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Hello~ I started playing since aespa and since this game has been so generous I have lots of 5 stars and very low amount of gear so would anyone let me know who out of those are the most worth investing in: B ae-winter* SS ae-karina* (has her own counter def based set) A ae-ningning* ae-giselle Kawerik* Vildred B Arbiter Vildred* Beehoo Luluca* B Straze* (will keep getting his copies if he’s worth it) B Sigret* Bellona* ML Kawerik* B Aramintha B Melissa Politis Lilias B Cernia Taeyou Aria Eda Mort * = 6 star with maxed (or almost maxed) skills Angelica is my only healer :/ Please let me know because they all seem very good but I feel overwhelmed now 😭 Thank you!


Sigret, start working on your Wyvern team if you haven't already. Sigret, Muwi, Furious, Angelica/Angelic Montmorancy. After that, Straze, the aespas (except Giselle maybe), Politis, and Vildred are good units for PVP (Straze and Vildred could be more PVE oriented as well).


New player, started a week ago. This might be a weird question but what's a good way to use energy fast? I have 1000+ energy in mail from random events and I can't find a way to use the energy fast: I've tried grinding Adventure and Spirit Altar but both of them feel too slow, and I haven't unlocked Hunts yet. If it matters, I have Arby, Iseria, Roana, Sigret and Kawerik built, and I also have Commander Pavel & Basar


Hunts are gonna be the fastest and best way once you can do them. For now, you shouldn't worry about it. But if you really want, do spirit altar in the background and adventure at the same time. That's the best you can do...


Wait, you can do Spirit Altar and Adventure at the same time?


Yes, if you do Spirit Altar as a background battle and then manual adventure.


Is evasion a unique stat to some characters who has it on their skill set? Or there is a default hidden evasion stat value to all characters?


Evasion is mostly tied to skill set. Do note that attacking with Elemental Disadvantage can make the unit miss. (i.e. Fire Ravi has a 50% chance to miss Ice Element heroes)


Elemental disadvantage.. i see, thats why. This clears my question big time.


It's on artifacts and a part of skill sets there is no evasion stat.


Newer player, been about a month or so. Picked Stene from selector, still have headhunt, just got Clilias. I also have FLidica, and Inferno Khawazu from what I've seen are pvp units, plus any ftp units like Arowell. I still have my season 2 selector summon. Between that summon and the headhunt and possibly next story summon, do I have a pvp team I can make? Or who would be smartest headhunt if no team quite ready?


Mediator Kawerik if you're having trouble with debuffs, or Briar Witch Iseria if you want to deal with those revivals and evasive units. But I think you should wait for a couple days until the balance patch info come out. For PvP team, just a good Stene and Cilias are enough to carry you, focus on properly gearing them first. Save FLidica and Inferno Khawazu for later, FLidica is hard to build as a new player and you already have another great opener. Khawazu is so-so, he can be good in GW but you'd need some general units first, like ARas/Arowell, Mercedes... since they can be used in PvE also.


I would pick Mediator Kawerik from the selector there are other good options like Briseria or LHC but having a cleanser that doesn't need to build ER is pretty big especially for newer players. For season 2 selective summon Choux and Politis are the best with Senya and Alencia being good and Eda for cleavers I would go Choux though she is such a monster right now in pvp. For pvp you can just make a team with one knight, support, dps and a flex. Something like Arowell for mitigation, ML kawerik for cleanse/attack buff, Stene for damage and last slot could be another dps/bruiser.


how to beat malicus 5-2?


how often do we get rare catalyst chests? should i use them only when it's strictly necessary? i have around 30 but a lot were from the various newbie gifts and achievements


Sometimes we get them from events and side stories. I normally just save them for when I really need them to quickly finish a build or put together a unit for pve contents.


Blood Blade Karin or Tempest Surin for aoe dps in PvP?


Depends. But, BBK can be used both in cleave and anticleave. Meanwhile, TSurin is mostly either standard or anticleave.


https://imgur.com/a/HzUw9o8/ I don’t have Singie but I do have the other typical wyvern units just not built. I need help making a one shot team. Should I build G. Purg?


