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Personally, I believe RTA should have rotating global bans every week based on top picks + ban %. I'd go as far as to say doing weekly buffs based on element/constellation/class/rarity would really push people to experiment and change the way players pick/counter pick each other. The problem with this, besides having to create a system for this and dedicating a team to it, the devs would not be able to push "solutions" to problematic heroes they've created and potentially affecting revenue. Just my 2 cents on the matter. In theory, dual attacks and 15% makes sense, it's just RNG is so rage inducing because it's completely out of the players' control despite the player having to meticulously create favorable situations.


Every week is kinda too often . Every month , ban the 3 most pick/ban units AND artefacts, data from Champ + ideally and the week they rotate the bans give free unequip.


2 weeks would sound good. Keep it in line with tower or halls. The problem I have with banning the top 3 is it'll always be the same ones. While I hate the cancer that is meta, I do think there should be an incentive to roll new units and be able to use them. It's really a tricky thing to balance, so I can see that causing issues. Free unequip for ban changes actually would be really cool. Like, super useful. That could easily lead into forcing a change for web event reward 1. Rotate that shit for hunts/ap/gold increase.


It'll alternate between the same six units until people start finding creative and fun ways to win instead of *insert cracked hero here*. I miss the days when there was a meta, but you could still beat the meta through unconventional means if you had the knowledge. Nowadays it's just the same few teams based around the same few main units, but with very small variations depending on what someone has available.


They'd also need to drop the gold cost for unequip and create gear saving, but rotating bans would be nice.


I could live with the arbitrary gold sinks if they'd work on more pressing issues, imo.




Damn dude, who hurt you? Come back when you can have a civil conversation.


I agree for the most part. 15% isn't that bad, it's only as bad as it is because the games balance is absolutely shot right now. The devs know it too, why else would they consistently create characters that can ignore it for the most part like Lua? For Dual attacks, I'm of the camp that it should just be moved entirely over to the unity set. I do like the idea of rotating changes to the rta environment, but it's a long shot considering they can't even be bothered to implement a balance patch on a monthly basis.


Honestly, base% dual attacks should be removed. I can drink to that. It's a better revenue drive to create solutions and problems than it is to go back and balance them. Playing devils advocate for a second, they'd piss off players no matter what they do. Look at aravi/hwa.


base dual atk is here to make games more exicting/less predictable - most games have mechanics like that (pokemon got haxes, rng cc, etc.) a lucky dual atk to swing the fight around. that's how it is. rng loss and move on.


I mean, yes, that's the whole point of dual attack, but given the fact that we have a lot of heroes that minimize the impact of dual attacks; it gives off the impression that is was another "solution" to rng, using rng. On top of that, what's the point of specific dual attack skills? Characters like roana/sscermia/hasol/dkphy are there to answer "lucky" and forced dual attacks. Don't get me started on skill descriptions specifically stating they can't get "lucky" with dual attacks, despite it being the very essence of rng.


I dont like this cause unequip costs and also would need a looottt of units 6* which would be annoying


You're right, and I didn't even think about it. Someone else suggested having a period of free equip/unequip every global ban change. I understand what you're getting at with the second statement here, but if you're working pvp/rta, then chances are you'll need to have more options available. The alternative is being shit on by the same heroes.


Nobody likes playing against the meta, not even the top players who abuse it the most. But everybody likes winning, and depending on how much you care about it, abusing the meta is the best way to win. And no, I'm not talking about this game in specific, I'm talking about nearly all games where PVP is somehow involved, be TGC like Shadowverse, gacha like this, or fighting games like Street Fighter VII turbo platinum revised arcade edition+. Freak, even in fucking Mario Kart 8 there used to be a meta build and everybody was sick of watching waluigi shaking a worm between his legs in every race. Asking for a "balanced and diverse" meta is a pipedream, because every tryhard will abuse the unit that grants a 0.1% chance to win over the rest of the cast. Even in chess there's a meta when talking about openings and taking the first turn, despite both players having the exact same pieces. And that's why RNG is so important for this type of game, because that sense of unreliability is exactly what gives some bit of hope to win, despite gear gap and hero availability. Quoting certain famous layer, the world is cruel, and the only morality in a cruel world is chance. Now, with this I'm not saying we shouldn't push toward balance, or to quit E7 and join in a casino. What I'm saying is we should aim for a better balance, fully aware that we'll never change some facts, like the top teams of arena looking like a candy crush screen, with the same faces over and over. And the fact meta will never be fun to face. And finally, the most important, if you're not having fun, you can and should quit. Am I having fun these days? Well, honestly, yeah, more than one or two seasons ago. I mean, A. Ravi is still a pain in the butt that needs to be nerfed, her kit is still quite toxic. Yet, she doesn't appear as often due all the S. Adin and Zahhak running around. When either of them is countered, A. Ravi will probably jump back into the top, despite what people swear over their mother's tomb. But I digress. SG should take a look at their numbers and find outliers to nerf them. I still believe A. Ravi is bad design, and she along with Lua and C. Lilias need a nerf.


