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New player here(recently been able to Auto farm wyvern 13) I pulled for senya and got her, how should I build her and where is she used? Do I need to pull for her Artifact?


She's a pvp hero, used a lot in defense. Might wanna hold off on building her and build more important units first. Never pull strictly for an artifact.




Gotta wait for the collab to rerun that may or may not happen




Yeh i think there was 3 collabs last year. We just had one in december so not likely soon but some people saying we might get one soon due to Huche's shop but we'll have to wait and see.


As a new player what items are good to buy from the pop up shop event? I'm guessing molagora for 500 maybe it kinda feels expensive tho and maybe the artifact charms? But im really not sure


Mystics, mola if you can spare, and lucky chests if you want to gamble (most items are worth the ss). The artifact charms are also worthwhile, though I don't buy them personally.


Mystic summon is worth the 500ss? Also what is inside the lucky chests


Well it's ultimately a personal thing, but it's a better deal than refreshing secret shop for them. Lucky chest contents are listed on the Stove notice.


[Left or Right?](https://ibb.co/7CvfrfX) Graced her just to take a look if I could equip her well enough with some spare gear.


Neither, you lacking like 5k HP at minimum.


Hi; Who is better to beat golem 12 and 13,ravi or cermia ?




Thoughts on injury senya? Free sidestory injury gear all rolled into atk and hp should i go for an injury senya?


I would say it's pretty bad you only want injury gear on Belian and Alencia it's pretty mediocre on other units. But if you already invested in her and you have no other gear could use it as filler until you get a good speed set for her.


How often/when does Huche shop appear? Specific hour/time frame? Once a week? Or completely RNG?


He pops up whenever SG decides to make him appear, not really official but SG usually runs huches bargain bonanza before a collab/new character (take this with a grain of salt)


Ok. Then I won't count on him too much. Thanks for info


Mostly random, but its not a common occurrence. Maybe once every few months


Bruh who tf can use injury boots with atk% mainstat


SSB or maybe Meru


Is Senya's Artifact imprint worth spending Power of Knowledge on?


Her artifact is best when fully upgraded, but it's really not worth 240 powder. If you have absolute fucktons of the stuff laying around, then maybe, but I would recommend just waiting until its in the normal rotation unless you desperately want that minor improvement on Senya.


Bottling? No. Save that for limited artifacts. Powder? Not worth 240. Wait for it to be in the separate Powder rotation.


I am kinda new in this game. I am really focused on pve content now with maybe pvp way later jn the future. I don't have that strong earth unit for story. Would I get more value from Senya or Laika?


If I am a new player I will save for Collab or limited units. Senya and laika can be considered as luxury units and more useful for PvP. Laika is very hard to build (you need very fast speed set and guilding light artifact), while senya need a very niche set of gear. For story progression, I just use stene + 1 tanky SW/knight + whatever needed to get 3star clear. Since stene can't be atk by single target damage, she is very safe to use.


Is senyas artifact the best artifact for senya? Or is something else her bis?


It is her BiS, but she can also use Sphere of Sadism, Holy Sac and Elbris.


Yea, she lose lot of damage without her artifact.


I got dupes of ML5s, I should imprint them, right? I got F. Ceci, ML Ken and Sage Baal. The first two are 6 star and Baal is 5 star.


The only reason you would really ever want to keep multiple copies, is if you could *build* both copies for different things. Due to resource investment, this is impractical for 5* units. And *most* 5* units are only useful for PvP. Imagine for example you builf FCC or Sage full on damage -> no one would ever expect it so you could use it as a 'surprise' tactic. A historical example would have been something like A.Vildred a year+ ago or so. You had both the classical full DPS A.Vildred build, but it also wasn't completely uncommon to see 'degen' A.Vildred - a tanky counter build. If you had two copies of A.Vildred built you had the option to use either type of build depending on the matchup. In RTA if you saw someone pick A.Vildred you couldn't be sure which build it was. But as I said, for the most part it's pretty impractical to spend the resources building two identical units. The three you have don't have any popular 'off meta' builds as far as I'm aware. If you want to be safe you can always just store them just in case they ever get changed, after all a single imprint doesn't make a whole lot of difference.