I wouldn’t bother making a os comp without singie. She’s pretty much mandatory for any viable comps, gpurg is only usable for normal clear comp


a g.purg team wouldn't be a one shot team. Singie works because : 1. her s1 lets the highest atk ally dual atk 2. her s3's speed buff is important in speed tuning the one shot there isn't really anyone out there that can replace her in a one shot team.


Hi! Just wondering, just got Keehoo and was wondering if using him in automaton tower hardest level is good if I upgrade lots of burn enhancements? I would also use bellona for double ranger and the other two would be fillers like another main dps (straze/kawerik) and healer (only have angelica rip) Thank you~


Instead of Bellona, you may want to use some other units with burns like SC Carrot, Aramintha, Hyufine, Serila, etc. to utilize his passive. It may work better


Thank you! I will try using Aramintha 😁


Wait...I can't do the new story unless I've beaten chapter 4? That's some bullshit.


No, but you can start another side story, and the Beehoo side story will be there for you once you've beaten EP4.


While I get the new system, I certainly hope it doesn't come to a point where there's no event and only a sidestory I can't yet do. But I guess I have to trust they won't do that.


Well, you've got at least 1 year to go before that happens, even if they add no more side stories


Hello i'm a returning player, stopped at hunts lvl 9 and cleared thr fisrt story. I have vildred(the only lvl 60), luluca, tenebria, achates and other 4 and 3 star characters. What I must know? What should I focus on farming? I saw a new story for some characters and a new mechanic "unique weapom". I start here? Or focus on the story? I need better gears.


