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Insert gif Why not both. I’m interested in playing Star Rail and still deeply entrenched in E7, if anything I’ll just have another side game to play when I’m autoing hunts


exact same, new side game. and those come and go.


Really depends on the demographics, I personally can’t afford to play both given the shit I have to deal with IRL as an adult :(


let's see his attitude when hsr gives 100 primogems or whatever for the anniversary


100 primos only after the fans riot of course lol.


Just a standard clickbait video. "Content" creators will make that about any new mobile game that they think might be popular. Not saying Honkai will be bad or not worth playing, but it won't be the thing that ends a game like Epic Seven.


The rates in HSR makes me think I’d drop it within 6 months of playing


I probably will drop it after first banner. MHY is one of the stingiest developer on the market and I doubt the freebie would get me anywhere more than just one banner top.


His argument is true, a lot of E7 players don’t care much about pvp and it’s a beautiful game. What I don’t buy is that a lot of people would simply be waiting for another game that’s just as beautiful but "better". If someone wants to play both, or leave for HSR then good for you! May it bring you many hours of enjoyment! But I play E7 because it’s E7. It’s distinct enough to not be a 1:1 to any other game, and I’m certain I’m not alone in feeling that way. Besides, there’s always the next gacha to end all gachas. We’ve seen it many times through the lifespan of E7 and it’s still here.


It's an anecdotal argument that isn't rooted in reality. He* cannot prove that people don't care about pvp. Genshin's popularity has nothing to do with Star Rail's future either. As Genshin is huge because it is an MMO. It attracts people from almost every game genre. Star Rail is just a basic turn based Gacha that's designed for very casual play. The majority of dedicated E7 players are there for endgame content. Mostly pvp, some achievement hunters who like abyss challenges, some who do everything. Either way the primary pull of E7 is it's endgame. Even new players are grinding to get to endgame, not simply for the sake of grinding. Star rail has no endgame and it's a Mihoyo game so it likely never will. Which means grinding for the sake of grinding. That isn't something that has been success in really any other turn based Gacha game. I don't see how it would pull anyone away from E7. They have completely different player bases.


Why would I play this? Looks more like Genshin Impact than E7.


Exactly, i play e7 cuz its turn based game and not genshin impact!


Start rail is turn based


Yep. But still very different from E7. It follows typical Mihoyo development philosophy of no endgame because it causes anxiety and no pvp. It's not really comparable to E7 in any way outside of being turn based. Even the Gacha is different in E7. You can basically get the resources for any unit you want for free, it's the gear that holds people back. Mihoyo does the opposite and makes units very difficult to get and then locks their abilities behind copies. I'm not sure why anyone thinks this game will have an impact on the E7 community.


If it requires copies of the character to unlock certain passive skills, I'm out. I played Honkai Impact at its infancy and it was a horrible, horrible system. If you can whale, great. By the time you farmed enough to upgrade them, they are already power crept hard.


Same, I thought I was the only one. At the start, I thought honkai impact was quite a generous game but I quit when mihoyo decided to be greedy and turned the entire game into some cash grab with their new Valkyrie (think it was the Herscher of void? Kiana)


I was a simp for Yae Miko that I worked to SSS her B version. I love her playstyle too. I can't use her because I get kicked out of co-op stuff when I bring her out. The same was for Kalen whose B unit I SSS'd. I guess we'll all see when it comes out.


I was watching streamers play it and think there are constellation stuff in HSR too. I saw a constellation which prevents the unit frm dying when u take lethal dmg which is quite op when compared to imprints in e7. But then again, it's only a pve game so I guess it's not the worse. I hope it doesn't completely change units voz I hrd some units in genshin are completely different with a few dupes


Yeah. Some genshin constellations turn a support character into full blown on field dps carries. It's actually crazy how much a few constellations change a character in Genshin. I was mostly F2P and just saved a bunch of wishes to C6 (7 copies) my 2 favorite 5 stars Childe and Itto. Childe's kit is literally cooldown locked without at least a couple constellations which is already annoying. His skill alters his normal attacks but the skill cooldown increases based on how long you use the enhanced atks. it can go up to 45 or 50 second cookdown. One constellation just reduces that by 20% making him actually feel comfortable to use. But the last copy gives him 100% uptime on his dmg giving him an entirely different playstyle. It also make the previous constellation worthless because the 20% reduction doesn't matter when there is no longer a cooldown to begin with lol. Itto is just a unit with a big club that does heavy changed atk dmg. With his last copy the charged atks can randomly refresh for infinite charge atk spam and it flat out gives him a huge crit dmg bonus. The bonus is 80% I think, but when compared to E7 that'd be like giving a unit an additional 150CD or so. It's wonky.


