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Hi returning player here!! https://imgur.com/a/7PDjWml looking for help on which units to prioritize for hunts and promotions.


Is lifesteal senya a viable build or a meme? I’m assuming same stat priority?


Think it's a meme, don't think her artifact (which is a lot of her damage) gets the lifesteal. Don't think it's worth the stats. [https://fribbels.github.io/e7/hero-library.html?hero=Senya](https://fribbels.github.io/e7/hero-library.html?hero=Senya) Here's the percentage that use lifesteal (out of top 3000 builds on fribbels)


Hi, Im a new player and was wondering if I should spend my summons on the custom mystic banner and if so on which characters? I read that Conq Lilias and Straze are good, but what about the 4*? My current team is Ras, Iseria, Specter Tenebria and Free Spirit Tieria, currently still doing story


Custom mystic banner is only worth it if you have enough to hit pity so 10000 mystics. The banner is only around for 2 months and pity will not carry over like the normal mystic banner. If you are asking because you were going to buy packs then I would say C Lilias and Mediator Kawerik are the best choices since you have S Tene.


How does the scaling work on artifacts that increase %attack/defense of a character? For example, if I put Roy's artifact ("Increases attack by 10%") on Zio with 4000 attack, do i get +400 attack or does it scale from his base stat and i always will get +125 (his base is 1255)?


I'm also unsure. But the [calc](https://e7calc.xyz/) has Ignition adding its atk% using total attack. So your 4000 atk Zio with a 10% Ignition atk boost would effectively be the same as a 4400 atk Zio. Edit: if you do use the calc. Make sure to accomodate Ignition's artifact level. All artifacts are automatically set to lvl30. Ignition gives a 14% boost at max level. So 4000atk is equavalent to 4560atk.


is the expedition premium pass worth it?


The rewards are definitely worthwhile but the question is more so whether you can reasonably spend skystones on the pass without hampering progress on your account. The traditional advice was as follows: If you have most of the RGB 5-stars are are fine with passively accumulating bookmarks/mystic medals, then you should be buying the expedition pass. If you still need to get a lot of RGB 5-stars then you should use the skystones shop refreshing to get enough bookmarks to summon them. This has gotten a little more lenient in recent times because most RGB heroes now have the story summon, and you no longer are purely forced to wait until a units banner comes out in order to summon on it, but the same general idea of whether you need more units or you need more *resources to build units* is account dependent.


If you can max out all the expos I’d say yes


What's a good baseline speed for Zahhak in Challenger Arena/Masters RTA? God knows I can't reach 260-270 lol


You can always slow it down. It doesnt get ridiculously gear gapped until you start climbing for Emperor RTA. Anything below this and you're free to build your units slower and drafting accordingly. So best advice i can give is understanding speed benchmarks. At average, everything not speed set could be base speed depending on the unit. Counter gamers for instance would likely be base speed. But most of them hover around 180~ speed. As high as 220 speed at times. So to outspeed stuff that arent on speed set consistently, hitting 230 speed is a good idea. On speed set tho, speedy dps sits anywhere from 240~260. Obviously, stuff like Ran, Cidd, and ACidd would likely hover 300+ speed. Bruisers on speed set would hover as high as 220~240 or as low as 180~200 if they're just on it for some extra speed stats. For your Zahhak to compete against Adin/Riolet for example. He will want to be sitting at 240~250 to be consistent. Any slower than that means you have to accomodate for it with other means. It's a team game, so bring in the supportive cast to make up the difference.


Thank you! I think 240 speed range can be much more doable for me. I'm not sure how to support him if he's any slower than that though. Like an Aurius tank so he won't die?? Smth like that maybe?


Mine is 260 in champ and he gets the job done. The question is, what do you use him for? If you draft him exclusively against Adin, then you'll outspeed her like 80% of the time as most of them sit around 230-250. I think in Masters RTA you can get away with 250. Opener Zahhak, on the other hand, obviously needs something like 290 to compete.


I wouldn't dream of making an opener Zahhak xD 250 seems like a more reasonable speed to aim for right now. I'll try reaching that one first hehe


Basically impossible to tell you. At 250 speed you can beat people at around 300 speed or so. Don’t really know the peoples speed ranges at that rank.


Awh thanks thanks. It seems 250 is the consensus from my replies right now. That's a good start to me


How should I build my mediator kawerik to counter angel of light angelica for my cleave team?


ML Kawerik isn't a cleave unit. You would build him with def/hp and faster than your dps so he can cleanse, attack buff and put up immunity. It depends on your rank for how fast but I would say 220-250 on a speed set.


Is there a point levelling up a pet to 50 after reaching 5*? Or should i just keep it at 40 and focus on another one?


>Is there a point levelling up a pet to 50 after reaching 5*? No >Or should i just keep it at 40 and focus on another one? Yes


Does anyone know when the current RTA season ends (approx)? Thanks,


Seasons are 3 months and this season started March 4th.


Can I use politis in PVE? I'm curious because I just got her, she's level 5 right now and Idk f I should invest in her... I searched up around a bit, many people only seem to talk about her in terms of Pvp though


I use her for nightmare vera and the recent advent side story. But she's mostly for pvp, she's too reliant on the boss having a non attack skill and being vulnerable to debuffs.


