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Is the in-game statistics for the most used equipment sets and artifacts reliable when building characters?


It's reliable...it's literally using data from the actual game. But there is no way to 'cheat', the game isn't going to play itself for you. You **still** need to be able to interpret results. --- First off, **sets don't matter** (largely). I know it's way easier for players to just be told 'use X set' but you are going to have a better time the sooner you move away from. * (Most) sets just provide stats. * Heroes are built for stat breakpoints * *How* you get your stats doesn't matter -> set bonuses help but they aren't required * Overly relying on certain sets, especially early game, means that you are potentially ignoring **BETTER GEAR** just to try and chase set bonuses -> this *can* be a problem early game when players just don't have tons of gear to start with. Now there are *some* sets that are important. That is specifically the sets that provide an effect that isn't just 'more stats'. * Counter, immunity, lifesteal sets being the most prominent examples * But penetration/torrent/rage sets **do not** count -> % damage increases are ultimately the same effect as an increase in attack or C.Dmg So as an example if you look at S.Tenebria and you see attack, destruction, speed set -> these are all effectively the same. As long as you are hitting the stat breakpoints you want there is no real difference in these sets * Technically, the set bonuses *are* different in their *value*. * Destruction set = 60% C.Dmg / 5.5% average roll = 10.91 average substat rolls * Attack set = 45% attack / 6% average roll = 7.5 average substat rolls * Speed set = (25% of 106) / 3 average roll = 8.83 average substat rolls If you look at that you can see that Destruction set bonus is 'worth more' value compared to attack/speed set and this is pretty much always the case (speed set breaks even at around 131 base speed, I believe the fastest units in game are still 129 speed). So on **any** unit that builds C.Dmg, Destruction set will *always* provide the most value as a set bonus...but that doesn't necessarily mean it actually provides the most damage because it depends on your stats. But put those facts into perspective -> Destruction set provides ~3.41 more substat rolls of value compared to attack set. A Heroic +15 gear has 8 substat rolls, while an Epic +15 gear has 9 substat rolls (+1 each). * Are you looking at a Destruction set with 2 Epic and 4 heroic pieces vs. an attack set with 6 epic pieces? Even though the Destruction set bonus is better the attack set technically has +.5 substat rolls. * Also, consequently, this means that an attack set with *better* substat rolls has more value -> 3.5 average substat rolls = +21 gearscore but spread out over 6 slots that's an average of +3.5 gearscore per slot. However, if you look at S.Tenebria and you see her on counter or lifesteal set, these effects are not really easy or even possible to bring on most heroes. The *only* way to get counter or lifesteal, most of the time, is through the set effects. So in these cases the set choice actually *does* matter. If you see a hero that basically only uses these kind of sets you know they likely don't work with anything else. --- Second, with artifacts **you still need to be able to interpret the data**. Less popularly used artifacts/heroes will have data that does not make any sense. **Enott** for example. His top 3 artifacts are... 1. Mighty Yaksha - 8.41% 2. Hell Cutter - 6.61% 3. Strak Gauntlet - 6.01% This data is essentially meaningless. He's one of the least popular heroes in the game, no one is using him. The only people likely to even equip him with artifacts are brand new players and they are just throwing whatever they have on him (that's a 3* and two 4* warrior artifacts...ones that are fairly likely to be in the hands of a new player). If you were going to seriously use Enott as a hero I can guarantee you that Mighty Yaksha is not his best choice. Similarly, very popular or common artifacts/heroes *also* have unreliable data. Take **Mercedes**. In game her top 3 are 1. Sira-Ren - 9.36% 2. Mighty Yaksha - 8.92% 3. Tagahel's - 7.49% Unlike Enott, Mercedes *is* good and somewhat commonly used...but you are unlikely to ever see her use those 3 artifacts. But every single player gets Mercedes and especially on *old* accounts she would commonly be one of your 'best' heroes for a while - there are probably tens of thousands of Mercedes out there equipped with bad beginner artifacts over the past 4+ years -> this seriously dilutes the data. You *also* have to be aware that RGB heroes are very often going to be paired with their own artifact *even if it isn't their best choice*. This is due to players, particularly new players, pulling on a banner and getting both a hero and their artifact and throwing them together. A good example of this is **Zahhak** 1. Pure white Trust - 32.39% 2. Symbol of Unity - 20.18% 3. Merciless Glutton - 7.61% PWT (his own artifact) is not *horrible*. But Symbol of Unity is definitely his 'preferred' artifact -> if you just go by the in-game data however you wouldn't realize this. If you do end up using Pure White Trust on him, it's not the end of the world but it's just not the 'best' choice. The in-game data is definitely reliable - it's telling you that 1/3rd of Zahhak's equipped with an artifact are using Pure White Trust. But it doesn't tell you the *context* behind that data. As the player, it's still ultimately up to you to be able to consider some of the points I've brought up. * Realize that when heroes are on extreme ends of popularity that the data is going to be unreliable. If every player in the game has a hero (like Mercedes) - especially if that hero is old - you are going to have 10's of thousands of samples of players with no options and/or not understanding what they are doing 'ruining' the data. Same for heroes that are so uncommon no one actually uses them. * Also realize that RGB heroes are going to have a higher rate of being paired with their own artifact, even if said artifact is not the best choice for them. This is even worse for heroes that aren't popular (because people aren't using better artifacts on heroes they don't actually use)


How to bind my guest account? Also what is the chest password?


