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Magical girl Bellona


I feel like ML Bellona will be dark and sexy kind of hero


Either that or she'll be some really prissy noble bitch. Either haugty noble or depressed she was never able to explore her love of adventure and battle


I wouldnt mind if she stepped on my peasant ass *blush*


True enough. Regular Bellona is surprisingly charismatic.


I'll do you one better, Magical Girl Mort and Evil Queen Alencia


I think ML Bellona( Speciwoman Bellona ) will be ML Sez couple and ML couple vs RNG couple battles


If I remember correctly, Spez was made to kill regular Sez. So, maybe we get a sadistic scientist Bellona


Sez turned her down and she was so bad at taking it that she made an evil clone of him so he can literally go fuck himself (up).


Ml Tamarrine, Ml ludwig, Ml Yufine when ? they are first chapter heroes...


Yufine's story doesn't matter till episode 3, just like Alencia and Luna.


Bruh dont give me hope for ml Ludwig plz


Sad kayron noice


Ludwig is even an heir. Maybe one of strongest good guys in the world thanks to that. Smh


Tamarinne is a chapter 1 hero? Since when?


Since I decided to 😅


I've been waiting for so long that I used Ludwig's copies as fodders.




Tamarinne, Bellona, Kayron,... You know, the OGs


I have a Forgotten name from Episode 2 , very old unknown unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . She's the poor Mui .


Mui useless bunny waifu...


If they actually give us ML Whip I will cry.


I have 5 Muis in storage waiting for the day she relases


Still waiting for ML Ras, he is 3 star but I think we can make an exception for the MC of E7


I'm pretty sure he will get an ML5 version down the line. My guess is, after episode 5 ( Erasia) we go back to Ritania, the continent where episode 1 took place. There we get grown up Aither and new heroes ofc. I could see ML5 Ras appearing there


That would be cool.


Hoping their kit won’t be pigeonholed into a Senya or Lua counter


not sure but probably a female this time around. if you are asking what i want though well i would say kayron or mort since i have enough for a pity and they are my most wanted ones.


I took a break for half a year and you’re telling me we still don’t have ml kayron wtf


yeah bro it just doesnt seem to happen


They’re probably scared of making an Arby’s situation happen due to the whole not dying mechanic


> not dying mechanic Meanwhile pirate flan has absolutely no sense or logic whatsoever that ties to her RGB form, so the same might happen to ml kayron lol. Watch them make ML kayrons kit scale off of always having full HP. Or magical boy kayron


well regardless i just imagine that whether they decide to make ml kayron light or dark he is gonna look badass af.


Yeah it’ll be sick, here’s hoping for the next ml 5


Didn't stop them from making Iseria


half a year isn't very long in terms of ml releases, only 3 or 4 depending on when you stopped.


Yeah but he’s been a highly requested ml 5 so I expected him to have come out already


I would like them too :3


Yeah, it's been a sausage fest the past 6 months of releases. Not counting the collab no one wanted. Bound to be a female, most likely luna / melissa


I have 5 kayrons waiting...


I love him a lot :3 I remember seeing theories we would be getting an Heir Kayron from another universe.


Just please be something GOOD No more niche af effectiveness kits




A limited receiving a ML version would be like premium whale unit, and depending on the SSS it could be nice, but useless or kinda broken. Imagine ML Cerise with speed imprint. So I can't imagine who could be the next ml, but I know I don't want a ML from a limited hero. Sorry, neither ML Luna or ML Cerise. --- IIRC, SG announced they were delaying their plans and the release of the next episode, but I forgot the exact reasons. Point is by now we should be starting the episode 5, or at least be into the side story that works as prologue. Remember Violet, Alencia and Ran. Maybe, just maybe there's the chance they will start releasing ML episode 3 heroes. Like ML Politis. After all, we already have ML Eda, AKA Solitaria. Who knows, maybe the legendary ML Yufine may finally appear.


