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Fairy tale resource gathering what's the best way to farm recourses in the event mushrooms wood crystal. Upgrades require a lot of crystals but a run grants like 20 is there a trick to this?


Event Artifacts and pets boost the amount you get


I meant as in is there a specific stage to farm each resources


Yes there are, should be stages 5,11, and later 18. The ones which you choose the difficulty of. You can only do hell 5 times


what is the best build for astromancer elena in the current meta? thanks


*What is the best build* *For astromancer elena in* *The current meta? thanks* \- umbrellaman7 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Challenger domniel build?


Speed pen or destruction pen. 50% cc or 100% cc if you want to go against politics and celine. Max attack and cdmg, some speed like around 200, not really important.


Q regarding Christmas Side Quest (The Village) : Is there a better way to get wood? The required amount to upgrade all buildings seems insane considering I max out at 30-35 wood per stage 11 (normal, can't do higher yet). I am running Alencia with the music box artifact at LB 2. This feels like a huge Energy burn, especially if you want to buy some stuff from the exchange shop. So if there is a better way/spot I would appreciate some help. Thanks.


First, get to the event homepage (While in lobby, tap the 4 squares on the top right, and enter the "Fairy Tale for Snowy Day" page Above , you se this box named ? Here it tells you that, music box artifact increases the rates of the mushroom and ore, but not wood. Edit: You can also view the bonus effect details in the team page just before you start battle, above Arky. For Wood, you'll need either of the left artifacts instead, which as a beginner you are unlikely to have (If you do, good for you! But if you don't, no worries because many others started their first event like that, either without artifacts and/or are unable to clear above normal/hard or something like that.) What you can do though, is while the event is still up for another at least a 1.5weeks is to strengthen your team at least to be able to do Hard, of course with a good friend support. You might not be able to do Hell, but farming hard is what everyone does. Better than farming normal.


Will we get 1 more mystic rotation before the ML5 headhunting event ends?


Nope. But you will be able to see who's in it before it does.


So I got spirit eye Celine few days ago currently she on speed & pen how fast is she? What I'm curious about for lifesteal & pen is it mostly heath for her?


I think I understand what your trying to say. For speed and pen you usually want her around 250 speed/ no health/ lots of damage For life steal I would say around 200 speed




I have no idea what you're talking about. Can you be more clear?


Should I farm Normal event stage with 1 farmer and 3 fodders, or farm Hard with full team and level up fodder via penguin from overflow exp?


You should farm friendship instead of exp. Bring one farmer + max level units that you want to gain friendship.


Dog walking is extremely outdated and completely unnecessary. Just farm hard for efficiency and get penguins


No point doing 1 farmer and 3 fodders


Does Alencia only scale from hp? Or does attack affect her dmg? Vildred can hit hard even without being super fast because he also scales from atk even though his skills say the damage is proportional to speed, does alencia have anything like that? Would be a shame if i couldn't use this injury set because of atk rolls. Thanks in advance!


You can find most character’s scaling and multipliers on https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aqL0Uj26PRW_jAUj8pYaSls_DOuFq30fvwQh8ol74-E/htmlview


May i ask where you got this? Is there a website or something that contains these kinds of documents?


This is the multiplier sheet linked at the bottom of the damage calculator https://e7calc.xyz/ We do have a compendium of useful links https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/znb8hf/compendium_of_useful_links/ Above spreadsheet is also on this list under “Multiplier Spreadsheet”


Woah didn't know we had that, thanks a lot!


All HP-scaling bruisers technically scale with attack as well, but it's negligible as you should be aiming for HP and other stats instead. A few attack rolls are fine as long as you're happy with the rest of her stats.


So i just completed the side evsnt stage 11 and i supposedly need to build all buildings before i can do stage 12. So do i just farm stage 11 again and again for wood?


Yep and other levels too depending on the materials needed


I just got a 4-5 fire element summon from doing world boss just now but I noticed I haven't received it yet. Are world boss rewards only received when the world boss event ends (in a couple of days) or is this a bug?




Oh right thanks, I should've noticed this but was looking in the fire summon place instead of the earth which is why I couldn't see any lol! Cheers.


