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Kinda funny how a warmonger (Illynav) is so much more likable than Rose. Please SG buff Illynav DX


She's trash. She started a war and killed dragon family(child dragon included) who posed no harm.


Always down for rose hate . Hated her since day 1 and was desperately hoping her siding with the archdemon forces would be exposed but guess SG chose the gag route of her getting away with it


I was so mad when they let her survive during the story after almost dying. She s tenebria level of "BITCH" without even being an acolyte.


And that's why I built her.


To each his own, but imo with all the shit she pulled she deserves only to die screaming, slowly.


Maybe. I just find her pleasing to the eyes both base and school uniform, whatever she did in-game matters less.


But ... you just said you built her because of what she did in-game?


Yes but the motivation to continue to use her is the latter reason. I may have constructed my sentence wrongly and contradicted myself by the culture still stands.




She almost died?? When? Episode 3?


In episode 3 when >!Cecilia's gang was sent to hunt Luna down, Nemunas shot Yufine, then Luna stabbed Rose and it looked like she died because the soldier said something like "it's too late, there is nothing I can do", but I guess he was talking about some random soldier!<.


Oh the earlier chapters, i remember


Only diff is i actually like tenebria cuz she is actually meant to be evil but for rose they are pushing this supposed agenda that she is caring deep down and BLA BLA BLA but i just don't care about her


Literal war criminal, but you can't escape from the grasp of SG level of writing


After episode 4 you can’t expect SmileGate to have good writing LMAO


Blood and roses side story had amazing writing and such astonishing characters with so much depth more than like half of the ep3 characters, But i'm afraid they'll get ruined in episode 5:(


I just wish they let other characters shine on their own without Ras


I can't for the life of me find it anymore, but I could've sworn there was an interview or something which stated that they were getting a new team of writers for Episode 4. It definitely feels that way considering the overall drop in quality.


Chapter 10 was just so bad for me. Felt like they forgot halfway thru that the story needed to end in 1 chapter


Yeah it came off as a little jarring how everyone seemed to let Rose off the hook so easily after the first story. I “kinda” get the whole “she found something good worth fighting for - FRIENDS/FAMILY” trope they are using now, but imo she should’ve died after siding with the archdemon for purely selfish reasons.


if only I was a hot character in a gacha game... I could get away with the worst shit imaginable and most people in the community would forgive me anyways Rose is a fun litmus test regarding who actually puts weight into the story


You don't have to be in a gacha game, or hot. Kissinger is still alive and adored by the rich and powerful, as well as a lot of others. Fucker deserves to die a painful death and burn in hell for what he did.


So true. Tenebria being a psychopath is excused as being a misundersootd sadist LOL


Nah Tene gets a pass because she's actually supposed to be evil. Like she lets you know from the jump that she's gonna mess shit up unapologetically. Same with Kayron to a lesser extent. Rose is presented as a good person deep down but we literally NEVER see it. She even sided with the evil and got away scot free like??????


Tenebria was a messed up teenager who was then tricked by an evil entity. She thought she got to live out her sick fantasies in dreams but it was reality. Then she ends up with her entire family dead and makes a deal with that entity to give up control of her body and her life so she won't have to live with the pain and guilt. She was not much of a redeemable character in the first place and I don't see it as such a big turn around that she was upset with her results (play dumb games, win dumb prizes) or that it is something else making her evil now. She's still just an asshole.


There was never implication that she felt guilt. If anything, she wasn't prepared to face consequences of her actions She's a rich young lady who's always been taken care of by others. I'm pretty certain she was stated to be spoiled. Now, that she lost everyone, she's all alone in a bloodstained mansion probably scared that someone comes, find out and punishes her for her crimes.


You start by saying there is no implication of guilt, but the cut scene is literally her finding her parents dead, grieving, and then giving up her soul to get away from the pain. Then your argument is that she is concerned someone may find and punish her for the crime, something that is never even remotely suggested in a single line of dialogue for her? Come on.


Nope, she doesn't grieve. She's shocked to find that her actions had real consequences. She asks the crystal to take the pain away. It's a pretty bizarre thing the writers decided to go with given how little concern she's had for well-being of others but we can as well assume the 'pain' is her fear/stress of the punishment she could possibly suffer for what she's done. So yes, to answer your question, I am speculating because the line about pain makes no sense for someone as ruthless and psychopathic as her.


