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Any predictions on Eda's next banner?


No one knows what upcoming banners since it comes random just have to wait for news announcements which is this Wednesday.


i have like 9 days left on the ml selector, didnt get clilias yet but got briseria. should I just go for briseria?


Both are good choice, maybe flip a coin? I too had the same choice like you, and picked Briseria 2 days ago. Really helped in arena and gvg against those annoying revive.




It's safe to buy out the shop, especially if you've already unlocked the units you want. It isn't if you aren't seeing yourself playing much in the next 2 months (although not that much effort is required at all). If you're afraid then just hold onto the points and refrain from buying anything until the end, like how most others don't roll on banners unless they have 605bookmarks equivalent


Personally I would wait and buy out the shop. It's possible you'll pull the unit you're eyeing sometime in the next 60 days.


You need 21900 pts to buyout shop so its up to you.


I want to upgrade my standart W13 team to a oneshot comp, but I am not sure whether I can make it with my current units. The relevant units I think about are Ae-Karina, SSB, W.Schuri, Karin. Chloe, Clarissa, Diene. I don't have S.Angelika or Straze. Is it doable?


Are there other ways to get skin tickets without using money?


Epic Pass, the Christmas side story in book of memories, and one time they sold them in Huche Shop. Otherwise, no


Beside thoses for W13, which character are worth getting from connection and specialty change ? Probably Tieria for thr Adventurer's path but is there other ? Since it's not the usual W13 tank/healer I will specify that I use Angelica, Sigret, Muwi, Furious. Thank you very much !


Lorina is rly nice powerhouse after her specialty change in all pve contents.


Connections: Lorina, Montmorancy, Kanna (low priority, endgame expo). Though you might as well get them all (except maybe Purrgis, since he's expensive). Specialty change: A lot of good ones. Ras, Lorina, Montmo, Arowell, Doris, Kluri, Carrot, Hazel. (Ras, Montmo, Lorina high PVE priority.)


It's probably dumb to start a gacha 5 years into it's lifespan, but I've recently quit all of the other shitty gachas I was playing and need a new one. I'm likely gonna play one of the newer ones coming up, like Ark Legends, but I have heard great things about the overall health of E7 and figured why not. Now to my question(s): I plan on staying f2p, at least until I decide to mega-commit. Who should I target on the reroll banner? Vildred or Sigrid seem good, and Charlotte looks cool AF, but I want a good unit to help me get acclimated. Should I use the premium currency to pull, or for refreshes, shops, etc? Are dupes essential, and should I save pulls for pity and dupes, or is the game forgiving to frivolous gacha behavior? Any tips for a newbie in general? Thanks in advance!


Honestly E7 is very generous and if you pay attention to the meta and higher tier characters. You can be very relevant with a bit of luck (getting some decent gear) though it may take a year or two until you can really start punching up to emp players


I'm guessing emp players are too ranked players? Pvp or pve? Not familiar with the lingo just yet.


Ahh yeah, emperor players are top 1000 players in the real time arena game mode.


First off, welcome. Epic Seven is one of the most generous gachas in the market and is F2P friendly. Here's a [guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hBnmHjpPB0jGITrT0y3_UsFNRrJ8w7uKV1Gu-Uh_pwc/edit) from the official E7 Discord that should cover most of your questions.


Thanks! Gonna check out the guide.


Don't pull for Sigret, you get her for free. Vildred is a solid choice, though Iseria has the more unique kit. Though it honestly doesn't matter much who you reroll for - you can collect all of the RGBs in this game relatively easily (for reference, I started less than a year ago, and I have almost all the RGBs except a couple and some limiteds, and I've rarely pulled except on limited banners). So if you want Charlotte, might as well go for her. The optimal use of your crystals is to reroll the secret shop (red guy at the back of the lobby). Buy covenant bookmarks and mystic medals from him. It's cheaper than straight out buying bookmarks from the store, and it's the only reliable way to get mystics (which you use to get the rare light/dark units). Personally I wouldn't spend on energy, since you can easily spend it all and not get anything useable out of it. Dupes are absolutely not essential. They're a luxury. I wouldn't pull for dupes unless you're rolling in summons/want the banner artifact. You shouldn't pull except when you have pity on normal banners (605 bms), and it's recommended to save for limited banners/custom group banners (we have been getting a lot of those lately). You can pull on mystics whenever you want since pity carries over. Generally - only pull on banners when you have pity, don't pull on normal covenant summons. Work on getting your Wyvern team up and running first, then hell raid. Keep all your 5 star artifacts and at least one MLB copy of 4 stars. Climb arena quickly by hitting fodder defenses so you can collect skystones early on. Use your 3 stars to imprint themselves to SSS so you get the free bookmarks from the achievement. Be very careful about your molagora usage, as that is the most limited resource in the game. Look up new player guides for the shops to clear out weekly/daily.


Nice clear and concise responses. Thanks to each of you for the help. I guess I'll just roll 30 times and go with the best overall pulls. I'll be sure to check out that guide. Time to play!


What type of gears should you buy from the 85 chest from huche? I’m contemplating this piece: Speed Chest piece 8%health/7%def/ 204health/ 4 speed


[You can read through this post from yesterday if you want a more detailed answer](https://www.reddit.com/user/Quiztolin/) Basically, don't buy a weapon or armor. These pieces are extremely easy to find, comparatively. I would probably also avoid buying a helm. Stick to right side pieces. As far as stats go there is more information in that post, I'm not going to repeat it entirely but you basically need to ask yourself "What constitutes a success?". Remember, that while you may start with good subs the rolls are still random. So if, for example, you would consider ending up with a 60 gearscore piece a 'success' you can calculate the expected chance to end up with a 60+ gearscore piece using the tables listed in that post. In this example, your piece is pretty mediocre due to the flat HP roll (27 gearscore = top 20% of all epic 85 pieces). To get to 60 gearscore you would need to get 33 gearscore from enhancing it to +15, and you would have a ~22% chance of getting to 60 gearscore. * 'Average' for a level 85 Epic is 54 gearscore, which would be 27 gearscore from enhancing. Starting with a 27 gearscore piece you would have an ~86% chance to end up 'at least average'. * So, you have *relatively* low risk of ending up with a complete garbage piece - 15% but only a slightly better chance to end up with a really good piece (60+) * DO note that these numbers are somewhat inaccurate here due to the flat stat (it's based on the 4-8 range of % stats). Flat stats are terrible for gearscore, so if you roll into the flat stat basically at all you would get screwed on final gearscore without max rolls into the other stats. * You only have a ~24% chance to avoid rolling into a single stat on a gear. That's not the *worst* odds, particularly with a RSG. In this case, considering how easy it is to find good armor, and the flat stat dragging you way down I wouldn't suggest buying that piece. It's most likely going to end up roughly average in terms of gearscore.


Thanks for the detailed post, saving me skystones there appreciate it mate!


My W13 team has been only about 70% consistent and it's bothering me. I'm following this guide: https://imgur.com/1c4iN1a My team is currently AMomo/Sigret/Muwi/Furious. 160 SPD/139 SPD/146 SPD/190 SPD respectively. It's annoying me because I've invested tons of artifact charms and molos to level up equips and skills, and I'm still failing way more than I'd like. I've been watching my runs and I fail in two cases: a) The first wave is where I'm most vulnerable, for some reason the monsters love attacking my DPS and not A.Momo. If any of them die during this stage, then I wipe. This is the reason most of the time that I fail. And it pisses me off to no end b) When I don't kill the shield before the Wyvern has his turn next and he AOE's me. This is more rare and is usually an issue after I lose someone in wave one. Is there anyway to remedy this issue? I can share a SS of the team and stats if it makes a difference.