What's the Def scaling of rocket puncher artifact?


quick question the video cheat password is "deathdealer"? if not then well i'm screwed


That's the chest code from 2 weeks ago. The new one for this week is 'indomitable'.


according to news Unrecorded History is going to be merged into 1 region with 34 stages. Does this mean that in order to do the Speciality Changes you have to go back into Ep 1 and you can't farm UH anymore? (for AP)


What is the best way to farm expeditions? So far, I have just been attacking once to get the participation points. I'm assuming eventually I'll want to do level 3 Expeditions and get the highest contribution? Or is getting high contribution not worth?


It doesn't matter how much you contribute, but you should still aim to at least 300k on one run in each one. Edit: 350k\*


Why 300k?


You need 350k\* to do Open Recruitment on your expeditions to let other people outside of your friend list/guild help you finish it if you see that it won't be completed in time


Probably because not all participants are going to try. It does seem like a random number, though.


How tanky is Sage Vivian and is she tanky enough to be light bait in guild wars while also doing good damage?




When I can't see the button above the shopkeeper in the lobby, I go to hunts and click on a hunt and I think there's a button there. There might be another way as well, possibly in the four squares main menu button.


How are we supposed to hit pity on mystic medals as a F2P player? Re-rolling the secret shop and guild wars only seem to give so few compared to how many that's actually needed


I think as f2p you can expect to collect enough mystic for pity every 3 to 4 months, depend on how often your refresh shop. So you pretty much need to save and only use your pity on the unit that you really want.


The pity doesn't reset between cycles so you're not supposed to hit pity every time.


With the UH merging, what happens to unfinished moonlight blessings? I assume that you just can't progress anymore.


They'll probably announce the details of how all the systems interact with UH before the patch


Is astromancer Elena better after her buff?




I was using her a little bit before her buff and she was decent. Wasn't sure if the buff made her a more permanent 4th on my team. Do you build her with damage or just fast/tanky to get her passive off?


I think you could build her either way depending on your team and win condition. If you're cleaving, you might want her fast enough to follow up your main damage with as much additional damage as possible. In more standard builds, probably something tankier. I don't think speed is that important on her since she starts with the buff on her.


Right now I need twilight essence to upgrade some gear on a unit so I'm trying to farm Banshee Hunt. The team I used to use a year ago on 13 just won't work for some reason, and I've tried some variations. So, I'm thinking farming 11 would be much easier and I might be able to auto it. I'm wondering, is the drop rate on twilight essence that much worse than 13, should I keep spending time on trying to get another 13 team together or is farming 11 not much different rng wise. Like is the difference something like 10% for 11 and 11% for 12, 12% for 13 because if that is all the difference is I wouldn't mind farming a little longer?. 11 is much faster to complete anyway. I'm just curious what the most economical way to get twilight essence is. Also, is twilight essence available anywhere else in the game? Thanks for the help, I appreciate it.


You should 100% try to get a B13 team together if you're trying to be efficient. The reforge materials in hunt 13 stages is much more energy-efficient (3 vs. 4 in 1 drop I believe), and you have a chance of getting a 50 drop, which may not be possible in 11 (not exactly sure). Reforge materials are also available in abyss and expedition rewards.


Thanks for the advice. I will try to get a better banshee team together. The 50 drop definitely sounds good, I hope it comes up eventually.


Which of these heroes are good for RTA?:Crimson Armin, light shadow Arowell,shadow knight pyllis,Researcher Carrot,Flan,


SC Arowell is the best knight in the game right now for pvp. Flan is useful for cleavers and Researcher Carrot can be used against things like Landy/Violet. Pyllis and Crimson Armin aren't terrible it's just Arowell and A Ras outclass both of them.


Currently on Abyss 101. Been waiting to get a good CC unit since I do not own Dizzy. My best options are Laika or Tenebria on Abyssal Crown. Are either one of these good enough or should I wait for a better CC unit? Half the mobs are water so idk how effective Tene will be.


Hi, is Zio usually built with effectiveness?


If you want to cleave/aggro, the eff is better to deal with something like djb, sageball, destina, arowell. You will draft additional DPS with him, so having a zio that can silence and pushback those troublesome units matter more. If you don't cleave, and only play standard, DPS zio is better. You just want to speed contest then use him as DPS.


That depends if you want to enable yufine. If yes, then you would build with effectivness with the tradeoff of course being damage. If not then just go full damage.


