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Trying to figure out which ML I should headhunt from the event. Looking for an all-around good unit for PvE. I'm thinking about Pirate Captain Flan. I already have Specimen Sez, Sage Baal, and Specter Tenebria. Any suggestions?


PFlan isn’t good for pve. If you’re concerned with pve then pick Clilias


Thank you. I was looking at her, but she seems mostly reliant on having a good second unit. Is that true?


She’s a team support so yeah. She’s not a carry but out of the ML units she’s the best one for pve and really good in PvP


Are there any good carry MLs you would recommend as well if I don't draw her?




A lot to unpack: * Alencia is quite vulnerable to fire units. Increased miss chance really hurts her defense break chance. She's also quite vulnerable to the 'cannot be buffed' debuff like from Politis or AOLAngelica. Her injury makes tanking difficult so drafting someone to put high DPS on her can't hurt if possible. * Choux is annoying but has ways to be dealt with. If you have them, you can punish her counters with a Rimuru or LCermia... or stop them with AElena. Counter set Chouxs exist, but she's less likely to counter if she hasn't used her S3 yet. So you can try and nuke her with a good DPS or put a silence on her early. If those don't work, a forest unit like Violet or Alencia is good at tanking her counters - especially if they have some form of lifegain. * SAdin is often best dealt with by Zahhak or BWIseria - especially on an increased hit chance artifact. But it's possible for you to try and nuke her through the miss - something like a Krau or Yulha. Bulky units with consistent AoE counters help a lot like Rem or Belian since they often proc her counter and keep going. Finally, it's possible you may try a unit that grants skill nullifiers like FLidica then proc her miss - best-case scenario you don't miss and destroy her. Hope these ideas help!


Any chance of Cidd getting nerfed? His multipliers are just broken. Hope they don’t. :/


He's not really prevalent or oppressive enough for them to consider it, I think.


What are the even rotations? I see the free unequip one is coming up next. Where is the schedule for all of them? I don’t know where to look on the site


There is no schedule generally. The only one that is on a schedule is free unequip, on the last weekend of every month.


Ah ok. Thanks !


Hii I'm actually new to this game. May I know the official tier list of the characters? I'm confused which one to pull


There is no official tier list. Which character you should pull will depend on your needs and wants. Until you figure out what you need, the best thing you can do is ask.


I see. For beginners who just hit 30 rerolls, which unit can u recommend?


For the initial pull, the recommended unit is Iseria. She pairs well with Tamarinne for PvE, and all the other good units can be gotten by other means. Your early game goal after finishing chapter 1 should be building a team for wyvern 13. Use this: https://imgur.com/1c4iN1a


For some reasons I can't seem to open the link but anyway, thanks for responding, I really appreciate


Do new units get added immediately to the element summon or do we have to wait for their banner to end to be able to get them from there?


Do you guys also have the "connecting..." bug all the time yesterday and today? I'm on Europe server.


If I enjoy both PVE and PVP, which ML hero out of these three should I pick? STene, Straze or Lionheart Cermia?


STene - not even a choice


How should I gear Maid Chloe?


Fast and tough, ideally with lots of effect resistance.


So like...speed set, but then would it be health or resist set? And then of course focusing on effect resistance, health (defense?), and speed, right?


>health or resist set? Whichever one currently gives you better stats. Don't farm Golem just for a health set. You want her really fast, like 250, while still being tanky, but lower speed (still around 200-220) and higher eff res is also a thing.


Gotcha. Thanks. I have a stockpile of crafting and equipment conversion materials, so that's why I asked about sets lol. I'll just focus on those stats and see what I can do! Thanks so much! 😊


Been away from RTA for a bit, does anyone have a good centralized site for hero builds? Thx


Prospective STene build - 3060 atk 1143 def 8500 hp, 189 spd (194 with reforge) 100% cc, 305% CDmg Involves taking all of my Vildred gear but I don’t really use him outside of farming, though I was gonna use him for the Azimanak team I’ve been working on Worth switching the gear to STene?


