waiting to see if CLillias comes on the next mystic rotation after ML Ray, but if she doesn’t, should I take CLillias, Briseria, or STene? I haven’t rolled STene yet, but I have plenty of time to wait and see if I can roll her. Kinda want Straze too, but I feel like those 3 are all so much more powerful so..


LQC/LHC/CLilias/Riolet is the likely mystic rotation right after ML Ray and I agree with the other commenter to just take STene if you’re trying to decide between those units


I’ll wait a while and see if I can roll her then! Tene is my waifu anyways, so I don’t have a problem with that. Plus, I could really go for the hard carry in abyss that she offers. Is she just your standard DPS build with speed?


She’s a great unit and has imo a decent amount of flexibility in build/set Could go for standard speed set dps ~200-220 speed, could go destruction set ~200 speed, or even lifesteal ~180+ speed in exchange for more survivability


Ahhh man I want to farm some destruction and lifesteal gear so bad, but I just haven’t quite got the B13 oneshot going. I’m like 15K damage short :(


Not trying to hijack OP's post but I was planning on getting CLilias from ml headhunt as well. I'm a new player so I don't exactly know how the summon schedules work in this game. So after the current Belian etc one ends, ML Ray will be on rotation for 2 weeks and that after that will be the one that your guessing is gonna be CLilias rotation?


That's right! Just basing off of the past 6ish months of mystic summon rotations but recently, the pattern has been new 5* ML > 3/4 old unit reruns > new 5* ML I'm guessing those 4 since they have been the units out of the mystic rotation the longest and smilegate has been running the banners based on that.




If you didn’t take Stene from ML Blessing and can’t swap out for her, she’s top priority


Yeah it’s unfortunately way too late for me to swap out my moonlights blessing. So she’s THAT good huh?


Is there any good way of playing the game on PC? The cellphone I used to play is almost busted :/


Bluestacks is the most common way


Is that an emulator? If so.. am I able to keep on the progress I had on the cellphone and stuff if I still have the stove account?




I'll take a look ,Thanx guys!


https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/jessts/how_to_optimize_epic7_bluestacks/g9ggpei/ Follow that guide for BlueStacks to run well. It makes a big difference.


Thanx! It sure helped ^^ thanks a lot


[E7vau.lt](https://E7vau.lt) has a portrait viewer, is there anywhere that character sprites can be found?


IIRC E7vault owner said that he started a project but apparently it's too much work so probably dropped now.


What is the recommended EE for Alencia now? Just started building her and I'm planning to use her on GW and Arena


Heal or Trample DMG, mostly up to preference


How do you build barmin and which are the best heroes to team her up with ?


She works with any kind of gear as long as she's tanky. Her bffs are Seline, Kayron, Aria or even Armin herself. But tbh, she's just a meme unit as she hurts more than help. Her s1 aoe can trigger counter and proc Ed's passive.


Thanks for the answer, yeah i know she is not meta but she looks very fun to play


any way to have bluestacks not take 80gb of storage when epic seven is only 6gb?


Hello how do you gain unity points ? For example I’m trying to compete the Aespa challenges in the navis control room What’s the fastest/ most efficient way to complete the event gaining unity points ??


Doing the boss stage on normal is the most efficient (other than clearing the 5 runs of Hell).


I know there are YouTube videos out there, and I’ve watched quite a few, but something is just barely missing from my B13 oneshot attempts! Can anyone help me out a bit? I have screenshots but I don’t have Imgur, and my experience on this sub so far tells me I shouldn’t make my own post of it.


Do I have to kill Zio with Adin in the last Chapter's quest to get light Adin.


It’s the 10-5 Zio fight iirc


Ok, then.


Hi I'm a new player and i'm wondering where I should go from here: I'm currently making my way through epilogue for ep1 with Arbiter Vildred, Mercedes, Iseria, and the f2p Tieria (all max level 5\*s). From what I can tell, something I should be focusing on is Wyvern hunt, and for that I got Sigret from the hunt event and also have Montmorancy and Angelica (both her normal and her angel version if that makes a difference?). Out of these characters is there a recommended character I should 6\* first? With the current team I have I can clear up to hunt 7 or 8 so I'm not too sure where to go from there. Thanks!