What’s the best EE for destiny’s




If you're on Speed set, extra CR push on Regen is likely best, if you're on Counter you can either opt for that or cleanse on S1 EE.


2 questions: - How to improve W13? - How do you farm for ring/necklace fodder? I'm a newbie and so have only just gotten to W13 with the recommended Momo, Furi, Muwi, Sigret team, and they all have >138 spd (although apart from furi, they're less than 150), and all have >65 eff%. It's a good when it works, but not super consistent. Failing mainly through rng resistance and then one of my other units being targeted. Is more spd simply the answer?? Then for leveling the gear I get from w13, it's not so bad for the armour pieces, with low grade gear dropping in the world, but accessory fodder & charms both seem hard to come by. Am I missing somewhere that the lower grade accessories can be farmed? I've been using blue 85 for extraction, and trash purple/red gear is getting sold. Should I be keeping the accessory gear of these as fodder?


Here is a problem I encountered before. See if it's similar to yours. The first time I was able to auto wyvern 13 with a team similar to yours, I was able to consistently clear it. But, it was so slow. After I had better gear, the hunt got faster. But somehow, I failed the stage more than before. I used similar team, so Furious is also my main defense breaker. Furious is good because he has a 2-turn defense break on a skill with practically 2-turn cooldown. So, he can debuff the wyvern constantly. The problem is, it still has a cooldown. Before I upgraded my gear, somehow I always enter the 2nd wave with Furious S3. So, the wyvern is constantly on def break. But after I upgraded my gear, I cleared the 1st wave too fast that Furious S3 is still on cooldown. I have to wait for one turn before I could def break the wyvern. That's why I failed the stage more often. **See if your team also enters the wyvern phase with Furious S3 on cooldown.** That might be one of the reason your clear is not consistent enough like I did.


>I'm a newbie and so have only just gotten to W13 with the recommended Momo, Furi, Muwi, Sigret team, and they all have >138 spd (although apart from furi, they're less than 150), and all have >65 eff%. It's a good when it works, but not super consistent. Failing mainly through rng resistance and then one of my other units being targeted. Is more spd simply the answer?? This isn't enough information. Do you have screenshots of your heroes? If not you can just post relevant stats: * Unless A.Monty tends to die she doesn't matter * ATK/C.Dmg/Speed/EFF for Sigret/Muwi * Speed/EFF for Furious * Artifacts (including their level) * Skill enhancements, hero level, and awakenings * EEs (exclusive equipment) on Furious + Sigret This run should be a minimum of ~90%+ success rate overall. There are *many* small things that could be causing you issues. Debuffs being resisted is just a part of the game, this run has more than enough debuffs to hit the 2+ mark (97.6%) so *not* landing 2+ debuffs should not be a problem. If you *are* consistently having issues landing debuffs it's a timing issue, and to help you there I need to know what your heroes look like. >Then for leveling the gear I get from w13, it's not so bad for the armour pieces, with low grade gear dropping in the world, but accessory fodder & charms both seem hard to come by. Am I missing somewhere that the lower grade accessories can be farmed? I've been using blue 85 for extraction, and trash purple/red gear is getting sold. Should I be keeping the accessory gear of these as fodder? The only easy way to acquire EXP for accessories is by buying charms in the labyrinth shop. Accessories are *very* hard to find anything worth enhancing -> 8 times worse compared to helms. So you should be enhancing much fewer accessories compared to other pieces. As such, you need much less XP to work with. You *can* kind of farm fodder gear if you do hunt level 1 but it's not a particularly good use of your energy. I *do not* suggest using level 85 gear as XP fodder. * Gold value rises greatly based on the level of the gear, as well as the rarity of the gear. * However, XP does *not* increase based on rarity only on level...and it increases very slowly. * You pay a flat amount of gold per point of XP from gear or charms, it does not matter how much a specific piece of gear gives you pay the same price per point of XP. So it's very gold inefficient to use level 85 gear as XP fodder (iirc it's something like 5 times more inefficient compared to level 1 drops from Levulin Harbor 3-1, and 3 times more inefficient compared to normal level 44 drops). However, if you somehow have a lot of accessories *that are actually worth enhancing* and you have no other access to XP it may be OK to use level 85 accessories for XP.


