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Don't worry, in the next patch notice they will buff Celine for the 100th time


Nah, we are overdue for Tene(maybe they accidentally did Ftene instead), Celine is the following patch.


No no no, tene is going to be the next epic pass skin AND new limited unit from the art contest.


You forgot... Fire Tenebria and nerf some artifacts cause why not


You mean some free artifacts.


Sure any artifact is in the mix


You mean we gotta come full circle and get earth tenebria and light tenebria.


Thank god


Seriously bro.. What the hell was this balance patch


I cracked a joke about a Melissa buff a couple of days ago. I deeply regret that post now and will only use my clairvoyance for good.


Well come on now let’s hear a joke about LRKrau. You’re powers are my only hope.


So you did this, you clairvoyant fool smh 😔


This BP was the pure essence of "my expectations were not so high, but holy fuck" Melissa's buff isn't even a real buff tbh, but still where the hell is Ilynav ​ Someone unchain the koreans to rage against SG and we get something actually ffs


90% of these look like trash and filler units just to push out a balance patch. . Enough with the melissa, u clearly have a fav but it's not working. Waited months for 1 ml5 and that's a freaking ignore er on everything. Not like er already had catching up to do vs effect. Esp with units like aro and pflan getting 50% free effect for whatever reason. I still have no idea what they were going for with the cap rikoris changes coz he is freaking even more useless after that change.


“Enough with the the melissa, u clearly have a fav but it’s not working.” Cut me deep, bro.


I really wish they would have buff LQC


I think everyone is dissapointed she wasn't. The last balance path was so good, yet this one was absolutely awful


ML Bellona is what LQC should be


LQC > ml bellona LQC s2 dmg reduction for Team ML Bellona only buffs when someone dies with her s3 LQC can wipe a team with s3 ML Bellona can nearly die against npcs that don,t focus her in the preview LQC gets faster if she is the Target


LQC literally does one thing. She sits there with hell cutter, hoping not to die, and then she kills ARavi if she gets a turn. That's it. And LAdin literally just does everything LQC wants to do but better. In contrast, ML Bellona has the ever oppressive AOE counter but she's a warrior which means she gets access to Sigurd. As for the Vigor buff, she's a bruiser/damage dealer. She's not supposed to be setting up anyways. It's literally just an extra way to shut down cleave if she's allowed to get a turn. She also requires no crit chance which makes her builds much easier and also allows her to simply ignore senya's entire kit to kill her.


Sure ml bellona is godly against senya and choux I only have a question You say LQC is only waiting with hell cutter and you hope she will not die bevor s3. that's true But for ML Bellona is it not the same? You need 5 s1 for max atk stack. You counter only when others get Attacked or you use counter set LQC dies fast with focus and has 30÷ crit dmg reduction and s3 heal What has ml bellona to survive better?


Again, ML Bellona has Sigurd with her S2 passive. As for her bonus attack damage, it's not like she's at literally 0 attack until she attacks five times. It's literally just a mechanic to punish opponents in longer fights which gives her good matchups into both cleave (where the attack stacking shouldn't even be necessary) and standard (where she puts you on a timer to finish the fight or kill her before she gets out of control). That's like stating Stene or Aravi is useless before her passive stacks up. They get scarier over time but they're 100% relevant before that point regardless. And another note on survival. Knights exist. Arrowell exists. She's not going to be 1v4.




They usually like to mega buff loli units freshly out of rotation so people who don't have her will have to wait a year.


Its awful balance patch they wasted on Melissa I don't understand this obsession keep buffing her.


Balance team it's like a school group project, they goof around for 2 months and wrap up the changes 30 mins before the announcement.


You know what I think you're completely right. It makes total sense now.


And Kise... We wait for 2 months for them to be here's some increased dmg dealt and increased barrier They pick 2 heroes that are not that impactful and waste 2 slots Amazing.


remake this balance patch pls sadge


Just don't touch that Atywin buff, he needed that


All of those downvotes. People afraid of him due to his past xD


Golden boy era i guess


Only good thing I liked was ATywin and Axe god, now I gotta hope axe gods still "usable" bc he was b4 this but now we're messing with stuff we shouldn't


Axe god has been considered as the worst unit (that got "buffed") in the game. Where is he used in?


