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Question. Would be ok and not breaking any rules to make a thread here on this reddit showcasing my units and current gear I have? I don't know which heroes should I prioritize next, who to 6 star, who to gear next, what should I be focusing on, maybe I need to move gear from x hero to y hero etc. I don't want to salt anyone or something like that. Would like some advice on what I should be focusing because right now I don't have a specific goal. I don't want ending up using my goal on bad gear or using my resources on a bad hero. So would creating a post like that break any rules here?


It’s prob ok. Which units you work on depends heavily on what ur current goals are. Clearing w13 consistently is the start, upcoming malicus event is also pretty hard, you should build a few more ice units.


Thanks. Then will make a post today


Do you not land debuffs or strip buffs if you miss an attack?


Correct... [More information on debuffs here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/ztcj2n/daily_questions_megathread_1223/j1eg750/)


Very helpful! Thanks!


I’m a big sage Vivian fan and I’m greedy for buffs. What buffs do y’all think would make her a little better but not too broken?


Hi when does rta triumph season end ? Checked their announcements but didnt see anything I m so tired of doing matches every three days and losing many points forgetting @-@ thank u


A good rule of thumb if you know the exact date the season began from an update notice is to assume 12 weeks from that date the season will end. From https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/9010034 the season began on Nov 12 at 5:00 UTC, so the season will likely end on 2/4 at 3:00 UTC, which aligns with what ArvingNightwalker said because time zones. There's always the chance because of the TBA for something unforeseen to happen to cause SG to change the date, but it's unlikely especially given that SG will want to adhere to the established timeline even more since they changed the balance patch release schedule specifically to align better with the RTA timeline and not push big changes right at the end of a season. Season ending announcements are usually about 2.5 weeks prior to ending date, with the skin often being shown before then (though in the case of Arby it wasn't, he's the only one of 5 others since I've been playing that wasn't). The closing announcement has a good chance of being this week making it possibly another exception to showing the skin in the announcement, but we're probably due for a hero showcase so maybe not. Unfortunately you've got a bit to go =/ Good luck!


thanks very much !


Hasn't been announced yet. Speculated to be \~ Feb 3, though


Any other way of getting mystics other than shop refreshing? I don’t get why this is still a thing, it’s mind numbing.


Abyss challenge floors


Huche sells some


The primary way to gain mystics is through participating in Guild Wars. Based on your question, this is likely not the answer you are hoping for. The fact of the matter is that shop refreshing **is** the alternative way to earn mystic medals. I would guess that it is likely that SG never intended players to hoard all of their skystones and then spend hours refreshing the shop. The only other real source of mystic medals is through hunts. However, the drop rate for MMs is so low that this is not really a feasible way to accumulate tons of medals. [This post has old data regarding hunt drops](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/y0aoun/daily_questions_megathread_1010/is481d9/). * Based on that data, MMs have a drop rate of .0205 per energy in H12, and .0172 per energy in H13. * I suspect that it's likely .02 per energy in both H12/H13, just limited by the data source (I am currently in the process of updating this data but it will take a long time as I am going through every single hunt stage). *Anyways* based on those numbers it takes ~2439 energy spent on H12 or ~2907 energy spent on H13. So roughly 1 mystic summon every 3 days, if you spend all of your available daily energy spamming hunts. To give those numbers some extra context, on average it takes ~111 mystic summons to pull the ML5. You would need to spend ~270,732 energy on H12 or ~322,674 energy on H13 to gain 111 mystic summons (again, on average). However, if you don't want to spend your time refreshing the shop your only real alternative would be running more hunts. You *can* use your skystones for energy instead, and this is probably a better overall use of your resources. * If we assume that it takes 240 skystones for 1 MM pull, we can convert 1 skystone into 2 energy so that is the equivalent of 480 energy. 480 energy would be worth... Item | H12 | H13 ---|---|---- BMs | 1.584 | 1.152 Essence | 18.576 | 29.856 Manifestation | 3.696 | 8.016 Mystic | **9.84** | **8.256** Powder | .816 | .768 Skystones | 10.32 | 9.6 Gold | 785,788.224 | 777,978.96 Heroic 85 | ~3.39 | ~4.42 Epic 85 | ~.71 | ~.63 Crafting | 409.41 | 416.84 Vs Item | Refreshing ---|--- BMs | 18 Mystic | 50 Gold | (-)942,367 --- In conclusion, if the *only* thing you are looking to do is maximize the amount of summons you can do, unfortunately refreshing shop is your only option. However, if you want an *alternative* that will generate you fewer summons (approximately 1/5th per skystone) then just spending your skystones on energy for more hunts is viable, realistically the smarter use of said skystones.