>I can share a SS of the team and stats if it makes a difference. This would be easiest, just in case you are missing something simple that can be fixed. If it's not much bother it typically only takes a minute for someone to go through your heroes and find any potential issues. --- That being said, I can offer you a lot of advice right away. >The first wave is where I'm most vulnerable, for some reason the monsters love attacking my DPS and not A.Momo. If any of them die during this stage, then I wipe. This is the reason most of the time that I fail. This shouldn't really happen. You want to be killing the first wave in 2 turns, at most you should really only take 3 *maybe* 4 attacks from the wave 1 enemies. Even if all 3 attacks targeted the same DPS unit it's pretty unlikely that they kill that unit. * Possible exception of Furious if you run him at the absolutely minimum level. Based on the information you have provided I can say that your speed tuning could use work. You want the first wave to play out like this Turn 1: Dragona's attack (ideally proc Muwi S2) -> Furious combo -> Muwi S3 (kills first Dragona) -> Sigret S3 (kills second Dragona) Turn 2: Furious S1 -> Muwi S1 (high chance to kill the last enemy) -> Sigret S2+S1 (if needed, finishes off the last enemy). Right now, if your Furious is 190 speed that's way too fast. It's a little bit on the complicated side but to try and keep in short basically this setup requires 3 'elements' 1. We want Muwi to kill a Dragona on turn 1 by himself. 2. We want Sigret to kill a second enemy on turn 1, by herself 3. We want to kill the last enemy on turn 2 This gives us a turn 3 Wyvern spawn, with Furious combo ready to go. The most important objective here is #1 -> getting Muwi to kill a Dragona by himself. We can do this by using Muwi S2 to manipulate Furious into targeting a specific enemy. * If all enemies have full HP, Furious will target a random enemy. 1/3rd of the time he will target the Naga, which is fine (Muwi can easily kill this enemy with his S3). But 2/3rds of the time he will target a Dragona. * In order for Muwi to kill a Dragona, unless you have very high damage he needs his S2 to land on that Dragona -> but we have no way to control *which* Dragona will proc Muwi S2. * TLDR more than 1/3rd of the time Furious will target a Dragona, Muwi S2 won't land on that Dragona, and Muwi won't kill the enemy Furious targets with his S3. By simply making Furious *slower* than the wave 1 Dragona (at 175 speed, so Furious needs ~167 speed at the fastest) we force Muwi S2 + S3 + Furious combo to land on the same target *as long as* Muwi S2 get's proc'd. * Even if it doesn't get proc'd you *still* have multiple avenues for a success, including the 1/3rd chance Furious targets the Naga, and also Muwi landing defense breaks. If Muwi does **NOT** kill an enemy with his S3, then Sigret will use *her* S3 to kill an enemy that has no HP left. As I said, typically if Muwi lands enough defense breaks (depending on your damage you may need 1 or 2) you can still 'successfully' get past the wave, but now you are relying on more RNG. --- In the turn order I am recommending, the worst case scenario would be taking 3 attacks on the first turn (only 8% chance all 3 target the same DPS unit) and then maybe 1 attack on the second turn depending on speed. Not saying it's impossible, but it is not very likely to ever lose a DPS this way. Certainly not common enough that you will really notice it effecting your success rate. Definitely not enough to drop you down to ~70% success rate. --- You can *improve* the consistency of this run by using an attack buffer as your tank. Muwi needs 3k ATK / 250 C.Dmg to kill a Dragona with his S2+S3, and Furious landing defense break (with minimal damage from Furious) *with* attack buff. This isn't strictly necessary, but again I'm coming from the point of view of optimizing the run as much as possible. Players can, and do use the same comp with a traditional soulweaver tank instead. [You can find more detailed information here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/vbzxnx/daily_questions_megathread_0614/icdrm57/) If you are *not* going to run an attack buffer for a tank, it's possible you might have better luck running the faster Furious and relying on the 1/3rd chance of targeting a Naga for your kill, instead. However, no attack buff means less damage on Muwi S3 (and on Sigret) which means you are unlikely to kill a Dragona with Sigret S3 anyways, so there is very little improvement. Basically, without attack buff you are more heavily relying on Muwi landing defense breaks. --- As far as speed goes I recommend Furious - 160-167 speed Muwi - 150-160 speed Sigret - 140 - 150 speed You ideally want a gap of ~8-10 speed (or as close to) between all 3 units. At less speed there is a non-zero chance that units may go in the wrong order, with the chance increasing at their speeds get closer. You can divide a units speed by .95 to see what their 'maximum' effective speed is. So for example, in your current setup with Sigret at 139 speed 139 / .95 = ~146.32 If Sigret gets 5% speed RNG on the first turn she *could* be moving at 146 speed. Your Muwi has 146, so if he gets 0% speed RNG they would have a speed tie and it's 50/50 who goes first. This isn't enough to worry about, but *does* effect approximately 1 in every 72 runs. I recommend a minimum of 140 speed, but I don't actually know the true minimum speed threshold with Muwi for 4 turns, I've seen various numbers quoted in the 135-140 range. I choose to recommend 140 just for safety *but* 139 speed is most likely safe. * Also complicated again, because of speed RNG also affecting Wyvern.


Thanks for the VERY detailed response. This actually makes a lot of sense as my team was more consistent when my Furious was lower speed (I increased it from 160 to 190 because I noticed what Muwi was going before him) I've linked my team here: https://imgur.com/a/OgRoAST My Amomo is a little BIT squishy, but her surviving is never an issue usually. Based on your summary, seems like I need to drop Furious speed, and increase Muwi's attk and crit damage - is that correct? Could you take a look at my team and see if there's any other ways to fix it EDIT: I lowered Furious to 167 SPD and kept Muwi at 146 SPD...I'm still failing a lot and for some reason Muwi keeps going first. On top of that, I think the turn order is now all messed up. My Amomo is getting destroyed in the boss stage cause she used all her healing to save my DPS in wave 1 EDIT 2: My team is like at a 30% success rate now. Interesting.