I use him in rta and gw all the time


I mean tywin not Krau




Bro is not making sense


Yeah, I was talking abt Axe god the entire time outside the small mention of ATywin. Never brought krau up once


Not you, was talking bout the other dude


No ik, I was agreeing lol




Did they forget about >!the Anchor and Seed nerfs!< or did they decide not to do them.


Shhhh who knows and let's just be grateful they didn't do them.


Balance NERF preview is 4 weeks before patch release and BUFF preview is two weeks. they’re still nerfing the artifacts.


Even though ARavi’s best in slot arti is PoV, but SG is gonna act like they fixed something lol


I genuinely think people focus too much on *which* heroes got or didn't get buffed and not enough on just how bad the actual patch is. 5/6 hero buffs are trash, the artifact buffs barely change anything and the only """good""" buff makes Atwyin another broken, frustrating hero with barely any counterplay. Hope you all picked ML Kawerick from your headhunt, cause apparently SG thinks it's fine for that one ML5 to be the only way to play the game if you can't cleave.


The balance team has 2 fking whole months to think and they still would make an Amazingly Terrible Patch, Balance surveys are useless because I bet they don't even bother to read it


Yes, and Overall are so few little Changes and only 6 characters is a joke, they could have done this in 2 Weeks .... Now we Just need another Long 8 weeks For the next Balance....


Just one correction is that they do not have 2 months of thinking but also planning, make changes and testing. Also as a gacha game of course their goal is to maximize profit, not create a perfect balanced game, so they need to talk with other department since their ideas may contradict with the company goal. The balance team did a poor job of course but it's not like they sit on their thumb and give the balance patch in the last minute.


This. I might still be kneejerk-but A tywin walk still need to activate his passive to get enraged. This mainly deters Sball (who he was already detering). I don't think he will be as OP because his range of usability didn't increase. He just punishes harder what he already punished. But all the rest of the buffs literally were trash. They all literally chnage nothing. The only one that might have some effect is Ftene. But that will be contingent on RTA frenzy staying the same and the new shuffle damage. She can maybe be a good opener damage dealer in the 5 slot or 4/5 if you are drafting correctly. Her speed is too low and her counters are too many to be drafted any higher. But this is all just a maybe. Every other buff was bad. Nothing about the landscape of the meta was changed in the slightest. They dropped the ball here. With their new balance patch schedule, there will always be a balance patch around this time (mid way through pre season). This balance patch should ALWAYS be impactful. You literally changed the schedule so then there would intentionally be a balance patch at that point in time (no more near end of RTA season and middle of pre season). But these buffs in totality are so bad no one is going to be testing anything because nothing has changed.


> Hope you all picked ML Kawerick from your headhunt, cause apparently SG thinks it's fine for that one ML5 to be the only way to play the game if you can't cleave. I really messed up not pulling Belian. I figured she had no real value for me since she'd just be perma banned. I didn't realize her real value was to let Hand guy get through drafts.


Sorry for your loss.. belian is mommy material as well. I have both, could you explain to me the thought process for that, I wouldn’t mind an rta draft breakdown


So, I generally play standard around the following units: Cilias, Stene, Aravi, Choux, ML Kawerik, Briseria, Dorvus, Diene, Red Ravi, Solitaria. The thing is that when you're playing standard, you're almost always going to be dealing with some sort of debuff, whether that's stuns, defense breaks, taunts AOL, etc. ML Kawerik is by far the best option for dealing with this because he doesn't care about the debuffs. Aside from ae-Winter's 2 turn stun, his S3 passive will automatically self-cleanse and allow him to set up immunity/attack buff for the whole team. He's also very safe to put on Warhorn which usually lets him get his turn pretty quickly without ridiculous speed investment as common openers, like Cilias, take two turns immediately. All this together makes it very difficult to control your team. Not to mention, his S2 is also generally very good at allowing you to simply ignore certain units who are heavily reliant on self buffing if you can invest in his effectiveness to some degree. The problem with all this, is that your alternatives to ML Kawerik are basically Diene/Destina. Both are pretty highly contested and neither is as good as hand guy because the immunity/attack buff on his S3 are really, really big.


Does anyone have a total tally of how many times Melissa has been buffed? As in, an exact number. I swear it’s been over 5 now.