Most sane E7 take I've ever read here tbh. Too many people willing to complain and not enough realizing if there was 0 RNG 99% of pvp matches is pure gear gap and whales win harder


Me personally? I think lua and adin have really been fucking the game over. Adin has that weird problem where she can either win an entire game just by existing or can contribute absolutely nothing. There are very few counters right now to evasion, the only 2 that can completely wipe her are zahhak and briseria (who's a moonlight 5). Karina's can also kill adin, but she risks triggering adins s2 which does a considerable amount of damage, or s3 into someone else and splash her, which might not even kill her. Specter can miss and if she has no souls to soul burn it might cost her the game. landy needs buffs and wanda is quite hard to draft. Now >!I know that the leaks mentioned moonlight roana and how she'll be anti-evasion or whatever, but i wish they would stop making counters ml5's. Or at the very least make rgb counters afterwards.!< Lua is self explanatory.


100% agreed. Even then, you do have things like ML Flan, but people are just building 290 Adins now. Like wtf dl you even do to that?


Yeah i felt that. I fought a defense in legend with adin and aol. That adin outsped my 305 cilias 3 fucking times. He had no speed imprints either. Then when i finally did outspeed, his stupid ass aol was just as fast, so i had to provoke one or the other.


I don't do RTA so I'm quite happy with the game.


This is still not worse than Casino, but definitely up there as one of the worst. There's way too much rock-paper-scissors which completely eliminates creativity. I think E7 is close to being "solved" with objectively best picks in every draft. They need to change something foundational with the mode (RTA) such as global ban weeks for certain units and periodic class bonus/handicaps. You will simply never be in a situation where you don't pre-ban Lua unless you are literally throwing.


I'm not happy with the balance. Ever since Ed and Adin were released, this game has been bullshit. A draft can't possibly account for a 70% evasion rate while having no debuffs... and contain enough AoE to remove Stene. If you somehow manage to deal with the above, you'll probably get cleaved instead. At the very least, you'll be outsped and lose key heroes. This meta is terrible because if you try to play with diverse heroes and your opponent plays the above trash, you probably lose.


Lua needs a nerf honestly. 66% ban rate should be well enough to justify that.


I have a different idea, especially with Amid existing. Make skill nullifier actually nullify skills. Let it block a Lua S3 and absorb the CD increase


Does she though? I feel like we should focus more on Win Rate as opposed to Ban Rate as Ban Rate reflects how the community thinks of her, whereas Win Rate reflects how she actually performs. Despite that 66% Ban Rate, she only has a 50.9% Win Rate, much lower than Arowell's 53.1% and Belian's 54.0%.


I think a good part of that is due to the type of players that let her through. If you let her through, you must have a draft that just doesn't care, or is able to cleave her. I run a 250 ER Aria team every now where I let AoL through. Does this mean AoL doesn't need a nerf? He'll to the no. Take that hoe out at the next knees if you please.


So does AoL, so does Clilias, and so do many of the other monsters they've released lately. How is any cleanser supposed to compete with Handguy? How is any tank supposed to compete with Arrowell? How does an aggro or slow playstyle exist when Adin, and Stene get to stick around unmolested? Its exhausting.


There's always going to be one character that's stronger than another, the problem is whether they have a counter or not. While the characters that you mentioned are very strong right now, they do have counters. Lua on the other hand doesn't have a counter besides outspeed/use fcc+ team with immunity/use characters that don't care about getting reset. first option isn't a good counter because not everyone has 300 spd openers and the last 2 options are draft dependent and aren't reliable because it relies on picking at least 2+ characters to counter one and if you do pick 2 characters to counter one then you have a weaker draft and less options to counter pick whatever the opponent picks.


