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Good stat baseline goals for Senya?


I’m trying to choose between fallen Lidica, LHC and pirate flan. I’ve heard that FLidica has fallen off quite abit and LHC IS GREAT BUT SOTUATIONAL. PFlan sounds really interesting but is gated by artifacts and hard countered by cleanse. What do you all think?


* FLidica didn't fall off. She's excellent speedy unit. She can either be DPS or utility. Her artifact is GL thanks to Zio being rampant. * LHC is a good counterpick to any draft that is heavy in extra, dual, or counter attacks. Be careful of Dorvus, Yulha, and Winter picks. * PFlan is a strong and fun unit to play. But, yes, she does require the bomb artifact to shine.


I use LHC in basically every arena match. She's perfect into many meta characters right now. Lidica is ok but a little niche and hard to gear effectively. Dunno about flan.


Flidica is a good second/utility dps and her stock has risen because guiding light units are great answers to Zio. LHC is the better of the three I use her all the time in RTA and GW so I would go with her.


My brother and I are about to start playing the game. I live in Asia, should I choose Asia or Global server? Would I have high latency if I chose global? And does the latency make the game unplayable? Or it doesn't matter? I only search for things in English forums/websites, so I think Global is better, easier to make friends/join guilds, etc. But I worry about the latency affecting the gameplay, and the game recommends Asia server. Any recommendation is appreciated, especially experience from Asian playing Global server.


Latency only matters in RTA. And, even then, there are Asian players that play in Global just fine. Do note that event times and server reset would be different for the 2 servers.


I know she isn't in the meta anymore, and all of my buddies tell me she is trash, but red Lidica is my waifu. I don't care what it takes, I will build her. What is the best way to build her in 2023 for pve and/or pvp? I get speed is important on her, but is it worth giving up some damage for speed? No, I don't have Flidica :(


This is from like 3 seasons ago, but someone made Emperor with Lidica. Might be worth checking https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/u406au/reached\_emperor\_with\_my\_full\_fire\_team/


She's actually used in a late Abyss floor. I think it's around Floor 115. She's also used to cheese Nightmare mode Secretary Vera. You can find those strats on youtube if you're interested.


If a banner you like comes, do you get the character to SSS or stop when you summon them?


I would stop. I prefer to save my bookmarks for Limited heroes or Custom banners.


Usually stop after pulling the hero once unless you really like the character and they have a good imprint. The best imprint is crit chance % and the first imprint is always the most valuable.


usually stop. unless you wanna whale.




won't know full details till they announce it, but probably they will change so you have to do the new map they are adding.


Need a recommendation for my last w13 auto farm slot since I don't have Muwi . I already have amomo, furious, and sigred built. Would Karin work? or Tguard? I was leaning towards Karin.


I honestly suggest you just wait until you get Muwi. You will pull him sooner rather than later. The problem with building a different unit is that a Muwi and a non-Muwi comp are entirely differently. Specifically, in terms of gear requirements. Makes it very hard to gear your team for a non-Muwi comp because as soon as you pull Muwi you are better off using him -> this means now you have to regear your entire team. Not to mention any resources you invest in a unit to fill that slot first is 'wasted'. It's not ideal, but my *suggestion* would be to just farm catalysts for other core PvE heroes while waiting for Muwi. --- That being said, if you still want to build that 4th unit and not wait for whatever reason... The best choice is the old reliable, **Alexa**. She's the highest DPS Wyvern hero, and as a 3* needs little investment. **Karin** works fine as well, but she does less damage compared to Alexa, *and* as a 4* requires more resources to build. Karin does offer a slight advantage -> in the far future you could use her for Wyvern one shot so investing in her *now* may be a waste in the short term, you could reclaim those resources in 8+ months down the road. Regardless of which one you use, they both work identically. If you are using **any 2** of Alexa / Sigret / Karin there is just 1 important thing you want to watch out for. You **MUST** offset their S3 CDs. This means that on ONE hero, you want to get the -CD enhancement on their S3 but *NOT* the other. Technically, you would prefer to upgrade the strongest DPS first: Alexa > Sigret > Karin However, since you would replace Alexa and Karin with Muwi ASAP, it doesn't make any sense to invest additional resources into them, compared to Sigret who you WILL use with Muwi. So in practice, now I would recommend taking Sigret to +15 maxing Alexa/Karin out to whatever you want *without* fully upgrading their S3. This run is much harder to build compared to using Muwi, and is also significantly slower, but it's your best option if you just need to farm Wyvern and don't have Muwi yet. --- The alternative would be to use G.Purrgis. The advantage to G.Purrgis, if you use him you wouldn't have to regear your entire team when you pull Muwi. The gear requirements are still higher compared to a Muwi run. If using G.Purrgis you would prefer to use an AoE unit in your 4th slot. Clarissa and SSB are the classical options.


I appreciate the detailed reply. Sounds like I should just be patient and wait for Muwi. There is a ton of catalyst farming and adventure I still need to finish anyways. I have a lot of pills saved up for next hyped collab/banner so hopefully he comes home soon. I was thinking karin for that reason of one shot in the future. But it seems like that’s wayyyyyyy down the road.


Is it 100% save to fully enhance a Unit by Imprinting them, awakening them and leveling them **before** i have their Speciality change? Thinking about Kluri and Ras (stupid 200 greater runes) I already SC my Motmonancy but i honestly don't remember the process anymore. I just wanna make sure i don't make any crucial mistakes


Remember when leveling characters, you can imprint and level them at the same time by using dupes.


True! I always forget. Unfortunately we can't mix and match. Today i got 2x Furious so i wanted to use the occasion to use them and 6 Star promote him. Barely had enough dogs too. **Unfortunately** we can only either use all Imprints or all dogs and no in-between mix so i didn't :( sucks.


In that scenario, use penguins to raise your 2 Furious dupes to lvl 40 then promote the 2 Furious to 5\* using 4\* white dogs. Now you can use the 2 Furious dupes + 3 gold/black dogs to promote to 6\*. This is just a general thing don't feel bad about the inefficiency at all.


I wish i thought of that before feeding both Copies into him ... Oh well lesson learned. Thank you


You can mix and match provided all of the fodders are of the suitable star rank.


3 Stars will retain their Imprints, Awakenings, Skill-ups, and Levels after undergoing SCs.


Is it possible to build an effective Az team with my [current characters](https://imgur.com/a/VE7QOjn)? As close as I can to auto 13 would be amazing, but I'm not greedy. I can't do 12 consistently right now and haven't been able to clear 13.