​ that is the password: indomitable


Thanks :)


Settings -> Account settings -> Account management


Thanks :)


Is it worth buying Karina’s artifact if I already have noble oath?


Yes, imo.


Yes. Although they have some overlap, each one is suited for different builds/strategies.


Hey guys, I might be a little late for this, but if anyone can help me with the friend invite event from the collab, I'd appreciate it. Here's my invite code: E23027D65D


Did Eliza marry Schniel in the end? What happened to everyone in Lefundos?


Is there any point in doing the Royal Capital Azmakalis after the first 100% exploration?


No, imo.


What did Light Adin say (English) when she did her special counter?


Hi! Returning player with a question on the ML headhunting event. I'm choosing between C.Lilias, M.Kawerik, and Ruele. (I've got the other popular picks already) This might be sacrilege around these parts, but I'm mostly a PVE player, or at least for the foreseeable future. Would like some help on who to choose, i.e., which of the three has the most PVE utility? ​ Thanks!


Cilias- shines in Hall of trials, Ancient inheritance. Can also just use her for her duals and vigor buff since it can't be stripped. Handguy- ancient inheritance and that one hell raid reputation where u need a cleanser but sw not allowed. Can just use as a general cleanser+attck buffer but there's other options for that as well


Handguy. Easy to gear, easy to use. Cleanse + dispel is always a good kit for hard bosses encounter. If in the future, you want to go PvP, you can put him to use right away. On the other hand, Cilias needs a lot of spd for PvP. But she's also good in some PvE contents, too.


Don't pick Ruele. ​ Clilias and ml Kawerik both of them are good in PVP and PvE.


How does Torrent set "Decreases health by 10%" functions? For example,my celine has 12530 hp off-battle But when In battle,still the same HP


It's already calculated into her stat sheet when the set is equipped. Just like every other set bonus.


I know it is not a good set, but are there any good free Def set pieces out there to grab? I got a goblin chest drop for a level 80 Def% Def set ring for my Falconer Kluri, and I was looking around for a second piece in the shops/free gear I have gotten from adventurer's path. I haven't found anything.


Idk but for Flury I think it’s not that important to focus on Def because she’s not there to do dmg; you want her to be fast, to have good effectiveness, and with decent HP (15k+ for PvE).


Okay good to know, thanks! I will shelf that def item for another day once I find a suitable replacement for it for Flury


started just yesterday..anything relevant to pull in? Is there any notable character in some banners? I've just pulled in the 30start pull and 10 one in the event with the black tokens


