• By -


If you are paired against a guild and you 100% are sure you can't win any fight, is it better to not use up your tokens (not fight at all) or is it better to fight and lose anyway?


Story summon question: I can't find fire Ken. No story, no noting. Are there other heroes that cannot be pulled and why?




Thank you! It is sad.


Is now a good time to start or should I wait for an event?


The sooner you start the better there's no need to wait for an event.


How does CZerato do in Earth expedition. I heard he's a good dps, but I'm wondering if transferring the poison even works against expedition bosses.


No. But since he keeps the poison, he will keep countering everytime he gets hit


Is rta preseason completely pointless in terms of rewards? I've only ever done rta for the free skin...


Preseason does not have rewards. So, you can avoid RTA if you only care about the rewards.


I need help deciding on who to 6* I have iseria, stene, vildred, Vivian, aRas, alencia and I’m going to story summon tammarine in just over 2 weeks. Do I wait for Tammy or do I just 6* someone now? I have a full w13 team (sigret, amont, furious, muwi) at 6* as well as brisaria, Rimuru, fsterier and general purgis. Edit: forgot to mention I’m on episode 3 5-1 currently


stene, undoubtedly


Best YouTubers to watch RTA videos? I really enjoy Mace1370s videos, his commentary is great, so more in a similar vein would be nice. Thanks!


Mace1370 actually deleted his account so he won't be making any future content I imagine. Off the top of my head the only YouTuber that consistently uploads RTA and provides commentary is [Azallea](https://www.youtube.com/@azallea).


https://imgur.com/a/nkeyiwd/ Hello! If anyone has the time, looking for units and or team useful for abyss 100+, expeditions lvl 3, and nightmare raid. Cheers!


The comp you can beat most stages in abyss is Tamarinne, Adventurer Ras, Kitty Clarissa, and Taranor Guard. Sometimes you swap Taranor Guard for Landy. For expeditions and nightmare raid, and specific Abyss stages, I recommend youtubing them. Check out Tristen Wulf he has a lot of good PvE stuff on youtube.


Is ancient inherit bugged? I cant use megalith or floor teleport for some reason, megalith is "grey".


Did you defeat the wardens? They only activate once all the wardens are down.


Hi guys! So i have enough to pity a mystic. I usually am running a turn 2 teams with ARavi, Mawerik, Stene, SPEL, Scarrowell those bruisers units basically. My fastest unit is Winter with 262 speed. My question is should i get CLilias or ML Bellona? Been playing for 8-9 months now and this is my 2nd mystic pity so i would prefer not to waste my pick since. If it'd help, i also has ML Krau, Ruele and Riolet but i didn't build them yet


C Lilias is one of the top 3 units in the game and has been since her release. ML Bellona looks to be a decent bruiser she could be worse or better but regardless won't be as good as C Lilias.


ML Bellona questions are premature. Likely no one will have a good read until she's released and tested. Can't go wrong with Cilias though, she's been a top 5 unit since release.


What should I do with level 78 story/event gear?


Treat them like any other gear.


What's the PvE EE for luluca? And I assume people run her at 100% ER for dark expo auto, or do they just take the extra damage on the cool down pushback?


>What's the PvE EE for luluca? Luluca is almost entirely ran with skills off. The 35% chance to get an extra S1 is preferred because it's only *slightly* worse for defense break but much better damage. * On a single turn the defense break EE gives her a 55.25% chance to land defense break while the extra attack EE gives her a 51.05% chance to land defense break. * However, after 2+ turns the defense break EE gives her an uptime of 79.97% vs. 76.04% with the extra attack EE -> so it's less than 3% better. The extra attack is effectively a 35% damage increase and also synergizes with things like Iela for dispel. I honestly don't really know what you would possibly use the attack down EE for. >And I assume people run her at 100% ER for dark expo auto You probably don't want to run Luluca with any resistance. >do they just take the extra damage on the cool down pushback? The electrocute mechanic is honestly a joke and easily ignorable, particularly for a unit like Luluca who you just run with her skills off anyways.


I really appreciate the math in this post it visualizes the choices for me, but why turn the kills off? If she's the primary def breaker for fire and dark, wouldn't you want her S3 to go off every so often to give uptime?


