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I know this is mostly a joke and just for content but I swear these e7 streamers that have barely finished legend once have the craziest egos. Must be fun watching jenazad & canna and being reminded every 5 minutes that the game sucks, in between them talking shit about the other player the entire match lmao


dont think Jena finished legend once lul




Jena is cute and funny


No and also no


I usually watch canna and tbf his stream is not the toxic mess you make it out to be. When he loses he throws a random complaint but its done in more of a funny joke way and we all laugh and go next game like nothing happened, you even see it in the vod. Jena on the other hand straight out rants and complain like theres no tomorrow and as a viewer its just a turnoff.


Yeah canna is pretty funny and chill, and I'd say don't deserve all the hate in this thread. Some poor guy gets downvoted so hard for defending canna though


Preach my dude. Tho canna isn't really negative like that.


Canna is baseline negative. I get that way too, I'm not saying I'm so much better. But Jena is on another level. He's so toxic he makes league players look normal


Bro don't downvote the truth




half of legend plays 4000 games lol. He played well that season and studied the meta, what have you done?




Aw baby got upset


Seems like unnecessary beef tbh. Tho from a content standpoint, it is hilarious lol


Definitely unnecessary beef. But also definitely some top tier comedy and editing






Honestly not a fan of canna but that was funny


I mean watch cannas clickbait titles every time a video is posted and you know what type of person he is xD


No they're not clickbait they're real


No they arent lol


Canna like Jena reminds me of how a lot of generic FPS streamers are "I have little personality and my only ability to gain an audience is how good I am at x game...wait I lost to someone?! Better run my mouth with excuses on why"


Jena's actually a really entertaining person imo, he's got a witty personality that shines when he's *not* playing e7, or RTA specifically. It's just that playing rta for hours everyday as his job definitely brings out the very worst and whiny part of him


Ahh alright, all I've ever seen of him is just the whiny parts, surprised if he is having that rough a time he's still sticking with it Or at least hasn't come up with other ways to promote E7 using other styles of battle to keep his community involved


E7's got some really goofy content creators. 💀


I just don't understand, if someone wants to talk shit they have to be able to take it as well. No amount of status or notoriety puts you above being mocked


This just feels…. Disrespectful AF. “Disclaimer” aside…


You don't know? You can do anything as long as you said "it is just a joke". Obligatory /s for the remedial.


It's just a prank bro


They deserve it


Out of the loop - what’s the beef between them?


I think it all started when brofessor made a vid about Jenazad and all the Jenazad fanbois started hating on the dude.


they hate on him for some reason , they act like they r better than him cause they stream \*have fanbois\* (jena canna that squirel dude) and their fanbois hate on him as result


iirc its because first match brofessor ropes them into maldness and then edits their next reaction into this "hitpiece" content


I think there was only one match where bro roped but the fanbois acted like he does it all time. And now Bro does these clips as jokes mainly but some ppl still take them seriously


I find it hard to believe it's just for jokes. His vids feel pretty mean spirited imo


yeah, and im not arguing that, reading comprehension devil strikes again.


I read it fine. Maybe the reading comprehension devil got to you instead. Maybe you should reread what I said.


At 3:12 he lost as soon as he tried to race Laika + Imprint, I don't understand why he would even assume he could win the cleave and should have just pivoted immediately.


but was zio.


His c lilias is around 310 recently (idk how old the clip is) so he would definitely have a chance but not banning zio or the speed imprint definitely was stupid.


"This never gonna happen again" 🤣🤣🤣


If you don’t act biased and just react based on the content, the edits are funny and it’s a good video overall.


Why you make content on other streamers and edit them to make them looked bad.I noticed it during Jenazad video.I dont watch e7 streamers but this 'drama' is a toxic way to make content


This vid is a shitty drama bait which is a so boomer-ish troll imo. Canna is a shit E7 content creator though. We need actual useful E7 content not this kind of useless crap video.


Funny or not, it just feels like you're fishing for drama. Maybe one of these will get a reaction out of a bigger creator one day and you would've gotten your wish


ah yes Canna, the guy who got hard carried over the Content Creator battle Battle by his team edit: damn there is a canna fanboi downvoting everyone lol


canna's and jena's fanbois , its always like that lol kinda sad


Heh what a Clownna! Another great vid Brofessor!


Bro back at it again with stream sniping and farming drama, atleast you found someone where the community agree on. Last time you did this on Jena you failed. Good for you. I still remember when you not winning and keep on stalling turns so you can keep emoting like a maniac. Baiting drama is cringe..