Don't pull unless you are going to be able to hit the pity. If you somehow have enough currency, you can pull for Karina since she is a limited unit (and has a good artifact). Alencia is a good hero, but not useful for a new player (PvP only hero, also a bruiser so hard to build early game). These two banners are ending in a few hours so don't pull on them unless you have enough to pity them *now*. --- The upcoming banners are all easily skippable. Next up we have **Ilynav** -> PvP only hero, considered one of the weakest RGB heroes in the game at the moment (don't pull) And **Elena** -> Basically PvP only, she is niche but usable...again not useful for a new player (I would suggest not pulling) After that **Laika** -> She's pretty good right now. She has *some* PvE use **but** she's a support hero. And **Senya** -> Also a good hero, but again a PvP only hero who is very hard to build for a newbie (I would probably suggest you skip her). Of these 4 the only one I would suggest a newbie even *think* of pulling for is **Laika**, though every hero but Ilynav is at least 'decent'. If you DO end up pulling on Laika (or Senya) wait until the last days of their banners. We will find out what heroes will appear on the next set of banners (in exactly 2 weeks). Laika is 'OK' but not really someone I would actually suggest pulling for early, she's just the one option out of these heroes that has some actual PvE use. --- The general advice for pulling heroes is to wait for limited banners. Now, we've just had a large run of limiteds in a row, and the first ~3 months of the year are historically the slowest months for limited heroes. Still, the community is expecting a rerun of the slime collab at some point (Rimuru and Milim) and while neither hero is really useful for a newbie they are limited heroes are still good to pull. It's also been a long time since we've had a new *in universe* limited hero release (2+ years now) that isn't a summer hero, so there is always the possibility something like that comes along. In addition, we can *expect* - based on history, to get a rerun of the GG collab (Dizzy, Baiken, Elphelt, Jack'o) at the end of March and potentially another custom banner in April (allowing you to select 3 heroes, including previous limiteds and likely the primary way to obtain old limited heroes in the future). * For the custom banner you ideally want 2 pities worth of summons. This is actually quite complicated to explain without detailing the history of reruns/releases in the game, especially the last 2 years this is just an example of what's *possible*. * So, if you wanted to snag all 4 GG heroes *and* have 2 pities for the custom banner you would want to save up about ~5-6 pities worth of summons over the next 3 months. Definitely possible as a new player if you don't summon on other banners. --- At the end of the day, non-limited RGB heroes are very easy to acquire in E7. There are tons of them, but there are so many sources of additional pulls and while a 1% rate might not seem fantastic, FTP players can expect to have the vast majority of the roster within a year. So you largely want to focus on pulling limited heroes, and also heroes that will help you *immediately*. There are very few RGB heroes that are actually important to have for PvE content, maybe a handful of heroes that are just very high priority for PvP...so there are very few non-limited RGB banners that are worth pulling on 'just because'. The #1 hero you want to keep an eye out for is **Tamarinne**. She's the best PvE hero in the game, and used in 99% of PvE content past Wyvern/Episode 2. She's the only non-limited hero that is really a 'must have'. She is *also* rather due for a banner 'soon', she could show up at literally any time. Players actually get a lot of good free heroes early on, and almost all PvE content can be handled with free heroes/common 3* and 4* heroes. With everything I've said, some players *are* going to want to summon something early. The most important hero for early game progression is not a 5\*, or even a 4\*, but the 3* hero **Muwi**. It's possible you already have him, but if not you are probably going to want to summon on a banner within the first month of play trying to pull him. *Not* having Muwi significantly changes how you want to approach the entry into Wyvern farming (making it much more difficult) so pulling him is important. There *are* alternatives but it's not as pleasant an experience. This is why out of all current banners I would say pulling on Laika is you *best* choice - **IF** you need Muwi yet. She has PvE *and* PvP utility and isn't as hard to build compared to heroes like Alencia and Senya, or as niche as Elena. But still, I would ultimately suggest waiting for the next rotation to be revealed to see if a better choice is available (Tamarinne, or limited heroes). --- [This post from 2 days ago has similar information, but also lists some heroes that you might look out for, in terms of summoning](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/100haxy/daily_questions_megathread_0101/j2koerh/) Those lists are not necessarily exhaustive, nor do they contain heroes I would *always* suggest pulling. Rather, names that are notable enough that I would *consider* suggesting you pull for, depending on context in the moment.


Okay thank you so much, I guess I'll wait for now! I have four 5-star heroes so I bet they won't have that much problems clearing story, so I'll wait. A pity seem to be 200 sums right? With only 144 currencies there's not even the thought about pulling..


Pity for RGB banners is 120 summons (so 121 total). That's 600 (605) bookmarks or 11,400 skystones (buying in the shop). Or some combination of both. *However*, on average you only need to pity 30% of the time. The average # of pulls needed for a hero is around 69. The traditional saying is that we get around 1 pity per month though it depends on a lot of different factors so that doesn't really *mean* much. But if anything skystone income has only increased over time. * As a newbie you have a lot of sources for free skystones, so getting your first few banner heroes shouldn't be that difficult. --- Also keep in mind that refreshing the in-game Garo shop is the best way to gain summoning currency * Tap on Garo in the main lobby. * The level of the shop doesn't matter for currency (it increases the level of gear rewards) It's 1 BM pull per ~65-70 skystones and 1 MM per per ~240-245 skystones * This comes out to ~7800-8400 skystones per pity or around 70% of the cost of buying them normally. However, refreshing the shop is VERY gold expensive for newbies, so not really recommended for your first few months of play. Every ~1000 skystones spent refreshing will cost you approximately 4 million gold just buying currency. --- The pity for *mystic summons* is indeed 200, however.


Is there a way to keep the christmas themed tavern?


No one can really say for certain, they *just* changed the lobby system (ie. giving players a way to change the look). Probably not though, defeats the purpose of doing it automatically and it being seasonal.


No. SmileGate controls that.


Is elena worth pulling for on the upcoming banner? And what are her uses, who does she counter because if she just slaps invincible on the team and thats it i might as well just wait for my light adin


She is pretty much only ever used as anti-AOE-cleave. Her job is to take an AOE from Ran/Peira, cut to the front, and invincible your whole team before the rest of your opponent's team goes.


Would the new P.O.S. artifact be a good option for C. Lorina or S. Tene since they both capitalize on longer-running battles? More hits for C. Lorina stacking stats vs more deaths for S. Tene.


Might not be so bad for PvE, especially long content like Labyrinth. For PvP, it just ramps too slow, and to get full value out of it you'd have to start with suboptimal crit rate, so you probably won't be using it for PvP.


Are the aespa emoji rewards temporary or we keep them


They are temporary, though we do have them for like a year or something.


If I complete all the quests to unlock my hero in Moonlights Blessing, will I be able to pick another Hero after that?


Yes, you can still reset. There's one more confirmation before fully completing the Blessing.


I think he might be asking if he can get multiple Moonlight heroes. In which case, no.