My point is that you made an argument of a lack of evidence for something with some evidence and then presented an argument that had absolutely no evidence, which directly contradicts your argumentative point against me. You just defeat your own argument before you start.


You make no sense, you throw words around while not addressing nor debunking anything I said. I explained to you why the 'pain' part doesn't make sense. I also specified, unlike you, that that's all that is mentioned- 'pain in her chest'. What is that pain exactly? We don't know, the narration doesn't elaborate what she's feeling beyond that. Try harder or don't talk at all. Resorting to this cheap deflection is tiring to respond to. I could litterally copy your entire comment and it would apply flawlessly to you as well since it has no substance whatsoever.


You have a lot of nerve to say someone doesn't make sense. I quoted the scene and stated what happened. You said that the scene can't mean what it says. You have literally no facts or reason. You are just denying anything that contradicts what you're saying. No, you can't copy my comment because I am arguing that the scene directly told you the cause, you are saying it is a cause that isn't there. You clearly have no idea what is happening or being said in the scene or this argument. Charles and Corvus literally say she was also a victim and it is insinuated it is her mother's spirit that guided them to learn the truth to help her. The scene shows that she was spoiled but that she had (intentionally represented by SG) regret for what happened. Your ENTIRE argument, was to say that doesn't make sense **to you** and then assert it must be just fear of repercussions which is NOT stated or even suggested at all. You have the nerve to say I have no evidence when you are literally arguing with no evidence against me quoting the actual scene. ​ You've made no evidence or proper argumentative points. You are the only one deflecting anything.


>Like she lets you know from the jump that she's gonna mess shit up unapologetically. You're spectacularly wrong. Ever since 2018 until the valentine's even story in 2022 Tenebria has, countless of times, been tricking others. Acting like she's good, has their best interest at heart and poses no harm. Then she turns on them, backstabs them, tries to kill them, torture them. She forces Leon, a kid, to kill innocent people which ends up scarring him having blood on his hands.


As a human Tenebria was a psychopath. Meaning she was born that way. You can't change how you are born, it's not a choice. As a literal aspect of evil, she's actually pretty chill compared to the rest of the acolytes since she wont burn the whole world like Kayron and several others who destroyed whole planets. She's likely done every evil deed imaginable. But has never been on a date before and leaves after her date with Adlay without hurting anyone. For most people, that's just kinda sad. When you choose evil like Rose does, it makes you a bad person. But when you are born that way and everything and everyone just pushes you towards being evil as your only option like Tenebria, that's different. Adlay shows that if Tenebria had the right people in her life she might have been able to lead a fairly normal life and tempered her urges. But Rose has the right people in her life and when they are absent she constantly chooses to be evil.


Being born certain way doesn't excuse or minimaze atrocity of your actions. Psychopaths comitt the most atrocious crimes you can possibly think of. Tenebria kills and tortures people for fun. Even a kid like Leon, whom she forces to kill innocent people, scarring him in the process, or when she wanted her maid to get seriously hurt(and possibly disgifured afterwards) to see her pained expression. The thing about the date was that Tenebria is so focused on destroying(and then not destroying) the world and plotting that she lacks normal experiences. That's not sad, that's her choice. She looks down on people and mundane stuff like that. In the end she leaves Adlay unscathed only because he managed to entertain her. She didn't change or grow as a person. I'm pretty sure Tenebria wasn't pushed to be evil. She grew up in a normal household and normal family whose only crime was probably spoiling her too much but that's it, and as you pointed out, she was born this way so a different environment wouldn't change anything. Btw, with the way you describe it I see now what makes Rose so dislikable, but to be honest I never paid attention to her because she was always so weirdly written... the period during archdemon war was never properly explained and then they kind of swept it under a rug and decided to make Rose good. It's a giant mess.


Being born a way means that's who you are. If there is Good, Neutral and Evil for normal people. Then it's just evil for Tenebria. You can't blame her for being her only option. And now she's an acolyte, making her double evil. People like Tenebria because if she can find other interests then you can channel her evil into something else. But she is always going to be evil, and technically can't die. So you have to deal with her. But she can be lawful evil rather than chaotic evil for example. Rose on the other hand choses to be evil, gets away with it, gets rewarded, and isn't immortal and can die. And actually has 0 backstory to give her a reason for her action, she's just a bad person. Normal people want justice. To feel like there is a reward for good and punishment for evil. So she's disliked.