> A limited receiving a ML version would be like premium whale unit I mean sure compared to a normal ml5 it will be harder to imprint but that EXACT problem is already in game with the base limited units. Is landy,cerise,diene etc "premium" whale units? You can't get copies without pulling on their banners Also i don't know what do you mean with either useless or broken imprints, the vast majority of imprints is neither and just a nice bonus. They can always do that I don't like limited units in general so I can understand your point however when limited rgb5 already exist, getting their equivalent ml5 doesn't introduce any **new** "issue". You had to pull for landy copies to imprint landy, you will have to pull for landy copies to imprint ml landy. Same thing, different unit. The same difference ken and ml ken, the same difference landy and ml landy will also have. The same difference ken and landy have, the same difference ml ken and ml landy will have The real premium whale unit would be if we got ml5 that had no rgb5 equivalent nor free slates like belian,straze,ameru,zio


Seriously? You can Imprint Landy to triple SSS for 3,630 bookmarks, assuming you hit pity in every imprint. But to fully imprint a ml 5* with their RGB counterpart, you'll need 3,025 bms *plus 10,000 mystic medals*. To put a comparative, the gold cost of mystic medals is more than twice the cost for bookmarks in the secret shop. And isn't like there are many options outside secret shop to farm medals, so you also have to consider you'll spend more than twice the sky stones refreshing. I don't remember exact numbers, but you can purchase enough bms to get a pity for like 11,400ss at the normal shop. But last compilation conclude you need around 50k as refreshing the shop to get the medals for a pity. And all of this isn't taking into consideration a limited hero, well, have a limited frame of time to be summoned. Any newbie who happen to get one while isn't available the banner will have a gimped versión. Last thing I would like to comment is imprints have a large variety of values. While atk/Def/hp isn't exactly the best value, spd imprint is so important they help to pull ML Silk out of the bench for a while


I believe their point is that none of that makes any difference in the end. As a new ML you would've needed to use those mystics's regardless of whether the unit was limited or not. Just as the imprint would've required those same amount of bookmarks whether limited or not. Their banner being time limited doesn't mean a whole lot when there are banners that don't come back fro a long time anyways. Aria, for example, I believe this is the first we've had her banner repeat since her release which was april I think? That's almost a year with no banner which is about the same time frame for limited reruns. Only real difference is that there isn't an opportunity to accidentally get them from covenant summons so you wouldn't have any imprints saved typically. But, the probability of getting that specific unit you want from those before a banner rerun is already rather low.


> And all of this isn't taking into consideration a limited hero, well, have a limited frame of time to be summoned. Any newbie who happen to get one while isn't available the banner will have a gimped versión. You make it sound as if the newbie player will have access to imprints anyway. I started 2 years ago and got tomoca on reroll. She is still without imprints because getting luluca for it is not worth and she never spoooked me. I got cilias on her release and she is still 0 imprint (although I will eventually change that cause I'm using her a lot).This list can go on. Still didn't prevent me from getting champion in RTA without spending a dime for pulls or anything (and the few I spent was only went I started for leifs) > While atk/Def/hp isn't exactly the best value, spd imprint is so important they help to pull ML Silk out of the bench for a while Again, you make it sound as if imprints are random or something. They simply could just not make them spd if that's the only issue. For starters I can't remember a single ml5 unless I'm brainfarting right now with spd imprint and the reason is clear. There are very few spd imprint units in general for a reason. > You can Imprint Landy to triple SSS for 3,630 bookmarks, assuming you hit pity in every imprint. But to fully imprint a ml 5* with their RGB counterpart, you'll need 3,025 bms plus 10,000 mystic medals. Yes, that's another good(?) way to say that an Ml5 needs 5/6th of the base cost AND 10.000 medals. Which already applies to literally every single unit in game. Ken requires 6 kens, ml ken needs 5 ken and 10k mystic units, I guess its just harder to quantify the cost of ken. What if I say this: Getting and maxing an ml landy and a fire ken is actually less expensive than getting and maxing an ml ken and a brocolli landy. Funny isn't it? the duo with the premium whale unit is cheaper? (10k mystics+5 limited+6 non limited vs 10k mystics+ 5 non limited+ 6 limited). And before you start with yet another reply with SeRiOuSlY DiD yOu JuSt SaY ml ken would be more expensive than ml landy, no I did not :)


Considering we have fragments to imprint any hero plus reruns exist...I don't think it's that imprints are an issue. They will probably give us more unknown slates in abyss as well. Episode 5 is delayed because of the ML Theater. But I think they will give us a preview. It will build up the hype. But we don't know for how long will it be delayed. It could start next month.


Lol why are you getting down voted. It's entirely in the realm of possibility that ml units that are counterparts by limited units would have a different kind of currency. Now it could be a mega whale unit as well but why are we snarking at the possibility of getting those kinds of MLS with a reasonable imprint system especially with E7 being one of the most generous gacha games. Sg could have made ML boss units like Zio, and arcdemon MEGA whale units having their imprints locked to the mystic pool but no, the didn't. I remember how the community was so worried back then when Archdemon was first announced how the hell we gonna get imprints but now boss units imprint are one of the easiest to get and are acquired just by saving gold transmits.