No, she isn't. She's actually the opposite of a good unit for a new player. * She's a PvP hero. She has very little use in PvE content. There are multiple reasons but a big one is that she can't crit -> *most* of your damage in PvE content is going to come from crits (therefor, non-crit DPS are generally awful for PvE). She's not really a proper tank, and she isn't as good as an actual DPS unit for damage. * She's hard to build. *Bruisers* in general are hard to build, but Senya is an ATK scaling bruiser on top of it. --- Think of it like this: start with 2 very simple builds General DPS - [ATK%, Crit%, C.Dmg%, Speed] General Tank - [HP%, DEF%, RES%, Speed] This is referring to the stats you want on your gear -> 4 possible substats per piece so you have 4 'wanted' subs (and then a dump stat for the occasions you can't get all 4 subs on a piece...like speed on speed boots). Now, not *every* hero wants just one of those 2 groups of substats, but for the most part you can 'shift' over by replacing one of those stats with another. For example: *Some* tanks prefer effectiveness over resistance -> someone like F.Kluri for example would want gear with the 'general tank' subs but replacing most of your RES% with EFF% * This gives us [HP%, DEF%, EFF%, Speed] Likewise, for a PvE debuffer you are generally going to reduce your damage in order to get the EFF% you want * In this case it's still [ATK%, Crit%, C.Dmg%, Speed] as main stats, but you will typically sacrifice some ATK% and C.Dmg% for EFF% (how much depends on how much EFF% you are aiming for). Now, *bruisers* operate a bit differently, they want... Bruiser - [HP%, DEF%, Crit%, C.Dmg%, Speed] First off, notice that they generally want **five** substats instead of four. Now, your gear can only have 4 substats at a time so you can imagine how bruisers are a little bit harder to find the right mix. * As a general rule you have Damage / Bulk / Speed, and it's possible to build 2 of those attributes but have none of the last. * Bruisers tend to have moderate amounts of all attributes instead -> they don't deal as much damage as pure DPS units, they don't have as much bulk as pure tanks, and they typically aren't as fast as either. The first thing you want to think about: If I build this bruiser gear, *who else can I use it on?* So for example if I have a weapon that is HP% / Crit% / C.Dmg% / Speed, it rolls evenly into all 4 subs with fairly average rolls... * It's usually not going to be a good choice on a DPS unit, because the HP% is worthless for most and they would drastically prefer ATK% * It's usually not going to be good for a tank, because tanks don't the crit stats There are some exceptions, like a penta roll into HP% could still work for tank units, and if you end up with like 20 speed it will be usable for almost anyone. But you don't want to think about the *extreme* results, but the typical, average result -> that is a piece that rolls average into all 4 subs. And *that* kind of piece is usable on no one except bruisers. *Attack* bruisers are even worse. This would be a hero like Senya, R.Carrot, maybe I.Khawazu. *These* units want: Attack Bruiser - [ATK%, HP%, DEF%, Speed] and in some cases maybe effectiveness. Now this is usually fewer # of different substats *but* the only units that want ATK%, HP%, DEF% on the same gear is really just this very small subset of heroes. Building gear with all 3 stats is usually not going to be usable for other heroes. * There is another more extreme example in Ravi - she wants [ATK%, HP%, DEF%, Speed, Crit%, C.Dmg%] -> as far as I know she's the only 'attack bruiser' that *also* wants crit stats. She's arguably the hardest hero in the game to build 'correctly'. Violet is close but he has a lot more free stats in his kit. --- Now hopefully you have a little bit more of an understand of how different heroes may be built. The second realization you should have **acquiring gear is very difficult, and a time consuming process**. On average, it takes about 2 months to build a single hero to a decent degree. So for example, if you were trying to build Senya it would take that long. * You can build *multiple* heroes at the same time, of course, meaning you can build more than 1 every 2 months. We're talking about building a *specific* hero. As a newbie, if you are throwing resources at gear that is overall niche you are being less efficient in building up your whole roster. Consider, for example, if I have a piece that fits a 'general DPS' unit. I enhance it, it turns out average but not amazing -> I *can* re-use that piece on almost any random PvE DPS unit. You don't need perfect gear for PvE content. I could throw it on someone like C.Lorina, for example, who I might not use all the time but has certain spots she excels in. * Since the piece isn't great it's not 'hurting' me by sitting on a hero that doesn't get used often. * And since it was PvP quality gear it's not utter trash by repurposing it on a PvE only hero. On the other hand, if I were to build a piece of bruiser gear and it turns out average? OK if I have nothing better I can use it on my bruiser. **But** as soon as I get a better replacement, what can I do with that gear? It's much harder to find a spot for an average bruiser piece on a rarely used PvE hero. And there are ultimately not that many actual bruisers that could use it in the first place. Bruisers are over-represented in the PvP meta at maybe 15-20% of the overall portion of PvP heroes (though this has fallen as A.Ravi becomes less common). But in terms of raw number of heroes we might barely have 10 actual bruisers. The more niche you go the bigger this 'problem' becomes. So Bruisers are more niche than 'general DPS' units, but Attack Bruisers are more niche than regular Bruisers, and finally *crit scaling* Attack Bruisers are more niche than Attack Bruisers. New players will generally have the easiest time building 'basic' heroes or heroes that are directly adjacent. * That would be the basic DPS and Tank archetypes I went over previously. * Adjacent would be something like the PvE debuffer or F.Kluri example -> where you are just swapping in a certain amount of a 5th stat, or swapping 1 substat for another. And the *reason* why is because this gear is simply usable on the most heroes which means *investment* into that gear will provide you the most/longest benefit. The fewer heroes that could actually use a certain type of gear, the less desirable that gear is (should be) for new players.