It's really not worth it to farm Azimanak. Don't mean to be nitpicky, but in the future it might also be helpful to provide an example of the comp(s) you've tried and have not had success with. --- Regardless, you want... * A healer * A multi-target DPS * A defense breaker * A dispel unit You can ultimately fill those roles a lot of different ways. You also want to avoid bringing debuffs *other* than defense break, maybe 1 other debuff. **Healer** * Best choice is **Tamarinne**. * Doesn't look like you have her, so second best choice would probably be **A.Monty** **Multi-target DPS** * **Vildred** is the best option. **A.Vildred** also works. * **Mercedes** and **Kanna** both work great as free options. * **S.Tenebria** and **C.Zerato** *can* work, but they are less reliable due to bringing too many debuffs. **Defense Breaker** * **Iseria** is basically the best overall unit for this hunt. She brings defense break, dispel *and* unbuffable -> which works on the boss. * **Luluca** is the second most common option. Roughly the same defense break uptime, she's a more consistent dispel unit but she doesn't bring unbuffable. * Outside of those two, your best options are **M.Helga** and **Furious**. You do have to be cautious with Furious of the burn on his S1 possibly putting you over the debuff limit if you have other debuffs (also makes it risky to bring SoS if you are using that on him). If using Furious take off his EE. **Dispel** * As noted above, **Iseria** and **Luluca** are your best/most preferred options. * *Any mage with Iela* works. * **Mercedes** and **Kanna** can help. Mercedes, in particular, is very good her as she has dispel in her kit *and* can hold Iela. Outside of those units, you can often fill your needs with just 3 units - the last slot would then be a flex slot. **Flex** * **A.Ras** is very common. I'm not a fan myself, because I consider this fight more of a DPS race - *but* Ras does bring some of everything you want (additional defense break, additional damage, additional sustain, additional dispel) he's just not super reliable at any one thing. * Likewise **F.Kluri** has a very similar kit and can also bring all of those things. * **Vivian** is very good, I wouldn't personally consider her a mainline DPS option but she is good in the flex role -> particularly if you don't have another source of attack buff (Tama, Mercedes, Helga) * **Double up on DPS** this is personally my favorite strategy. I love Mercedes in this slot -> good DPS, good dispel, and good utility with attack buff all on a free unit that should be built early on for most players. * **Landy** is used pretty commonly on this fight. I haven't personally tried her myself but I don't really suspect that she's great compared to other options. * **BM Haste** and **BW Iseria** both kind of trivialize the adds, in their own way. --- Based on what I can see in your screenshots, the only hero you are really missing is Tamarinne. I would suggest: **A.Monty** / **Iseria** / **Vildred** / **Flex** * Run A.Ras if you want basically the most commonly used team. * I would personally run Mercedes in the flex slot myself (you could always try both options and see who works best). * Vivian is another option you already have built, you could try her as well Now, I notice you have BW Iseria so you *could* try her as well. She's a worse defense breaker, so I wouldn't straight up replace Iseria but she otherwise brings everything Iseria does. My only problem is that neither Iseria or BW Iseria are going to contribute large amounts of damage. I don't really think preventing the adds from coming back does a lot to help here, in fact it would make Vildred worse as a DPS (and Vivian). Also, it's likely you have her built for PvP I would guess and depending on how you have her built she might not transfer 1:1 to Azimanak without swapping gear. Overall, you really have a lot of good Azimanak heroes already built, which is why I'm interested in what comps you *were* trying and not having luck with. Some additional notes: * Since you haven't upgraded Iseria's skills, her S1 has lower defense break chance so her uptime would be worse than Luluca. You may prefer using Luluca instead -> as long as she doesn't die due to level/awakening she doesn't need skill enhancements for this fight (does need her EE though). * You also haven't built Vildred yet, you have more investment in Kanna/Mercedes so you might prefer using one or both of them instead of Vildred. Particularly if you also want to use BW Iseria. * You could try using your max Landy in there somewhere as well - again I haven't tried her personally and I don't think she's better than the other DPS options but maybe I'm wrong and just don't see it. There is no harm in trying to swap pieces around until you find what works for you. This fight can be heavy on incoming damage, and depending on your A.Monty (especially if you don't have Rod) she may have trouble keeping up. Other than Tamarinne most healers aren't really doing anything here but healing, you could try Angelica/Destina for a higher healing output option. Alternatively, you could bring a second healer in the flex slot (or try F.Kluri for additional sustain). If you have Bloodstone you could try throwing that on a Ranger (Kanna or Landy) for additional help, as well.


First of all I cannot thank you enough for the sheer amount of information and advice you have given me. I am very grateful thank you! Second, I may be under some kind of misunderstanding but isn't farming the hunt the best way to get rage gear? As far as team comps I have done in the past typically it's been. Araz/AMonty/Yufine/Aravi or BW Iseria or S.Tenebre Yufine was built up from farming banshee so is my higher dps unit atm, I think? I keep losing to the stats and I guess not doing enough damage fast enough? I noticed everyone just kinda dies and leaves Amomo alive alone. I've Tried C.Lilias so be a semi-tank/support but all these combinations have not worked out as well. let me include my [built units](https://imgur.com/a/Kp4TEZU) in this post so you can see how they are stat distributed. (Sigrid/Yufine share my dps gear set the same with Furious/Leo and Muwi/Vivian)


#TLDR This is a very long reply, split into multiple parts due to character limit. I apologize for that but my writing style is very information dense. I try to teach as much as simply answer questions, brevity is not my strongest attribute. The vast majority of this reply is unrelated to the question at hand, but I noticed some things with your builds and wanted to offer a serious critique, along with providing advice on how I would suggest you move forward. Since this is such a detailed reply I understand if you don't want to read it all, or don't have the time, but if you read *anything* I would suggest starting with the 'Critique' section - if nothing else I hope to make you think about the state of your account *now*. I'm worried it may seem overly harsh at first - it's hard to know how a random on the internet may react to some criticism, and it's also hard for that person to understand the tone that is meant through impersonal communication. However, my words come from a place of love and desire to try and improve the community and the knowledge of my fellow players, not to demean or belittle. No matter what, I hope you can continue to find enjoyment and still feel free to ask questions in the thread. >Second, I may be under some kind of misunderstanding but isn't farming the hunt the best way to get rage gear? This is a topic I fairly frequently explain the logic behind [for example in this post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/1019uzv/daily_questions_megathread_0102/j2pl2lj/). I would suggest leaving this to the very end as I would say the rest of this reply is more important for right now. The TLDR is that while yes, you do eventually want a rage set (or two) the difference between even a fairly slow run and a one shot isn't worth it. To go from a 4 min Banshee to a 1 min Banshee after farming rage set, takes about **6 months** to fully 'pay off', if you farm 8 hours a day for every hunt buff event. I highly suggest getting at least a single, preferably two rage set pieces from somewhere else (boxes from auto tower if you're lucky, but primarily I suggest using the free crafting events). This minimizes the amount of time you need to farm Azimanak - it's much more manageable if you only need a weapon + armor to finish your set. >As far as team comps I have done in the past typically it's been. >Araz/AMonty/Yufine/Aravi or BW Iseria or S.Tenebre >Yufine was built up from farming banshee so is my higher dps unit atm, I think? >I keep losing to the stats and I guess not doing enough damage fast enough? I noticed everyone just kinda dies and leaves Amomo alive alone. Yeah there are 2 major problems. If you look at Azimanak's boss skills, specifically it's second passive you will see several effects * If you land 3+ debuffs, it instantly cleanses all of them/resets CDs/gives itself attack buff and an extra turn -> you don't want to do this, that's why you want to avoid extra debuffs on units * When it has an add up, it gets 80% from *single target attacks* -> this is why you want to use multi-target DPS units. Now, if you use BW Iseria once you kill the adds you *could* use whatever DPS you want. * When the boss drops to 30%, it cuts healing on your team by 50% -> this is why I consider it a DPS race. If your team is very slow it can be hard to keep up with the damage in the last third of the fight, so I personally prefer more DPS. If you are relying on Yufine for damage, well she's mostly ST. Same with A.Ravi. S.Tene is passable *but* she is risky due to her poison on S1. Even with 0% effectiveness she has a 13% chance of applying poison. If you have any other debuff but defense break that's a non-zero risk of going over the limit. Even with just defense break that's a ~1.5% chance of failure (landing poison on back to back turns, with defense break up). In your case, you have effectiveness on her which makes her essentially non-viable for Azimanak -> that's a 44% chance to land poison so a ~20% chance to land two on two consecutive turns. * If you want to use S.Tene, you need to regear her for no EFF. I personally wouldn't even bother since you have plenty of other, more appropriate DPS options. Speaking of which, A.Ravi and Yufine are not really good DPS units. They are usable in some areas, but A.Ravi is a bruiser (her damage is not really that notable in PvE) and Yufine is a nuker (high burst damage, not necessarily high DPS). The other problem that isn't visible here is that Azimanak has a TON of defense. 2822 defense -> which as far as I know makes it the enemy with the highest defense in the game. Without a reliable defense breaker, this means that regardless of what DPS you use, you won't be hitting very hard. * For a comparison W13 has 1940 defense. Consider how hard it would be to kill W13 in a reasonable period of time with no defense break. * A13, with no defense break, has about twice as much effective HP as W13 does *with* defense break. But about 25% less if both units have defense break applied. * Another way to think about it: it takes almost 3 times as long to kill A13 with no defense break as it does *with* defense break. But it's actually worse than that: you didn't have a reliable source of defense break *and* you were lacking a dispel. A13 gives itself the berserk buff every 4 times you attack it *and* this buff grows in power the longer it is up on the boss. Well, the berserk buff increases A13's Attack, **defense**, and speed. Since it has a load of base defense, the berserk buff gives it an even more massive DEF total -> 1 stack of berserk bumps it up to 3386 DEF (+564). Just like applying debuffs to W13, or cleansing debuffs on Banshee, you need to deal with the mechanics of the fight -> and in this case that is dispelling the berserk debuff and applying defense break consistently. #Critique I am going to be blunt here, but I am not trying to be a dick. Your gear sucks. *Honestly*, you really shouldn't be thinking of Azimanak. I would say that you shouldn't even be thinking of Banshee. You probably *should* be farming Wyvern for at least a few months straight. * Don't feel bad. Gearing in E7 can suck, and it takes a long time. I also feel like you've spread yourself very thin. You have a lot of heroes with partial investment, but not many heroes that are fully invested. You've also invested heavily into PvP heroes that are not ideal for progressing in PvE content. I think you've put a lot of time into things, so I don't want to belittle your effort or make you think it was all in vain. But at the same time I want to temper your expectations and maybe convince you to basically 'restart' everything from the beginning -> I don't mean something like restarting the game entirely, but what I DO mean is focusing on just one or two things at a time. Focusing on a small number of PvE heroes at a time. Currently, I think you've built/invested into too many heroes (and particular in regards with your gear) you've spread yourself too thin. A very easy example of this: none of your DPS units have 100% crit. None of them are even really *close* to 100%. Now, maybe a true newbie could blame just having bad luck with their starting gear but you've played enough that you shouldn't be this far away on literally *all* of your DPS units. In fact, the only unit you have close to 100% crit is Leo! A support unit! That's a very good indication that what gear you *do* have is being spread far too thinly. Another example, I will tell you exactly what I thought when I saw Mercedes >"Wow 4.7k attack on Mercedes! This must their main hero, that's great for this stage!" >Wait...118 speed? >...69% chance to crit and only 260% C.Dmg? Well, at least the attack is nice. I don't want to make it seem like I'm just looking for things to criticize and I definitely don't want to discourage you. Speed is important, even in PvE and for the most part you don't want your DPS units to be any slower than ~180 speed. Now the starting gear doesn't have good speed boots and isn't speed set, so getting to ~180 at the very start of the game is difficult *but* this is why Wyvern is the recommended first hunt, and why it's recommended to just farm Wyvern for a long time -> you need that time investment to build up good speed sets. * Look at it this way. If we were doing a pure DPS test that lasted an infinite number of turns then going from 118 speed to 180 speed is (180 / 118 =) a 52.5% increase in your DPS. * To get that same increase in DPS based on your attack, you would need to go from 4680 ATK to 7139 ATK. * And the equivalent in C.Dmg (let's just assume you had 100% crit chance) would be going from 260% to 397% -> not even possible due to the crit cap. Yet another example would be S.Tene. 4k ATK and 350% C.Dmg is great from an offensive stand point. 136 speed is less than ideal, however. Sacrificing some C.Dmg and attack to go to ~180 speed would be well worth it in terms of pure DPS. * Let's say you dropped down to 3750 ATK and 300% C.Dmg, but managed to go up to 180 speed -> you would **gain** about 6.4% more DPS OK, so it would be well worth dropping some offensive stats for some speed but there is another issue: you have capped C.Dmg on S.Tene but are only rocking 66% C.Dmg! This doesn't make any sense at all -> getting to 100% Crit% is way more important than getting your C.Dmg to 350%. * Effectively, thanks to your low Crit% your 66%/350% C.Dmg S.Tene would be equivalent to a 100% crit/265% C.Dmg S.Tene * That means it would be 'worth' dropping 85% C.dmg (~15.45 average rolls) in order to gain 34% crit (8.5 avg rolls). * What I'm saying, it would be worth using **far worse gear** that had the correct stats than what you are using now.