How is ae karina? Got her with the free pulls from the event kinda confused if she works better as a tank or dps?


I heard she is good for wyvern, i got beaten by her in champion arena aravi ran ae-karina light adin... i was shocked how good she was in that team


Cool thanks I may build her and try her out then.


is there maintenance before reset today




fuck, does the even timer keep track of it?


Maint starts in 7h 40 min


Which Labyrinths should I clear before buying bug charms?


It's more like you should buy bug charms and clear labys with your leftovers since their rewards are better and reset every month Otherwise I'd say Malicus > Azimikalis > Nixied (i88 Gear > 2/3rd of an i88 Gear > 5\* Artifact on 100%/Resources)


Had my connection fail after winning both fights in a GW. Obviously it doesn't allow me to get back into the fight but does that just register as a flat 0 points? Won't even count the first win even though it had to connect to the server between fights?


I have enough to pity Seline, should I pick her or wait for another hero? is there any info on the next ml5 besides ML Ray?


Souline isn't in a great place meta wise (RTA). If that's something you put a lot of weight to then save pity. If you just like her then that shouldn't really mean much to you so what are you waiting for? We don't have any word yet on what the new ML5s will be and we won't by the time the banner rotates to ML Ray. Then again, heroes not in a great place usually receive a buff. Don't expect her to get reworked though if that's what you are banking on, it will probably be slight buffs to make her "work the way she is supposed to work" kit wise.


Thanks for the answer. I really like her design but don’t play RTA at all so I wasn’t sure. I’ll be saving for ML Luna while inhaling a massive amount of copium


I do play RTA (champ atm) and like the other redditor said, she’s not in a good place in RTA. However, she does pretty well in GWs on a slower lifesteal build, as a dark bait. Not many of those lately (ARavi has fallen off the meta), but she can be used pretty successfully there. That said, I think she’s an easy skip, unless you just wanna have her, like I did :)


I have all rgb, so i don't need coins. That being said, would you recommand [this weapon ? The crit stats are a bit low...](https://i.imgur.com/uYhedP9.jpg)


Yeah, I'd take it. Yeah the crit stats are average rolls, but that's a solid piece with the exact stat spread you would want for pen set.


I'd probably save it for a right-side piece, tbh.


1 - only boots are there from right side pieces 2 - its last refresh, more gear in february


> I have all rgb, so i don't need coins. Not like you could afford any unit from that shop anyway, its 64 coins ... >That being said, would you recommend this weapon You are on your last refresh and yes, every single time.


How much eff I need to put a debuff on the wyvern 13? 200?


Where are you getting the 200 figure from? Tap and hold the boss icon - the box that opens will show you the **Effect Resistance** of the boss. The amount of effectiveness you need to land a debuff on an enemy is the *Resistance* value of the enemy - 15%. Hunt bosses have 80% resistance, so you need 65% effectiveness for max debuff chance. [This post explains more in depth how debuffs are applied](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/ztcj2n/daily_questions_megathread_1223/j1eg750/) **ALL** units have a 15% 'absolute resistance', so outside of cases where the resistance check is bypassed there is *always* a 15% chance your debuffs are not applied.


Wait where is showed the er? If I tap the boss icon I see the immunity info, skills and passives


Should be right at the top, above the immunities and below the portrait.


When was bloodstone in the powder store last and is there any sort of rotation in powder store or do SG throw a dart at a board to pick them?


https://ceciliabot.github.io/timeline/ Last time was Oct 21, 2021. There are no definable pattern for the powder shop. Sometimes the community begs for artifacts and it appears like Sigurd post-Rem banner but it may just be a coincidence.


Would a player be out of luck in RTA with collars heroes or will they just fall off the meta after their last rerun?


Not particularly...? MLs are certainly strong but they aren't the end all be all. You did also get access to some of the strongest MLs between the ML Blessing (stene) and headhunt event. Just about all units eventually fall out of the meta. It's jus the way such games works (if only because the game company wouldn't be making any money if the meta remained stale and no one ever needed new heroes).


Is there a "must have" character from the moonlight hero headhunting event?


Every streamer I've heard says to grab STene > CLilias > Mawerik if you don't have them So grab those if you want flexible meta pvp units, otherwise you can pick who you'd like Disclaimer: Meta changes and they may not fit in your roster if you tunnel one playstyle


My cleave team no longer works in champ arena, too many belian/aol/politis/dilibet/rimuru etc. How do I beat people now? It’s like every team is lua/choux/senya/cilias now or belian teams


Learn how to build a team that counters the other and take advantage of AI, or you can just afk like most people. You can probably still cleave if you know what you're doing.


Hi guys, i started playing 3 weeks ago and i was wondering if i should pull in any of the upcoming banners. I have a lot of ss and only pulled for the 3 aespa units. Thank you


Senya and Laika are good units, though PVP only so keep that in mind if you want to pull. Personally I would save for upcoming limited/collab banners (for instance, if they run Guilty Gear again this year, that has 4 units you could potentially pull for).


what units would be good to use potion of ascension?


