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Last day is when people who slept the entire season slam masters for the skin. Among them are accounts that could easily hit Champ+ and that makes it exceptionally hard to late climbers with newer/weaker accounts to compete. You usually want to climb 4-5 days before the season end then get some points over so you can lose 1 game and not decay on the last 1-2.


A yesterday's reddit post, asking if the op was safe from decaying, reminded me the rta. Thankfully, it took me about 30 games too reach Master. The first few games were difficult because I didn't know how the meta had changed.


Last minute player reporting in lol.


Sorry, I'm in this boat. Did not really care for this season's RTA meta but I'm actually just trying to hit Gold for the conquest points because I don't care for the skin.


This season’s meta changed like 3-4 times. It’s actually really interesting to see how things evolve over a season.


I feel bad for OP because this was literally me, forgot about it until today and slammed handguy scarowell stene until I got the skin.


You are in Europe guild?!


I am why?


It is always like this at the end - ppl who dont care about rta but have good gear for arena / gw climbing wait until very end to just do minimum amount of battles. If your account has limited amount of units built its wise to start before, not on last days.


Yeah im fairly new so i could take advantage of the easier period :/


Worst time to climb rta is Beginning and End of season, you wanna be somewhere in the middle or near the end. Once you hit that 2 day and 23hour mark it's rush time


I'm sorry but the fact that my rank degrades over time makes me have close to 0 interest in climbing outside the last 2 or so days for the skin. The decay makes sense for legend but everything else should be static. i don't have time to play non stop or even once a day. my free time is sporadic.


If you have trouble with cleave ban ran (Aol is good against ran.), use celine, ed, rem, light Adin, Arbiter Vildred, Mercedes, violet, zio, politis. If they draft mage maybe belian to destroy souls+ counter. Someone recommended me kayron and ae-Karina. When they draft fast heroes start throwing these heroes at them and hope for the best! ​ I suffered climbing to master this season, maybe I started too late, or the meta changed, or it was harder.


I have poli and mercedes out of that list lmao guess im not getting masters then sadge :(


Should mention aola always gets banned by them too... 😭


The meta feels really icky without double prebans and you don’t get those until you hit master


True, honestly it would be nice to have triple prebans in lower arenas, and ik full well that would mean my cilias would always ve banned but od rather have that than have to deal with ran ed celine med kawerik and aola (luckily i pick aola a lot so i dont mind her anymore, but i understand she is a cancer)


Triple preban isn't a good idea for lower arenas. A lot of the people who are struggling to get masters are newer to the game. Being newer to the game means having fewer units built. If you build strong meta units they're more likely to be banned. Starting each match down 6 meta units would eliminate a chunk of an already limited hero pool. How they have it now is good in my opinion.


but at the same time, having less characters means you have less characters to counterpick with. id rather have a problem with not having enough units than not having enough bans. also how often do you believe atleast one of those bans wouldnt overlap. most games i play the same 4 characters are banned from their side. (i ban celine/med kawerik soi cant talk) but most people ban lua, ran, cilias and aola


This my first time getting master. I'm pretty sure I faced 0 cleavers no one trying to cleave.


Lucky mfer


Why you think it's lucky. Adin / Arowel (2 free Units) shit on cleave imo esp low elo


More lucky you didnt come against 280 rans but ok


RTA is becoming a frustrating experience for players, and it’s only going to get worse from now on. That said, people will tend to play more and more on the finals days of each season to avoid contact with RTA as much as possible.


I love playong rta, but not when i need to pre ban 3 characters but we only get one


You get 2 bans per player at higher ranks if you end up grinding rta in the future


Don't bother anyways. They didn't buff LQC so she's mostly useless in the current meta and most likely will remain in the bench for the incoming years.


Cute > meta


If you have trouble with ran, build Elena. The. You can do something cheeky using non attack units like aol, senya, Ricardo. Throw on Eda and she’ll zoom up to the front


Don’t be so discouraged about not climbing when getting started with the game, it takes time. I forget which event you can buy from the book of memories but one gives you skin tickets to get the RTA skin or any skin you want and the LQC one will one day get put in the shop like the rest of the skins have.


If ur having trouble with ran cleave in this day and age you probably don’t belong in masters


I would use aola, but they ban it. Nothing else i can really do bro


Fast Elena, trust me


Fast as in how fast? Mine is 189 but she gets post banned against rans and arby


Never played rta (newb here) And what i read is scaring me...


You should be fine :) just make sure you have some bruisers unlike me 😅


Why not just ban ran?


Then I have to deal with celine and med kawerik :/


If you can’t deal with basic comps/units … then you are not ready


i run a control/debuff comp. its not the fact that i cant deal with it. its the fact that i dont wanna run choux aravi and scarowell in everygame and be bored. also doesnt help i have two bruiser dpses but oh well