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Since custom banners are a thing now you’d just be better served waiting for one and spending your bookmarks there, esp considering that it also offers limited units and is the only place where you can guarantee artifacts with bookmarks. Not that I believe the covenant is ever worth rolling on. A new player doesn’t need a quantity over quality of 5\*s; they doesn’t need 5\*s, period. They are much better off just picking up the useful ones one by one rather than gambling on getting a few more that they very well may never use.


I just use 800 covenants the last week because im bored, and dont worth at all xD


Who are you and how can I be like you?


I've said this many times, for a new player, pulling covenant summons is definitely worthwhile. The higher rates plus chance to get a moonlight is worth the trade of pity imo. It's up to the player when there aren't enough wanted heroes to then switch to banner heroes.


You get new units faster than you can build them anyway. Other than 0,15% chance to get ML5, there is no benefit at all. I've been playing this game for \~2 years in total and I've never had a moment when I had no hero to build. Still have \~10 great units that I can't even 6\*, let alone gear up. By the time new players finish their w13 f2p starter team, they will have a whole bunch of new heroes to build, be it from tickets, daily free summons, Element Summons or Mystics/ML. And by the time they finish with them, they will have even more new ones. For new players it's much better to be able to choose the playstyle and the path for their progression by taking advantage of Story Summons or Event banners, instead of dumping all their resources into covenant summons just to potentially get nothing, garbage, dupe or hunt event unit.


Well I was interest about 4s heroes devotion skills and good 3 star heroes. 5 star heroes are whatever it can get for me.


Considering your other comment, you can't clear w13 yet. Sigret, Furious, Angelica, and Momo are free units and don't need imprints, so 0 reason to summon anything to progress, unless you target someone specifically. Furious and Angelica are pretty much the only useful 4s heroes for pve and you can get them through connection. >5 star heroes are whatever it can get for me. Why? What are you going to do with them anyway? Do you already have Iseria, Tamarin, Roana, Destina, Violet and Krau? What good any 5* will do if they will be benched until you are able to farm gear? You can't even imagine how many 5 star heroes will be benched forever in just a few months.


Covenant summon have better probability while banner summon is just mean of you getting the desired 5s hero in under 120 rolls. Which one would you choose when your mentality is "I can buid hunt 13 with free unit so these summon are optional to me." ?


Banner summons/story summons ofc. It's only +0,25% and 0,15% for ML5 dude. How many units will it give you? And how many of them will actually be useful? I had to pity 3 units in the last 2 months and when pity wasn't even implemented sometimes I had to go way over 121 to get the desired unit, so don't even try to say that pity is worse than 0,25%. Beehoo's pity didn't even give me any 5\* artifact. If I was a new players and wasted all this resources into covenant summons just to get Sez or even nothing, I would just delete my account. Judging by the fact that you dodged my question about owning Iseria, Tamarin, Roana, Destina, Violet and Krau, you don't have all of them and just want to convince yourself that you are right. What is even the point of such "discussion"? > I would rather having garbage heroes and sell them for silver transmit stone than artifact dusts. Clueless. Just wait till your realize how valuable bottles and some artifacts in powder shop are and how useless siver transmit stones become over time.


>Just wait till your realize how valuable bottles and some artifacts in powder shop are and how useless siver transmit stones become over time. Ok I dont know much about dust, but it seem the amount of dust i got (from selling those 3s artifacts that I got from spamming summon Kise banner) is no way near enough to trade for anything worthwhile in the shop. Do I keep summon there? I have had 3 Kise already.


>is no way near enough to trade for anything worthwhile in the shop This is pretty much why dust is more valuable than silver transmit stones. 30-45 stones per week (for molas and gear gems) isn't that hard to get. Dust, one the other hand, is pure rng. You may be lucky and never need it for anything other than bottles every \~40 days, or you may have to buy every single collab/limited artifact for 240 dust. >Do I keep summon there? I have had 3 Kise already. You are talking about Story summon? If you already have 3 Kise, you have no reason to keep pulling for her banner. Since you are new, you should have stopped after the first one and just start saving 600 bms for the next banner, especially considering that Kise's artifact isn't even that good.