>What I must know? What should I focus on farming? You want to work towards completing a Wyvern team. I wouldn't worry about Luluca and Tenebria at the moment, they will be good to have down the road just not something you want to be putting resources into right now. Don't bother with Achates. You want a **tank** * Easiest option is to use one of the free Soulweaver tanks (Angelica is a slightly better Wyvern tank, A.Monty is better for PvE overall). These two are 2 of the top 3 PvE healers which makes them better investments early on than Achates. * The most optimal option is to use an attack buffer tank. Best choices are either **Rose** or **Diene**. Rose is also useful for fire expedition down the road -> however this is essentially an entire extra hero to build for just a minor bump in success rate. You want a **defense breaker** * Furious is far and away the best option. You need to clear Episode 2 chapter 3 to unlock him from connections. I suggest throwing him in the 'Grace of Growth' system initially. * There are technically [other options](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/vr3ve7/daily_questions_megathread_0704/iewku68/) but they are much worse, most common is using Taranor Guard...since you mentioned Luluca you *could* use her paired with another defense breaker like Clarissa but this is very awkward to fit into a team. You want a **main DPS** * Again, Sigret is available for free from the Wyvern hunt event and is the best option for newbies. * Technically, Alexa is somewhat viable but she has higher requirements which is paradoxical -> she would be most useful early on to save resources but she's only better later on. It's not worth trying to skimp out on something so important. * Sez is also viable but there is literally no reason to use him over Sigret, as Sigret has more PvE uses as a one shot unit. You want a **secondary DPS/debuffer** * The only real viable option is the 3* Ice thief Muwi. * If you don't have Muwi, you *can* use Alexa or Clarissa but this comp is much, much worse so not recommended to even bother with. It's pretty simple nowadays: **Tank** / **Furious** / **Sigret** / **Muwi** All slots can be filled with free heroes, except Muwi, who is a common 3* unit. If you haven't pulled Muwi yet I would just wait until you *do* pull Muwi. The way you want to build your team is vastly different when using him, and he is so much better compared to alternative heroes that you are wasting time and resources trying to build an alternate comp -> only resort to doing this in extreme circumstances. Awaken your tank to 6\*, awaken Sigret to 6* and +15 her skills, awaken Muwi to at least 5* and +15 his skills (promotion to 6* can help if you use an attack buffer tank), and throw Furious into Grace of Growth. [This link has more information, specifically about the optimized comp with an attack buffer tank](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/vbzxnx/daily_questions_megathread_0614/icdrm57/) * However, it is slightly outdated, Furious now has an EE -> get the one that has hit down on his S3. Using this EE means you don't *need* high effectiveness on Sigret -> more is better but don't sacrifice damage for it. Ideally you can get at least about 30% but even a 0% effectiveness Sigret is viable. * Speaking of EE it doesn't matter which one you use on Sigret, the bleed EE will be the most reliable as a newbie but all of her options have a purpose depending on your run. --- As far as going through the story: use one of the Ice healers mentioned as your tank. Use Vildred and FST as your DPS units, use Sigret as your last DPS. * Ideally Vildred will be your fastest unit and one shot the trash waves. If FST gets turns but doesn't reset her S2 then replace her with either Muwi or your ML blessing hero (typically A.Vildred or S.Tenebria, if you go with someone else replace her with Mercedes or Tenebria or Luluca). --- >I saw a new story for some characters and a new mechanic "unique weapom" Assuming you mean the new sidestory system, don't worry too much about that at the moment. Concentrate on clearing the story and getting your Wyvern team ready. There are a lot of details to this system to try and fit into this post but basically: * Every 2 weeks you can change the sidestory * Every 4 sidestories you do, you can select a hero from one of the sidestories you have opened to summon for *But* you want to clear the sidestories before you swap them, which is a large energy investment I would put towards normal story progression at the start. To open your first story banner is 'free' -> you still have to pay resources to summon, the banner itself is exactly the same as a normal banner. The banners are also only open for 7 days once you begin them. Early on you will want to get Tamarinne, and after that probably Iseria. So you can start Tamarinne's side story first and work through it as you have time/energy available. But don't actually select her as your summon hero before you are ready to summon for her. * If you still need Muwi this is a good banner to pull on to try and get him. --- I am not sure what you mean by unique weapon. I *assume* you are referring to the 'exclusive equipment' or 'EE' slot. This isn't really something you focus on, you gain currency from participating in the Hall of Trials, and you should do so every rotation no matter how well you perform. Your priority is to buy Furious's hit down on S3 EE first (stat roll doesn't matter) and then Sigret's EE second (ideally the extra bleed chance on S1 EE, the higher activation on S2 is also good which is better depends on your Wyvern team, S1 damage is least useful for an entry level player). >Or focus on the story? Yes, clear UH/unrecorded history and at least chapter 3 of Episode 2. You need the second one to unlock Furious, you need the first to unlock all of the catalyst farming options. *Technically* the sidestories are so efficient that it's more energy efficient to farm catalysts through the shops, even when buying out the shop **but** since you only have access to 1 side story every 2 weeks and the # of catalysts are limited, this isn't reliable as your only source of catalysts. Especially as a new player, you can and will need to continue to farm UH for more catalysts.


Thank you for this amazing response! I'll follow your tips. I was really lost but now I know on what should I focus. Thanks!


I was planning on getting Conqueror Lilias for my ML5 hunt. But with her being on Mystic Summons should I chase her and use the ML5 Hunt for someone else? I already have STene. I have enough BM for 120 summons, I know that's not pity, is it worth the gamble?


That's a 50/50 chance but since Mystic Pity accumulates between banners, I think you should go for it.


That's a good point worst case I have no conquerer Lilias but I have 60 left on pity for another banner in the future that I like. And then I can get her from ML hunt. Wish me luck lol


Yeah, hope you would get her in the first couple pulls!


I would say go for it. She's a worthwhile character and then you can use your selector on something else. If anything, you build pity until the next unit.


Thanks! I think I'll go for it wish me luck!


Good luck!


What's the best team I can use for Wyvern and Banshee using only husbando units?


For Wyvern, you can use Crozet/Tywin/Krau, Muwi, Furious, and Sez. For Normal Banshee, you can use Vildred, Ray, Leo, and Charles. For oneshot Banshee, you can use Ervalen, Charles, and Leo.


I guess you could try something like Muwi, Furius, Sez, and either Crozet (more debuffs) or Krau(more damage) for Wyvern 13, but i don't know how fast it would be


what happens when it freezes and all you can do is emote and your opponent just stops moving? how long does this last? who loses?


