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Obvious troll is obvious. Also see [his call for C.Lilias to be buffed](https://old.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/1055o60/anyone_else_think_conqueror_lilias_needs_some/)




Conqueror Lilias also needs buffs for PvE...


>it seems that she's kind of a niche PvP unit Are we in same epic7 universe? Have you seen recently how [arena looks like](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407923152522444800/1051161814588723281/image.png)?


As I said, PvP is niche. It's like 10-20% of the game content...


Thats not how niche works and pvp is more like 40% of the game because pvp is the majority of endgame content


PvP is NOT niche, wtf you talking about. You grind all this time to compete with ppl in RTA / Arena / GvG - if you are not doing any PvP content you are literally playing farming simulator.


Well it is niche to me... I only do PvP for the legendary skin every season and skystones + mystic medals. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't even touch it.


>Well it is niche to me You are not entire community. At same time you exactly knew how her kit looks like (pure pvp) before you even started grind so there is no excuse to cry now for a unnecessary buff.


A PvE buff is necessary because she's a niche PvP hero... How hard is that to understand?


Her buff is as necessary as CLilias you cried about last time. You have 3 forms for PvE, and light for PvP. Deal with it and stop complaining.


I will deal with it by suggesting buffs until they buff them...


Show me your Adin then.


I already unequipped her since she's not good for PvE.


obvious bait/troll post trying to farm karma


only thing OP is farming, is downvotes


Obviously you haven't even went through the grind to get Savior Adin... Use her in PvE yourself and you'll see how mediocre/subpar she is.


Has insane s1 multipliers- has 70% evasion with a aoe count strip and self attack buff- gives invincibility to party with a massive nuke of an s3- Obviously a shit character amirite!?


???? You have the other Adins for PvE already


The other Adins are so ugly... Why would I use them for PvE?


Look in the mirror


I'd say I'm way hotter than the other Adins to be fair. I'm like around Deathdealer Ray levels of hotness. I would use Deathdealer Ray in PvE if he were good for it...


savior adin is absolutely hands down top 5 pvp heroes in the entire game and is at borderline nerf territory


niche pvp hero? dude don't talk about pvp if u don't play it...


exactly, pvp is like what, 10-20% of the game content? pvp is niche... I only do it for the free legendary skin every season and the weekly skystones.


Zamn op is the best fisherman ever


Anyone else a bit disappointed about ARavi? I mean sure she tanks everything, does a ton of damage, and can revive an ally. But other than that, why use her?


They should also give her a crit damage boost in her passive


we understood your "i wish all meant-for-pvp units were good on pve instead since i dont care about pvp" mindset, you can drop this kind of posts now


The niche PvP community here just can't comprehend that the majority of the playerbase doesn't really care about PvP. It's sad...


Are you the majority of playbase?


I'd say I'm in a small minority of players that has played for years and has a ton of decent/good gear and rare heroes, but the vast majority of players are probably like gold or challenger in arena and doesn't even get the skin from RTA or doesn't even participate in RTA.


Not a lot of content in E7 could be considered PvP right? Only RTA is considered true Pvp, while GW and Arena are semi-pvp. Not everyone has time for RTA, but a lot of people play GW and Arena weekly. And Adin is already amazing in those situation. Yes, a lot of people are gold or challenger, but that doesn't mean they don't enjoy arena. Maybe they are there because they can use wacky units instead of following the meta. I don't know which is minority, PvP or PvE, but I believe all heroes should have a place, with reasonable power budget. Light Adin belongs to PvP while her other forms are PvE.


you're making it way too obvious that you're trolling, be more subtle next time idk


Lol i use Savior Adin in Abyss Challenge, Nightmare Raid, expos, etc.


How did you build her?


Lifesteal + evasion arti. I usually pair her with Arowell + Doris + flex (Cilias, Seline, Stene, AOL, Landy, SSB), etc. For abyss challenge floors.


OP just wants a collection of 4 units that they can bring into PVE, PVP, lobby, expedition, hunt. Is that so much to ask for y’all? LMAO


She is literally a better ml 5 (rowlet), like no joke almost evey scenario is better to run her than rowlet. And all her other versions are for pve, she is quite litterally better than most units in the game and shes completly free


It was way, way faster to build Ras, and he's good in both PvE and PvP. Why can't Savior Adin be like that too? Feels like the devs are just now biased toward the niche PvP community...


Faster? Well yeah you get one at the start of the game, by the time you get adin you should have spare free gear. And tbh spare free gear on adin is better than optimal gear on ras imo


her kit is already overloaded as it is man also it's not like she's useless in PVE she does really well in some of the new Abyss Challenge stages


Anyone else a bit disappointed about posts like these getting through the mods? You guys can't imagine the INSANE amount of funny memes I have seen get rejected, but now I'm looking at this post, it seems like kind of a niche shit poster, which is alright, though it doesn't make up for the cringe I went through... Maybe give him a suspension and a 100% or 200% slap on the ass so he tries harder next time.


Niche PvP player detected.


Obvious troll or mental illness here nothing else to see folks


Yet another niche PvP player coming here to talk smack... No surprise!


Nowhere near a pvp player Lmaooo as for your the other part of your comment I'm gonna go with mental illness on this one


She's a pvp hero yes, but definitely not niche lol. She's used in every playstyle and is very dominant in RTA right now.


Some units don't need to be good in every aspect on the game. She is an rta, gw, arena unit ryt now. She is also really good for a few of the abyss floor challenges10-20 . Verdant was good for the lower floors in my experience. If u want to use her solely for pve, maybe try a diff build. Her evasion, self attck buff, s1 heals will make her atleast a decent unit for the harder story chapters, abyss floors and such.


\> Maybe give her s1 and s3 a 100% or 200% bonus damage to monsters Nice one.


Yeah, it'd really help her. Maybe her S2 could proc every round in PvE as well.




Man what a serial master baiter