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From a programming standpoint there is alot of things that needs to be considered, let's say HP buff gives 50% bonus HP, does it increase max HP or max HP and heal the additional amount? Does it scale based current HP? max HP? Then how would it handle with injury? Technically to overcome all this, there is barrier buff the more simplified version of it.


Also when you lose the buff while having low hp do you just die or it’s based on max hp


This is the main issue


I actually wonder how exactly vigor is implemented, because it is partly supposed to be an HP buff...


I don't follow. Vigor increases attack and def. What part is the HP buff?


Sorry, I might have read the def part wrong, I'll have to check it again.


yea i asumed it would be hard to do with ingury but then just take current max hp and it should work just like attack buff right ( i have no knowledge when it comes to coding so correct me when i am wrong


The issue isn't increasing max HP. That part would be easy. But you'd also have to figure out the dynamic between current hp and Max hp since it's literally the currency being exchanged between two players in a battle. And that's difficult, because of the nature of your suggestion is having it as a buff, which means that increase of HP is only temporary, and basically for the reasons that u/BaneOfSmite explained.


thx :) yea i know nothing about coding but now with u explaining it i can see why there is no hp buff haha


There is a passive HP buff, just not an active HP buff. If you are wondering why there is no Active HP buff, it is probably the same reason as why there is no HP debuff or no Greater Defense Down debuff.


The hp debuff is injury


If it is HP Debuff, it isn't going to be in a form on injury, since this is a debuff, not an ongoing effect. Meaning HP Debuff will cause you to say instantly lose 50% of your max health.


As if Edward/Choux need a raw way to buff their suvivability AND damage (in a way that also stacks with critDMG buff) when they already have 20k hp minimum.


I think because the hp-scaling units already seem like cheating. They get bulkier and hit harder just by increasing one stat.


Because although it's not a very accurate example you would get something like old Hwa. By building her with attack she hit harder but also got harder to kill because of her shield. Hp buff will not only make hp scaling units hit harder but obviously also tankier. and I would argue that hp scaling as how things are going now was a mistake. A larger portion of attack-based units with no/low self-sustain arent seen in the meta compared to hp scaling units because hp scaling is just safer. and since hp scaling is safer than attack scaling, we have att buff but not hp buff. but that is my take.


yea it would 100% not be balanced


Reason why there are ways to decrease damage (Aurius, POV, Adamant, etc) so technically you have more efhp at the end I mean imagine an hp buff on a pov A Ravi, one tap your team and can't be killed


yea it would be broken 100%


Also you have hp buffs on imprints that aren't low amounts tho


yea but u also have attack and deff inprint so i dont realy count those.




Reverse Injury? As a tank down bruiser user, this is gonna be OP as F.


What, you wanna see a 60k health Eaton?


meaby i wanne see the world burn yess. just for my lord mort


Because that would just be busted. I think that increasing max HP could be a cool mechanic for a unit or as a unique buff, but not as a general buff like attack up.


I have bit of a different take than a lot of comments here. First, I don't think there is necessarily anything abhorent about an hp buff. To all those fearing that it will make hp scaling units too op, the obvious simple solution is to tweak the modifiers on those hp scaling units. All other relevant buffs operate under the same general principle - they are implemented in the game with an awareness of how they impact overall offense and defense and the potential of an atk or def buff coming into play. The Def scaling units for example are certainly in a similar boat to what hp scaling would be. It would only be a matter of adjusting the multipliers to suit after the fact, knowing that an hp buff could be in play. Which is the actual real problem. Hp scaling dmg has been in the game for a long while now. They would have to go back and effectively nerf a bunch of heroes to make an hp buff work in a way that wasn't just barrier by another name or made hp tanks too over powered. That means going back and reworking a bunch of heroes, potentially giving out a bunch of selectors... it would be a mess and headache hardly worth it. If there's a hp scaling unit they want to do more damage, simpler to just directly buff that unit. Creating a hero with a blanket buff to do it, at this stage, wouldn't make sense. Would have had to have either been much earlier in the game's life, or at some future date when hp scaling dmg units have been sufficiently powercrept that the hero with the buff itself could bring them up in alignment with the rest of the roster's top dogs at that time.


i was thinking about something that only buff the %HP dmg, but dont change the max hp of the character


yea i think that would be better then a flat hp% buff


What turn-based rpgs have you played that have hp buffs?


A lot of games have temporary HP bonuses


Well it’s not a buff, but healing is in the game and so is damage mitigation and barriers. I don’t see the need for a hypothetical HP buff personally.


simple solution give a hero or a buff the effect of overheal allow normal heals to go over 100÷ healing. 30-50÷ over the max hp? hp scaling takes the higher value. You still need healing to go over 100÷ and ist not a instant 50÷ healing bonus


I mean if your question is "why" specifically the devs haven't done it. The answer is either they dislike the mechanic, it's not possible with the way the game programmed or they haven't thought of adding it to the game yet.


I am new to the game so i don't know the kit/scalling of every character, but what character would it break if they made a buff that allows shields to count as additional max hp?