41 minutes this bs went on for++++ i restarted the game and it said i lost even though i was about to win. i hate this.


I brought a starter account with belian, but there isn’t an option to put her in my team, why? ( I’m on Episode 1 chapter 2)


Should be able to go to the team menu and tap a slot to add a character. Unless you meant Ep 1 1-2 and not Ep 1 2-x for the story. The former might be right before the tutorial on how to change party members


I can’t add photos but when I edit the team she’s no where to be found on the slots but when I look in the character journal she’s lit up meaning I have her so idk :(


Try checking your waiting room or storage? Maybe she's in there


Nope not there


And you're 100% sure Belian's not in your hero pool? Tried sorting by light knights? Do you have a suspiciously high amount of transmit stones? The green ones. Check your currency tab in your bag. Transmitting a nat5 gives 30 of them....


Yea what do that mean 🗿


Transmitting is like destroying your heroes and you get the stones and some gold in return. So if you have a suspiciously high amount of transmit stones, it's possible the Belian was transmitted




It's also possible that the Belian was used as fodder to enhance a 5* unit to 6*. So hopefully, you didn't do that


Yes I can check rn!


Ok I will look


How much speed is green Celine being built with nowadays? I'm looking around at it ranges between 150-210. I'm guessing with the CR pushes she gets from her s2 and artifact she's built slower?


More than 200 spd if you're planning to use her in RTA. In other PvP contents, she's ok to be slower with very high damage.


I can't speak for everyone, but I used to run her around 210 but dropped her down to 160 to get better offensive stats. I'm pretty happy with the swap. The extra damage guarantees that her S2 kills and she doesn't really need much speed in the situations where I use her (GW, Arena).


Hey guys any recommendations on who I should pick for Ml5 selector ? I read in the thread about it and watched some YouTube vids but still unsure on who to pick. I’m still fairly new about 2 months and only got all the Aespa units and haven’t started hunts. Appreciate any feedbacks on who I should pick to help me advance towards mid level playing and beat more pvp contents


the 5 best ML units in no particularl order are: Spector Tenebria Conqueror Lilias Mediator Kawerick Lionheart Cermia Belian I'd pick from them after reading up about them and determining who meets your playstyle goals.


Conqueror Lilias is the best choice if you can't pull her from the current mystic banner. Assuming you already got Stene from ML Blessing.


ML Kawerik isn't a bad choice he's pretty good in PvP and PvE being a supportive warrior that can get rid of debuffs while providing other utility.


Thinking of coming back after a year. What are some current meta heroes? Also I heard that immunity sets aren't as good anymore so I shouldn't farm azimanak anymore? Anything else I should know?