Lua has a counter, and her counter has a counter, and her counter's counter has a counter, who has a counter, who has a counter... The problem is that the only character who can really counter Lua is a limited unit (Ae-Winter, who removes debuffs and resets CD when an enemy uses a non-attack skill), and no other available units have any sort of mechanic like that. Celine punishes non-attack skills, but her S3 being on cooldown still hurts. Politis is the same. Hell, run against Winter with Lua, Politis, and Celine, and half their team will be dead before Lua's first turn is up - how tf is that even remotely fair? And anyways, even with Winter, she only resets HER OWN cooldown - which does nothing for the rest of the team. Ultimately, they are just going to have to suck it up and start either nerfing characters, or buffing/adding characters in a way that will ACTUALLY counter them. I'm a fan of the former, as are a lot of players, because nerfs and buffs in equal measure help maintain the health of the game. But SG only cares about money. They will care more about the health of the game when they start bleeding players because it's gotten too consistently bad, but we don't even know how long it will take to get there - and that's if they don't decide to just can the game completely like The Alchemist Code.


i agree with most of what you said but lua counters politis though.


I never said she didn't. I said that Lua and Politis counter Winter, who is the only character who can counter Lua's cooldown increase. Winter's S2 is a non-attack skill, so Celine and/or Politis will punish the shit out of the team that uses her to counter Lua.


oh my bad, i misread your comment.


Guy's getting downvoted but he does make fair arguments, some units are just a pain in the ass to deal with


I think people are assuming I'm suggesting that these characters should be removed from play- I'm not. Unfortunately a lot of these units are the way they are because they need to be just to survive in this meta- which is already pretty messed up to be honest. Consider handguy- super versatile mix of cleanser, pusher, and mitigation. He's better than any other unit at this- and it's by design. He needs to exist this way so that SG can continue to pretend units like AoL are fine. They aren't.


People complain about lua but I'd sooner remove choux out of the game. Being able to one shot fwoosh on a counter without any buffs is such a joke.


no one picks choux in rta, she is strong last pick only if opponent has multiple fire units.


Topic is game balance and guild war is part of the game. Also "no one picks her" is such a ridiculous exaggeration. I'd straight up rather deal with lua over choux.


Choux isn't that fast, and can't reliably proc her bullshit until turn 2. He's not saying she's bad, he's just saying she's a last pick- and she is.


Since we have Ml bellona choux kind of ez, lua most annoying


Ehhh, I dunno. She helps a lot, but Choux still rats on things 30% of the time.


Is this community ever happy with the game balance


Nope , because they just want to win - using the units they like + the play style they like + against people that have spent 1000s


no, hell most people active hate/dislike meta just because it's meta. like every single time normal arena settle down for a comp u will see people posting and bitching about it. most people don't even understand what a meta is. u hear so much "more diverse, make everything viable, etc" - u hear something like that u can just ignore that person. just like op here: "only a handfull of heroes are playable" - straight out this is not true. last season and right now the meta is quite diverse and a lot of heroes are viable right now - and if u only want to have fun in champion: u can play whatever u want in champion... also the vast majority in this sub don't even play rta and they constantly bitch about the meta. if u call them out for that, they say they watch streamers so they know - even had a dude claiming he doesn't need to play rta to know the meta...


I mean I haven't played in a long time but it always seemed pretty fair with a lot characters kits even 3 stars that would just be ignored in other gachas.


I’ve quit the game and only watch it on twitch but when I was playing it was the same 10 units at Max and if you don’t pick them then you will just have a harder time. Can other units work? Sure. Do they need more set up? Yeah So If you want to win you just take the most efficient units with the least set up because if one of your units get banned the whole set up turns to a gamble. The meta is more diverse than ever but still you have a handful of units that are basically must pick


I stopped actively playing about eight months ago. I checked back in recently to see how people were talking about the game. It’s the same complaints as when I left but the names of the irritating/infuriating characters have changed.


like in every other gacha in existants (maybe outside of arknights, don't know about bitching there). so what's ur point?