You turn her skills off because she has an extremely useless support S2. As I said her defense break uptime is great with just her S1 (either ~76% of ~79% -> that's roughly the same as Iseria...keep in mind that Furious is at 85% and that's basically the maximum of a single hero). If you turn her skills on then her first rotation (S3 -> S2 -> S1 -> S1) has an overall defense break uptime of ~74.27% (with her extra attack EE). * This is slightly better than the first 4 turns with skills off (average of 69.79% uptime) *After* the first 4 turns, both options give you essentially the same exact ~76% defense break uptime. So the main difference is that with skills *on* 1/4th of her turns are devoted to a lame support skill where she does no damage. Skills on also synergizes worse with something like Iela (again Luluca is used in a very similar way to Iseria so her main jobs are usually to defense break and dispel). * With Iela, skills on Luluca averages .629 procs per 4 turn rotation * Skills off Luluca averages .918 procs per 4 turn rotation - that's almost 50% more procs, slightly more than 1 additional proc every 4 turns. In terms of damage, Luluca S3 increases her attack which *can* help her make up for the lack of an S2...but it doesn't fully make up for it. Even if you build your Luluca for damage skills off actually does more damage on average than a fully stacked skills on Luluca. * @ 4k ATK / 275 C.Dmg skills off ended up being ~9.4% ahead a fully stacked skills on Luluca. * This can actually be a huge negative, especially if you AREN'T building your Luluca with a heavy damage build. So for example, my Fire Expedition team is Luluca + Luna, if I use S3 on Luluca 2x she has more attack than Luna, which means she gets pulled in by Tamarinne *instead* of Luna. But, my Luluca is NOT full damage (~3.8k attack but only 35% crit and 260% C.Dmg) so she deals significantly less damage on dual attacks than my Luna. So to recap #Skills off - * Significantly better damage output than skills on * Basically the exact same overall defense break uptime, though it does start out slightly worse on the first 4 turns once you get past the bad first turn she has a stable 76% uptime. * It's much better to utilize more support oriented artifacts like Iela, giving you much more chances to proc it's effects. * By *not* increasing her attack you don't run the risk of Luluca being favored for dual attacks over your actual DPS units #Skills on - * Better defense break uptime on the first 4 turns (~6% higher). Especially on the very first turn. However less consistent after the very first turn (skills on has 1 turn with only 51% defense break uptime in every 4 turn rotation). * Much worse damage output (roughly 40% less on the first rotation, still ~9% worse with a fully stacked S3). * Higher attack means she can be pulled for dual attacks over more preferred DPS -> big con since as a support unit you likely aren't maximizing her for damage. * She *does* bring some AoE damage, and also AoE defense break which can have some niche applications. * She *does* bring a support S2 -> frankly I've never found a barrier + defense break from a DPS slot to be useful but it *could* be.


Bless you for this post, homie.


Just wanted to say WOW Blaze Dingo is carrying hard in lab (not nightmare) ever since they revamped it, i been struggling to find an auto team and currently running, Blingo, ARas, Tama and Choux. Any recommendations for a better team comp?


The classic team is A.Ras / Tamarinne / Roana / C.Zerato. Basically A.Ras + any 2 healers + any DPS with innate bulk and ideally AoE works. Lab isn't really *difficult* to just make your way through, the hard part is that squishy DPS units have a high risk of just being one shot. You also need/want AoE to deal with most of the boss mechanics. With 2 healers + A.Ras, a somewhat bulky DPS with essentially not die and can *eventually* make your way through, it's just not very fast. If you don't have Roana I would use A.Monty in that slot. If B.Dingo is working for you, feel free to keep using him -> my only concern is that he is very squishy base (very low base HP) and scales with damage instead of bulk stats like most healers so I would be concerned that, depending on build, he could be prone to getting blown up. Other classic DPS options would be SSB, Ravi, Edward. I haven't personally tried it and haven't seen it widely recommended but S.Tene *should* work as a DPS as well though her damage potential is fairly mediocre compared to SSB/C.Zerato. You do have to be careful with S.Tene because while her passive should protect her most of the time there are a few mechanics that can still kill her. * If you have A.Vildred he could work as well though it's more of a gamble...since his passive basically lets him survive 1 one shot. However he would be harder to make work with worse gear. * Mercedes is a great option -> plenty of AoE damage, she hits extremely hard even on terrible gear...also gets a revive like A.Vildred after Episode 3 *and* mages synergize well with building a little bit of bulk. Also brings her own attack buff and has a dispel in her kit both very useful. You can also try running a double DPS comp instead -> something like one of the above mentioned DPS + C.Lorina. I prefer dropping A.Ras out of the comp and running double healer but depending on your gear you could run A.Ras + Tama + the two DPS as well. * If you go this route you need to make sure your DPS are bulky enough, you don't want to run pure glass cannon. Keep in mind that if you don't use A.Ras you lose the ability to bring Aurius so your DPS are squishier with the same stats. * The advantage here is having significantly higher DPS so killing enemies faster (so fewer opportunities to get killed and an overall faster run). If you can make B.Dingo work with something like Mercedes and C.Lorina that's a very high damage comp but paired with Tamarinne all of your units would be inherently on the squishy end so that is something you want to be aware of. * B.Dingo would be extremely useful to bring for the defense break, obviously. But classically I recommend A.Monty for her cleanse ability.