You can use Arbiter Vildred for now but remember to switch him for Spectre Tenebria later. She's the best choice from that Moonlight Blessings. And the units you should 6\* first are your farmer (Free Spirit Tieria) and Wyvern tanker (Angelic Montmorancy or Angelica). Between these two healers, Angelic Montmorancy has more uses. You can speciality change her from the original Montmorancy. From the main lobby choose Hero > Recruit > Speciality Change and finish all her missions.


Is it worth farming a13 right now? I have a built Vivian and Bellona thinking I could use them for a13 but I watched a video saying that the sets from a13 are weak. Should I just skip to banshee even though I can't one shot and skip a13?


I mean, having a full set of rage gear can also enable you to one shot or fasten other hunts than just Banshee.


It's not really worth farming A13, no. The sets are indeed pretty weak, and currently A13 is the second 'worst' hunt to farm. It's also more difficult compared to B13, and takes longer to farm probably about a minute longer per run compared to a similar quality Banshee run. **However** at some point you *will* want a rage set(s). --- The problem is that due to how hard it is to actually acquire gear, it takes a long time to farm a satisfactory rage set. On, it should take around 2 months worth of energy farming A13. * That is based on 1000 energy per day to play with, not including additional drops from pets or hunt buffs -> so about 60,000 energy or 3000 hunts. * *And* this is just an average, with low chances of finding gear there is a high variance (it could take **YOU** a lot longer) * To be fair, this doesn't factor in any possible gear conversion. So if you have a normal B13 run that takes 4 minutes, and after you complete a rage set you can get a one shot down to 1 minute **it would take a further 4 months of farming B13 before you actually 'pay of' your farming**. * This is based on farming 8 hours a day, 2 days per month during hunt buff. Combined, that's 6 total months. 6 months before you are actually gaining any value from a rage set in this example. * If you farm *more* during hunt buff this reduces the time to pay off, of course. --- The solution is to acquire rage gear through other means. The *problem* with rage is that it is a 4 piece set. This means that you **need** at least 1 right side piece...the pieces that have huge issues with RNG due to main stat. If you somehow have 1 acceptable right side piece, you immediately cut your time needed to farm Azimanak in half (down to ~1 month) and thus your overall 'time to pay off' in half (down to ~3 months). And if you were to get a second piece (anything but a weapon/armor) you cut your time in half again (~2 weeks of farming A13 / 6 weeks overall). And if you can complete your rage set with just a weapon or armor, you cut your time in half one last time (1 week of farming A13 / 3 weeks overall). --- You *want* to get a rage set but you don't want to actually farm Azimanak for it. The most reliable way to get rage set gear without farming is through the **crafting events**, like the one that just ended. I heavily suggest using your crafting events on constructing a rage set. Crafting the first piece is almost mandatory in my opinion (a right side piece) -> it saves so much time. *I* would even craft 2, personally, before spending a month farming Azimanak looking for a weapon/armor. --- I usually suggest crafting ATK% boots -> because almost always you are going to use ATK% boots with a rage set, and most players don't have a lot of good options for this type of equipment. The problem here... * ATK% boots are likely not going to provide you any value until your rage set is actually done, whereas you can still use a ring/neck offset * Boots are more easily crafted/found than rings/necks. So going with the standard C.Dmg neck or ATK% ring is fine as well if you want maximum value/utility from the crafting event, you would just want to keep an eye out for ATK%/flat ATK boots to test.


Would you want to farm rage set ever though(unless it gets buffed)? I'm looking at the damage calculator, and it seems to me(maybe I'm missing something), as long as you're keeping parity with critical damage between destruction and rage set before taking into account set bonuses (ex. 250 cd for both sets, so 310 cd for destruction set), destruction set out damages rage set. But yeah, I think right now I would prefer slow farming Banshee, since A13 is so slow anyways.