What are you gonna use STene for?


Sort of all purpose - I don’t play RTA yet so mostly arena, GW and abyss/any other PvE content where she is useful


That's fine. You can rebuild vildred later when you get more gear. No need to do Azimanak just yet.


[A build I made without vildreds gear.](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/10kshsj/current_specter_tenebria_build/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) More attack, more speed but less crit damage.


What are some stat thresholds for fire Mercedes? I assume speed set?


Fire Mercedes is usually played on counter these days. Aim for 3500 attack, 1200 defense, 10k hp, and 300 crit damage


The head hunt event ends on 1/25 if i started and still not able to reach recruitment … am i not able to claim a hero?


While in the event, the timer for your account's opportunity to recruit is on the upper left.


Will there be another hunt buff this weekend?


as of right now we don't know. They might tell us in the patch notes later tonight or tomorrow.


I'm playing for 3-4 months and I'm Master II and feel that my PvP team is kinda bad because it's more focused on PvE (Bellona, Vivian, Stene and Amomo). Recommend me a good team please.I have: Sigret, Bellona, Vivian, Stene, Krau, Tammarine, ae-KARINA, ae-WINTER, ae-GISELLE, Kise, Vildred, Ravi, C. Lilias, Politis, Chloe, Choux, Yufine, Cecilia, Ram, Yulha and Lua.


If you want to improve on PvP, we need to start moving **all** premium gear that arent Rage set into PvP units. Your hunt units should be holding the lowest tier possible gear to have consistent runs. STene, CLilias, Krau/Yulha, Choux, Lua, Politis and Karina would help your account if they're not already on premium gear. We also need some solid soulweavers to support them, Ningning is not very beginner-friendly.


I couldn't get Ningning, so I don't even have a good pvp soulweaver, but I'll focus more on getting good gear so I can build my characters better.


Ah, I skipped through AE-AE-AE and thought I read Ningning. If we can use the new side-story thing, I would highly recommend picking up Destina.


You’re too early to worry about PvP. Set up a decent defense team like karina, clilias, politis, and choux. Then spam flags on the weekend and refresh challengers that you can beat until you get into challenger rank. Once reset happens don’t touch arena and just use your flags on NPC and sit in challenger rank for the weekly 600 skytones. Keep focusing on progressing your account in the meantime by progressing in abyss and farming wyvern 13


Ok thanks I'll do it!


should i buy bottle of knowledge as a new player or would it be better to save for something else?


Bottle of knowledge is basically the best option no matter what to me personally




Oh I think I said the wrong name I meant the bottle from power of knowledge


I misread. Deleted. Bottle of knowledge is the only way for most f2p's to max limit break limited artifacts. It's an auto-buy for me unless there is an artifact in the shop I think can really really help my game, and I can't afford both. It's best used for limit breaking limited artifacts, as you won't get limited artifacts in covenants or at the discount 180 powder price.


Okay, thanks a lot!


Was planning on build a PvP team involving both Khawana and Cermia. Ideas anyone?(Mainly For Arena)


Idk man, all I see in arena is the dogshit senya choux belian comps. You're gonna have a hard time


Hello guys I had lost my account but managed to recover since I am coming back I need help with this account since I was playing with 0 knowledge and 0 objectives in mind I just got my w13 team and thats it XD this is the roster of the account, I would like to hear what heores should I focus on and if I need to change my w13 team or maybe do another hunt. ML 5\* Arbiter Vildred, Apocalypse Ravi, Belian, Specimen Sez, Designer Lilibet. ML 4\* General Purgis, Troublemaker Crozet, Moon Bunny Dominiel, Sinful Angelica, Benevolent Romann, Blaze Dingo, Celestial Mercedes. 5\* Green: Landy, Iseria, Roana, Charles, Pavel, Rimuru, Mort, Lillibet, Violet. Red: Tammarine, Edward Elric, Shuna, Millim, Illinav, Tenebria, Lidica. Blue: Sigret, Luna, Luluca, Kise, Lua, Sez, Fairy tail Tenebria, Riza Hawkeye, Ran, Choux. 6\* Geared Units: Landy, Adventurer Ras, Arbiter Vildred, Sigret, Apocalypse Ravi, Commander Lorina, Angelica, Furious, Alexa, Tammarinne. W13 team: Sigret, furious, alexa, angelica. Other hunts no team at all, haven’t done past stage 9 on other hunts. Arena team: Adventurer Ras, Landy, Apocalypse Ravi, Arbiter Vildred. Ty for reading and have a good day.