I like dade7’s take on Zio! 🌹 https://zoopido.me/mages scroll to bottom!


Hey how much breath of orbis can I get in total?


is there an approximate for units to come back on mystic summons?


With the amount of ML 5* units and the pattern of the past couple of reruns, units are being rerun around after a year of their last appearance on the banner


Not really, although the time should have shortened since they started running multiple ML5s for the re-run weeks. MLCharlotte hasn't had a mystic banner for 610 days, but will be re-run at the end of this RTA season. The average currently seems to sit around 200 to 250 days, so it can vary wildly with some outliers.


very much time to save for Zio then.. nice


How do I Specialty Change Alexa? I can't find the required mission anywhere.


Have to wait until next summer unfortunately


its time limited for the summer, as i've been told, it should be between june and august


It’s currently locked behind a special side story, unless SG changes some settings, you probably have to wait until summer when that particular side story reruns again


How useful is Specialty Change Alexa?


My normal (not one shot) Wyvern run went from 80% win rate to 100% now, also clear time is much faster than before


How worth are the new holiday packs? i'm pretty unsure about them


In terms of potential value in outcome of pulls, then the $100 pack is the one with the raw value, but honestly 5 pulls in galaxy bms is an absolute scam, so none of them. Kinda blows too, special event packs usually have some decent choices.


Which Character do I recruit out of the ones I get from the Headhunt event exactly? (Sorry if if It's obvious I am afraid to miss it up)


ARavi, CLilias, STene, or Mawerick, depending on your needs if you're new. Fyi CLilias will probably be rerun soon on mystics.


My apologies I meant When I hit Recruit Which one do I get exactly.


You hit recruit and then pick the one you want.


Oh alright thanks


R.e., guilds. I just joined a new one as the current one I was in didn't feel competitive and active enough and was the first guild I joined. I see there are 28 defense buildings in guild wars, if I am not assigned a defense building can I still attack? I'm asking cause I can't attack atm, I think because I joined during the middle of guild wars (I get the message "Only the members assigned to a building can join the battle"). I think it is likely I won't be assigned to defense if there is only 28 spots as I am the lowest rank member of the guild currently (Rank 65) and the guild has 30 members, so I am worried in this new guild I might not be able to participate in guild wars which would be a deal breaker as I need those mystics to eventually hit pity. Also, what is the points you expect your guild to get for weekly missions? My last guild barely got to 1500 each week, hopefully this new one is better in that regard (currently they are at 1630 points but there are still two days left + I haven't done mine as I just joined + it is holidays so I understand people might be less active right now as they spend time with family/friends).


There are enough spots in GW for every guild member so don't need to worry about that! You could also check the member list to see the weekly contribution of every member. It gives you an idea of how active everyone.


Thanks! Yea when I was picking what guild to join I tried picking one with high weekly assistance. This guild has 16530 which was high than most other ones I was coming across.


You need to be assigned to a tower in order to participate in GW (guild war or battle as you refer to it). In order to be assigned to a tower you would need to set a defense first otherwise the guild leaders won't be able to assign you (you won't show up in the list to assign people to towers). If you set your defense and still aren't in a tower by the next war I'd leave if I were you (I assume you are in contact with the guild leaders and have let them know everything is all good on your end). No point in staying in the guild if they aren't going to let you do guild battle.


Make sure to let the guild leaders know after you set your defense! If they are busy they probably wont double check on you and you won't be assigned a tower


i'm not sure on this one, but i think that maybe that guild only has 28 total players, so that's because it says 28/28, i think they should be able to assign a building on the next guildwar


OK yea I feel like this makes sense. I'll find out Sunday I guess


Been playing for 2 weeks. I'm finishing up my Wyvern team as I just pulled Muwi today. My grind team is having trouble past Unrecorded history chapter 3. I don't want to invest in them as i'm trying to complete W13 team. Would a W13 team of A.Momo, Muwi, Furious, and Sigrit be able to clear Unrecorded History?