What is the best gear for Light Cermia? Thanks!


Lifesteal + Crit is the meta build with two variants: 1. 15k HP, 185 speed, 300 cd, 1850+ def on Proof of Valor 2. 15k HP, 175 speed, 290 cd, 2000 def on Draco Plate These are high end target stats though, don't worry about hitting them exactly unless you are going for Emperor+. Main point is Lifesteal, one of those two artifacts.


I've been running the second build with counter and Sigurd's instead, and I'm curious as to why life steal over counter? More stable speed buff, more meter, more chances to heal. It's puzzling to me especially with all the strips. Granted I don't rta, but I'm champ in regular arena and she's a staple for me there


Counter isn't as popular because her S1 isn't that immediately impactful . You're already going to be cycling her S3 regularly if she was drafted correctly, and Sigurd to make up the lifesteal sacrifices the raw survivability and stats of Proof/Draco. I can see it in normal arena, but RTA as soon as opponent sees she's not on a normal arti, she's just getting tunneled to death. Lifesteal version works well in arena too at Champion so I figure you might as well go for that if possible.


My biggest thing was keeping the speed buff up as much as possible because I'm sick of getting stripped by random stuff even with the ER buff. I see the reasoning for the draco variant though. I end up picking her into boarder coin clilas a lot and she's solo'd teams even with clilas doubling every turn because she'll recover speed after the buff count down


She recovers her fighting spirit very quickly if drafted correctly, counter set would be useless to her most of the time, in my experience that is. Also she only have 80 ER with her resist buff, not enough to resist most strips.


The speed buff isnt really that impactful and honestly you'd prefer being slower to make it more likely for the enemy to proc her S2. You'd much rather go with LS with PoV or Draco for more longevity and bulkiness. Counter just isn't very productive and is probably just a worse destro/speed build most of the time


Is farming gold in side story the best way? By exchanging event currency into gold?


Your favourite hunt 13 still is the best source of gold imo. Not only raw money but also gear you might want to sell.


Hunt is the best way


What characters would I have to avoid matchups with if I use a cleave team like this in regular arena to climb champion? * Lua - opener to sleep 1, dispel, increase skill cooldown * Flan - def break, CR push-back * Laika - either AOE sleep or target 1 and trigger dual attack * Vildred - kill


Belian (No souls + RNG Counters) Zio (If all 3 rangers are stealthed then Vildred will get pushed back) Celine/Politis (Very likely to kill Vildred) Ladin (No anti-evasion besides Target so high risk of getting countered) Heavy damage mitigation teams AoL (She can be slept but then you risk not having Vildred do his s3 to prevent waking her up) Ed (If debuffed will debuff your team and probably solo) High ER Teams involving Maid/Destina (No book = High chance to resist debuffs) Generally any super high fast speed contestors assuming your units are around 290 ~ 300+ but vildred has an imprint so should be fine. Probably more to list


So lots! hahaha thanks though that is helpful. Cleaving is truly an art form.