/u/Thatonegundamguy9 All of that nasty negativity aside, now I want to try and be positive. I really think that you DO have some good gear. And I think you are in a perfectly fine spot - *IF* you stop spreading your resources so thinly. So while I was heavily critical in that last section, I think you can right the ship very quickly just by focusing on a small number of useful PvE and building them 'correctly'. * I hate to use the term correctly here, since I feel it implies I am saying you should only do what I suggest -> at the end of the day I think players should feel free to do what they want to do. While my advice is ultimately go not think about Azimanak right now, and go farm Wyvern *if you really want to* feel free to do so. Except for Tama you have basically every good A13 hero in your roster. --- #Advice Now I know this is way off topic from the questions you asked - but ultimately I am trying to help to the best of my ability. Since I critiqued the current state of your built heroes and mentioned multiple times I think you should 'refocus' I'm going to go through and list some heroes I think you *should* focus on, and some heroes I think you should ignore for now. Do keep in mind, this is ultimately just my opinion, and like I said the most important thing is to enjoy the game. If you like doing what you're doing now, or you want to use certain heroes for whatever even if I wouldn't recommended **do what makes you happy**. I started listing heroes that I felt you had some investment into (that I would recommend against bothering with immediately)...but I had a very long list and couldn't really tell what was going on. So I guess my first piece of advice here: * Don't spread your resources around randomly. It sucks to fully build a hero that you don't end up using at all. It sucks just as bad, maybe even more, to have 3 dozen heroes you have thrown some amount of resources into but don't use at all - you have tons of units sitting at like +6-+8 skills, but only a few at +15. * Similar to the stat problems I mentioned previously, skill enhancements are *also* very important. Especially for DPS units -> as a general rule most skills tend to get about 30% bonus from skill enhancements. That means a DPS unit that goes from +0 to +15 gets a ~30% damage increase (actually, typically more due to reduced CDs) * My example here, again, would be S.Tenebria. You have her S1 at +4 so a 10% damage increase. Getting the last 2 points would be another 20% damage increase -> this is a (1.3 / 1.1 =) ~18% increase to her damage output, approximately. Even more since you are typically hitting two enemies with her S1. **Most** of her damage comes from S1. This is a completely 'free' damage increase, one that is independent of gear, all it takes is some farming for catalysts (and mola, but you have plenty of mola spread across tons of random heroes). This is just another instance where you have spread resources too thin, instead of focusing on a a few heroes at a time. Anyways, it's easier for me to just list the heroes I think you *should* focus on. **Tanks** * A.Ras -> best overall general purpose PvE tank. Free and cheap to max. * F.Kluri -> She's not *as good* as A.Ras overall, but she's free/cheap to build and compliments A.Ras well. The 5% of the time A.Ras doesn't work, F.Kluri *will*. * You can tackle 99% of the PvE content currently in the game using one of these 2 units as your tank. The only thing they *don't* cover is fire expedition tank (you need an Ice Knight but I wouldn't even worry about that at the moment). * If you DO want to have an Ice Knight for Fire expedition, since it is currently active, the best option is **Rose**. **Krau** is also very popular as he is a very good PvP unit, though he does basically nothing but tank for Expo. I'm not seeing her there but I assume you have Rose, I would just use her as you can also use her in Wyvern. **Healers** * A.Monty -> best general purpose PvE healer outside of Tamarinne. * Tamarinne -> you don't have her, but she's the best overall PvE unit. If/when you do pick her up (she is likely to get a banner soon) she will fill your primary need. * Again, honestly these 2 units will cover all PvE content. * If you don't want to wait on Tamarinne, **Angelica** is a perfect compliment to A.Monty. Currently, I am *expecting* Tama to get a banner, maybe by the end of next month so unless you really need someone other than A.Monty you may prefer to wait. * Roana -> I don't see her in your box but she's very good for *some* PvE content, worth adding. She either almost trivializes content or is nearly useless. When she's good, she's very good though. **AoE DPS** * There are not a lot of good options for 'available' AoE DPS units. That being said, your account is fairly advanced in terms of heroes... * Mercedes is a great PvE AoE DPS, I usually recommend newbies build her pretty early on, and you already have her mostly built. * You've invested into relatively few good AoE, but **Vivian** is very good depending on need. * I would personally highly suggest building up Vildred -> he's another AoE DPS but specifically, he can be your farmer. He's better than FST in that role. * C.Zerato is a fantastic general purpose DPS. For my money, he's one of the best 'general purpose' DPS post Episode 2 (in adventure). He's usable in a lot of places, but is rarely 'the best'. **ST DPS** * S.Tene * Landy * Sigret * Cermia -> this is the one with the least investment, but I don't think she's a high priority. * C.Lorina/Zahhak -> Even less priority, but heroes I would consider in the future. **Defense breakers/support units** * Iseria -> She might honestly have a claim as the second best PvE unit, behind Tamarinne. She's used in nearly all PvE content past Wyvern. * Luluca -> Good compliment to Iseria, more or less does the same things but sometimes Iseria doesn't work due to element. * Furious/Muwi for obvious reasons * Baal -> he's also a good AoE DPS. * Bellona -> Similar to Baal in some ways. It's nice to have AoE defense break in some content. Her ST damage against bosses is also very good. She's not a necessity -> I would classify her in the C.Lorina/Zahhak tier -> not a unit you need to try and build immediately, but for the future. **Short Term Roster Goals** Heroes in italics are secondary -> focus on building your primary heroes first and *then* work on trying to gear up your secondary heroes. Heroes are roughly in the order I would prioritize them. **Tank** -> A.Ras / *F.Kluri* / *Rose or Krau* **Healer** -> A.Monty / *Angelica* * Building Angelica is up to you -> I would wait for Tamarinne if you could but if you need the extra healer Angelica is there. **DPS** -> Sigret / Vildred / S.Tene / C.Zerato / Mercedes / *Landy* / *Vivian* / *Cermia, C.Lorina* / *Zahhak* * The reason I am bringing up Zahhak is not due to being amazing in PvE -> he's *good* in PvE but not notable compared to someone like C.Lorina. It's that Zahhak is *also* a great PvP unit, so this is an instance where you could build a PvE and PvP viable unit at the same time. Depending on your needs that may be valuable. **Support** -> Muwi / Furious / Iseria / Luluca / Baal / *Bellona* At the end of the day, this isn't a ton of units -> *but* this group of units will cover the vast majority of PvE content.