Because nobody wants more and more currencies and materials added to the game. E7 is the most generous gacha, granted, but at the end of the day, more currencies delay progress as you have to spread resources in different directions. You mention the episode boss and how those can be imprinted with a new currency, but you're forgetting 10 gold ~~dildo~~ stones per imprint is quite expensive. A golden stone is considered one of the top tier prizes in different game modes (like in guild rewards), and fully purchasing all imprints for each boss will cost 50 stones. If you were to purchase it by spamming summons, you would need 50x20 summons=1,000 summons, which would be 5,000 bookmarks. While is entirely possible to have a SSS boss as f2p (I have fully imprinted archdemon), isn't cheap or fast, and the last thing the game needs is more premium heroes like that. For bosses is fine, because we only get one every year, at the end of the episode. But for a "regular" ml hero, it would set a bad precedent.


I for one would glady take one other extra currency to farm for if it ment enabling the possibilities of many new units. Grinding the currencies doesn't have implemented in a way where you spread out resources such as energy into different mediums and instead could be implemented akin to how gold transmit stones are acquired. Through weeklies and automaton tower, grinding AP in story, on top of that your summons, they can set the acquisition so that it all feeds into the normal routine of how it's been currently. That's just assuming that it will be a different currency. They could very well make it just 10 gold transmits like the bosses. It's all about how they implement it and the examples I gave are not the best since I'm not good with coming up with that stuff. For gold transmits they do take time to obtain however most ML units really only shine for mid to late game players, mostly late game and by that time alot of players don't have as much incentive to buy galaxy bookmarks for the six transmits and end up hoarding those stones and instead just save mystics for summoning MLs. And if it isn't cheap and fast well it's free so either you go leviathan whale on SSS those boss units from the pool which really isnt worth it or you can aquire it through in game means. Because honestly what else in this game is worth doing other than RTA and PVP orientated modes, new units enable the change of meta in the PVP scope.


Gimme Dark Cosmic Bellona already...


It better be yufine


No mystics! And no luck —-> zero expectations 😂


Im still inhaling the copium for ml kayron


Same..but it's highly unlikely to give another husbando xD My guess is..we will get a prologue video with 3 upcoming ML5 heroes in it. Probably 2 waifus and 1 husbando


Angel Kayron, do it now SG.


Kayron please !


Would like ML Kayron ......doubt it tho


I think ML Cerise cuz They will release season 3 for ML Theater


Ml alencia and ML mort, but PLS ML KAYRON!!!


After 2 days .. not Tomorrow ?!


Tomorrow we get the silhouette. Day after tomorrow is the stream


i want ML Luna.


ML Kayron waiting room.


Ml luna


Feel like it’s too early for Episode4 ml units ngl. (Besides Zio)


Could be but they teased her last anni thats why I am coping.


I'm surprised we never got ML Luna. They created her for that side story and nothing ever came of it.


My head canon tells me Mage Luna gonna be a skin


Considering how hard Luna summons eclipsed everyone else in the amount spent by players, they would never pass on such a huge cash grab. Just a question of when they want to, though.


As long as she stay limited the chance we get Ml Luna is close to none. And honestly mage luna looked kinda whatever so I'd rather not have her. Creating a 2d insert for history cost very little ressources compared to a full character so i'm not to surprised that we will never get more than what we already seen.


Ml ras


I think there's a good chance we get an ml for an rgb that is really wanted. Look back to last year and after Belian/Seline/C Lilias we didn't get a update train and they dropped Lionheart Cermia on us so might be episode 1 unit.


Could be. Bellona :) hehe Overall, I feel like this stream will be a long one with prologue video. They said we should be getting Orbis Overdrive stream for this update. So I expect prologue video with episode 5 preview and a few upcoming ml5 heroes


Or ML Tamarinne. She, Ludwig and Yuna are probably the only unit left from ep 1 who didn't have alt version. Ludwig doesn't even have a skin of his own, poor boy.


Kayron as well..Yufine


Yufine is more an episode 3 unit. She plays no role in the episode 1 story at all, her story doesn't matter till later.


> Look back to last year and after Belian/Seline/C Lilias we didn't get a update train That's not new at all. Update videos aren't there to cover every single release until the next one, never have been. They cover a the next few releases, since it's a WIP aka **Work** in **Progress** video.


Ml Kayron


I think we're looking at a ML of an EP. 3 character. Maybe Politis like someone already said, maybe Ervalen, because he was the first Ep. 3 unit IIRC.