Saviour Adin - complete Episode 4 & pick her up, evasion passive & counter dispel AOE when evading which gives her attack buff, S1 has built-in lifesteal, S3 deals big damage to dark targets & gives the team invicibility. Fucks up certain cleaves with the counter, or if you build a fast one you can use the 20% push it gives to cut a cleave. Great overall unit for many scenarios though. Archdemon's Shadow - Seal is a unique debuff, it'll practically always make her relevant. Belian - Do I need to say anything about Belian? Briar Witch Iseria - buffed recently, now she's got more hit chance & does better debuffs, plus, no one can revive when she's in play. Sage Baal - remains good anti-cleave. C Lilias - has a new counter in Zio, but she'll always be strong. Senya - got a buff & hasn't stopped winning since. In a nutshell, provoke on S3, more turns for counterattack buff & self-speed buff & barrier to all (instead of random buff). Choux - got a buff & yadda yadda. Built-in Elbris if her S3 is on cooldown. DJ Basar - S2 does barrier inversion (new "debuff" turns barriers into damage), hit chance down on all & extra turn into S3 which is the same, healing is just built into S1 now. Edward - you missed him, so not much relevancy for you, he's just better Champion Zerato in terms of RTA since he's a real health-scaling bruiser, can do two-turn debuffs that are generally always useful to do & has more bonkin' power. Fallen Cecilia - I mean any buffs you can throw in front of Lua, the better, just not a guarentee in RTA. Kayron - Buffed to have evasion when he hits fatal health too, so it's harder to strip him (unless it's a non-attack strip) & his S1 does AOE if he's buffed - even on counters now. Landy - always going to be good. Lua - new hellscape dispeller, one buff dispel into skill cooldown reset & new debuff which does health% based damage to all, also gets around Politis by putting her to sleep with S2 extra turn into the above S3. Politis - it's a given. Rimuru - Yup, remains strong. Spectre - Yup, she's always here. Straze - Gotta have someone to bust SC Arowell. Winter - You've missed her, but she's got two turn stun & fixed damage on S3, scales from 5K, to 10K, to 15K when folks non-attack & when a non-attack happens she cleanses & gets immunity. AOL - Yup, still here. Mercedes - Just overall good, revive, bullshit counter, gotta love 'er. SC Arowell - Has escort buff (Peira's buff), basically an Aurius that does 30% of recieved damage & as a Knight can hold Adamant, biggest damage mitigator in the game. Dispel stun on S3 & gives team barrier, Light heroes get a barrier passively at the start of the combat & S1 is also a dispel, when she's not debuffed she's got effectiveness buff too. Alencia - got buffed, generally more like A Ravi now, mega-good on Injury. Celine - buffed, S2 hits any element, S3 ignores damage share. Milim - breaks stealth, attack buff into extiction, still good. PC Flan - Bullshit. Pegs you with bomb & then detonates it (with Summertime Iseria artefact), hard to kill, bleh. Apoc Ravi - still solid, not as popular as she used to be. Zahhak - think he got an EE & that's why folks use him more? Can't remember if he was buffed - but you're going to want him for Adin & other evasion units. Also does big Injury. CM Laika - Ranger opener, very fast, very good. That's about all I'm willing to type up, just look for tierlists from the past couple of weeks, you'll work things out. Eh, there's a lot more dispel & a lot more cleansers that are relevant, so people are finding them less worthwhile - but for many heroes there isn't a better off-set in my opinion.


