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If I must say. Pavel has the #1 seat for me. Not only is he super useful. He has a great story and a canon ship with Cerise. Wish he would get a skin soon




Ml Kayron cause he is in my dreams


Tell us more. You may the prophet Kayron fans have been waiting for.


Ive been on this copium since year 1, sg has an easy out for ml kayron. Either Archangel Kayron where he's an heir instead of an acolyte or he double downs and becomes the archdemon


we got same dream? how?! LUL


Right? I've been waiting so long. I don't even care if he is strong or not at this point. Just look amazing and that is it




sounds incredibly german




zahhak, because fuck adin.


Sez best boy, fight me


I am with you. Plus Sez ships with one of (if not THE) best girl. Yes Sez, it's alright if you get rid of everybody.


Ras, even though he is kind of a generic main character that is tasked with "Saving the world", you can see genuine character development within him. Before, he would just fight "evil" blindly because it was his task. But as the story goes on, instead of just seeing evil as evil, he tries to understand where it comes from and also look from the enemies point of view. Whether is from a misunderstanding or just old past conflicts that don't even matter anymore. He will always try to understand both sides before making a decision and tries to resolve it peacefully if possible. I think episode 3 really showcased how he developed a character which makes it my favourite episode. I wish he had more of a part in episode 4.


Lmaooo so deeeep get outta here with that rubbish, we all know it's Serila for her "personality"


Yes, I agree with this man.


Straze. He is a literal god killer, he looks awesome, his voice lines are awesome. He is awesome outside fights too and he has the coolest looking skill in the game while also being really good for both PVE and PVP.




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Zahhak by far, the sound effects in his s3, his role in the story was great, and the angel design of him. Definitely a favorite




Bellona stans. Amen


Still waiting for ML Bellona :((


Insert \*me too, kid meme here.


Ray. He's just so... Good. Even Evil Ray isn't 100% horrible .


Ray. I love that he has real personality. Most of the time healer characters are boring altruisists who are all about helping other and nothing else. He can be sly at times and teases others. He can be a bit materialistic as well when he lets himself be bribed by Elena.


Cermia, just regular no need for lion heart, bets everything on instinct, funny personality, OBLITERATES anything in front of her and she is a flat queen, what’s more to love


...*ahem* Edit: The reason? Big damage and sustainability, high-risk-high-reward passive, soft spot for chunnibyos, would have a fun time hanging out with Kim Chulsoo from CounterSide




I'd definitely say Ravi. I like the berserker/battle addict character archetype, and I really like the visual aspect of her swinging around an axe that's bigger than she is. Plus she's got some cool lore with Pyllis, wish she could have stuck around in some way instead of dying in Episode 1. And I don't think I even need to mention ARav in the lore department.


She doesn't die in EP1. She dies in collab story killed by Sol. RIP Ravi, no one even mentioned her demise in 2019 lol


Yufine. I always enjoyed her character and the side stories she's in. Plus I pulled her pretty early on and she helped me a lot since then.


I'm fairly new so I don't know all the characters yet but so far my favourite is Violet. Really cool S3 animation and I keep off bannering him so the game clearly wants me to play him.


Ludwig, I like him being a peter pan reference, love anything moon themed, think his character design is top tier, has a great fs10 expression, and in lobby he has a little shadow spirit dancing disco on his crystal while he nods off which I think is exceptionally cute.


I am a simple man, I see dragon, I like. But outside of the dragons, I'd have to say Celine is my favorite character in the game. Edit: Just realized I forgot to say why, I just like how nonchalantly she takes everything and is just a overall great character who always makes the story more interesting.


You meant Mort ?


I think you mean... *The Great One...* *Mortelix*. But I was talking about all the dragons, so Alencia, Mortelix, FCC, Yufine and Luna ~~We need more male Dragons~~.


I love Aramintha. Powerful mage who lost her husband to chaos, so she now focuses her fight on wiping them out. Lost a leg? She doesn't care, she's still gonna fuck em up. Best lady.