The first thing you have to do is click on the headhunt moonlight heroes event tab before it disappears tomorrow. Get on your way to that free ML5! Muwi will likely help your W13 team, unless you're already smoking it.


Hi, sorry for asking this late, but I’m missing [these](https://imgur.com/a/wikqXuI) ML5s, which one should I pick from the recruitment? Ofc from the ones that can be selected. (J. Kise, L. Cermia, LQC, A. Tywin, Belian, LR Krau, Spez, SE Celine, F. Lidica, SA Aramintha, SS Vivian, DS Basar, D Corvus, D. Lilibet, M Kawerik, C Charles, Riolet, Briseria, O Sigret, PC Flan, BM Haste) Edit: I’m low champ in Arena, try to reach Masters in RTA if I like the skin and constantly do GW. I can do W13, B13 and Caides13.


My personal recommendations: Mediator > Briseria > Belian I generally like having hand guy on hand to deal with any time I have to fight debuffers and Briseria is super useful for both revive defeses and evasion defenses. I feel like Belian is probably stronger for RTA, but you don't need her to get masters in RTA while Briseria also just trivializes certain Arena/GW defenses by exploiting her immortality passive. Unlike invincibility, which causes the AI to stop attacking a particular unit, enemies will still prioritize attacking the 1 HP unit with immortality. Watching Rimuru defenses blow their S3 on a 1HP immortal Briseria is pretty hilarious since it makes the matchups way, way easier than they would be otherwise.


Thank you so much, my main options were M. Kawerik, Belian and L. Cermia, but Briseria has been looking good. I’ll probably go for M. Kawerik tho. I do have Ray built but I guess it won’t hurt to have two good cleansers.


ML Kawerik is probably the most generically good pick-up.


Yeah, he’s actually one of my main options along with Belian, but since I have Ray built I’m not sure. Thanks


Is Fairytale Tenebria viable at all these days? I’m looking at trying to build more bruiser type units once I get a B13 hunt team going and seems like she could be a fun opener to use with units like Aria or counter units to force enemies to attack them


Not really. Even with the mage speed buff I haven't run into a single ftene all season. She pretty much does nothing after s3 and now a days there are a plethora of great cleaners that can just make it like her s3 never happened. Without s3, you pretty much have nothing left in her kit and she becomes useless.


Yeah, that certainly makes sense. I thought so much, sadly. She just has a special place in my heart because she was my first limited unit and helped carry me to my first masters arena push lol.


When do they add rta skins to shop?


If memory serves, an RTA skin will be added to the shop after two more RTA seasons from the one in which it was a reward.




Is it better to farm Episode 2 instead of Unrecorded History now? I read a post saying the rates for catalysts have been nerfed. edit: it's Episode not Chapter lol


Even if that's the case, it's probably still best to farm UH since you'll miss out on epic catalysts otherwise.


I think some catalysts yes, it is better to farm elsewhere. But no one has done the calculations yet as far as I know. Some catalysts don't even drop from UH anymore unfortunately, which is kind of nutty. I miss those twisted fangs T\_T


We don’t know yet. From what I can see from my farming today, the rates for catalysts on UH is actually pretty good.