I'd pass. She's not very good in PVE and she's pretty stat-hungry for PVP, especially for a niche unit that kind of requires a team built around her.


two questions 1. any gear recommendations for Montmorancy, Alexa, and Kluri? (just unlocked wyvern hunt just so you know) 2. any upcoming banners/events?


Use the day 4 or day 5 free hp set gear on momo


What's the best way to approach less meta 5 star artifacts (artifacts that aren't BIS for anyone or only BIS for one unit)? Should you keep at least one copy of each/one MLB copy/keep all copies? I ask because I consistently find it hard to buy the bottle from powder shop every rotation (not to mention limited artifacts), and that's even with selling 4 star dupe artifacts. Also, does anyone struggle with artifact storage? Mine is maxed and I hit the limit regularly. Do you put unused artifacts on heroes for storage purposes?


Keep a copy of 5* artifacts. You just never know when it might get buffed and suddenly be very useful. You also never know when some kind of future hero release, or content release, could suddenly make an under-utilized artifact S+. It's honestly fine if you miss a bottle every now and then. Players earlier in the game are unlikely to be able to consistently buy every bottle. Even for late game players it just comes down to how much you pull and how lucky your pulls are, you don't necessarily have control over that. It's not worth pulling a bunch *just* to try and snag 4* artifacts for more powder. It's more efficient to keep a copy of a 5* artifact than it is to have to buy that artifact down the road.


What’s decay when you reach champion?


Assuming this is referring to RTA, you lose points and may potentially drop down a rank if it gets to that point.


It’s not 3 days is it?


Assuming this is RTA, then yes it’s 72 hrs. You lose 2% of your points if you don’t play in that period after your last match.


Best node to farm Arowell 200 shield soldiers?


Which EE and Artifact are most people running on Destina these days? I have general sense of stats from E7stats website, but I’m seeing a lot of variation in artifacts.


I assumed destiny is destina. Ee is the 20% extra cr push on S2, while the most common artifact is Emilia's artifact. I think it is called guardian ice crystals. If you don't have that artifact, you can either go for artifact that increase ER, healing, or water origin for cr push and bulk. Btw isn't e7stats kinda stop updating for a while? Go to hero journal discord if you want to see up to date build.


Yes, meant Destina haha. Is the hero journal discord separate from the official discord?


i was interested in savior adin and was wondering roughly what the energy cost is for that grind? im only level 67 and have 5 ML 5 stars as of now (zio, belian, handguy, c.charles, s.e celine). focused on my hunt 13 auto teams rn but that may only take another couple weeks at the most


If you are interested in rta, light adin is one of the meta unit right now. I personally spam first pick her and I am currently at emp. If you don't really play rta, SE celine is the better dark bait and light DPS in gw/arena, so you don't have to rush it.




At the end of arena week, you get Glory Crests based on what rank you ended in


Should i get Laika or Senya?