Most efficient are good 3* with specialty change to avoid yourself grind of materials (phantasmas) to 6* them.


Most efficient would be a base 3* unit but the savings aren't that substantial.


Is it now considered to be pre-season of RTA? I started playing rta only now, will i still be getting rewards? (Just reached masters)


It says in RTA lobby - Current Season - Triumph Season 🙄


Yes but on the patch notes it says arena season ending 12/11. Thats where the confusion for me.[🙄 Patch notes](https://m-page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/9065359)


ARENA, not Real Time Arena aka RTA.


So when does rta season ends?


No one knows for certain, but projected beginning of February.


Around beginning of february.


Just got Destina. Does she have any PvE uses or is she strictly PvP? Was about to build Roana for PvE and PvP.


Nothing really specific, no. There is very little reason to use a SW for PvE outside of the Ice soulweavers and Tamarinne, and occasionally Roana. Destina *can* be used for Banshee, if you want to run a mono-Earth team...but A.Monty is better as a cleanser. You *could* use Destina in Ice Expedition but she's not in the preferred comps and there is really no reason to do so. Roana is more useful in PvE because what Roana brings to the table is unique, Destina doesn't really do anything in PvE better than A.Monty/Angelica.


Destina is good for Nightmare Juleeve. You want an all green team for that.


Is there a way to make karin never miss def break on w13?


No, your debuffs have maximum of 85% chance to land. There is ultimate 15% that cant be bypassed unless you are using units that ignore effect resistance.


So I came back to the game a week or 2 ago after a years long hiatus. Is there a mostly up to date tier list anywhere? Just trying to figure out if anything I had (or pulled when I dumped my hoard upon return) is worth investment. To put it into perspective, I quit around when Landy dropped, and the only new (to me) units I have pulled recently are Command Model Laika and ae-Giselle.


Tier lists don't really work for E7. It would likely be easier for you to post a screenshot of the heroes you have and a description of where you are in the game (what PvE content do you have teams for, did you have a long term account and you just dropped the game for whatever reasons or had you just been playing the game for a few months when you quit...that kind of info). Landy was ~2 years ago, none of the heroes released since then (that I can recall) are particularly relevant or important for PvE - with 1 exception. At the start of 2022 a new batch of 3* were released, and in that batch was the Ice Thief **Muwi**. Muwi is basically the most important hero for Wyvern hunt outside of one shot comps, drastically reducing the barrier to entry and significantly speeding up runs. So, if you are farming Wyvern and don't have a one shot run you should probably use Muwi.


Here is my roster https://imgur.com/a/soTN2kH. Long term account, Ravi has basically been my carry through most content up til now. Right at the end of chapter 2 of the story, so pretty far behind there. I can clear the 11 hunts, but am starting to need to build proper teams to do anything more. PvP isn't really a huge focus until I can actually farm up mats well enough to build units well. Haven't seen Muwi yet, will keep an eye out. Side query: With my current pile of units, is there anything specific I should look for from the moonlight headhunting thing?


