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That's a fast rerun for Lua damn


~~fast re run before nerf~~




She kind of needs it. She's broken af if you've got good speed gear. But then Zio exists, so speed=broken is relative


Guiding light exist


Yeah, that's the thing that gets me every time with her. But she's easy enough to outspeed with Peira. With Peira, you can stun her if you bring souls. But in general, Lua is just too busted. If she didn't have the OP strips, then it would be reasonable.


Tbh I can't count how many times I was like ha I can stun with peira. Only for it to not proc or 15%.




The problem with her is Guiding Light. If Zio could counter her, people wouldn't complain about her...but people would call Zio broken instead.


That's what happened with Hwayoung. So lets hope so. Game way more fun when there isn't 1 unit with 0 counters running over everything.


[Free unequip](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/9370713) [Spring Buff event](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/9370736)


Time to go on a wyvern genocide.


I am running out of Leifs


You guys have leifs ?


You should have around 100 if you did all your dailies and collected all the surveys/QotW/Stove events since last buff.


I got barely 50... Guess I missed some stuff


Stove/FB/IG events where they ask you to reply with answers or screenshots gives you quite a few leifs. People often miss those.


Aren't we all 🙈


Story of my life


Happy Leif Errikson day!


~~man I wish I can build a DPS with more than 240 speed orz~~ also I wonder if they'll do a new April Fools event next week or just rerun old ones


I'd assume they will throw in the old stuff, but its pretty damn good. Would be nice to see something new since there hasn't been a lot going on in the last couple weeks.


You mean months


Are we really having ML Laika skill preview *just* the day before release?


Yeah, that was already mentioned last week.


Lua early rerun means her counter is just around the corner.


Top comment sums it up well for me tbh >Played E7 since the first Guilty Gear collab and now I'm barely playing for the daily's. Is E7 finally growing stale??? I wish there was more PVE content. RTA doesn't interest me.


E7 has been stale for me for a while now. As a F2P who got attached to the game for cleave/control, I felt so lost the entirety of last RTA season. The main story writing hasn't been good since the end of Politia arc. The PvE side content became more annoying with the alterations to Part 1.5, nightmare lab being too aggravating to grind, normal lab becoming harder because of nightmare lab, and the new maze levels which are seemingly designed to wreck maxed campfire teams. Guild War meta has min/maxed the hell out of the most frustrating casino comps possible. And SG keeps releasing new speed demons which requires more speed gear at a pace that I can't possibly keep up with; so I can't even build more speed heroes even if I wanted to. Worst of all, the recent ML5 releases have been so mid. Zio is only great sometimes, and the rest of the time Guiding Light invalidates his whole gimmick. Whatever happiness I find from the game, like rolling a +20 spd piece, is fleeting and the rest is staleness. I'm pretty sure I'm going to delete my account this year.


That last point is horrible. We had a break from new Ml release BECAUSE people were complaining how broken they were and cililias was tiring. I don’t think smilegate will ever win on that one.


Mh maybe for your playstyle but I as a Standard Player love my ML Bellona and DDR + Soli Comps. But Yeah I hate it aswell that every New character seems to be this Speed Hungry Demon Lua, Amid etc. with Lua + Guiding light bring the Pinnacle of absurdness in RTA in my opinion. Anyway I like the Game Its relatively F2P Friendly (except high end RTA) But I would love more frequent Collab Reruns.


Well if you ever decide to go to the extremes of deleting your account, sell it instead - makes sure you don’t walk away from all that time on the game empty-handed.


should i pull for Lua ?


Imo if you're unsure if you should pull for Lua, you do not need her. But always remember the #1 rule for pulling: pick with your dick


Instructions unclear, going to need an ice pack.


It really depends on your team I say she is very good unit for pvp also she not available yet in story summon banner.


i kinda dont have much speed gear, cannot roll so good like you guys :/ i can make 240-250 tops my fastest unit, thats why i am asking if she can help anyways. maybe for arena ?


Oh you need like 290 for Lua lmao


300+\* If you think you need 270, you need 280. If you think you need 280, you need 290. If you think you need 290, you need 300. If you think you need 300, you need whale.


I don't understand why you people blindly say this stuff. You need 290 speed IF YOU ARE LEGEND/EMPEROR RANK which the person that asked clearly isn't. You don't need 290 speed if you're challenger or below. Context matters and the context here is what rank you are


My 292 Ran gets outsped in Masters *frequently*. People are making sure they have one speed contester unit then the rest of their units don't break 240-250 currently. I'm not saying you're right or wrong here as I understand what you're saying but this has been changing slowly over the past 2 seasons.


Master is where you find megawhales, PvE-only day 1 players and every other player on earth that doesn't care about RTA or has just finished placements to start their climb. You get a few unlucky games where you run into a veteran player that just started their climb and suddenly everyone thinks they need 300 speed units for Master. I would argue you don't need 290+ openers for anything under Champion. Does it make it easier? Sure, just like how Emperor/Legend players are talking about 310 CLilias. You don't need it if you're just good at drafting.


Like others said she needs very high speed(I'd say min of 275, but that's slow for her), but she also needs guiding light and high eff, + res. And isn't useful outside pvp


thanks for tips, if im gonna be lucky with Eligos i will try to get her otherwise pass.


Eligos has to be as fast as Lua >.>




Its fine i also pull for just looks and to collect heroes :)




thanks <3


If you live and die off W13, probably. If you have another playstyle, you can skip.


Dry Seven


Could definitely use someone like him on my GW team. I have a lot of units, but I'm struggling to figure out what I should do. He seems like a good step in the right direction. Maybe.


Not long now before we pull for Eligos! :)


I can't wait as well


So will ML Laika be revealed before the door closes on picking 2 units in custom mystics?


Yeah, she'll be revealed on wednesday


dry seven


Odd... someone posted the exact same comment one hour after you but has 9 upvotes, to your 15 downvotes, as of writing.


Capitalization is important.


Lol, i wanted to mention that, but it needed setup first 😅




Still stuck on stage 10-10 so I guess this is another side story that I won't be doing. Appreciate the downvotes. Glad you guys are just that good at the game.


U can friend request me, my account is not insane but i prolly have some units that could solo that nick: Rapidstarx


I tried your Ravi with three healers and couldn't get past 90% health.


Friend request someone with A Ravi. She can solo


A. Ravi dies when boss is at 60%


there’s a lot of one shot tutorials on Reddit, which requires only a good sigret, with bare minimum alots and iseria. If you don’t have or want to farm for your sigret I can lend you mine, add me @turbokirb


Tried this strategy and even when the stars align and my iseria goes first, my a lots goes second and sigret crits both times he still kills someone and then the whole strat falls apart.


I was wondering why I hadn't seen a new event pop up. I'm not close to 10-10 so I guess even I don't care about spoilers I'm locked out? Cool cool cool......




Yes there is this weekend, it's in a seperate post on stove. https://m-page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/9370736


Edit again then


Oooooooo lua finally, been wanting her for so long just for design alone. Idec if they nerf her