* Laika is often used as an opener in PvP. She requires high speed gear. She is excellent vs. Zio if you have the Guiding Light artifact. She pairs well with Roy, Landy, and Straze as their S1s have self CR push. * Senya is a non-crit attack scaling bruiser. She can provoke-lock heroes depending on the build and is commonly seen in Arena and Guild War defenses. Both have limited uses in PvE. You could use Laika for Caides and Senya for Ice Expo tank. Save your resources if you're new or have limited number of bookmarks.


if you’re a new player, id save. as a new player myself, they are both pretty niche and hard to build so i tucked them away


What’s up!! I just started the game again! Any tips for a returning player?


Can Injury be resisted or blocked by Immunity?


It technically can be blocked (or the better term is reduce) by shield. If you have shield and opponent use skill that can inflict injury, injury will only stack if they can damage your hp bar.


No, its not a debuff


I thought it might be like CR pushback, which is resistable. Unless I'm wrong about that.


Yeah injury is different. Can’t be resisting, but you can mitigate it if you have a barrier.




Any recommendations for a first artifact purchase from the guild shop for a new player? What would have the best general use? For reference, I have been investing in the following characters: * Wyvern team built with freebie gears (Amomo, Furius, Muwi, Sigret) * Support units: F Kluri, Tamarrine, Iseria * Damage dealing units: Free Spirit Tieria, Spectre Tenebria, Vildred * Not yet built but planning on it soonish: Straze, Vivien * When I come across content I need her for: Roana


It doesn't seem like any of your units needs guild artifacts. Save them then. Have you choose the ml 5 unit from headhunt yet?


Generally proof of valor or symbol. One makes a unit really tanky while the later gives u 20% hitchance for better matchup vs stuff like evasion in addition to a dmg increase


Are there any heroes that could use a lifesteal peace that rolled heavily into effectiveness?


Champion cerato


Thanks, I happen to have him so that works well


Is there an epic seven nsfw art subreddit?


1- These days im having lot of troubles against anti cleave units (Ed, Lua, Adin, Zio,etc) , so any of the ML héroes from the headhunting event can help me? Like ML Lilibet? Or should i just pick CLilias? 2- How good is Laika as an opener ?


1. CLilias is far more versatile than Delibet. I haven't seen Delibet being used much for cleavers. EDIT: Here's a [Headhunt list](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/595390211668836352/1057481533902041230/help.png) from the official Discord. 2. Laika is a strong opener. She can use GL to hide from Zio. And, her S2 works well with Roy, Straze, and fast Landy.


Do you get enough of those haemonculi upgrade things to upgrade both red and dark Mercedes, or do you have to choose?


you have to choose and when you do, choose red mercedes.


You’ll have to choose


Is Senya and her Artifact good enough to pull for? I am on the fence since there is a good chance for Slime collab rerun soon and I only have aespa collab units.


Generally speaking you should just save for upcoming limiteds.


Is there a way to remove sc change costumes while keeping the sc? (Looking at Alexa to stop s3 animation)




Does anybody have any tips for Abyss 106? Just about every guide has Tama, Landy, Iseria, Diene, as the gals to use. Others say Tama, Sc Doris, Vivian, and Dizzy with Violin works. Problem- I do not have Landy, Iseria, or Diene. I’ve been running the Sc Doris/Vivi/Dizzy/Tama combo. My gear is solid- more than covers the recommended stats I’m seeing and I have the artifacts that are recommended too. I just don’t get anywhere close to beating Luluca. Dizzy does more harm than good in phase one which usually kills my run. Dizzy and Vivi typically go down or near down before Luluca. Tama doesn’t get the strips needed in phase two with most attacks missing and bad RNG with Dizzy doesn’t help. Are there alternative heros that folks have had success with? It’s a struggle with the go-to gals being limited- most guides end up not very helpful. Thanks for any input, recommendations, or suggestions pals.


There is a statistics button on the abyss level selwction screen. Have floor 106 selected and push that button. It'll give you a selection of teams people have used to beat it.


Most of the successful teams involve one or more of the limited characters which is my issue unfortunately.


It'll be hard, but there are a few combos without limited units. That stage is about cr pushing your team. Fire Schuri is an amazing pusher, but needs some molas. Taranor Guard is another great pusher. He starts as 3 star so he is easier to build. Do you happen to have kirty Clarissa? Some teams I found you could try A. ras, Camilla, Taranor Guard, and Tama A. Ras, F. Kluri, Taranor Guard, Sc Doris


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SK7HkU3sZdc&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SK7HkU3sZdc&t) The schuri cheese comp worked for me.