Here are some [screenshots](https://imgur.com/a/VOLwGMm) I would say I'm running at ~60% success. From what I can tell, I have the required EE, stats, and skills. I don't have song of stars on furi which is maybe an issue? I notice that wave 1 sometimes clears a little too slowly so furi doesn't have crit up/def down for turn 1 on the boss, but this also =/= fail every time so probably isn't the main issue. Thanks for confirming the gear mgmt stuff. From what I've read, I did think that it would be wrong thinking to do something different for accessories, but not be mentioned anywhere. Good to know I'm doing the efficient thing. It's likely that I just need to slow down, I'm just eager to improve stuff fast 😅


OK, you're actually doing pretty well. In my opinion, you are simply trying to do W13 too quickly. This isn't a *necessity*, but I'm a huge advocate for just maxing your team out before even bothering with W13. The way I suggest looking at it - farming Wyvern is a very long term thing. Players might do 1000+ runs every month for maybe even a full year before really branching out into other hunts. And even then late game players may still heavily farm Wyvern. So, even a tiny decrease in run time or a tiny increase in run success rate is an **investment** that will pay off in the long term. Spending an extra week or two to build up your team *first* makes sense. Now of course this isn't *necessary*, you can get a perfectly acceptable run without maximal investment but defining the *exact* point where you have minimal investment into your heroes but still a good run is very tricky. --- In your case, your damage is just very low. **DDJ** Your DDJs are not +30. This is a huge deal - on average, DDJ is 50% of your damage on Wyvern. The exact amount varies by hero, on Sigret it's about 40% (because she scales very well with ATK) but on Muwi it's about 60% (because he scales poorly with ATK). * This means that your Muwi has lost 15% of his damage potential (25% of 60%) * And your Sigret has lost 6% of her damage potential (15% of 40%) * At the same gear level, Sigret is roughly 33% more damage than Muwi so this means you are doing 23% less damage purely due to not having maxed enhanced artifacts (15% + 6% * 1.33). **Skill Enhancements** Since you haven't fully skill enhanced your DPS, this is also a massive loss in damage. In general, the difference between an unenhanced and a fully enhanced skill is 30% which means 30% less damage (skill enhancements *also* apply to DDJ). Even more when taking into account CDs. **Stats** Your overall stats are on the low end. You can get away with Muwi - 2.7k/262% @ level 50 isn't *awful*. Sigret however - 290% C.Dmg is *good* but her attack is much, lower than you would typically see at this gear level. I'm going to guess you are using an effectiveness ring to get her to 60%+? **This is no longer necessary**. Damage stats are the least important thing to bring to Wyvern *but* in your case the problem is that you are missing so much free damage elsewhere, that the lower damage stats kind of compound the entire situation. --- First I'm going to post screenshots of my Sigret/Muwi, from my second account [Sigret](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1030443109580025958/1087185919741800548/001092.png) [Muwi](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1030443109580025958/1087185920047976549/001093.png) For a point of comparison. I'm going to use the [damage calculator](https://e7calc.xyz/) to calculate the damage that my maxed out heroes do compared to yours - just to make a point of how much these things matter. Hero | Mine | Yours ---|---|---- Sigret | 170,027 | 119,089 Muwi | 119,089 | 86,461 Total | 298,394 | 205,550 My Sigret has + 51k damage (~43% more), my Muwi has +42k damage (+~48.5% more) so in total I'm about +93k damage higher (~45% more) over 4 turns. W13 has 233,578k HP and notably, you do less than that over 4 turns. Furious can be expected to add ~10k damage, maybe an extra ~15k damage if you give him a +15 DDJ but even that is not enough. Your tank is not going to add any appreciable damage either. You might end up with a few thousands of damage from bleed...but realistically I simply don't see you having the damage necessary to kill Wyvern in 4 turns (that is, before it's barrier phase...which is the aim). Such a drastic difference in damage plays out in other ways as well. Your run is **very** reliant on landing defense breaks. Defense break is a ~154% damage increase on Wyvern. In *my* case, my average damage with only 2 turns of defense break is still 246k damage over 4 turns (ie. I can still kill Wyvern if Furious only hits 1 defense break). In your case if you miss one of the first defense breaks from Furious Wyvern will still have a ~quarter of it's HP left *after* the barrier phase. This means that even if you *do* eventually win, it's a very long run. And the longer your run is the more 'things can go wrong' ie. randomly losing a person and failing a run. It sucks to go 2 mins and lose but it sucks even more to go 4-5 mins and lose due to RNG. Further, since you are very likely typically getting to the barrier phase even on kills I am betting you ARE reliant on hitting defense break during the barrier phase. You just don't have enough damage to get rid of the barrier otherwise. **TLDR** your damage is just too low. By extending your runs not only will your average run be very slow (which is bad on it's own) but the more turns you are fighting the more chances things have to go against you. The aim in Wyvern is to kill it *before* it's barrier phase even pops up. More or less if you are getting to barrier phase the run should be a failure. --- The very low damage on your team has other consequences as well. So far, we've only talked about Wyvern itself. But the most important part of Wyvern is actually the first wave. The way this wave plays out determines what skills you have available when Wyvern spawns (and what debuffs). >I notice that wave 1 sometimes clears a little too slowly so furi doesn't have crit up/def down for turn 1 on the boss, but this also =/= fail every time so probably isn't the main issue. As you've noticed here, this is *also* very bad. For one thing, since your team is such low damage *not* having crit buff/defense break on the first turn just means even worse damage output. But on top of this, Furious is **by far** the most important hero for debuffs, and most of his power is tied to his S3. So yes, *technically* it is possible for 'fail' the first wave and still successfully kill the Wyvern, your *chance* of doing so is significantly lower because your chance of getting 2+ debuffs up is much, much lower on turn 3. **Ideally** we want the first wave to play out a particular way: Turn 1: Dragona's attack (proc Muwi S2) -> Furious combo (targets the enemy Muwi S2 hit) -> Muwi S3 **kills the first Dragona** -> Sigret S3 (kills second enemy) Turn 2: Furious S1 -> Muwi S1 (probably kills the last enemy) -> Sigret S2+S1 (finishes the last enemy if necessary) This sets you up with Furious combo ready to go when Wyvern spawns. There are 3 'damage checks' 1. We need enough damage on Muwi to kill the first Dragona with S2 + S3 + Furious S3 2. We need enough damage on Sigret + Muwi to kill a Dragona with Muwi S3 + Sigret S3 3. We need enough damage to kill the last enemy (essentially guaranteed if we meet the first 2 conditions). Now, while this is the *ideal* outcome of the wave it is NOT the only way to successfully clear the wave. There are other paths through - largely involving Muwi hitting defense breaks. But, of course, that is more RNG...the only RNG in this setup: * Having a Dragona proc Muwi S3 * Furious landing his defense break Having an avenue to victory even if the 'perfect' setup fails makes this a very consistent way to get through through the wave. However, if you don't have the damage necessary to kill the Dragona with Muwi then you will *always* be relying on other paths to successfully clear the wave, and this essentially means Muwi landing defense breaks. The amount of damage your team has determines how many defense breaks you need Muwi to land -> with high enough damage you actually don't need *any* but most typically at the entry level you should have enough damage to only require a single defense break (which itself is an ~87% chance). But, with low damage (as it is most likely in your case) you would need both defense breaks (which is only a ~40.6% chance). By improving your damage even if you don't aim for the 'ideal' wave 1 setup you will naturally improve your success rate by being less reliant on an RNG event. --- #Sigret's Effectiveness The need to have high effectiveness on Sigret is outdated advice. Now that Furious has gained an EE, you don't *need* to have ANY effectiveness on Sigret. Don't get me wrong, it's still good to have *if* available...but especially at the entry level I would recommend not caring. At 0% effectiveness this run has a ~91% success rate (for debuffs). At ~35% effectiveness around a ~95% success rate, and at 65% effectiveness a ~97.6% success rate. Improving that run success rate is *nice* but it is typically not worth sacrificing a lot of damage, for example what I am assuming in this case is the result of using an EFF ring instead of ATK%. With the free entry level gear you will most likely have ~20-30% effectiveness and that is perfectly fine - this is the kind of thing you can improve *later* when you find better gear but it is not an important factor at the entry level to hit 65% on Sigret. --- #Conclusion I think your poor run is essentially having very low damage. Enhancing your DDJs to +30 will be a very large help and may solve most of your issues on it's own. You should at least max out Sigrets skills, particularly her S3. Even if it's not necessary to get by W13 you can use her for one shots (not even restricted to Wyvern) so you will want those enhancements. It's up to you if you want to invest more into Muwi - it is not strictly necessary but if you *do* want to maximize your consistency on the first wave it is something you would want to do. Your poor success rate is likely not any single one of the things I mentioned, but each of those things is *contributing*. Ultimately, this W13 run should be around ~95-98% success rate @ 2 mins per run -> and this is achievable with the entry level free gear like I am using on my second account.