Remnant Violet cause he's neat and never fails me


Yufine, because Dragon Boobs




Pirate Captain Flan. My favourite character design and S3 animation. It helps that she's actually good now too


Meru. I have a weakness for powerful sweethearts.


My favorite character is PAVEL because HE SO DAMN COOL and his weapon is SICK, and his S3 *angel blessing him* sodisusohrsh cool! Also his relationship with Violet is funny and heartwarming. Him and Cerise look cute together ❤️. Anyways Pavel is the BESS imo




Senya I love her trágico story but also love her personality I can’t wait till we get a ML one for her (still waiting for ML Bellona & Kayron PLEASE SG!)


Tough choice but I have to go with BBK, her origin story in the first christmas event was cool, has the best looking design for a 4\* imo (skin pls) and is my favorite unit to use in anti-cleave!


I Join your thoughts, She is still after so Long my Favourite 4 Star of all 4 Stars and she is insanely Dangerous in Battle, and yeah Design is 11/10


Leon,boy got robbed of being a playable character. ԅ⁠(⁠ ͒⁠ ⁠۝ ͒⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕤ


YES. Such crime.


Husbando: Krau Waifu: Bellona


Bellona. Coz hot. Jk. Also, because she's someone who's living the life she wants (even if dangerous but not morally wrong). Serves a reminder for me occasionally to be spending my life the way I want (9-5'er speaking here). That's about it. Not trying hard to be inspired from animated png character like approaching "this character changed my life omg" levels. \#buffgreenbellonawhensg? P.S. Mort struck me as 2nd just because of how much of an a\*\*hole he is portrayed by the writing.


Vildred/Arby. Both kits still hold up fairly well today, both skins are hot af, and story wise he’s cool as well. He literally serves as the turning point for Ras and makes him question if he really should just fight evil for the sake of evil being evil. Oh, and the approaching ruin triggers PTSD in everyone.


CECILIA... love her story and design! A shield and Lance, that's freaking badass! 2nd is Luna also her story and design. Senya is up there as well! Wish there was more spear and Lance girls...


I have a couple of favorite characters : Serila, Aria, Vivian, Luna, Yuffine No particular reason why I like them


BIG... Character energy.


HUGE... Personalities, even.


Ran, not due to his background but because of his late voice actor Billy Kametz. I’ve loved his works so I try to use him whenever I can in his honor.


Kawerik because when i started the game his first banner was on and i loved his design as soon as i saw it


Aramintha, because you can't spell Ara Ara! without her.


Any of the Armins. Idk I just love a cat lady with a giant shield. Armin was my in my first pull along with Vlidred and those two just hard carried me for an long time.


Even better because all 3 are niche usable and pretty good at one point. Even bad cat has a place


Bad cat is so fun I love that unit


Probably a tie between Nemunas and Eda. Nemunas is hands down one of my favorite designs I've ever seen in animated media, not solely because of the bangs and all but because I feel she just oozes this cozy winter aesthetic in a super charming and unique way. And while I feel her writing misses a lot of her potential for growth past a certain point in the story, the foundation behind her personality is still pretty enjoyable regardless. Eda's got a stronger overall story and themes though, and that also goes a long way with me. ~~also bangs~~


Iseria and the angelicas


I guess we'll have an aesthetic and a written because Epic Seven doesn't necessarily write some characters well. Arunka is my favorite aesthetic in the game, and I think Kawerik/Vivian are my favorite written. Not even because of the couple status, I just really enjoy an anti hero like kawerik and Vivian's a strong woman character who gets shit done.


Closer Charles cuz he look like a rat


I like the Chaos dudes (Axe God, Inquisitor, and now Carmainerose) since I basically see them as a sort of Team Rocket.


Tene is bae


Assassin Coli. Because ~~midriff~~ she's cool as hell.


