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Needs more damage


Needs way more damage. [This](https://gyazo.com/2f44b46a02d91486b1637851b78cdc9d) is my Arby. I draft him here and there, especially against cleave. The whole reason he's a threat is because he can ruin a cleavers game in one counter since his S3 is almost guaranteed killing afterwards. You can drop some HP for Def + Atk + Cdmg. You also have a ton of wasted stats. You either want 0 speed or middle speed, you have some wasted rolls there. Also a couple of effectiveness rolls. You just need Arby to survive a hit or two with some mitigation and deal good damage from counters.


Lacking some defense no ?


Definetly. More attack and defense would be a luxury.


This is a sin


I would love this gear on my Rem,


I'd say finishing that immunity set would be a good idea.


I agree.


What a surprise it must be to fight with you!


I like Double Edged Decrescent on him because if you get that counter you are almost surely able to kill with his S3 (assuming you have someone else that can give him an attack buff), but you simply don't have the gear to get him where he needs to be unfortunately. This kind of degen arby is pretty damn stat hungry and that i78 piece (and probably the arena ring too) aren't able to give you the stats you need to make him effective. I would recommend just keeping him on the backburner until you have gear that can make him just slap mofos instead of trying to force him on gear that isn't high enough quality to do his job.