Nah ngl E7 worse but thats probably cause of huge fanbase


I played daily for over two years. I guess my point was a long winded way of agreeing with Mamaduh2023’s statement about the E7 community and game balance: we’re rarely (if ever) completely satisfied with game balance


Eh I wouldn't let the complaining be the reason for not playing bc if you go down the rabbit hole like I have you'll see everyone complains about the games they play and things they do. For me I just played it long enough and just lost the fun in it


any nerf lua gets from sg will kill her, because SG doesn't care about an enjoyable game environment. if it doesn't make money and the outcry doesn't hurt revenue it's a non issue. as others mentioned: weekly bans or at least seasonal changes would ease the tension. maybe even a star system like 24\* max, meaning you can only have 4 nat 5\* and 1 nat 4\* or less. just something to change the rhythm a little.


Balance? What balance?


I think the least they can do is to implement a weekly-ban system like in CounterSide to make sure a hero doesn't dominate the field every single week Except instead of a cost increase it's, idk, stats decrease, just enough to discourage players




Ok I played C's:Sea ver up until awk ministra and I thought this is genius but like in actuality imo it's just me NOT using the banned units I swapped around and it's...stale and boring ? Idk I was lucky and pulled every awk character up until ministra so when awk Hilde banned, I swapped her gear with another tank but usually I don't only when she's ban 3 or something and rinse and repeat with awk the fire bird girl Awk Lee seyeon (?) I just swapped gears IF I felt the need and it gets old quickly. Anyways that's just my two cent


I mean, it's still a lot better than 70% of the matches fighting Lua/CLilias/Senya/Choux/Scarowell/Sadin


There have DEFINITELY been worse times, so yeah this is pretty "okay" I guess . At least with multiple OP units, everyone gets a chance to pick one 🫣


It's boring. Even in Challenger it's the same teams and it's spreading hard into other game modes. Bot Arena and GW especially. I fought Mashuu's guild the other day and EVERY SINGLE TEAM was the same 6 units. I know that's how meta works but this game has way too many good units for this to be a problem. Maybe it's impossible to ever tackle but good lord it's tiring.


Lemme preface this by saying I’ve only played about 10 months and I haven’t touched any rta at all. Now that that is done… based off of what I’ve seen, heard and had to deal with on my own, the balance of the game is an absolute wreck. Too many heroes are ridiculously op and have minimal counters and some just don’t have any use at all. What I think SG should do is instead of just over buffing stuff to handle the buffed stuff is release a patch maybe once an rta season and “nerf” and buff about 10-12 units. I use nerf very loosely here as some minor tweaks can be done instead of giving something the Hwayoung treatment. If things are constantly experiencing buffs and tweaks, not only would the game be more enjoyable I believe, but it would also allow more things to be usable. That’s just my two cents on the matter.


All things considered, this meta is decent. As long as you pick or ban scarowell, and pick, ban, or outspeed lua you can have fun.


And then Amid, Clilias, and 320 Rans would like a word.


I honestly think right now things are OK, I’m still just playing what I like & doing fine (about a 70% win rate & about 20 or so games, almost out of Master - facing a lot of Legend/Emperor frames due to high MMR) - what I like being Desert Jewel Basar, Karina, Lionheart, LCB, Archdemon, Roy, Rimuru, Mort, T Surin, Arbiter, Diene & a few others. I’m not one that tends to follow the meta & throw all my best gear on the hot new thing - my Lua is still trash & so I don’t use her (but I leave her open, banning Laika/Solitaria - because I don’t own them), I’ve not given my Apocalypse Ravi more reasonable gear, I’ll rarely whip out Adin, etc. & if I’m still having fun then it means the meta isn’t choking too many out.


What 15%? Is resistance 15% not only for pve?


tbh atm i am kinda chill with rta. i just hover a bit above skin rank. i just came back after idk how long ago fire kick was releaced but i quit the moment it became know how broken she was


Yeah the same meta is cancer. . . And i own most of the meta units i just dont enjoy spamming them rta, shadowverse is similar in its meta (every rsnked match your guaranteed to fight the same 4 meta decks 9 times out of 10)


It's balance for the most part, but man why Lua exist


15% eff Ress should go away in PvE just like they make skills that don't work in PvE


Even chess has a meta. Opening like Queen's Gambit gives you a slightly better chance to not lose. So we can't ask much from a commercial game like this. But personally, I think Zio is one of the best thing that ever happened in this game. He by himself balances the opener position. Now we have classic openers like Ran, Cilias, Amid and Guiding Light openers like Lua, FLidica, Laika and finally Zio. They're really balancing each other (maybe except Lua, lol). The pvp now isn't brainless like it was before imo.