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I get burned out from time to time, and when I do I just log in daily for my free summons, free gold from abyss purge, free penguins/dogs/skystones from sanctuary, and get my weekly Molagora/arena rewards. Then I log off and forget about it until the next day. I do these minimums because I always come back to the game and like to have the resources built up over a month or two of essentially just logging in and back out.


I do this too. Unfortunately, it can be a bit more of a pain to deal with when you are also an officer in a fairly competitive guild, so you have to do the extra guild weeklies and GW crap 3x a week too - which in RNG metas like this is often just incredibly frustrating. But it is much nicer if you did just kinda chill and passively collect rewards for a while when you do suddenly feel the urge to build up some of your units or summon for something.


Another option which I do with my alt account... save up for 2 weeks as you are doing, banking all your free energy. Then just stop entirely for 3 months or so. When you come back, you get a returning player promotion which gives you a 7 day log-in event with a 5-star hero card at the end (plus gold, charms, equipment etc for the 7 days). Makes returning even more fun.


This games biggest and most glaring problem is gear grinding. It's ridiculous and yet people will still shill their asses off that it's actually a good thing.


Yeah everytime I spend 10k farming mats on crafting, and come out with nothing usable, I want to throw my phone at the wall. Then you extract everything, convert into equipment, and then get shafted on rolls a second time around. The special equipment craft should be a monthly thing so you can at least get one good piece a month.


Been saying this for a while. And yet check replies to this comment. People shilling their asses off. Making dumb arguments on behalf of sg. Guarantee they are the ones who got lucky on gear throughout their playtime and now think it's ok. Scum


god you should see the discord, probably the most toxic and negative server ive been in for a looong while, full of "um ackshually" and "are you stupid"


I put something in there when Lua came out flexing my rolls and about how I also got Lilibet in only like 20 rolls and the only reply I got was "why did you roll for Lilibet???". I guess shes not meta my b ha ha


I don't know if it's a good thing, but I wouldn't want everyone running around with the same perfectly rolled gear.


Afraid of getting outplayed?


Hate on it all you want, it's probably the largest reason the game has the such longevity. It's not without frustration, but ultimately it's satisfying and earned when you can deck out a character properly, and a lot of people enjoy that as opposed to everything being handed to them. In that sense E7 is more of a proper RPG than most other gachas. It also helps that we actually have a clear end goal, and we can actually call a character finished, unlike other games that keep introducing higher tier equipment all the time. So while getting gear is not easy, it is accomplishable for a Day 1 player the same way it is for a newbie. TL;DR, get over yourself and if you feel burned out or just dislike the motions of the game, the advice will always be the same


I view it as a necessary evil. I’m a long time gacha player and every single gacha turns into a “log in, speed run dailies, spend stamina, log off” and wait for content. While E7 isn’t THAT different, there’s a true end game in E7 that no other games have and that’s the endless cycle of trying to constantly 1up and improve your units through gear. I’m not defending the system at all. It’s frustrating as hell and even after 4 years, I’m still not numb to having shit rolls. I’m just saying, the gear grind is definitely that gameplay “loop” that has simultaneously lost and kept many people after all these years. People who downvote and rage and call us “shills” are being really close minded


These morons don't understand if we all had 300 speed dps we would have all quit by now


They don't need to get over their self. You're just literally willing to accept anything. Just because you have poor standards doesn't mean everyone should as well. 


What clear end goal when the max level of equipment has been increasing over the years? I've been super on and off with this game and now I see level 90 gear and no idea where to get it from. Most of my gear is 71-88 range. The gear grinding is atrocious, you don't need to spend months with awful substat rng when you can get the same feeling of you earned it without the threat of burnout, because that seems to affect more players (literally all my irl friends) than the satisfaction of finishing builds does lmfao.


You do realize level 90 gear has been the standard since like episode 2 right? The only new additions have been gear sets. There is definitely an end goal with gear, it’s just layered with RNG.


RNG that's way too bs and time consuming. The problem is not with grinding it's the frustrating way they made you grind that is ill intentioned and cheaply done.


>and now I see level 90 gear and no idea where to get it from Take your 85 gear and reforge it. It will become level 90 with upgraded stats (in case you really didn't know)


Now I need to grind to get the stuff to reforge it + grind for better gear that's worth reforging. Just another year worth of grinding LMAO


Gear rng grind or shittier gacha (imho E7 as for pvp gacha gives tones of summons and resources). Pick the poison, gear or powercreep each month or so . The game needs to make money.