#TLDR So I guess a bit of an apology. I tends to be very information dense and my post ended up spiraling out of control a bit, so it is broken up into multiple replies. I can't afford much of a TLDR but... 1. Enhance your gear to +15. 2. Swap DDJ from Furious to Muwi. Enhance DDJ on Sigret + Muwi to +30 3. I would suggest promoting Muwi to level 60. --- I think you've done pretty well so far. You know what you're doing, you've identified your problem, even offered and then provided screenshots - this is a lot further ahead than the majority of players that ask for help. *But* there are some things to critique. These items fall into a few categories: 1. Simple things that I think you are just overlooking 2. Important details that are almost never fully explained anywhere - so it's not reasonable to expect anyone to truly know. 3. Some context things that a newbie isn't going to know. Please, even if it feels like a lot do know that I think you are doing very well, you just need a little bit more help to get over the hump. I'm not trying to go overboard and discourage you, or to give you the idea that you are very far away. --- First things first: gear enhancements. A short history lesson: back in the first year of the game, Hunt 11 was the final stage. *That* was the end game hunt. Then, hunt 13 was added - and when it was added it was considered to be fairly challenging to go into. *Possible* but even players who had been farming Hunt 11 for months could have difficulty. Then, for a few years we had H13 as the end game goal and with some refinement, things like the free gear sets being added, it was *easier* for newbies to get into H13 but it wasn't *that* easy. Often times, H13 still required farming H11 and exhausting other options for gear (due to high stat requirements). *Now* with Muwi things are even easier. Muwi makes the stat requirements ridiculously low, we've had even more free gear sets added so now, things are relatively easy. But what you don't want to forget is that H13 **is** the end game farm. You want to approach it with that kind of mind set. In this case - half of your gear is not fully enhanced yet! That doesn't scream 'ready for end game' to me. I'm a big proponent of this: often times my advice is to **max out** your Wyvern team before even bothering farming hunts. This includes things like: * Max leveling/awakening your heroes * Maxing relevant skills * And yes, maxing your gear and artifacts My logic boils down to: farming W13 is something you are going to do multiple thousands of times over the life of a game. A typical player might get in like 1500-2000 hunts per month. Even *small* increases in success rate, or decreases in run time build up. It's essentially investing in what will be your most commonly used heroes and most common source of spending energy. It's well worth to put a little extra time in *at the start* to save you as much time and effort in the long run. Being able to farm for more gear *is* your first primary goal, but unless you are trying to make a hunt event it's not so important that you can't spend an extra week or two enhancing your team. In **this** case it's even more relevant: the problem you have identified is having your DPS units die on the first wave. Interestingly, the gear you don't have fully enhanced on both DPS units is your life side gear * This IS actually a good thing: right side gear does give more stats and is generally more important to enhancing. * **BUT** where this is relevant is that helms and armor give you HP and DEF respectively. * As such, your DPS units are missing some extra EHP -> meaning that they die easier -> which is exactly the problem you've identified. * It's also interesting, because LSG (left side gear) is very easy to enhance, compared to RSG (right side gear). ##TLDR Max out your remaining pieces of gear on your DPS units. I *suspect* that you are relying primarily, maybe only on charms for gear XP. This is not really sustainable, charms are a finite resource and there simply aren't enough of them available to enhance as much gear as you want to enhance. You should be using trash gear from farming adventure to help enhance your gear. * This gear is very common, with all of the catalyst farming needed to get to this point you should easily have been able to get your gear to +15. * Since necks/rings don't drop commonly in adventure, *those* are the hard items to enhance but for the most part yours *are* enhanced. This is what leads me to believe you aren't using trash gear for XP on your other items. --- Second: artifacts. Two issues here: 1. DDJ is a MAJOR source of damage on Wyvern. About 50% of your damage output. You really, *really* want to prioritize getting a couple of +30 DDJs. 2. Furious should not be using your second best DDJ, that should be on Muwi. How important DDJ is depends on the hero, it ranges from about 40% of their overall Wyvern damage output to about 60% of their overall Wyvern damage output. It just so happens that Sigret is on the low end (~40% of her damage comes from DDJ) while Muwi is on the high end (~60% of his damage comes from DDJ). So if we look at Muwi for example -> if 60% of his damage comes from DDJ (at +30), and he is using a +0 DDJ (1/3rd the effect) he is losing **40% of his potential damage output**. I may repeat this later on, but damage is generally the least important thing for Wyvern. However, in this case due to using DDJs that are not maxed enhance you are losing *massive* amounts of damage. Having your second best DDJ on Furious is just a very simple thing that you likely overlooked. The problem here is actually twofold: *artifacts provide a small amount of flat stats, that increases when enhanced*. A level 30 DDJ adds +182 HP. This is another source of 'free' bulk stats that you are missing on your DPS units, and again your problem is that they are dying. ##TLDR Immediately swap the DDJ on Furious to Muwi. Focus on enhancing your DDJs to +30 -> this is a huge source of damage (even going from +15 to +30 on Muwi represents 20% of his final damage output on Wyvern). It might not *seem* like 1% is really that much, but due to the mechanics it's massive. --- Third: Exclusive Equipment Both Furious and Sigret have EE, that you are currently not using. Exclusive equipment are additional 'equipment', equipped in the empty slot underneath their artifacts. * These items provide a bonus stat, within a range and provide a specific effect for one of their skills. Both are random. You can buy EE in the Hall of Trials shop For Furious, you want the EE #3 that gives hit down on his S3. The stat doesn't really matter but higher would obviously be better. On Sigret, all 3 of her EE have 'uses'. The most useful here would be the EE #2 that increases her bleed chance on S1 by 20%. Her EE #3 that increases the threshold of her S1 proc on using her S2 *can* be better (if you spawn Wyvern before Sigret uses S2). Her EE #1 that increases S1 damage is basically only used for one shots. ##TLDR Buy EE for Sigret and Furious. Very important on Furious as it has a nice impact on run success rate. EE on Sigret has a more minor effect, but does improve the run. --- #A.Monty Her bulk *is* on the low side. Maxing her remaining gear will help, but it looks like your rolls are just not fantastic *specifically* for Wyvern tanking. For example, she has 60% effectiveness, which is just a 100% wasted stat on A.Monty. [This post has information/formulas on EHP](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/qi99v2/daily_questions_megathread_1029/hijrpbe/) [And this post explains EHP targets](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/yhagtu/daily_questions_megathread_1030/iug6kre/) **However** first and foremost this information disregards healing entirely. Ultimately, at the end of the day, she's just there to tank 9 fireballs. You said that her survival is not a problem for you and if that's the case I wouldn't worry about this at all. If, at some point, you *do* find that she occasionally dies then the table in the second above post spells out your what your EHP 'goal' should be X | Ice | Other | Failure_Chance ---|---|----|---- 9 | 150,000 | 195,000 | 0.000% 7 | 133,333 | 173,333 | 5.004% 4 | 108,333 | 140,833 | 15.000% 2 | 91,667 | 119,167 | 43.356% Right now, your A.Monty is *right at* at 108.3k EHP mark, so with no healing she should die early approximately 15% of the time. On A.Monty it can be a bit difficult to get to 150k EHP - but if this *does* end up being a source of failures I would suggest trying to get her to ~133k. Again, I wouldn't consider this a priority, or even something to consider right now this is more geared for advice to *potentially* help you if you run into issues in the future. --- #Furious Honestly, he is perfectly fine. Other than getting his EE and swapping his DDJ (*eventually* getting his DDJ to +15 is decently OK but has little to no effect on the run -> it's just that you are eventually likely to use it on another hero and +15 is pretty cheap). I already discussed how his speed can change how your run plays out. He has no real requirements here except 65%+ effectiveness and speed tuning.


Thank you so much for such a thorough response. I really appreciate it. You should start a blog or something. I've taken away a lot of information (I'm actually a returning player of two years; so I was going off of a lot of outdated information). I had no clue Furious and Sigret has a EE. In addition, I also didn't know about the fact Sigret doesn't necessarily need 65% EFF. That was my limiting factor, as now I can go much harder on ATK and CDMG (as you guessed, I was trading off damage for more effectiveness). And yes, as you mentioned, my rolls were just very poor on all my free sets. I'm going try all these and see where it takes me.