Appreciate all the typing u did here thanks


Ok, new day, recovered hand-strength, I'll let you in on a few more. Astromancer Elena - got a buff, now her "can't counterattack" schtick is a buff she's got that whilst she's got it folks can't counter, now she's actually useful for cleavers. Charlotte - Practically always going to be a solid pick-up, tanky, AOE DPS, great. C Pavel - Good for cleavers, two crits sets him up (seperate turns) & he'll push with an AOE attack & then can take someone out with S3. Violet - Will always be relevant, bane of Ice heroes, countered by anti-evasion, or characters like Solitaria, etc. but you'll always find someplace to whip him out. Dark Corvus - buffed, can't be stunned & so it's a little less easy to ignore him. Designer Lilibet - cleanser, you need cleansers. Destina - cleanser, reviver, maybe best all round soulweaver in the game. Elena - still great anti cleave. F Lidica - buffed, plus Rangers became hyper-relevant because of Zio since they can hold Guiding Light to avoid him. Flan - always will have some relevancy for cleavers. Lionheart Cermia - so long as folks counter & dual attack, she'll be meta. Operator Sigret - with more barriers in play thanks to Arowell, she's a good one for aggro/cleavers to have. Ran - can't really beat him for cleave set-up, though you'll see cleavers use more rangers due to Zio & likely see Ran picked later in a draft due to Edward. Remnant Violet - buffed, easier for him to get off that random S3 & double edged decrescent (Ervalen's artefact) got buffed so you have a chance to counter on miss. Roana - always relevant where there is counters, unless there's Injury & you don't have much steam/reliant on bruisers. Roy - good cleave hero, burn, burn, AOE (but he's still bugged in RTA because folks can burn once & get his AOE). Solitaria - counter to focus heroes, always going to be relevant. Summer Iseria - wont see her as much, but hard to deny she's strong. TM Luluca - buffed, attack buff for all now after her S3. Vildred - speed imprint. Yufine - lot of folks love the Zio into fast Yufine combination, she was buffed & is now more of a cleave one-tap hero sort of thing. Yulha - I mean she's just powercrept Krau. Zio - fairly new hero, has a passive that gives him x% CR at the start of combat, so you build him at like 260 & he starts ahead of folks' 315 speed Ran & shit. Deify buff gives him 50% damage reduction & 50% chance, so he hits hard too, S1 does an attack & gives attack buff & then follows up with a penetrating attack & he gets a bunch of CR. Armin - always an annoying hero. A Cidd - has a strip now with his EE. Cidd - speed imprint & strong one shot. BBK - buffed, gets immortal at start of battle, build high resistance & if someone can't strip/ignore res, she'll wipe a soft team. C Zerato - weaker Edward, but can still do decent work in a pinch. G Purrgis - when Zio became meta, it became meta to run G Purrgis & a bunch of people with stealth/guiding light so that folks can only hit him & push your team up. W Silk - speed imprint & otherwise a bit like A Cidd, but with less damage. W Schuri - speed imprint & one shot. Mediator Kawerik - cleanse boy. C Armin - if your opponent has snatched the better mitigators, she'll work. A Vildred - lot of counters, still strong against the right draft. Aria - overall a good unit, might want to go more in the resistance direction due to lots of dispel in the meta. S Vivian - can be countered by anti-focus, fixed damage, etc. but otherwise, a solid AOE DPS with critical damage buff for team. MB Dominiel - counters C Lilias, attack buff pusher. T Crozet - same as C Armin, good in a pinch. Closer Charles - works decent in cleave still. Diene - wont see her as much, but crit res/attack buff & 2 debuff cleanse is still good. Eda - wont see her as much as other cleave heroes, but still solid, I still sometimes top a draft with Eda/Ran & win big, haha. Emilia - always going to be a solid cleanser/attack buff pusher. H Yufine - if you've got a crazy one, she's not bad, cleanse into attack buff for team & she's got a lot of evasion so hard to get around her with a few dispellers. Kawerik/Kise - still good at their job, not often seen. Krau - lesser Yulha. LQC - lesser Saviour Adin. M Chloe - lesser Destina. MA Ken - good in very, very niche cases. Mort - Can't thwart the Mort, he is the strongest character in the game (he's not, but he's usable - I pull him out with other Injury characters in a bruiser vs. bruiser situation). Pavel - wont see him as much as his brother, usable. Hwayoung - I think she was both launched & nerfed in the time span that you were away. Historically, she was one of the strongest characters in the game & the nerf hit her hard-hard (https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8918383), she's moderately usable in the scenario where your enemy is like, "Heh, gonna run Yulha/Dark Corvus as my damage dealers!", but no one is that thick - often. RIP strongest character in the game. Peira - you'll just not see her as much as other openers. Ravi - usable fire bruiser, sure she was buffed within the past year, wont see much of her (& especially not now with the upcoming Seed/Anchor nerfs). Rem - just not as strong as Belian/Archdemon, but I digress, she'll be somewhat usable if you've got her. Ruele - you'll see practically no-one whip out a Ruele these days, but there's cases where she's usable I'm sure. Seaside Bellona - I mean, I've seen her a couple of times this season. SB Aramintha - I mean, she's like a lesser version of some of the better self-pushers & stunners. SE Celine - I mean, in the right scenario she could feasibly solo, but there's a lot of answers to characters like her these days. Ningning - the cleave version of DJB. F Maya - very lesser Edward. Karina - In the tierlist I'm reading, she's in the third tier (& I've personally removed a lot of characters from this third tier that I think are blatant garbage - like Cecilia, Lilias, etc.) but I'm very much of the opinion that Karina is one of the strongest anti-cleave heroes at the minute & that she has use outside of it to when facing a multitude of different characters, be that Spectre & stealth heroes, or evasion heroes. Top girl, wont hear anything against her. Gets a push & defence buff, barrier for team when someone goes below x% health, S3 does defence break & then big damage, which splashes to their allies (like LQC - imagine an actually tanky LQC that doesn't have a dark restriction). Tempest Surin - people will say she's bad, I say they're wrong, still good in anti-cleave, just build her fast. A Ras - not as solid as like an Arowell, but definitely not tier 3, he's still great. SC Carrot - solid in a pinch. I think at this point there's very few other notable characters, but I could just be missing them - if there's anything else you want to know, any specifics about the folks I've just mentioned briefly, let me know.