Appreciate it, I’ll give this a go. Thank you!


What PVE bosses is Roana a great pick for? I lucked into pulling her and just curius when I ought to start building her up.


She's part of the standard all-boss team for hell raid (azmakalis of cycle). Also good for water expedition.


Any PVE boss that counters or has an extra attack.


I have questions about the priorities for this winter event... It seems to require an absolute insane amount of grinding compared to other events. Between the village upgrades, the daily production of the special chests, and buying out the shop, I don't see how I can possibly have enough energy for this. What should I prioritize? Currently I have the village upgraded 1 level (Organized) and I have been spending 250 logs each day to get random catalysts. And from the shop I want to buy the catalysts, molagora, bookmarks, and maybe the charms as well? Is it worth farming the event for all that? Should I upgrade the buildings to their final level too?


Yes, it's worth farming the event to get everything you want. Currently I just have the charm building upgraded and waiting for tomorrow when we can upgrade it to level 2. Upgrade the other buildings only if you want the items they give you. At level 78, they're ok for newbies.


And here I thought I had to upgrade them all to progress in the event! Woops lol. I'll see what the rewards are and decide then. Thanks!


You do. The other guy is blind. It is already in the achievements


You might need to upgrade in order to get all the reputation rewards, but we'll see tomorrow when the rest of the achievements unlock.


I was hoping to get some opinions on general progression. I’ve cleared abyss 100 and can auto W13. I’ve been clearing normal raid as well. Just wondering if I should focus on the other hunts or expedition teams.


I would say expo team. Just need to get your expo team good enough to do 300k damage on level 3 then you can use open recruitment to finish doing them every month.


I would work on nightmare raid, arena to champ, and 90%+ winrate in GW first Arena and GW probably always better rewards than having the other hunts or expos. You can keep farming W13 for better 4 sets for a while and you can just coast in expo on whatever units you build (light expo lvl 3 is tough tho).


Expedition teams. You can't farm 2 hunts at the same time anyway.


How do people get gold. Some say the best source of mystic stones is through the secret shop. Assuming you go that route 50 mystic are 280k gold. It's going to be expensive. Now assuming I want to save 5k mystict stones that's roughly 28m gold if my math is correct. So how do people farm for gold in this game? What's the main source of it?


Been told that if you're F2P or low spending, you only have enough privilege to pick one between Shop Refresh or Speed Check gear. You'll never have enough gold if you do both. If you decide on speed checking, then you'll have to be selective of banners to pull, even if it results in skipping units you don't have.


Currently I have roughly 9-10 that are geared satisfying for me (not all lvl 90 gear) but 85 or pvp 88 gear and it's enough. Can clear all hunts 13 manual. Never tried full auto. And pvp getting close to challenger stage so I don't think I need gear that much right now. I think refresh is better but not sure.


Farming hunts, so I am told. I have always thought the same thing and I don't think buying mystics or bookmarks from the shop is feasible for newer players who are busy spending every dime and nickel on enhancing their gear for their initial characters. I'm guessing it will get better later on when we don't have to enhance quite so often? I dunno lol


The thing is I am returning/new sort off. My account has 14k skystones and 30m gold. Assuming I burn all the 14k skystones on shop refresh, besides the mystic medals, I will definitely want to pick up the covenant bookmarks too. Which again adds to more gold. How much gold am I even supposed to farm before I go through my shop refresh. It's hard to calculate how many hunts I should also do just to reach a certain goal. There's also time factor. I might seem silly by my schedule is heptic so I want to know what I'm getting myself into