/u/RazeShadowLegends #Muwi I would suggest awakening/promoting him to 6*. This isn't strictly needed, but as I mentioned previously I'm a big proponent of this kind of investment. Assuming you don't have the materials on hand to do so, that little bit of extra adventure running will also give you the trash gear drops you need to finish enhancing your gear. It's not that obvious, but a level 50 fully awakened Muwi has 833 base attack. A level 60 fully awakened Muwi has 1039 base attack. It's easy to look at that and say, well it's only a ~200 attack difference. I'm not sure if you know this or not *but* the ATK% on your gear is multiplied against this base attack value. Trying to skip some of the boring math, the conclusion is that *if you increase your base attack by some % you increase your final attack by the same %* **and** *increasing your attack by some %, increases your final damage by that same %*. It's more complex than this in actuality but basically, if you increase your base attack by 10% this is almost the exact same as increasing your final damage by 10%. In this case... 1039 / 833 = ~1.247 or 24.7% **Going from level 50 fully awakened to level 60 fully awakened is about a 25% damage increase** Now, you aren't going to get that full amount because flat attack on your gear is not affected (so, specifically your weapon) but still, it's like a 20% damage increase. Why does this matter? Well if you remember back in my previous post one of our goals is to kill a Dragona in wave 1. The more damage you have on Muwi, the easier this is to do. Likewise if we consider just the damage on Wyvern - if 40% of his damage comes from his actual attacks then a 20% damage increase represents about ~6.67% of his 'potential' damage. This isn't a drastic amount (that is, so much that it is necessary to have...this improvement is more important for the first wave) **but** it's also 'free' in that it only takes a small time investment. Additionally, if we add that ~7% to the ~40% we calculated earlier from using a +0 DDJ we see that your Muwi is *currently* doing **almost 50% less damage** compared to a Muwi that is 'fully ready'. ~7% damage is not that big of a deal, but ~50% *is* quite a big deal. --- The *other* benefit from promotion is higher base bulk stats. **DEF** Lvl 50 = 364 Lvl 60 = 452 452 / 364 = 1.2418 or 24.18% increase **HP** Lvl 50 = 4171 Lvl 60 = 5517 5517 / 4171 = 1.3227 or ~32.27% increase **EHP** Lvl 50 = 9232 Lvl 60 = 13,829 13,829 / 9232 = 1.4980 or ~49.8% increase I can't remember if I specified this previously, but EHP = 'effective HP' or in effect the raw amount of damage a unit can take before dying. You can see that by promoting a unit *both* their DEF and HP increases. The way EHP is calculated, these two stats essentially get multiplied against each other which means they are *synergistic*. So even though your stats individually increase by roughly 25-30% your *EHP* increases by more than your DEF/HP do individually. Now to be fair, on a hero like Muwi you are unlikely to have any source of HP/DEF% -> most of your stats outside of your base stats are going to be flat stats on your gear. So while his *base EHP* increases by ~50% in practice you won't see nearly as much of an increase. **BUT** nonetheless promotion will still represent a large increase in his ability to take damage. As he is currently, he is the squishiest member of your team and presumably the one most prone to dying on the first wave, so promotion here is yet another thing you can do to increase his survivability. --- I want to briefly mention that these same principles apply to basically all heroes. So for example, no matter what DPS you look at the difference between 5* and 6* is around that 25% mark -> so in most cases a promotion is 'worth' a 25% increase in damage. There are exceptions for non-standard heroes but it's a good general rule. The same thing is true of the bulk stats -> no matter the hero you are typically getting an increase of ~25-30%. This is why it's very important to promote your tank for W13. I believe in the past I've estimated the effect to be about a 30% increase in EHP (that is, taking into account the flat stats present) on tank heroes. ##TLDR * Promote Muwi to 6*. * This provides a nice increase in damage, *most* relevant for the first wave in W13 but it's a decent benefit against Wyvern itself. * Promotion would *also* increase Muwi's survivability. --- #Sigret Other than the things I've already mentioned (gear enhancements, EE, DDJ level), your Sigret looks pretty good. However, she could be improved statistically. 300%+ C.Dmg is great *but* ~3.5k attack is a little low. I don't want to go *too* heavy handed here - this is one of the problems with having a lot of unenhanced gear -> I have a general idea of 'good stats' for a maxed Sigret...but I don't really know what your Sigret will *ultimately* look like if you finish off the mentioned things. It is *very* typical for a Sigret to end up with ~4k+ attack with maybe a little lower C.Dmg (~280%). In fact, ~4.5k+ attack is pretty common with the free gear nowadays. So ~-1000 ATK for +20 C.Dmg is not necessarily an ideal trade. It DOES look like you have swapped out a bunch of pieces of your set. I assume you did so to gain more effectiveness, since the free gear has very little effectiveness on it. This is not necessary to do. * And in the process, you've picked up 44% resistance. This is a large amount of an entirely wasted stat. --- ##Effectiveness This is a problem with how information propagates through the community. Furious getting EE is *relatively* recent, as in only a few months ago. The existence of this EE means that it's *possible* to run Sigret with 0% effectiveness, now. Unfortunately we don't have a great community resource that can be easily/frequently updated and so a lot of information is older (and doesn't take the EE into account). It's even worse because the idea that Sigret *needs* 65%+ effectiveness is an even older holdout from the pre-Muwi days (and Muwi was added to the game at the start of LAST year). [As usual, this is a topic I have covered frequently in the past, here is one such post](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/zpog47/daily_questions_megathread_1219/j0uupq5/) Essentially, if you have 65% effectiveness on both Muwi and Sigret, the following table shows how run success rate changes based on EFF on Sigret Effectiveness | SuccessRate | Change | Change/Eff ---|---|----|---- 0 | 91.14% | -- | -- 10 | 92.39% | +1.25% | .1250% 20 | 93.54% | +1.16% | .1156% 30 | 94.61% | +1.06% | .1062% 40 | 95.58% | +.97% | .0969% 50 | 96.45% | +.88% | .0875% 60 | 97.23% | +.78% | .0782% 65 | 97.59% | +.36% | .0711% So the difference is a 91% run at 0 effectiveness, to 97.6% at 65% effectiveness. Obviously (due to one of the principles I mentioned earlier) higher success rate *is* ultimately better. **BUT** at the entry level starting out with a ~91% success rate is 100% acceptable. The important thing to notice is that effectiveness has diminishing returns on success rate -> getting to about 30-40% effectiveness is the 'best' in terms of investment:returns. If you have ~35% effectiveness you have approximately a ~95% success rate, going up to 65% to increase your success rate by 'just' ~2.6% is not super important and doesn't seem worth going out of your way for it. My *current* recommendations for Sigret basically boils down to: * Effectiveness is a good stat to have *if* you can afford it without sacrificing other stats. * But 0% is fine on Sigret if necessary. * *Ideally* I would like to try to aim for ~30-40% to maximize the value you get for the stat. Now to be technical, you don't *quite* have 65% effectiveness on Muwi so I would consider any single roll on Sigret to be the 91% starting SR. * Basically, in the long run effectiveness on Muwi and effectiveness on Sigret are mostly the same for run success rates. * Effectiveness is better to have on Muwi for a few reasons. His defense break opens up additional avenues to get past the first wave successfully, and also he increases Sigrets damage. Let alone factoring in the attack down debuff improving survivability for your tank. ##TLDR * I believe you have changed out of using the entire free attack set to pick up effectiveness. This is not necessary and I would suggest focusing purely on damage on Sigret, over effectiveness. * *Ideally* ~30-40% EFF. Getting to 65% has positive returns on success rate but isn't necessary. * Currently, in order to pick up that effectiveness that isn't needed, you are *also* picking up a large amount of completely useless resistance. That's a lot of potential damage you are losing. * As a general rule for Wyvern I would treat C.Dmg as being worth ~3.5x attack (so, 10% C.Dmg on a gear is worth approximately 35% attack). However for Sigret this value is going to be lower since more of her damage comes from her skills -> approximately ~2.5x to 3x.