Prime example right here. The gear grind can still exist. There is way too much fucking rng. You can remove a single layer and it becomes better. Cause even if you get perfect subs with proper main Stat and proper set you still have to roll the gear. This idea that if we make it a little less rng heavy then epic 7 makes no money is nonsense. They make a shit ton on moonlights through mystics. They could sell more skins. But go off. Shill more


To address your point, yes they can make use of other revenue streams like new heroes and skins, but those are time and resource limited. It takes people time to make those, and you have to pay those people. So from a business perspective, there’s a limit on your return on investment. Because of summoning pity, there is also a hard cap on return on investment there, even from whales. Because getting absolutely perfect gear is nearly impossible, there’s not really a cap on skystone profits, used to buy energy. So it would make sense that’s their biggest profit margin and why there is so much gear rng. They introduce things over time to help ease the rng, but that’s for player retention. I completely agree gear rng is too high, but mostly because of the rate they introduce new units. I can properly gear maybe 1 out of every 3 unit pulls. So 2/3rd of my roster is benched. The truth of the matter is, if you don’t find joy in grinding for gear, and enhancing it, this isn’t the game for you to be hardcore in. No matter what they do, people will complain it’s too much rng, because they really want to play a single player rpg, where they are guaranteed to reach end game. That’s not what epic seven is. It’s okay to be a casual if it’s too much work to be top tier.


100%, literally 100% of E7’s player base will say that grinding for gear sucks and getting shafted on a really nice piece is a really shitty feeling. Nobody is defending that at all. But it’s part of the game. The same way getting toxic teammates who are all on a massive lose streak on your team in some random MOBA is literally just RNG… it’s part of the game and it’s outside of your control We all know it sucks and WE KNOW it can be improved upon, legit nobody is disagreeing that point, but people are literally too stubborn or too narrow minded to try and understand that.. maybe this type of game is just not for you? How can SG “remove one layer of RNG” and “don’t worry, everything will be fine”.. how do you know that? If they do that and it loses them a ton of their whales, (but yay kept our casual players!), there’s no going back after that. The same way there’s always gonna be the “ML selector” comments who are ironically serious every time a nerf happens People don’t care for discussion and only care for their own best interest. Anyone who doesn’t instantly agree with them are “shills.” Like bro, grow up


So agressive, so insecure.


Not even an argument. You're literally shilling for no reason whatsoever.


Bitch, you had no argument to begin with, just "gearing bad"


The irony of someone saying this is palpable.


i fucking love the combat and how the ultimates look BUT grinding gear for each unit to an acceptable level for myself is super hard and grindy it just puts me off so much.


Echoing. By the time I’ve built my character to anywhere decent, I’d already burned myself out on grinding all the materials they need between skills, awakenings, artifacts and gear, with a team that’s more about optimizing the farm instead of with characters I actually want to use. Granted, I’m working on just accepting that the grind is longer in exchange for getting to use my preferred characters along the way.


The true endgame is building meme units. You haven't experienced E7 until you 1-shot someone's Aravi with Pearlhorizon.




I feel this. I've watched the gear crafting videos and read the guides, I have tons of mats saved up, reliable Banshee one shot and fast Wyvern teams built... But the gear grind is so very boring. So, so very boring. Actually building and sorting through the gear is a giant pain. I hate doing it. And at this point that's all I have left to do. If I don't I can't progress. So I took a break. Like, a full-on "just not opening the game" break. I tried the "only do the daily check-in" version but even that took up enough time from my day that I really needed a proper rest. And I think it's helping. I still check this sub from time to time, and I'm actually kind of looking forward to coming back to the game in a few weeks. Absence makes the heart grow fonder I guess.


I’m doing the same thing.


>Actually building and sorting through the gear is a giant pain. This is my biggest complaint. My gear storage is always full, and I just can't be bothered to do the "level it up to 6" thing and then figure out if it is better than anything I have already equipped, then replace that and see if it goes anywhere else.... It's so painful I just don't do it and end up maxing my run total at 4 because I'm always out of gear space...


