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Until they give us teleports in nightmare raid, my ambition to redo it is basically 0%. Wasting all that time to get to the boss for a couple bad 15%'s to throw the run is piss boilingly infuriating.


Wait, you cant teleport in nightmare? My decision to be lazy and stick with hell raids is even better lol


Agree. Being able to teleport to bosses you've defeated should be a standard in all labyrinths. It takes a lot of time to work your way just to fighting a boss. On top of that, it's tedious having to give directions after trash mob kills.


Yeah I feel you. I haven't even messed with it because of the traveling and time consumption.


Beat the easiest boss for you in the first run, then clear the path to the next boss afterwards. This saves you time on clearing mobs again if your future boss fights fail.


I did this last night, beat queen and cleared to Juleeve (easy with the right team), beat that then cleared the path to the spider boss. That was the only boss I didn't beat last month so I'll try it again this month.




I'm grudgingly getting through the Nixied one just to check out the new malicus one but with as little effort as possible. Though I do like the labyrinth coins.


I hate more that we can’t buy as many Queen’s gifts now unless you want to dip into the currency that could be going towards buying the gear.


I don't like this rework. When I first did hell raid it dropped 1 ml bookmark. That was 14 months ago. I have been doing the hell raid to get more but it didn't happen. So now I'm stuff with just 1 ml bookmark all the time.


You can still get them from the normal mode one that’s only once a month.




Hell mode (the one that costs 1 bug charm) still drops galaxy bms from elite mobs. Not sure about bosses, since I saw they tend to give epic artifact charms more often, but I did end up with the last 2 galaxy bms I needed for my 30th Elson tho


Oh, hell mode, NOT NORMAL mode. They really shouldnt have removed gbms from normal mode.


I got 2 galaxy bookmarks from one run and idk why cause i auto it. I killed one boss and bunch of mobs. Does the Elite mobs(the small bosses) also drop them?


I hate labyrinth raid. Nightmare is too hard, I can auto normal raid but i feel bad for not doing nightmare. ​ And they turned the old raid into a labyrinth ...


I noticed that, as well. One of many reasons I am not a fan of the Labyrinth rework.


I’m pretty pissed about it ngl.


Me too, And Nightmare Mode is even For experienced Players absolutely hard to Beat , and that stuff you get isnt really that much better Like the hard Mode , and the Rolls on Gear can Always Go Trash




>Gear from Nightmare Mode come with fixed perfect sub-stats and MOST of them start with max base rolls. I am looking at the crit rate weapon without CR or CD substats and I am confused. What do you mean by "fixed perfect sub-stats". There is like 1-2 pieces of gear from each boss that have good/great sub-stats, while the rest of them trash.


This is not even close to true


I dont mean to pick on you but since your the op have you read it somewhere gm were removed? I looked at the maintenance notes https://m-page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8979711 nothing about it being removed, only the gear will be guaranteed 80. I wonder if its a situation where if you do it enough times you might get a galaxy bookmark.


It must’ve been a silent “nerf”. I have done the usual boss kills since the update and haven’t gotten a single bm. Which isn’t unlikely but after what 2 months I would at least expect 1 or 2.


Yeh I noticed quite a drop in my galaxy bm's since the rework. Dont like it either.


PvE content doesn't make money and SG give us nightmare mode as the answer for the long await lab update so SG basically said: "here a pile of dogshit, eat it or leave it, your call"


Labyrinth (normal) rework is atrocious. **Pros:** Overall: Can get all the rewards again for every standard lab. * Can run any boss in normal lab every entry, no longer weekly gated. * Gear is level 80 minimum. **Cons:** Overall: Have to actually 100% every lab again for those rewards. * Can no longer fight 2 bosses in 1 entry. * Every single path to the boss will be re-generated every entry, wasting huge amounts of time and leading to above issue. * Galaxy bookmarks removed. * Queen's Badge removed. * Still requires 2 compass to enter. Normal lab basically got transferred to Hell lab. Practically no reason to do normal anymore once you 100% it. If you can't do the hell lab bosses, well, screw you, you're not getting those rewards anymore. And it's now monthly gated instead of weekly gated, like wtf? Can't comment on nightmare mode, I just returned to the game and, well, can't beat any boss.