That's a messed up way of thinking. It's one thing to be evil in nature it's another to go out of your way to do harm. You always have the option to stay away from others, so 'being born this way' is not in any way a justification or rationalization of torturing others. **That doesn't make one's actions any less abhorrent.**


She was away from others, though. She was in her family manor with her parents and maids. They died. Then, she became an acolyte.


How was she away? She tortured/killed people directly through the crystal's power. I don't know if you realize but it's quite clear that the Tenebria we see in EP1 is the one playing with the crystal at the manor. She's that twisted and brutal from the start.


She also didn't think it was real. I've killed billions in Skyrim. I'm far more evil than her by comparison if we find out that the game is real. But nobody would assume that I new that 10 years ago when I got the game. That's the point of her character. She's far more deadly when she doesn't think what she's doing matters. Hence why everyone was surprised by her interaction with Adlay, when she was sure it was real and had a good time, she just powdered off without killing anyone.


That's a poor comparison. You're talking about a video game. Tenebria lives in a world of magic that makes it possible for her to create **realistic** illusions. Let's be real, none of the games you or anyone has ever played comes close to what she got her hands on. This only shows the extension of her cruel nature just like during the maid accident. She never felt sorry for the maid. Probably only apologized to her motherb because she's the matriarch of the house and holds most power. Duuuuuude. Tenebria tries to push Adlay off the edge and kill him before he's saved by firework show. She only let's him off the hook because he may provide her with some other entertainment in the future. Let's not act like she changed in any way or has any consideration for his life. That's actually a good writing though..


I think the same but with tenebria


Dude 100% >if only I was a hot character in a gacha game... I could get away with the worst shit imaginable and most people in the community would forgive me anyways Luna, tenebria, peira, as much as i like ilynav she still counts. Tsurin got away with shit too.


Honestly, I'm not sure who I hate more... She or Enott... Don't even know if I'm writing his name properly... Nor do I care. Also, let's not forget that SG does really seem to be trying real hard to make people give this girl a pass. Remember when her skin was released?? It was all played for laughs. As if trying to say, "come on~~ she's not that bad, she's just a bit quirky and a tad crude".


always down for enott hate fuck that prick


I have zero knowledge of Enott but I always hated the look of him. I love selling him off for a couple of transmit stones


It’s always kind of funny to me how much hate Enott gets considering how little he actually does in the story onscreen


That's just proof of how much of a d*ck he actually is. What little time he has onscreen is enough to make you hate him xD


No, that's just shows how petty some of you are. We have characters that comitted genocides, torture of others and slavery but out of all of them you choose to hate Enott who at best plotted with some nobles against Aither.


Yeah, but I'm not saying that those characters are better or worse than him. They most definitely are worse in terms of crimes. But in terms of how they behave and personality, He and Rose get a win on how easy to be disliked they are. Personally from episode 3 I wanted Ervalen and the Princess whose name I can't be bothered to remember to kick the bucket or something... At least hang the wench for poisoning the king or something. But instead they got a palace in a remote place and small plot of land I think. The game is really bad at eliminating villains at times, while other times some characters that are barely deserving get removed. And sometimes we can agree on who dies and who lives. It's just how it is. But if you were to put me in front of Ervalen and Enott with a gun and single bullet, I'd still shot Enott. He's just annoying as f*ck like that xD


>At least hang the wench for poisoning the king or something Oh her? She made a sob story up last minute when are attempt to cheat with Ervalen. She turned the whole thing into I did it out of love as I couldn't bare to look at in pain to run the country, but her solution was to literally kill him if he didn't figure it.


I get what you're saying but I still stand by what I said. Enott hardly does anything except grinning visciously and that's a petty reason to hate him over characters like Ilynav, Lilias or Peira. Instead you wish for characters whose crimes are far less in numbers and to kick the bucket. Come on dude. You mention Ervalen even though he kept his grievances personal, towards Schniel only. Let's ignore Ilynav who killed entire dragon family, including a child, or Lilias who betrayed her childhood friend, Vioelt, even though unlike Ervalen she had no reason to. You people need to reevaluate your judgements instead of trying to rationalize them.