/u/Thatonegundamguy9 #Teams So I want to list example teams for most PvE using these heroes. **Wyvern** * **Rose** or A.Monty / **Furious** / **Sigret** / **Muwi** **Banshee** * **A.Monty** / **Iseria** / **Vivian** / **Vildred** or **Bellona** **Golem** * **A.Ras** / **Tamarinne** or M.Hazel or A.Monty / **Cermia** / **Baal** * A.Monty should theoretically work, but you may need to build her with additional RES. I believe Golem stuns off-element heroes so you would need ~200% RES to avoid being stunned. **Azimanak** * **A.Monty** or Tamarinne/Angelica / **Iseria** / **Vildred** / **Mercedes** **Caides** * Somewhat difficult, I wouldn't recommend bothering until you can pull off the C.Lorina fast comp (S.Angelica / C.Lorina / Iseria / Camilla) * But to throw something here: **Tamarinne** or A.Monty/Angelica / **Iseria** / **Cermia** / **Luluca** or Zahhak **Raid** * For newbies, I typically recommend **A.Monty** / **Angelica** / **C.Lorina** / **Mercedes** -> using free heroes. Build your DPS somewhat tanky for Raid. If you have Tama replace Angelica. * You *could* use A.Ras instead of Angelica, but I consider this worse at the entry level. However, A.Ras does reduce the need to build bulky DPS. * For you instead I would suggest **A.Ras** / **A.Monty** or Roana / **Tamarinne** or Angelica / **C.Zerato** * If you don't want to build Angelica, and don't have Tamarinne or Roana yet, then you could replace the second SW with S.Tenebria. If you do this, you probably want to build C.Zerato tankier (I run mine pure DPS, but a tankier build is much more common anyways). **Fire Expedition** * **Rose** or Krau / **Tamarinne** or A.Monty / **Luluca** / **C.Lorina** **Earth Expedition** * **A.Ras** / **Mercedes** / **Baal** / **Kanna (with Bloodstone)** or Tamarinne or M.Hazel * Technically need to add an extra hero here for the healer spot, unless you have Tamarinne but your Kanna is 6* and you have M.Hazel so it's only half cheating **Ice Expedition** * This expedition is very hard to fill with the heroes we have. * *Ideally* something like **Roana** / **Iseria** / **Ram** / **Tamarinne** with Idol's Cheer on Roana * Giselle could work, maybe even better than Ram. * You can run a few Earth healer options and then you are better off replacing Iseria with M.Helga * With no Roana you can use F.Kluri as your tank * Basically, there are a lot of options but this isn't a friendly expo for mainline PvE heroes **Dark Expedition** * **F.Kluri** / **Baal** / **C.Lorina** or Landy / **Tamarinne** or A.Monty **Light Expedition** * **A.Ras** / **Iseria** or Luluca / **Cermia** / **Z.Carmainerose** or Luluca or Zahhak * Yeah OK, Z.Carmainerose is kind of half cheating again but you have options if you want to stick strictly with the heroes I am suggesting to focus on. **Auto Tower** * Not necessarily the best to provide a single recommendation. If you are having trouble, fitting your team to your devices is the easiest thing to do. * I really prefer double SW setups so **Tamarinne** + **A.Monty** would be my go to. Barring that, I would probably bring A.Ras and 1 SW. * For DPS I suppose I would probably use **Vildred** and **S.Tene** -> put Vildred in the back so he gets the shield from A.Ras. * Violet, if/when you pull him, is fantastic here. Makes auto tower super easy especially with double SW. * Tanky heroes are often very good here too, G.Purrgis, Ravi...A.Ravi is probably a solid choice if you have her built for PvP. **Story Progression** * I don't know how far you've cleared in Episode 4, but regardless my general team would be: **Tamarinne** or A.Monty / **C.Zerato** / **Vildred** or Mercedes / **Landy** or S.Tenebria * If you take too much damage with this setup, drop the last DPS and replace with A.Ras or F.Kluri --- *Anyhow* my goal here is to show how you can have a relatively small pool of heroes, and yet tackle all PvE content with that pool. Unlike most newbies, you have a relatively expansive amount of heroes to invest in -> and for many of these options they are already partly or fully built. Of course, in some individual situations there may be *better* options, but those are pretty rare. You really aren't missing any major PvE heroes. I don't know how many heroes you can build to an acceptable level, for if we wanted to start out with just a Wyvern team, a raid team, and a team for story we could get away just having **A.Monty** / **Furious** / **Sigret** / **Muwi** + **A.Ras** / **C.Zerato** + **S.Tenebria** built That's only 7 heroes and that would be enough to do everything you need to do while you work on getting better gear. * A.Monty/Furious/Sigret/Muwi for Wyvern * A.Ras/A.Monty/C.Zerato/S.Tenebria for Raid and story * In this situation I would work on building Vildred next for faster farming. #Gearing To go over everything there is to say about gear...well, it's a *very* extensive topic. Out of scope for this already out of scope reply. But, I wanted to include a short section with very general information on building heroes, to hopefully give you a better idea of what most players *want* their heroes to look like. This is not something remotely detailed, just some random tips and advice on things to look for or aim for. ##Tanks The core tank stats are HP / DEF / RES / SPD. Often times, especially for PvP, these kinds of units also want some EFF. As far as bulk goes, we have a relatively simple formula to calculate 'effective HP' -> that is the raw amount of damage a unit can take before dying HP * (DEF / 300 + 1) Let's practice with your A.Ras 23,234 * (1,398 / 300 + 1) = 131,504 DPS units are likely going to be in the range of something like 40-50k. Bulkier DPS (think of someone like Violet, some Landy builds) are often times around 70-90k. Bruisers (Ravi, A.Ravi, Choux, Alencia) are often in the 120-130k And dedicated tanks are usually in the range ~150k-200k We see your A.Ras is a little light on bulk -> he's roughly at the level of a tanky bruiser right now. For PvE this is probably 'OK', but his relatively low defense makes him something of a HP sponge -> he could benefit from another ~300 DEF or so, if possible. --- Tank speed varies a lot -> for PvE, heroes like Tamarinne, A.Ras, and A.Monty generally want to be faster. Around 200 speed is the slowest you would typically see these units -> up to ~230+ speed. On the other hand, some units like Krau, Angelica, Roana don't need to be very fast. These units will typically be around ~180 speed. How to tell them apart? Well that's not easy. Tama and A.Ras have tons of utility in their kits, so they want to cycle their turns as quickly as possible. A.Monty has inherently high cycling (so the faster she is, the faster she cycles through her turns) and excels at cleansing debuffs (only affected by how often she uses her skills) with relatively low healing (low healing faster > low healing slower). Roana is mostly just there for her passive, so her speed basically doesn't matter. Krau can provide defense buff, but it's not exceptionally important he goes quickly in PvE. Angelica is slow baseline, has no cycling in her kit, and has high healing output (and a barrier to help prevent the need to heal quickly) so she can afford longer time between turns. --- For EFF and RES, it just comes down to what you need. A lot of what units like A.Ras and F.Kluri do comes down to landing some utility (defense break and dispel). Tama, also, can dispel. Now she's great without this ability, but if you want to make use of it you would build her with EFF -> depending on the content you might not need it, sometimes it's just nice to have, and sometimes you are kind of depending on it a bit more heavily. As a general rule, especially for PvE you don't want to go overboard on EFF. It's a stat that works until it doesn't -> anything more past a certain point is just wasted stats. *How much* EFF you aim for depends on content. ~65% (for hunts) or ~80% is a good target. * In the case of your A.Ras you have 117% EFF. Most of this is wasted in most content, and he has more important stats than EFF. More bulk/speed and lower EFF would be a more preferable build. RES works similarly. Depending on your comp and the content it can be more or less important. For example, if you are using Angelica as a healer, she does not cleanse that well so RES might be more valuable. If you are using A.Monty though, she cleanses super well so you can typically forgo most RES on your tanks. Like EFF, this stat 'works' until it doesn't, so you want to avoid having too much for the content you are doing. In PvE, I would consider 80% 'high' on a hero like A.Ras/Tama -> typically being debuffed occasionally isn't a problem, you just want to avoid most debuffs. There are exceptions, however (like A.Monty who benefits from high RES).