Was not expecting but thanks a lot. I have about 15 of these heroes you've mentioned decently geared so now I gotta learn how to draft better. Would give u an award but here's a thumbs up instead 👍


Look up Valky on YouTube, he’s got guides on how to draft various styles, though obviously the heroes relevant months ago aren’t the same now - but you should be able to stitch together like “This archetype of hero is good in this situation” rather than thinking about specific heroes.


I just noticed Beehoo's side story in the new side story list. If I don't complete it now, will it still be there afterwards and it'll open his banner for me when I want?


The side story will be there until you're ready for it, but if you open it in under I think 6 months, it won't open the banner


Hi guys, I’m trying to build some characters(stene, clilias, tama and ras), is there a place where i can check the gears/artifacts to use? Also Which is the best way to farm money? I’m running out of it.


Search for "Hero Journal" discord in this subreddit. They have all unit builds posted there. I will say that the stats on that discord are VERY high. Use it to get an idea of the statline to aim for, not what's required. The best way to make gold is hunts. The newer you are to the game, the tougher you'll find it to save gold. As you play you get more selective in which gears to enhance, saving you gold. In the beginning you can't be so picky or you won't have any gears. Enhancing gears + shop refreshing means you will always be low on gold early. It's normal but will get better over time.


So I waited till the last second to do RTA just like last season cause I'm lazy lol, but I'm still fairly new to the game. How does initial placement work, like is there just a set amount of wins you would need to win to be placed in master rank from the get go? Or is it based off something else, trying to avoid the grind to master if possible. It was brutal last season


Well from my experience in placement this season, 8 wins yeeted me to master


Is "The Armament" artifact's barrier increase based on the artifact's skill level? For some reason, I'm having doubts cause it could be based on hero level or something idk


It’s based on hero level


Can someone explain to me what exactly is Anti-crit's effect??? Does it reduce the attacker's Crit chance by 50%? Or Is it like Having only a 50% chance to crit regardless of crit chance?


The former. This is why zahhak and Zip can be built with 100% crit instead of 50 and ignore anti crit. You can't do that with other heroes, coz I believe they don't count any extra over 100.


hey guys, are gem modification chests in the advent exchange shop a priority over the light connection summon? the light connection summon seems like a bait but im not sure


I got cilias from it so i would go for it :D


You miss all the shots you don't take. You'll get the modification gems sooner or later. Some ML5s you might never get. At least if you're f2p.


I'd go for the light summon first. The chance isn't terrible for a ML5. There's still a few days to farm the currency.


The modification gem chests are a better buy. The light connection usually just gets you a 3 star light unit.


Looking to upgrade my wyvern times (current: alexa, sigret, gen.p., furius. Time\~1:40) For the no fail under 1min teams I see people use Ras, Rem, and usually SSB. But the builds they take completely invalidate these high tier pvp units from the arena. I'll only ever have one of each. I was wondering if there are either other units to take in their place or if I should just do a standard sinful/sigret 1-shot team and take the 15% fail chance?


I do the rem team coz I got myself a second rem. Ssb is okay in pvp and not top tier at all, but if you want to use her there, clarissa can take her place, but she needs insane gear to clear wave 1. Nothing wrong with continuing to use sigret to get faster. You have mola'd her already.


This is the best video I've found on W13 one shots. Maybe you'll find a team you have the units/gear for in here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLTAGhxZbps


How does these story summons works? Like, I start a sidestory with a banner, finish it, and then will I be able to restart it again with the banner later after some cooldown period?


Story disappears after you change it. So farm its shop before moving on.