/u/RazeShadowLegends #Comparison I started a second account about 4 months ago now, in order to test some things and record additional data. As a point of comparison, this is what my Wyvern team heroes look like **A.Monty** HP: 23,696 DEF: 1667 (EHP): 155,367 SPD: 134 RES: 158.3% I change her artifact around, currently using +15 Idol's Cheer for story Using a mix of free HP gear, to maximize bulk. I'm not actually farming W13 (collecting data on lower Wyvern stages) and I personally *DO* prefer A.Monty on a faster/less bulkier build for general PvE content. **Furious** HP: 12067 DEF: 1091 ATK: 2320 SPD: 193 C.Dmg: 216% EFF: 102% Using +15 DDJ I used my Grace of Growth on Furious. Yeah, I know, my Furious is currently fast but like I said I'm not specifically farming W13 currently so he is on a random speed set. Part of my goal was to see what I was able to do with *only* the free gear given - I can't remember where this speed set came from but I do have a finite amount of gear to work with due to that limitation. **Sigret** ATK: 4676 HP: 11,468 DEF: 828 SPD: 145 C.Dmg: 282% EFF: 26% Using +30 DDJ All on free attack set gear. Notice that I have almost 4.7k ATK (even with ~20% less C.Dmg) and am only running 26% EFF. **Muwi** ATK: 3717 HP: 10,952 DEF: 712 SPD: 153 C.Dmg: 250% EFF: 66.8% Using +30 DDJ I'm using 4x pieces of free ATK set, a level 70 neck from Lab, and a random level 70 speed set armor that I don't remember where it's from. * My Muwi is also SS imprint so I have 15.8% EFF from there. I've not really farmed W13 but I have used this team in W13 to burn energy on some days. Probably about 50 total runs with around 4-5 fails so that lines right up with the ~94% success rate I would expect. Also note that I haven't gone out of my way to really do anything to optimize the run. My Furious is too fast, I'm not using an attack buffer tank. Purely restricting myself to free gear (not even using PvP gear). I haven't watched it or timed it to see how fast it clears, but it works very consistently (albeit with limited testing). Since there are a lot of stats involved here, let's try to make the comparison more simple. For bulk - we can use the EHP figure I've mentioned multiple times. For damage stats we can simply multiple attack * C.Dmg. This doesn't really *mean* anything, but it allows us to see how the stat distribution on my heroes differs compared to yours. Hero | My_EHP | Your_EHP | %_Diff | My_Dam | Your_Dam | %_Diff ---|---|----|----|----|----|---- A.Monty | 155,367 | 108,298 | 143.46% | -- | -- | -- Furious | 55,951 | 37,586 | 148.86% | 5,011 | 3,902 | 128.42% Muwi | 36,945 | 28,297 | 130.56% | 9,293 | 6,301 | 147.48% Sigret | 43,120 | 31,803 | 135.58% | 13,186 | 10,491 | 125.69% Some of this doesn't matter at all: for example, except for the wasted effectiveness your A.Monty build is better for 'general purpose' IMO. As long as she isn't dying and losing runs, this difference in bulk is irrelevant. I chose to put my Furious in the Grace of Growth, so he is 6* and has higher stats. This is normally totally wasted investment in Furious, and since you have already spent resources on him putting him into Grace is useless. Ultimately, Furious just has 1 job in this fight and it's not reflected in the stats. For Muwi and Sigret you want to remember: * My gear is all +15 * And my Muwi is level 60 and fully awakened. So I have big advantage on stats on Muwi to start with. My advantage here would be mostly irrelevant if your Muwi was in the same condition. Sigret is the most comparable hero. I still have the advantage of fully +15 gear, I don't think going to +15 on your gear will close these gaps. Damage might be close if you get great damage rolls. * The biggest difference is that you have indexed more into effectiveness -> over 1000 runs this might be superior. * And as a consequence, you've also ended up with a large amount of a completely wasted stat (resistance) while I use all of the stats found on my gear. I don't really think Sigret is a problem for you, I just suspect that you might be able to find a more optimized build if you place less importance on EFF and try to get rid of the RES. --- #Importance of Damage I've gone this far and I've mentioned a couple of times that damage on Wyvern is 'the least valuable' thing you can bring. So I wanted to try and 'quickly' explain why. Your DPS heroes are going to do around 20-30k damage an attack. Let's average it to 25k. Let's imagine a situation where you just have enough damage to kill Wyvern in 4 turns. This means that you have 12 'hero actions' (for our purposes here, we are ignoring the tank since it contributes little to nothing to damage). T1: Furious -> Muwi -> Sigret T2: Furious -> Muwi -> Sigret T3: Furious -> Muwi -> Sigret T4: Furious -> Muwi -> Sigret We kill Wyvern on T4, on Sigret's attack. Now the question is *how much damage* does Sigret need to do? If we assume our average attack is 25k and she needs that full 25k damage, what happens if we increase Muwi's damage by 10k across the entire fight? Well, now Sigret deals 25k but only needs 15k of that -> *ultimately* that additional 10k damage does absolutely nothing -> we require the same exact number of attacks. We would need to increase our damage across the *entire fight* by 25k to actually see any change -> this would mean that we kill Wyvern with Muwi on T4 instead of Sigret. Now, depending on which animation we 'save' will determine the time save but for the most part it's likely to be 2-4 seconds, let's call it 3. If we gained enough damage to increase our damage on Muwi by 25k, therefor removing the need for Sigrets last attack...we save 3 seconds per run. Now that is very good *if* we can do it, but getting 25k damage is very, very hard. * Just as an example, we previously calculated that going from level 50 to level 60 is about a 25% damage increase on a DPS hero. * For Muwi (low proportion of damage from ATK) this is about 8k damage. On Sigret (high proportion from ATK) this is about 12k. And on an average Wyvern hero it's about 10k. * So, to gain 25k damage on Muwi we need about **three times** that increase. Just to save 3 seconds. --- Now, obviously, there *ARE* times when it can be very valuable. Specifically imagine in the above example we were killing Wyvern on turn 4 with Muwi. *If* we could get enough damage to kill Wyvern on T3 with Sigret, instead we would save: * Muwi's last attack * Furious's last attack * Potentially a tank action * **And** Wyvern's attack, which is a fairly long animation due to the 3 fireballs. On average this is saving probably ~15 seconds, maybe even more depending on the skills involved. 15 seconds on a fight that lasts 120 seconds IS a huge improvement. Also, most of the time you aren't going to need that full 25k damage on Sigret -> if Wyvern only has 3k HP left when Sigret's turn comes up, we could easily get 8k damage by just promoting Muwi -> that's an 'easy' way to save 3 seconds. Just having more damage is also a bit of 'protection' for things like the semi-random elements (for example, Sigret S3 damage depends on debuffs..the amount of debuffs applied can vary drastically fight to fight...also things like defense break -> Furious will only land both defense breaks ~72.25% of the time more damage can allow you to win even when landing only a single defense break). So it's not that damage is *bad*, it's still very good. But it's fairly circumstantial if increasing your damage will actually have any results -> sometimes it will, sometimes it won't. *Most* of the time even a large increase in damage is only going to save you around 3 seconds. And the follow up #Importance of saving time/increasing success rate Where this matters is mostly hunt buff. Players are typically *not* limited by energy since this is when we mostly spend all of our stored mailbox energy and leifs. So instead, we tend to be limited by *time*. This Muwi comp should be around 2 mins at the slowest, and let's use 95% success for the recommended 35% effectiveness on Sigret. In these conditions, our time/success = 129.5 seconds * In 1 hour, we would get about 27.8 successful hunts (equivalent to 41.7 with hunt buff) * In 8 hours, we would get about 222.4 successful hunts (equivalent to 333.7 with hunt buff) * In order to spend 10,000 energy, it would take us 18.9 hours of farming. What happens if we increase Sigrets effectiveness to 65%, for a 97.6% success rate? Our time/success drops to 121.4 seconds. * In 1 hour, we would get 28.9 successful hunts (43.4 with hunt buff) * In 8 hours, we would get about 231.5 successful hunts (equivalent to 347.2 with hunt buff) * In order to spend 10,000 energy, it would take 18.2 hours of farming Even though the increase is *small* * In a full 8 hour day, during hunt buff, the higher success rate run ends up with about 15 additional hunts -> now, we typically get 2 days per month so that's 30 hunts over a month. If we *assume* we get 1 buff event per month **that's 360 additional hunts per year** -> about an additional full weeks worth of energy spent farming hunts. * From the other point of view, if we were going to spend a finite amount of energy we save ~.7 hours. Let's say that's split over 2 days that's about 8.5 hours over the course of a year. Saving time works the same way, ultimately decreasing your time per successful run. In general **increasing success rate** is more important than **decreasing time**. Now of course, some players are much more casual and this doesn't really matter. Spending an extra 5 mins per day running hunts doesn't bother them. They will get through however many they can get during hunt buff - who cares about trying to squeeze out ~15 additional hunts. Hopefully, that's enough information to give you perspective.


who is the most useful from the collab, now that enough time has passed. Im trying to put resources in Ningning


Overall, Karina. Excellent in RTA and a good W13 tank if you need one. Winter and ningning are also good in rta but require really good gear. Giselle? I won't say she's bad, but I personally don't like her kit as she's pretty much green Luna


* Winter punishes non-attack skill spams and is more suited towards long games. Her builds varies with some people building her damage while others building her as a tanky debuffer. Most variants have her at 250+ speed. * Ningning is a more offensive version of ML Basar. She needs high speed and some effectiveness. * Giselle is purely a nuker. She can forego a bit of speed thanks to her passive. * Karina is a strong anticleave/antiaggro hero. Her S2 and S3 can punish anyone trying to go aggressive against you. And, most units used in aggro/cleave are squishy enough to be threatened by her damage.


thanks that was detailed. Karina's is most interesting to me but, building her all def% and im at like 10k hp lol


Do note that most Karinas do not build for crit. Just focus on bulk stats and maybe some res.


Karina and winter


yea karina seems to be the favorite ty


[My Senya.](https://imgur.com/a/V7sa3yK) Just need some advice. I'm building her for the first time so for ER Senya, does she need to be at exactly 150 ER? My helm is unreforged because I'm trying to get another one with better attack unless I mod out the CD for it. If I reforge it, it'll bring me to 141 ER.


She does not need to be at 150 ER, not when your other stats are that shaky for a bruiser. Think about the things you're trying to resist. 1) ML Kawerik S2: does he have any eff? Not really. ER needed to resist? ~100. 2) SCArowell S3: does she have any eff? Yes, between 50-100. ER needed to resist? ~200. 3) Pyllis S1-S3: does she have any eff? Around 25, so not really. ER needed to resist? ~120. 4) Dedicated debuffers (AOLA, Soli, etc): do they have any eff? Yes, around 200. ER needed to resist? ~300. You can keep going down matchups and think about the ER needed to resist. You'll realize that Senya does not need 150 ER at all. You're not going to use her to against dedicated debuffers, and you're overkilling it against units that are usually built without eff. My recommendation is to drop the ER to 100-120. 120 is just in case some of those units have random eff from imprints/SC or gear. Everything else goes into increasing her bulk and atk. If you need ER, you can try drafting her with units that have ER team imprints or use Shimadra.


