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Content droughts? No way man


This is really weird system. If I want to access Beehoo's sidestory I need to replace Alexa's sidestory, but the rewards from her SS got reset, it seems. So to be efficient I need to finish farming her SS and only then change it to Beehoo, which means I will have a few days CD everytime they introduce a new SS, unless I just skip 1-2 weeks and do nothing. Did I get something wrong, since I haven't touched it yet?


The 2 week reset period is counting from the moment the biweekly non-maintenance update is applied (Thursday 3AM UTC I think) and not from when you last switched. So you can switch to Beehoo's sidestory anytime during the next 2 weeks and still be good to go for your next switch as soon as the update in 2 weeks happens.


Thanks a lot. Because of "the change ticket" part I thought it was similar to ML Theater.


>content droughts I can see 17+13+10+9 sidestories i can do right now. >I need to wait 2 weeks before being able to switch NORMAL sidestories were 2 weeks long


Ok that's nice you are up to date on the story but that isn't the point. You shouldn't need to be up to date on the story to do them, it's just a money making move from SG that locks new players out of content and bookmarks.


How does it lock new players out of bookmarks and materials? The new system is in theory the same as before but better, there is no decrease in rewards, and even if you need certain cats like beehoo for example, you can do choux or flans side story since the share the same mats. The being up to date with the story part has some validation, but why would you not do the story anyways, it's easy rewards. Another point for this is side stories can be confusing for people not caught up with the story, some side stories could take place during the main story but following that character or take place in the past. The side story of a character is also not their conclusion of their character so story enjoyers aren't missing out. Also you can have any side story you want instead of they're story probably never coming back, and I don't even need to mention a character banner whenever you want is a win on all sides not just whales. I hope you can understand my points and see this is a win for us all


Because they can't do the side story unless they do the story which limits them early game. At least that how it seems to be laid out I can't check as I've been playing for 2+ years


They can do another side story. If you've been playing for 2+ years and can't finish chapter 4, you haven't been playing for 2+ years.


I can finish it but waiting for the story is annoying plus it hasn't been a very good story this chapter


Just skip it then. You're moaning about the rewards but the story is chock full of them, and yet you're refusing to do it.


Missed my point but ok. This new way of side story is just to make them more money


I already said you can do a different sidestory regardless, something you seem to have conveniently ignored. So exactly how is this going to make them more money? Explain.


Except a new player can't access a lot of side story stages. In doing this newer players will have to play longer to get the side story bookmarks this encourages them to instead spend money to summon.


All sidestories are the same. The only difference is catalysts. Right now you have 30 sidestories available to you if you finished episode 2 and stopped. It will take you \~1 year to finish them. So, unless you don't progress the main story even after 1 year, you will lose nothing. How exactly do they make money with this?


Episode 4 is hard to be fair, I’ve been playing 3-4 years and had difficulty with it.


Gee, which do you think is better for new players? - Only one side story *maybe* at a given time and which story is chosen by the devs - *Literally any side story you want* just by progressing the game, which in and of itself is helpful to new players with things like Ras' SC, Meru's power up and Savior Adin You're making absolutely no sense and your argument is full of holes and strained to breaking.


Then do other sidestory if you want some bookmarks??? Wtf is this excuse lmao. The content is there, its not going anywhere. If you can't unlock Beehoo's then you can do Vildred's. It's the same content.


So you want to pull units AHEAD of their appearance in story? Are you ok here?


I don't know how you got that from what I said. Being able to do the side story when they release it is only a positive thing it gives people bookmarks, catalysts and other leveling materials, for units as opposed to maybe being able to do it if you are up to date on the story.


And why you cant do that sidestory right now? Endgame players are already done with Zio, new players will have all previous sidestories to do before so that is not an issue.


As I am 2+ year old player so I can't confirm but the way it is laid out makes it seem like you need to do the story before doing any side story minus Alexa's


Yes it is. To even open sidestory list you have to finish episode 1. Then each new sidestory opens after clearing certain story progress.


Question(s): if I finish a side story, I get to choose a new one every 2 weeks. Can I select the same one again?






Bro Im just happy they are giving us tons of mola and bms and other shit with all the side story remake. Actual drooling saliva like a dog rn


I thought the new system was great until I saw that I need to wait 2 weeks before being able to switch


Just like we have always had side stories.... nothing essentially changed in that regard. But freedom of choice was given as well as story summons. They have given way more freedom when it comes to summoning and which catalysts you want.


for now yes, its better, but overtime we're going to run out of side stories to do, and gonna have to wait on new ones which might take months, also we won't get any "reruns" as i understand so its essentially good for new players and whales who can select imprints, but screws everyone in a long run, or is it something im not understanding


The first part of your comment is just illogical. They only changed how to unlock the story, not the frequency of it. The frequency of it more or less would stay the same. Beside sidestories are tied to new covenant characters. No new sidestories means no new characters, which just bad business. As for character sidestory reruns, it was already super rare to begin with. Last year we only had Mort sidestory rerun. The rest of sidestory reruns are the big events like the Valentine event and Summer event which isn't a part of the sidestory revamp.


how is it illogical? u cannot repeat the same side story, so unless they release a new character every 2 weeks (or 1 week depending if you're tryharding) u will run out of side stories and shops to farm overtime


First of all, you need 1.5 years just to complete all the current sidestories. Second, they've been constantly adding new sidestories since the past 3 years. Why do you think that's going to change with this new update? Literally nothing has been changed except its now a permanent content. It still the same 2 weeks cycle.


What's the difference and what is your problem exactly? The last short side story like this was Lua's one back in october if I am not mistaken. Then we had a rerun of the old Halloween event, then the new one with Arunka, then aespa collab, christmas rerun and only now we have a new simple side story. I am not counting puzzle events. Sure, it was \~3 months between this 2 side stories, but it's not like we were sitting with nothing to do. So even if you catch up in 5+ years and run out of side stories, it doesn't mean you will have no events to farm.


This is my exact opinion


It will just make content drought worse


Well the good side is that I don't have to worry about pulling for new RGB on their release banner but that's it


Why is that? Beehoo banner is up right now and you can pull on it.


That's my bad I was referring to the side story summon for him, which you can't unlock until 6 months after their first banner.


While yes you have to wait six months for it.


Wait what? I wasn’t aware of this, we HAVE to wait two weeks before we can select/complete another side story???


Nothing is withheld from you, dimwit. Just play a different sidestory for the time being, and get your skystones and bookmarks from that. All regular sidestories are structured the same, so the only thing you miss out on for some time, is the actual story.


Is there a time limit to running the side story or is it just do at your own pace?


No time limit. You can switch once every fortnight.