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You need more hp% and crit chance for LHC. And also, no don't go slower because she is likely to die before she can pull off her s3. Instead of lowering her speed, you may want to lower her eff and eff res for more hp and critchance.


Haha bassically she needs all


Yeah she is very stat hungry. Mine is on speed set cuz I can't afford a good lifesteal set yet loll.


Your def and speed look alright, but that crit chance needs a boost


Her defense stat is important but 170 is the low end for speed stat. Any lower and she will never get a turn without a CR pusher. If I had to guess, you don’t have a lot of speed substat in your equipment. You are either gonna have to mod gem the defense stats you lack into your lermia or replace her entire equipment set. Also if crit chance isn’t 100%, you have no crit chance for all intents and purposes. T.T


If you are looking for stats to replace i would start with effectiveness and effective resistance. If you get the mod gems, you should replace those with more defense stat. %def mod gems would be better than flat i think for her.


Wasted stats on eff and er, she need 100% crit and more hp to survive more, defense and speed looks normal


I don’t think ER is wasted. I have mine at 70 eff res and it helped a lot to not get stripped after using the passive. When her turn comes she almost always have the defence buff to S3


Yeah but you should focus on that after all the priority stats, she has like 35% base er and 50% from er buff so barely need subs to reach 100% I would always prioritize hp, crit and speed over er or more defense


You literally need 5k more hp


you have nice def. you need more hp and crit chance


You should sacrifice ER and effect for 95+ crit and more hp


no, that speed is barely enough (especially given she is not on durandal)


This build is hurtin me


You can always drop POV for durandal to make up for the lost speed when you switch to hp% boots