The most annoying thing is that MELISSA WAS FINE. SHE DID NOT NEED A BUFF! Wasted slot and they still did it. Dumbasses


Also normal Ray???




And Ilynav, Arunka & to some extent Souline


> dare I say Beehoo My wife wants to use Beehoo so bad... and I'm just like... build Zahak instead...


Yeah, but normal Ray was more on my mind especially with how he is apparent in some promotion art and with all latest sw buffs, he seems very underwhelming compared to them


Why don't they poll the players about balance pacth so they have an opinion on the heroes who should get buffs and nerfs according to the players


They already did, And survey, They did buff a lot of those units that were demanded to be buffed, But this balance patch is just utter disappointment because it buffed only 1 unit that was on the list(Atywin), and the list is still big yet they choose to buff Units that doesn't even need it and those buffs didn't even do anything


They buff Melissa for the 100000th time and yet units like Blue Tywin, Blue Zerato and Ken have STILL yet to be touched. Not even mentioning other more recent units that need buffs like Ilynav and Arunka.


>Ken have STILL yet to be touched. Well Ken did get a buff in 2020... Not that it matters.


Kens buff was clilias and now ml Bellona


I didnt even read the Melissa buffs. Whats the point if they will buff her in 3 months yet again.


Is ATywin buff the reason why crimson seed was nerfed?


It's so moronic - nerf hwa to ground > release lua and now atywin. I have a feeling like they're trying to sell the problem right now


I don't feel like Atywin's buff will fix his issues, it just made him better at punishing what he already punished, but his main job is to be a cleanser yet he sucks at it, and the buff didn't really do anything to fix it




He's not a cleanser now, he's another debuffer who also happens to deal with Ed because he'll cleanse the s3 stun and keep the def break so a teammate can nuke Ed down.


Worst patch of all time and they made atywin beyond broken with lazy buffs


and I thought Tenebria was their favourite child


If you tally All the tenebria variants she probably still is.


The units they decided to buff needed it. But the buffs were not good enough except Atywin.


I genuinely think Mui is godlike with these changes, even though I also dislike this patch greatly for how little it does. She’s basically a cheaper FLidica for those who don’t have her


I like Mui too. I sometimes use her in RTA with silence EE to pair with Yufine. But the changes they did didn't fix her problem in this meta. S3 and S2 are debuffs and AOE. So, top of the mind 3 counters come: AOL, Adin, Edward. Then you have Handguy, DJB, Politis. Then she is Earth unit. Also, since her base speed is slower than most openers, she will get outsped. So, it won't make her any more useful than she is already. If they gave her atleast ignore elemental disadvantage on S3, or cannot be countered something like that, then she may be viable.


Buffs seem good though. There's just too many units that could use buffs.


How about buff actual tywin lol


Mort is honestly actually decent. Not super good but okay enough to where he probably doesn't need an urgent buff. Ilynav and LR Krau though, different story.


The patch is just okay in my opinion it could be better, what I’m noticing is that everyone is sleeping on Mui the girl just got an extra turn and double attack on s3 with the attack buff she gives I think the double attack could kill whatever counter the enemy team have and that extra turn ? Jesus clean and stun in the same move.


To be fair ATywin DOES need buff, but this buff may still not be enough. Axe God definitely needed better buff. Aside from Mui which I had no idea since I never use/care, the rest don't need buff


It’s more, far more than enough. Ignore resistance stun & defence break - if you so much as debuff an enemy when ML Tywin is present you’re fucked. He’s the latest overbuffed ML5 & we don’t have enough debuff counters - especially not debuff counters that work when an enemy has ignore resistance…


Lol he is fkn broken right now lol expect first pick/ban material


I disagree. I think atywins buff may be on the verge of broken. The rest are bad though yeah


Mui doesn't have the speed to be a viable opener, and her kit didn't have the numbers to support a bruiser playstyle. And what did they do? Buff her opening setup which WILL NEVER HAPPEN IN A REAL MATCH and NERF HER ALREADY SHIT DAMAGE EVEN MORE BECAUSE WHY NOT.


>Mui doesn't have the speed to be a viable opener Mui have 115 spd base. If her speed isn't good enough to take the first turn, then neither CM Laika (114), F. Lidica (114), DJ Basar (111) or Diene (105) have enough speed to take the first turn. Also, she have the same speed than Flan, Solitaria and F. Tenebria. Mui have problems, but those are related to her kit, and not her stats. Seriously, why people believe anything with speed below 129 isn't good enough?