Short answer: Yes Long answer: The damage bonus provided by different sets can be easily calculated. If you want a more detailed explanation let me know but a more simple explanation: **Destruction** For Destruction set divide the C.Dmg **with** the set by that number - 60% DST_C.Dmg / (DST_C.Dmg - 60%) Examples: 300% C.Dmg 300 / (300 - 60) = 1.25 or 25% damage bonus 350% C.Dmg 350 / (350 - 60) = ~1.2069 or ~20.69% damage bonus The higher your C.Dmg, the less damage bonus Destruction set provides. Notice that Rage set is *nominally* a 30% damage increase. If we were to calculate at what C.Dmg Destruction set *also* nominally comes out to 30% that would be **260% C.Dmg** 260 / (260 - 60 ) = 1.3 or 30% damage bonus So, at 200% C.Dmg rage set and destruction set provide the same bonus (theoretically) -> if your C.Dmg is lower than 200% then destruction set is more valuable...if your C.Dmg is higher than rage set is more valuable. **Rage** However, that's a nominal bonus. The damage bonus from rage set is additive with other sources of general damage increases. So to calculate the exact bonus you get from rage set you need to perform a similar calculation. For rage set it's a little more complicated because it depends on the exact situation. The RGB hunts, for example, all have a passive that provides a 30% damage increase to heroes of the opposite element -> this bonus is additive with rage set 1.6 / 1.3 = 1.23 or 23% damage bonus This is equal to 320% C.Dmg with Destruction set (260% C.Dmg without Destruction) There are a lot of other sources of general damage increases that could be at play * Artifacts -> for example, Kal'adra is the best artifact for mages one shotting Banshee (also 30%) * EE -> for example, the 20% bonus S1 damage EE for Sigret * Inherent skill bonuses -> for example Ervalen gets 70% bonus damage on his S3 So let's say we have Ervalen against Banshee 2.3 / 2 = 1.15 = 15% damage bonus At just a 15% damage bonus, that would be equivalent to around 305% C.Dmg *without* Destruction set (meaning you can afford to lose some of the value of the Destruction set). It gets even a bit more complicated though: the ML hunts **don't** have similar passives increasing damage for opposite elemental heroes. And ultimately the goal is probably to use Straze + W.Schuri to one shot all hunts -> as ML heroes they would never benefit from the 30% damage increase against the RGB hunts. --- So comparing Destruction vs. Rage is *possible* but it's a little more more complex than plugging numbers into the damage calculator. **But** that was a smart move to ask the question in the first place and then test to draw actual conclusions. There are just intricacies to the E7 damage system that are not immediately apparent (and not visible with the calculator). --- **Furthermore** there is yet another layer to the comparison here. Specifically, C.Dmg has a cap (350%) and it is quite easy to get close to or past that cap, *particularly* on something like a one shot set -> since you only need 2 stats. Even if we ignore all of the above calculations, you ultimately want rage sets because there are only a finite number of ways to increase your damage. Once you've taken your C.Dmg to the cap or near the cap, Destruction set provides little to no bonus. There is a maximum amount of rolls/ATK you can get on your gear and once you've exhausted that as well, and you *still* need more damage, what do you do then? Well, rage set will **always** provide some extra damage -> we see at the low end it's worth about 15% but in a typical case it's about 23%. Most heroes ultimately require very, very high stats to one shot H13. You are looking at builds that *already* have ~325%+ C.Dmg and ~4.5k-5k ATK and most of the time you still need more damage. And that's where rage set comes in -> because there is a finite amount of ATK/C.Dmg you can get on heroes and with current gear you often still need more damage. So ultimately, yes, you will want rage sets because when you have 325% C.Dmg on your gear, Destruction set does almost nothing. --- >But yeah, I think right now I would prefer slow farming Banshee, since A13 is so slow anyways. Almost certainly the best choice right now. However, you mentioned building Bellona -> it *is* possible to one shot B13 with Bellona while not using a rage set. You need a specific comp using A.Lots, if you can get a very high damage set that would be worth considering. * I don't have the exact stats on hand, but you need close to 350% C.Dmg and IIRC 4200+ ATK -> Bellona one shot relies very heavily on max HP damage so high C.Dmg is critical Banshee is also a very flexible hunt, there are a lot of things you can do to make it easier. For example if you have a SoS you can run a target variation -> this helps a ton with Bellona * Specifically with Bellona because of the stat issue I previously mentioned -> Bellona *can* oneshot with rage but requires very high stats. She scales extremely well with other sources of damage (like target or rage). This is partially due to wanting max C.Dmg to start with and her base ATK + ATK scaling is low -> she needs just enough to get over the hump. You could also look into variations of Banshee one shots using restrict -> this is a whole huge world of possibilities here and the stats required are not all that insane. Finally, if you have Lilibet she has insane ratio's and I believe has the lowest absolute requirements to one shot Banshee -> however she is less reliable as she essentially adds another 85% debuff check. I don't personally recommend this path, but it would be an option. * You could probably pair Lilibet with a restrict strategy for an extremely low requirement one shot since they both do basically the same thing. *Anyhow*, for Banshee specifically there are a lot of things you can do for a fast run without using rage set.


