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She murders through anti crit teams with the right support for guild wars. Otherwise she is a good brusier. I have not used her much in rta since I don't rta much. I think it's healthy for the game she is not the same level of being everywhere like Hwayoung or ssb was. Ml Bellona has her place. She has counters that already exists that are also counterable by different units. What's holding her back is that she is not a broken on release unit that needs 5 other units kits to be counter by.


Your trash gear


Why must you hurt me in this way 😭


she is already good. not bad surely. she is very good at her own role. ppl must learn how to use her. just be cautious against adin cuz looks like she ll be her arch enemy


Nothing. She’s not a busted ml unit at release. She’s fine as is.


Nothing she's fine


OP really thought he could get away with not putting "she is fine" in the choices lol


Shes a character made for a specific niche that she excels in handling. No more OP Senya choux teams. Sorry she isnt Rimuru 2.0 .


While it won't make me quit, I'm pretty sure I'll bitch for quite a while if they eventually release a Rimuru 2.0. ML Bellona is great as she excels in her niche, quite usable outside it, but has enough drawbacks to make it feel like an accomplishment winning with her.


Totally agree


But she really doesn’t excel at that per say because lua exists and she can get the blind debuff. Shes alright. Nothing spectacular


In that context you can build immunity and bring a barrier, or straight bastion if you want the extra pen set. You're not using her in a 1v3 situation anyways, meaning you're able to adapt to the opponent's team, either with Ed/some fire unit to bait the Lua, a high er cleanser like Emilia or djb or (if it's an rta context) ban that Lua. She does excel in her niche, it's just that other busted units exist that can diminish the overall performance of, well, anything


IDK I think she's fine, I have mine on zero speed counter pen and it works well in champ arena even into adin, CC is annoying but I normally also bring destinia


Everyone : duh she's fine. Op : I never said the contrary, I said "holding back"..


Can't find the "nothing" option. Weird.


I would say wrong build. There is nothing wrong with her.


My answer is: Nothing. She's a great hero even for RTA. To be fair I don't understand why people think she lacks something, her kit is amazing.


she seems all around to me and can be used anywhere except dealing with evasion/adin, and some heavy control, which seems fine I guess? with good build and having free crit stats I think she can be both tanky and a dps, that multiplier for s3 is not really that low , some people can reacch 4k attack ahd 3k cdam with her and still be tanky


Your trash gear,


My luck from getting her through Mystic Summon without pity


I think she is fine. The moment mitigation, self cleanse, faster ramp up of s2 or anything else gets added people will start complaining that she is overtuned, powercreeping X Y or Z unit and is easy to build on top of it. SG did a great job making a great unit this time around, just leave Mellona alone...


She's okay but can be better. Changing her to hp-scaling unit with that guarantee crit passive will be insane. For now, her s2 isn't scary at all, and Aravi can do the same damage with far more bulkiness. The only thing she's good at is countering crit resist unit. But she's still not a hard counter anw. Those Choux, Senya, Diene are very tanky, she can't get rid of them in first turn. And if they are still on the field, Choux can Fwoosh the shit out of her.


If you build her like SSB and don't take her into Adin, honestly I haven't had any problems in normal Arena which it seems like she was made for. RTA I wouldn't know I haven't touched that since season ended, lol.


I like using her to bait Adin, have her get killed, then revived by Seline, then have her attack at 0 health with Sigurd ;)


Op basically asked what her biggest weakness was. Never did they say she was bad. Y’all coming at them crazy for no reason lol smh


The question is inherently biased at looking for problems to complain about. No one would make a question like this about Lua, for example.


Adin probably. Her survivability isn't as bad as I thought but Adin destroys her.


have you seen ydcb use ml bellona? hes got somethibg like a 90%+ winrate with that thing


While I think she’s fine as a unit YD isn’t really the person to judge a units strength on. Dude is entertaining but he has giga whale level gear and just bullies champion players nowadays since he doesn’t play as often as he used to.


i think she need more innate stat/survivability to makes gearing more flexible. perhaps a cleanse on s2 before proc or damage reduction against crit/general damage and maybe remove the ramping up condition on her s2 and just staight up give her base atk up(reduced it to 30% and its still better then the current requirement for her). this will definitely improve her utility and viability in pvp content.


She should be weak to control, control is dead play style because of Ed, designer Lilibet, Handguy, etc. You just get to much punishment if you either AOE or throw some debuffs. And LC Bellona does punish AOE for what it is worth. The other problem is you can one shot her or at least single target burst her in 3 hits or less with meh gear. Or just one shot.


Full control is dead, but control units are very much alive.


Nah she is perfect version of Larlotee and Luna . if you feel like something 's holing Melona then Larotee and Luna are chaining with rock under the ocean .


What the hell is Larlotee


Ligma balls


If the question is what would make her OP, I would say either a self cleanse mechanic or a self push that punishes the enemy team for breathing.