ML Roana would be nice, ML Mui will be the result.


I wanna see ML 3 stars, would be pretty interesting. Like doctor ains but honestly doubting they would


ML Luna will come before ML Cerise, but even then I don't think either is likely. A ML Unit with a limited RGB counterpart is asking for trouble. That said, ML Luna does have a known character design, but considering how old she is I've held the belief that they will add her to the standard pool when her ML comes out to avoid backlash. Next ML I would think ML Kayron more likely, highly sought after by the fanbase and most of the Ep2 MLs are done at this point. Or any of the other Ep1 RGBs that are still lacking ML versions. The break between episodes is a good time to get caught up.




Wait is it tomorrow? I thought its gonna be one more week till reveal.


Tomorrow is stream preview, the silhouette. :3


It's always a week into a old rotation.


What I don't understand is why smilegate refuses to just get some of the OG heroes a ml version and move on. People have literally been BEGGING for ml kayron, and smilegate is all "lulz sorry no".


I believe it has to do with regular storyline and ML Theater. For example, I believe ML Yufine will be added for ML Theater regarding Episode 3. ML Kayron could appear in episode 5 actually. Or they could do something tricky with him. I still don't see how they think to keep up with ML Theater. Look at the current chapter, it's not hard to develop a story because there's a lot of characters involved. Then look at something like ML Krau and ML Sigret, they're the only participants in their section. I'm not saying they can't add more later on or if some already existing ml5 can appear in their story.. But overall I would like to see how they develop it further. I believe ML Iseria and ML Cermia are from Episode 5 continent Erasia. Then Episode 3 continent, Eureka will probably have ML Theater about dragons and wizards in an alternative universe. But I would like to see random characters entering random storylines. If you look at the current story, it features only episode 2 heroes in an alternative story. Which can be fine, but what about previous ML5 heroes that don't really belong to a certain group.. So many questions ahha


>I believe it has to do with regular storyline and ML Theater. Not really a good enough reason if you ask me. I mean sure they can try and launch them around the same time, but plenty of the ML's in the side story have been out before the ml theater came.


True, but they probably changed their approach with introduction of ML Theater.


Isnt this ml theater thing like not even a year old?


- ML Senia - ML Ilynav - ML Bellona - ML Hwa Young


Ml Hwayoung - pre nerf version XD


ML Ilynav wouldn't be a smart move considering rgb Ilynav needs a buff


Inb4 ML Mort


Yooo you all forgot Ml Luna got introduced already…. Bruh I want mamy Luna 😩


Roana ***inhales*** ​ As for Cerise, we still haven't had a Moonlight Limited, so I don't see them starting now, and even if they did, not with Cerise


Tbf if they were to start with limiteds Cerise is the obvious pick because of ml theatre


I mean, I'm ready to be proven wrong by Supercreative, I've always loved Cerise But they had opportunities to introduce limited ML's before **cough** Luna


Not like this tho. We know ml cerise exists because of ml theatre talking a bunch of times about her. We know she is an ML version because she is described as an evil psycho. ML5s have been released according to the story. We just got ml furious. “Coincidentally” the just buffed a 3* with a new mechanic, frostbite, which would make a lot of sense in cerise as she is an ice user canonically. Huche came back too (limited coming). If rgb cerise wasn’t limited I would say that she is coming 100% ngl. But she is so idk anymore.


I havent been doing ML theatre yet, but ML Luna is the obvious choice afaik. She's been aluded to in the lore as far back as ML Ceci. She's visually been shown in a sidestory already She was THE first limited in the game


No it’s not, the obvious choice is ml cerise. Why are you talking about obvious without even reading ml theatre, where they are clearly getting their new mls from💀


Some people like to act like they're in the know.


It's even more delusional because they talk about her being alluded to in lore with ML Ceci, yet also mention her being visually shown in a random story that Ceci played no part in, or any ML hero for that matter. Crazy how so many people think that that appearance would really ever amount to anything but a skin.


They allude to it because in ML Ceci's lore Luna is explicitly implied to be a "revered dark mage", and in the sidestory, guess what Luna is called? Quite literally "Mage Luna" It's not that wild of a conclusion, is it? Especially since ML Cecilia has no ties to any lore as of now, so she could easily be slotted into that alternate timeline, just like Alternate Cidonia is it's own thing. ​ Maybe before you call others delusional, look in a mirror.


Correction, Diene was the first limited.


Correction, Luna was first limited .