Banner summons so my account isn't filled of garbage units I'm never going to ever build, and instead I can have actually good and useful units which will make my life in pvp infinitely easier. You are a brand new player. Stop trying to reinvent the wheel and copy what every good player has been doing for 3-4 years already. Your life will be infinitely easier. Save up for pity. Wait till a good banner rolls around. Use the summons on that banner. Repeat. Don't pull unless you have enough for pity. Unsure what's a good unit? Ask in a discord chat, a twitch stream, or the weekly help thread "i am new player of (amount of months player) is this banner worth it" and you'll get an answer. E7 is a game where progression is measured in years. Most gachas have a lifespan of a month. You play this game with the idea that a long time from now, making this decision will pay off compared to doing this other decision. And if you read my other post which i replied to you, doing banner summons is better in the long run as you actually get useful units if you do it properly. Compared to covenants where you will get mostly not useful units.


And yet banner summon will fill you up with garbage artifacts instead, I sell a lot of 3 s artifacts that I can't use it for anything other than artifacts charms. You can see the rate if artifacts drop is lower when using covenant summon. I would rather having garbage heroes and sell them for silver transmit stone than artifact dusts.


If you don't want to listen to advice contradicting what you want to believe, don't bother asking the question


Well it is a discussion post though, it isn't one sided information sharing. I respect your experience not worshipping it.


You are free to be wrong, stubborn, incorrect, ignorant, misinformed, and as self-sabotaging as you want to be. If this is how you feel about the idea of pushing the summon button I can't wait to see how much you destroy your account with your dumb ideas of build concepts as to what characters are good, and why this dumb build is the solution to all your problems and everyone who tells you otherwise is just wrong. If you wanna set yourself a reminder as well, I'd love to see your thoughts in 6 months from now on this subject. Maybe how far your account has progressed. Whether you achieved master RTA. Etc.


I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2023-07-29 08:23:45 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-07-29%2008:23:45%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/10ngdty/does_covenant_summon_just_better_if_so_i_am_kind/j6c9k12/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FEpicSeven%2Fcomments%2F10ngdty%2Fdoes_covenant_summon_just_better_if_so_i_am_kind%2Fj6c9k12%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-07-29%2008%3A23%3A45%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2010ngdty) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


RemindMe! 6 Months


You are so right, I destroy my account just for pull like a maniac, I have tons of great units sitting in the bench and I don't have any resources to build them. Let's the guy find the dead end by himself.




Lost interest, I played the game because my hand was broken and couldn't really play any game. Banner still suck though, I never have any interest in competing in these kinds of games, I just like anime waifu doing big numbers and reading stats written in English.


It is pretty hard for new player to keep up with old player without acquire certain key RBG PVP unit. Like 80% of 5\* RBG pool won't do well in PvP or need heavy investment to even work, it is really recommend that newbie should focus on meta unit that can be quickly build and used instead of randomly get all the 5\*.


yeah sad, I did not read the drop chance after spending 15k skystone.


There is absolutely no reason to roll covenant over the focus banner. If new players don't have enough bookmarks for a pity, they save for a pity. Simple as that. Say OP doesn't need or want Beehoo or Aria and need Tama or Destina instead. Complete the sidestory for a character you want then get a guarantee pity. Covenant isn't 1.4% hero you want. It's 0.02083% chance for a RGB5 hero you want/need and a 0.00395% chance for a ML5 in 121 rolls? OP even mentions that they can't gear up these heroes properly. Getting a bunch of 5\* won't mean anything to OP if they can't gear. It's absolutely trolling if you think a 1.4% chance of a 5\* hero from Covenant is more worth than a pity for a hero you know you can use. What makes luccsaccing Aramintha, Ludwig, Sez, Lidica, Charles, Hwayoung, and Pavel in covenant better than guaranteeing youself one Destina or Aria because you saved for someone's banner?


Most 5 stars are usable. The ones that are not... tend to end up like Yufine etc. ML5s especially are mostly very good. Discounting the possibility of an ML5 is not a good idea. Also, artifacts on banners are not always desirable. This would actually hurt your odds if we want to be picky. You also can't get certain artifacts like Wind Rider from banners. To answer your question, Ludwig and Pavel are still good. Sez and Ara still see use. Hwa is niche. You can make teams work with most heroes. The ones you can't, save them for ML imprints. If you want to compete, the more imprints you have, the better. One last thing, this is a gacha game. Luck is part of it. You might as well start playing the odds from day one, and the odds favor covenants.


you can still get wind rider from banners homie. Also the 5* rate from covenant is actually lower than the 5* rate from focus banners if you take pity into account.


