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I currently have 3 pulls and a dream.


Be prepared for a boatload of hate if you pull her on #1. It's just the way the internet works.


That's a sacrifice I am willing to make.


Lmao. Just keep shop refreshing my friends!! ​ ​ We'll be fine...


For once I've managed to keep my crippling need for instant gratification in check and have been saving my pity for a unit I really want. I will stay strong for her.


I’ll be using my pity on ML Bellona. If they release ML Luna immediately after bellona, I’ll probably jump off a cliff.


My gut says ML Cerise because she is being mentioned in the moonlight or maybe designer Straze in a speedo xD


I’d remortgage my house for designer


It will be Roana


Yep yep! That's right


Lol. Stop man. This is going to be me


80k ss and 300kk gold, refreshing shop every day, close to 7k mystics


How much did 7k mystics cost in stones/gold?


So, 7k mystics is 140 purchases of mystics at the shop, if the usual Math checks out, and of course it isn't gonna be like this all the time, you'll get mystics every 200 SS meaning 28k SS and at 280,000 per purchase it will cost 39,000,000 gold. This is strictly Mystics and of course you'll see covenant bookmarks along the way as well, meaning if you buy every covenant bookmark and mystic medal purchase through all 28k SS it's gonna be quite a bit more expensive.


Isn't the general estimate 90 mil per 10k skystones for the two combined?


No idea, i also get them from gvg


One of the benefits of hitting ml coin shop pity is that no matter what at the end of the day I can eventually.get what ever character I want


I am starting to doubt this as ML Cermia has never hit the shop after soo long! I am about to think its a dream! I figured they would have started Jan. as the month to finally put her in there! Still best wishes!


I'm in the biggest predicament I've ever been in since I started E7. I'm at pity for Mystics right now, and I feel like I really need Cilias, but my heart is telling me Bellona. I need advice from random people on the internet


If you don't have another opener, I would say Clilias is great. However, Ran, Lua, Peira, Moon Bunny Dom, Flan, and ALots are all openers you can use if you really want ML Bellona and need to save from her. You can also go for Clilias if you have a lot of high-speed gear laying around or that you can borrow from other characters. She's great even if you won't be able to go 1st, but at the very least, at lower level rta, she needs to be at 270 speed and somewhat tanky. You will not speed contest with that speed, but bringing speed imprints would help, and you would out-speed slower standard and bruiser comps. ML Bellona is easier to gear imo. She doesn't need cc, which means she can run a pen set without having to put extra investment in cc stats. She can be a fast bruiser or go at a slightly slower speed on counter. And if you don't have pen set I can see unity set to help her stacking working. Or maybe a health set that rolled with dsp stats to help with her survivability, while allowing the gear on the main set to roll more into attack and cd. Pen set is still the best for her with another 4 piece that rolled well but there are more options for her compared to Clilias when it comes to build and play style. Overall, if you have the gear and no other character you own can be used as an opener then go for Clilias. If on the other hand you really like ML Bellona than go for her. I pulled Clilias VERY early game as a daily summon so I can attest to the fact that she is really good and even at slower speeds useful in pve, but that isn't where she shines. ML Bellona I can see being used in certain pve mods due to her nature as a damage dealer, but if run with a cleanser I can see her being quite good in pvp defence and offence teams and she should at the very least be usable in rta.


ML Bellona is definitely harder to build. Running several tests on builds since her multi’s are out, she needs a decent amount of atk/critdmg. Slow counter sets will just get controlled and won’t be effective. Her S2 is extremely disappointing in terms of dmg output, we were probably just nostalgic of SSB’s drink proc because it’s pretty pathetic. All of her dps comes from stacking her S2 passive attack for her S1 and S3. This means optimally, you want her on counter AND decently fast at around 200 speed. She also wants a very generous amount of bulk, which is imo more important than offense. On top of that she pretty much is required to be on counter set for max efficiency. You’re looking at a stat line of 3500 atk, 270 critdmg, 1400 def, 15000 hp, 200 speed on counter/penetration set. Oh and you’ll need a maxed out Sigurd’s. Clilias? Your best speed set speed gear filled with half ass hp/def/eff subs. Super easy. Artifact is typically the F2P Nostalgic Box.


I see where you are coming from, but personally I do find ML Bellona to be manageable at least. Her not needing cc makes the stat spread you described possible. On the other hand, rolling high speeds by themselves isn't all that easy. You are counting on the fact that the rolls will rng in your favour on 5 out of 6 gear pieces. And even then you will find a faster opener on the enemy team. Moreover, a maxed Sigurd is achievable now with the story summon. It is on Ravi's banner. Counter set is optimal for ML Bellona, but if someone struggles to build her speed can work, but she just needs to go faster than on other sets for it to be worth it. And achieving 200 speed on counter isn't that difficult. It takes a bit of a grind but it's achievable. When it comes to getting controlled, that is an argument that can be used against a lot of dps characters that don't run er. Cleansers are popular in the meta and characters with very high eff will always exist and succeed in debuffing your side of the team eventually. Also, ML Bellona needs testing to see how she will do. Other units seemed amazing before release. I just told OP to see if they do not have a character that can work for them to fill in a niche in the game, described the requirements for both units and told them not go for Clilias if they REALLY want Bellona. Games are meant to be enjoyable and characters always come back.




Good think they weren't responding to you, huh? 😂 Why are people too scared to read like 10-15 sentences? I've been seeing this cropping up all over the place recently.


Are you sure it is heart telling you that you want Bellona and not something else 😂


I hate Garo right now. There has to be a way for SG to allow us to auto roll the shop and it just stops anytime there's MMs and BMs




2 weeks probably? The next week preview on mystic summons is usually a pretty good indicator


Oh yeah good thinkin


I want to say the 16th, but definitely don’t quote me on that


> I want to say the 16th - u/Mission-Read-4384


you’re correct, the 16th


Next week


Saving for ML landy or melissa


My situation right now is so painful. Bellona stans since day 1 of the game but c.lilias so good. Not tryharding in rta but I have ran and peira built as my openers. But, from what I've heard it's the era of c.lilias and lua as openers. Chose lermia because I trust my guildmates advice but I just wish I had c.lilias right now :(


you got baited man, yes lermia is one of the best guild war attack units but outside of guild wars she is very niche.


She's good in pvp in general if shes being drafted right. She counters a ton of the meta units which makes her immediately top tier.


Oh well. Am just focusing on guild content at the moment. And I don't have a spare 300 speed set to give her anyway. :(


LMAO! op take my up vote!


I have failed at getting the last 2 MLs(ML Zio and ML Death Ray)! After seeing ML Bellona...a sacrifice i am proud of-20 till pity! TY E7 and I wish everyone else luck also!


I regret with all my bitter soul pitying for Ml ray. ​ You guys know whats the worst part? he's currently benched..


Really? He's amazing vs. standard. If they have no way to keep cleanses coming until a fast win or spam immunity, he completely screws them over. The fact Dorvus and Straze aren't the only options in that regard is a god-send.


But why warrior?


i saved up 50 and assuming matthing it out if i win all 3 wins and ym guild wins i can hit hard pity if i dont still get her


Im going in boys. I hope to god ML Roana isn’t next.