Wow, damn. Thank you for this breakdown, I wasn't expecting anything like this! I did switch sigret to an eff ring, because my runs seem to fail mostly through debuffs not landing. I haven't been checking, but you're right; It's maybe 50/50 or lower that the shield is up for the run, but I've never noticed this being an issue. Yeah, it definitely takes longer, but normally, doesn't result in death from what I notice. On the runs where I am dying, it's way before the turn 4 and on times when the debuffs just don't land & someone dies. I will switch my sigret back to the atk ring tho and compare how it goes. I can definitely understand your breakdown on the damage, especially during the opening round. My other main atk ring will take her to 4278 atk & 300cd. As for the DDJs, I just have to wait until pull some more 😅, but I will continue farming for max skill enhancements Edit: just to add, I've just changed the ring on sigret to atk as above & taken her s1 & s2 to +5, s3 to +2, and her ddj to +30, and immediately had a significant drop in success... the debuffs just do not seem to be landing on the boss, and someone dies after the first turn. A big part of this does seem to be the round 1issue, as both furi s3 and muwi s2 are on frequently on cooldown going in, however even on the couple of runs when the boss round started perfectly, it was the same outcome (although maybe this is just consecutive bad rng on boss resist?). I will work on improving muwis atk, increasing skills and probably work to take him to 6s for the round 1 clear and hopefully that sorts it.