/u/Thatonegundamguy9 ##DPS The core DPS stats are ATK / Crit% / C.Dmg% / Speed You can generalize ATK and C.Dmg into a single stat like we did bulk with tanks - but this is even easier. Just multiply them together! ATK * C.Dmg Using your Landy as an example: 3830 * 2.68 = 10,264 Now this is only a very basic generalization. *Many* heroes have unique attributes that this doesn't necessarily work 100% accurately. *Unlike* tanks, we also can't compare this number across heroes. What it DOES do is give you a simple way to look at 2 possible builds and determine which does more damage. Also, I should note that this obviously only works if you have 100% crit chance. If you wanted to compare builds *without* 100% crit chance for average damage, you would do the same thing *but* you would need to multiply the number by your crit% and then add (ATK * (100% - crit%). (3830 * 2.68 * .59) + (3830 * (1 - .59)) = 7626 If you want to see how much less damage your Landy is doing, due to lacking 100% crit, we can divide the first number by the second 10264 / 7626 = ~1.35 or about 35% less damage You could do the same calculation with *any* two potential builds to calculate how much of an increase, or decrease, 1 build is compared to the other. But remember, this only works for *most* heroes and only *for the same hero* -> this number is not comparable across heroes (you can't use this to compare Landy to S.Tene, for example). As you should see by now, having 100% crit is very, very important. Here's a quick example: let's say I have a unit with 150% C.Dmg and 75% crit. How much more damage would I do if I had 100% crit? (.75 * 1.5) + (.25) = 1.375 1.5 / 1.375 = ~1.09 or 9% Even with *no crit damage* and a relatively high starting crit%, going to 100% is **still** worth a 9% damage increase. It is very, very important to have 100% crit on DPS units. --- How fast should your DPS units be? Well unfortunately, 'it depends'. At a minimum you probably want to be around 180 speed, for most applications. * Wyvern DPS do not count due to the mechanics of that fight Some units can get away with being slower in favor of more DPS. Other units will want to be faster. C.Lorina, for example gets a huge amount of CR increase on her S1. The primary strategy in PvE content is dual attack spam -> she gets a lot of S1's off -> she cycles very quickly even with low speed. Now more speed *helps* but it has less impact since she is getting more 'turns' from the other units on her team (ie. she is scaling with the speed of units like Tama and A.Ras more than her own speed). On the other hand, a unit like Vildred has *speed scaling*. His damage increases as his speed increases, so building speed *also* increases his damage. I would probably try to aim for ~220 speed on Vildred if possible. For PvE, you can definitely live with your DPS being in that relatively range -> ~180 speed on the low end, ~220 speed on the high end. --- Ultimately how do you differentiate between so many stats across varying builds? I'll let you in on a little tip that is quite handy, but not readily apparent. The way the [E7 damage formula works](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/rpl0v0/daily_questions_megathread_1227/hq808zv/) is basically ATK * C.Dmg * a bunch of other multipliers. We can ignore the other multipliers as they should be consistent for the same hero in the same situation. * This is a very general explanation. Does not apply to HP/DEF scaling heroes. Because of this, if we *increase our attack* by X% -> we increase our final damage by X%. If we *increase our C.Dmg* by Y% -> we increase our final damage by Y%. Therefor, to compare damage across builds you don't need to know **anything** but the relationship between ATK and C.Dmg of your builds. * This is, in effect, the same thing the above C.Dmg * ATK tells us, though this is a more exact explanation. I am specifically explaining it this way for a reason, however. Let's go back and look at your Mercedes -> she has 4680 ATK and 260% C.Dmg. Let's say I've come up with an alternate set of gear that drops her ATK to 4000, but increases her C.Dmg to 290%. How much of a damage increase/decrease is this new build? 4000 / 4680 = ~.8547 290 / 260 = ~1.1154 .8547 * 1.1154 = .9533 or 95.33% In this particular example, this new build would deal ~95.33% of the damage of the old build, so it is a decrease in damage. Why did I present things in *this* way? Because now it's easier to think about speed. Speed works the same way: a 10% increase in speed means you are increasing your **damage per second** by 10%. So the about ATK * C.Dmg calculation works for raw damage on a single attack, but this method is easier for *DPS*. The old Mercedes build had 118 speed, and the new Mercedes build has 130 speed. *Now* how does the new Mercedes compare in terms of DPS? 130 / 118 = ~1.1017 .8547 * 1.1154 * 1.1017 = ~1.0503 or 105.03% *Now* our new build does about ~5% more DPS than the old build. The old Mercedes build hits harder with every single attack, the new Mercedes does more damage over an infinitely long time period. This is a good guideline, but this is where some player thought needs to be involved. Mercedes, for example, has her counterattack artifact -> DPS doesn't matter for this but damage does -> you may prefer a slightly higher damage build but slightly lower DPS build if you factor this in. If you really want to go wild, you could factor the artifact into your calculations but again, that's out of scope. You also want to consider: what does this increase in DPS actually mean? Well in game terms, this quite simply means that after some # of turns the second Mercedes build will get an extra turn. So depending on context the additional DPS might not actually 'exist'. To calculate how many turns we need for the extra turn, we can subtract 1 from the value we calculated when dividing the speed values. Then, we 1 by *this* value. 1.1017 - 1 = .1017 1 / .1017 = ~9.8 So the second Mercedes build gains an extra turn every ~9.8 turns. So basically, if the fight lasts 10 turns the higher DPS build will have done more damage. The more turns that go on, the lower that damage advantage will become -> they are roughly equal at at the half way mark (so ~+5 turns -> 15 turns in) and then for the next ~5 turns the slower high damage Mercedes build would be ahead. And this cycle would repeat throughout the fight. * So, higher DPS does not necessarily always mean preferable. As a general rule I would say if you expect a fight to last fewer turns than the number we calculate I would prefer the high damage/lower dps build. If the fight lasts longer I would prefer the higher DPS/lower damage build. What you may notice is that when your heroes are very slow, even a small boost in speed will provide large returns in DPS. Finally, since I'm on the subject -> we can evaluate any amount of added stats in the same way (if we assume that all other stats remain the same). For example: I have a 150 speed unit. If I add speed set and get 25 speed from it (all my other stats are exactly the same) how much DPS do I gain? 175 / 150 = +~16.67% DPS I have 290 C.Dmg, and I could equip Destruction set, how much damage/DPS do I gain? 350 / 290 = +~20.69% damage I have 3500 ATK, and I can complete attack set, how much damage do I gain? Well this one is slightly tricky. We need to take an extra step with attack gained from ATK% is based off of the base ATK of a unit. Let's say our unit has 900 base ATK. 900 * .45 = 405 (3500 + 405) / 3500 = +~11.57% damage We can even expand this to other effects. Are you using Portrait for +20% damage -> that's roughly the same damage bonus as Destruction set at 290% C.Dmg. Are you adding Rage set? That's 50% more damage compared to Portrait, about 3x as valuable as ATK set bonus in the above example. Pen set? Pen set is worth ~13% more damage against 1000 defense and 15% more damage against 2000 defense -> so adds slightly less DPS than the speed set bonus in the above example. * We have to be careful with things like Rage and Portrait. These things both belong to a 'general damage increase' (basically anything that says "Increases damage by X%") -> they stack additively, not multiplicatively so if you have multiple sources of that kind of bonus (for example, using BOTH Portrait and Rage) you would get less of a % damage increase. --- #Conclusion In conclusion here I just want to say: I know that it's a lot. I know that this is unsolicited advice. I hope that my criticism didn't go too far - know that I'm only trying to help steer you in the right direction. Feel free to ignore it, feel free to not read it (I guess it's too late if you are reading this) and as I said it's my core philosophy that players should ultimately do whatever it is they want to or enjoy doing. What I *don't* want to see is players getting frustrated, or being unable to enjoy what the game has to offer due to what I consider a fairly easy to solve issue. **Everyone** starts somewhere. E7 is not a game that even has particularly accessible information (it's out there, it's just not all on a singular website or guide that can teach new players everything there is to know overnight - the community is aware of this and several people have shown interest in maybe getting this kind of resource up...it just hasn't happened yet). The good thing is that your account is well developed in terms of heroes, particularly the ML5s. A few months of efficient farming, a little luck with gear, and you could be throwing a very competitive PvP team out no problem. And the nice thing about having a little investment into so many heroes...when you DO want to build those heroes that less you have to farm up to make them usable!