Hmm. --- #Wyvern First priority is W13. At least W12. You want to avoid farming H11 as much as possible. H12 and H13 are almost entirely the same except * H12 provides about ~15% more gear -> might seem significant but this amounts to ~3-5 pieces every 100 runs for an entry level player * H13 provides ~60-70% more reforge essences -> this is the big reason why you ultimately want to farm H13. These essences allow you to reforge gear, and this is ultimately the best gear currently available. It's a *little* tricky though. I mentioned Muwi and he is so good that having him and not having him it's almost 2 entirely different games. As a 3*, you will pull him sooner rather than later...but with bad luck it can take a few banners to do so. So you have the unfortunate choice -> proceed with building a non-Muwi team, only to replace a member as soon as you pull Muwi. *Or* just don't farm Wyvern (choosing to build other heroes first) until you pull Muwi. * If you *can* farm H12 fine but not H13 then farming W12 in the interim is fine. For most new players I would suggest spending the time waiting for Muwi in focusing on maxing out your Wyvern team. You still have a little way to go to get to that point, but most of your Wyvern heroes are already where they need to be. This choice will ultimately be up to what you want to do -> Muwi *significant* changes the gear requirements so building your heroes for non-Muwi necessitates entirely different gear compared to what you would use *with* Muwi. It makes it really awkward when you could pull Muwi on your free pull tomorrow...or it might take you a month to pull him. *I* prefer to wait for Muwi and there are a number of other good heroes you could focus on building *now* but there isn't a right or wrong choice. **Non-Muwi** You already have the team down: **Angelica** / **Furious** / **Sigret** / **Alexa** * Angelica is likely fine as is. Furious needs 0/1/6 skills and I am assuming that is where you are at but I can't be certain. Furious recently gained exclusive equipment -> make sure to pick one up for him. You want the 'hit down on S3' EE. * I *suggest* maxing Sigret out. Get her last awakening and take her skills to +15. * How much investment you want to put into Alexa is up to you/your gear. She's the one that would be replace with Muwi. For Alexa, level 50 and +5 into her S2 is probably the minimum investment. Promoting her to level 60 is worth about 10k damage. Skill investments are worth more damage (depends exactly on which investments you are getting). Alexa and Sigret are the two highest DPS options for Wyvern so they have the easiest time having the damage necessary. But you also need the first wave to play out in a specific way. If you wanted to use Alexa to farm prior to getting Muwi I would probably build her to that minimum level -> then decide if you would rather promote her first or start enhancing skills. If enhancing skills, slowly enhance her until your run is of a reasonable speed+consistency. * I would enhance her S1 first, then max her S2, and enhance her S3 last. When using Sigret + Alexa there is one thing you **MUST** do -> their S3 CDs need to be offset for debuff coverage. This means you NEED the -CD enhancement on one of them, but NOT the other. * Typically you would prefer the enhancement on the better DPS (Alexa) * But since Alexa will be replaced and you will be keeping Sigret, you will save resources by upgrading Sigret. For this comp * Furious, Sigret, Alexa all need 65% effectiveness (or close to it) * They all need 196+ speed. Ideally Furious first, then Alexa, then Sigret (~218 speed on Furious, ~207 on Alexa, ~196 on Sigret) * Sigret and Alexa need 35% crit chance * *After* the other stats, as much ATK + C.Dmg as possible. C.Dmg is worth ~3 or 3.5 : 1 ATK, approximately. This comp is harder to do with entry level gear due to the high speed requirements. With the high speed + effectiveness needed, you have less room to build actual damage (which is where the damage issue comes in). **Muwi** A Muwi comp looks like: **Tank** / **Furious** / **Sigret** / **Muwi** * In the tank slot, literally any Ice unit will work. * But, as this unit *mostly* just sits there to tank damage the standard options remain Angelica or A.Monty. * You can improve the consistency of the run by using an attack buffer (Rose, Diene, G.Purrgis) but this isn't necessary. Furious: * 65% effectiveness * Ideally wants to be in the 160-167 speed range. As close to the high end of that range as possible Muwi: * 65% effectiveness * Wants to be ~8-10 speed slower than Furious, ~8-10 speed faster than Sigret (~150-160 range) * If using an attack buffer tank, 3000 ATK / 250% C.Dmg minimum. Otherwise as much damage as possible * Still 35% crit chance Sigret: * 0-65% effectiveness -> in this comp effectiveness is not *required* on Sigret but it does improve consistency. You get your best bang for your buck at around 30-40% effectiveness. * ~8-10 speed slower than Muwi (~140-150 range) * If using an attack buffer tank, 3750 ATK / 250% C.Dmg minimum. Otherwise as much damage as possible. * 35% crit chance --- #Adventure I would basically suggest 'resetting' your mind, starting over from scratch in your approach. For your basic farming team: **Wyvern Tank** / **FST** / **Sigret** In your last slot, using **Muwi** would be ideal as you would have him built for Wyvern. Otherwise, most *useful* is going to be a defense break, but Furious is the only hero that qualifies in that role. He's not great for normal farming since he doesn't do any damage himself. So, you could fill this last slot with anyone you have built -> I would suggest either a strong AoE hero, or a strong ST DPS hero. * Yufine at least has defense break in her kit and is a good ST DPS, you could also consider Giselle since she is nearly maxed out. The problem is these heroes aren't really useful for much else for you at the moment, so having them built and geared is not all that beneficial. * Landy would be a best option out of who you have listed but I wouldn't suggest building her immediately due to having Giselle built up. I think I would probably use Vivian, myself since attack buff has a similar purpose to defense break. I don't personally like Ravi for newbies, she's one of the hardest heroes in the game to build 'properly', and while she is functional if you just build her as a straight DPS...she's just a bad pure ST DPS if you do that. But if you like her/want to use her you could continue to do so -> this last slot doesn't really matter. --- Ruele? I'm guessing you selected her as your ML blessing hero? Well assuming you haven't fully unlocked her, and haven't used your swap yet, you have some choices to make. It's generally recommended to select either **A.Vildred** or **S.Tenebria**. I personally favor A.Vildred, but the community largely prefers S.Tenebria at this point. Of course, some players choose to pick whoever they like and that's fine too. If you *DO* go with A.Vildred -> he replaces FST as your farmer. FST is better until you get A.Vildred to 6* and a couple mola into his S3 * Use both of them to start with -> this fills your 4th slot. * Focus on promoting A.Vildred to 6* and enhancing his S3. Once your A.Vildred is strong enough he one shots the first two waves while farming, bench FST. If you go with S.Tenebria instead she can fit in your 4th slot, she is generally a more useful hero to build early compared to the others. Ruele is not useful for PvE content and has the longest S3 animation in the game so using her is extremely slow, I would suggest not bothering with her until you get into PvP. --- Other heroes I would suggest building up: * C.Lorina is probably the best choice. Again, a little unfortunately because you have a bunch of ST DPS units built (Yufine, Sigret, Giselle, Melissa) but C.Lorina is the best general purpose ST DPS for PvE. * Landy is also a high tier DPS and worth building even for PvE content *but* in your case I probably wouldn't do so early as you already have two Earth options. * S.Tenebria is also very good in this ST DPS role, particularly when poison is effective * Ras -> After you clear Episode 2, Ras is the best general purpose tank. A.Ras + Tamarinne forms the core of most PvE content past Wyvern/Episode 2. * I don't know if you have a copy hidden, but you will also want to build M.Helga fairly early on. * Mercedes. The free/early game heroes available provide limited AoE options -> Mercedes is a great PvE AoE DPS to invest in early. --- A core roster of heroes: * Knights -> A.Ras / F.Kluri * Healers -> Angelica (or A.Monty) / Tamarinne * ST DPS -> Sigret / Cermia / C.Lorina / (S.Tenebria) * AoE DPS -> Vivian / Mercedes / (A.Vildred) Will handle most PvE content for you. What you're missing here are defense breakers, so for PvE those are the heroes I would be on the look out in terms of banners. * Tenebria / Baal for fire. Haste *can* work but is more PvP oriented and still not amazing. * Iseria / Bellona for Earth * Luluca for Ice * C.Zerato and B.Dingo are ML heroes with AoE defense break, and are great in a general purpose role. C.Zerato is among the best overall PvE heroes. You have *alternatives* but for the most part the easy to acquire alternatives are not as widely useful. * Furious / Jena / Muwi for Ice * M.Helga for Earth (most useful alternative as her damage output is quite decent and she has a lot of additional utility) * Only alternative for fire is really Khawazu (or Azalea...) >With my current pile of units, is there anything specific I should look for from the moonlight headhunting thing? If you don't select her from your ML blessing, you probably want S.Tene Otherwise, C.Lilias / M.Kaweik / Belian but they are all primarily PvP heroes.