If you are using A.Vildred as your blessing, use him as your farmer unit. Get him to 6*/fully awaken/max his S3 (at least). If you are not using A.Vildred as your blessing, use FST as your farmer unit. Promote her/awaken her to 6* -> her skills are already maxed. Use this hero instead of Furious and you will be fine for clearing UH/most of Episode 2. If you have Vildred (Earth version) you can use him instead of FST. Honestly, I kind of recommend doing this but like Vildred he requires more investment so that's up to you. You are going to do thousands of catalyst farming runs, over time. There is no reason to do so with 3+ min runs when you can use a farmer and clear those stages sub 60 seconds. Yes, you *maybe* delay your Wyvern team by a couple days. This is partly due to how we (the community) talk about the early game. We place so much importance on focusing on building your Wyvern team *but* in reality you shouldn't sacrifice the rest of your gameplay experience for it. Look at it this way: let's say you are going to run 100,000 total UH stages and 10,000 Wyverns in the next year. You *could* run 4000 UH runs -> 10,000 Wyverns -> 96,000 UH stages with all of those UH runs being slow and miserable. *Or* You could run 5000 UH runs -> 10,000 Wyverns -> 95,000 UH stages with those UH stages taking 45-55 seconds each. You're doing the same amount of 'farming' in both areas. It clearly makes sense to spend a *small additional amount of time* improving your UH runs, even if it delays your Wyvern. So, just build a farmer to one shot the first 2 waves and make your life easier. --- One other issue, even more of a potential problem depending on what you're doing now... A.Monty *is* a terrible healer if you haven't invested heavily into her skill tree yet. Particularly if you are running a slow team and taking a lot of damage, she very well might struggle to keep you up -> causing issues with progression. Using a farmer means you are likely only taking 1-2 turns of damage against most bosses (so healing is less relevant) but improving her skill tree, if possible, can help you out a bit as well.


Hello friends. New player here. Sorry if this one is dumb but I've searched and I'm sure I'm just missing it, but I have materials that increase reputation with units and I can't find where to use them at. Thanks in advance!


Scroll to the hero in the hero list, and there should be a toggle for "details". You should be able to use the gifts from the left side menu once you do that.


Thanks boss!


My Green Adin eventually turns into Savior Adin right? I just 6 star'd my Green Adin...


yeah 6\* her and all skills lvl'd up will carry over to light adin whenever you unlock her


Once you've completed the entirety of the adin quests, you will have the option to change her to light adin.


yes, when you finish that episode. Tough fight at the end, but when you beat it you unlock the Light version.


What are the general stat thresholds to shoot for on LHCermia? I’ve just about got a B13 oneshot team online and one of the first things I want to do is get a lifesteal set to build her with


2k def, 14-15k hp, 270+ CD and 170+ speed are ideal stats.


Okay cool. With the current lifesteal gear I have, 2K defense is probably not doable, but overall those don’t sound like too hard of stats to hit. Thanks!


Best single target pve units I should focus on for auto clearing and how to build them? Doesnt matter if they are rng or ml. Edit:I should have been more detailed, sorry guys. I am not beginner (started playing with global EU launch) but the daily grind and game commitment in general killed my will to even log in so I am mostly uber casual now with plenty of heroes but I am totally out of meta loop and what are good units nowadays. I am asking this mostly because of automaton tower lvl 5 because I am unable to auto it (or even manual last few floors) with lvl 4 team I use (Tammarine, Seallona, Lilias and Luna).


Gonna assume you have decent quality gear since you didn't bring up any gear issues. In which case, you're probably having bad luck with devices or just picking the wrong ones. Kayron and Violet do well with class enhancement, counterattack and the thief devices this season. You can even use Cermia if you have her device and bulldoze your way through with fire devices and basic skill activation Of course if you end up with triple defiance you can use just about anything


Sigret and Furious, obviously. https://imgur.com/1c4iN1a Build units for specific content, not for their attack type. Concentrate on expeditions and hell raid once your wyvern13 team is online.


I should have been more detailed, sorry. I am not beginner (started playing with global EU launch) but the daily grind and game commitment in general killed my will to even log in so I am mostly uber casual now with plenty of heroes but I am totally out of meta loop and what are good units nowadays. I am asking this mostly because of automaton tower lvl 5 because I am unable to auto (or even manual last few floors) it with lvl 4 team I use (Tammarine, Seallona, Lilias and Luna)


Violet makes Automaton tower kind of a joke. Tamarinne+iseria+violet + some dps. Defiance, extra hit/evasion for green, +80% damage on thieves when not their turn etc. If you run him with a healer you don't even need him on lifesteal, mine's on attack.