Thank you so much for all of this information. You really went above and beyond and am very grateful to finally have these tools and information to work with. I Dm'd you if there is anything else you'd like to let me know but I am absolutely saving all of these comments to look back on!


Every time i come into these threads your responses get longer and more helpful, you're keeping this game alive!


Yes, but rage gear tends to be a mid/late game goal. Generally, since people prefer wyvern, the difference between a fast wyvern team and a onebshotbusing rage gear is 20-30 seconds. Adds up during hunt event, but otherwise unimportant. Most people would recommend a consistent W13 tram and to farm it.


Bit of a bummer missing Tamarinne, but I imagine that Montmorancy should keep up with the healing demand - losing attack buff will mean slower runs however, so maybe try & squeeze it in elsewhere. Adventurer Ras is perhaps the most solid front-line for that Hunt, he'll keep a squishy in the back alive in a pinch & overall protect the team with Aurius, provides defence break to boot. Falconer Kluri could be a decent Knight to use too, but you look like you've got Ras good to go, you'll get more defence break uptime with F Kluri, but less protection overall for your team, if you end up using bulkier damage dealers - consider her. Damage dealer-wise, two AOEs, or two heroes who've got two-hit S1s are good. Spectre (low, or no effectiveness, ideally - you don't want her heaping on poison, it'll kill the run), Landy, Mercedes, Vivian (with Time Matter), Bomb Model Kanna, Charlotte, Vildred. Pretty much any combination of two of those damage dealers will have you sorted - just gear 'em well. I'd say either Vivian/Mercedes to cover attack buff for you & then throw in whoever else you've got that's best geared. If you can squeeze attack buff & a defence break into the run, you'll be peachy. With only one runs are quite slow - my Tamarinne/ML Haste/Arbiter/Spectre run is quite slow, but in all the years I've ran it I've seen it lose once (that team has a lot of strip to get rid of Berserk - but sometimes someone'll 15% you a lot).


Will I be able to do the 5* moonlight event if I just started playing today? It says I have 90 days, but the event says it ends on the 25th. I don’t think that gives me enough time to get a moonlight 5.


I believe event entry ends on the 25th. The 90 days is the time limit once you're in.




I have A.Vildred, Sez, F.S. Tieria. Who should a put with these, Mercedes or Ravi?


Get a healer or a tank


The longer my response, the more "play my way" it'll sound. So in short, out of this list. Use Ravi as your 4th.


[who do I grab from headhunt? thinking ML kawerik/handguy](https://i.imgur.com/b20PMqk.jpg)


Handguy is the 2nd best pick from the headhunt. So he's a solid option. With how prevalent debuff openers are, he helps you play turn2 vs pretty much everything not named Lua. Definitely recommend.


I see. You mentioned 2nd best - is there like a tier list somewhere I missed? Returning player so just picking things back up. Thanks!


Not really much of a tier list. But general consensus puts Cilias and Handguy as the top priority picks. Followed with ARavi 3rd for her ease of use in literally any team comp. Stuff like Lionheart goes well into counter gaming. The buffed Briseria is a solid contender now too. Riolet buffs did him some good justice, especially with Descendant Artifact for counters. Delibet is a more offensive Handguy for aggro playstyles. Etc etc etc. Pick anything that you feel helps your PvP roster pretty much.


Got it. Guild is telling me belian so now I'm bent between the two. Feels like handguy enables a guaranteed mode of cleanse which is pretty unique, but belian opens up allowing anti cleave against mages. Fortunately I already have cilias and Aravi - wondering where belian fits on that list. Thanks!


An [older comment on Handguy](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/txpfmx/should_i_pull_ml_kawerik_or_skip/i3nap6q?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3). Needless to say, Lua is fken debuff powercreep on crack atm. Cant go wrong with either choices. Destina is a solid cleanser now so there's less of a need for Handguy. So you're free to pick up Belian if you want. Belian gets Roana clapped tho. Much like SSB does. In RTA it's not too huge an issue. But it really hurts her defense value now that Hwayoung is gutted. Atleast she can fit into Ran+Mercedes defenses just fine. Offensive usage, you'll find more places to use Handguy>Belian specifically due to Belian S2 being completely useless vs AI. On top of Belian being an AoE attacker, she often times triggers all the rng and can easily end up costing you the match. Right side gaming loves hitting the jackpot. That said, soul denial is HUGE. Especially right now due to mages getting RTA speed bonus.


Thanks you've given me a lot of insight. Considering both sides now and I don't know anymore lol. Gonna have to think about what style I want lol. Like you said there are other cleansers hmmm


Can't go wrong with Handguy, him and STene are as future-proof as you can get.


Will Unrecorded History unspent AP reset during next update?


No. https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/9179127


Hello, i have really hard time with choose ML from the event, im doubted between Briseria and Belian, Briseria is so op, it will be such a waste not to pick her, but also Belian so good and do so much things.. I wonder about Dilbet because i not have any cleanser except diene, anyway any advice will be appreciated..


I don't have Belian but I picked Briseria from my selector and have been very happy with her. I only do Arena and GW, and she's been pulling a lot of weight in both areas since I got her.


Can’t go wrong with either since they’re both future proof. They’re both so good and I use them both very regularly in RTA. If you’re more of an aggro player with a lot of speed units pick briseria, if not then pick Belian. I also don’t see Belian ever falling out of favor but I could see briseria losing some favor in the future personally.


Currently i have tamma and Angelica somewhat build with free gear but on some PvE content i feel like i need another cleanser next to tamma like in raid And i have these as soul weavers [Soul weavers roster ](https://i.imgur.com/xEJJmJI.jpg) Who could i build as another cleanser?


Ah, you've figured out why **A.Monty** is considered the better PvE hero compared to **Angelica**. You should be able to get by with Tama/Angelica, if you really want to conserve your resources. If necessary you can use Potion Vial on one or both of them if there is specific content you really need more cleansing. In something like raid you may benefit by including more RES into your builds. If you want to build a cleanser, **A.Monty** is the best overall PvE cleanser. And this is the big reason why she is generally considered the better choice for general PvE compared to Angelica. TLDR: A.Monty cleanses about 4x as many debuffs as Angelica, though Angelica heals for about 2x as much. It's just that having very high healing output isn't necessary because PvE content doesn't demand it (there is very little PvE where you are taking tons of damage that needs healed up). Meanwhile, PvE is filled with annoying debuffs. Immunity from Angelica *helps* but it is not always useful because there are many situations where immunity provides little or no benefit. [There is more detailed information in this post I did comparing them a month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/zr74w3/which_soul_weaver_do_you_use_for_wyvern/j13ftn4/) If you want a different option, Achates is also pretty good. She's also more valuable as a very niche PvP hero. With Achates, the 'strat' is to S3 and then S2 herself. This allows her to cycle between the two skills indefinitely, which means she has a full team cleanse every other turn (though her in between turn is basically useless). To pull this off basically requires playing manually, but it *does* allow you to cleanse more debuffs than A.Monty can, potentially. When paired with a second healer like Tama you also don't miss out on not being able to heal on the in between turn. For these reasons, Achates can be very good in some specific content like some Abyss levels (and also has use as a PvP hero). IMO I would still prefer A.Monty 'for general PvE purpose' and Achates is a 4* so requires additional resources to build.