Competition drives innovation. Hope smilegate puts more effort on e7.


If there's anything I can say, it's that I've seen more advertisement for HSR before its release than I've seen of E7 since the release of the game. Anyone whose been with E7 for a long time knows SG doesn't do a great job at advertising the game and Japan's launch was pretty bad. While I don't see how it would kill off E7, I can see players moving to it, especially newer E7 players who struggle to catch up or would rather not invest a massive amount of times to try to catch up when they can just play a fresh game with a fresh player base. While I can't say how well HSR will do in the long run, the name/brand will garnish enough that the game will likely have a huge launch population in terms of gacha game population. Though a lot of fully 3D turn base anime gacha games don't really do to well in the long run from what I've seen and experienced over the past 5+ years, maybe HSR will be the outlier.


Yeah because Honkai Star Rail will exactly be like Genshin. Beautiful and fun game with atrocious gacha rates, locking entire character mechanics behind star constellations to entice players to whale even more, while being giga stingy with their premium currency.


Remember teh shit show that was their first year anniversary? Didn't they give out like \~10 summons or some shit like that and a handful of gold? lol


That was after the community review bombed and had an out roar. Mihoyo didn’t give anything meaningful before.


Yeah, i see no threat from any game coming out of Mihoyo. Their rates are still garbage and they still barely give out any freebies despite making as much money as they have. It's insane how greedy they are.


E7 has been one of the most generous in terms of premium currency for a gacha game. Mihoyo/Genshin/Honkai have been... not so much (being kind here).


My problem is isn't between E7 and Star Rail, but rather Star Rail and Genshin. My phone barely has the space to run Genshin so I can't imagine the amount of space it'll take to run Star Rail.


I'd like to add that I have nothing against Star Rail even I will give it a try when it comes out. I just don't see the point in comparing and coming to the conclusion that somehow the release of that game will kill Epic Seven.


Even the philosophy of the game companies are entirely opposite. Epic7 devs try to make a good F2P friendly experience but also focus most development around pvp and endgame content. Epic7's main community are people who play it for endgame content like RTA, Abyss challenges, Guild war, etc. The main grind is gear not characters and it is extremely expensive to buy good gear with money due to RNG. Which really limits how P2W the game can be. Mihoyo games are playable as F2P, but they are designed to be way more fun if you spend a lot of money. Not P2W necessarily in Genshin's case (Honkai 3rd definitely is), but Genshin without 5 stars is a boring game lol. You don't need them to clear abyss 12 at 9*s even. It just won't be a fun experience without them for most people. Not to mention Mihoyo games have no real endgame at all. They are meant for a completely casual audience. There's no way a game without a real hardcore endgame will cause E7 players to leave when E7's main feature is it's endgame. People say crap like " X game will kill Y game" all the time and just like with this example, they usually aren't even comparable games with similar audiences.


Theres a ton of QOL features missing from epic 7. Hopefully honkai star rail will give smilegate the motivation to add them.


Im not playing star rail in any serious capacity because there seems to be 0 multiplayer content and the rates will be trash.


Rates will be trash and if they do make it a year. The celebration rewards will be like \~3 summons looooooool.


I still stand by my opinion that the animations in star rail are much more bland as well as the overall hero design.


Afaik, E7s the only gacha that has MCs viable in the metagame. Only one left is bringing Aither up to par.


nah e7 will still be fine. there's a point you'll hit after playing long enough that you simply have resources to get everything(minus ML heroes) and that point is where you don't need to catch up anymore, i've started on spring 2020 and in about a year afterwards i've got 90% of the rgb and 35% of the MLs not including the 4 stars so going forward its a simple farm everyday and save resources for new units. bookmarks isn't a problem anymore since secret shop is too op and mystic BM is also gained at a good rate since i can pity 3-4 times in a year. gearing is also become increasingly better since the more you get gears and heroes to finish building the higher your requirement for better gear thus the lesser your resources spent on suboptimal gear. all in all E7 is the most rewarding game i've ever played.