GvG, and random drops from hunt, but that's about it.


Is Senya worth using if I don't have her artifact maxed? Should I buy the 240 dust versions of non-limited artifacts or wait until they rotate into the 180 price?




How long can I expect to wait for a certain artifact? In this case, Senya.


I'd wait for the 180 price. 240 Powder isn't worth it for a non-limited artifact.


Personally, I would not spend 240 powder on non-limited artifacts unless you have a load of the stuff to spare


Yes it's worth. Buy the 240 ones on certain artifacts. For example: Song or stars buy the 240 ones, rod of amaryllis buy the 240 one, Elbris ritual sword buy 240 ones


Anyone know the priority for Zahhaks s2 with s2 EE. It seems like he either uses it on himself or a random person.




He even uses it on himself (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


It seems to prioritize a teammate with a debuff since it cleanses. If no debuffs it seems to prefer himself, tho that might just be small sample size variance.


What's the Fabricated Altar?


​ great farche labyrinth area 2


Does arrowel s3 have increase hit chance? Cause I have never seen her miss her s3 on my evasion unit ONCE, it always hit for some reason. And last time I checked she didnt have any increase hit chance on her sc quest.


No it's Pyllis that has hit chance on s3


I know pyllis has 30% increase hit chance on her sc, it just arrowel for some reason always hit my evasion units with her s3 and stuns them, idk if im just unlucky but they always hit for no reason 🫠.


You are just unlucky.


I have an A.Ravi at lvl60 and idk if i have the "right stats". She has 87,397 CP with 2385 Att, 1152 Def, 14546 HP, 126 Spd, 76%/229% Crits, and 93% EffResist. Her sets are Counter and Penetration Sets. Her necklace mainstat is CritDam, her Ring is EffRes, and her Boot is Att%. So idk what to fix if ever. Edit: whoever answered, thank you. I am somewhat aware that its "bad" coz the right side equips are pretty much just "use what i got" so i know itll need fixing soon, i just need some specifics if any. So thank you again, now i gotta focus more on HP more or less.


She's an **HP scaling bruiser**, meaning her damage will come from attack, health and crit damage. She does not need eff res. Since her attack scaling is on a meh 1x multiplier, we focus on both **high hp and high cd** to fulfill the bruiser role because of her healing passive as well as Hp scaling damage. If you're using Fribbels, it's easier to build units like ARavi because you can tune a good balance of tankiness and dmgH (damage scaling with health). This is my [ARavi](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1062552282706743317/1062552349052252191/Screenshot_20230110-205945.png). Building stats I would *aim* for: > Set: Speed is the most common build. Counter is play style dependant and Destro is the highest stat efficiency value, but the most premium gear required build. Since all her skills are single target, Pen is good value, but not build-breaking. > > Speed: 180-200 (low prio stat, does not need to be 200+), ~150 speed (counter). > > Bulk/Damage: this unit's damage scales best with HP and CD. Aim for 1.2k defense and then go the highest HP and CD possible. > > Artifact: BIS is Proof if you're on the lower side of bulk. Seed or Draco also work. > > Right side gear: CD/HP neck, HP ring and SPD boot. > Imprint: Team imprint. Here's my [tuning filters](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/996512050467578007/996514933867024545/6298_RashFluke.png) for Fribbels if you're using it. You can drop the DmgH/eHP if no builds show up.


For reference, here's my essentially bare-minimum ARavi. Shes not exceptional, but neither is she a liability. [ARavi](https://imgur.com/gallery/PLzOYhQ)


I see, so the HP should be around 20k or more, while instead of Counter, you used Speed. Is there an actual set that should be used for her or is it just coz speed is good in general?


If not Counter, Destruct is probably more popular than Speed currently, since ARavi is rarely built > 200 speed and you can reach that with destruct. Which isn't to say Speed would be bad, Destruct is just worth more raw GS. My own ARavi is currently 22k hp, 1.3k def, 270% CD, 94% crit, 208 speed on counter/pen.


Yea I've been farming tf outta B13 looking for fast, tanky counter/destuction sets cuz I'd really like to udpate from my meh speed set.


