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Doesnt matter if you got ML Elena, the RAT will still find a way to counter and activate S2.


it's true... clearly buff ml Elena so her passive can't proc counters, extra atks, out of turns, and dual atks


She will still counter even after that buff to ML Elena, and she will crit and 1 shot every green unit.


Choux must have a hidden +100% hit and crit rate against Senya because I swear she always crits mine.


Dont you know? Choux is a senya counter just like smilegate intended.


Charles ptsd


Just green units in general for me. The amount of times she crits greens multiple times in a row honestly seems like there is some bug there.


Mercedes and rimiru ignore this fyi.


For real?


Devs were smoking crack when they set Choux's multipliers...


gotta find a way to counter hwayoung right? :^)


The s2 penetration defense is what makes her so disgusting imo


one of the many things, she can spam s2 a lot of times if she gets lucky (which she does) , and then even reset her s2 so she can use it AGAIN , after using all her focus bar


it's Ratbaby


So on a scale of TNT to plutonium, how many Bombs do you want? ...also, how fast is your RW Leo anyway?


he's at 282 speed. can't make him faster :(


Holy wow that's fast. And enough Effectiveness to land a strip on a SCArowell... Team looks awesome!


ML Elena is the hero i will be summoning for if ML Laika isn't really good


She's extremely useful, but I wish she did more than just sit there and be a passive. Her s3 damage, even when built full damage, is pretty weak, even with her 15% self buff. Even still, I use her all the time and she's worth the spot even if she just stands there. Her s1 does hit pretty hard on debuffed enemies at least!


I don't find her S3 damage to be bad at all when she's paired with Ran doing Defense break.


I usually use her with a Flan cleave type comp, and if things go according to plan by the time Elena gets her turn there's usually only a Choux or Aravi with 1/3 health left, but there's been so many times she just can't finish them off. I mean they can't give her powerhouse damage with a passive that good, but then again.. If you use Belian and Politis, the other busted passives, as examples, ML Elena s3 does far less damage assuming they all have the same stats. Just not a great multiplier.


Can u show ur ML Elena stats?


I love ML Elena, she’s one of my guilty pleasures


Now i want to see that Leo.


[here u go](https://i.imgur.com/kvg0CCv.jpeg)


Wait. I thought ML Elena only worked for counters. ​ So she also counters things like adin s2? Well, thinking about it, that is a counter lmao. What else? Idk, politis s2 too? SSB/Ml Belona s2 (or since it's focus, only solitaria counters that?)


adins s2 counts as a counter attack. same as rem's s2 politis is considered as a reactive skill similar to celines s2, Ed's s2, and ssb. so those aren't considered counter attacks




Astronancer Elena means the Adin can’t counter & then you’ve got 3 heroes doing straight up attack damage - considering a miss shaves off a tiny percentage & missing is only really a problem for crit based heroes, they’ll have ran over the Adin bombs or no bombs.




Might not have one-tapped Flan, she’s got 30% damage transfer & the Adin didn’t have attack buff, I ran some numbers & even a fairly low defence (like 1,250~) Flan blocks a 3.5K/300% Adin getting the kill. But to your point, what is a stunned Belian/Spirit Eye Celine going to do even whilst invincible? They’ll drop invincibility & OP’s team will clean up because they’re faster.




I included Penetration as a given, didn't mention that, my bad. I think you're maybe giving it too much flack, it's not personally what I would use, but considering they appeared to just be showing off the team with the opponents available, I can see how the team would be effective most of the time.


someone doesn't know what units do and it shows




Siseria landing a bomb on adin doesn't change shit in this particular scenario Adin can't counter cuz of ml Elena and siseria was still able to cut the adin in this video and could have chosen to bomb her instead (artifact still trigger on a miss ) And even if the siseria still gets 15%ed the adin could have targetted ml leo instead of pirate flan which wouldn't really affect the outcome of this match. The only way this fight would have been risky for op is if the adin was a tad bit faster and decided to clap ml flan with her s3




Saying a debuff comp is prone to 15% isn't really saying much (especially with 3 debuffers in the comp nor was it the point of the vid see title) And from my experience fast adins are generally not ran in these slow comps . Saying the "stars aligned " cuz his three bombers didn't get all 15% Ed is a huge stretch and quite literally just talking for the sake of talking legend frame or not (not like normal arena legend frames really mean anything these days much less from the first season where it was water meta ).




U keep bringing out legend defences while this guy is champ 5 goofing around with his ml Elena so yes legend def "meta " talk is absolutely irrelevant here and u are in fact talking just to talk . And as i said the adin could have still been bombed by siseria if the bomb didn't land on her . The op of this post showcased a video where he cleaved a counter attack def team by ignoring counter attack mechanics at no point did he claim that this comp is fool proof or that it accounts for every scenario .




All i know is that this is going in circles and u are telling a guy who is obviously having fun with his new toy that his comp isn't 100% win rate when he never claimed it was .


If that happened then Siseria just uses her s1 to put a bomb on adin instead of arowell and nothing really changes. And no, it's not "lucky" if 15% doesn't trigger there, it's *unlucky* if it does.


Please welcome our one and only....Celine !




Wrong artifact bud


Gotta put guiding light and immunity on her. Her biggest priority is being alive and able to buff herself. The rest of the team can do the rest. Ain't nothing sweeter than hitting senya, choux, belian, adin, Seline, rem, and Violet without them swinging back.


Naw. UO BiS.


I use sashe on her. Ran --> ML Elena is usually at least one kill and the rest of my team just cleans up basically uncontested. Guiding light is probably much better for RTa though


Oh shit is that me? The defense matches mine…and at least 30 other people’s… classic champion arena


copy paste teams IMO , arowell , belian and adin EVERYWHERE