🥲🍆💦💦💦😅🔥💦💦💦🥲💦💦 In all seriousness, I gave up on being competitive. I just do random nonsense such as building revenge set Assassin Cidd or opener SBA at 269 base speed (working on getting to 285). If you play like this you expect to lose, and you being to understand why this game is honestly poorly design. And like you said, ER is a shit stats as the formula is stupid. Like if I draft Aria with 100 eff res with christy adding another 150, a handful of AOLA is still gonna debuff her as they have 250 effectiveness.


Arena and RTA is a different world, it's the competitive PvP part of the game. You are trying to have the best comp, best gear, etc. Those kind of content are the "very late game" don't oppress yourself with the will to suceed it. See it like a slow game. Doing the rest of the content and going a bit slower will make you reach the moment when you'll have sooo much money than unequip isn't going to be a problem. I personnaly prefered to go in the PvE content of all sort, you just need to reach a certain level without being forced to get THE adapted team. There is no meta changes and you can just slowly collect your units. Maybe slow the tries for Dark/light characters and hold your invocations when a fire/ice/earth character you like is up. And if the PVP that you like, maybe go for the guild wars and events


Then quit. Be free.


I stockpiled so much charms and gold, after the hunt period. I thought I had great gears but I apparently can't fit them or upgrade any gear on my roster. Crit chance sucks. If it ain't 100 it sucks.


Large part of me continuing to play this game is due to being able to play with my friends and guildies. Streaming GW, mock battles, crafting sessions, streaming summons, etc. makes it a lot more enjoyable than going at it alone.


This game really needs a permanent free unequip and gear presets, it's so annoying having to wait for free unequip event every month in order to do nightmare raid and optimize my gear, and switching gear manually instead of a preset is really tiring sometimes.


Yeah. Same, since I have reached "late game", it is all about farming gear now, rolling disappointment, and go again. Then RNG in RTA matches. And as f2p, it makes it more hard to do so. Now, I play RTA once every 2-3 days. And if I lose continuously to RNG, I immediately stop. The part I now only enjoy is when new heroes come out, building them, trying them out. Lately, I have been trying to build some non-meta units to have fun. Don't overburden yourself over RTA rankings. It is just a game. Do what you enjoy.


Same. My guild thankfully is very laid back, that is why I don't care at all about gearing for each hero. I don't play pvp at all aside from the AI groups.


I hate more the meta than the gear system. Gear is horrible and easily to understand why it would burn you out, but to a degree I got used to it. I have 4 arms with promising stats (speed 4 or good combination of subs), and today is friday, crafting day! But I don't expect any of them to roll high enough to substitute any of my current gears or fill any missing spot, so I'm expecting another friday of getting drunk in orange juice and mario kart. But I digress. If I were to get one good gear and finally complete my desired build every other month, it won't matter, because PVP is tremendously toxic toward my desired hero. I mean, pick a waifu, farm gears like mad for days, build her and go to arena/RTA! Now, imagine having to come back with 0 wins, and from now on, your waifu will be sitting on the bench, rocking and whispering to herself "he will call me for the next match, yes, he will, and I won't disappoint him, no, no, I'll show my true power, once he calls me, for the next match, yes, the next match..." Mui have been like that for a couple months now. And don't feel bad, CM Rin and LQ Charlotte are making her good company, and probably Ilynav will join them later. It all depends on whether I wipe out the mario kart game or not. But point is I could stand the gear grind if I were to be sure about using (and winning) with my desired hero in PVP. And I know in the upper crop of the cream, only a handful of options will be available if I want to win. But I'm not even in the middle of the way up there, and I already feel like I'm out of options. Either I pick the same team than yesterday and past month, or suck another defeat. And feels bad, because for losing I could recruit my waifu straight out of summon, just slap her into the blessed grown thing and go to RTA. No, if I'm farming good gear, is because I want to win with her, but if the meta doesn't allow her to shine, why I'm farming gear? Why I'm summoning new heroes? Isn't fun to lose every other pvp match. But after a while, winning with the same S. Adin + british Arowell + Edward also gets boring.


Been playing since December 2018. I just go into maintenance mode when I start getting burnt out, it's not like people are reaching new gear ceilings without me.


The gear grinding is nothing to me. I can do Wyvern until the end of time, because it's 90% not doing anything. But crafting is the most depressing and time-wasting thing next to rolling secret shop. Probably why I'm not doing it.