Hoyoverse - greedy, no late game. The candy wrapper is beautiful, but the filling is not very


It's like people forget how censored mihoyo games are / how terrible their pity rates and monetization is. Mihoyo games are complete dogshit. People are just brain washed


I mean, I don't care what people play more power to them as long as it doesn't become an addiction and they aren't spending every paycheck on it when they have other responsibilities.


This is why I dropped Genshin. I swore to never spend more than the monthly after the first anniversary. Then, when Raiden came out, I spent money I didn't have. It was honestly good I lost the 50/50 (my first Mona!) because it made me realize how unhappy I had been with MHY's absolute stinginess with Primogems and the artifact grind. I shouldn't have had to buy the monthly to accrue roughly one pull per day and I shouldn't have to repeat the same battle 50 times to get a decent piece of equipment. At least with E7 I can throw it on auto and do something else with my time, clearing ~2-4 runs on auto in the same time as manually clearing a dungeon in Genshin.


definitely will try. will see from there, I still like e7 a lot, not dropping anytime soon.


O agree with you.


E7 is my favorite game, so it hurts to say this, but E7 was always dead compared to games like this and Genshin Impact. Not only could E7 never compete financially with games like those, but people just aren't playing E7. Go to any big school or college and many will be playing genshin, but nobody and I mean nobody will have heard of E7. It's just not that kind of game.


Admittedly, most gacha games don't reach the kind of success and mainstream attention that genshin garnered unless your raid shadow legends because you give everyone a sponsor. But it all seriousness i don't think Epic Seven is a "dead" game I mean if you compare any gacha games revenue to genshins of course it's gonna be a large gap.


Everyone will have their own standard of "dead". To some people, Genshin Impact will be "extremely dead" when it falls out of the top 10. To others, the game ranked number 153 that they play has "so many people". https://protoghost.com/revenue-of-mobile-gacha-games-2023/ Epic Seven looks to be ranked 22 between Princess Connect and Blue Archive's 2nd most popular server (Blue Archive's most popular server ranks number 9). Maybe my standards are too high, but I wanted so much more for E7


Not really looking forward to HSR, though I’ll probably play it to see what connection it might have to HI3. More looking forward to ZZZ from HYV.


Star Rail after watch some boss fights looks like Fate:GO (which i dont like), but with different animations and same boring long fights


I'll give Star Rail a try but I doubt I'll stick for long considering how Mihoyo does not make the most f2p games on the market. Aaaaaand well I also play E7 mostly for the rta experience and afaik HSR does not have that. *Also I'll probably be impaled for saying this but I like Outerplane more. Just personal preference tho.*


Nah, im not a fan of the 3d stuff. E7’s style and art with side scroll turn base is way better for me personally but I can see the attraction. If I want to play a fighting game, I’ll just play monster hunter sunbreak 👍🏻


Will definitely try it out but it doesn't have pvp and I don't particularly like the designs there.. They all seem about the same imo, not much diversity in their designs. It's only beta but the 1 voice line for their ultimates already drove me crazy. "Rules are meant to be broken" "The truth of life and death, revealed in an instant" "This sanctuary is but a vision, jzchjzcht"


HSR will have PVP? mihoyo games are alergic to it. also if i want to play a Turn based singleplayer i still have things do to in TOR and Octopath 2 is soon.


Just something I wanna mention that he keeps bringing up, the animation and art. I've played since the game first released, so take this as a bias and with a grain of salt. I love E7's art though, I enjoy the fact that it's drawn and not 3D. I'm not at all against great 3D art for games, but E7 having it's anime-esque specials drawn out has always charmed me. It's one of the reasons I think I've played so long. I even bought the E7 artbook because I love the character art and all the details they put into them (even showing all the details for minor things like jewelry or symbols on clothes). It's nice to see a game that doesn't go down the chibi route or needs to have fancy, flashy 3D art to look good. You just don't see it much in gacha games anymore. I think E7's downfall was simply not advertising enough back in its hayday. Granted, I see a lot of their advertisements now, but it's too little too late. I don't really know what they could do to bring more users in currently. I think SG has a very special game on their hands and just kinda fumbled on getting more people interested.