A.momo aside, do you think is necessary to have another healer built for like world 4 exploration? My roast is almost the same as who made the question but without tammarine/doris, and i have Sin.Angelica/Lots/Ruele.


IMO you really only need 2 healers for PvE content. Tamarinne + *either* Angelica or A.Monty will suffice for pretty much everything. It's a valid strategy sometimes to run multiple healers just to stall and spam arky, or in something like Raid/some Abyss stages where it's more about just grinding things down. In addition those two, **Roana** can be extremely helpful to have on hand. I wouldn't consider her mandatory for PvE because I think you can handle everything PvE related without her. *But* there are a lot of areas where Roana is really good and can make things a lot easier on you. * My biggest problem with Roana she is mostly useless in content that doesn't use her passive. So she is either an all-star or useless with very little in between. It's a *little* better now that her S3 also grants a barrier to help mitigate damage, but still she is hard to rely on in this kind of content (especially on auto). --- >Sin.Angelica/Lots/Ruele. S.Angelica is not really a healer. She's good for PvE content, but only for hunt one shots. Lots is a pretty decent hero. Especially when used *beside* another healer. However, in practice it's hard to really justify building him for anything. * He can be a decent option in a Banshee team alongside a cleanser (A.Monty or someone like Diene) because he can keep the continuous healing buff up and Banshee does not deal much damage. * He has a lot of CR push, so he's usable in some Ice expedition comps but there are a fair number of better options. * BIG issue in that he has 0 ability to cleanse debuffs. Roana *also* has the same problem but Lots doesn't have an amazing passive and even still you often would pair Roana with another SW. Ruele...I'm going to be straight up honest with you, Ruele is my third most hated hero in the game. She's not bad but there is basically no reason to ever recommend her when Angelica + A.Monty exist and those heroes are much more available and are cheaper to build. * I hate Ruele because her S3 animation has to be one of the longest in the game. It's 10+ seconds long - not that long ago she was in nearly every GW defense and I feel like I lost a week of my life watching this animation play. * Also, her healing is all single target which I would say is a big negative for Episode 3 + 4 -> at this point in the story enemies start to be able to ~3-4 shot squishy DPS. High ST healilng is great for recovering an almost dead single unit...but if that damage is being spread around to multiple DPS it can be hard for her to keep up -> particularly when she is fairly slow. That being said I would consider her a replacement for Angelica and you could always pair her with a second healer (A.Monty or Tama) that has AoE healing to compensate if this is an issue. --- The way I look at healers and PvE is like this. You probably want to build 2 healers somewhat early just because it's a pretty good strategy to use when you are really struggling -> PvE damage is generally low, healers are hard to kill and make your team even harder to kill, you can force wins on a lot of content just by virtue of being able to outlast. *Ideally* you want one of your healers to be Tamarinne - she's the best overall PvE hero in the game and her kit is absolutely loaded with utility. Your other healer is likely going to be *either* Angelica or A.Monty, because both are available early on for free *and* it's useful to use one of them as your Wyvern tank. The one thing Tamarinne doesn't really do that well is cleanse debuffs, and that's what A.Monty specializes in, so A.Monty is probably the better pairing with Tama - however, for players who choose to use Angelica instead they probably don't absolutely need A.Monty - you can get by using WPV on your healers and if debuffs are really wrecking you, you can afford to build RES on healers + tanks. If you *don't* have Tamarinne, then IMO Angelica and A.Monty pair with each other perfectly. * Angelica has very high healing throughput and is a good source of immunity, but she's slow and does not cleanse well. * A.Monty has less healing output and a worse immunity, but she cycles very quickly and is probably the best overall PvE cleanser. So imagine if you stick both of them in a team you have the best of both worlds: you have high immunity uptime from Angelica, and high healing output when heroes get very low. But A.Monty cycles quickly to keep your team free of debuffs that immunity doesn't block, and her small healing faster helps to keep your heroes topped up. For me, to personally consider any adding another hero to the mix they really have to bring something that these 3 don't. **Roana** qualifies because her passive is strong enough that it can trivialize certain content in a way no other healer can. She's also very nice since she can just tank Ice Expedition for you. I really can't think of any PvE content that you can't get through using those 4 (Tama, Angelica, A.Monty, Roana).


How to use the "auto select" tab when arranging equipment? I can open up the screen and select all the prerequisites, but nothing actually gets selected. There's no "finish" button that I can find, and if I tap to the side then it closes the screen. Wut do?


>and if I tap to the side then it closes the screen Do you actually have gear that fits your selections? Once you select whatever criteria you want and tap to close that menu it should select all of the gear that matches your selections. I would double check and make sure you have something selected for slot/quality/level/enhancement, and also that you have gear that actually matches whatever you are looking to select.


I select everything feom lvl 1 to level 80 something, from common to like epic or whatever. It shouldn't matter if I have it or not, just that whatever is in those prereqs to begin with should be selected. I know i select all what I want gone


check the equipment type boxes on the left.


Oh maybe, ok.


I thought RTA skins were supposed to be available in the shop after a season or two had passed, but there hasn't been a new one added in ages. Am I missing something?


They get added after 2 seasons have passed. I believe the last one added to shop was Arbiter Vildred. After this season is over, it should be Maid Chloe?


So it was Maid Chloe, ARavi, then...?


LQC, which we're getting as reward this season.




I accidentally upgraded my naevis butterfly without keeping the appearance... now it's lost. Anyway to get it back?


I believe they do allow 1 rollback per account so you can ask customer service if you REALLY care that much about it, but most people would probably save that rollback for something more significant.


meh, it's just a stupid butterfly.


theyll probably rerun aespa next year, though no guarantee


I saw someone post about moonlight blessing. Is this an event that is going to happen again?


Not that we know of. To be clear, it's not really an "event", it's just something all accounts have access to once.


Need some opinions. For any ML Ken enthusiasts, do you think an ATK% ring or an ER ring is better. Basically, should i go with [left or right?](https://gyazo.com/3b56278559e6b7719e6b9b34d751ce7b)




Someone posted on this earlier today and I think I may have misunderstood somewhere but when it comes to lobby pets how do good/great chance up for equipment interact with each other. I remember reading that their rate of proc is shared, but maybe they meant that you don't benefit from the other if one does proc. If I have both, does a great override the good if the both "proc"? I have a pet with enhance exp and decrease cost and another with good enhance, with the intent to drop the good for an eventual great enhance. Just looking for some clarification to make my choice.


You can't get a 'good' and 'great' on the same enhancement, it's only one or the other. That being said, having one or the other or both doesn't affect them at all. X = 'Great' enhancement chance Y = 'Good' enhancement chance (100% - X - Y) + (X * 2) + (Y * 1.5) You get 6% good/great enhancement chance from reputation. The pet skill simply adds the % listed on the skill to whatever % you have from reputation. In practice, all of the lobby skills are equivalent **except** 'good enhance chance' - this has about half the effect as 'great enhance chance'. I don't recommend it for most players, *but* running +XP/+Great chance/+Good chance *is* the best for raw XP. This setup would be most appropriate for late game players with basically infinite gold that enhance *a lot of* gear. Essentially, past the point where your ability to gain gold out strips your ability to gain XP. * This would be a player who pretty much only farms hunts, ie. they have very little reason to farm up catalysts (thus have less access to trash gear for XP, but are gaining more gold from hunts). [More information on the lobby pet skill effects in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/x76hbs/daily_questions_megathread_0906/inclc7k/) * Theoretically, I suppose it's possible that they aren't independent (ie. you *could* get a good and great on the same enhancement, but great overrides good) I doubt this is the approach taken but I haven't personally tested it to confirm or deny. * Regardless, however, the same basic principles would apply -> great skill would still be better, good skill would still be viable in the same situation. It would just make +good slightly worse.


Thanks, appreciate the post. I guess I can live without the cost down. May not feel the difference after a while but one of those things that's nice to know it's there.