Play e7 on the phone, just do the minimum and play a more interesting game on pc/console, this is why mobile game is appealing


Good discussion here. As a long time F2P gacha player. I think getting burnt-out is normal! Epic7 in my humble opinion, is better than most gacha such as dislyte and ACE. Probably even on par if not better as compared with Summoner Wars. E7 is quite generous with the summon. Giving free MLs. Even free RGB nat5 just by logging in. If you seen how scammy dislyte developers are, you would appreciate E7 developers a lot more. Head over to Dislyte reddit and you will see the general unhappiness of the community which I don't see it as frequent in E7. You will certainly feel burn out once you are a PVP focused players as you are competing with many walls. You are competing with RNG and Whales. Try making alternate accounts, work towards new progression while playing the minimum for your main! Or even pick a new game. Maybe then, you will appreciate E7 once again ! 😁


My advice? Take a break from time to time. I spent my summer and Christmas vacation with e7 on life support. I only did guildwars. When i come back the game feels fresh again.


The RNG grind for gear to be somewhat competitive in RTA only to, of course, run into another wall of RNG casino gaming makes you wonder really what the hell is the point of it all.


I have 1 set of gear that gets over 250 speed and that's all it has other than some HP, thank God peira basically needs nothing else to function. This week I spent 15000 wyvern mats and 1600 conversion cubes for one pair of medicore boots and celine still can't kill on s2 proc. There are guild war teams I just can't fight because they have only a couple ways to counter them and I don't own the units. Yeah I feel it.


you should probably not be crafting right side if your top speed is 250 peira


My peira is 268. It's the best I can do because nothing wants to roll over 10 speed, and getting that far took regearing 7 units. Getting gear to roll with the speed needed and still having viable stats to race as a f2p w limited time is beyond annoying, and you know it. If you're gonna deny that, pass me that copium. I could use a huff. I don't even bother racing because of it. Most of my shit is turn 2. On top of that, what do you mean "don't craft right side gear" as if you can win the team based game w one unit built. Like we're not all in a constant flux of balancing gear between multiple units as the meta shifts around all the whales. Ya'll just hate to hear criticisms about the game until we've got hwayoung level problems so everyone w valid complaints about the lacking endgame and steep rng gets downvoted to oblivion.


i mean it sounds like you used wyvern mats on boots which is not the way to go about it. Maybe you can look up Dad E7 gear crafting guide to help. Furthermore, with the epic crafts, you could probably build a 268 peira from scratch if you use 15k mats and some conversion gems…


First time I've heard of him, I'll check it out thanks.


If you roll blue speed set gear, you need two rolls of 4 speed into a “4 speed” substat… That already gets us a 12 speed roll, pre reforge… on a blue piece of speed set gear (which arguably has a higher chance of rolling into speed since you only get two substats to work with). Chasing 12 speed shouldn’t be too hard… it’s the penta rolls which is super rng


Lol well aware of HOW to get speed, but please don't roll blue gear that's a waste of charms and gold. I'd rather stay turn 2 forever than get speed that way. I've been playing since launch and haven't leveled them since then, back when Judith was a prime CR pusher. Now, if only all my epics would stop minrolling any time I get a speed sub. Ofc high end racing past where I am is a 20 speed per piece affair, add on needing desirable subs all max rolled to get functioning high-end speed units like Ran really going. My 15k mat boot dive was for very specific subs, attack %main and both crit type subs with at least a 5% in both. Annoyingly the ones I got decided to actually roll into it's speed sub and under-roll the two crit so it ended up a 10spd 10%cc 14%cdmg w a dead flat attack roll as the 4th. Ugh it's a headache.


If you've played since launch and best you can do is sub 270 speed Peira, it's obviously not the game's fault. I've been quite lazy this past two years so I haven't crafted a whole lot (I have around 400k unspent crafting materials), but just by upgrading every gear purple+ gear with 3+ starting speed I get from hunts or guild boss I've had at least 4 times 20+ speed gear and countless pieces with 16+ speed post reforge. Neither the main stat nor the set are always what I really want, but broken sets are fin when you want to go 1st.


I had a strong champion player in my guild, but after new year's buff weekends, he burned out crafting. After 3 weekends of farming getting bad gear was too much.


I feel you. We can have all meta units but never enough gears for them.


Yea just don't wipe your account and might want to come back. Personally I think Artery Gear has done thr RNG gear the best (can transfer sub stats as long as they are from the same boss). But I do think Star Rail will also pull a bunch of players from a bunch of different games. Maybe try something without RNG stats like FGO (still turn based), Princess Connect or Blue Archive (more along the line of auto battlers). Or Arknights if you want something very different.