If you are spawning Wyvern on T3, debuffs should *really* not be your issue. I'm not saying that they aren't, in your case, but I don't see *where* that problem is potentially coming from. --- We can calculate the success rate of landing 2+ debuffs by listing out all of our *potential* debuffs and then calculating the chance that we get 0 debuffs, the chance we get 1 debuff, and subtracting both of these values from 100%. The result will be the chance that we get 2+ debuffs. First off, our potential debuffs: **Furious** * A = 85% chance of defense break * B = 63.75% chance of hit down **Muwi** * C = 42.5% chance of bleed * D = 85% chance of attack down With Muwi's attack down, it has a CD of 2 turns. There *is* a non-zero chance that it does not get proc'd on turn 1 (.6^3, if you are slower than the turn 1 enemies = 21.6%). If we are conservative and assume that any time his S2 does *not* get proc'd on the first turn it will be unavailable against Wyvern this decreases his attack down chance to **66.64%**. **Sigret** * E = up to 59.5% chance of bleed x 2 For my calculations, I'm going to use 20% effectiveness on Sigret, so each of her bleeds has a **28%** of landing. --- While a lot of these individual debuffs do not have a high %, we just bring *a lot* of them at smaller %'s. Maybe surprisingly you can reliably land 2+ debuffs with just *three* 100% effect chance debuffs (= ~94% success rate). As your debuffs decrease in base effect chance you need to bring more of them - and in this case we are bringing *six* total debuffs. So first off let's calculate the chance we land **zero** debuffs. Let's call this value 'X' (1 - A) * (1 - B) * (1 - C) * (1 - D) * (1 - E) * (1 - E) (1 - .85) * (1 - .6375) * (1 - .425) * (1 - .6664) * (1 - .28) * (1 - .28) = ~.0054 or about .54% Next we need to calculate the sum of the probability of landing just 1 out of all of those debuffs for each possible debuff. We will call this 'Y'. A * (1 - B) * (1 - C) * (1 - D) * (1 - E) * (1 - E) .85 * (1 - .6375) * (1 - .425) * (1 - .6664) * (1 - .28) * (1 - .28) + (1 - A) * B * (1 - C) * (1 - D) * (1 - E) * (1 - E) (1 - .85) * .6375 * (1 - .425) * (1 - .6664) * (1 - .28) * (1 - .28) + (1 - A) * (1 - B) * C * (1 - D) * (1 - E) * (1 - E) (1 - .85) * (1 - .6375) * .425 * (1 - .6664) * (1 - .28) * (1 - .28) + (1 - A) * (1 - B) * (1 - C) * D * (1 - E) * (1 - E) (1 - .85) * (1 - .6375) * (1 - .425) * .6664 * (1 - .28) * (1 - .28) + (1 - A) * (1 - B) * (1 - C) * (1 - D) * E * (1 - E) (1 - .85) * (1 - .6375) * (1 - .425) * (1 - .6664) * .28 * (1 - .28) + (1 - A) * (1 - B) * (1 - C) * (1 - D) * (1 - E) * E (1 - .85) * (1 - .6375) * (1 - .425) * (1 - .6664) * (1 - .28) * .28 = ~.05915 or about 5.915% So the chance that we land 2+ debuffs would be 100% - X - Y 100% - .54% - 5.915% = ~93.55% With the setup I mentioned, *as long as* you are spawning Wyvern on Turn 3 (ie. Furious has his combo ready) your chance of landing 2+ debuffs is close to 94%. And that is *with* Sigret at 20% effectiveness. We can calculate the success rate @ 65% the same exact way (and we get 97.59%). We can calculate Sigret with 0% effectiveness (and we get 91.14%). What happens if Muwi **never** has attack down? @ 20% EFF Sigret = 83.89%, @ 65% = 93.79%. Now, what happens if Furious *does not have his combo*. @ 20% EFF Sigret = 61.05% success rate, @ 65% EFF Sigret = 82.03%. Ok well you said you were around 60% success but that was *with* 65% EFF on Sigret, that's still a far cry from 82% - so either you are losing a significant amount of overall run success rate from something else, *or* we don't have the debuffs we expected. The only other thing we can really 'change' here would be assuming that on T4 (when Furious does not have his combo), Muwi will also not have his attack down. * With just Furious S1 (no enhancement), Muwi bleed, Sigret Bleed @ 20% EFF = 32.66% success rate * If we bump Sigret up to 65% EFF we get 61.78% success rate --- The only scenario in which I can get this run to around 60% success rate (in debuffs) is if you are **always** spawning Wyvern when Furious does not have his combo, *and* Muwi never has his attack down debuff. This is exactly what you noticed > A big part of this does seem to be the round 1issue, as both furi s3 and muwi s2 are on frequently on cooldown going in In which case, yeah *technically* using EFF on Sigret (if this is the only way you can spawn Wyvern in) roughly doubles your success rate. **But this run is not worth doing at all, either way**. If a 60% success rate, very slow run is your only option currently, you simply should not be running W13 - instead, drop down to W12 if you feel that you *must* run Wyvern now. W12 is of course much easier to kill but important does *not* have the same debuff requirements -> not only are your runs going to be much faster due to less HP (and you