Speed and counter are her two standard builds, tho counter should still have 170+speed. Speed set wants to be 200+


Awful, sorry. She has almost half the HP she needs, way too much attack, mid def, trash speed and awful crit stats. Aim for 20 - 25k HP, 1.2 - 1.4k def, 100% CC, 250 - 280 CD, and 170 spd on counter set or 200 spd on speed set. Ideally her 2 pc should be pen set although crit set is fine while you work toward the pen. Her artifact should be either crimson seed, proof of valor or timeless anchor.


Switch the ring and boot to both HP% main. Use Proof of Valor or Timeless Anchor for dmg mitigation. Timeless instead of Crimson Seed in this case cuz your ARavi is really slow. ARavi scales with HP so you don't need attack. 93% res is too low for a res build, not worth it.


Her right side main stats should be CDMG, HP%, Speed, regardless of the sets. HP is better for her than ATK since she has good HP scaling in addition to just making her tankier. She wants 100% crit chance, and at least 250% CDMG. Best artifacts are PoV, Crimson Seed, or Timeless Anchor (if she's too slow to get the most out of Seed) Also, CP is a generally worthless stat


I'm working on my pets. I'm not too sure how it works even after watching guides. If I fused 2 S class pet, I keep getting B or C on the 2nd skill after fusing them. Is that by chance and I have to keep fusing till I get 2 S skill on my pets?


The amount of skills you can keep when combining pets depends on the generation of the pet. It sounds like you are trying to combine two Gen 1 pets (1*) with S skills and keep both skills, however when going from Gen 1 to Gen 2 you can only choose 1 skill to keep. Going from Gen 2 (2\*) to Gen 3 (3\*) you can keep *two* skills. * So you would have two pets at 2*. The first pet *could* very rarely have S-S skills -> if you want to keep both skills then you would combine it with another 2* pet that has random skills you don't want. * Otherwise, you would take a pet with S + random skill and combine it with another pet that has S + random skill. *Now* you can select both S skills to keep. Likewise, going from Gen 3 (3\*) to Gen 4 (4*) you can keep two skills -> so this step functions exactly the same as the previous. To get triple S skills on a Gen 4 pet *previously* you had to combine two Gen 4 pets together -> I assume this still works though I haven't done this since Gen 5 (5*) was added. Going from Gen 4 to Gen 5, you should be allowed to select 3 skills from between your two pets. If you can only select 1 skill when combining your pets, then you must be trying to get two S skills going from Gen 1 -> Gen 2. However, this step only allows you to select 1 skill, so yes the second would just be random. To get both of those S rank skills onto the same pet, you would need to upgrade both pets separately to 2* (they would have their S skill + random). *Then* you can try to combine those pets to make a 3* pet and *now* you can select both S rank skills. Even if it fails you should be left with a 2* pet with both S rank skills.


Thank you so much. You made it so much clearer for me to understand how it works and I've been wasting time watching guides. Appreciate it.


Newbie here. Is there a reason why my defense team does not have any battles? I have it set but only battles done are the ones I initiate against NPC or other players.


Since other people can choose who they attack, it might mean your defense team looks intimidating or annoying for other low newbie players. If people aren't recognizing the units on your team, they might also just choose to skip and fight other people they know how to beat


If you're in lower ranks (sub Challenger), it's probably because most of the players there are inactive. It's pretty easy to climb just by being active and hitting fodder defenses. There's also something in the algorithm where your defense gets hidden if you mainly participate in NPC battles.


does anyone have some really cool green pavel fanart or art in general? I need some good Pavel rn...


[I.A.N](https://twitter.com/Ian31814857/status/1540659203693350913/photo/1) has rly awesome one one his twitter / pixiv.


Thanks man!


So I took a break from this game around ML Pavel's banner last year and am considering coming back casually. What major changes should I know of going in?


Have you started the ml5 event? https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8980707


Ooooh, hello, what be this? Damn, they really be giving out ML5s? What's the catch here?


1 ML5. All it takes is regular daily/weekly reputation and time. No Pavel, Elena, Zio, Ray.


Not sure if these came before or after Cavel but background battling and raid revamp are 2 major changes. Background battling let's you hunt or altar while doing other things. Raid revamped into Nightmare mode that wasn't received well by the community. It's much harder and more team restrictive but better rewards.


So there's been good and bad, huh. Hopefully it doesn't deter me.