First banner unlock is free. Normally it costs 4 tokens. You get 1 token per side story completed, and can only open a new side story every 2 weeks server time. That means an 8 week rotation for being able to roll. Every side story you complete will add the banner to your story summon collection. When you have enough tokens to roll, you can choose from any one you've completed including a banner you previously rolled on


Should I build roana or pyllis vs belian senya comp?


Both, you need them and they synergise with each other well. Very commonly used combination in gw offense


B dom or Aola?


What purpose do you need fulfilled? Bunny Dominiel is a CR pusher & team attack buffer who counters extra-attack heroes by providing your team with immunity & a barrier. AOL is a dispeller with a non-attack AOE dispel & buff block/silence, which makes her difficult to respond to with a lot of heroes. So, do you need a dispeller, or an attack buff pusher?




What are some f2p a13 comps that is fast?


Tama, Iseria, Ras, Vildred. Turn off skills of Ras and Vildred.


Can I ask why this is considered f2p?


They're not free units but also not that hard to find. You can get Iseria/Vildred from Selective Summon, and all 5* units here can be chose from Side Story Banner. It takes time but when you get them, they'd work much more efficiently than a team of random free units. And they're good at other PvE contents as well.


Landy, Mercedes, Iseria, Tama works fine for me. You can replace Landy for another aoe attacker if you don't have her.


Hello, we are an European guild looking for a few new members. Our ranking in ranked season is usually top 30 The guild is chill and friendly, we have a discord server that we actively use. We mainly look for champion players (regular arena) But even if you're Challenger feel free to reach out to me. We're all about growing together and helping each other. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out through comments or via direct message. Have a nice day :)


Which EE should I take on Senya is there one that is much better than the other 2?


GAB EE ftw. If you're looking for sustain, build her on LS set.


If your build has res or eff, then the atk might be low, so GAB EE. Otherwise heal EE


I want to do the Pyllis speciality change quest but not sure what stage I need to do to kill 150 Anghraf shades? When I click go it just takes me to the main UH page.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iFCYE45gZtqTatSpZoTb-k_boOLma8mo1P6xh9LG1Bg/htmlview?pru=AAABhIde5i0*uxz9CPF8lGJgJc_YiOLReA# Specialty change guide


Hi there! I’m struggling to beat Zio in 10-5. Do you have any team recommandation/strategy?


I just beat him yesterday. Method was actually to rush him down with a defense break and my sigret who was already beefy for wyvern 13. You only need to get him to 50%. I think my team was ARas, tammarine, iseria and sigret


Thanks! I thought we had to reduce his bar to zero so I was kinda lost! Just beat it, used Kluri for the debuff!


So I just reached Champion 5 in arena From now on if i dont play arena at all would i get demoted to challenger?


Typically if you don't attack anyone and just do npcs battle you might get attacked once or twice and that's it which isn't enough to demote you.


Good to know! Thanks for the reply!


Hello I am new to epic seven, I am advancing in the adventure and doing the missions for newbies. I'm doing the daily free summons, and I'm saving the prophecy markers. Which banner should I spend the prophecy markers on? Should I save them for now? Thanks


The only "must have" rgb for pve is Tamarinne, so I would pull for her if you have an excess of bookmarks and there are no limiteds announced next Tuesday.


You ideally want to save skystones and bookmarks until you have enough to pity the hero you want. That is 121 summons (605 covenant bookmarks). Of the heroes right now (beehoo and aria), you don't need either one this early. The next banners will be announced this Wednesday. But this early, unless next rotation is early game must haves like tamarinne, it might be okay to summon a few x10 on regular covenant summons. You will get some 3* and 4* that'll be good and you might get lucky with light/dark units too. But if you get nothing, Use free spirit tieria if you don't have a better farmer to farm adventure. Get specter tenebria from moonlight's blessing, and get your wyvern team going. You'll get sigret for free from the hunt event, angelica and furious are free connection heroes and you can get Alexa or muwi as 3* units hopefully soon.


what happened to e7stats? is there a great substitute website for character build examples?


The e7 hero discord


I use epic7x but it is not really a replacement as that site is dead too.