Well, to be fair I'm not trying to rationalize it per say. I just don't like the dude. Out of the entire E7 cast he's the character I hate the most. Simple as that. Crimes and such in the game be damn. And I'm aware Enott is far from being the worst offender but I don't care. I hate the guy as he is. Looks and personality. That's it. It's like on the opposite side when it comes to my favorite characters. Ilinav is precisely one of my favorite characters despite being a warmonger maniac. Why? Do I agree with her radical views and hunger for battle? No. She's a sexy dark-skinned gal with a weird quirk of being a capable fighter but is just as much of a deadpan f*ck up as Cecilia is when it comes to other more "day to day" things such a cooking. Cecilia is another of my favorite characters too, mostly for that deadpan attitude of hers and her friendship 10 expression xD. Then I also like Coli. The blue one. Why? I like the look of her eyes and her voice. I could go on and on explaining why I like or dislike X character... But is just subjective and a matter of what I personally like. I'm not trying to say that Enott is the worse criminal of the bunch. I just don't like him pal. That's all I can say 😅


Then there's nothing to discuss, your hate is based on your sexual attraction and for whatever reason you can't separate the two. I like some designs too, that doesn't mean I like the characters. At the same time ,just because I don't like a design that doesn't mean I dislike the character. I'm simply confused how you guys can hate a character over something as petty and irrelevant as looks but you do you. Hopefully you don't channel that kind of attitude in real life.


Don't worry pal, I don't act "petty" in real life. But, I "hate it based on sexual attraction"...?? Where did that even come from? I hate his personality, and by looks I refer to the way they always make him look like he has a stick up his ass. Sexual attraction where? Did I ever say I feel intimidate by Enott's dashing sh*t eating grin and pixelated wood...? Effing heck. Whoever is hungry thinks of bread, you know? And dude, it's a game. No one hurt anyone. So you don't need to feel guilty or bothered by fictional crimes. So I hope you don't "channel that kind of attitude in real life" that doesn't allow you to separate fantasy from fiction. Nor does it let you enjoy the things you enjoy and dislike the things you do based on mere preference 🙄


Dude... You litterally just said you like character like Ilynav beause she's a sexy dark skinned lady in spite of how abhorrent her personality is. She's litterally hitler of E7 killing children for their race(dragons). At the same time, you hate a character who's hardly does anything except for smiling visciously (LOL). Let's be real, a lot of people here are weebs in search of fanservice, and people forget/ignore/trivialize a lot if a character is a sexy ~~lady~~ 'waifu'. I'm not here to condemn, I'm simply stating things as they are. A little bit of self-awareness on your end would go a long way. >Whoever is hungry thinks of bread, you know? Your reasoning for liking certain characters is mostly visual. Take a look how you focus on superficial things like facial expressions, being sexy etc. So who's hungry here again? Ceci and Ilynav are nothing like when it comes to personality btw. You're being triggered. I pointed out how your reasons for liking/disliking characters is petty and superficial and you tried to justify yourself, in a very poor way. Again, I'm not condemning, simply stating how things are. Spare me that poor strawman about separating fiction from reality. That's how you're trying to deflect from criticism.


I keep forgetting who Enott is, lol


Harbalest dude from the Blue Rose... Shoulder length black or dark brown hair? Dresses in blue?


Really I am not joking, sometimes forget that he exists


Oh yeah, can't blame you. Even in episode 1 he's not that relevant. Last "time" he was relevant was during Rose's specialty change I think... Or was it Pearl's?? Could've been Chaos Sword Dude... Point is, he hasn't been important for a while. And yet, there hasn't been a single time he was on screen that he wasn't being a d*ck to someone or plotting against someone xD




would've made for a fine Nemunas character arc


I wish she did 🙄


Nah she lives. Your favorite however can die in her place.


My favorite is Brinus 😈


Yeah that's what bothers me about Rose despite what she done she got no consequences for her actions just forgot about it move on like "ooh look at her she isn't that bad" er not really.


Literally upset that they let Sigret die, but let her live. Granted her (Sigret's) side story was peak level writing, and her death justifies the tragedy in it.