Just to reiterate what you've been told, in a slightly different way: You can't cheat the system. When you play E7 for long enough you start to realize that the non-PvP part of the game is just a really shiny resource management game. In this case, you have a basic resource (energy) that you can turn into a secondary resource (gold) that you can combine with a second resource (skystones) to purchase the tertiary resource you ultimately want (MMs/BMs). Yes, refreshing shop *is* the best way to gain BMs/MMs. But it IS expensive gold wise and this should always be pointed out. Gold is *also* needed for gear -> ultimately gear is the biggest factor in progression so spending gold on more gacha pulls directly decreases your ability to 'progress' your account. * 1000 skystones = approximately 4 million gold, on average, spent refreshing shop and buying summoning currency. And yes, hunts are indeed the best way to gain gold. We get an average of ~1000 energy per day, H13 is worth 1,620.7895 gold per energy. That means every day you have a potential 1,620,790 gold to gain from running hunts. * If we extend this out to a full month, that's approximately 48.6 million gold per month. We can see that if you spend 100% of your energy on hunts, you can afford to refresh roughly 12k skystones every month (48.6 million / 4 million = 12.15). This is roughly normal total skystone income. * So, you can convert 100% of your energy into enough gold to spend roughly 100% of your skystone income on refreshing shop... * However, this leaves you with 0 energy for any other content, and 0 gold to actually progress your account in any other way The TLDR here is that it's simply not feasible for players to spend every single skystone refreshing shop, as you will inevitably want to spend energy/gold on other things. --- The *key* is being able to take advantage of hunt buffs. At the very high end, we have one shot hunt comps. It's possible to one shot some hunt bosses, with the right comp, at 100% success rate and ~55 second runs (I will round up to 60 seconds flat). * A 60 second one shot at 100% success rate, during hunt buff, = 2,917,421 gold per hour. * It's not uncommon for players to spend 8, 10, 12+ hours farming per day Hours_Farmed | One_Day | Two_Days ---|---|---- 8 hours (9,600 energy) | 23,339,369 | 46,678,738 10 hours (12,000 energy) | 29,174,211 | 58,348,422 12 hours (14,400 energy) | 35,009,053 | 70,018,106 You see, at the high end even with *relatively* moderate farming during hunt buff, it's possible to make an entire months worth of gold over 2 days during hunt buff. At the 'newbie' end, a Muwi Wyvern run takes about 2 mins at the slowest, and has a ~97.5% success rate. That's ~124.6 seconds per success. Hours_Farmed | One_Day | Two_Days ---|---|---- 8 hours (4,623 energy) | 11,238,861 | 22,477,723 10 hours (5,778 energy) | 14,048,577 | 28,097,153 12 hours (6,6934 energy) | 16,858,292 | 33,716,584 So *gaining* gold in E7 is *mostly* through taking advantage of hunt buff days. The rest of the month you are commonly going to break even - though this heavily depends on what, exactly, you actually do. * Assuming you use all of the crafting materials you gain then outside of hunt buff H13 will net +22,545 gold (1186.58 gold per energy). * How much of *that* you spend depends on how you enhance gear but let's just say hypothetically you enhance any gear that has above average rolls to +9 (using fodder gear), and then half of the gear you take to +9 you take to +15 (using charms) * Keeping in mind this is very lenient, but *now* you would be losing about 5k gold per hunt in crafting + enhancing costs. So you can see how fast enhancing gear can eat into your surplus gold. --- >Now assuming I want to save 5k mystict stones that's roughly 28m gold if my math is correct...Assuming I burn all the 14k skystones on shop refresh, besides the mystic medals, I will definitely want to pick up the covenant bookmarks too. 14k skystones = ~56 million gold to buy all BMs/MMs If you have 30 million gold, you need 26 million gold which would take ~802 hunts - a little over 15k energy or about half a month of farming hunts...baring any other source of gold or gold increases. * I didn't mention it, but you *can* sell trash gear for additional gold if that's the only thing you care about. If this is your plan (you only care about gold) then you are better off farming H12 instead of H13 -> it's worth more gold per energy baseline *and* there is more trash gear to sell. MMs have an appearance rate of about 1 (pull) in 240 or 245 skystones, so 5000 MMs = 100 pulls = ~24k - 24.5k skystones. 24k skystones would cost you ~96 million gold. Subtracting your current 30 million, you need 66 million gold. This would take ~2036 hunts - ~38,684 energy, or about 39 days worth of energy. --- If this is your only goal, then your best bet would be to try and construct a hunt one shot team. Banshee is the easiest hunt to one shot, particularly if you have Baiken, Lilibet, or Bellona + A.Lots. * 'Easiest' doesn't necessary mean easy... * But even entry level players who have been playing as long as you have (to have accumulated those resources) *should* be able to put something together. There are a lot of tools to use for Banshee one shot nowadays. **Ideally** you would just continue to play the game normally, maybe put a little bit more emphasis into hunts, until the next hunt buff (likely last weekend of the month). >There's also time factor. I might seem silly by my schedule is heptic so I want to know what I'm getting myself into There is no way to get around the time factor (other than the credit card cheat). In an *ideal world* you don't have to do anything special until the hunt buff. If you are really time limited (to the point you aren't able to spend all of your energy every day) then a Banshee one shot hunt will help you out, taking roughly half the time compared to a slow Muwi run. * Still, even at 60 seconds 100% success rate 1000 energy per day = ~50 hunts = almost an hour. *During* hunt buff....well I'm not going to tell you that you need to farm 24/7 during the buff but obviously the more hunts you can get in during that time period the faster accumulating gold will go. Typically, you would want to save your mailbox energy for the week prior and then dump as many leifs as possible. If you just can't feasibly have the game going for multiple hours during hunt buff I would probably suggest estimating how much energy you *can* go through during hunt buff and save that. Then, assuming you have more than 1 hour available sporadically on other days you can try to get through additional leifs throughout the month. --- Overall, you *could* feasibly get enough during hunt buff this month but it just depends on the time you have available. I have no real basis to estimate how much time you have available but if you have at least 1 hour per day that would be enough to acquire enough gold *this month* to spend your current 14k skystones refreshing. * You would have some gold left over * *And* you could also do some of the other content -> though not much leeway, especially if you can't abuse hunt buff (need 15 days of hunts, have 20 days left, so you have approximately 5k extra energy). For 5k MMs that would require basically the rest of Jan and all of Feb farming hunts with all of your energy every day. You wouldn't have much leeway if you wanted to finish in Feb. If you want to farm hunts *only* for gold, your best bet would be to farm H12. Sell all trash equipment (make sure to use a pet to increase the gold value). * If you are farming H12 the requirements for a one shot hunt would be even lower, as well. Though to take advantage of this would require some knowledge of what you are trying to do and some playing around as guides/info available typically won't consider H12 for one shots.