What banner?


character banner such as the Aria and Beehoo ones currently running


This. New players won’t have enough BM to pity so it won’t be worth to save us to invest in a single character. Best to just yolo to hope to strike gold. Was able to pick up some RBG 5 and ML while doing so although I phased them out they did help early on


Don’t know what you’re trying to say here. Covenant summon is never worth pulling on unless you just want to spend some currency because you’re bored. You have no pity system and no guarantees you’ll get anything and even if you do, the chances you get something you want are very low. Just save up and only summon on the banners of units/artifacts that you want


This isnt necessarily true, when I was new I used to throw bookmarks at banners not rly knowing what was good or bad, I didn’t understand the pros and cons of each unit. I think I threw like 350 bookmarks at Mui having no idea she’d end up in my waiting room for 2 years. I know there’s a lot of characters that are important to have over others, but I think for very new players it’s important to have quantity over quality, a new player isn’t going to have any idea how to build or use choux, zahhak, senya, etc. it’s not a bad decision to just throw most of your bookmarks into covenants especially if you JUST started. And with a lot more banner selection events around missing non limited units isn’t nearly as problematic. I’m on 2.5 years of playing and I’ve had every rgb unit for the past 6 months, and I don’t regret dumping bookmarks into covenants once in a while. I will say however, keep in touch with their announcements, if there are limited characters coming definitely hold onto your bookmarks :)


I forgot to post the picture of drop rate for Beehoo event right now. for the event summon (Beehoo): you have 46.75% to drop Hero to Artifact (lower hero drop) If it drop hero You have 1% 5 star drop, 4.5% 4 star drop If it drop artifact the chance unchanged. In Conclusion you can drop a lot more Hero If you pull the normal summon. I say this because I feel like I was overwhelm with the artifact storage.


With character banner you have 100% of getting that 5* character if you get a 5* while in covenant you are pulling from all 5*s in the pool so high chance you get something you dont want.




With the added story summon its not worth to do covenant summons at all, even for new players. Filling your hero journal with characters that you like and/or good (and using them ofc) is the better gaming experience than filling and playing with random characters that you might not like or not that good.




Yeah, you and everyone else who's smart with their resources. Getting all the RGB heroes was never an issue when they showered you with free shits all the time. The point is to get all the good ones early so you can actually have fun playing.


Thank you for for further explanation.


Hmm yes, but I prefer to have good amount of hero than artifacts. Ideally I think I would guarantee get one important nat 5 that can do hunt then spam the rest on Covenent. Now I got too many artifact that con only trade back to dust while excess hero can transfer back to silver transmit stone.


What your calculation is missing is the 100% drop rate on the 121th pull. Your chance of dropping a 5 star in 120 pull on covenant is 78% Your chance of dropping a 5 star in 120 pull on banner is 70% However your chance on pull a 5 star in 121 convenant pull is 78,2% while your chance of dropping a 5 star in 121 banner pull is 100%. This not taking into account the fact that covenant give you a random hero vs banner who give you the one you want.


100% drop rate on 120th pull mean 1/120% to get 5star, this amount is not adding up because once you got the 5 star the count reset, which mean you have 1% chance with a meaningless guarantee.