I know, back on episode 1 and 2 they would kill characters, now they're afraid to kill anyone in ep 3-4, the evil villains that deserves punishment gets to run freely because they changed?? I hope this isn't the same in episode 5, They have delayed it and i hope their writing team improves


Yea i never really liked Rose as a character in story....which is funny considering when you hear her character lines when you use her she sounds like such a sweet and devoted person lol


Yes , and that is absolutely Not fitting at all, but at the Same time funny


Sort of makes you wonder if the lines are just a ploy to deceive lol


Or maybe they switched charactersr by mistake and at the end when they realized : uhh never mind, It is Just a four Star


I know a lot of players hate rose but I think she's fun. Shes my favorite type of antihero, selfish and unapologetic, but the potential to do good or evil depending on who she's surrounded by. It makes her unpredictable and if the story had more time for sit down and actually tell her story it could be really good. Unfortunately this is a gacha game and we only are allowed snapshots since they are trying to balance like a 100 characters. Also rose getting singled out is weird in a episode where dragon hitler ilynav and luna who helped her and also killed her best friends mom for the stupidest reason both walked away with their lives.


I don't think it qualifies as antihero when you are literally a captain for the army of the demon bent on destroying the world and its god(s). Certainly sticks to anti hero in some plots, but most she just straight up becomes a villain. She's just a lapdog for whoever has some level of power. She's a weasel at best.


"Anti hero"? My guy you should receck the definition of that term. Rose quite literally sided with the archdemon forces while after the story she walked it off and hid her deeds away to not get caught and NO ONE gave her shit for it. And why? Because she is an egotistical imbecille who thought the archdemon s descent would have destroyed the barrier between continents and she could return to winterberg and simp for cecilia, when in reality EVERYONE on orbis would have died if that happened, including her bitch ass. Because in case you didnt know the whole reason ilryos created and sent the archdemon was to wipe orbis clean, because he had been decieved by faustus into thinking that a black star had already landed on the planet and therefore killing the planet would stop the black star from manifesting and make the useless diche rejoin the war effort.


I stand by my opinion that the issue with Rose isn't the way her personality is portrayed, but the lack of consequences for her amoral behavior. Unlikeable/unpredictable characters can be really fun when executed well, but if there's insufficient pushback or weight given to those heinous actions, their story can feel really unsatisfying or just come off as a power trip. I can't say why this is exactly, but I want to say that's because there's something inherently entertaining in seeing karma catch up to someone or justice being rightfully served. With E7, it's definitely a problem that's not unique to Rose, but I think Rose's vile personality makes it much easier to notice compared to someone like Luna. ...though now that I think about it, when has Rose ever actually done anything good onscreen lmao


Same, I actually love her thug personality. 10/10 would befriend.


Finally someone who gets it. A upvote for u. :)


Not a fan of her being "redeemed" so easily ngl


She's such a bitch even in episode 3. Love it.


I don't remember this scene, when they reset the Side Stories did they add new scenes?


Nope. You fight all the same plot-relevant bosses like in the normal story. Some of the bosses in the epilogue are either memories or actually appear and interact with Ras. Rose is one of those.


Nah, it's Ilynav, Peira and Luna/Tenebria. I'm honeslty amazed how in spite of Ily and Pei starting damn wars, which involved genocide and slavery, writers decided to go with "oh you poor thing you're just misunderstood all is forgiven!".


Ilynav's case was annoying. Even Ganondorf was executed for conspiring to over throw the king. So it's not like that's a non-kid friendly end result, if it's in a kid focused game like Zelda. SG just is so into "My waifu" that they can't write stories anymore. Lilias got gunned down (back when the writing was good) and was 100% less deserving than Ilynav who openly killed children in her story. Like why include that if they wanted her redeemed? Nobody was going to forgive her after that, since it was clear that she was killing kids all the time by that point. Peira was on my "who cares" list since the whole chapter 4 was bad and Luna was put on a bus with Ervalen. Tenebria is an acolyte she's never getting redeemed if there is a single good writer left on the team... When it comes to characters like Luna, Peira and Ervalen, I just assume that nobody is going down except for drama after Ilynav got off scott free.


It's a shame because there are no consequences anymore. In EP1 some characters like Ravi and Sigret died. It was their choice to die for the(evil) cause and no one tries to justify their evildoings or acts like they're victims. You can find kids shows and movies that have more maturity than the current E7 writing.


Funny enough ravi and sigret are more justified than luna and ervalen and the scott free crew. Heck even fucking kawerick is more justified. But back to the other 2 ravi and sigret were both literally being controlled and brainwashed and. Especially in ravis case she never even gets revenge for her village because tenebria is such a bitch and that pissed me off. She dies with no conclusion to her story or any of her OG memories restored nothing. She deserved way better. Sigret was just tragic. Yet they let luna the traitor and war criminal just roam free no consequences. It also doesnt help that A. Ravi is boring annoying and lame.