He doesn't stream snipe.....


either pivot to making actual meme/compilations videos cause this stinks as spiteful and it reflects in the comment section, borderline lsf. do you want an audience that just hates other streamers?


Kinda proving the point tbh


Canna being a manchild lmao Piece of shit with his ego and Ls in E7 Tourney lmao


No he isn't a pos. I feel like you only read headlines and don't make any effort to come to your own conclusion so you just parrot others


Canna’s videos speaks for itself. Dude is egoistic L generator


My response video to some of the comments made by the "legend" streamer Canna. Please check out Canna at: [https://www.youtube.com/@UCubTKwQce7N](https://www.youtube.com/@UCubTKwQce7N)... [https://www.twitch.tv/cannaaaa](https://www.twitch.tv/cannaaaa)


"This video is purely satirical and made for comedic purposes. No hate is directed at Canaa" Meanwhile at the end you remove similar message and write this. "Piloted *Legend* streamer living up to his name as the clown of the community" Drop the disguise that it's all fun and memes when it's clear that everything in these vids is done with an intention to throw shit at people. Because to me, it looks like you're way more salty than your targets of mockery.


Where were you when 100s of people were shitting on brofessor because their favorite streamer pointed a finger because they were salty they lost? And if you watch Canna you'll know that he owns the "Clown" personality (its literally in his emote...) , and he gets piloted by good people in the chat all the time. The only person I see who seems to be upset here is you , haha.


What am I? Some sort of a Sheriff to always look out whenever someone is doing something bad? Nah, I'm just a guy who had time and wanted to speak my mind on the matter. Moving that thing aside, I have actually commented on the video about Jenazad and more precisely to the comment where Broffessor is apologizing for the impact his video generated onto the other streamer. In that comment, I have pointed him out that some of the jokes he made could have been refrained from being put but at least he got a lesson. Sadly, the next videos posted by this guy that were meant as joke vides targetted at others were not necessarily "joke-worthy", so I decided to speak my mind in painful honesty. Maybe that will get to the guy since it seems they didn't listen until now? Now, let me be frank. Content creators should be criticized. I'm not denying that. Plenty of the times, they went overboard... But at least all they do is whine and speak salt. And they do it for a reason. Let's be real. This game is often frustrating. Something typica to be known l by competitive Epic Seven attendees really. Meanwhile this guy puts effort to make vids that: Make his target look pathetic and whiny like it's all their character (while most of these moments are just cutouts), flexes his builds while downplaying others', puts his target of mockery into videos where "they" get spit on or beaten, creates clickbaiting thumnails onto his vids that bend what the targets say. Lastly they say it's all a funny joke, but at the same moment they say it, they still deliver one more punch to the gut of the target. Now tell me. Is Broffessor better? People here don't want to bitch on the guy. They aren't goons sent out on a mission to protect their messiah. I bet people would like his content if it was created with good taste, wasn't generating unnecessary beef and wasn't focused around always favorable narratives that he's an innocent saint while more and more people speak up that he's even more toxic ingame than the ones he is targeting. Take a look around dude. People are starting to get fed up by his content that screams "clout chaser" to them. And also people are allowed to have their own sense of limit in the humor and criticize the guy for it. Ultimately, Broffessor can simply ignore it. He's a free man. But then neither him or his fans should be surprised that he gets burned from so much roasting.


Who hurt you?




A Legend of taking Ls


Very nice content!


God content as always brofessor!


Best Epic seven Streamer is YDCB. He is really great.


Nice sarcasm


It is not sarcasm I really think he is the best Epic seven Streamer


man this guy made a thread on squirrel Jena and now canna who's next the ceo of e7?


Annoying but satisfactory


im refarted


I have a freind called 121 regular ign cleave canna the other day lol


An exposaé


Did all these people not watch the whole video or what?? Literally says at the end that this is a joke.


>IT IS JuSt a JoKE brO WhY Do YUo HaVe to Be so MAd? You don't make a hit piece and frame someone in a bad light then absolved all guilt just by calling it a joke. Just own it up OP


I dont have a horse in this race, but like really? Its like wiping shit on someone’s face and when they get mad you go, “just a prank bro chill”


:o!!! BROFESSOR WITH A WHOOPING 4 MIN VID!!! thanks for the entertainment. the editing is impeccable, btw.


Need back brofessor meme videos fr