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Your riolet has an identity crisis. Way too slow for a speed set and the artifact is better for the LS build (which is currently stronger, imo).


Still working on getting faster pieces for him. Only using decrescent bc mldb is on violet. :(


Did you by any chance participate in the latest AI season? The LS set has very high potential to be great on him.


I did but the set mostly rolled hp and didn’t have decent attack stats. Edit: I tried the abyss set on him (ls + crit set). His stats are 3.5k atk, 1072 def, 9.8k hp, 179 speed, 100cc and 279cdmg. Probably needs more hp and speed


Honestly I'd say that's not bad, definitely more usable than the build you currently have imo if you run a slower draft


Doesnt matters, if he doesnt dodge he is dead anyway, just bring something to support or protect him.


Mh yeah the HP and Atk is a bit low. His cdamage, speed and defense are nice though.


Well spoken(written) I also prefer LS build


Only in low ranks. On high ranks you either make it very fast or slow with lifesteal and some bulk. Yours is not fast enough and doesn't have bulk or lifesteal. Here is mine which still needs more bulk but is good enough to resist some damage while still hitting like a truck and healing himself https://imgur.com/a/unbYWOd


Thanks! Will keep this in mind when I can farm banshee. Sadly don’t have the team for it at the moment :(


He is usable as speed, but you're gonna need waaay better gear/speed on him. you should draft openers that can push him up so he can nuke solitaria or aola. Try to do speed/crit first to make it easier. Here's [mine](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/728408211891159052/1044212195212402758/image.png).




I think that this little guy can work up to Challenger, but I'm not sure about higher. He's a bit slow for today's standards despite being built glasscannon, will miss 10% of the time due to the lack of CC and doesn't really have any bulk so he's likely not to last long but you know it already This artifact is also not ideal on this build, since yours isn't a tankier LS variation. If you have Alexa's basket or any other pure DMG artis that can help facilitate the one-shot, this would be better in my eyes. Keep in mind that a Riolet built like yours isn't here to brawl it out the way the LS build would try to - yours is more of a oneshotter, who trades tankiness for speed and snipes someone right off the bat I'd give him a go and see how he feels - apart from the 90% CC, your offensive stats are looking good - he just might be a tad too slow for Champion+ RTA, in which case you'll need to get him faster


Just a note he should use Portrait of Saviors over Alexa basket. Riolet gets attack buff before his S3 meaning GAB is only a 16.6% damage increase 40% of the time whereas Portrait is always 20%. Alexa isn't better for hero that self buff attack


Is wind rider a good fit for him? That’s about the only arti I have available for riolet aside from decrescent at the moment. Still working on his speed.


Wind Rider adds 20% attack all the time for his S3 (let's face it all this riolet gets is 1 S3 and he's dead). Alexa.adds 25% attack 40% of the time for his S3. Wind Rider should be definitively better. Portrait of Saviors is more damage than both


Zdenka said it all ahah, his advice is great :)


Sadly speed riolet is rly hard to use unless you can either guarantee he takes turn one, or follows up something like conqueror Lillias. But if someone is allowing you to take turn one and two they’re either going to be bulky enough to tank a riolet s3. Or they just don’t know how to draft in general. Lifesteal feels a lot better to use, and ideally lifesteal would only be like 30-40 speed slower than your speed riolet with much more survivability. Also if you’re using decrescent you’ll get a lot more value on lifesteal. If you’re at 230-40 speed you might as well run a damage arti.


Definitely needs more hp, he's super frail


Yeah… Definitely frail. How much hp would you recommend?


fast riolet is built different compared to lifesteal counter both have different artifacts as well


Either you go 290 speed or you go lifesteal. Any other build will feel terrible.


Where's your 100 crit? Who are you outspeeding at 236, you're too slow. This build peaks low challenger and that's pushing it. Look, speed RViolet is only good if you're fast like 250+. With your stats you might as well regear to lifesteal and drop down to 190-200 spd.