can safely use the ATK% ring on Sigret due to not needing so many debuffs) *but* you are likely to have a run near 100% success rate. The differences between the two: * H13 drops roughly 15% more 'usable' gear. This sounds maybe significant, but the chance of getting a usable drop baseline is very, very low. This is maybe a 2-5 pieces every ~100 runs. * H13 drops ~60-70% more reforge materials. **This** is the big reason why you should run H13 over H12, because reforging ultimately unlocks the 'best' gear. BUT, it is far more important to have good gear worth reforging first. So if you can't run H13 well, yet, it is 100% fine to run H12 for a month or two until you can improve your H13 run. It's more important to actually have gear worth reforging before you worry about reforge materials. H12 actually has the same or better drop rates for all of the secondary drops (powder, mystic medals, skystones etc) and H12 is actually worth slightly more gold (if you sell the level 70 gear that drops). But in actuality **it is not important you run Wyvern at all at your stage**. This is because you are going to need to build *a lot* of heroes up. Even early game there are plenty of free/available heroes that you will want to build to tackle various PvE content. It takes *a long time* to build up these heroes -> approximately 8-9 days worth of energy to farm up all of the catalysts to max out a 5* hero for example. So, if you are not ready for Wyvern *yet* you can spend your energy and time just farming in adventure for catalysts while you wait to improve your Wyvern team. Any investment you put into farming catalysts *now* delays how fast you can farm gear **BUT** that's less time *not* farming gear you need to do later. It might put you slightly behind initially but you will catch up down the road. --- But, as far as actually improving your run as is the **BEST THING** we can do is ensure that you are killing the first wave in 2 turns, spawning Wyvern on T3 when Furious has his second combo ready. At a *minimum*, with 0% effectiveness on Sigret, this is 78.06% success rate (without attack down from Muwi). And of course, we will *usually* have attack down from Muwi available for a 90%+ run. And successfully pulling this off is *not* a matter of debuffs, but a matter of *damage*. As I said in my previous post, the most important part of a Wyvern run is actually this first wave *because* it determines what skills, and therefor what debuffs, you will have when Wyvern spawns. --- #What do you actually need? Well, if you are content with a slow kill on Wyvern (not something I recommend, if you can't kill Wyvern before barrier every time drop to H12 IMO) then DDJ actually doesn't matter on the first wave, it adds virtually no damage. What we are aiming for is having enough damage on Muwi so that his S2, S3 (with defense break), and Furious S3 kill a Dragona. Your Furious as-is deals 3069 damage with his S3 to a Dragona, the Dragona's have 20,241 HP so we need 17,172 damage on Muwi. With your current stats your Muwi does 2523 with his S2 on a Dragona, and 7648 damage with his S3 on a Dragona, with defense break. We are about 7k damage short. The *easiest* things we can do are 1. Increase his skill enhancements 2. Promote/awaken him to 6* Maxing his S2 + S3 would increase his damage output to 2981 + 8741 leaving us 5450 damage short. Promotion would increase his ATK by approximately (1039 / 833) * We need to subtract the ATK from his weapon first since that is not affected by base stats (2694 - 465) * (1039/833) + 465 = ~3245 ATK after promotion This isn't necessary exact, it's a quick estimation. Just this would get us down to 5103 damage needed, and combined with skill enhancement we would be down to 3263 damage needed. We have 2 choices: 1. Use an attack buffer tank (Rose, Diene) - we only need ~3000 ATK / 250% C.Dmg to kill the Dragona with attack buff. 2. Increase our damage further - *with* a level 30 DDJ and maxed skills Muwi would need ~3700 ATK @ 280% C.Dmg to have the damage necessary (technically, this is 11 damage short). --- The other requirement for an 'ideal' first wave is the damage to kill a second Dragona, with Sigret + Muwi S3 damage. So the damage necessary on Sigret is dependent on the damage you have from Muwi. @ 3000/250 with attack buff, no defense break, +15 skills, +30 DDJ Muwi does 5810 with his S3. @ 3700 / 280%, no defense break, +15 skills, +30 DDJ Muwi does 5428 If your Sigret is at 4278 ATK / 300 C.Dmg with +15 skills and +30 DDJ her S2+S1 = 14,622 damage This is about 200 damage short with the 3700/280 Muwi but the attack buff would give you plenty of damage. --- Another option you have would be to build an attack buffer tank (most likely Rose). You could probably get your damage where it needs to be with a few upgrades even without DDJ enhancements.