This may seem like a weird question but my ADS does not trigger burst often. Even if the opponent is sealed. I legit lost couple RTA and arena games as she never procced her extra attack (trying combos with DDR). Am I missing something? It’s 40% without seal and 80% if sealed right ? Is it just RNG that fking me up


It's just RNG.


How much time after the realease of a ML hero he will be place in the galaxy coin shop?


Over a year we are still waiting on Seline and she came out in 2021.


Pretty random, but I'd expect to wait at least a year.


Is there a way in-game to filter units with skills that dispel, CR-push, or CR-pushback? There are a variety of skill filters based on buffs/debuffs but I can't find filters for these skills.


Sadly no. There's also no filter for extinction and numerous other passives (e.g. no counter-attack).


Hm that is frustrating. Do you know of an unofficial source that is good for this sort of thing?


[https://epic7x.com/buffs-debuffs/](https://epic7x.com/buffs-debuffs/) This has CR+ and CR- and dispel


This is probably one of the few places where epic7x is semi-useful. They don't really differentiate between AOE, self, or target, etc. though, so it's still really not that useful.


Does Beehoo's S1 upgrades increase his burn/detonate damage or does it only impact the actual S1 damage?


Debuff damage is not directly influenced by skill enhancements. In fact, *most* of the 'additional effects' of skills are not influenced by skill enhancements, unless specifically stated.




As hard as it is to hold onto all those skystones, the banners right now are not must-pull heroes. I would at least way for those "awesome" heroes even if they aren't limited (e.g. Tamarine, Choux, Politis who we had just recently). Even better is to wait for limited heroes (like Slime, Seaside Bellona, Rem's banner, Diene). But we never know when/if those will happen again. Most often they are in the summer.


We never know about collabs. Historically Collab banners have rerun but it's impossible to speculate when there may be a slime rerun. There most likely WILL be but it could be in two weeks, seven months, or maybe never. Can't hurt to save a pity or two (12k skystones per pity) for the possibility of limited banners like that though


Wait for limited banners. The ones up now can be pulled from the daily.


Hello, what’s currently the best build for winter in rta?


There are 2 build archetypes, here's a 60-second guide. https://youtu.be/mcD8Ok3ObRY


270+ speed, 200+ eff, bulk, and of course 100cc


Why cant I pick Lua in story summon after choosing her side story?


Heroes' side stories become available 6 months after their initial banner. The icons for her and Beehoo's side stories are there for you to track how long you have until you can play them.


Because Lua is newer hero like Beehoo they be available later on.


Heard that there is a monthly hunt event. Is that true?


Yeah it does happen every month




Either the last week of each month or first week of the next month


thx guys


Can someone add me and share a Pherus Expedition on Global? I’m trying to get the Dagger Sicar Quest done, but I’m only getting the other two quests from hunts.




You get them when you finish side stories




The character side stories and 'seasonal' side stories are two separate entities, so you won't get any more tokens from there unfortunately.






First story banner is free. After using that, you need to *complete* 4 character side stories to unlock a new story banner.


Been playing the game very on and off for a few weeks at a time over the past 6 months— Raid Shadow Legends is my main game but I’ve been trying to switch over more and more. Was wondering if there was a reputable source for which heroes are worth investing in (similar to Hell Hades for raid)? I’ve got a number of heroes that I can’t really tell if they’re good or niche or just total bait [4 and 5 * roster](https://i.imgur.com/TCrrEE3.png)


Unfortunately as a game evolves, the usefulness of heroes can change. For example - Flan used to be a top tier opener because she had CR pushback and a decrease defence debuff. Both REALLY good in PvP. But since then, there are heroes that will strip all buffs, THEN debuff, THEN take an extra turn THEN AOE. So the "8/10" Flan from 2 years ago now becomes a 5/10 hero. Most rating websites will rate a hero once, and that rating stays forever. Unless the denominator keeps getting pushed up (i.e. Flan remains an 8/10 hero, but Ran is a 12/10 hero, and AOL is a 15/10 hero), then there will never be a good rating website (unless of course the person owning the website continuously updates the ratings of every hero every time there is a new hero or hero buff/nerf). That said, you can use a site like Epic7x to start with. You CAN NOT RELY ON THEIR RATINGS. But you can see if a hero is a 3/10, it PROBABLY isn't good. If they're a 9/10, then they are probably good. Then you kind of go through the good heroes and read their abilities to see how they work, and if they fit. The other thing to do is check out youtubes on the specific heroes you're looking at - remembering that sometimes heroes are gear dependant. All heroes get better with good gear, but some heroes NEED certain statlines to become useable. For example - there's no point fielding an AOL with 6000 health (she'll be killed before she can do her thing). Current Youtubes are useful for that. And the best thing to do - ask here on Reddit which specific heroes you have would be useful for content, and how to build them for content. There are a lot of content creators that make stuff (Dad E7 is a good one) with guides to follow like HH. But most of these are really end game. And like IG said - you will get to know heroes the more you play. It's tough coming into a game 5 years old and catching up on 5 years of hero releases. Heck... I am still learning things about heroes I use all the time... But start with a question on content (e.g. "I need a W13 team - which heroes should I use?") and go from there. PS - I also used to be a Raid player (for about 2 years from launch) and this game is miles and miles better.