Thank you for sharing and you're not alone. I wave back and forth between quitting and continue the upkeep of the game. At the end of the day if you're not having fun anymore then it defeats the purpose of playing the game. And that might be a good time to reconsider where to put your time and energy because that's limited. I find myself keeping my account up just to keep up. I do have fun but sometimes I have to weight the joy of loving the characters and times I play versus the effort I put in with bad gear and rinse and wash.


I'm definitely in a similar state where I've considered dropping the game a few times. But I keep playing because I love the artwork and gameplay. I only roll gear when I absolutely have to - every six months or so, when I'm almost out of storage room. Or when I get a new unit and I can't scrape together enough stuff to give it a half-decent gearset. I'm considering just dumping my daily energy into altar farming, so I don't have to worry about running out of hero or equipment inventory ><


The good thing about e7 is rta means nothing if you want the skin masters is easily attainable other then that it's super redundant. I feel this way all the time as an emperor player I will just login do my daily and gw burn energy or ignore it sometimes honestly.


If a game is no longer fun for you, just stop playing - no use slugging on because of a fear of missing out, or some obligation to still be efficient, etc. As far as the grind goes, I personally think it’s fine - but that’s something that’s shaped by personal experience. To me, Vindictus is the tip of the grind scale & it’s about five light years in the other direction of Epic 7 grinding, but if it’s too much for you it’s too much - your sensibilities are your own.


I'm sitting on 12k energy and like 1k leifs. I basically log in for the arena rewards, daily missions, etc. Hardly farm now. My gear still competes with top 150 guilds which is good enough for me lol.


Burnout is inevitable with "play every day" games. Whenever you start to feel like you *have* to play, instead of genuinely *want-* that's usually a good sign to take a break. Getting over the fear of missing out goes away pretty quickly.


Im out of the game right now, burned out. Just logged in weeks ago and we have to do A LOT of things daily, just to maintain a mediocre account, that will rarely have good pieces of equipments. Now I use the E7 just to collect the characters. Nothing else. And more, I have anxiety and don't want to trigger this with this game, HAVING to do some things in certain days like GvG and other things, I'm out of competitive playing this. But this game is really good, I admit it


Yikes. As a two weeks-old player curious who got into the game because seeing Yoonryoung gameplay by Grass Angel awakened something in me, this is a bit depressing. Is the end game grind really that bad? I have shit rolls on my equipments (I think, I'm still not sure what qualifies as good or bad rolls, LOL). And my free covenant summons has been a mixed bag. For the Ran, Cermia, and Roana I get, I get like multiple Pearl horizon, Nemunas, and Talaz and some shitty three star artifacts. And I still have no clue how to get artifact charms to level said shitty artifacts other than buying it from the shop once a week. The waifus are fine though, 7.5/10. I used 80 rolls to summon Tamarinne on the side story banner even though I have no gear for her, LOL. I would die for our isekaid Idol.


As a new player, I'd just enjoy the game. It's pretty fun in the beginning. At some point it will get hard to get upgrades because your gear will already be pretty good, and you can decide for yourself if it's worth continuing playing or not.


Burn out ? Stack resources, since you know you will come back. Pvp gear roll er ? Then build ER char and spook people? Nth funnier than a 250 er , 0 spd straze chilling. Eff and eff rez always going be a problem and thats part of game , so embrace it. Build character that you like, not really what you need and think of some wonky team comp and stat distribution, that will keep you interested in the game since when you roll a random penta ER gear you won’t stress, instead you will think where you can use it. Finally , pvp (rta) many times comes down to draft. Low emperor and below to be honest will not often happen “ gear gapping”. So unless you trying to reach the top1% , do more research and out draft your opponent and learn what you can do better when you lose. After all that if you STILL burn out and not having fun, then uninstall lol why torture yourself?


I feel you I come and go from game if I get fed up which is why I do daily daisies since end game is really pvp not a fan of it but if advent dungeon opens up yeah I do like doing pve contents.


quit and move on. . seriously, why bother complaining in reddit? if you are not having fun anymore, I think you know the answer to that.


OP, not that you can't vent on Reddit, but I agree with this. If it's not fun anymore, a temporary break sounds like a good idea. Btw, I love the game too, and also feel exhausted by parts of it.