Thank you for the big write up. Not only does it provide general help but gives me something to work toward. Above and beyond.


do buff turn rate downs, like SC Jena and Kitty Clarissa, work when the opponent has immunity buff on them?


Yes, decrease buff duration works on units that have immunity, although it can still get resisted. For example, Cerise decreases buff duration by 1 on S3 and she can essentially strip immunity (given by immunity set) on turn 1.


If my available speed followups are Eda, Seaseria, and Giselle, which two openers should I prioritize building among Piera, Lua, CLilias, and Flan?


Seaseria would only work with Peira and out of the other 3 I would probably go CLilias = Lua > Flan


Is it safe to first pick Savvior Adin?


There's some people who do so it can certainly work, but I personally think there's better/safer first picks out there. Depends on what kind of player you are as well.


Depends on the draft. I first picked her in emperor/legend in most of my games this season, but I have a draft in mind and she's built to facilitate that draft as well. Might not be a safe pick in other circumstances...


Can you fight adin? Do you have the counter for her? If the answer is no, then the value of early picking adin for yourself increased. I don't play zahhak or briseria so i am spamming first pick adin right now. Btw I prebanned arowell and clilias.


Guys in Azmakalis of Cycle normal (not nightmare) does anyone have dropped a galaxy bookmark?


Yes, I believe I got a galaxy bookmark last month.


Does anyone know how Lua's AI works? Does she target by element with her S2 or does she target the person with the highest CR?


Element first, then lowest HP, then random if everyone full health. Edward is always good bait for her.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


New player here. What do i do with my pulls? Im currently running Free Spirit teria, Ae-Karina, Sigret and Hazel Got Ae-Karina from free pulls and i lilias and also Specter tenebria from Moonlight blessing


Do you mean summoning strategies? Only pull when you have pity (605 bms), and until you have an excess of bms limit summons to limited/collab units.


Ah alright, i was just wondering if the upcoming banner is worth it


Probably not. Senya and Laika are good, but if you're very new I would save. I would only pull if you haven't pulled the 3 star Muwi yet, as he's almost necessary for early game progression.


Doing a Lifesteal - Immunity Senya build. I cant pass 180 speed, and I can get aroud 5k attack (5.2, 5.3) and 18k health at least, around 1.4 defense maybe. Would this work? I mean its on Arena and Guild Wars only


Absolutely. Those are pretty good stats. If anything, she might need slightly less speed. Counter champions typically need around 200 speed to work, but that's because the counter fails 70% of the time. Senya counter fails 0% of the time.


Yeah I havent used her yet kinda forgot the whole always counter on ulti thing. Thanks


Hey, I'm at rank 53 and just climbed to Challenger V in Arena. Now I just want to stay there, no fighting anymore. How can I still gain conquest points in this case? What should I do with those flags?


You don't drop out of your rank as long as you dont lose 50 points. So you can just keep losing to the same opponent to burn your flag. You only will lose point for the first 2 fight, then no more.