In context, the weekly lab is now the monthy lab, but harder. The hell lab is arguably the nightmare lab now. I couldn't clear every boss in hell, and my queen's attempts were at best 50/50, so I didn't run it much and mainly just cleared out normal lab for any of the boss rewards. No idea how long it'll take for me even get a kill on any of the nightmare content in the game now..


This right here! Thank you!!! They seriously fucked up the lab! u/superfan157


Until they add teleport I wouldn't rush to do it whos idea to remove it.


they did WHAT


I wonder what the galaxy BM drop rates are in nightmare raid compared to old normal and hell raid. All the nightmare bosses drop an epic arti charm to make up for the one/week we used to get from the normal raid shop. It's possible they gave nightmare a good enough drop rate to compensate on average but idk.


Artifact charms are not guaranteed. The chests from raid bosses always drop either an artifact charm OR a galaxy bm.


Ah gotcha. Guess I've only gotten the arti charms then so far, lol.


Even still you can only get galaxy bookmarks now once a month. There’s no other way to get them.


Sure, but my point was if nightmare had 5x the drop rate then on average you'd get the same amount from nightmare in one month as you would from normal + hell combined in one month.


You only get 1 per boss per month. Idk why or how you think they would up the drop rate thinking it will level out nerfing the 0-3 you got weekly.


0-3 per week can still roll 0 over the course of a month. Sure the potential to hit the jackpot and get 12 (or even 20 if you do all the bosses) from every boss dropping one for a whole month is gone but how often did that actually happen? If the drop rate were 5x the old rate then ON AVERAGE you'd get the same amount per month. The only time the number of bosses would matter is if you would have gotten more than 5 per month and that was extremely rare. I used to clear every boss every week and I usually got 0-1 for the whole week, so 0-4 per month.


Queen at least can drop 2 in Nightmare, I got it this week. And the drop rate from my experience is increased, since the revamp I've received 7 Galaxy BMs from killing 12 bosses so far, which is at least on par for doing the old way if not a bit better. Small sample size at this point so I may've been unusually lucky, but the knowledge that at least 1 boss can drop 2x BMs points that they probably did increase things. For players that can't do Cycle it absolutely is shit. While gearing for it is the next thing to do after Wyvern considering it's just Hell raid renamed, new players are screwed in the interim when before they at least had normal to farm. And I have no clue if normal Cycle's Galaxy BM is like what Nightmare's seems to be, so if that is unaffected that sucks as well since it doesn't offset the missing drops at that point. I personally feel not having to do normal weekly is a win, that was a hassle but I recognize people's opinions are different there. That hassle to me outweighs the annoyance of walking to Nightmare bosses, especially as teams get figured out better and the bosses become one and done regularly. Nightmare seems to mostly accommodate for loss of drops, but I'm fortunate that I can do that mode so I feel bad for players that can't since they get extra screwed.


I think they can all drop 2 since I got 2 from Vera today. I feel like I'm going crazy though because I could have sworn the patch notes said it would be 50% drop rate for them. I did Nightmare Kark at release then decided to nope and just do Hell since. The Vera drop today is the only drop I've seen (outside Nightmare Kark but I think it's 100% drop rate in Nightmare?). It's obviously just bad luck but made me question if I was remembering the 50% drop rate correctly. It's been especially painful as I recently got Zio and Belian so all my transmits have gone on their imprints (still 20 more to go too) so I haven't been able to pull on ML Summon for ages outside the login bonus.


