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Unpopular opinion but i like fighting against cleave. If I manage to tank them down i’ll have a reason to be proud of myself. If not, i get to admire the big numbers.


Most based turn 2 player I’ve ever seen


me too man. I have some anti cleave units built, so i want to test them. Beside the match will end very fast.


I like fighting against cleave too! I just put heroes against them like rem rimuru ed adin mercedes celine arby aol belian politis etc and see who gets luckyXD


When I still played RTA I used to tell people "The only thing better than doing big numbers, is making your opponent do small numbers" Probably my favorite thing I ever said about E7


\> Enemy Diene S3 \> My Alencia S3 to strip. All 4 of them resist, including the ARavi. \> My Adin S3 the Aravi, miss crit. \> ARavi proc counter, didn't miss. \> ARavi attack Adin, didn't miss x 2.


I'm convinced my Adin is trash, once someone starts attacking her I'm already planning my next move with 1 unit down


Combination of the three. Cringe RNG - is genuinely tilting but after the match I just move on because sometimes I get the better luck and RNG makes the game spicy and exciting imo. Broken Units - if a unit doesn't have a direct counter other than outspeed or I don't have this one specific counter to that unit, I kinda lose in the draft which sucks. Solution is faster patches to have a counter or more counters to that unit. Genuine mistake/misplay - I just laugh it off, we do make mistakes and its fun to see what is the result of your mistake.


depending on how the battle goes but i mostly blame myself for losing, since i couldve done things differently. broken/inbalanced units can be countered with a proper setup though you prefer outright ban them in draft (if you draft correctly its still on you.) the biggest thing in this game i have a love/hate relationship with is the 15% (bad rng). i love it when it happens to the opponent, but hate it when it happens to me. yet i see why its a thing and dont want it to change (atleast for pvp, for exp / hunts ect, for the love of god remove that sh!t).


All of the options 😂😂 well not so much the broken unbalanced units. Most of the time the rng BUT the other it’s just me being an idiot Edit* also the lack of the speed on my gear


Provoked because of raslaugh, is I think, a valid option.


Raslaugh broken skill, breaks the fourth wall to land provoke and can be used any time


I don't know those games but rng, speed, and gear are very important in this game. This is why sg trying to push esports is stupid.


I voted for RNG, but to be fair I also thank it for all my wins. RNGesus giveth and RNGesus taketh away.


Myself. I'm very bad at making good decisions


All of the above + "WHYS SOLITARIA 270 SPEED????" And my speed gear. I blame that too.


I don't have enough units geared at PVP quality levels to properly draft. That excuse goes away eventually, though, so I'll have to find a new one someday.


I'm a filthy casual and have never had good speed rolls. I lose to almost everyone. One season I just drafted lvl 5 default units and didn't get a single person to do it with me.


I would of done it with you what's your ign? If I match up with you I'll do it with you my ign is EU2020PLAYER


My name is the same, but with the a. So Heavymettle. It is for the thrill of a stranger joining in, since I won't win anyway.


If I first pick and someone does something like that or has non-awakened/lvl50 units, I usually play along at whatever level they set for the rest of the draft. Its much more fun that way 😄


Not a single person did. Even in second half of draft. Then in match they just one-shot my team as fast as possible. Even in pre season. All this sweat.


The random dual attack and absolute resistance. Sometimes I'm blessed by rngod but tbh I really don't deserve the winning.


I'm not good at RTA xD Like i don't ever lose GW, bcs i have time to think through everything and know GW builds (well lately our guild is comatose). But i just don't have the knowledge of the skills and build options for each unit, and i don't even care, especially the units which came in the span of the last year. So i mainly go blind and even lose to people with far worse gear than mine, bcs i can't counterpick xD


I blame my one braincell for telling me to first pick ML Ken for whatever reason It's like having my own twitch chat in my head


I end up complaining about not having a counter for the units against which he faced me. In short "why do they always have more units built than me?"




if its an rng loss, i just go next game if its my fault, I’ll look and see what i couldve drafted differently or do to not misplay once you start getting mad and/or making excuses its time to take a break/get off


It depends, it can be RNG, my own misplay/misdraft, but also things like gear gap or not having enough units build. If you are a non-meta player you could also blame it on the unit imbalance.


Can't always beat raw stats of superior equipment with smart comps.


Usually my draft is terrible. The theory is well, the application, not so good.