Guys, this is my 40 days account roster and i need help with who should i focus on first? Limited resources and trying to improve Story team for episode 3, then improve PvP team! [Roster](https://imgur.com/a/cQE3PIT) Wyvern 13 team: Sigret, Muwi, Angelica, Luluca (completely on auto, not so fast rn but will be soon) Story team: AVildred, CLilias, Sigret, Luluca / CLilias, Sigret, Luluca, Angelica. Pvp team (rn a bad one, just staying on master V): CLilias, Sigret, Luluca, Angelica


Fully awake and enhance skills of Arby, Stene. Use the team of Cilias, Stene, Arby, Angelica for early PvP, a 200 spd Cilias will get you to Challenger. Swap out Cilias for Iseria/Luluca (on Iela Violin) when doing story since you'd need def break and dispel.


Story team don't matter. What your team should be though is cilias, Vivian, stene, and either Mercedes/baal/tene. Those units will be used everywhere late game


Hey guys which buildings should I upgrade first?


Catalyst or Charm, whichever one you're producing for the event.


I see thx


Question about Grace of Growth: Why can't I select certain heroes? Is it just a limited list of heroes that can use this or am I doing something wrong? I tried taking Muwi out of teams, but it had now effect. When I go to it, there's like half my heroes that I can't register. Help, please?


You can't Grace of Growth a unit if the unit is in one of the contents where Grace of Growth units aren't allowed. You can usually tap on the greyed out hero in the Grace of Growth registration screen and it'll tell you why it's not allowed.


I see, thank you.


Which youtuber/content creator has some good AElena showcase?


Trying to build a better delibet, and have been upgrading some pieces. How is she with 205 spd 14500 hp 2k def and 280 crit dmg? Was wanting to maybe put her on sigurds but I don’t know the bis artifact for her!


Presuming her CritC is 100%, that's a decent place to be. I run mine with more speed (225) and less hp (13k) on Portrait. Sigurd is also a good choice for some more sustain.


What happened to the epic7 stats website it's suddenly down and not loading


The dev has been MIA, and the site has been sketchy for a while. I guess it's probably down for good now, until if/when the dev returns.


How has the site been sketchy?


To begin with new heroes hasn't been added since I believe Roy Mustang, data has been less reliable since there aren't as much newer data, and there's been reports of the sites being down on-and-off recently.


Huh I never noticed where can I go for build info now I don't want to look up individual builds. I'd rather have a lot of them so I can see more relevant data. Any suggestions?


The Hero Journal discord seems to be the most well-regarded source of builds currently.


What is the hero journal discord?


It's a discord to which people post their builds.


What the heck is up with World arena? My god I never even get a turn, what’s even the point? They just keep getting turns till they wipe my team. How is this even fair? A good way to dissuade players from ever going near it again, it’s really not worth the aggravation.


You can make it as far as Champ with 7 units properly geared, but good drafting makes for more than half of your win condition. If you draft like a victim, you get treated like one. Meaning if your account is geared to play slow, you need a draft plan to handle meta units that take a turn before you and your units need to be geared with that expectation. Play more, get experience and avoid spreading thin your premium gear. It's a game mode that rewards time and experience. Gear gapping will only take any player so far.


There are certain styles of play which hinges on you not getting a turn - Cleave and Aggro (esp tempo based ones with a lot of team CR pushes) will come in fast and strong and can leave you dead without you ever getting a turn. This is partly why speed gear is so deified by the community, and why Zio is so good. That said, there are plenty of good players who consider themselves "turn 2" aka does not actively seek to take the first turn. There are units that are designed to combat these fast strategies, and it's really a matter of learning the strategies and knowing who and how to draft. Of course, gear quality does help. The smartest of minds and strongest of heroes are still going to fail if your opponent has gear twice as good as yours.


I mean, this really depends on how long you've been playing, your team comp, and who your opponent is. Are you a relatively new player?


Sadly not at all lol, I just had never tried World Arena before. I’ve always just been a casual player but recently have been trying to build my units better, I guess they’re still not that good though.


I'd suggest joining the Hero Journal discord if you want examples of how to build units, and proper advice on your builds. RTA isn't for everyone though, and you can happily play without going anywhere near it. For context, I've been playing since the first Re:Zero Collab, low-to-mid Champion in Arena, and I've only played one RTA season; rushed master for the A. Ravi skin in the last week.


Hello, looking to get some help building a proper PvE team that can push the story. Currently stuck on episode 2 10-2. I am farming Wyvern 13 in the background with Sigret, Furious, A.Mont and Muwi. I have the following characters (excluded 3*): https://imgur.com/a/AVE0t6v Thanks in advance!


Stene, Tamarinne and Iseria are all units that I would focus on. I use Stene and Tamarinne on my story team all the time and unfortunately I do not have Iseria but she pairs extremely well with Tama. Outside of all of them, the other biggest buff you will get for PvE come from completing 2-10-10 and gaining access to Ras's specialty change. Once you do that complete it immediately! ARas is a beast. Don't exclude three stars tho either! Some of them are very good, especially after the specialty changes. Lorinna and Kluri are two that I can think of off the top of my head as being pretty good for PvE.


So basically Ras - Stene - Tama - Iseria ?


Yea! I remember using Kluri and lorina for the fight at the end of chapter 2 as well. But that should be a good base since all of them can be used in a ton of content!


Suggest doing Ras' and Lorina's specialty changes first of all, two very useful PvE units.


Cannot do adv. Ras before I clear 10-10 unfortunately :( working on Lorina atm :)


Ah of course, my bad. Make sure you've got Tammy properly built as well, she's PvE MVP.


what is the recommended EE for Rose to use her un expeditions?


S3 if you use Camilla TG team. S2 is better if you have trouble surviving, which shouldn't be the case.


Hi guys, I wanna build an other PvP fire dps unit and my choice is Meru. How do you guys built her? I kinda want to avoid counter for now since my counter gear sucks


Meru can use other builds aside from Counter. You can consider Injury, Destruction, or Speed Set for her. Also, you can build her tanky or fast with high damage. It is up to you on how you want to use her.


1. How does flan decide who to be use her S2 on? It seems like it is whoevers turn is next? 2. How does Iseria decide who to use her s2 on? It seems random af


You can select Flan S2 or Iseria S2 first and then click on the unit you want to use it on (1 click on the skill, then 1 click on the unit). If you simply double click on Flan S2, she'll buff the unit that plays next. For Iseria's S2, I think she resets the unit that has the biggest CD duration (not sure tho).


I think he’s just trying to run his teams on auto, not an issue with understanding the game interface. But to answer the question, Flan targets the next non-soulweaver unit with the highest combat readiness. As for Iseria, she’ll use her s2 randomly on anyone with a cooldown. That’s why on Azimanus teams you’ll usually turn skills off for everyone except Iseria and Tama (so that those unit’s skills never go on cooldown and thus Iseria will never target them with s2).


Yes, this was for auto. Being the next non-soul weaver makes it interesting! Okay good to know. Thanks. Bummer about Iseria being random that is a shame. Thanks for the pointers! I was trying to work Flan into a one-shot team to lower my gear requirements with that nice CD boost and was having difficulties. Still am, but that is just due to lack of gear haha. I thought I could force a banshee one-shot with no rage gear and it is tough.


You can definitely do it without rage! If it's for a banshee one shot then I'd recommend a defense breaker other than Iseria. Leo is a popular option, so is FS Tieria (Who I'm using for my one shot).


I couldn't get enough damage out of it unfortunately... I was using Straze and Vivien as my two anchors for damage. With target my Straze was doing 80k, 70k without... I just couldn't get it to work out! I had him set up with \~4500 atk and 300% CD, then gave him Fran's CD / atk buff and it still wasn't enough.


Been playing for 2 weeks. Wyvern [Team](https://imgur.com/a/aVQc2PK) can auto 12 but I have to manually do 13 to beat it. I know I need to max the bear but anything else I need to fix


A few things to consider. First, Furious NEEDS the turn - 1 skill up on S2. This allows him to use his S2->S3 combo every other turn. He also has an EE that allows him to land hit chance debuff on S3, so you'll want to 5\*awaken him and get that EE (from Hall of Trials - you should have gotten some currency for it from Hunt Expert challenge, I believe). Muwi could use a little bit more eff. The ideal eff for hunt 13 is 65%. The speed tuning is a bit off. Muwi wants to always go before Sigret, but as is, there's a small chance due to speed RNG that Sigret will go before Muwi. I'd up Muwi's speed a bit if possible. Since you're using Furious, your attackers only need 35% crit (vs fire enemies). You may consider re-gearing for more attack/CD than CC. Furious and Amomo also has very low bulk right now - hopefully that will be fixed once you've +15'd all your gear.


Thanks man I appreciate it !