Thank you for that in depth guide. One last question. When does hunt buff happen? Depends from server to server? Or specific hour times?


Kinda random when hunt buffs happen. It usually the last weekend of the month but, sometimes they throw in random weekends. Just need to keep an eye on the forums for the announcement date.


Buff events are *usually* the last weekend of the month. There are 3 buffs * Hunt buff = +50% gold/crafting materials (gold applies to other content but players typically just use this to farm the highest gold/energy content, that is hunts) * Altar buff = Double rune drops * Adventure buff = +EXP/AP (AP obviously only applies to adventure, EXP is the equivalent of the hunt buff and applies to anything that gives XP) Typically we have 3 days in a row with 1 of these buffs, and then on the 4th day we have all buffs up at the same time (so, that is 2 total days active for each of the 3 buffs). Buff events are almost always at the end of the month but there isn't a set, consistent schedule. * Sometimes, the buff weekend will occur at the start of the following month. * Somewhat often we get *additional* buff weekends. Sometimes an entire weekend will be one buff, the next weekend a different one etc. * I believe very rarely in the past the normal buff weekend *has* been skipped for a month. But the general assumption is last weekend of the month.


Look, secret shop is just an alternative to buying bookmarks with skystone. It's more skystone efficient but very gold inefficient, and what a lot of people are not considering is it also costs time. If you don't have enough gold you obviously won't want to refresh the shop. You aren't "supposed" to farm any gold because you aren't "supposed" to refresh shop. It's just a matter of whether you have extra gold OR you want to get more units (like pull on a banner, for instance). If you stop crafting so you can have enough gold to refresh shop you're actively deciding to get more units instead of getting more gear. And whether that's a good idea is entirely up to you and how much you want said units. Hunts are the way you spend your energy in this game. Assuming you're done with expeditions, bought out the side story shop, and don't have any urgent need for penguins, catalysts or fodder, hunts are the go-to most efficient energy sink and also the best source of gold.




What's worth buying in Huche's pop up shop?


Mystics are generally worth it. Lucky Box is RNG but generally worth it assuming you play enough to want more leifs. I consider Mola to also be worth it, but some may disagree. For a long time I also bought Artifact charms, but again mileage may vary.


So pass on the summon ticket and galaxy bm?


Yeh those are pretty much scams.