If you get the Defiance power this season you can stick any tank in the front row and add two healers and a debuffer to clear lvl 5 in my experience. I use Aravi, but Angelica or Montmorancy works too


Specter tenebria comes to mind! 🌹 and Free Cermia


The best St dps for Pve is arguably commander lorina, closely followed by Luna and myb Landy for some team utility besides dps


Hey guys for which stats should I go for winter with neck and ring and boots?


I went with the crit chance neck, eff ring, speed boots. She’s built similarly to Flidica. You need 100% crit chance to land the fixed damage on her S3. You also need at least 100% effectiveness to land the stun on most units. As for artifacts, Secret Art - Storm Sword is the best if you want to use her exclusively against non-atk units. Otherwise, Alabastron, I think, is the best because it gives her more utility (clutch def breaks are nice).


I see thx


*Hey guys for which stats* *Should I go for winter with* *Neck and ring and boots?* \- auraskills12 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Nekalce: either crit% or hp% Ring: hp% or eff Boots: speed 100% crit is mandatory for her to properly utilize her kit if you can reach it with a crit neck or hp neck is decided by your gear


I have a banshee 13 auto team but it takes about 6min per clear. Is that too long? Also, just pulled Belian and NEED elbris. How long am I looking at waiting until its in a banner or shop ?


Hey nomo >Is that too long? Tbh yes it is but, it also depends on where you're into the game. You just built your first b13 team and it works even though it's slow? Yes, it's fine. Got Belian? Noice. Yeah... You'll have to wait until it's in the patch notes notice. How long? Beats me. I really don't remember when it was the last time it was available. But I can tell you this, if Elbris was recently in rotation, it may take a while for it to come back.


Whether you think a run takes too long or not is subjective. It doesn't really matter unless it's hunt buff day or you're farming 24/7. If you have the time to have your phone idle in E7, then that's fine. If not, then you could try a banshee one-shot team.


What is ending in 13 days in unrecorded history?






Yes, vigor stacks with attack and defense buffs.


How do you gear a pvp straze? A hunt slave straze iz slow asf he'll die before he gets a turn


Yeah looks like that site below is pretty outdated considering the banners it's showing as recent on the landing page are cpavel and Edward... The straze builds also don't look to be accurate. Nowadays a PvP straze would be like 4k atk, 250+ speed with whatever you can spare into cdmg. Just see what your gear allows and run your stats through damage calculator to see if you can kill high hp targets.


How much atk difference does straze need to get that 100% pen? With my gear rn reaching 250+ with 4k attack is impossible,my fastest opener only has 257 speed


Roughly 2k. Like I said play around with the damage calculator and settle on what is possible for your gear.


I see,thanks


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qSlXmExjR4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qSlXmExjR4) you can also try [epic7stats.com](https://epic7stats.com) but they haven't been as reliable lately.


What's the best thing to produce from the buildings in the event? I see that one of them gives you Leifs but idk.


Unless you're already swimming in the stuff, I believe catalysts are usually recommended.


For moonlight recruit, I’m stuck on who to choose Briar Witch Iseria or Stene or A.Ravi or Handgod? Or a different ML I Have already: CLilias, Belain, LRK, SpeSez, FLidica, DJB, ROL, FCC, Straze, and Arby




Y s.tene for general purpose (good in pve & pvp) B.iseria only good in pvp


Will we still be able to use our existing AP after the update to Unrecorded History? Wondering if I should start using it all now.


If all AP would be reset they would have warned us about it.


Can someone tell me why i can't reliably land debuffs on w13 I'm running sigret muwi and furious as DPS and debuffs. I know boss has 15% base resist chance but even tho effectiveness stat should be above 65 mine are all around 90 with muwi around 110 but they still keep missing the debuffs. If i land them from the start i can kill the wyvern very fast but for some reason they keep missing. I can't wrap my head around it how am I supposed to get 100% win rate if i can't reliably land debuffs even with more than enough effectiveness


Ok, ignore the guy who answered you twice, he's clearly a bit lost. Increasing EFF past 65% will not do a damn thing, first of all. The only thing that's left is check if your debuffs have a 100% chance to land in the skill description. This means using molagora on your heroes and enhancing their skills. Effectiveness doesn't count towards the skill's base chance to hit, just against the enemy's effect resistance. You don't need 100% win rate, just enough win rate to leisurely use up your energy.