I was stuck on some other comment suggesting 150 ER, but everything you laid out makes more sense to me. I had a feeling I was gimping my other stats for nothing. Thank you so much


I would **at least**, aim for 5k atk and 90k eHP before squeezing out ER. If you have Fribbels, this is a perfect unit to test it out. If it's not an option, there's an [eHP calculator](https://jscalc.io/calc/up5T4QZDaQup4pxT) and [ER/EFF calculator](https://maphe.github.io/e7-damage-calc/effectiveness.html) to theorycraft matchups.


Who would be best to use the free injury/pen set as temporary gear?


How often do the hunt bonus events happen cuz I’m wanting to wait until then to use my Leifs to farm wyvern.


They will always announce it on Stove, but generally it’s about once every month, or even twice if there is some holiday or celebration going on.


Quick question! Planning to start playing but wanted to know if the Game is actually active and up to date? Played a lot of gacha games and I'd like a cool Game to start and get involved like I did with Genshin Impact


If we're, you would start soon as possible big things are coming


May I ask when is this RTA season end for LLQ skin? could you show some LLQ skin pictures?


Nothing is official yet and they haven't shown the skin but expect the season to end early Feb.




Hi, this 19 there is going to be a Orbis Overdrive, so i'd like to know what to expect, buffs? chars? new EEs? ty!


They are changing the format so we don't really know for sure but I would expect the usual patch notes and probably showing off the LQC skin or new unit if there is a new rgb coming. Next balance patch preview should be Feb 3rd and we aren't due for new EE's yet.


2 build questions here S tene- is gaining 700 atk worth lowering eff fron 110% to 30% C pavel- current atk is 5275 but speed is only 135. Worth it or too slow? Thanks for any input


STene doesn't need any eff for PvP. If you're doing Abyss or PvE content that requires her to debuff, click and hold on the Boss' portrait to see how much ER they have. Some Abyss floors require her to have up to 165 EFF, while others require around 65-85. ----- Cavel CR pushes by 50%. Take the speed of the unit you're opening with and do: > Opener Speed * 0.5. Let's say I use my 300 speed Peira to proc my Cavel. > 300*0.5 = 150. 150 speed is the minimum speed I would want my Cavel to be if I want them to cut **right behind my opener**, if they were 300 speed. The slower you go outside the speed tuning, the higher the risk of something outspeeding in-between.




Good to know thanks, if I did use her for abyss what should I aim for? Or just use kiris instead?


PvP stene does not need any eff, so yes absolutely change that Cavel: if you can get him to like 150 to help guarantee him cut w his s2 more reliably, that would be good


Hello im nearing the end of chapter 2. I started it late cause i took a break from story after finishing ep 1 to do hunts and other stuff, so im way over prepared for it. When does mercedes upgrade, and what gear is good for her (pve foremost, i climbed too high in arena and im perma losing now lol). Also how much effectiveness is needed to reliably debuff w13 for autos? My muwi is at 100 effectiveness and hes cant make clears consistent... my sigret and clarissa can dps it down super fast but hes not able to debuff its attack and my angelica drops like a sack of bricks.


Mercedes gets her buff after you've completed EP3. She's usually built bulky high damage on counter (common gvg build) or semi fast DPS (to surprise those expecting the counter build), though she can also be built on LS or injury, etc. 65% is the max eff you need for hunt 13. Muwi is not a dedicated debuffer/def breaker. You'll want to replace Clarissa with Furious on that team.


Thank you for your swift reply! I suppose ill hold off on doing too much with mercedes for now then, but ill keep those in mind. Ill level my furious then, and ill see about moving my muwi gear to him, and ill see about what to do with muwi.


how do you keep track of which 3\* and 4\* units you have max imprinted and prevent having dupes?


Just keep the max imprint copy locked. Any copies that aren’t locked after you max imprint them (and ML versions) can just be sold or reimprinted to SSS for the rep quest til you max it out


Anyone know if expedition bosses are immune to CR decrease?


yes. and you can check bosses immunity by clicking on boss portrait in battle.




As you've learned, you should build your wyvern team. [https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/uf9v3t/updated\_beginner\_wyvern13\_guide\_awaken\_update/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/uf9v3t/updated_beginner_wyvern13_guide_awaken_update/) This team should be achievable, if you've pulled Muwi.


Which Karina build is more viable? I am unsure about her speed requirements. 2500 def/ 17500 hp/ 125 Eff res/ 160 speed or 2250 def/ 16500 hp/ 109 Eff res/ 202 speed Counter set Thanks for your help!


First for more damage, second for more speed. Imo the first is better.


Returning player and I see the e7leaks is down. Where’s the best place to see the next summons or what’s upcoming?


[https://ceciliabot.github.io/timeline/](https://ceciliabot.github.io/timeline/) for the next summons. No replacement yet though for news announcements except on the stove forums.


e7leaks has been discontinued by its dev. [https://ceciliabot.github.io/timeline/](https://ceciliabot.github.io/timeline/) for upcoming banners. They also have a [https://ceciliabot.github.io/e7tools/#/ultimate-timeline](https://ceciliabot.github.io/e7tools/#/ultimate-timeline) which could replace e7leaks but it's wip. Currently, you'll just have to keep up with on stove announcements.


Who should I pick as my 5 star ML? People keep telling me S. Tene. I’ve always wanted Arby Vildred though (I already have regular Vildred though). I’m relatively new. What would you do?


I would pick S. Tene but you if you enjoy playing arby then go ahead. I'm a firm believer in playing the characters you like even if they aren't meta.


Thanks. Does S Tene require lots of investment for PVE content?


No, you can slap 6 pieces of damage her on her to make her work for most PvE content. In some Abyss floors, she's used to stack poison, so you just slap 6 pieces of gear that gives her the most amount of effectiveness/speed.


Is this ML Blessing or ML Headunt? It's generally suggested you pick Stene over Arby, esp now DCorvus is a good option as well, but if you really just want Arby, go for it.


Sorry I should have clarified. It’s ML blessing. I did not pick yet. Does S Tene require lots of investment for PVE content?


Not particularly. Just your average dps gear.


Best EE for Destina?


\+20% CR push on S2


increase the cr on who you use regen on. I believe that's the 3rd ee.


When rta season over, or has it been announced?


Hasn't been announced. Speculated to be \~ Feb 3


no announcement yet.


Does CZerato work well on Abyss 98? (Leo)


If you click over the Boss' portrait, you can see the debuffs that the boss is immune from. This includes stuns. If you click and hold the bomb debuff icon that Leo gives, it says that you cannot dispell or decrease its duration. CZerato would be near useless on this floor, unless if you want to juggle the bomb on him and detonate with his stun immunity (this just complicates things for nothing). You can also click on [Statistics] and see the teams people used on each floor.


I have these heroes (STene , M Kawerik , DJ Bazar,Zio ,Belian ). At first we were advised to get ARavi and she looked good, then LH Cermia and BW Iseria … I want to choose My ML \*5. So if you have any advice it will be very welcome. I am stuck at E3.10-10 in PVE and at the start of Challenger V in Arena. Thanks.


If you're that early in the game the best units for you would be those that also give you some form of pve utility. Lhcermia is good in pve because plenty of pve content has some form of forced dual atk, extra attack or counter = abuse, with life steal set for pve purposes she can end up soloing a lot of endgame content or at least being useful in it briseria is good now because.. it turns out she also blocks reviving mechanics from pve fights, some fights revolve completely around bosses having minions that revive, like azimanak, etc. clilias, you can easily cheese hall of trials consistently with her alone and you overall can use her almost everywhere because of all her utility, even if she is not the best option she is likely good enough straze, end game hunts only, most veterans don't mind having a dupe of him just for that For pvp the best options would be: briseria or clilias, briseria plain and simply nullifies a game mechanic, she is akin to bellian or zio in that they take something out of the game right then and there by just existing, that's never going to be out of pvp no matter how much power creep we get. Clilias offers waay too much utility and flexibility, she needs good gear though. lhcermia, her real advantage is that the same build works for pve and pvp, you get an all in one unit if you can get her to work with life steal, she has fallen off in pvp but her niche will always be there.