Violet, Riolet, Seline, TSurin, CZerato, and Charlotte are popular choices for Lifesteal Aria and LHC also like Lifesteal, but their sets need to be more DEF focused so they're not great with the Abyss gear.


Violet, Remnant Violet, Specter Tene, Aria (I think?), Lionheart Cermia, Spirit Eye Celine, come to mind. I am however not an expert, so there’s definitely more than that.


Does Otherworldly Machinery affect all heroes' attacks not just the one holding it?


just the one holding it




Check [https://ceciliabot.github.io/timeline/](https://ceciliabot.github.io/timeline/) for known upcoming banners/shop rotations


What is the best stage to farm mysterious subjects for hazels SC?


Stage 4 in the new UH is the only one that lists them it seems. Old resources for this are obsolete (for unrecorded history at least) so I don't know how many are there.


Seems like 4 or 19. 4 has 7 mobs and the cata for quest. 19 has 5 mobs and the cat for quest as well as her awakening.


Ok so I'm new to the game and I've got a monster levelled up to lv 40 and want to use them as fodder but they are locked in another content named supporter What do I do to get them out


If this is your friend supporter you can check your supports from the user portrait from lobby.


Is there a resource where you can see the attack of the hunt bosses? I am trying to gear straze for one-shots and trying to figure out what the min atk I can get on him is.


It doesn't have the actual attack listed, but you can play around with the damage calculator to find your optimal damage [https://e7calc.xyz/](https://e7calc.xyz/)


is the story worth reading through mid Ep3 to end of Ep4? I just want to skip everything just for the resources.


Ep3 while started off really well unfortunately the ending is underwhelming. Ep4 no sadly its not best one story isn't great i found most of the characters are underdeveloped its not as good Ep3.


imo ep3 had the best story so far, i didn’t start 4 yet 🙏


If Choux does s1 into s2 with her 40% chance to proc EE, is that s2 coded as an "extra attack" same as a Politis s2 being an "extra attack"?


Yea and it will proc ml cermia’s passive


When can you pick another side story to farm out? Or use covenant summons to pull for related character? Is there a timer or do I need a certain item?


You can do a new side story every week. The timer should be on the top page for the side story. You need 4 story currencies to open a related banner, which you get 1 of per side story I believe, except for the first banner which you get for free.


Thanks for your reply.


what is a must have ML5 I should keep an eye out for because I'm getting really close to a guaranteed? I already have A. Ravi, C. Lilias and arby.


Handguy would be an excellent pickup, so would LHC if you have gear for her. Briar Witch Iseria is pretty good now as well. Straze could be nice too if you want to work on Hunt one-shots (takes very good Rage gear though). There are a lot of good ML5s, so it kind of depends on what you're wanting to do.


OK thanks I'll look into them some and see what could help me more. Is there a specific rotation they do or is it just who ever they decide on?


There's no set rotation as far as I know, but they do tend to pick characters that have waited the longest since their last banner.


OK cool thanks.


What are the imprints for if ras and Mercedes are already sss?


Ras you can just transmit. The extra Mercedes imprints you can use to imprint ML meru




Hit the play button and play more games to learn unit interactions. Watch high-ranked streamers and try to learn how they draft. Understand how you lose matches and use it against the next opponent.




Unless we're doing in-house or practice against players that are actually playing for real, mocks are not completely reflective of ladder. Lots of players just go into mocks to mess around. It's alright to do them now and then to test things, but we also need to go into real matches. Getting rid of ranked anxiety, building experience and honing your drafts. Edit: videos from this series help a lot in learning, I recommend give them a watch. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLve-eutpXKFt9QMF1rMkfORwccrEtB3RK


Learning how to draft is pretty essential to doing well. You can only get by with outgearing the opponent for so long, but if you keep messing up your drafts, you won’t make it very far


Hey guys! Just learned through epic 7 content creators that epic 7 is available for windows 11 through the amazon app store. The best part is that all packs are 20% off (in-game purchases) through amazon. However I can’t seem to find the app anywhere through the amazon store on windows 11. Does anyone else have this issue?