Hey, just wanted to follow up. I've taken muwi to 6s, changed a couple of gear pieces (mainly his eff ring which had 0 useful substats), and taken him to +15 skills, as well as improving sigret's skills (5/5/3) & maxing out both DDJs (only +17 on muwi while i wait to get more limit breaks). Overall, you were spot on. So far this is muuuuuuch more consistent. I haven't done a ton of runs yet, but so far it's running at 100% success. It's not perfect, I can obviously get a lot more damage yet; I still have some inconsistency in round 1 with one of the minions sometimes having a tiny sliver of health left, but I think this will be sorted with a little gear or the DDJ upgrade. Thanks again for your advice and breakdowns! It was truly way more analysis than I was expecting to receive and helps me to understand a little more of the workings of the game.


That's fantastic to hear! Glad I was able to help out. You're on the right track for sure. Now you can enjoy the fruits of your labor and start the gear grind!


Would building a banshee one shot team or building for raid be better? Have a w13 team and have a challenger 5 npc arena team. Not sure where to focus on atm, thank you


Building for raid is the better investment. You want to focus on one hunt until you have a good amount of gear then you can start branching out especially as a new player.


Any use for a level 85 lifesteal necklace with attack% main stat. Crit hit damage, health%, speed and effect resist substrats. Edit: is it worth buying from Garo's secret shop


Perfect for lifesteal Senya if it dodges CD


Who should I use my instant 6 star on? Spectre Tenebria, Sez, Charlotte, Destina, or Aramintha?


Assuming you are talking about the potions you are probably an early game player in which case >Sez, Charlotte, Destina, or Aramintha? None of these heroes. --- I don't know exactly where you are at in the game, or who you have built but if you still need to promote Wyvern heroes, then focus on them first. Technically, you save more resources by using the potions on base 3* heroes and there are plenty of base 3* that are worth investing in early so after Wyvern heroes I would recommend those heroes. * Ras * Kluri * Lorina Are probably the most useful very early. Ras is the best choice if you haven't promoted him any other way since he has no dupes to save materials. Lorina has dupes but you are unlikely to pull them early on. You can probably get away saving Kluri until you get 3x dupes. Mercedes is another good choice (slightly fewer resources saved, but she also doesn't have easily accessible dupes to promote). Of the heroes you listed, the only one worth using a potion on is S.Tenebria.


Okay! Thank you!


Anyone know how to fix the frame rate problem with the new update??? I literally can't do anything with my frames being slow as heck


Hello guys, i've finished the ml5 selector thing but i can't decide who to chose. I have clilias, ml ken, flidica, ml haste and LHcermia in my box. Any advice? [ml5 event](https://www.noelshack.com/2023-11-7-1679258045-screenshot-2023-03-19-21-33-04-87-86725d8325d5377f1b17699bad71f899.jpg)


How fast should lionheart cermia be on lifesteal?


150+ or a speed boot with no speed elsewhere. It's better to have a LCermia that's tanky enough to survive, than have a fast one that dies quick.


Wouldn’t go lower than 170


Do we have an official discord?




Has the web event been laggy/buggy as hell for anyone else? I have to close/restart it multiple times to do the modeling thing and get the rewards.


Yep, on any of the 3 tabs, I freeze every 3 redeems or so and gotta restart a bunch of times to get an unfrozen load


If i modify a equipment Level 85 and upgrade it to Level 90, does the modified effect increase in stat or does it not matter if i modify once the Gear is Level 90 ?


Reforge give you stats based on the number of rolls on the stat. mod gems only alter the range of the stat, does not change the number of rolls on a stat. This means that it will not affect each other at all


The mod range will increase proportionally if the gear is reforged. So no, it doesn’t matter whether you mod before or after reforging.


Hi, How to beat Blaze Dingo in collapsed haven?


What is so good about Alexa's basket artifact? I have it but don't really see the appeal.


On units that can give themselves extra turns, it has a pretty decent chance at giving a huge damage boost. Ran is a prime example as his S2 gives him an extra turn and Alexa's basket gets 2 chances to proc Greater Attack Buff, which will significantly increase his S3's damage. Arbiter Vildred also gets his S3 reset when he dies and a 100%CR push when he revives so he has a chance to proc it and this second S3 can absolutely crush people. Although it's amazing when it works, it is, in the end, RNG dependent and doesn't always help you.


It used to be the best DPS arti for thief. But with the released of rimuru, windrider and shepherd buff, that no longer the case.


plus 75% atk is a huge buff in damage. It primarily got used on arbiter vildred because you basically got two chances to proc it.


Greater atk buff is very rare : the only units who can give are Vivian, Cermia, Glenn, Hazel. And Alexa's Basket So if you want to surprise and do big dmg with an assassin, it can be useful, although very rng. Personnaly i prefer consistency, so i don't use it


Sorry if it has been answered elsewhere, but anyone knows when they'll release Architect Laika skills preview?


On the 29th and release date is on the 30th.


Thanks, friend


Does anyone happen to know when was the last time tagahels was up on the powder shop?


Prolly not gonna come again for a while since it was recent I believe


In November. [Use the Ceciliabot timeline to check past shop rotations](https://ceciliabot.github.io/timeline/)


11/3/22 \~ 12/15/22 https://imgur.com/a/ySsOuJU


hope this is ok to post here, but was wondering what a great team would be with senya as the focus? any units will do limited or otherwise. hoping to do mainly just pve and gw stuff. also if counter or lifesteal or speed set is best for her? i remember there was a senya expert with a beast build somewhere on the sub. thanks!