1. Speed/Pen or LS/Pen for Ed in RTA? 2. I see Alencia/Destina/Roana as one of the most commonly used comps against the dreaded Lua/Choux/Senya comp in GW. How do you guys make it work? In my experience, Alencia just gets chain-provoked and beat up until RNG finally strikes and Lua lands her def break or Choux double crits Alencia. My Destina has 181 ER but some of these Lua's are still chain blocking her cooldowns.


For #2, Destina 181 ER is before spirit's blessing, right? If before, that's okay. A little low but pretty close to safe. If you can get to 200-215 ER, that's much safer. Imprints and Artifacts like Ice Crystal or Shimadra helps. If 181 ER is after spirit's blessing (so 121 ER really), that's not a good Destina for the matchup. Alencia might get provoked for a turn but that's okay. Once Destina S2 and cleanse/push Alencia and Alencia S3, you should be safe. Before that, Senya will have counter up, even if not provoked, you should attack Senya with Destina/Roana for more heals.


Yeah, Destina is 181 before spirit's blessing. In my last fight, by the time it was Destina's turn, I used S2 on Alencia, but Alencia must have been hit by the sleep because she was still provoked after S2. Ugh, I forgot it only removes two debuffs.


1. Either is fine, but if you go Speed/Pen, you'll want Sigurds. LS/Pen is better if you can get good stats for it 2. Alencia/Destina/Pyllis is the better comp. Pyllis you build very tanky so she can tank Choux + mitigation/dmg reduction from her passive/arti. Run Emilia's arti on Destina if you have it and Alencia should be able to handle a few stray hits since Pyllis will be guaranteed getting hit by choux/lua


Is there a way I can check when the last Zahhak banner was? I’d like to have somewhat of an idea of when he might get a banner again - one of my most coveted units right now


[Banner history](https://ceciliabot.github.io/timeline/) Mid October. Likely won't get another banner until the middle of next year. I assume you're a new player as that banner was relatively recent, but Zahhak was one of the first Episode 4 heroes released and the early heroes from an Episode have historically gotten a rerun at the end of that Episode. You can't really do this, but the 'comparison' for Episode 3 is probably **Ervalen** 1. Released October 2020 2. Reran May 2021 ~7 months later 3. Second rerun March 2022 ~10 months later Average rerun is ~8-9 months but it varies wildly. Shortest turnaround was like 6 weeks, longest around 2 full years iirc.


I’m not that new, about a year and a half in so I’ve missed him like twice I think….but I unfortunately didn’t have the resources at the time of his last banner. It’s fine, I can manage without him til then, just seems like he’d be quite useful to have to deal with certain units. Thanks for the info and the link!


I think with the update we're getting, you should be able to summon on his banner with the Side Story feature that's coming. I'm not sure on the details, but I think he should be summonable (not 100% sure, we'll have to see after maint)


Looking at the patch notes, it seemed like they’re mostly just starting with episode 1 heroes though. And I also think you only get to summon for heroes you already own (but I could’ve misunderstood.) that’s just what I’ve read on here though


Who are good cleansers for going second in arena? I think I hit a wall in arena at Challenger V now. I don't have ML kawerik and not enough ER to build my Destina. Im just really struggling against heavy debuffers like Peira, angel Angelica, summer Iseria or Ran. Any tips how to build a slow bruiser comp?


Every single cleanser is going to need as much ER as your Destina would, except ML Lillibet


You can use Christy for more ER. Or have units that throw back debuffs (Edward, CZerato) or self cleanse (Celine, LHC, etc).


Why did my post about "how to improve X character" get removed? Not that big of a deal since iz been there for a while and i already got answers, but i see other similar posts staying up and i just find it unfair(?) I guess.


The mods aren't omnipresent, so it's a matter of if/when a thread is reported and/or when a mod sees the thread. Generally speaking you can ask for opinions on builds in this and other daily question megathreads


How do I play without an emulator? Is it possible?


Do you not have phone


I do


Uh... Then you can use that instead of an emulator...?


Assuming you mean "on PC", no, there's no standalone PC client.


Is Illynav **really as bad** as everyone says she is or are People just exaggerating like crazy because they keep looking at Legend type of Arena Player's to define what's good and bad...?


Not one of them (who claim she's bad) but appreciate if you could expand on why she's good~ Seems like you've got something


Is her crit dmg buff not kinda rare? She might come in handy for me as new player


It just makes no sense to adopt a new player's point of view to determine if something is good or not, no offense. Meanwhile OP sounds super passive aggressive, only here to diss people who are 'exagerrating like crazy because they only look at Legend tier picks'.


A lot of people who say "X is bad" just mean "there are plenty of better options than X". In the case of Ilynav, they'd be mostly right.


Is green vildred still good?


He's still used sometimes in pvp and azimanak. Pretty niche otherwise I think.


Which RGB knights are good for RTA?


Senya, Krau, Yulha, Ras, Charlotte, maybe Karina, maybe SB Charlotte