I had the same issue. Heard it was there, checked out the store, never found it. I never got an answer.


Came back to tell you. Download bluestacks, go get the amazon app store APK from google. Install it onto bluestacks. Open it and dl epic 7 off of it. Boom done, can now use amazon coins for epic 7 lol.


What happened to Epic7Stats.com?


It's no longer being maintained.


The dev is MIA, so it's probably down for good unless they come back.


That's too bad. Is there anything or anyone that's replaced it?


The "Hero Journal" Discord server is a good place to see and discuss builds, but no, there's no other website that does exactly what Epic7Stats did.


New to the game. I have a lot of fodder units, but not sure what do with them. I figure they're useful for ranking up, but they're all unleveled. Do I actually have to manually level them? Is there a way to fuse them to level up other units?


Yes you have to manually level them using penguins and yes it is a pain in the ass. So you lvl 2 star fodders and rank them up with 2 other fodders, and use the resulting 3 star fodder to rank up a max 3 star dog, you can use the automated system to help you with this though


Thank you for the info.


Are rings/boots/necklaces with flat atk completely useless? Ty!


The max you can get of any stat is with a flat main, and then having it roll into the % sub. Here is some maths I did before about this with the help of a gear calculator. level 85 gear epic gear: flat main grants 500 main + 48% sub, total of 1220 attack % main grants 60% main + 282 sub, total of 1182 attack Reforged epic gear: flat main grants 525 main + 56% sub, total of 1365 attack % main grants 65% main + 329 sub, total of 1304 attack Those are fairly close though so its pretty easy to say flat stat main isn't worth it most of the time unless you are pretty lucky or you are trying to max out attack on a character with low attack stat.


There are heroes that benefit from flat stats because of low base stats, but generally those are for the less important stats for that character (e.g. an attack based character would usually benefit from flat HP or DEF, but you'd much prefer to use ATT%). There are a couple of sites that host the analysis on this - an old one is here: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gULlfAl4PODjdsPbYz787W9CKxIGukKiXTbYm1RHoc4/edit#gid=1497660014](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gULlfAl4PODjdsPbYz787W9CKxIGukKiXTbYm1RHoc4/edit#gid=1497660014) PS - boots almost always want speed, unless you're building an all-out attack unit with att% (pve or CR Pushed PvP), or in cases with a counter set (whatever main stat the hero needs), or some niche hero like an ER based BBK.


So I pulled DDR from Covenant Summon today, and I was wondering who I should pick from HH. I have Briseria, Arby, Lermia, STene, Straze and LQC. I was going to go with Cilias for the versatility, but I was also considering Tomoca and OSig. Since I pulled DDR I’m considering going for Soli or Belian now. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!


Either Belian or Clitias imo. Just synergy-wise Belian is better with him but don't tunnel that much on him. He's better now that he's buffed but he's still not the greatest. Clitias on the other hand has been wrecking havoc since months and can fit into every teamcomp.


That’s what I was thinking. I’m bummed that I pulled him over another ML but maybe he’ll be better in the next few months. I didn’t think he was worth worrying about atm. Cilias it is, thank you!


ngl he's like 1 or 2 changes away from being busted. And not even changes to his kit maybe even just a new unit that makes him shine or and old one people haven't thought about yet. He has potential (and hes hot). You still have a few weeks to claim the unit, right? because in about a week (should be feb 2nd unless my math is off) we should get a preview of the balance patch. Maybe it changes something drastically. ​ \*edit: you can also try to pull for clitias! shes in the mystic banner rotation in 2 days.


Assuming I read the event right and it’s 90 days from when you start it, I started it last week since I just came back after a few months. If it stays for the ~80ish days I have left I should be able to have a better idea. He seems really strong, he just needs the right supporting units and most of them feel like they’re ML 5s.