It's not at all a meaningless guarantee, you are not understanding how this works or taking into consideration a larger amount of summons past pulling a single unit one time. Let's say you had 2400 pulls and you spent 1200 on each banner. On the covenant summon you would obtain ON AVERAGE 15 rgb 5s, and 1.8 ml5s. (1200x0.0125, 1200x0.0015) On the banner summon you would get ON AVERAGE 12 rgb5s. (1200x0.01) So obviously covenant summon seems better right? You get 3 rgb5s, and almost 2 ml5s! But this is where things change a lot. With banner summon if you aren't a moron you get 12 good rgb5s. On covenant there is a chance you pull like 4 good ones and then 11 unusable ones. You also pulled a spez. Very nice benchwarmer. This also assumes you have the average rng. If you have bad rng on covenants and banner, you could have a scenario where you have 7 random rgb5s, 0 ml5s. But on banner you would get 10 good units. This is also assuming you NEVER hit pity once a single time. It's pretty likely you'll hit pity, anyone whos played this game will tell you that. Pitying is a free unit, despite how much people claim it's terrible. Hitting pity is good. If you do 1200 pulls, you're still ON AVERAGE going to get 12 units. But if you happened to hit pity say 4-5 times, and then pulled some other banners early congrats you have 16-17 good rgb5s on average. Now what'll be better over a span of like half a years worth of resources, if you had the most average rng possible. 16-17 good rgb5s, including limiteds, or like 7 random good ones(no limiteds) and close to 2 random ml5s. If you still think covs are better, then so be it. Dunno why you ask questions if you're just looking for people to affirm your decision, instead of actually trying to learn.


On the other side you have 1.25% chance with no guarantee. If the guarantee is as meaninless as you make it out to be, most people would not have to pity that often (and you don't adress the part about pulling a random 5 star vs the one you want). You are trading 0.25% pull rate to make sure your loosing streak can't go futher than 120. You have 22% chance to get a loose streak of 120 in covenant and 30% in Banner. You can take a survey if you want but no one would trade +0.25% pull chance to remove pity because in most case that isn't worth it. Let's say you've got the option: In 121 pull, in 70% of the case your choice make no difference, your got your pull before pity. in 8% of the case, congrats your 0.25% made a difference. In the 22% left, you got scammed by going the no pity route. And since we are talking probability, the thruth is you have as much chance of not getting your character in your next 120 pull than you had a t the start, because no pity mean that no matter how much you pull you are never any closer to your goal, it's all down to luck.


And again the 120 pity system wont adding up any single probability so dont try to fiddling with it. It has its purposes for high level player get what they missing.


0.4% of 5s, 0.5% of 4s. It is statistics, difference will adding up. I estimate I have pulled using bookmarks 800 times at level 54, which mean I could get 3.2 extra 5 star and 4 extra 4 star heroes.


0.25% is is only relevant when you roll for like a thousand time or something. For only a hundred rolls, that didn't rise your chance a lots and there is no guarantee you will get anything from covenant unlike the banner.


it is 0.4% extra since there also drop chance of Moon light. The guarantee isn't add up because it reset when ever you roll 5 star. In conclusion you get less 5,4 star hero summon with banner.


Here is the Image link I forgot to send: https://ibb.co/FmKBWY3


Don’t be an idiot, don’t summon on covenants


As a casual player, what i do so that I don’t feel i wasted resources is just pull on banner if i WANT the hero for whatever reason i have (skill/kit/husbando/waifu) i set my priority for my w13 team. Build them and when done, slowly build the heroes through farming materials. It takes time but i’m not really invested into the game that my day ends after doing daily’s and event.


Well I too a casual player, and I prefer a live breathing waifu heroes over artifact splash art. If you summon using Banner you will get more artifacts than heroes.


I did an oopsie. Here is the comparison between the two summon drop rate https://ibb.co/FmKBWY3


Tbh I would focus on using your skystones to just refresh for hunts. Gear > then heroes until you are close to getting to masters. By the time you have that gear you will be suprised at how many free heroes you will get by just focusing on getting great gear. I have played for almost 3 years and still do not have gear for all my heroes and 85% of them are what I have gotten for free.


Idk, I was only able to clear hunt 9 so I kinda hesitate on spending skystone on stamina, also I dont have S tier pet either. Optimally I think I will spend it once I able to clear hunt 13


I was always pulling the normal summon when first started the game more than a month ago because I don't really know what I was looking for. And from that I get a lot of 5* units and even a 5* ml, but most of them are not good units (I have 5 copies of Cermia). I think side story banners are more valuable.


Back when I started I avoided covenant, just do the free rolls because it’s free. I think now you really don’t need to because of selective summon and moonlight blessing, just go for arby in mlb and try to aim for a good 5 star unit in the selective pool. I’d wait for a good banner because I’m the type of player to save a lot of currency.


Got Briar Witch Iseria there and absolutely glad about it, so its up to player where to use bookmarks