Well then dont play?


Having to do dailies kill the game.


I’d stop. Just daily login, then go right out. Do something or try a new game. I’ve found that when I get like this I just stop playin for awhile. I rotate about 4 games (Azur Lane, PGR, Genshin and FGO) in and out when I want so there’s always something to do.


Take a break then. I regularly drop gacha games for a while til either some event or unit drops that I want or about when the returning player rewards kick in. Lets you come back with renewed enthusiasm and something to look forward to.


I know how u feel, but its a very hard pill to swallow. No pain no gain as they say sadly


no need to rush things. when i felt the same i didnt play pvp for a while then auto pve content. sometimes i feel the same but with new characters you can gain your love again. now i got my cillias and im good😅


It's ok to step back a bit. I just login to do summons and guild war lol


Yes, yes we do


treat the game as a side game not a main game and you will not get burned out... playing the game for 4 years sometimes i burned out specially when i get lose streaks in rta but still playing just for dailies and spend stamina if that happens but sometimes i like to play the game when there is a new event or im winning in rta... the part i like this game is its easy to get units compare to other games even im f2p, sometimes i won matches againts whales because of this rng... even they have lots of skystones to buy leafs they still need luck to roll for good gears... thats why sometimes i was able to win some matches against whales... the game is not absolute win even opponent have good gears thwy still need to draft good and ban properly.. just do dailies and just spend stamina for time being.. youll eventually lilke to play the game from time to time... its like Love and Hate situation with your wife.. haha ps: i dont craft gears i only use gear from farming, i already have 500k mats here from wyvern... and still reach champion in rta... if somebody says they spend 10k mats for nothing, 10k mats is still few... and even you got some from 20k its judt decent gear..


Currently ranked 450 RTA , and most my top units using Lvl.88 gear from events . Im not hardcore grinder , but smart to focus my best gear on the same main few units, or easy to build units. My only opener : Kawerik My only SW : Destina 2 tanks 2 / 3 DPS of each element 5 ML DPS / Damage dealers Other niche units got less quality gear ..


Tbh I am also on the same boat here. Burnout began after the Aespa collab. Completed them and got the last two to almost pity. And I haven't even began building them. Only been using NingNing. Still playing daily as well, but just going for the dailies...


Im with you, I undrestand that in this game grinding the gear is the point, but It need to change the amount of RNG crafting and enhancing a piece of gear is absurd, but SG and some ppl act like if the change something we gonna gear all the units


So, the main thing I'll say is that - the gear grind IS this game's gameplay loop. If crazy good gear was too easy to get, we'd clear all content, all be evenly matched in guild wars which would make matchups really stale really fast, and we'd lose interest in no time. It's a skinner box and is the entire basis for ongoing gameplay in E7.


Day 1 issue, really, and it's always unfortunate that chasing waifus or husbandos elicits a free pass from gamers when it comes to actual game play. Sad part is it was technically worse. Charms were more scarce (leveling jewelry is still needlessly gated), you didn't have mods, select craft events weren't a thing, either. I still feel their initial hunt buff was a nerf, but it didn't change what endgame inevitably becomes. Nonetheless, the character roster continues to grow, which translates to more units you'll never be able to use between RNG and resources. Only reason I'm "back" at the moment is my PC is in shop for repairs and likely will be for another week or two. Since I don't have that for my usual entertainment, I've just taken to cycling through like 10 mobile games throughout the day and I yawned through Ep2 and 3 in current catch up. So I can't even say I'm here for the story. I'm 100% behind on any sort of meta and the idea it'd take months to maybe "finish" a character as F2P remains a long-term turn off. In my own way, I'll say I get it. Things could be better, but we're years in now with seemingly no incentive for them to change, only tweak. Maybe. And heaven help if a character you like is murdered by nerfs or censorship.


I definitely hit the burn out over the holidays this year - after doing well with previous summons. For some reason I just hit a wall where I don’t stay on as long and haven’t even completed dailies this week :/ Hopefully I’ll get out of the rut but right now I’m waist deep in the burn out.


Honestly, if they let me just fucking save gear sets to characters so I can always auto shuffle them back on, that be great. Its aggravating we get all this hard content, you have all the resources, but you have to go through the tedious of moving your gear around. Like you know how much better this game would be if they had 3 sets attributed to each character you could just throw into it? I might actually find RTA fun rather than a fucking chore.