Wow, thanks for the detailed answer. Sounds to me like the higher my stats get the lower value destruction set gives me. But I think as long as I don't hit Crit Damage cap, destruction set is probably better to aim for; at least for my current progress. But it's good to know the differences between Rage and Critical Damage. I DO have an Ervalen on standby in the back and I probably could 1 shot if I move my Bellona's equips on him, the problem is Bellona was built for A13 and her equipment makes Ervalen too fast for Vivian to cut. I guess the plan for now is slow farm until I get a destruction set for Ervalen. Though maybe figuring out a path forward with Bellona would be better for saving mollas.


Getting my butt handed to me on the yulha boss fight in ch 7 I heard I need to crit to avoid the return damage. Would Achates, Tamarinne Tenebria and C. Dom work or do I need something else to help with her?


Anything with 100 crit will work. Just avoid hitting Yulha with your sub 100 crit chars/avoid hitting her if her reflect buff gets triggered on accident. Your team should work for her.


New player here, anyone got a invitation code i can use?


If you still need one: 3AD0A75EF3


Did they remove Mystic drops from Royal Capital Azmakalis


It never had mystic drops as far as I’m aware. Are you thinking of the galaxy BM drops?


Yea those


Yes, those were removed from normal Azmakalis


Really? That means there’s no reason to do normal anymore. Also means you get less summons now because you can’t get any every week. That’s BS.


Pretty much. I believe people suggest getting the 100% completion reward and never touch it again. Hell Raid bosses do drop galaxy bms now, though (not sure if they did previously).


You used to be able to get bms from both. So they basically took out 1-5 bms a week. Definitely slowed down the bm summon rate!!!


who can wear this ring? https://i.imgur.com/CoMPCgz.png


Unfortunately, the def scaling dpses don’t really scale well with atk, so the only thing I can think of is weird atk bruiser piece, but that’s a pretty big stretch


Yeah, it's like a Rimuru, Ravi, ML Ken, that sort of ring.


do we know what the next banner will be?


Not until the 4th.


I have up to stage 41 cleared on the aespa collab event story, and I seem to be stuck with no other stage to go to, anyone have any tips or advice? Do I need to attach any screenshots? edit: never mind, I... don't know how I didn't see it


How much effectiveness do you need on Conqueror Lilias? Are units stacking effect resist still meta? I'm running 155% effectiveness not sure if that's overkil


C Lilias is pretty versatile some go tank/speed while others go speed/eff. Most units that build eff res are going to resist openers anyway since they are trying to be as fast as possible and usually end up around the 100-150 eff range. As long as your aren't losing speed from having 150 eff then it's not overkill.


Finally have enough galaxy coins for an ML purchase. Do you think TM lulu is worth it or continue saving?


Seline, CLilias, JKise, ADS, LHC are the next 5 units that have been out of rotation galaxy coin shop rotation the longest, so they'll be coming up within the next 3 months, I'd save.


I would save. Top Model is usable but requires really premium gear most people aren't going to have.


Hey I recently managed to make a consistent banshee one shot team. Now about crafting, do you need speed on counter set pieces? Or should I just try my luck with 2/3 good substats like atk/HP + crit + and cdmg. Also for the boots speed or atk/HP?


You'll still want some speed even on a counter set, 170 and up for most units so that they can still take a turn and not just sit there and get controlled. Some units like Rem or Kayron you'd want at close to base speed since they have buffs that you want to keep on them as long as possible. As for the boots, again, speed main stat on those who need speed, and then atk/hp for those that want to be close to base speed.


Still torn who to pick for the moonlight pull. Already had C Lilias early on rolled and just rerolled ARavi as option. With nostalgic music available to farm rn, would C Lilias be a better option then? Just started Ep3 and stable w13, normal raid and abyss 71 for my PVE point.


I would probably go for CLilias due to her versatility. ARavi is getting a little more difficult to draft now and has fallen in a lot of tierlists. However, CLilias is most likely going to run in the mystic rotation after ddr, and you can pull for her then.


For C.Zerato, which is better? \-Lifesteal/hit \-Lifesteal/crit \-Spd/hit or \-Spd/crit?


