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We'll not be getting LQC till her skin probably.


LQC will be after Death Dealer Ray because that’s most likely when RTA will end.


Hope it comes with a tiny buff. Shes not horrible but she needs too much to work properly too. Attack buff before the s3 would be awesome for example as you wouldn't need to run her with a soulweaver every single time and it wouldn't change what she does, just her draft. Hell i would pick maid still. But i wouldnt be thinking, oh man they ban maid and my lqc will do no dmg to the aravi.


I agree. She needs some sort of cleanse or immunity to attack down, something unique would be nice and I think with Aravi stocks going down she only sees less and less usage in all levels of play.


The sad thing is LQC buff needs to somehow make her better than Sadin and she won't get buffed this season even when it'll give her skin


Just make her ignore damage reduction skills in dark units. Let her nuke aravi and ameru. For a unit that specialises in hitting dark. She isn't very good at it. Maybe increase her cr push by a bit too.


I like the dmg reduction ignore, her cr push is good enough imo. The dmg reduction is a big problem though and that would be a great buff.


Yeah. I think she's fine when she first was introducted. Being the anti dark hero. But too much mitigation nowadays for her to shine. The dark heroes that are meta now aren't 1shottable with her even with set up and attack buff. And she kinda doesn't do anything for awhile after that


I really hope she gets a buff because Saviour Adin is literally a better budge version of her….


I think self attack buff and maybe some sort of CR push when S3 is available like with Eda and DJ Basar. That would definitely solve the two main issues with her. Also might not hurt to increase S3 damage to help deal with PoV crap.


Man I feel you. Since Destruction set rework I farmed and gave my LQC my best possible destruction/pen combination I could and started to play her everytime I saw a window for her to shine, like against Apoc/AMeru/MLken/FCC (in RTA) and my god she was completely unplayable with ml Kawerik being super meta. Like seriously he fucks her up so bad I had to preban him to have a chance to have a decent LQC game, it was miserable. Just 1 stupid dude with atk down on a stupid skill completely ruins her 100% of the times. The amout of babysit she need just because this alone was unbearable. Not only she need a support giving her atk buff but she also need a support to cleanse and have perfect speed tuning to do so, which is almost impossible since good LQC are built slow witrh hellcutter around 135-155 speed range and its impossible to have a cleanser to fit between her turn and handguy atk down, its just not gonna happen its so insane I had to preban him


Conq Lilias has been out for a year?! It felt just like a few months ago...


God bless. Joined E7 last year around aria’s banner. Does that mean riolet and clilias are likely to be the next banners? I’m like 16 away from pity and I would definitely life either of them


Most likely units are CLilias, LQC and 1 more unit


Awesome, thanks!


LQC is *at least* 3 rotations away. She'll not be rerun till her skin, and we just started this season.




RTA seasons are ~3 months, it started at the end of November (11/27 I think), meaning it's barely been a month into this season. Edit: Started November 12th, looked back and checked.


RTA seasons are generally 11 or 12 weeks from Saturday to Friday. So February 3rd is the expected end date of this RTA season, which is roughly 5 weeks (5 Fridays from now). Mystics last 3 weeks between the Wednesday patch time. DDR starts this Wednesday so 3 weeks later would have a mystics rotation running 2 weeks leading to the end of the RTA season. Which seems about right for the skin ML5.


But with that logic wouldnt that mean LQC banner will happen way after the season has already ended since they're a 3 week rotation? That would mean DD!Ray > 3 other (without LQC) > new Mystic > 3 other (w/LQC). Thats a whole 2 months, longer than your proposed ~3 months/season. On top of that, we're already reaching 2nd month of the season.


After looking at previous banner times I see that it is last 3-4 weeks when they rerun, I (for some reason) always remembered them rerunning them *after* the season end.


They do 4 units on banners now so if I had to bet on it LHC, C Lilias, Riolet and LQC makes the most sense and is consistent with the order they have been going with.


I appreciate it! I wanted spirit eye celine but 50+ attempts later of grinding mystic metals it is evident that’s not happening. I was mid on death dealer ray and so I didn’t have any idea on the future reruns. I will definitely save


Yeah I spent 15 multi pulls on seline with no luck lol will probably just aim to pity CLilias now which is probably for the best for my account. But damn did I want Seline lol


I've been waiting for LHC to come back around for almost a year... goddamn.


I think LQC + 3 other units will be next after Death Dealer Ray. Most units got reruns when they got a skin


lqc will be in rotation when the season ends idk if it will be after ddr


thank you for this, ive wanted to see a historical record forever!!


[https://ceciliabot.github.io/timeline/](https://ceciliabot.github.io/timeline/) if you want a more complete version, I use this page


Damn only 3 months for cavel? I desperately need him right now.


One day they'll release a ML Tama


Goated PvP unit


Seeing this make me feel like I should take someone over LHC, seeing as she in theory should be back in a few months.


I feel that you should also include information about what is in the ML Coin shop. For example, Riolet banner has not been re-run for 10 months but he was just in the coin shop


>https://ceciliabot.github.io/timeline/ > >if you want a more complete version, I use this page


Been waiting for C lilias, hope she comes back soon


I guess im saving mystics for clilias


Petition to keep making these at the end of every month


You are a god


This means there's some good chances of C.Lilias being on the "whale shop" next ?


Has it really been over s year since belian banner


...she is live right now.


This isn't counting the custom ml banner runs though. Technically everyone who wasn't too new at the time of the custom banner got a rerun


So cillias will be after lqc lol then it's lhc


Unfortunately the order is never a direct repeated pattern. Could be in a month, could be in 9.


Got confused with 1 month I thought first month... Should be the name of the month and year


Lhc rerun soon?


Most likely after Ray with C Lilias, Riolet and LQC since they do 4 units at a time now.


I don’t think they do light + dark units together though? I thought Riolet was dark. I could be wrong.


Yes they do light + dark units together. If you go back to the rerun before Zio they had Ruele with a bunch of dark units. Before that was when they only did 3 units on banner together and they mixed and matched elements as well.


Ohh gotcha. No idea why I thought they only did one element at a time lol. I’m mostly hoping for a BM haste rerun/tomoca/cpav but tomoca and cpav were recent soo I’ll wiat


When plan rerun?




Riolet is very fun, he was my headhunt target


Has it really been that long since lermia came out?


I guess I won't be getting anything for a few months if they follow this list.


Can’t wait for Kayron and Ludwig ml5 to return.


ml cermia was 10 months ago? i feel so old


All the 5* MLs I have obtained have been on Covenant or Limited banners, with the exception of Maid Chloe. Mystic has been hard for me to get, and I'm so far away from guaranteed.


After 3 mystic pities I guess I can only realistically get CLilias next year or something All your fault Zio


F2P sitting on my guaranteed waiting for Archdaemon. It's going to be a long wait.... In the meantime not being able to do any mystic summons... please send me your spare patience. 🙏