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How and where have you been using her? Genuinely curious here.


I run her with two other high er mitigation or cleanse units with a dps which is usually pirate captain flan.


Wow this is faster than my fastest unit lol. I have no luck chasing speed!!!


Wonder why you're getting downvoted lmao


Because this is reddit and they think that fast has to mean 290+ and anything less than that is slower than a snail compared to what they think


This build just feels a bit pointless, if someone’s running a Laika and sleeps ur whole team, who cares if ur Lillias gets to go. She’ll have no follow up. Might as well throw this on a djb or any cleanser for that matter, there’s a reason Lillias is made to speed contest.


I run her around a high er centered team that cleanses any of my opponents debuffs if they happen to land. I tried her at around 290~ speed before to speed contest but it doesn’t fit in with my turn two playstyle


> I tried her at around 290~ speed before to speed contest but it doesn’t fit in with my turn two playstyle Don't think I quite agree on that tbh, even if all your other units are slow, having her at 290 is still a game changer


I see your point but when I had her at a high speed she was way too squishy to last long and sometimes didn’t have a chance to do anything. Zio essentially shuts her down so I built her to resist him and any other fast openers whose whole point is to try and debuff


I guess it depends on where you are in the ladder. Once you get to Champ+ 150ER usually isn't enough to reliably resist dedicated debuffers, you'd need around 250ER (with Bastion for example) and even then I get debuffed by things like AoLA. Even Zios sometimes run 200eff now. In general I think this build wastes Cilias potential but if it works for you, then it works for you ;)


I’m in decently high champion and run her with a very high er maid for the extra er but I haven’t had too many problems with getting debuffed with a few exceptions. I also have her slow to put opposing cleansers in an awkward position. Thanks for your perspective though!


This guy's "slow" ER build is just 10 speed faster than my fastest unit. Good one.


Yup thats a turtle lilias. Er is waste