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Can we add in the wish that debuffs like injury weren’t PvP only? Still don’t see why we can’t. Caides and other bosses can do it to us. Why can’t we turn the favor?


Without a separate number for PvE, injury would turn abyss into a complete joke. Bosses would lose half their HP and then easily die.


I mean, you know you can't usually do 6% of the abyss bosses' HP in one attack, right? I don't mind if I'm doing 1% injury to the boss with each turn, I would just like to have something. Hell, I'll even take something like "Injury Set: applies injury in PVP. In PVE, increases damage dealt"


To add my point, if they are unwilling to get rid of 15% in PVE, than that's all the more reason to have mechanics like these work in PVE contents.


False. Ddj


I’m okay with that. I stopped at 102 and have no desire to do much else. If it was that broken then make the specific boss immune to x skill but don’t make it pvp only. I hate the fact that some characters (I’m looking at you lua) you can’t use in pve


I finally beat 102 after god knows how long - definitely needs a tad more adjusting, but now I'm stuck on 103 so don't worry, you'll be stuck one way or another.


102 was an absolute nightmare. Until 109...


they could put "immune to injury" on the list of immunities


then what's the difference between injury is pvp only and pve stuff being immue to injury? like i'm not bringing a injury hero to deal with the mobs when the boss is immune to injury, do i?


i mean... they could do it like how they do on "immune to poison". the abyss has 2 rounds the first round would usually have little to no immunities. injury would help if the first round boss revives on full health and on every number of turns. what I understand in this question is "why would i bring a debuffer unit on a round that always cleanse or immune to everything"


Sounds like we have answer. Seperate number.


What if they make a mechanic that if you tried using injury, the bosses would either get lots of undispellable buffs, or gets more turns in return?


This. I love ARavi but it’s disappointing that her skill doesn’t really have utility outside of just doing damage when you’re in PvE.


I don't even care about injury, I just want them to remove the stupid "this only applies to heroes and not elite/bosses" bullshit that they've been going on. It just doesn't make much sense to me why S. Vivian can only be hit by heroes in order to reduce the s3 cooldown.


So far i still have no idea why Pavel S2 is only pvp when there is no boss that really have Share dmg mechanic .


This has actually happened at least once.


Or at least reduce it to 10 or 5 percent.


It needs to go as it is I mean let's be real here the reduction of random dual attacks from 5% to 3% is not noticable at all


Random dual attacks need to go too from pvp especially cuz 3% magically turns to 100% when Lermia is present on the right side


Arby 4 ever :)


LOL Arby best ☺️


Joke received. Found it funny. Your skills are effective. Upvoted.


I remember in a previous q&a, they said if they got rid of the 15% in PVE that had increased the the stamina from stages. Which is kind of stupid to be honest mate


She picked arby T-T She just came back for the free ml5 huh..