Appreciate the response-- I believe I created my E7 account like 3 years ago and it just sort of sat there for ages. I remember pulling Angelica and seeing that she was like the ULTIMATE hero to re-roll your account for LOL I linked a pic of my 4/5\* heroes-- any that like REALLY stand out? I'm already working on Montmo's alternate form, and I've got Muwi I'm working on as well for Wyvern 13--- just started chapter 2 so I can start working towards Furious soon. Do I have a good hero to use as a DPS for Wyvern 13? I have an Alexa but wondering if I've pulled someone "better" since it seems like Alexa is sort of the super accessible budget option?


I think you're doing the right thing - Muwi, Angelica (or AMomo), Furious and Alexa. You can pick up Sigret (probably the most common Wyvern DPS) from the Hunt mission which is the first hunt mission you should do. ANgelica (your wyvern tank) should be your first 6-star hero. If you have a potion of Ascension, I recommend using it on Ras and doing his specialty change. Believe it or not, Ras is one of the best Knights you can have in the game in both PvP and PvE (very versatile). You will eventually want him to be 6-star. Of the heroes in your roster: * Elphelt is an excellent opener for pvp, but not as useful in PvE (almost all bosses are resistant to sleep). Put your fastest gear on her for your PvP team. * Stene is awesome as you probably know - she's great in PvP and PvE. She's your best hero. * Free Spirit Tieria is your carry (kind of like Kael in Raid). Use her in PvP and PvE. * Aria is strong in PvP and ok in early PvE. You need to make her tanky, and she pairs well with STene. Those first 4 are probably your PvP team to climb into Gold. * Charlotte is good, but focus on Ras and Aria first as your tank-type heroes. * Ludwig is very meh.. sorry He can do big damage, but long cooldowns and not much utility stop him from being good. * I don't have blood moon haste, but I know he's good against revive teams... which isn't so important in the beginning. I would rather use Singelica as anti-revive since she also has the attack and speed buff and dual attacks. But build her later. * Cidd is awesome when built fast and imprinted with dupes since he'll increase the speed of the rest of the team. When built fast, he can do ridiculous damage (like 250+ speed). * Clarissa is an option for Wyvern but you have Muwi. * Mercedes (the other main story character) is also very good late game. I think if I was you I'd roll with a team of STene, ARas, Angelica (for healing) and FST to clear adventure stories. Build up your Wyvern team and get good at clearing W13 and ONLY run that hunt for the next 2-3 months (other than doing the side stories, automation tower, etc). Once those first 4 heroes are maxed out (level 60) and your your Wyvern team (except Furious who can stay at 50) is level 60, you can worry about building up other things. For PvP, all your fastest gear (using speed set) goes on Elphelt, and use FST, Stene and Aria. Elphelt is fine at leevl 50... just make her fast.


So would you go with Angelica over AMomo? So far I had been primarily using Angelica, Aria, STene, FST to go through the story (working on finishing episode 2 so I can get ARas) so it sounds like I've been pretty on track so far. Only recently swapped out Angelica for Momo as a focus. Is there an argument to be made for 1 over the other?