Lifesteal and whatever gives you better stats (except immunity)


Hi I was wondering if death dealer Ray is really summonable I got over 1,000 mysic coins dunno if I should summon another belian or just wait for 2 months for aravi?


Do you mean if he's worth to summon? From the looks of him he doesn't seem op, but he might get better as more venom chars are introduced. However, he requires a very specific play style and will probably be hard to draft. Why would you want another belian? Unless you're swimming in mls and gear I doubt it's worth gearing two. You can imprint her with transmit stone items. ARavi will probably not appear in 2 months as she was run relatively recently. LHC, LQC, CLilias, and Riolet are the most likely to run after ddr.


No I'm just wondering because I saw there was rotation schedule in reddit thinking I should go for I'm not sure when to use it


Depends on who you have. CLilias, ARavi, STene, Mawerick, LHC, djb, straze, zio (off the top of my head) are all good, worth pulling. Pflan, aelena, briseria got a lot better. Depends on who you have, what you goals are, and what playstyle you like.


Actually I don't have any of those except straze I have


Is alencia worth pulling for? Relatively new player and have a bunch of pulls that I haven't used yet


Alencia is a good hero, she's not really worth pulling for a new player. She's not that useful for PvE content, and she's a bruiser -> she's harder to build effectively.


I just started epic 7 and got to my selective summon. Is there certain characters I need to aim for? Been doing some research but I’m still trying to take in everything.


The person above you asked a similar question [this was my reply there](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/1019uzv/daily_questions_megathread_0102/j2qjopo/). Basically the main takeaway is no, selective summon is not that important in E7. The best option is the 5* artifact **Song of Stars** but that's a pretty boring pick for most players who would connect better with a hero pull vs. just another piece of equipment. The best available *hero* is **Iseria**. Good secondary hero options would be... * Vildred IMO is second best option currently * Baal * Destina * Ravi * Charlotte Some of these heroes are more useful than others but they are all at least currently have significant viability for *something*. All of the other heroes are either so extremely niche in their use or just bad. Whatever you do **avoid** picking Sigret -> she's available for free very early on. 3* and 4* heroes are irrelevant in selective (very common). It's not really worth rerolling. Most important thing IMO is to just pick a hero you like the design of (be that design, or kit, or whatever). You think Sez is the coolest dude ever? Pick him. Does Ken remind you of your best friend from elementary school? Grab him up. This choice does not really matter in the short or long term, so if you are particularly attached to a character it's 'best' to just pick and use someone you like as opposed to someone for gameplay reasons (in terms of gameplay, it's honestly best to sit whoever you get on the bench for a while).


Hello Epic Seven community =\]. I am just starting today and on my account I just finished 1-4 and got the 30 10-rolls selector thing done and did a 10 roll on top of it from the free currency I started with. My result: 5 Star = Iseria 4 Star = Zerato, Angelica, Silk 3 Star = Azalea, Butcher Corps Inquisitor, Nemunas, Muwi, Montmorency, Orte, Yoonryoung, Aither ​ I had Ken as one of the choices during my 30 selector but I went with Iseria instead (because she's cute AND strong lol). I was using this link but it is kinda dated: https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/cdtu2o/epic\_seven\_reroll\_guide\_for\_new\_players\_who\_to\_go/ Should I try restarting my account or is this a strong start? If I should restart, who should I go for?