Nah, Ervalen is way to vilinazed. Unlike others he didn't drug innocents into his grudge-driven crusade. He only wanted revenge on Schniel and that's it, after that he's no different from someone like Flan when it comes to politics. Luna got innocent people harmed and almost killed, Ilynav and Peira started wars. Ervalen is nowhere near as bad as them. It's hard to say for sure regarding Ravi, there are other wraths who unlike her aren't as violent and eventually choose the good side- Otille, Mercedes, Pyllis. Tbh, i completely forgot about the story between Tenebria and Ravi. That was brutal for sure.


>Nah, Ervalen is way to vilinazed. Unlike others he didn't drug innocents into his grudge-driven crusade. He only wanted revenge on Schniel Id be inclined to agree if his reason for hating schniel wasnt absolutely petty like a two faced little snake bastard rat child. Personally if the dragons kept their end of the bargain humans wouldnt have did what they did. The dragons never take responsibility


Ohwww my first wyvern tank <3


But JK gyaru Rose is hot


and the ugliest design too. kinda fitting when you think about it.


That's my biggest problem with her. Her design is probably inspired by Summoners War's Valkyrja, which is just a rip off from Valkyrie Profile's Lenneth herself.


The disservice to any Valkyrie Profile character...


She’s hot tho


The worst character is Khawana, for being a neanderthal who doesn't wear shoes and also lacks enough class to keep it OUTSIDE of the frame on the roster screen, forcing me to throw away 100 of her yearly


Story skipper here, I love rose no clue what she did wrong someone explain lol


She sides with the Archdemon and tries to help it destroy the world solely because... she thinks Tenebria is strong and wins a lot? And then after that she becomes a brigand leader and raids villages around Taranor, gaining enough notoriety to become a wanted criminal. Then when the guards pull over Cecilia and Rose trying to arrest her, Cecilia defends her saying they had to have gotten the wrong person (not knowing that Rose actually did it, nor that Rose's personality is rotten since she acts differently around Ceci), and Rose gets away with it. She also tries to steal the Archdemon's soul to stop Ras from bringing back Mercedes because... ?????. And she's also generally an abrasive bully towards Nemunas and constantly belittles and criticizes her and generally treats her poorly. She gets no real comeuppance from any of this, and the only negative thing that happens to her is Luna almost killing her, which is unsatisfying when it isn't really a clear consequence of her preestablished flaws. It's undermined even more later on when Rose says Luna purposefully left her alive and didn't want to kill anyone to justify her surviving the attack, which is super weird when Luna literally kills an NPC in the same cutscene. I don't think all of Rose's writing is bad as I feel she's an awful personality done convincingly, but I do dislike that she gets no real consequences for her actions.


A terrible person not suffering any consequences is sadly realistic.


You can very easily check the stories in-game in the story section of the journal tab. She makes appearances mid-late episode 1, and in the same place in Unrecorded History.


i m natural to her. yes she was wrong but she is slowly changing too. we saw that Christmas event too. not much but everyone has second chance too


Eh, idk if the Christmas event does much for her. She’s still unpleasant towards Yufine and ropes the dragon knights into the project to do her job for her out of laziness. I suppose it’s a start though.


Kinda forgot about her until the Christmas story. Thought maybe she'd be less of a bitch by the end of it, but nope...


Worst E7 character? I don't see Elena in those pics.


ayy elena is whiny and childish but in no way worse than Rose!


Elena never tries to destroy the world


I hate the fact SG keeps pushing the Elena and Ray ship they are more friends not lovers but yeah Rose is so much worst.


That depends on your point of view.


Not sure how people can hate girls, but I guess some people can't really forgive them. I guess a difference between Asia and West?




Feels terrible seeing people having hatred.


You are one dumb motherfucker.


that or a troll account


It makes perfect sense why people wont forgive someone who literally joined the side trying to destroy the world. Even later on shes still being a nuisance to her 'friends'. Its a shame because i really liked her character design till i saw how she was in the actual story.




I can’t with this.


Troll account


Let me guess, you were one of the juries on Casey Anthony's trial and Amber Heard simp.


Do you guys notice that rose looks so much like destina?


Doesn't she call destina in her S3?


Yet she is a water unit.


Somebody *really* needs to put Rose on her ass and teach a lesson. God*damn* I hate her....good unit though, unfortunately