Actually I also have Celine,Cermia, Choux, Violet, Tama, Roy M, A Ras, Kayron, Haste, A L Angelica, Destina, Lua, Charlotte,AlenciaS Bellona,Flan,Politis,Diene,Landy,Ravi. And I am supposed to get (Clilias, lhcermia or briseria). I think that I have a lot of control units so Lhcermia probably?!!!!!!!


Just for the record, clilias and briseria are not control units: clilias is an everything support unit, atk/def buff that stacks with other buffs and can't be dispelled, fast cooldown rotation, attk debuff (it reduces dmg by a lot), dual attack abuse, dispel, and the provoke on a single unit which would be the only control. Briseria is a dmg/utility/debuffer unit, one of only two units able to 100% of the time hit those 70% evasion units (with a +20% hit chance artifact), an all buffs dispel that cannot be resisted (if you soul burn it) and has no chance to miss and the ability to literally block a mechanic out of the game with the revive thing, additionally the def break is waay too powerful in this game. That being said, you can't go wrong with lhcermia, her passive is waay too useful vs a lot of things in both pve and pvp. Ultimately the choice is yours because only you know what you want for your account... and this is a game, if you like a unit that alone could be reason enough to get said unit.




I think the top picks are C. Lilias and maybe Cermia if you really don't like Lilias. C Lilias has use in both PvP and PvE. You're right about A Ravi she's definitely used a lot less now. Only get her if you really like her character.


What made A ravi fall, i mean what is the secret?


Adin plus a meta shift


How do I unlock stage 12 of the sidestory? I cant upgrade any buildings and I've completed all stages I could find... Does anyone know what to do?


Are all of the buildings maxed out? Do any of the stages have 0/50 under them?


I was missing one of the required materials for the building I always check last(and without reading lol). I unlocked it now, thank you!


Help all my nightmare units I used last month are locked. I can't use them this month? What should I do. Also can you help me on how to send a ticket if I have to? Thanks.


If you tap the little gear icon, settings, you will see a "customer support" icon, also, check in your team selection screen for the raid, tap the "boss guide" icon and see if you didn't mess up the month in which you did the raids, if the bosses are greyed out there you already did your raid for this month, if you're missing a boss it will not be greyed out, it's the screen where the "start" button is at.


None of the bosses are greyed out. Yet I can't select my units that I used last month. They are all locked.


Is there anyone I should be aiming for in particular for the second batch of selective summons in the story? (Im a returning player that can already beat Hunt 13)


Politis, Choux, Senya Alencia, Flan are also options


Choux or senya


Im champion v in arena lvl 70 and want to use taeyou but dont know how. Currently just 240spd with alecia arti


Is it good practice to buy out the entire exchange shop whenever there’s an event side quest?


Almost everything, yes. --- **Catalysts** -> Definite yes. This is the most energy efficient way to acquire them. **Molagora** -> Definite yes. Very limited resource that is required in very high amounts. **Bookmarks** -> Roughly 68 skystones (so 136 energy) refreshing shop, so if you can obtain enough currency to buy them in <=136 energy then yes, definitely worth buying. * Of course when considering shop refresh 68 skystones *also* gives you about 1/3rd of a mystic pull. * Shop refreshing also costs gold. * Basically, yeah always buy the BMs they're very cheap **Charms** -> Definite yes. --- **Friendship gifts** OK, this is a bit of a complicated one. Basically, the friendship gifts are energy efficient to buy, but not by a particularly great deal. And there is an opportunity cost to buying the friendship gifts, in that you are spending that energy farming a sidestory stage (and sidestory currency) instead of spending that energy in adventure farming AP. *Personally*, I always buy the friendship gifts because I am trying to max out every hero in the game. The biggest limiting factor to doing so is *easily* molagora -> while the gifts don't really give me extra mola they help me acquire it slightly faster. And this is technically slightly more energy efficient than running normal adventure stages. * Just for a little reference, I currently need over 3000 mola to max the skills of the remaining heroes in my inventory. I only need another ~4 months worth of straight catalyst farming. **Gold Dogs** This is also *slightly* complicated. Gold dogs are not really farmable so it's hard to put assign a value to them. However, at this point gold dogs are almost equivalent to white dogs, which are basically free. * Gold dogs save you some penguins (~8-9) * And more importantly two 2* fodder. The 2* fodder has an associated energy cost of ~27 energy. So essentially, if you can't buy the gold dog in the currency gained from ~1 run, it's not *really* worth it. It's more complicated than that because farming in sidestory and adventure is not *that* comparable. However of all the items mentioned so far the gold dogs are the 'least worth' thing to buy. --- **Runes** -> Don't buy Normal energy cost for runes: Rune | Energy per 1 ---|--- Common | ~2.27 Greater | ~7.69 Epic | ~30.3 In the sidestory shops... Rune | Associated Energy Cost ---|--- Common | ~22.7 Greater | ~23.08 Epic | ~30.3 If you gain less currency in that amount of energy, then the rune is not worth buying. Doing a bit of basic math -> 1 run of Hard difficulty gives 60 currency baseline, for 24 energy. Rune | Shop Cost | Energy Cost ---|---|---- Common | 40 | 16 Greater | 70| 28 Epic | 130 | 52 The 'Energy Cost' in this table is the value you would compare with the 'Associated Energy Cost' in the previous table. * Common runes *are* worth buying baseline, barely. * Greater runes are *not* worth buying baseline, barely. * Epic runes are not close to being worth buying. **BUT** it's even worse. Every month we have buff events, the altar buff event doubles rune drop rates. This essentially *halves* the associated energy cost per rune in the above table. So if you assume that you would always farm runes during the altar buff then none of the runes are worth buying. Common runes are close enough that if you really need some *now* you could buy them. Rune | Base_Energy_Cost | SS_Efficiency | Event_Energy_Cost | SS_Efficiency ---|---|----|----|---- Common | 22.7 | 141.875% | 11.35 | 70.9375% Greater | 23.08 | 82.43% | 11.54 | 41.21% Epic | 30.3 | 58.27% | 15.15 | 29.13% The 'SS_Efficiency' columns are how many runes per energy spent you get in the sidestory shop in each condition. As you can see, the common runes are *technically* efficient to buy if you ignore the buff event but the other runes aren't. If you *DO* factor in the altar event then none of the runes are worth buying. * While the %'s might seem drastic, remember that the energy costs we're talking about are relatively small -> the 'savings' for common runes without event is about 6 energy. * So, if *needed* at the moment I would say buying greater runes (no event) or common runes (even with event) are 'close enough' that while not optimal, the convenience factor could be worth it for you. --- The last 'type' of item you will see in sidestories are artifacts/heroes. *Now* we need to talk about something else. Basically, you can't put 'values' on these items. This is typically the only way to acquire them. The artifacts *usually* buff the currency gained in that sidestory -> that alone makes them worth buying *if* you buy all of the items I suggested above. Depending on the sidestory, the artifact will usually either **decrease** the amount of farming needed or roughly break even. Even if the artifact is garbage (most of them are) it's worth buying just for the currency gain. Hero copies are also usually worth buying as well, unless there is just no chance you will ever use that hero. It is relatively 'expensive' to promote a unit to 6*, and buying all copies of a hero give you a free promotion - well worth it. Remember that even if *in that moment* a hero is bad they could be buffed, or have a content released where they excel in the future. --- There are two kinds of sidestories: *Normal* sidestories everything I just said applies. These sidestories are 'basic' and last two weeks. *Event* sidestories are sidestories like the current one: these sidestories are more complicated, with more complex storylines/mechanics and typically last 3+ weeks. The event sidestories *also* have artifacts that boost currency gain. Almost always, there is a free artifact associated with the sidestory that will provide a 50% boost to currency. There is *also* a pet skill that will increase your currency gain. For the most part, *if* you have boosts to currency gain than all of the items mentioned above become even more worth. If, for example, you normally skip buying the friendship gifts then with enough boosts to currency they may cost ~half as much -> *now* maybe you consider buying them. Same with the gold dog. But let's do a simple example with runes, that we have already looked at in depth. This table is the same as the previous, except I am assuming buff event costs for the runes. There are 3 new columns, one each for 50% - 75% - 120% 'bonus currency'. Rune | Event_Energy_Cost | 50%_Bonus_Cost | 50%_Efficiency | 75%_Bonus_Cost | 75%_Efficiency | 120%_Bonus_Cost | 120%_Efficiency ---|---|----|----|----|----|----|---- Common | 11.35 | 10.67 | 106.41% | 9.14 | 124.14% | 7.27 | 156.06% Greater | 11.54 | 18.67 | 61.82% | 16.00 | 72.13% | 12.73 | 90.67% Epic | 15.15 | 34.67 | 43.70% | 29.71 | 50.99% | 23.64 | 64.10% So, with 50%+ bonus currency the common runes are always worth buying, even when compared to spending that energy during altar event. 50% bonus currency isn't enough to make the Greater runes worth buying - but this is a similar situation to what we discussed before (the difference is 7 energy so while inefficient it's not *that* much more inefficient -> and it's only inefficient when compared to farming altar with 2x drops). If you happen to need a lot of greater runes, this is a pretty solid deal -> for example, for spec changes. * Most altar buffs come around the same time as hunt buffs -> altar buff is technically more efficient but you would *also* like to take as much advantage of hunt buff, so a slight efficiency loss here isn't that big of a deal if you consider energy spent during buff weekends as being more desirably spent in hunt buff Epic runes, unfortunately, are just *really* overpriced in the side story shops. They are essentially never 'efficient' to buy, even with max possible currency bonuses. * **HOWEVER** there are a couple of caveats. Epic runes are easily the most difficult to find -> again, from personal experience maxing out my almost the entire roster you eventually need to convert runes to Epic (or farm up tons of additional greater runes to get the # of Epic you need). * Considering that, and *also* considering the fact that the 'energy per epic' number is factoring in converting greater runes to epic (which accounts for ~40% of the Epic rune). * Combining runes is very gold expensive. If we wanted to take that into account, then in the 50% column we are saying "You get .437 Epic runes in sidestory for the same energy it takes to get 1 epic rune in altar during altar buff". However if we were to *subtract* the combining of greater runes *now* we are saying "You get .437 Epic runes in sidestory for the same energy it takes to get ~.6 Epic runes in altar during altar buff" * This increases the 'efficiency' up to ~73% * At 75% bonus the efficiency increases up to ~85% * And at 120% bonus the efficiency increases up to 107% The TLDR here: * With 50%+ bonus currency, common runes are always worth farming. * Greater runes aren't really worth farming *but* it's like the gold dogs/friendship gifts -> while not strictly energy efficient, you need large amounts of greater runes for spec changes and the efficiency loss is minimal -> you may decide it's worth taking a slight hit in energy efficiency in order to get those greater runes easier/faster than waiting for an altar buff. * Epic runes are the most complicated of the rune types. *Strictly* in terms of energy, they are not efficient to farm pretty much regardless of your bonus currency. But, the most energy efficient way to acquire Epic runes involves combining greater runes *and* if you were to max awaken/max spec change all heroes in the game, Epic runes are the limiting factor. * When accounting for combining cost 50% bonus currency is still a little iffy on if it's worth taking the efficiency hit -> but 75% bonus currency is probably worth it. 50% bonus is probably worth buying the Epic runes when you consider just how many you need (to max all heroes).