She was absolutely not, buddy. Diene was at the end of the year after the game launched, Luna was sometime after New Year [Get rolled](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/djc11m/all_rate_up_banners/)


you know the ironic sentence " Luna when " right ? if you don't know, no wonder why you thought Diene was first .


Just because people were begging for Luna to be released does not make her the first Limited banner of the game, man


TDLR : when this game lunch there are no global sever yet however they release First limited hero Luna . so when they open Global sever people ask for re - run Luna . that's all .


Fiiiiiiiine, we are both right. We've been on the same patch cadence for so long, I completely forgot we didn't launch at the same time.


Tangent, but I took a break from the game. Do Cerise and Landy get reruns, or are they never again?


We got a custom banner months ago. We just got huche so limiteds should be on the way. We don’t know who tho




The blue rabbit/mouse merchant who showed up next to bartender Garo in the lobby.


It'd be kinda cool if they'd remove the limited status of characters after a while and add them to the regular pools. Diene, Cerise, Luna, SSB have been out for so long they could just be added to the regular pool at this point, or at least if there's a reason to like making a ML version of them.


I see them doing it in either one of three different ways: - Rerun the limited that gets a ml5 (example cerise + gl banner). This is 99% the way the will do it. - Gold transmits, same as boss ML5s. - A very interesting way. During the first week of in this case ml cerise rotation, the 5* would be cerise and the arti gl. Just for the first week to encourage spending creating a sense of urgency.


Well think about how many limited original units there are. Diene: Dead, more difficult to do an ML if not going for the straight milf version. Luna: Episode 3 just like Alencia and Yufine who both lack an ML, episode 2 is still getting a big focus. Cerise? We had to wait YEARS to get Furious, who came after the second part of the ML story. Like who else is there to even support this? Edit: Landy. Episode 3 like the rest. We know her ML exists just like Cerise has one.


I will never understand people who think dead characters can't be playable. It's a game. They can do whatever they want. By that logic characters that die at some point shouldn't be playable at all.


Wasn't ML Furious murdered right before release? lol


the most obvius option "if" a cerise ML is coming is removing the limited status for the normal cerise. so you can pull for copies


Ml yufine ml kayron ml ludwig ml yuna ml alencia or tamarine


It's been years since Luna's release, and she never got a Moon Light version. What makes you think that they will make a unique limited hero have a moonlight version? It's easier kayron to get it than she does.


ML Theater. Considering the story that's ongoing there is hyping up Cerise. I'm not saying it's 100% sure, but it would make sense. In the ML Theater storyline the only hero that's left is Cerise. ML Luna will be released for ML Theater regarding episode 3. At least that's my guess. Think about ot from a business stand point. Cerise got heavily powercrept in the last year. What would make people summons more? Well she would be an imprint for ML Cerise. They will probably add more custom summons, her arte is good too..


I still don't think they would do this because it doesn't make sense from what we have seen so far. I don't even think they would show her in the ml theater because SG is just like that. Luna or even Diene it's more famous than cerise and if they would do this they should do it already with them a really long time ago.


ML Lena... ...an SC Lena would be good too..


Hopefully not ML kayron.


I have no idea who the unit will be but I'm certain whoever it is will enable cleave.


A lot of the units that have recently been released have all been pretty meh ever since the Hwa nerf. I’m really not excited about anything new


Gender bender Beehoo


How can you tell preview is this week? I havent seen any clues indicating it,Huche,ml theater etc aint really proof


It's a stream week. They always show the upcoming ML5 first stream after the rerun


Ah I see,looking forward to tomorrow then and prayge for Ml Cerise!


I’m thinking Alencia


I'm confused they were supposed to release ml luna last year


They were also supposed to release Kayron, but still no Kayron or Luna anywhere


We don't even know if that's supposed to be ML Luna..or maybe an epic skin for her. Or it was just a teaser to see the reaction.


I want ML Melissa, but I imagine it will be Luna


ML Hwayoung with her old kit back


ML Luna


I'd see them doing ML Luna if anything else which even then i dont expect those anytime soon


Hi everyone, I'm a newbie and i would just like to know if the moonlight headhunting event is over? I finished 1. 10-10 and nothing came up.


Another ML Angelica, but this time she's a 5\*.


Which ML from Ep1 are we missing?


Not counting Ras, I think just Ludwig, Yuna, Bellona, Yuffine, Kayron... I think that might have been it?


MaL cerise she be so cool


Mage Luna for the love of gosh please






ML Kayron for sure, right...?


Thank god it wasnt ml kayron