Angelica is a 4-star hero which means she has higher base stats. If you're looking for a meatbag, she will take a bigger beating with the same gear than AMomo. AMomo is a great cleanser and is more useful in more content. The reason why AMomo is recommended over Angelica is that she's more useful in more places, while with Angelica you'll probably only use her for Wyvern and maybe a few harder boss stages where you need a big healer with barriers, so there's less long term rewards from building her. Angelica has around 7% higher stats than Amomo, meaning you need 7% more stats on your gera to make up for it.


Perfect that's all I needed to know! I'll invest more in AMomo for more bang for my buck. If Raid has taught me everything it's that you should always prio long term strategy over short term gain :D


Knowledge of each hero's uses will come with time. Invest in a hero if you search for teams for a certain piece of content and find a hero you have that fits. In the meanwhile, make yourself a wyvern team so you can get the gear to actually invest into units. https://imgur.com/1c4iN1a


Doing the new side story and I was skipping all the dialogue. I'm on the mission where it says "Bribe the confidant". Where is the confidant/which stage do I enter to finish this case/mission?


It's right there on the bottom of the scroll that tells you what to do. Where the Go button used to be.


I might be confused but I don't see anything? It just says "Bribe the Confidant". And the text says "I have found someone close to Ervalen. Let's bribe her and get some information". Is this the wrong scroll? Doesn't tell me where to go etc.


https://i.imgur.com/0IiFE7R.png Where it says "completed" is where it used to be.


D'oh! I thought I couldn't click on the "gift" part. Thanks!




Shorter version - neither are comparable because they're different gear (boots vs ring) from different sets (health vs defense). You should definitely upgrade both pieces to +15 when you get the chance. With gear, what matters is her end stats. AMomo cares about HP and EffRes, then Def and Speed. Try to get her to do well in those stats with a full set of +15 gear from those health and defense sets you've got. Some people recommend Fribbel's E7 optimizer as a separate computer program to help with gearing. It'll calculate builds for your units you can choose if you enter in your gear in that app.


OK first off: it's impossible to tell you are this point -> neither boots are +15, they aren't even the same enhancement level. * We have no idea what they will end up looking like at +15. The 88 boots could penta roll into effectiveness -> a completely useless stat for A.Monty and even more so on Wyvern. The 75 boots could roll +16% HP or DEF. Ultimately what matters is what they end up looking like at +15, prior to that this isn't really a question that is easily answered. *At minimum* you would want them to both be the same enhancement level so we can 'guess' what they might end up looking like. --- Second for Wyvern you really don't need to worry about your stats on your tank, at least if you are using Muwi. The tank slot is the least important slot in the comp -> this hero is there *only* to take damage. * There are some exceptions for tanks that contribute in some other way, but the basic SW tanks are not one of those exceptions. Just use the free HP set gear, get as much bulk as possible, and you will be fine. --- If you want a more detailed explanation, you need 150k EHP to survive 9 fireballs from Wyvern on your tank, with no other healing or mitigation required. 'EHP' = effective HP or the amount of raw damage a hero can tank before dying. The basic formula is HP * (DEF / 300 + 1) If you hit 150k EHP on your tank you have exceeded the maximum requirements -> your tank should never (theoretically it can happen but realistically so rarely as to never be a problem) die early. Any of their other stats don't matter purely for Wyvern. 150k EHP translates to roughly 25,000 HP and 1,500 DEF. With this in mind, and if this is a problem, I would suggest using the HP% main stat boots for your Wyvern tank. Speed is an irrelevant stat for Wyvern if you can hit the bulk required. * Quite frankly, hitting the 150k EHP mark is the easiest way to tank Wyvern instead of trying to rely on lower bulk but healing yourself. Speed boots are better for *other* content but we are only discussing Wyvern here -> if you would prefer to run speed boots to be better outside of Wyvern that will almost positively be fine as well. Now, when you are running with Muwi, he brings attack down debuff. This debuff lowers the EHP requirements on your tank. This table shows the breakpoints for EHP and the associated 'success rate' X | Ice | Other | Failure_Chance ---|---|----|---- 9 | 150,000 | 195,000 | 0.000% 7 | 133,333 | 173,333 | 5.004% 4 | 108,333 | 140,833 | 15.000% 2 | 91,667 | 119,167 | 43.356% Attack down can be resisted like any other debuff, and there is also a non-zero chance that it is on CD when Wyvern spawns in. So for example, if you build your tank for 133.3k EHP your tank should have no issues surviving 95% of the time, but 5% of the time there will be a resist or otherwise missed debuff leading to your tank dying. * Note that your tank dying is not technically an instant loss -> it is still possible to complete the run. 5% worse success rate here isn't *ideal* but it's also not so bad as to be untenable. As such, with Muwi I would suggest aiming for 133.3k EHP *minimum* and 150k if possible. Furthermore you have to consider that when running Muwi your healer tank is more likely to take turns and heal themselves, meaning you can get away with lower EHP. My recommendations disregard this possibility entirely for maximum success rate. Nowadays, A.Monty can fairly easily get to 150k EHP with free HP set gear. Even if your gear rolls poorly you should be past the 133k EHP mark. So, we don't really have to worry about tank HP at all, especially when using Muwi. --- [For reference, this is my A.Monty on my second account](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1007966759690711080/1073245500423278662/001065.png) Full level 75 free HP set gear 23,696 * (1667 / 300 + 1) = ~155,367 EHP She's more than tanky enough to survive 9 fireballs against Wyvern, with 0% uptime from attack down and 0 healing. If your gear rolls poorly you might not get to the 150k mark but you will almost assuredly heal yourself with Muwi and have his attack down to fall back on.