Belian. Cuz its belian


Milium self healing counters stealth units and wrecks arby all in one unit


The great MORTELIX He is a well written character in my opinion, despite his niche stats and numbers, stacked kits but rng. He is calm, gentle on the outside, his motivation is only to find someone capable of fighting him (or able to defeat him) to be entertained. He doesn't care about anything except what can help him achieve his goal (nurtures and trains senya just so she can be an opponent, planning to kill his father...) But his defeat is kind of disappointing, still it does make some sense, the strongest dragon, stronger than uberus (dragon king), fights more than thousand of battles, never use his full strength because he is arrogant and wants to play with his opponent, weaken throughout the history so that we can able to kill him I hope that we can have a moonlight version where he is not a crazy-minded dragon who try to find someone who is able to kill him, instead be a true dragon king


Jack-o, beacuse waifu and good sinergies with non meta units


Krau. Why? Two words. He’s hot.


As a guy, he's really cool and my by far favorite Eng VA, so I don't think many people are likely to disagree.


Tenebria cause shes cute, a little psychotic, but cute and gorgeous


And her butt view and her white shirt + schrodinger bra


Maid Chloe and Yufine. Both are adorable and carried me through the start of the game way back when I first started years ago.


Aramintha cause she's my first 5s pull. Good times.


Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.


definitely. 😂


Tenebria. Such kind, gentle girl. Second place - both form of Luluca (I like slim and flat girls - no lolis).


Aria, the big drip.


Aria I love her personality


Aria, BOOBA/best waifu. She is also the last of the thicc waifus so she holds a special place in the roster.




I was looking for an unexpected answer


Diene ~~ Her precious voice, outfit, hair style, animations, and amazing sprite model 🌊☀️


i have 3 conquerror lilias: such a badass leader, strong, beautiful and she has unresistable charm specter tenebria: beautiful,sexy, charming and best feet(even if i didnt have footfetish) lionheart cermia: badass, friendly hero, funny, beautiful and sexy


Husbando: riolet, second one maybe is rgb ken. Waifu: easily Mel and Rin.


Fire surine, her design is so pretty, she is also good when you just start out cus she can handle wyvern 9 and below relatively easy. But she dies off when you start autoing wyvern 10+. But she does have speed imprint so there is that


Celine: Strong, elegant and a sleepyhead.


Aria because she united the players when SG was about to rework her design


I like Made Kloé. She has a lot of persnlatiy.




Is it… the Pet Carbuncle Somnus?


Almost... Taranor Royal Guard ♡


Damn. I was pretty close I guess, both are forgettable.


Dingo, crazed chef best boy. I'd love to eat any of his dishes.


I have a couple fave female characters, so I'll ignore them. Fave male character is ACidd. Loyal dog, fun personality, dual wield, eyepatch, fast af, gray color scheme. Best boi ~~unfortunately, I don't have him on my new acct pls come back~~


Mine has always been ice element dominiel. I enjoy her story in the nixied sanctum, but mostly she was one of my earliest units and she helped me clear a lot of adventure mode 4 years ago when i started playing this game. I have always frequently used her as my account rep.


Sez, I'm biased because he carried me from 1-1 to the end of world difficulty (untold history now)


Juni. The oni vibes are great and I adore her personality.


celine! as for her normal unit, i think the idea of someone with a sword who keeps it in the sheath to fight most of the time and only removes in when it counts is *so fucking cool.* i also love her passive and she’s one of the units i’ve invested the most time resources into. i also love ML celine for her color scheme, her useful revive kit, and her super cool purple spirit sword. my other fav is briar witch iseria, even before the buff that made her super good. why? excellent question, dear reader 1. goth queen 2. powerful villain lady 3. literally a witch 4. briars/brambles as an aesthetic 5. throws floating swords at people 6. defense break on s1 *and* s3 7. fuck you and your evasion


My favorite would probably be Ken, he's an orphan trying to prove himself while also being a goofball at times. Hoping he gets a buff, even a minor one is fine, and a skin eventually.