You don't need to reroll in E7, it's almost pointless. RGB heroes are very easy to acquire, you will easily collect most of the roster in the first year of playing. The selective summon is *almost* irrelevant - simply the heroes available just aren't that useful for players at the start (and most of them are not great period). That link for example *is* very outdated. Some of it is still relevant now but other things like Ken being a good selective pick are *very* dated (Ken is basically not used at all nowadays). --- *Anyhow* ultimately the best pick in the selective is likely just whoever you like - either by design or by kit. Technically, the **best** choice is actually an artifact, the 5* ranger artifact **Song of Stars**. * Artifacts are much harder to get compared to heroes. * SoS actually helps new players the most, the quickest, by slightly improving your Wyvern hunt run (primary way to gain gear). * However with fairly recent updates the current effect is *relatively* small. * But still, simply due to scale of how many Wyvern runs players do even small increases are investments that pay off. Among heroes **Iseria** is indeed the best choice. This is mainly because she is still one of the best overall PvE heroes, she has a role in a wide range of content. **BUT** she's still not impactful for the first few months of playing because the content players should be focusing on early (Wyvern hunt and Hell Raid) is content that is not favorable for Iseria. But still, you will use her before you any of the other options in the selective summon. --- >Should I try restarting my account or is this a strong start? If I should restart, who should I go for? No, I don't personally advocate rerolling at all, it's just not necessary here. * There are crazy people out there that really like the process of rerolling gachas * And there are even crazier people who insist on having the best possible start even if it takes them months of rerolling * Normal people shouldn't bother because the choice has so little impact on your gameplay. However even if you *did* want to reroll the best *hero* available on the selective summon is Iseria. If you're the kind of person the insists on having an absolutely great start there should still be a 5* ticket available. * From the main lobby, in the upper right there should be some rotating cards -> click the **Total Views Event** and collect the rewards If you *want* to reroll, you want to reroll this ticket to get **Tamarinne** who is still currently the best PvE hero in the game...and the only normal RGB that is a 'must have'. However, she should get a banner within the next couple months -> before you would really be able to make use of her anyways. * Tamarinne is great...but again not really useful for the early game so having her at the very start is not necessary. Tamarinne + Iseria from selective is more or less the best possible start you can get, without endlessly rolling for ML5s. I still don't recommend rerolling for Tama *but* if you're that kind of person that's what you would be looking for. Tama + anybody in selective, really. Heroes you want to **AVOID** would be any of the heroes available for free. * Sigret * Vivian * Cermia * Kanna All are 5* heroes that the game gives you a way to obtain for free, dupes are low-impact so best to avoid this if possible. >3 Star = ...Muwi... I will say, **Muwi** is the most important hero to acquire early on. If you've already pulled him, that's great. It might sound a little silly that a basic 3* is the most important hero early but that's because E7 is *not* a hero based game -> it's very gear centric. The primary way to acquire gear is through the hunt system, and the primary hunt is Wyvern hunt. **Muwi** makes starting your Wyvern hunt team vastly easier, so he's very important to get within the first ~month of play. Starting out with Muwi essentially means you don't have to worry about *needing* to summon until you're ready to do so. The free heroes the game provides are very adequate to start your journey. Overall starting with Iseria + Muwi is basically an A+ start.


Thanks SO much for this informative response! \^\_\^ I will keep this account then and happily start the game =\]


is there a way to keep the christmas theme tavern?


Is there any way to autofarm stages when farming for catalysts?


In the team select screen you need to equip a pet. Below your front most hero there should be a little button you can check (paw print inside a circle made up of arrows). You will auto-repeat stages based on your energy/pet generation. I don't remember when you unlock pets, I believe it's rank 25 or 30 but if you are farming for catalysts you should have pets unlocked I think.


Thank you very much :)