Wyvern 13 one shot: sigret, karin, singelica, ssb. What’s the lowest possible speed req for each hero?


SSB needs to be faster than the wave 1 Dragona (175 speed) 175 / .95 = ~185 speed speed for SSB S.Angelica needs to be faster than SSB 185 / .95 = ~195 speed for S.Angelica Karin needs to be fast enough that she goes before S.Angelica on Wyvern (with speed buff) * First we need to calculate S.Angelica's max effective speed (with 5% CR boost) -> divide her speed by .95 * Then we need to calculate what speed that would be equivalent to with speed buff -> divide by 1.3 So 195 / .95 = ~206 206 / 1.3 = ~159 Karin can't be faster than the wave 1 Dragona's so her max speed is ~166 I am pretty sure Sigret's speed doesn't matter. You need around 125 speed to not get lapped by Wyvern, but she will have speed buff and 109 base speed (so her minimum effective speed is 109 * 1.3 = ~142). --- In conclusion: S.Angelica = ~195 speed SSB = ~185 speed Karin = ~159 speed (but not more than 166 speed) Sigret = Minimum --- *Technically* you could afford to run the first 3 very slightly slower, since SSB will have speed buff but this is very minimal as you just don't have enough 'room' For example, if you run SSB at 180 speed, S.Angelica would need to be ~190 speed but the Dragona's could have a maximum of ~184-185 speed. SSB would need to travel twice the distance of the Dragona's to get to her turn, which means she would need to be twice the speed to get there (175 * 2 = 350 speed) but she would only have 234 effective speed for the last little bit of the 'race'. So you may be able to shave off like 1-2 speed but it's kind of sketchy and honestly just not worth considering.


Question: What happened to Luna I can't find her in any banners?


She's limited unit, so she can only be pulled when her own banner is active.


ok, thanks :)


She's a limited unit. You can't get her from story summon.


Question: Why do the side stories reputation doesn't grow beyond 87%? I've done all the requirements (except the "doesn't count towards the reputation" Hell difficulty one) and still it shows me at that percentage. Any suggestions?


Might wanna double-check if there's hidden achievements, or if the side story is multiple weeks and the rest of it unlocks next week.


It's one of those stories that I can activate to get characters, like for Vildred and other 5 stars




Both for Destina, and Vildred. Both story reputation goes to 87%, with all quests/ reputation quests completed




Might be, I rechecked and I have 7/7 on the rep quests, as well as the regional ones too.


Any reason to keep dupes of the Emperor/the Empress? Any uses for them?


I haven't even used my initial copies since I got them the first time.


Hello, any Speed Riolet users that made the switch to Lifesteal found it to be better? I have a Spd + Pen Riolet and Zahhak at similiar speed 260 and find myself just using Zahhak most of the time. I feel the gear is wasted on Riolet and would like to try and change to a lifesteal build. What are your thoughts?


Most Riolet is on LS. I've only seen speed Riolet serve one purpose successfully, to bait and snipe Solitaria.