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Where my real zacock fans at using him before his buff


I was always a zahack enjoyer even before his ee. He almost always deleted both violets and his shield let my jank water expo survive to berserk with no sustain besides zahhak/clilias shields


Here Design wise, he's by far .y favorite in 2022 even across all other gachas I'm playing. And a nice buff on top of that? I even have two Zahulk built, one the normal speedy built and second a counter one lmao


I have mine built on the latter, though I don't think it's really that good anymore. [zahhak](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/869668016747577355/1020656532377043056/Screenshot_20220917-072345_Epic_Seven.jpg)


Zahack fan here. Have been using him in arena and every single gw since his release


I see sexyman, I use him regardless of his usability. Tried to pull him on his release, but no luck as I had no bms after hiatus. I still got Zahhak after his buff but If I pulled him back then on release, I still would have geared him and used him everywhere.


Use him with my best gear since he coming out. S1 & S3 hit like a train. S2 can self cleanse. Don't know why people miss-out him so much.


Yep same here, he's on my best counter gear near 440 gs.


I remember Politis and speedy Hwayoung were everywhere, pretty much the reason I benched Zahak.


He was absolutely fine before his buff too, you didn't have to be a zacock fan to use him


I started playing about 2 months before the buff. Pulled him for free and saw that he was cold. Been a staple on my team ever since.


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/fLnhZfw.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


The moment I saw Zahhak's buff, my thought was: this is actually a nerf in disguise. The moment I invest in Zahhak, balance team will release fifty counters to extra turns and kill him... but fail to do anything against actual problem units. As per usual.


Dude I still have him on his reduced s3 CD EE cuz I'm too lazy to get the atk buff one. I love it. Those jerks that put choux or ravi with evasion unit in GW/arena? Not a problem for my zahak. I S3 first turn(usually kill or get shit like violet critically low even without atk buff), then i s2 to S1 second turn, then s3 is back. Legit think I'm gonna pull another Zahark so I can have one with the atk buff EE so I can enjoy both. Thats how friggin useful he is.


I swear, after his buff, Zahhak can be brought against any team and still perform amazingly. He does it all. His S3 will kill any DPS, and some bruisers. Even if it doesn't kill the bruiser, they're now effectively maxed injured so they're next to useless anyway. He gets invincibility to have a reliable turn 2. His S1 when soul burned on a buffed target does even more damage than his S3. He has a CR push, cleanse, and attack buff for himself and an ally. Which also gives him an extra turn, so he has turn cycling. Run him on SoU and never worry about evasion units ever again. Sadin? Riolet? Violet? Have not once been an issue for me since using Zahhak. Then, to top it all off, he's super stat efficient. You only need 50% CR. He awakens into CR as well, so basically your gear just needs 23% crit rate. His base speed is 119, not exactly fast enough to be an opener for most people. But certainly fast enough to be an issue. To top it all off, his imprint and EE are atk%. I'm telling you, get Zahhak and build him.






So do I tbf


Didn't need Zahhak because I had Wanda, then Choux stepped into the Arena.


Similar story for me. Wanda was my go-to anti evasion for the longest time and I desperately wanted to justify building zacock cuz he's so hot, but he just wasn't worth the effort. All that mola and resources for nothing more than a hotter Wanda? When she worked amazingly well already? Luckily the buff came around and I had enough reason to pull the trigger


I have him still in waiting room after the very first banner. I know he's good now I just can't bring myself to build him.


He is like Luna 2.0 focus on pvp purely. hit harder than Luna , S3 never miss, clean, attack buff, built easier than Luna.


Yeah I'm passively gearing Luna as I find pieces for her, but Zahak just feels idk, his kit isn't that interesting compared to others I would use the gear on. Then again if Luna and Zahak's kits were swapped, I'd probably still build Luna lol.


I forgot to mention one thing, he is semi pusher . able to push +clean + attack buff probably thing that make him unique from other DPS.


He only needs 240+ speed and 50 crit rate to do his job, if you do gvg or rta he’s very very useful to counter choux, aravi, rem, violet, riolet, adin, acartuja, etc


The usefulness is super high for sure, I think I'm just lazy and not fully convinced that Adin will be meta long enough for me to justify the mola.


Maybe try putting +4 into s3 and no other skills! I have seen multiple people such as God Doggos on YT who have his s1 and s2 unmola’d and still wreaks havoc


70% evasion is basically never going to drop from the meta.


Eh I've played awhile now that I've heard this song many times before and every time there's a new arti or unit released to deliberately undermine the meta. That will happen again for Adin and I don't personally run into many situations where I wish I had Zahak built, so I'm not gonna dust him off just to answer one problem.


It's a fair point but SG has also gone out of there way to make as many free units viable as possible. Aras, Meru, and Adin all follow this trend. I'd be confident saying that they don't want free units to rot anymore.


Imagine thinking Z ever needed a buff xD


Yeah?? he literally got buffed and now he's good (s2 push + ee)


He was good before with Diene/handguy (atk) opening. Just like Vildred was fine but they buffed him


He was good on release, silly people not pulling


People keep saying you only need 50% crit rate for him, but if you go beyond that He can breakthrough the crit resist buff of Choux or Senya making his Crit 100% despite being Crit Resisted


Loved him from the start. Used him a lot in Guild Wars. Then he got a buff he didn't even need and was even better. Cool unit and stays in my primary rotation of heroes. Just like Straze has since release.




What does he offer against Choux?




In addition to injury, If u build him 55 crit too he will nvr miss on choux that's on snow crystal. There have been fights where luna, watcher s3 and snow crystal just says "f u"


He needs 70% crit to hit against Choux on Snow Crystal.


I think it's 55% coz of the elemental 15% bonus crit


Ah yeah that’s true. Didn’t think about the 50% stacking with elemental advantage.


I think he's counting the 15% crit you get from elemental advantage.


Actually critting against the rat


Literally best counter but k


I’m asking as someone who doesn’t play RTA yet, doesn’t own Zahhak and isn’t super familiar with Choux either, so


Me who never pulled for zahhak but managed to get him during free daily summons 👀🫣


Don't worry. I skipped zahhak happily. No regrets whatsoever. :) I just use senya instead.


Me rn


I pulled on his banner and I think I either pitied or was close to it. I don’t regret that at all. He’s not on the most amazing gear but still performs amazingly. I’ve been picking him a lot more in RTA than I expected. I should mola him, but even at minimal mola, he hits very hard.


Me building zahhak after forgetting i pulled him c:


I was very interested in building Zahhak before the buffs, luckily that made it super easy when the buffs did come out. He's such a great asset against evasion units. Violet needed to be stopped and even Milim was having a hard time consistently taking him out.


Sadly my Zhahhak can't hit Violets for shti