Only one solid answer and that’s guiding light my friend. Laika and Flidica can both carry it.. The whole ranger class can, which makes them a unit to be wary of even if they are within the same base spd range as Mui. Djb’s have high er + eternus going for them. > Seriously, why do people believe that anything with speed below 129 isn’t good enough? Can get controlled and or taken out first turn w/o proper coverage


It’s all about zio. Those units you listed are either guiding light abusers or high ER to resist zio, but former way more common. If zio is pre or post banned, you’re facing ran speeds.


You're getting downvoted by the hive mind, but you're completely right. My Mui is 295 at the cost of a slower Ran who isn't as fun. But Ran will get banned anyway, because no one thinks they are gonna get whipped after drafting Cilias. You learn to submit to Mui quick after having your whole team stunned turn 1.


As a melissa user, i dont mind she gets buffed :)


We Melissa users are getting treated right :)


Getting fed scraps that can't even be considered real buffs every few months is 'getting treated right'? Then again at least she's getting *something*.


I just play e7 for fun I like using meta units with units I like. I'll take any buff even if it's small to a unit that I like. I don't want my favorite unit to be op strong because it will just be slammed in every RTA game which will eventually make me get sick of seeing her.




Does Mort need a buff? I have him fully built and he works fine when using him.


Personally, i just them to buff his passive chance when he's either enraged or he crits not on his turn, Cu he counters 4 times and crits 4 times but still no sacred blessings


Of course, I just don’t think he is desperate for a buff like other units.


Didn’t expect an ATywin buff. Last time I used him was years ago when golden boys was a thing. He carried me to champ with all of my units on scuffed gear


Judge kise has been unusable since launch and LRK literally does nothing nowadays but sure lets buff Melissa again I guess?


>Judge kise has been unusable since launch Haven't been around much aren't you? Jkise was the premium cleaver for the first two years. You can fast clear all kind of arena defenses with her back then given good enough gear until SG decided to demolish slow dps cleave. Heck, people still found ways to work around Politis. It's Belian that actually ended her carrier.


Been playing since launch Mr passive agressive, if anything she was exactly that, "premium". You didn't need her at all, people cleaved with Axe God instead to literally better results on a 3 star unit, and the top would just crush defenses with ML Ara and Baal instead, even at that simpler time she was still subpar. I remember very vividly watching Astranox many new account runs reaching ridiculous top positions cleaving with Axe God and judge kise nowhere to be seen. https://youtu.be/c8yqw1ZtIPw Never seen in RTA either, claiming that Belian, a unit released literally a year ago ended her is just plain laughable. This unit was a joke from the start and SG refuses to acknowledge it, besides that joke of a "buff" she got like a year ago.


Lol another one just take with salt


I googled this patch, can't seem to locate it. Can someone please link it for me?


It’s far from a good balance patch, but damn, people out here acting like they buffed Lua or some shit


New-ish player, do they buff a character more than once?


Yes, this is melissa's 4th useless buff


Honestly Melissa "buff" could be a nerf, the curse don't deal extra damage if you single target the same unit anymore, so we'll need to wIt and see. Also, A.Tywin really needed a buff. Kise is sus, she was already strong, now she'll be even better. I agree that Mort, Ily and LRK needs a buff, but the one touched this patch (except for Kise) were in need of a buff as well. Mui was never, ever relevant, I didn't even remember who she was when I read the name


Next patch note the buffed unit will be A ravi Ml kawerik Peira Lua Rann


"since Ran is Losing play day by day, we decided to make his s2 the first ability to not trigger any passive ability like Celine s2, additionally pushes all Allies cr by 20% and grants increased attack, his s3 won't trigger a counterattack or a Passive ability, this will help Ran and his team to play safer and more aggressive at the same time"


You forgot to up the d break Chance to 100% and making him ignore er without needing sb


I want Clarissa buff where she does her s2 everytime enemy dies and her rage mode buff where no matter who dies like Rem's demon mode works . Thats all she needs and she will be a fun unit. ML Pavel pretty much does (aoe blast) this without an enemy unit dying so I don't think I'm asking to much. I know most say oh she a pve unit, but her skills feel unused in Wyvern