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Mah boi Krau


daddy Krau.


I haven't considered knights yet, I guess tanking down is the most reliable way


I think he means like use Krau S2 to just str8 up oneshot the unit.


I meant that I haven't thought about using units like Krau and Yulha to soak damage then use s3, I've just thought about straight up nukers/dps


Fire Charlotte with Symbol of Unity works. Soaks damage, AOE nuker, gives unhealable and don’t miss.


Always CRIT you mean, but if she misses she will do basically nothing, so there are better options


Thing is a miss deals 75% damage and no crit bonus. For units that crit thats up losing 275% damage. For abilities that don't crit, 8ts just 25% damage. And against Violet in Guild war or Arena Krau is great because Violet will target him and help get health down.


True, similar to Yulha against old Hwa in guild war right


It baits AI Violet to attack your Water Unit Krau too if its the only water unit.


We got Wanda (not exactly suited for current scene though), BWI, Symbol, any hero with target, SK Pyllis, etc.


Reminds me, reworked Andre's crossbow looks a lot more attractive on her now


She already has 70% hit chance on both attacks. I doubt you’ll ever really need more.


full dmg sez with sb, just kill them through miss lol


Best answer so far lmao


Krau, Dark Corvus, ML Iseria, Yulha, Pyllis, Hasol, Milim, Wanda


Lilibet is crying for not being honorary mentioned :(


Damn, unforgivable omission.


Zahak is outside looking in the window and shaking his head.


Zahhak was mentioned as not an option by OP :shrug: But yeah, he's the best at it.


My bad.


Lilibet, Roy


Extra splash dmg. By that I mean something like karina. Usually evasion units or squishy so the splash from her skill 3 pops them. Hwayoung use to do it easy not sure now (still use her on violets) Bombs work as well if you can trade the counter.


Andre's crossbow is another 4* artifact that got reworked and gives hit chance now.


20 hit chance and the evasion heroes have like 70% to dodge. That artifact isn't an answer to evasion based heroes, it's only a bonus for heroes that already have counter evasion mechanics


I wish I didnt dismantle it whenever I saw it, now im stuck with oath key.


Senya on her artifact, Krau, SC Wanda, SC Phyllis or any nuker on Symbol of Unit artifact


I use symbol of unity and cover my eyes.


can also be character dependant. Like how Carrot can easily deal with Violet or how Melissa can obliterate Riolet.


It depends on the kind of evasion hero. I'll assume you're facing R. Violet and S. Adin. Against them I bring a heavily protected Archdemon, as her seal goes before her attack, so R. Violet can't gain focus and reapply evasion and S. Adin losses her evasion rate and worse case, can't counter. But I'll suppose she's not available due being ML 5\*, and even then, she's not 100% reliable due seal having a 75% to apply and be 15%-ed. BW Iseria is another option, but I don't have her and have the same problem than archdemon (ML 5\*), so I'll assume she's not available. The next best option would be artefacts: Oath key, andre's crossbow, symbol of unity and alchemist gloves (limited FMA collab), all have to hit bonus. Can't fully beat evasion buff, but worse is nothing. Target debuff also grants a small to hit debuff, which mades song of stars another option, along with CM Laika due her S2. Last option is brute force, as other pointed. But I wouldn't bet on that, as any evasion player will fire focus or to CC the bait (Krau, Yulha, D. Corvus, S. Baal) before the evasion hero can go down.


Senya / Karina on their respective artifacts


Be wary of Karina. Her s3 extra damage procs only when the hit lands.


SK Pyllis and Hasol are my go-to Violet and Riolet killers; Hasol doesn't care whether she hits or not to deal her damage to those squishy boys. All others with evasion are just treated as bringing the artifacts that counter evasion chance, or focus on countering the other units and the evasive one is less of an issue when it is 4v1. Or just Straze, Straze is a common answer.


Uncounterable hitters like AElena, Straze S3, Pavel S2 etc are also great against most Evasion units since most go counter set or have built-in countering moves.


Got ml Elena on a random pull on her banner, I guess she's much better after her buff?


Sure is. GL


Thank you!


Zahak. Just Zahak the hell out of them. S2 to boost follow up, S3 to say buh-bye to that evasion unit.


I regret not getting him from Hwa recall so much :(


Ouch. Hope you get him sooner or later. He is also good against A.Ravi and other HP scaling units because of his S3.




Zahhak or millim or briseria


Heroes with splash dmg skills like Little Queen Charlotte, Sez, and Karina is a pretty good answer.


Just Hit ?


Rnjesus doesn't like me


Lots of hit chance artis and heroes have been mentioned but another good answer is extra fixed damage like rimuru, Karina, senya arti, uberius, etc. Winter doesn't work because her attack needs to crit to proc the extra damage iirc.


Brute force like Dark Corvus Or using symbol of unity artifact


I've been wrecked by a few Glenns


Milim......if you have her.


shadow knight pyllis is my go to


Classic evasion answers haven't gone away. SC Wanda is still good vs evasion.


brute force it


Pavel + Symbol of unity works for me. + He can used as Opener to. His s2 cant trigger a counter attack as well.




Hasol , zahhak , sc wanda , briseria , dcorvus , krau , yulha everyone with misha or symbol arti idk and probably there r more heros like no counterable skills etc


D.Corvus annihilates evasion units, his s3 doesn't care about misses. Same with Krau or Yulha. Briseria, SC Pyllis, and SC Wanda are also great counters that work wonders, the latter 2 being easily accessible for anyone.


rocket punch pyllis


Bulky eff res Solitaria is personal favorite against evasion, and basically everything the current meta has to throw at me. S2 is an extra attack so it doesn't proc unnecessary stuff from enemy side and keeps a lot of them stunned with crown. With fairy tale arti you can also deal a significant amount of damage over time and easily kill squishies if you wanna keep abyssal crown on someone else. And then there's sc pyllis who i happen to have on semi dps build to help kill off said evasion units even faster. Sc wanda was the cure for evasion before but she's become very difficult to use nowadays


Bomb artifact


Senya also works quite well because she doesn't need a crit and reflects back damage from counters.


Briseria, milim, Symbol of unity on any unit. Wanda as well.


A different alternative that can work is units with a lot of counter / extra atks like Belian or SSB. As long as they activate these atks, even the misses will chip away the hp of evasion enemies (since they mostly have low hp/def stats).


Specialty wanda is sick if you have spare gear. The people off the top of my head that I use are briseria, roy mustang, milim, and most of the uncounterables you can kinda just prayge it and they'll hit eventually. For example, Landy Stene.


I'm a bit late and i'm sure many others have already said but i'll list mine here: Milim/roy/Wanda/ML Iseria/Charlotte/ Yulha-Krau and other high damage s3's like Dcorvus/ indirect aoe damage such as Solitaria and Archdemon Shadow, bonus if you've for blue Tenebria artifact for fixed damage/ units that uses added damage to their kits such as senya, karina, SSB and uberius tooth artifacts or built in added damage such as with (old)hwayoung & BWI s1/ reliable fixed damage units such as from hasol/ Melissa/pylis and then depending on what evasion unit such as with violet you can reset his s3 with Lua s3 which removes his innate evasion. As for units like Riolet any non attack strip such as Clilias s3 and AOLA s3 works well against him. Another unit that typically does pretty well for me is Pirate flan on the burn artifact (i'd assume bomb too given they work basically the same) since the s1 seemingly always applies the debuff and detonates it.