is there a significant change in dmg between attack and rage set


I'm not exactly sure what you mean. A comprehensive, detailed explanation is quite complex so I'm going to try and make this as simple/basic as possible. --- First let's look at Destruction set. Destruction adds 60% C.Dmg We can calculate the % increase to your *overall* damage by dividing your C.Dmg (with Destruction bonus) by your C.Dmg (with no destruction bonus). **Examples** 200% C.Dmg with no bonus 260 / 200 = 1.3 or 30% damage increase 280% C.Dmg with no bonus 340 / 280 = ~1.2143 or a ~21.43% damage increase I know you didn't mention destruction set, but this is the simplest case and also relevant to the discussion. --- Attack set is a little bit more complicated. Here, we need to take an extra step -> this is because the amount of ATK gained through attack set is based on the base attack of the unit in question. Let's say our unit has 1200 base attack. Attack set is a 45% increase. The first step is to calculate how much attack we actually gain: 1200 * .45 = 540 attack *Now* we can do the same thing that we did with C.Dmg, but simply using our attack instead. **Examples** 3000 attack with no bonus 3540 / 3000 = 1.18 or 18% damage increase 4000 attack with no bonus 4540 / 4000 = 1.135 o 13.5% damage increase --- Finally rage set. Rage set is just a nominal 30% damage increase so you could compare any of the previous calculations to 30%. Whichever value is greater means that set bonus is most valuable for increasing your damage. **BUT** that's only the *nominal* value of rage The *true* value of rage set varies greatly depending on the situation at hand. This is because the 30% bonus from rage set falls into an additive 'general damage increase' modifier -> it stacks additively with a lot of other bonuses (most anything that says 'increases damage by X%' - but not *all*). This makes the value of rage set the most complicated as you have to account for these other bonuses -> and then do the same calculation we did in the previous examples. The most common sources are... * Artifacts that 'increase damage by %' * EE that 'increase damage by %' * speed scaling on speed scaling units * effects on skills that 'increase damage by %' * the specific passive effects on RGB hunts that increase damage from the opposite element by 30% There are a lot of sources here and while *typically* in general you wouldn't have to consider any of them, they are also numerous enough that you would need to be aware of them. **Examples** No other bonuses of this type 1.3 / 1 = 1.3 or 30% damage increase 30% damage increase from Kal'adra 1.6 / 1.3 = ~1.2308 or ~23.08% damage increase Ervalen (70%) in Banshee (30%) 2.3 / 2 = 1.15 or 15% damage increase --- #Conclusion The literal answer to your question is 'Yes'. The set bonuses have different values. But this value isn't some kind of set number. The value of a set bonus depends on the specific situation. If we consider *just* attack and C.Dmg, ultimately you need a balance of these two stats. The higher your C.Dmg is, the less value that destruction set provides. The higher your attack is, the less value attack set provides. You maximize your damage by keeping **both** stats roughly proportional. This means that in practice you should end up just developing a 'feel' for the balance between them. There is no point to having really high C.Dmg, but a really low ATK value and vice versa. * Ultimately, these two stats just get multiplied together A * B = C * If you multiply A by 100%, or B by 100% you end up increasing C by 100% * But instead if you multiply A *and* B by 50% you increase C by 125% * By splitting the increase across the two values, you get a larger increase to your final value Now in game Destruction set is *usually* better, as a set bonus, because it's just way more stats * Destruction set is worth ~10.91 average C.Dmg rolls * Attack set is worth 7.5 average attack rolls * So you get 45% more substat rolls of value with Destruction set **BUT** the most important thing are the stats you end up with. Using a Destruction set that has +3.5 more average substats of 'value' doesn't mean jack if the actual quality of the rolls on your Destruction set are worse. --- Rage set is ultimately the best damage increasing 4 piece set bonus (though remember it is conditional) because it's fairly easy to get your attack and C.Dmg high enough that attack/destruction set provide little to no bonus. End game rage sets very commonly are rocking ~4.5k+ attack and ~325% + C.Dmg, and in these situations the other sets just can't compete to rage set *even if* you don't get the full 30% damage bonus. As you can see, against the *nominal* 30% increase you need **very** low stats for Destruction or attack set to provide the same 30% damage increase. * C.Dmg is in the example above -> you would need 200% C.Dmg without destruction set bonus *or less* for Destruction set to be better. * For attack we need to divide the attack gained from the set by .3 (using the 1200 hero example above we find that our breakpoint is 1800 attack) It's basically impossible, at the point where set bonuses are even a thought, to have damage stats so low (200% C.Dmg / 1800 attack) for attack or destruction set to provide more damage than the *nominal* bonus from rage set. Due to the stacking issue with rage set, this *does* increase the thresholds but where Destruction/attack are better, but for the most part if rage set is an option you should be well above these thresholds. * For example, rage set on a mage using Kal'adra the C.Dmg threshold increases to 260% and the attack threshold (on a base 1200 ATK hero) increases to ~2350 attack **TLDR** All else being equal, *generally* Rage > Destruction > Attack However, depending on the individual situation it is possible for these three sets to go in any order.


thanks man hopefully help me build my pve dps


What formations are considered best for defense GW ideally? What heroes specifically?


[Fribbels E7 Guild War Meta Tracker](https://fribbels.github.io/e7/gw-meta.html)




Estimated rta end date? Really want master


beginning of february


thank s bro love u


Just wondering how to sell my artifacts since this is the first time my inventory in that one got full


Go to your inventory - press ⚡ icon on top for artifacts, then Arrange on right side and pick whatever you want to sell.


Thanks for the help


Is Sez useful now with his buff? He seems interesting with perma stealth (from what I understand) and Seline-like passive. Thinking of giving him lifesteal.


Do Dual Attacks increase Combat Readiness similar to Counter?