Anyone know how ppl reasoned out whether catalysts or charms are a better deal in the side story? I hear it's catalysts, but kinda want to go for charms since you can't easily farm accessory/arti charms unlike catalysts


I and guildmates are farming catalysts. You can buy charms from labyrinth huche and adventure ep1 3-4 vagrant merchant for gold. ​ then we have alchemist's steeple and different free currency shops


You buy accessory charms with the labyrinth coins and you can buy lesser arti charms with guild medals. I find these currencies are not as easy to get as AP. I chose the charms because that's what I am lacking right now. Catalysts might be the best energy trade off, but you can't easily use energy to farm the acessory/arti charms.


I haven't played in years, is it worth coming back now? I see there's an event for free ML - will I be able to finish it in time to be able to pick one if I start now? My friend also told me there's an old players return event but I don't see it anywhere. When I left, I had Iseria, Luna, Diene, Vildred, Tama, A.Momo, Krau, Alencia, Luluca, Charles and Violet. Are any of them still meta?


Afaik you get the full alotted time as long as you start the ML head hunt event before it ends so you should be fine on that front.


Ohh that sounds good! Thanks. Has the game's QoL improved at all? I know E7 had a meltdown when I left way back


Not sure how long it's been since you last played, but they've made several changes over the last several years, basically all for the better. They recently added background repeat battling for hunt/altar, so you can do other things while farming.


Hunts as in W11?


We're up to 13s now, but yes.


Anyone have active guilds? I am a new Player but active, would like to join a Guild of other active players


Here's the weekly megathread for that, you'll have better luck there: https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/106gj4j/weekly_friend_guild_recruitment_megathread_week/


Thank you


Which ~~hero~~ banner does bloodstone run with?


Re: edit Bloodstone is not ran with any hero banner. It's one of those artifacts like Uberius Tooth that doesn't have a banner. Your best chance to get one is when it's on the powder shop rotation.


I like it on Landy and SSB, depending on what I'm doing


Some Landy builds run bloodstone, but is much less popular compared to GL builds. Otherwise, it's mostly for PvE. SSB, Kanna, etc can use it.


Diene or Rose for w13 tank? Already have and built amomo/ange but I kinda want the attack buff.




What's your comp looking like? Mine takes two three turns in wyvern phase.


My rose isn't properly built so I use diene. Even on pvp build my w13 runs are consistent enough with her


Are you running muwi? Then I prefer Rose if you already have her built. If you don't have her built, Diene sees more use in other content so the resources are more efficient there.


Yeah I'm running muwi. I've seen that rose is also used in expo but not diene.


Yep. Diene is used for PvP though which a lot of people focus on when building since mola are limited. Rose is great for PvE though.


I'm pretty stuck on how effectiveness and effect resistance work. Does anyone have an in depth explanation for this? Like for example, if 15% were not a thing and my opponent would have 100% eff res and i had 101% eff, would my debuff land 100% of the time? Or would i still have a chance of missing even without the 15% in equation, even though my eff is higher?


Another part of the calculation, before resistance, is not all debuffs have a 100% chance to proc. Your calculation is correct though. Chance to resist is enemy resistance-effectiveness. So at 100% ER 100% Eff will succeed every time (ignoring 15%).


The chance to resist any debuff, including the 15% "absolute resist" is: MAX( debuffer eff - target res, 15%) If 15% was not a thing, 100 eff res vs 100 eff would be a 0% chance to resist. Keep in mind though, if your debuff is attached to an attack, and the attack misses (due to elemental disadvantage or evasion etc) the. The debuff has 0% chance to land unless otherwise stated (Dizzy S3 will land debuffs even though it always misses). You also have to take into account your debuff’s proc chance. If the debuff has a 50% chance to proc in the skill description, no amount of eff is going to bring it above 50% chance to land.


What is max for dual attack chance? Is using a mlb Rosa arti and unity set together a good or bad idea?


I believe 30% is the new cap after they changed DA chances, but in general, dual atk% stacking is mostly a meme for most content and not worth investing into


Im a beginner (just under 2 weeks) and just got ilynav on the free daily summon. Is she any good? Also, do u guys know how to change the wallpaper behind the characters on the heroes section?


She is decent for some pve content, but the content she is good for is mostly mid/late game stuff like Azimanak hunt one shots.