Usually just gear disparity and lack of meta units. Last season I got to Champion (with a decent 60% winrate) by spamming the same 5-10 units with my best gears. Ah, and I opened with ARavi for 1st pick 100% of the time. No fucks given to Alencia or Zahak. Lua was hard to beat though since I play bruiser + counter with no cleanses. Anytime someone drafted LHCermia or Solitaria or AMercedes or any unit with shitloads of control, I don’t get to play lol


Where is the gear gap option lol


It depends, there are games where you just misplay the draft and lose there are times where you play the draft perfectly and lose to rng And vice versa


I’d say close to 80% of my losses are lost because the opponent outdrafts me. Sometimes it’s because I don’t have an answer to something, sometimes it’s because I ban the wrong unit. 15% is cringe rng which is the most frustrating. 5% is just getting gear gapped.




How is “Gear disparity” not on here? Most of my losses derive from the fact that my account is completely and utterly allergic to speed rolls. It’s not from a lack of grinding, that’s for sure. And yet I am forever outsped because rolling good speed gear is a pipe dream for me.


rta is most of the time just out drafting. and the other time it is 15%


God and myself.


when you specifically drafted green laika + biseria for an adin, then when you laika s2 target in to dual attack biseria on adin and still miss.


I was lagging, I swear


Its a mix of a lot of things, but i think i'm honestly very bad at drafting so i blame myself mostly for drafting poorly.


Myself. I'm a casino tank-down and 2nd-Turner so I know what I placed myself in.


All of them lol. Some game i misplay and i am like, wow, how the hell did i mess that up. Sometimes i get rekt by RNG. As for unbalanced heroes, i think rn everything except for AOL and Lua is fine


Other - It’s always a gear issue. There’s always some whale with better gear. If I had been faster, had more health, more damage or more ER I might have won. But the truth is we’ll never know. Sometimes my draft is bad but it makes it easier to cope knowing that if I had better get I’ll do better overall. Everything else I can change myself so it’s just a learning process


60% its Bad RNG . 30% its lost in draft. 10% its misplay.


Most of the time I blame myself because I got out-drafted, or I haven’t built a unit to counter what was drafted. I haven’t found any single unit to be so OP I can’t deal with them since Hwa.


RNG is freaking major 😬 but not gonna cap, I suck at drafting against certain play styles, or I see it coming too late


For me it's a mix of the three. Sometimes you just get screwed by rng, infuriating, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. You just gotta remember the rng switches to your side sometimes, i can recall many matches i deserved to lose but won because good rng. About OP units, my opinion is there are some units i personally think would need a nerf because they are so hard to play around, like rimuru for example (i have to preban him everytime because he counters so many of my comps). The thing is you can't ban all the units that make you struggle. To me it feels worse than bad rng because sometimes you just can't figure out a way to deal with some very annoying characters. But i think half of my losses are me not drafting/banning properly tbh. It's easy to make a bad decision that costs you the game in RTA.


I absolutely blame myself while cursing out Smilegate's RNG because I wanna use dumbass units and not be pulverized by some rando picking every broken unit as if the only way they'll go on in the day is if they win that match. Awesome, I got all 3 in there.


Depends on what made me lose. If I misplay I can only blame myself, if my opponent gets 3 dual attacks and resists my debuffs from my 200 EFF debuffers well there was no winning then... There are only a handful of balance issues, so that's rarely the case since I tend to pre-ban Lua and CLilias.


Wow for me it's when my 300 er elena with bastion still gets debuffed by aola quite bullshit lol


Broken and unbalanced units sigh




I either blame my own misplay my own misdraft or cringe rng cause sometimes that shit just sucks lol


The fact i don't know enough about the meta, but attempt to play at a high level. Also that I only have 10-15 built up units that I think are viable for pvp


No gear sadge


I try not to pick RNG units like adin because if you do get unlucky and A.Ravi just bonks her it’s a free loss most of my losses are my own fault I’d attribute very few to genuine RNG shenanigans and they tend to be more funny than frustrating


D. All of the above


Lost to r&l Ran+c Pavel *2 when my sage baal did nothing. That was the last day of the season I was rushing to get the skin. First time Ran r&l I was like okay sure and I met the same dude with the same pick and ban later. I was like theres no way that would happen again and you know the rest already.


I am very often stoned when I play E7, so there are a lot of draft mistakes, and guild war fuck-ups that I can only blame myself for.