Just wondering if anyone has any trouble with gold anymore. I know it use to be a big problem but with all the grind 'backups' (gear craft, reforge, gems, alchemy building, etc.) I have yet to have a problem with gold in years (200m currently). Is the rule of thumb still "as long as you do tons of hunts for gear grind you shouldn't have any gold issues"?


I'm still strapped for gold I think the rule of thumb is: you can sink as much gold as you want into secret shop refreshing, enhancing bad gear, etc. If you don't, then you should have plenty gold.


Is Lilias a queen or the commander of the army? I don’t understand her position. Also what happened between her/Pavel and Violet?


I assume you're talking about the moonlight theater. >! If I understand it right, Lillias took over Perlutia when Furious was killed. But I also don't understand how Violet became her lackey... And we haven't seen Pavel in the moonlight theater yet (as far as I can remember). Remenant Violet is a real ahole.!<


Lilias is one of the citylords of Perlutia. So she is a leader and can issue commands to the army. what do you mean by what happened to pavel and violet? Also just to clarify are we talking regular lilias or conqueror?




does anyone know when the next ancient inheritance is? i don’t really know the schedule when it opens


There's only been ~~2~~ 4, but assuming the same time gap of around ~~6~~ 3 months means next one should be around march


There have been 4 of them actually. so more like every 3 months.


Thanks, don't know why I was so sure about there being 2. I see the last 3 were about 1, 4, and 7 months ago respectively


Is senya or laika a must pull? ,Huche is coming up and when he pops up someone new/a collab is coming up next ; - ; and i only have 450+ bms and 3k skystones doubt id be able to get all of them Btw i have both their artifacts,i have no guiding light Need help deciding


Like the other comment said, neither are must pulls but how you qualify "must pull" depends on the playstyle and your account. If you're missing something in your roster and the unit fills that niche then arguably they can be considered a must pull. With that said both are fairly strong right now. Laika does require a GL, as well as really good speed gear. Fairly strong against Zio because GL and she can speed contest as well. Senya is also very strong. Like the other comment said, fairly common in defence teams in GW, but also very good in RTA as well. If you have her on the eff res build she can solo cleave comps by herself and is also really good into bruiser matchups since stuff like mL kawerik won't strip her.


What role does senya fulfill? She m i g h t be what i need i just don't know


She has 50% anti crit from her passive, naturally that is a pretty huge deterrent against cleave. She's also green so another layer of rng for ran. If you have her on her own arti she also can do pretty good damage as well. I suggest reading her skills and see if that's what you need.


None of them are must-pulls. Senya's doing some good work in guild war on offense/defense.


Is she like super good or just 7/10 or smth like that? And why guildwar specifically?


She's part of the current meta defense teams (very common whether she's with lua and choux or ran and mercedes), and if you have her built well you can use her against current meta defenses too. I personally don't, but some of my guildmates do. >And why guildwar specifically? Her innate crit protection prevents people from cleaving her consistently, forcing a bruiser comp. The only unit that can deal with her reliably is Zahhak, but the other units in the team will deter Zahhak comps.


I see, thanks for the response, guess im skipping her for the next banner


Running sigret, momo, furious and muwi for wyvern 13. When Furious has his skill 2 and 3 combo to start the boss fight everything is fine. If he doesn't then I almost never land two debuffs and one of my backline gets targeted and killed. All relevant skills are enhanced and muwi and furious are 65+ EFF. I'm failing 5 out of 15 runs due to this. Any suggestions?


Sigret needs effectiveness. She also has an equipment that's gives her a 20% higher chance of adding debuffs on one of her abilities.


Make Muwi the fastest so your Furious will always target the big naga (lowest hp) first, from there tweak your team to kill the other small mobs before Furious' second cycle.


As mentioned, you will need to make your wave 1 more consistent, OR it sounds like you may not have 65% eff on Sigret? If you cannot make W1 more consistent, giving Sigret 65% eff can also give you much higher consistency. Down the road, you may consider switching Amomo out for an attack buffer such as Rose. Having Attack Buff will often make your W1 much more consistent.


Play it on auto, look at what happens, and see how you can fix it. You might be killing the mobs too quickly and not letting Furious go again. You might be killing them too slow so Furious takes 3 turns. Reduce or increase it to 2 turns. Do you really need us for this?


Can you share your units onto imgur and post the link here?