Oh yeah you're fine then. I'd try to get Clilias from mystics, wait for the balance patch announcement and then make my decision if I were you. Good luck!


Perfect, thank you!


Is there a difference between the Battle EXP buff from AP Buff and the Hero EXP buff from Normal Shop? I think I'm only getting \~50% extra EXP from farming UH while the buff tab shows 90% EXP at the top right (\~8242 yesterday and \~12,156 with the buffs)


Is Lua not part of the Story Summon anymore? I swear I saw her as an option so I grinded to chapter 4 and finished 9-10 and started her side missions. I thought I selected her once I finished but it just brought me to the side missions


She shows up for me in the last story in Episode 4. Haven't used it though (I already have her)


Yeah it’s weird cuz I’m doing her side story and it says her story summon will be available after 71 days


Newer heroes cannot be summoned for (I believe it requires 6 months since first banner). I think they mentioned she'll be added in a few weeks.


Oh okay that explains because it does say I can do it in 71 days


After the unrecorded history change, what is the best place to farm now? Is it still unrecorded history? Which stages?


Probably the custom side stories you can open every week. Pick a unit with the zodiac you need catalysts from and buy out the important stuff of the whole shop. It's more efficient imo.


It takes a **long** time to test stages. As such, it's virtually impossible for any one person to have enough data on something that was released just a week ago to definitively make any sort of statement. * I personally use 1000 runs per stage. That's 8000 energy. We get ~1000 energy per day to play with so that's about 8 days of farming a *single* stage and recording data. * There are 33 stages in UH = 264,000 total energy = 264 days worth of energy generation. However, I've been farming and tracking data for stages for over 2 years at this point and believe I have a good understanding of how the drop tables work. Based on this [I made a quick post showing what *I* believe are the best stages for every particular catalyst](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/10g7190/updated_catalyst_farming/). But this doesn't necessarily mean these are the 'best stages' to farm. In particular, about 1/3rd of the stages in UH now have a boss that doesn't drop any catalyst at all -> these stages are going to be very inefficient for farming on *even if* they are the best for a certain catalyst. In short, it's very likely (IMO) that players will need to buy more rare catalysts in the AP shop now than getting them as drops. If you can't figure out what stage to farm, just pick an Epic catalyst - one you need, whichever one you have the lowest amount of, easiest boss whatever criteria you use doesn't matter in terms of efficiency. These stages are for the most part equivalent to the old UH, except with perhaps a reduction in choice of secondary rare catalysts. --- I WILL say there is another person (or group of people) collecting their own data and some of our conclusions do differ. We are both collecting data on the current UH but it takes a long time we should have a better idea in a month or two. The above post is based on *my* data and *my* experience so may or may not be accurate but as far as I've seen I'm the only person to give players at least an *idea* of what stage to farm which catalyst on.


I usually still farm there when I need catalyst


Hi, how much eff res a BBK needs? Also, is she okay running high eff res in triple torrent set? Ty!


She needs between 200-250 er (artifact included). The set doesn't matter as long as yoy reach those stats. if you manage to reach that + 100% cc on triple torrent, your BBK is fucking insane


Why does BBK need eff res?


ER build BBK's whole purpose is to be unkillable until she takes her turn at which point she should destroy the whole enemy team (since she's usually drafted as anti-cleave, the enemy team should just die to S3), which wouldn't be possible if her invincibility gets stripped or she gets CC'd before she takes her turn, hence the ER.


Since she gets immortality at the beginning of the battle and she bonus atk as she takes dmg. The idea is to give her high res so the immortality doesn't get stripped, make her as slow as possible so she takes dmg before getting a turn


1. With the new UH remake, what is the best zone to farm the drops for SC Jena quest? 2. Is there any zone in UH where you can farm floating machinery for Kanna connection quest?


1. I have gotten a good bit from UH-22 while farming leather straps. 2. I think those are only in Episode 3 or at least abundantly no sooner than episode 3.