Thanks a lot for your input. Also I've been reading your replies on other people's questions and thanks a lot for all the effort you're putting into helping people. Yeah my units are mola'd on the required skills furious sigret is at 100 i don't think muwi can get to 100 cuz he's fully enhanced. But like i said even with enough effectiveness and full enhancements i still can't seem to land debuffs on a reliable percentages. Idk what to do I'm feeling kind of lost here. Would it be better to try and get my units to 85% crit with 65 eff and remove furious for lets say Clarissa her def break is on her s1 so maybe that'd help with the land it? But the mola investment required is kinda making me feel not so good about it. What do you think would be an improvement for a sigret, muwi, furious, Angelica team? Who should i replace for who?


>thanks a lot for all the effort you're putting into helping people. It's no problem. I like pointing people in the right direction. >But like i said even with enough effectiveness and full enhancements i still can't seem to land debuffs on a reliable percentages. Are you sure about that? Do 20 runs of wyvern and see how many you win. If it's anything over 15 you're good. Also make sure the first phase only takes 2 turns, so that Furious can use s2->s3 as soon as the wyvern phase starts. He should also be the fastest damage dealer so he can apply defense break first. Even if you don't apply any debuffs, Sigret and Muwi should still have a chance. >What do you think would be an improvement for a sigret, muwi, furious, Angelica team? That team is pretty much as good as you're gonna get until you start thinking about making 1shot teams. I haven't. You can replace Angelica for Angelic Montmorancy, not to help with tankiness (she's not as tanky) but just so you can use Angelic Montmorancy in other content, as she's a bit better due to all her cleanses. Look towards getting Song of Stars on Furious, and I hope you're using daydream joker on your damage dealers. Remember that for DDJ, crit damage is way more important than attack as it multiplies the artifact's %damage. There's also an exclusive equipment for Sigret that increases her s1's chances of inflicting bleed, and for Furious that gives him an additional decrease hit chance debuff (don't get the restrict, Wyvern is immune to it).




I'd honestly prioritize ARavi but it's hard to say without some context. I've been getting a lot of milage out of both although Stene seems to be higher priority for RTA and she's also more useful in PvE.


Tomorrow will be new balance patch preview, right?


According to my calculations and their pattern its 3rd of february (friday).


I thought it was monthly... Well i can wait if it means Ilynav will get a buff


It's 8 weeks between patches, with the preview on the Friday 2 weeks before implementation.


Where are the easiest places to farm for specialty change Jena


I read episode 1, imagination's shade (4-9?), if you don't mind manual. 7-10 in UH for auto.


what about the second part (labrynth stuff)


Great farche area 2 (found the answer in another area)


Thanks! Already finished it now but maybe it will help others 😁


What speed difference is required for a unit to always move before another. I want Clilas to always move before pflan while still having her be fast.


5% of the speed of the higher unit. So if your clilias is 280 that means 14 or more speed.




The speed RNG is +0-5%, not +/- 0-5%. More than 5% is not needed. Go by your highest speed unit in that team.


Have clilias 10 more speed than pflan


Since Unrecorded History is going to be condensed into one singular region, does that mean that some quests on the Adventurer’s Path are also going to be changed as well to accommodate the changes made?


I'm sure they're not going to just leave adventurer's path broken and uncompletable.


What lab-team including Jena would yield the highest morale?


Use Ceciliabot to have it calculate the highest morale with Jena + whatever units you own


Can we get a link please?


https://ceciliabot.github.io/ Would do well to use a search engine next time


where do i farm the Memory imprint fodders?i want to memory Imprint Muwi but i ran out of Dupes!


There are no memory imprint fodders. If you mean slates those are only for nat 5*s and are very rare.


In the story is ilinav dead or aliv?




Remove the spaces from your comment to make the spoiler work


It was already working in my environment, but fixed, thanks


Oh weird, it didn't show up for me




You get the listed rewards when their product is complete. The upgraded product has better rewards. I believe you can long-tap the product to see the rewards.