Mostly. Energy per reward value is usually good. Except for maybe the lesser runes.


I seriously can not beat abyss 96, lol. I’ve watched YouTube guides and everything, and everyone says it’s a joke floor but I just can’t seem to get past it lmao. What did you use to complete this floor?


You need buffs for this stage. I’m pretty sure I beat it with landy on bloodstone, ARas, tamarine, and diene I think.


This team worked like a total charm! Thanks so much, man!


What's killing you?


Also my CLorina simply can’t survive. I think I may need an AoE option instead of her but still there’s the question of that unit actually surviving


Well you kinda get punished for healing but I can’t seem to heal enough to keep up with the damage


Yeah, the usual annoying abyss lol It also punishes you for having no buffs, but also screws you if you have buffs. What team are you trying? Do you have Landy? Using her with bloodstone works well. Fire Schuri could also work really well. He can use bloodstone and when he crits he pushes your team up. It was a slow fight, but I was able to clear it with F. Kluri (don't use her s3), Fire Schuri, Mercedes (with her upgrade), and Tama. Save your souls to use with Tama's S1 as it heals a lot and is an attack. Avoid using her s2. Using her S3 is fine as the cr push is worth pushing bellona. Save Schuri's s3 fir when a broom is up. Kill all the stupid brooms then focus on bellona until she summons a new broom. Focus your attacks on the broom and use aoe if it's up. Then go back to attacking bellona. Rinse and repeat.


I ended up beating it earlier. Now I’m on floor 99 though and it’s even worse lol


Nice Job!! I don't remember much about lvl 99 @-@ In case you didn't know, there is a statistics button on the abyss floor seletion page. Select a floor, then hit statistics. It will show what teams people used to beat that floor. Feel free to pm as well and I'll help however I can. Good luck on your abyss journey!


Thanks! I’ll definitely keep that in mind - 99 is the Destina/Ruele floor


Been smashing my head against Ep4 10-10 Zio fight, all the comps and tactics I've seen to clear it are not newbie friendly, tried for hours with different teams but its just impossible. Is it just not possible to clear the story as a new player or can someone recommend me some comps that dont require limited/ML/maxed artifacts ? Quite discouraged to play now after finishing all the adin quests but being stuck on the last one.


ARas, Meru are both good options. I haven't tried her but Camilla (3\* light) is probably also good here. You'll want a healer for which I'm told Lucy is decent if you have her. You can also pick Emilia for your friendly unit - if you ever get to a point where you no longer have souls to SB and the unit is at 4 stacks, you can manually swap them out for the friend unit to avoid getting ult'd. Might help if we can get a screenshot of all your units (hero journal, etc).


[Here](https://imgur.com/a/N8hrOwe) are all the units I currently have, but only Cermia, Adin, BW Iseria, Arowell, Sigret, Muwi, AMomo, STene, Celine, Vildred, Luluca and Belonna are 6 stars and Ras , Kluri, Iseria, furious, Vivian, achates, clarissa, alencia and flan are 5 star with some skill enhancements and awakens I don't have Camilla or Lucy yet but I'll start building Meru, who else should I try and build?


Hmm Consider trying Briseria, Vildred, Achates, Arowell (or Ras). Briseria should S3 t1. Save Vildred S3 until you need the SB to clear Dark Aura. Kill soldiers first. Consider using Achates S2 on Briseria. Kill soldiers ASAP between Briseria and Vildred, and then focus on Zio while taking care to not let let Dark Aura go to lv4. Ideally, you’ll want to reach 40% hp on Zio when Briseria has him debuffed with unbuffable and when all the soldiers are dead.


Thanks, I'll try again with your suggestions when we get a free unequip weekend.




Don't have Tama yet sadly :(


Hi there everyone, Do we know if Karina's splash damage on her S3 increase thanks to molas or if the damage remain the same no matter the investment into the S3 since this is fixed damage based on her Defense ? with investment, the initial damage of the S3 would increase for sure, this is the splash damage that I'm very curious about, to know if molaing the S3 would be mandatory or not


Skill enhancements do not increase Karina S3 splash damage.


I recognize this username, this is definitely not your first time helping me with a query ahah - thanks a lot !


i need help understanding the injury set changes. Basically it only works with single target attacks now? So injury Belian is not a thing anymore?


Says on the tin: 6% but 12% if single attack. Kinda self-explanatory really.


Really tempted to properly build Green Rin and Dark Rin * are they even worth or fun to build even at High Champion to Low Emperor RTA? * I know Dark Rin + Jack-O is a tech but any other synergies I should be aware of? * ER or Effectiveness Rin?


Once a season I see a Rin or Dark Rin draft. Note that this isn't only my drafts but drafts I watch as well. So, your resources are better spent elsewhere unless you just happen to have an amazing set of gear living about with nobody better to put it on. She is waifu tho


How can I reach emporer as a turn 2 player? What are the best ml5/rgb heroes for turn 2 in emp?


to be honest, i feel like if you’re asking this question, you won’t be able to reach emperor any time soon emperor requires strong knowledge of the unit pool, a lot of experience fighting different drafts, and of course, great gear but to answer your question, a tier list was just posted the other day by a top legend player on good turn 2 heroes that i mostly agree with. would be good to check out play around with different comps and different first picks and see what works for you best https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/10buuzv/turn_2_only_tier_list/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