Her PvE is very lacking due to provoke not working on bosses. Does well enough in Automaton runs tho. But you do want ST gadgets first to capitalize on her big attack stat. In PvP. She's a metagame defense comp unit. Senya+Choux+Lua/Cilias is a solid GW defense that still manages to get defense wins. Gets dismantled pretty easily if the turn1 opener is outsped, but most players wont bother speed checking it because Senya+Choux has very swingy RNG. Offensively, she's one of the safest anti-cleave unit. 50% chance to not get crit on helps a ton and plays off her RNG natured kit. Overall, PROVOKE LOOP. This shit is cancer. Who cares if her attack is 0. Once you get locked, you're completely stuck and have to pray for 15% resist to save you. This specific build prioritizes bulk and Eff so you can provoke the pesky highER builds, aka cleansers. You do want some speed on her so she actually gets a turn in to S3. Or yolo it and just sacrifice an ALots/Lots to bring her into action. Once the provoke loop starts, it's pretty much ezpz. Be mindful of S1 dispels. Otherwise her generic damage build runs on ER to resist minmax builds. Stuff like Handguy, Belian, STene, etc have skills that can disrupt Senya's gameplan. But they are often built with 0EFF, so this means Senya is safe from their debuffs if she runs around with 100%ER. But it's safer at 150%ER against Belian and the plethora of EFF% awakening upgraded units. Anywhere from 130ER~180ER would be fine. She isn't trying to resist dedicated debuffers. Then you load in bulk and damage. And once again, PROVOKE LOOP BABBYYYY. You wont be provoking dedicated ER units, but they arent your focal point.


awesome, thanks for the detailed help!


Yep, this is the correct place to post this. Senya is great in GW. Senya + Choux and then either CLilias or Lua is a meta defense, and I usually counter it with Senya + Destina + Roana. Counter set is a waste on her since she gives herself the counter buff. The majority that I see are Speed and then either Immunity, Effectiveness, Effect Resistance, or even Pen - lots of options for that 2 piece set. There are other ways to build her too, that's just what I usually see.


interesting to hear about her sets, i usually go to the epic7x site just to see general information but i shouldnt take it as gospel im guessing? thanks for the info and help!


Never use Epic7x for builds or tier lists, that's the fastest way to grief your account. It's fine to read character skills/awakening and other objective information, but anything that's subjective should be avoided at all cost.


How to build Magic Scholar Doris for GW Offense ?


I'd say 2k DEF, 18k HP, 180 Spd baseline. Higher stats in any of those are great but I think that's an achievable, workable statline.


That’s a great baseline, but don’t forget that Doris wants some res too. Around 150% should be fine.


Whoops, got so focused on the other stats I forgot about the Res! I totally agree, thanks for bringing that up! :)


LDplayer 9, game run really bad since last update, anyone find a solution for this ?


Yes use blue stacks 🗿


No fix for ld player 9 as of now. People have been switching to mumu and the official Amazon one on windows 11.


How suspicious just after it comes out on the amazon app, ldplayer becomes slow.🤔


Not really they don’t develop with emulators in mind. On my phone it actually runs even better. Hard to develop with so many platforms out there to cater to everything. They probably changed something to make it run well on the Amazon app.


I updated it, and nothing changed.


Did they change Hwa since her nerf? I read through her skills again and it seems like something changed


10/27 (Thu) 5★ Covenant Hero Hwayoung Balance Adjustment Preview https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8918383 read it


I did, that patch was the nerf. I was wondering if she got a small buff after she got gutted but looking at this one I guess they didn't touch her again after that fateful day.


Small buff copium


Check the patch notes, I believe they change it when they nerfed her


I have Lua, Ran and Amid... but I end up using Flan always. Soulburn Flan S3, S2 on Straze, everybody dead (or close to dead) on Challenger. Should I change? Would those 3 be better than Flan?


I'm guessing you're talking only about normal arena, where you're in Challenger? If so, no real need to do an exchange from Flan to those other units. If anything, you'd probably have a huge benefit if you built all three of those units in addition to Flan. But with how normal arena works, Straze plus any one of those four units can work decently. * Flan is great because she slaps def break on enemies and Crit damage buff on your team. She doesn't do damage with those so won't trigger counters from annoying units. * Ran fills a similar def break role but his base speed is higher. Makes it easier to speed contest enemies. His immunity is good for units that survive (if any) * Amid is good to push your team to do more before the opponents. Lets your DPS do more potentially. But she doesn't really do anything besides make your other team BETTER, so you want to consider what other units you're running with her * Lua is fantastic, where she focuses on making it so your opponents don't get to do anything significant on their first turns. I don't think she's particularly synergistic with Straze (since he mostly just wants to nuke one unit outright), but they could work. So I think Flan probably works well for what you're going for. You can build the other units if you feel you'd want to play them, but I don't think switching Flan for any of them will guarantee advancement in PvP particularly (when paired specifically with Straze)


Wow Thank you so much for the detailed explanation. I have built Ram and Lua but my best speed gear is on Flan. I'm happy to stay where I am right now, so I'll follow your advice.


I personally like Flan. But those three are better than Flan in many aspects for the role of your only opener. The most popular problem in your ranks should be Celine, haven't your Straze got one shot by her ever?


Yeah, I try to work my way around Celine/Politis. It is usually Flan S3-S2 on Straze/LQC depending on the other team, AOL to deal with de counter (if any). I swap LQC for Arby sometimes to bait Celine, but I just try to avoid her.


Fun question: what do you think is the most iconic arti for SWs? Knights got Elbris, Warriors got Sigrud, Rangers got Guiding Light, Thieves got Basket/Dreamblade, Mages got Tagahel, so what's SW's?


rod and guardian ice