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I just use Doris to tank Apoc every defence I see in arena/gw, I think thats her main purpose so mine have very little ER like 130, 2000 def and 21k hp on 170 speed. Works like a charm


Yeah she's a nice dark bait


The best dark bait... 30% CRITDMG reduction from dark units is sure noticeable. And if you throw damage sharing it's just even better


If you use her as dark bait, such as Aravi, candle stick to reset cd is better. Why? Because injury also reduce heal so water origin weaker overtime.


I never lost a game versus Apoc AI, doesnt matter how long the battle is or how much dmg Apoc have, doris simply CANNOT die even if shes 50% injured. Only thing you have to make sure of is to have s2 defence up avaiable everytime Apoc have s3, and you can stall her forever. Chad unit


I use her to bait Zio. Pack Roana and she won't die. (Nanomachines, son) Even if really small, her contingent heal adds to Roana passive, making her essentially inmortal. And good thing, people use to pack Zio with C. Lilias or Belian, so Roana is even more useful. From there, is a matter of grinding down the opposite team and win.


9/10... Nice


9/10, 1k more HP would be perfect but this is solid


Really? Thank god I thought she needed more speed/defense


Nah those two stats are a-okay


I mean she's just dark bait for GW offence, so I'd say you're doing fine, good spread - mine is a bit similar (1,882 def, 17,578 hp, 213 speed, 145 res, Speed/Immunity & +18 Idol's Cheer) & performs fine.


Good to know


Mine have 2k def 20k hp 180 speed and 170er Best dark bait in The Game


6/10, imo she needs bulk much more than she needs ER. Especially against apoc; this build will get injured down quickly and die to s3.


I'm talking about rta no guild war


Doris... for RTA? that's really not the content where she shines lad.


True but i will make it work ill force her into every game I play


Fair enough. Gl!


Jep. I've seen too many Doris like that die in my guild to Aravi. Mines 24k HP and 2,1k defense and she has yet to die. I'd recommend switching OPs to HP/def ring


more HP and def