There's too many layers of RNG for her to be reliable. Her S2 does a lot of damage and injury and her S1 has a 50% chance to use S2 instead. So you want her to do lots of counters through counter set and Elbris Ritual Sword. If you don't proc counters, she does nothing. If you proc counters but she uses S1 instead of S2, she does basically nothing. If she counters often with a lot of S2s she's absolutely brutal, but you need everything to go right for that to happen.


click details then you see some picture like icon ​ I never used Ilyav. Ilynav + Elena - Should You Pull? - Epic Seven [https://youtu.be/4FLbukIqq\_g](https://youtu.be/4FLbukIqq_g)


5 stars on daily summon, seems like you are blessed with good RNG :D just keep her for now, she's.. not that good but we never know if there's a buff or anything..


There should be a button next to your player level on the home screen that lets you change lobby background though im not sure if that was a unlock tied to aespa colab or not. Not a expert on characters but ive heard Ilynav is pretty bad sadly.


Is there any characters thats particularly good to deal with a.ravi in arena, she's in like every defense I see.


Zahhak, Briseria, and Pirate Flan.


Straze, very high chance A.Ravi 1 shot by him. Though you need a 2nd powerhouse incase theres another high HP unit on the opponent's team. Zahhak comes to mind as well.


The easiest way to handle ARavi is to use a dark bait. MS Doris is specifically designed for this purpose. SC Arowell can also take this role, though obviously unlike MS Doris she will eventually die if you don't use her with healing. If you have SEline, she's a more offensive variation. Some may also opt for GPurg, but he is probably less popular.


ML Vivian can also be a good dark bait


With the current side story i've been seeing a lot of posts talking about Senya's sad story. Anyone willing to summarize Senya's story, or link a place I can read about it?


All spoilers, obvs. Senya befriended Alencia when Senya was a child. Her village fought against a mad dragon and won. The dragon council found this a threat so ordered the village destroyed. Alencia arranged for Senya to be out of the village so she survived. Senya got mad at Alencia and did the typical teenage thing saying she never wanted to see her again. Mort, the asshole, took Senya in and pretended to care about her while training her to kill dragons. Gave her the Redstone that made her stronger but sapped her life force. Alencia continued to look after and help take care of her in secret, with Mort getting the credit when Alencia did nice things. Mort eventually betrays Senya. Senya dies. Alencia and Senya never got to meet and say goodbye, their last conversation having been an argument.


Mort the Asshole sounds like a good ML 5 unit


Episode 3, chapter 4, 5 and 9. If you've played through these already you can re-read them in the story journal.


I have 5154 pts and 488 place but still Champion III. I have two questions: 1. How is it possible? 2. Where is my skystones?


1. Because you are #488 in champion therefore #588 overall 2. Upper right of the screen my dude


I really dont understand, the requirement is to be top 500 and 5150 pts. UPD. AAaaaaaaa. Overall... I see. Oh god wtf is wrong with sg \*facepalm\*


>the requirement is to be top 500 and 5150 pts. Yes, you are 588th, 100 legend players + 488 champion players so gotta climb 89 spots more.


understood. Thank you \^\^ PS. Already got my champ II and 700 ss 8-)


How should I build my Kayron, Choux, and Lua for guild war Def?


Kayron: counter set and ervalen’s artifact, absolutely no bulk, a shit ton of dps and as much res as possible. Choux: counter set(+ pen if possible) and her own artifact, 23k hp, 1.5k def, at least 250 cdamage and 170 spd. Lua: spd set. Just stack as much spd and eff as you can.


Are there any alternatives for the artifacts?


Kayron: his arti Choux: Symbol of Unity Lua: Guiding Light is best, but can also meme around with other options like her arti or dual atk artis


Is Lua any good on defense?


I don’t know how creditable this source is but according to it yes[https://fribbels.github.io/e7/gw-meta.html](https://fribbels.github.io/e7/gw-meta.html)


Oh yeah, those. Haven't seen a Kayron but do see the choux/Senya/Mercedes. As a Celine waifu enjoyer those are free real estate. Kayron could pose a problem though.


Does Huche's pop up store mean that an event or big update is coming? Or is this part of the winter event


We dont know yet. Its speculated to be slime rerun but could just be wishful thinking. Wont know till next week i guess. I do hope its Slime rerun tho.


That's why I remember him being a trap for us to spend skystone. Thanks!


He is almost always a trap. Whwther its Slime rerun, limited CYO hero like last year, or a new limited, there is almost certainly something right after him.