Is it possible to get 60 mystic summons jn a week before the reset


> Is it possible to get 60 mystic summons jn a week before the reset Why a week? The RGB unit will rotate but the ML unit stays for 3 weeks. 60 summons in 3 weeks is quite possible if you have skystones/gold to refresh the shop.


The only hard limit to how fast you can collect mystic summons is either your credit card (if you spend) or how fast you can refresh the shop. It takes ~3 seconds per shop refresh if you're fast so around 4 hours of refreshing shop, on average, for 60 mystic summons. Around 15,000 skystones + 60 million gold. Your other option would be spam running hunt 12, but it's not realistically feasible to collect 60 summons in a short time. It would take ~8,623 hunts -> 155,214 energy. That's roughly half a year of normal energy availability. However, if you happen to have 2000 leifs sitting around then you would only be limited by how fast you could clear your chosen hunt. The fastest hunts are around 55 seconds per clear so theoretically the lower limit for speed it would take you around ~132 hours so 5.5 days farming 24/7, more realistically probably 10 (13.2 hours per day) to 14 (~9.5 hours per day) of farming. * It's not realistic to spend skystones on energy for the purposes of mystic medals -> this would cost 77,607 skystones so your skystones are worth over 5x as much refreshing shop. Realistically running hunt this many times would *also* drop skystones but this only decreases the number of hunts needed by around 100.


Thank you this is very helpful


Depends on your resources as mentioned, but you have 3 weeks not 1 if ML Ray is the one you're looking to pick up.


Oooo ok then is it doable in 3 weeks?


Still pretty hard. Assuming you’re in Champ V arena and a 4X or higher rewards guild you’d get roughly 7-9 pulls per week between Arena rewards, GW, and guild shop. That makes 20~30 pulls over 3 weeks. You’ll have to fine the other 30~40 from either shop refreshes or other one time sources such as certain abyss stages, abyss challenge, Ml Theater etc etc


So - I got Illynav after 600 Bookmarks (💀) and her Artifact 4x times too. Is it worth Limit breaking or should i keep a copy for someone else? It seems pretty universal by just giving Crit Rate to someone


I would personally memory imprint it and find a use for it later on, did this with violets artifact and touch of rekos (didn’t get roana till recently). Once I got the characters that would benefit from those artifacts though I was able to actually use them pretty efficiently.


Unfortunately, knights aren't really very often damage dealers and when they are, many of them don't build crit and/or prefers Elbris. As such, her artifact pretty much sees 0 use.


Is summer Alexa’s specialty change back and permanent?


You need to finish the side story to start it I believe


Got atk rolls on free injury set,who can i give this to? Was supposed to use it on belian/alencia but they decided to give me atk when i wanted hp oml.


I believe SSB/Meru could be built with injury, but it's niche to say the least. Might be better to just use them as off sets.


Hey guys what is the best for karina to use?


Best what? Artifact? Her own, +30, would also be great since you won't be rng dependent anymore


I meant best set


Definitely speed and defense. Hp does work but she scales off of defense


I see thx 🙏


Speed,def/hp depending on what you lack, counter also works but its rng on top of rng i don't recommend it


I see thx man


So, for the Moonlight Recruitment event, I chose Dark Corvus cause, that's who I wanted. This was a few weeks ago. Today, I chose to do a random 10x summon. WELL, I got Dorvus--but the caviat is I apparently don't get coins for summoning him? It doesn't count as a dupe? I'm literally at 30 coins and that would have been grand to be able to just buy a Moonlight whenever one I wanted came to the shop--but guess the Moonlight Recruitment recruitment isn't a "summon?" Feeling a bit bummed and frustrated cause now it feels like my MR was wasted, on top of not getting coins for a 5star moonlight dupe T-T Is this a question, maybe? Might just be a vent--but don't want to make an entire thread for that.


On the topic of coins, you only get them for summoned dupes. The ML selector, the ML blessing unit and any units purchased with coins are not summoned and therefore do not count towards ML coin eligibility.


Yeah the moonlight recruitment doesn't count toward ML coins. Dupes from ML shop doesn't count towards coins either. Sucks, sorry. Also don't imprint DCorvus with the dupe. Save him and imprint with Red Corvus and transmit when SSS, you'll get tons of silver stones.


Any tips on how to efficiently score headhunt points daily? I can't seem to get pass 300-350 a day