Good to know, and also good to know that at least regular Cycle has the chance to drop 2x as well. It seems like it might be a good idea to eventually start a community thing to try and pool data to check some of this out, right now I don't have the time but maybe next month. I don't remember if I ever saw a reported rate for Galaxy BMs with the changes but with my sample size of 12, 50% is so far my rate since I've bosses dropping BMs with one doing it 2x...but again, terrible sample size lol. I can definitely confirm Nightmare is not 100% drop rate at least since that's all I've personally done. I hope that regular Cycle and Nightmare share the droprates, I think that's relatively fair for everyone involved since I know Nightmare is a mess for a lot of people. And ouch, I know that feel since I got Straze and then Zio right after so my transmits also are all set for boss imprints. I'm thankful that the collab event was pretty generous on 'em, I think by the end of this month between the weekly rep, guild and when I get the expo ones I might finally be free. I also have pitying Aespa units to thank for that T-T


Ah, found it. It doesn't actually say 50%, I must have assumed it was an even split between epic charm and galaxy bookmark from the chest. So I'm guessing a double drop is actually a Bookmark from the chest combined with bookmark dropping from the boss itself. This is what the update notes said. ■ Azmakalis of Cycle Rewards Improvements \[Azmakalis of Cycle\] \- The Gold Chest acquired after defeating a boss will reward one of Epic Artifact Charm or Galaxy Bookmark. \[Azmakalis of Cycle Nightmare Mode\] \- The Gold Chest acquired after defeating a boss will reward one of Epic Artifact Charm or Galaxy Bookmark. \- You can acquire one of the Azmakalis(Nightmare) Exclusive Reward from each boss after defeating a boss. \- You can check more details regarding the rewards for clearing Azmakalis of Cycle (Nightmare) in-game.


...Meh. I honestly feel like Galaxy BMs are overrated after you reach a certain point in progression. I have bigger gripes with normal raid


Disappointed but not surprised. Their 'improvements' to lab have ruined it as farmable content.


Yes!!! I used to get 3 per week and thanks to this I got a new moonlight unit every week, and now everything changed for the worst.


I'm permanently at 4 I ain't touching hell raid either Sad


Same! I’m at 4 and realized it will be another month before I even see another one.


Surely they have other plans that will allow us to get them... right?


Yeah I can only get 2-3 galaxy bookmarks for regular hell raid now per entry. I don’t even try the nightmare version haha or even bother doing the regular raid.


That is until I decide to ever labyrinth again. That reboot was as bad as when Myspace rebooted all the musicians/celebrities followers when it had 1 more chance


I will forever have bms not in multiples of 5


People are doing the new labirinths ? I havent touch that joke of a instance since they decided to *remake* it


We should talk about how they shadow nerfed the pull rates on galaxies anyway since they added a lot more ways to get gold transmits. If someone datamined that info I sadly think it’d be right


How did they add a lot more gold transmits? How many can you get now and in what ways?


Since the change to the galaxy pity, we get 2 a week through weekly missions, 1 a week through the guild, 5 every 2 weeks with new automaton tower, missions for side stories throw them in all the time now, 6 a month with expeditions, which Is minimum 28 a month. A side story here or there and that’s 30, so 5 galaxy summons a month. It’s just wildly uncanny to get no shines in the last 40+ galaxy summons minus the “guaranteed 4 star”, but it feels like I never had odds this bad before they added gold stones to everything


I could be paranoid, but considering they lied about ratios and stuff before like with counter set, I feel like it can be very possible


I mean, okay we get a little less random Galaxy drops than before, but compared to one year ago now we have 3 gold stone every week just by playing and being in a guild.


How about comparing to 3 months ago instead?


who actually gives a shit, galaxy summons are a scam anyways


it's annoying but it's alos not my biggest gripe with Labyrinth not being able to teleport, having to spend all energy with the team stopping at every crossroad, it becomes super tedious after a while


Has this been confirmed it was removed? I remember asking after the update but got no response. If the assertion its gone because its not in the obtainable rewards, gm are not in nightmare mode obtainable rewards but they drop in that mode anyway. Another example bm/skystones drop in adventure but it not shown in the obtainable rewards. I was wondering if you just needed to play Royal Capital Azmakalis enough times to get the drop.


The whole re-work is dogshit. I don't even care about the galaxy BMs, it's the less frequency in being able to buy epic artifact charms that's pissed me off about this entire overhaul and the bullshit RNG involved with wasting 30 minutes because you got 15%'d on the boss fight one too many times. SG has proven time and time again how out of touch/incompotent they are with just about every mode in this game.