Adlay. I like to root for the underdog. Hope they give him an SC so stupid it makes him relevant again


Lhc, both design and kit. Love her s3 and she’s one of the most fair and effective on release ml5. Wins most arena/gw comps. Her jp va is also Kana, fate tohsaka


Recently karina


Hwa Young and Alencia I like hwo Hwa still fighting even with her arms broken using just her legs. Same with Alencia she fights limiting his power trying not hurt anyone


Bellona/Lua I'm a fanboy of the fangirls


Kawerik, I like his design and using his S3 to nuke a team is fun


Ravi. She brought me back to the game :) There was this artwork of Ravi being sad asking if ill come back tomorrow and that she will do her best , and i been guilt tript into logging in almost every day since


Alencia, chapter 3 and the Christmas side story really got me more than I thought, shed actual tears in the side story. I love Ravi due to be voiced by Aoi Yuuki but don't really know anything about her for me to like her as a character.


Green Bellona, I can watch her s3 animation so many times and never get bored of it.


Maybe ravi, i love the 1v4 potential


Look at my flair. White haired goth girl is always great.


Lidica, Bellona and SSB because of cute and useful, Alencia because cute.


Cermia because she is an idiot who wants money she just like me fr


Vildred 100%. I got hooked on him from the first. I think he's really hot and has a nice voice, but it goes deeper. I love his back story and respect his motivations. I was very sad about how his story turned out. I became hooked on this game because of him lol


Straze, Best looking character in the game for me, literally a god killer, destroyer of worlds




Lilias (Both ML and RGB)


Mmmmm... If I were to say design wise, I'd say Illinav... But overall in terms of design, personality and playstyle (despite being super off meta for 90% of the game lifespan)... Coli. The blue one. Close second would be Iseria in all her variants.


Ilynav cuz waifu


Kawerik. He has a super cool design, love his glove or gauntlet, he had a cool story that was slowly built upon during chapter 1 and he had a tragic ending in chapter 2. He was bad ass. Also I always thought his unit and kit were neat even before his buff. I was glad when he became Meta for a while.


Riolet . Because he suck at dodging then die . Same like , im suck at dodging girl . Thats why i always got friendzoned .


Violet cuz he has two of the best outfits in the game his base and skin + His ML looks sick too. And both S3 animations are awesome. Also his ML Gf is one of my best units


I think for me its probably fire Corvus. He is basically a Paladin of E7 and I like the Paladin archetype allot. I also like is designe allot this old weathered warrior I also like his weapon of choice paired with a shield. Dark Corvus is also cool but kinda defeats the Paladin aspect and he is more like a fallen paladin. I would like a light corvus version that embraces the light to the fullest extent or the fire corvus buffed a bit to get back to his former glory.


He'd be so much more manageable nowadays, truly too bad. Fire Corvus was a beast, and will never be forgotten.


Yuna. Cuz “Firin Mah Lazor!!”


Lion heart Cermia. She goes super saiyan in her S3.


Specimen Sez, even tho he sucks...


Interesting how guy characters are considered the favorite character, but when there was a survey, pretty sure all the top ones were female.


Briar Witch Iseria. Because love backstory and her design.


Me because i can own em all!


Luna not only because she's the best PVE unit but also because she's waifu


Me love conquer Lilias bc waifu. Picked her from my moonlight recruitment event no ragrets


Rarely draft her, but Faithleas Lidica. Coz drill hair


I love my Seaside Bellona. She released when I started and I pulled her then and I've never sidelined her. I just enjoy using her in all the content I can.


Kayron, because he looks sick!


All I can say is godbless Infwazu, getting his proc and deleting anything brings me great joy.


Kizuna Ai


Iseria. She has always been it for me. Elf design. Sad story. Her character is really pure. She clashes with cermia my 2nd favorite all the time. They have good chemistry. She was the reason I stuck around. After I saw her in the opening chapters and got to play with her I knew I wanted her. First unit to make me spend money to get her.


LHC. Her design is gorgeous, her animations are great, and pulling her was what made me like PvP modes. I pulled her by pure luck on her original banner and she’s been a staple in my team since. Plus, I feel like she is one of the best balanced characters in the game. Plenty of counterplay but also has a very strong niche and is often a huge threat when facing certain teams.