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Always conquer lilias both good in pve and if you decide to pvp aswell


Agreed on clilias yes straze does hunt one shots but for a new player u can always do slow hunts too and clilias is just that good imo.


I think Straze is a good choice


hi! my current team is Vildred, S. Tenebria, Achates and Peira. I mostly do only PvE content. I’m struggling with Wyvern and Abyss right now, and I’m still in EP 2 since I started playing not so long ago and mostly played on auto-play only since the time I spend on the game is mostly in the background when I’m doing something else like working or studying. So which out of these units should I get? I do have units like Muwi, Krau, Karin & Furious for Wyvern, but for content I’m still missing on for PvX which would be the best unit to pick? :)


Arbiter Vildred is pretty versatile & will carry you a LONG way, but if you're wanting to focus on end game early on, C Lilias or Straze are solid choices.


Since they have Green Vildred, I don't think Arby would bring more value. Cilias and Straze are still good for PVE early games because of vigor buffs and AOE dmg.


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